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Қ о ж а Ахмет Ясауи атындағы Халықаралық қазақ -түрік
университеті Филология факультеті
Педагогикалық шетел тілдері кафедрасы
Шетел тілі: екі ш е т тілі (ағылшын ж ә н е түрік)
Аманова Диана
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ҒЗЖ/ЭЗЖ нәтижелері бойынша 2022-2023 оқу жылына ж арты
ж ы л д ы қ ж ы л д ы қ есебі
Диссертация тақырыбы:
Formation of discursive competence based on written speech in the process of
teaching a foreign language
Ғылыми жетекшінің аты-жөні, ғылыми дәрежесі, атағы және лауазымы:
Doctor of PhD, Acting Associate Professor of the Department of Pedagogical
Foreign Language Rizakhodzhayeva G.A.
The relevance of this research is that discursive competence is now widely used in teaching
foreign languages. The need for quality improvement of vocational education is an urgent
problem for Kazakhstan. One of the main goals of improving the professional level of specialists
is knowledge of a foreign language as a means of professional communication that contributes
to the achievement of professional goals in the course of the activities of Kazakhstani
organizations and foreign companies in the country. In cases where communication in the
professional sphere is the main type of activity, communicative competence is the basis of
vocational education.
Due to its uniqueness, three aspects of the language (lexical, phonetic and grammatical) and
four types of speech activity (speaking, reading, listening, writing) occur. Depending on the
functional and methodological direction, it allows the development of all components of
communicative competence, namely linguistic, sociolinguistic, socio-cultural, strategic, social
and discursive competence.
To achieve this goal, the following tasks
have been set:
The purpose of this study is to examine the
characteristics of the formation of discursive
competence on the basis of written speech
in the process of learning a foreign
Considering communicative competence as the
purpose of teaching a foreign language (English);
To reveal the content of the concept of
"discursive competence";
Review of the ways of development of
discursive competence in English lessons;
Studying the concept of "discourse" and
the problems of working with it;
Discursive competence contributes to the implementation
of a number of educational tasks:
a) determines the appropriateness of speech activity to the nature and type of general activity;
b) ensures the process of formation of speech skills and abilities with regularity, systematicity, continuity and
c) since it is an expression of the communicator's personal beginning, it forms the motives of foreign language
speech communication in the learning process;
d) determines the success of learning speech activities that serve communication, including speaking, listening,
reading and writing;
e) prepares the student to use a foreign language as a means of speech-thinking activity.
The method of discourse analysis is aimed at solving two interrelated problems:
a) the spread of methods of descriptive linguistics beyond the limits of a single sentence;
b) correlation of culture and language, i.e. non-linguistic and linguistic behavior.
Distributional analysis, according to Harris, is useful in both areas.
On the one hand, it takes us beyond the limits of the sentence, allows us to establish correlations between
elements that are far apart from each other in the text. On the other hand, it is taken into account that any
discourse arises within the framework of a specific situation – the one that a person is talking about, or the
one in which someone is writing down their thoughts from time to time. The same method consists in
establishing the occurrence of elements of discourse, and especially in the regularities of the appearance of
some elements from others – within the same discourse.
There are 6 main directions of discourse analysis [40, p. 86]:
•The relationship between discourse and reality;
•Between the discourse and the participants;
•Between discourse and purpose;
•Between the current discourse and previous discourses;
•Between discourse and channel;
•Between discourse and language.
The study of the problems of discourse and models of discourse
analysis helps to minimize the difficulties that arise in the process of
forming discursive competence.
Consequently, written discourse as a product of written foreign language
communication can be characterized by five characteristics: strategic, tactical, genre,
textual and linguistic-rhetorical. These features should be inherent in every written work
created by the writer and received by the intended recipient. At the same time,
depending on the type of discourse, they will show their specificity only at the strategic,
tactical, genre and linguistic-rhetorical levels, since textual characteristics are inherent
in each type of written discourse to the same extent.