First translate these words: A hoax (The Internet is just) a sewer We are being sued impounded Chamber of Commerce corporation Legislation / legitimate What is your position? I just spoke my position. A fraudulent press activity Purportedly, allegedly Mayhem To get punked impostors victimised poverty Fox picked up a release policy Courtesy of the Yes-Men Stock Price They have a track record of getting away with it Infamous Challenger, Chernobyl, Bhopal Fairly and equitably compensated Adverse effect Negligence / neglect Asbestos plaintives A plant Liquidate Dow and compensate the victims A skeleton in the closet Promulgating hope Now answer these questions: 1. Why are the Yes-Men being sued and by whom? 2. Who defends them? 3. What happened in Bhopal and which company was responsible? 4. Which website did the Yes-Men set up? 5. What is the Acceptable Risk Calculator proposed to do? 6. Why do the Yes-Men talk about the Free Market and Morgan Friedman? 7. How is “the image of free men following their desires” ironic? 8. Who says: “There are always risks of going into the future”? 9. What do the Yes-Men mean by “we are comparing the value of money with the value of human life?” 10. What is meant by “a cruel trick to give 2 hours of hope vs 20 years of suffering”? 11. What do the Yes-Men mean by saying “to clean up their damage is to clean up their image”? 12. What is the new element Hu (chemistry) about? 13. How is “carbon dioxide: they call it pollution, we call it life” meant? 14. How are “our free market friends” and “the free market cult” meant? 15. What is the official name of ‘human fuel’? 16. Who are meant being “in childlike exuberance in full flower”? 17. What does “greed dressed up as progress” mean? 18. Look at the conference “Gulf Coast Reconstruction”, what is on exposition there? 19. The Yes-Men went from Scary to Gross to downright Ridiculous with Gilda, Candle, Survivaball. Please explain. 20. What is the HUD?