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Business Communication

Student name:
Lê Trần Mỹ Duyên
Student ID number:
Student name:
Trương Thị Minh Lương
Student ID number:
Student name:
Thái Văn Hùng
Student ID number:
Student name:
Nguyễn Nhã Thi
Student ID number:
Student name:
Nguyễn Hữu Phát
Student ID number:
Unit name:
Class day and time: 8:00 AM Feb 18th, 2022
Business Project
Lecturer or Tutor name:
Unit number:
Mr. Michael Saram
Business Project
Due date:
Mar 13th, 2022
Date submitted:
Mar 13th, 2022
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Student’s signature: Lê Trần Mỹ Duyên
Student’s signature: Trương Thị Minh Lương
Student’s signature: Thái Văn Hùng
Student’s signature: Nguyễn Nhã Thi
Student’s signature: Nguyễn Hữu Phát
Note: An examiner or lecturer / tutor has the right to not mark this assignment if the above declaration has
not been signed.
Table of content
Firm Background
10 Communication Practices in the Firm
Appendix A
Appendix B
Appendix C
Appendix D
Appendix E
Appendix F
Appendix G
Appendix H
Appendix I
Appendix J
Firm Background
IWIK - The House of English is an organization for English language training. With the motto
"English for all levels", IWIK always tries to bring the best learning methods to its customers and
become a place that gives learners the feeling “Where you love what you learn".
Name: IWIK - The House of English
Address: BT7-29 Tran Bach Dang, Rach Gia, Vietnam
Phone number: 094 895 9448
Manager: Phạm Ngọc Phương Vy
Email: thoevn.info@gmail.com
Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/iwikthehouseofenglish
10 Communication Practices in the Firm
- Oral Communication/ Verbal: between members of the organization. (See Appendix A, B, C and D)
- Facial Expression/Non-verbal: between members of the organization. (See Appendix A, B, C and D)
- Facebook page: between recruiters and applicants ( See Appendix J)
- Email: Staff use email to conversate (between staff) (See Appendix H)
- Someone did not agree with the salary cut issues announced by the manager (See Appendix C)
- Teaching assistant proposed a new way of teaching kids through a quiz, game but the senior
teacher rejected it (See Appendix D)
- English teachers had their different perspectives about teaching online during COVID (See Appendix
- Salespersons showed their own opinions about employee care policy (See Appendix F)
3. See Appendix G
- Ethnic diversity: Kinh, Hoa, Khmer (three of 54 ethnicities in Vietnam)
- Age diversity: the aging range is 19-33
- Regional and national diversity: Northern, Central and Southern dialects
- Working styles diversity: proactive, inactive, creative, industrious and thoughtful
- After hearing Employee1 asking for a leave of absence 2 days later, Managers asked why she asked
so late and who would be in charge of her shift (Question). Employee1 said that T would help her
work 2 days and she would make up for T (Interpreting). (See Appendix A)
- TA2 wanted to give the teacher a hand in preparing a mid-term test, so TA2 asked what she could
do (Question). The teacher replied that she could help him synthesize exercises from the textbook
and TOEIC file (Interpreting). (See Appendix B)
- Manager explained that the company was facing some financial difficulties during COVID-19
(Interpreting). Employee2 and
Employee3 empathized with the situation and the solutions
(Empathy). (See Appendix C)
- Teacher asked why the TA brought these games to class and judged that this was not a good idea for
teaching (Questioning + Judging). TA kindly explained that this was the extra part of the lesson so
that students didn't get bored (Interpreting, Advising). (See Appendix D)
2 examples about supportive communication:
- Description: The Teacher interpreted that he wanted to have someone help him prepare for the
test. (See Appendix B - 5).
- Empathy: E3 expresses that he has the same idea as E2 and it all means that they empathize with
the manager about salary issues during the Covid-19. (See Appendix C - 5).
2 examples about defensive communication:
- Evaluation: The manager judged one employee’s action was not professional when she was asking
about requesting days off but in the nick of time. (See Appendix A - 5).
- Evaluation, control: The teacher immediately rejected the assistant's suggestions and forced her to
prepare what his lesson plan was. (See Appendix D - 5).
+ Assertive style: The teacher asked for help about preparing for the test in a polite and respectful
way. (See Appendix B - 6)
+ Non-assertive style: The manager was not happy that the employee requested her days off
immediately but did not show her feelings. (See Appendix A - 6)
+ Aggressive style: Employee argued aggressively after manager telling about the financial problems
and deciding to cut the salaries. (See Appendix C - 6)
a. Negative information
- Negative information: Requesting days off without informing earlier.
(See Appendix A - 7 )
- Negative information: Cutting down monthly salaries by 10-20%.
(See Appendix B - 7)
b. Negative position
- Negative position: Argument about the initial teaching methods.
(See Appendix C - 7)
- Negative position: The deadline for the draft plan for March 8th is on March 5th; however, on
March 6th, the staff sent the plan to the manager. (See Appendix H)
- Me-focused: Employee1 did not put herself in another person’s shoes, always thinking about her
benefits. (See situation 1, Appendix 1 -1)
- Audience-focused: Employee2 advised Employee1 empathized with the financial difficulties of the
center. (See situation 3, Appendix C- 8b)
- Audience-focused: N advised M to be flexible in his teaching methods in order to be suitable with
students’ capabilities (See situation 4, Appendix D - 8a)
- Me-focused: M still insisted on keeping his old methods to teach all students of all ages instead of
having different ones for each object.
(See situation 4, Appendix D- 8b)
- The organization focuses on you-attitude on external conversations for example: Marketing posters,
advertisements, etc. In interpersonal communication, employees use a you-attitude while having a
conversation with colleagues, or managers respond to employees when they are discussing the
strategies to improve learning methods and how those methods can benefit them.
9. See Appendix I
Types of meeting
Team meeting Regular
(See (See Appendix employee
Appendix A)
meeting (employee
(See training session)
Appendix C)
The teacher and The manager and The senior teacher
one two
Types of meeting
company was training them
test decided
her for Junior class
and 3 new teachers
were Due to COVID-19, The senior teacher
wanted to take 2 preparing
the the topic “Health”
to the student.
In-person meeting
- Pseudo conflict: M hasn't done any research or got any information about the game, he also
doesn't know exactly how effective it will bring for the lesson and for the children but he still calls it a
useless game. (See Appendix D - 10a).
- Ego conflict: The teacher does not accept any idea from his assistant because his ego is so high,
which means M didn’t respect N’s idea and N also. (See Appendix D - 10b).
- Fact conflict: The fact is that in the epidemic period, everyone all has their own trouble, but E1 just
only focuses on her problem but not everyone else. (See Appendix C - 10).
- Need conflict: M needs the document to teach while N needs the tool to make an activity for the
children to make the class become more exciting. (See Appendix D - 10c).
Appendix A
Apply for practice 1-9
Employee1 wanted to take 2 days off. She asked her manager for a permission
Situation 1
Tones, emphasis
- E1: Dạ chị Vy ơi, chị cho
- E1: calm, respectful
- E1: obeisance → (6)
Manager: female,
em xin phép nghỉ 2 ngày
to the manager
Assertive: presented
được không chị? Em bận
directly but still
việc cá nhân ạ → (7)
bowed to the
female, <25
Negative information
- M: Giờ mới thông báo
- M: also calm, slowly
hơi gấp đó em! Em đã
ask the người thay thế
chuyển giao công việc tạm
là ai instead of
- M: use eye-contact
cho ai chưa? → (4)
scolding or yelling
with E1, the ear is
slightly towards E1 →
Question response style
- E1: Dạ em có nhờ T làm
- E1: Stated firmly that
giúp em rồi ạ. Em sẽ làm
her colleague said yes
bù 2 ngày sau ạ. → (4)
to help her work on
- E1: look right into
Interpreting response
that day
M’s eyes
style, (8) Me-focused: E1
seemed not to care much
about her workload at
those day.
- M: Ừ vậy được rồi!
Nhưng mai mốt em phải
báo sớm cho chị nhé, em
- M: Formal tones
báo trễ vậy chị không biết
“Ừ vậy được rồi",
trở tay sao cho kịp nếu có
“Nhưng mai mốt…”
vấn đề xảy ra luôn í → (5)
→ (6) Nonassertive:
Defense communication
she said yes but the
Evaluation: She judged
words implied that
E1’s action not
next time E1 should
professionally. Vì công
inform her earlier.
việc thì nhiều nhưng lý do
riêng của em sẽ làm ảnh
hưởng đến cả nhóm. →
(4) Interpreting response
Appendix B
Apply for practice 1-9
Teacher and his two assistants were having a discussion on the mid-term test for Junior Class
Situation 2
Tones, emphasis
Team meeting
- Teacher: À chào mọi
- Teacher: calm, polite
- Teacher: eye-contact
Teacher: male,
người hen. Thứ 3 tuần
with TA1 and TA2, use
sau anh dự định sẽ cho
his hand to interpret
TA1: female, >25
mấy đứa nhỏ lớp Junior
what he was saying
TA2: female, >22
kiểm tra giữa khoá. Nội
→ (6) Assertive style:
dung sẽ xoay quanh từ 3
directly told his
units, bài 6, bài 7, bài 8.
needs, and still
Anh muốn nhờ 1 bạn trợ
showed some respect
giảng giúp anh tạo đề
“Anh muốn nhờ 1
kiểm tra? Có ai muốn xung
phong giúp anh không? →
(5) Supportive
Description: teacher
interpreted that he
wanted to have
someone’s help him
prepare the test.
- TA2: eye-contact,
- TA2: Dạ em muốn phụ
anh ạ. Cho em hỏi là mình
- TA2: courteous
làm gì trong đó vậy anh?
→ (4) Questioning
- Teacher: Em phụ anh lấy
- Teacher: pointed at
file bài tập từ cuốn giáo
the computer
trình mà anh đang dạy,
- Teacher: polite
trong đó có mấy câu trong
file TOEIC anh tổng hợp
được trên mạng em lựa ra
bỏ vào bài kiểm tra giúp
anh. → (4) Interpreting
- TA2: Dạ ok anh.
- Teacher: Vậy khi TA2 làm
xong TA1 phụ trách in bài
- TA2: nod her head
nhé em!
- Teacher: looked at
- TA1: Dạ ok anh.
- TA2: courteous
TA1 and asked TA1
- Teacher: polite
- TA1: nod her head
- TA1: courteous
Appendix C
Apply for practice 1-10
Manager was announcing about the financial problems and employees’ salaries cut due to
Situation 3
Tones, emphasis
Regular staff
- Manager (M): Hôm nay
- M: serious, strong
- M: use eye-contact
chúng ta có một buổi họp
with everyone in the
Manager: female,
quan trọng về công ty.
Như mọi người đã biết thì
Employees range
dịch COVID-19 đã ảnh
from 22-26
hưởng đến rất nhiều
doanh nghiệp, và công ty
của chúng ta cũng không
là ngoại lệ. Bây giờ nhiều
trung tâm phải đóng cửa,
nhiều nơi không hoạt
động được. Vì thế trung
tâm sẽ chuyển sang hình
thức hoạt động online,
doanh thu cũng không còn
được ổn định như trước.
Vì vậy để tiếp tục duy trì
hoạt động của trung tâm,
chúng ta sẽ phải giảm
lương từ 10-20% dựa vào
năng lực của mọi người.
→ (7) Negative
- Employee 1 (E1): Ủa chị,
em thấy hơi bất hợp lý rồi
á nha chị. Kiểu dịch bệnh
nó cũng đã khó khăn mà
chị còn cắt lương đến tận
- E1: loud, high tone
- E1: her facial
20% lận thì sao mà em
expression showed
trang trải cuộc sống được.
that she was
→ (6) Aggressive
response style: “Ủa chị" is
not respectful and
appropriate to reply to
superior, (8a) Me-focused:
E1 always cared about her
difficulties, but she did
not notice that her
company are also having
some troubles
(10) Fact conflict.
- Employee 2 (E2): Em ơi,
em khó khăn thì công ty
cũng chật vật vậy. Chưa
kể trung tâm cũng đã phải
chịu một khoản phí để
duy trì cơ sở vật chất nữa
chứ. Nghĩ cho người khác
một chút đi! → (8b)
- E2: serious
Audience-focused: look at
- E2: eye-contact with
the situation from the
E1 → prove company
manager’s point of view
did not do anything
and understood that it
was not easy for her to
maintain the business; (4)
Supporting response
style; (5) Supportive
communication Empathy:
E2 empathized with
Manager and understood
that their company facing
some financial problems
- Employee3 (E3): Ừ anh
cũng đồng ý với em (đang
nói với E2) → (5)
communication Empathy:
E3 also empathized with
- Manager: Tụi chị cũng
biết tình cảnh khó khăn
của mọi người, nhưng mà
chị cũng không còn cách
nào khác, vì để nghĩ cho
cả 2 bên nên chị mới đưa
ra quyết định giảm lương
10-20%, vừa cho mọi
- E3: supportive
- E3: nod his head
người có thu nhập mùa
dịch khi dạy online, vừa
giúp cho trung tâm có thể
duy trì hoạt động trong
suốt mùa dịch, em thông
cảm được cho trung tâm
thì chị rất vui, còn em
- M: polite
không đồng tình thì em có
- M: facial sad
thể tự do kết thúc hợp
expression → show
đồng lao động với chị, chị
vẫn sẽ trả lương tháng
cuối đầy đủ cho em. → (4)
Supporting and
Interpreting styles
1 chị giảng viên đã mời tụi
em sang chỗ khác, nên
không thể nghe được
đoạn hội thoại phía sau
One female teacher asked
us to go away, so we
couldn't hear the
conversation behind
Appendix D
Apply for practice 1-10
Teacher and his teaching assistant were arguing about his teaching methods.
Situation 4
Tones, emphasis
1-on-1 meeting
- M: Tôi đã kêu là cô chuẩn
- M: angry,
- M: hold the
Teacher M, >30
bị những tài liệu tôi đã yêu uncomfortable, quite
years old
cầu trong giáo án mà tại
Teaching Assistant sao cô lại đem những thứ
N, 25 years old
document tight,
loud → (5) Defensive
eye-contact with N,
glare up at N
đồ chơi vô bổ vậy. → (5)
Defensive communication
Evaluation: He blamed her
on bring meaningless stuff
to class; (4) Questioning
response style; (10a)
Pseudo conflict.
- N: Dạ đâu phải vô bổ
đâu ạ. Đây là phần phụ
của chương trình giảng
dạy hôm nay. → (4)
- N: polite to
Interpreting response
- N: use eye-contact
mainly, use hand to
- M: Nhưng mà trong giáo
illustrate her point
án của tôi không có dành
thời gian cho mấy cái
phần này, nên những thứ
- M: angry,
này sẽ chiếm mất hết thời
uncomfortable, louder
gian của tôi → (5)
→ (5) Defensive
Defensive communication
Evaluation: He assumed
that these stuffs would
waste his time, (4) Judging
response style
(10) Need conflict.
- N: Nhưng mà chúng ta
đang dạy cho trẻ em mà
thầy. Em đã nhận được
một số feedback từ mấy
em. Tụi nhỏ nói là những
tiết học của thầy khá khô
- N: patient
khan, buồn ngủ, làm cho
mấy ẻm không có hứng
thú để học, trong khi đó
cách dạy vừa chơi vừa
học sẽ khiến các em tiếp
thu kiến thức tốt hơn và
có động lực học tiếng Anh
hiệu quả hơn. Em nghĩ
chúng ta nên linh động
hơn trong các tiết học ạ.
→ (4) Interpreting
response style, somehow
Solving, Advising
response style; (8a)
- M: Bao năm nay tôi vẫn
dạy học sinh của tôi như
thế này và chẳng có ai lên
tiếng phàn nàn hay không
hài lòng gì cả, và chúng
vẫn đạt được điểm tốt
trên lớp. Phụ huynh cũng
muốn tôi tiếp tục dạy
chúng với năng suất tiếp
thu kiến thức cao,
- M: angry,
phương pháp của cô sẽ
uncomfortable, louder
làm cho chúng bị phân
→ (5) Defensive
tâm. Tôi cảm thấy lời đề
nghị của chúng chẳng qua
chỉ là sự ngụy biện cho sự
lười học của chúng thôi.
Cô không cần phải để tâm
đến lời của chúng.
Thôi không nói nhiều nữa,
tiết học bắt đầu rồi, tôi
phải đi dạy đây, tôi sẽ làm
việc với cô sau.
→ (4) Judging response
style; (5) Defensive
communication Control
(He controlled her to
change her thoughts
about kids feedback)
-> (10b) Ego conflict (M
doesn’t hear or accept
any idea from N)
Lúc này tiết học phải bắt
đầu, cuộc đối thoại của 2
người dừng tại đây
At this point, the class had
to start, the conversation
ended here.
Appendix E
Based on our observations
As we saw with our eyes, they are both female English teachers, having two teacher identity cards.
While they were having a break, they shared their thoughts about having taught online last year.
Because we could not interrupt the conversations, we only saw two names on the tag, K and J,
respectively. K said that she loved teaching online since it was much easier for her to prepare the
document and present the teaching slides on the same device, which was her laptop. Also, she did
not need to go to IWIK, instead, she stayed at home and taught students. On the other hand, J did
not agree with K. J replied that she found it difficult to give a lecture through Zoom or Google Meet,
since she was not tech-savvy and could not adjust the slides, the notes, or the microphone
professionally. Those things took her so much time and the class had to be shortened and she did not
complete the lecture.
Appendix F
Based on our observations
According to what we observed, two salespersons were talking about the employee care policy of
the IWIK. One felt very comfortable about their working hours and said that IWIK supported him by
giving free lunch. However, the other women did not feel comfortable at all. She said that she
seemed to work under high pressure because she had to work nearly 10 hours a day. There were
times that she even stayed there until 10:00 pm and returned home. She hoped somehow the
company could arrange the schedule and the shifts more flexibly so that salespersons could take
some rest during the day.
Appendix G
According to the observation
a. Ethnic diversity (Kinh, Khmer, Hoa: ethnicities of Vietnamese)
- There is 1 teacher who belongs to the Hoa people and 1 teaching assistant that is from the Khmer
- The rest is Kinh people
b. Age diversity
- 2 teaching assistants are under 20
- 2 teachers are 22 and 24 years old
- 1 manager is over 30
c. Regional and national diversity
- 1 teacher is from the North of Vietnam
- 1 teaching assistant is from the Central of Vietnam
- The rest is from the South of Vietnam
- There is a male teacher from South Africa
d. Working styles diversity
- Proactive: give out solutions quickly when presenting an emergency situation
- Inactive: always need guidance from others to solve problems
- Industrious and thoughtful: usually stay late after classes for taking care of students in the time they
are waiting parents for picking them up
- Creative: usually coming up with unique but effective ideas or solutions
Appendix H
According to the observation
Appendix 2
Tones, emphasis
One by one
- T: Alo TA ơi sao chị check mail mà
- T: quite loud,
chưa thấy em gửi plan vậy?
urgent, serious
- T: Teacher
- TA: Dạ chị ơi cho em xin lỗi tối
- TA: Teaching
qua em tính nộp rồi mà tối về dò
- TA: quite stressful,
lại em thấy còn nhiều lỗi nhỏ chưa
sửa nên em tính tối nay em mới
nộp lại cho chị. -> (7) Negative
- T: Trời, sao em không báo cho chị
- T: angry, stressful,
biết trước? -> (4) Questioning
- T: took her head
response style. Chị đã hẹn
in her arms, then
manager sáng nay gửi plan cho chị
stood akimbo
í duyệt để còn sắp xếp liên lạc với
các bên cộng tác event, mà em làm
vậy là chết chị rồi. 3 ngày nữa là
tới event rồi em. -> (5) defensive
- TA: dạ em xin lỗi chị nhiều, em
cũng chỉ muốn cái plan của mình
- TA: frantic, scared,
được hoàn thiện hơn thôi ạ, nếu
- TA: her hands
were shook
chị cần gấp quá thì bây giờ em gửi
cũng được ạ -> (4) interpreting
response style
- T: Haizz thôi bây giờ em tranh thủ
ngồi sửa mấy cái lỗi gấp cho chị đi,
- T: lower-voiced,
- T: took her hand
cái plan có nhiều lỗi chị cũng
serious, quite
to hold her
không gửi manager được, sẽ ảnh
hưởng đến event nhiều lắm đấy.
-> (8) audience-focused
- TA: Dạ rồi em làm ngay.
- TA: urgent
Appendix I
According to our observation
Date: February 17th, 2022
Location: IWIK - The House of English (BT7-29 Tran Bach Dang, Rach Gia, Vietnam)
Appendix J
According to our observation, we can see that the organization used their Facebook Page to post
their Recruitment News.
Braun, K. (2016). Business Communication: Building Critical Skills. McGraw-Hill Ryerson.
Cheesebro, T., O’Connor, L., & Rios, F. (2009). Communicating in the Workplace. Prentice Hall.
IWIK - The House of English. (2018, March 31). [Education]. Facebook.
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