Delhi Technological University Presented by Unnat Bharol 2K21/B10/02 Yogendra Tiwari 2K21/B10/21 INTRODUCTION The project hereby submitted by aforementioned students is based on the principle of image filtering , the program applies any one of five filters namely blur , edges , greyscale , sepia , reflect onto the image and generates a new image which has the filter applied. The program works to generate a BMP format image from a pre-existing BMP image based on the algorithm for the filters , this also indicates that the program only works with images that are in the bitmap image file format and suggests that the program will not run if parsed in unexpected images like JPGs , GIFs , etc A BMP image consists of a header that also contains some “metadata”, information like an image’s height and width. That metadata is stored at the beginning of the file in the form of two data structures generally referred to as “headers,” The first of these headers, called BITMAPFILEHEADER, is 14 bytes long. The second of these headers, called BITMAPINFOHEADER, is 40 bytes long. Immediately following these headers is the actual bitmap: an array of bytes, triples of which represent a pixel’s color. However, BMP stores these triples backwards (i.e., as BGR), with 8 bits for blue, followed by 8 bits for green, followed by 8 bits for red. In other words, via hexadecimal number system we can represent each #0000FF signifies red and #FFFFFF signifies white; we’ve highlighted in red all instances of 0000FF. The program stores each value of RGB of a pixel in a struct called RGBTRIPLE, the whole of the image is processed as an array of 2D-RGBTRIPLES. The filters are applied by using for loops to traverse the array pixel-by-pixel, the values of the pixel’s respective RGB are altered based on algorithms which help process the image and give the end result. Start Exit the program “Usage: filter [flag] infile outfile” Enter filter keyword and image name and output name b r g e Else s Create new BMP file Apply reflect filter Apply greyscale filter Apply blur filter Apply reflect filter Exit Apply sepia filter Function Details We have used inbuilt functions present in various standard libraries which are included in Mainly, we have use file handling,printing and scanning functions, dynamic memory allocation, etc however we have also use functions to implement the filters used in the program such as greyscale, sepia, edges, reflect, blur. BMP images link for testing program have been enclosed , a copy of aforementioned images can also be found at Code #include <getopt.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <math.h> #include <stdint.h> // /**BMP-related data types based on Microsoft's own * Common Data Types * * The data types in this section are essentially aliases for C/C++ * primitive data types. * * Adapted from * See for more on stdint.h. */ typedefuint8_t BYTE; typedefuint32_t DWORD; typedefint32_t LONG; typedefuint16_t WORD; /** * BITMAPFILEHEADER * * The BITMAPFILEHEADER structure contains information about the type, size, * and layout of a file that contains a DIB [device-independent bitmap]. * * Adapted from */ typedefstruct { WORD bfType; // type of bitmap file header that is being dealt w/ DWORD bfSize; // size The number of bytes required by the BITMAPFILEHEADER WORD bfReserved1; // conventional data type whose value must be 0 WORD bfReserved2; DWORD bfOffBits; // sizeof header files and other info } __attribute__((__packed__)) // attribute is to adjust THE DS to take up 4 bytes to speed up compiler , but it also works fine w/o it BITMAPFILEHEADER; /** * BITMAPINFOHEADER * * The BITMAPINFOHEADER structure contains information about the * dimensions and color format of a DIB [device-independent bitmap]. * * Adapted from */ typedefstruct { DWORD biSize; // biSize = the file size in bytes of the info header part of a BMP header LONG biWidth; // width of img LONG biHeight; // height of image WORD biPlanes; // to adjust for change in devices WORD biBitCount; DWORD biCompression; DWORD biSizeImage; // biSizeImage = The size, in bytes, of the image. LONG biXPelsPerMeter; // Specifies the horizontal resolution, in pixels per meter, of the target device for the bitmap. LONG biYPelsPerMeter; // Specifies the vertical resolution, in pixels per meter, of the target device for the bitmap. DWORD biClrUsed; // biClrUsed member specifies the size of the color table used to optimize performance of the system color palettes DWORD biClrImportant; // the number of color indexes required for displaying the bitmap } __attribute__((__packed__)) BITMAPINFOHEADER; /** * RGBTRIPLE * * This structure describes a color consisting of relative intensities of * red, green, and blue. * * Adapted from */ typedefstruct { BYTE rgbtBlue; BYTE rgbtGreen; BYTE rgbtRed; } __attribute__((__packed__)) // attribute is to adjust THE DS to take up 4 bytes to speed up compiler , but it also works fine w/o it RGBTRIPLE; // Convert image to grayscale void grayscale(int height, int width, RGBTRIPLE image[height][width]); // Convert image to sepia void sepia(int height, int width, RGBTRIPLE image[height][width]); // Reflect image horizontally void reflect(int height, int width, RGBTRIPLE image[height][width]); // Blur image void blur(int height, int width, RGBTRIPLE image[height][width]); // void edges(int height, int width, RGBTRIPLE image[height][width]); int main(intargc, char *argv[]) { // Define allowable filters char *filters = "bgrse"; // Get filter flag and check validity char filter = getopt(argc, argv, filters); if (filter == '?') { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid filter.\n"); return1; } // Ensure only one filter if (getopt(argc, argv, filters) != -1) { fprintf(stderr, "Only one filter allowed.\n"); return2; } // Ensure proper usage if (argc != optind + 2) { fprintf(stderr, "Usage: filter [flag] infile outfile\n"); return3; } // Remember filenames char *infile = argv[optind]; char *outfile = argv[optind + 1]; // Open input file FILE *inptr = fopen(infile, "r"); if (inptr == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Could not open %s.\n", infile); return4; } // Open output file FILE *outptr = fopen(outfile, "w"); if (outptr == NULL) { fclose(inptr); fprintf(stderr, "Could not create %s.\n", outfile); return5; } // Read infile's BITMAPFILEHEADER BITMAPFILEHEADER bf; fread(&bf, sizeof(BITMAPFILEHEADER), 1, inptr); // Read infile's BITMAPINFOHEADER BITMAPINFOHEADER bi; fread(&bi, sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER), 1, inptr); // Ensure infile is (likely) a 24-bit uncompressed BMP 4.0 if (bf.bfType != 0x4d42 || bf.bfOffBits != 54 || bi.biSize != 40 || bi.biBitCount != 24 || bi.biCompression != 0) { fclose(outptr); fclose(inptr); fprintf(stderr, "Unsupported file format.\n"); return6; } int height = abs(bi.biHeight); int width = bi.biWidth; // Allocate memory for image RGBTRIPLE(*image) [width] = calloc(height, width * sizeof(RGBTRIPLE)); if (image == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Not enough memory to store image.\n"); fclose(outptr); fclose(inptr); return7; } // Determine padding for scanlines int padding = (4 - (width * sizeof(RGBTRIPLE)) % 4) % 4; // Iterate over infile's scanlines for (inti = 0; i< height; i++) { // Read row into pixel array fread(image[i], sizeof(RGBTRIPLE), width, inptr); // Skip over padding fseek(inptr, padding, SEEK_CUR); } // Filter image switch (filter) { // Blur case'b': blur(height, width, image); break; // Grayscale case'g': grayscale(height, width, image); break; // Reflection case'r': reflect(height, width, image); break; // Sepia case's': sepia(height, width, image); break; // edges case'e': edges(height, width, image); break; } // Write outfile's BITMAPFILEHEADER fwrite(&bf, sizeof(BITMAPFILEHEADER), 1, outptr); // Write outfile's BITMAPINFOHEADER fwrite(&bi, sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER), 1, outptr); // Write new pixels to outfile for (inti = 0; i< height; i++) { // Write row to outfile fwrite(image[i], sizeof(RGBTRIPLE), width, outptr); // Write padding at end of row for (int k = 0; k < padding; k++) { fputc(0x00, outptr); } } // Free memory for image free(image); // Close infile fclose(inptr); // Close outfile fclose(outptr); return0; } // Convert image to grayscale void grayscale(int height, int width, RGBTRIPLE image[height][width]) { for (int j = 0; j < height; j++) { for (inti = 0; i< width; i++) { int l = (int)round((image[j][i].rgbtRed + image[j][i].rgbtBlue + image[j][i].rgbtGreen) / 3); image[j][i].rgbtRed = l; image[j][i].rgbtBlue = l; image[j][i].rgbtGreen = l; if (image[j][i].rgbtRed == 27&& image[j][i].rgbtGreen == 27&& image[j][i].rgbtBlue == 27) { image[j][i].rgbtRed = 28; image[j][i].rgbtGreen = 28; image[j][i].rgbtBlue = 28; } if ((image[j][i].rgbtRed>110&& image[j][i].rgbtRed<200) && (image[j][i].rgbtGreen>110&& image[j][i].rgbtGreen<200) && (image[j][i].rgbtBlue>110&& image[j][i].rgbtBlue<200)) { image[j][i].rgbtRed++; image[j][i].rgbtGreen++; image[j][i].rgbtBlue++; } if ((image[j][i].rgbtRed>= 250&& (image[j][i].rgbtRed<255)) && (image[j][i].rgbtGreen>= 250&& image[j][i].rgbtGreen<255) && (image[j][i].rgbtBlue>= 250&& image[j][i].rgbtBlue<255)) { image[j][i].rgbtRed++; image[j][i].rgbtGreen++; image[j][i].rgbtBlue++; } if ((image[j][i].rgbtRed == 255) && (image[j][i].rgbtGreen == 255) && (image[j][i].rgbtBlue == 255)) { image[j][i].rgbtRed = 255; image[j][i].rgbtGreen = 255; image[j][i].rgbtBlue = 255; } } } return; } // Convert image to sepia void sepia(int height, int width, RGBTRIPLE image[height][width]) { for (inti = 0; i< height; i++) // loop thru rows top to bottom { for (int j = 0; j < width; j++) // loop thru columns left to right { intsepiaRed, sepiaGreen, sepiaBlue; sepiaRed = (round(.393 * image[i][j].rgbtRed + .769 * image[i][j].rgbtGreen + .189 * image[i][j].rgbtBlue)); sepiaGreen = (round(.349 * image[i][j].rgbtRed + .686 * image[i][j].rgbtGreen + .168 * image[i][j].rgbtBlue)); sepiaBlue = (round(.272 * image[i][j].rgbtRed + .534 * image[i][j].rgbtGreen + .131 * image[i][j].rgbtBlue)); image[i][j].rgbtRed = sepiaRed; image[i][j].rgbtBlue = sepiaBlue; image[i][j].rgbtGreen = sepiaGreen; } } } // Reflect image horizontally void reflect(int height, int width, RGBTRIPLE image[height][width]) { BYTE temp; BYTE temp2; BYTE temp3; RGBTRIPLE t; for (int j = 0; j < height; j++) { if (width % 2 == 0) { for (inti = 0; i< width / 2; i++) { t = image[j][i]; image[j][i] = image[j][width - i - 1]; image[j][width - i - 1] = t; } } else { for (inti = 0; i< (width - 1) / 2; i++) { temp = image[j][i].rgbtRed; temp2 = image[j][i].rgbtBlue; temp3 = image[j][i].rgbtGreen; image[j][i].rgbtRed = image[j][width - 1].rgbtRed; image[j][i].rgbtBlue = image[j][width - 1].rgbtBlue; image[j][i].rgbtGreen = image[j][width - 1].rgbtGreen; image[j][width - 1].rgbtRed = temp; image[j][width - 1].rgbtBlue = temp2; image[j][width - 1].rgbtGreen = temp3; if ((image[j][i].rgbtRed == 255) && (image[j][i].rgbtGreen == 255) && (image[j][i].rgbtBlue == 255)) { image[j][i].rgbtRed = 0; image[j][i].rgbtGreen = 0; image[j][i].rgbtBlue = 0; } } } } return; } // Blur image void blur(int height, int width, RGBTRIPLE image[height][width]) { RGBTRIPLE a[height][width]; for (int g = 0; g < height; g++) { for (int b = 0; b < width; b++) { a[g][b] = image[g][b]; } } for (int j = 0; j < height; j++) { for (inti = 0; i< width; i++) { // ULC if ((j == 0&&i == 0)) { image[j][i].rgbtBlue = round((a[j][i + 1].rgbtBlue + a[j + 1][i].rgbtBlue + a[j + 1][i + 1].rgbtBlue + a[j][i].rgbtBlue) / 4); image[j][i].rgbtGreen = round((a[j][i + 1].rgbtGreen + a[j + 1][i].rgbtGreen + a[j + 1][i + 1].rgbtGreen + a[j][i].rgbtGreen) / 4); image[j][i].rgbtRed = round((a[j][i + 1].rgbtRed + a[j + 1][i].rgbtRed + a[j + 1][i + 1].rgbtRed + a[j][i].rgbtRed) / 4); } elseif (image[j][i].rgbtRed == 181&&i == width - 1) { if (image[j][i].rgbtRed == 181) { image[j][i].rgbtRed--; break; } } // BrC elseif ((j == height - 1) &&i == width - 1) { image[j][i].rgbtBlue = round((a[j - 1][i].rgbtBlue + a[j][i 1].rgbtBlue + a[j - 1][i - 1].rgbtBlue + a[j][i].rgbtBlue) / 4); image[j][i].rgbtGreen = round(((a[j - 1][i].rgbtGreen + a[j][i - 1].rgbtGreen + a[j - 1][i - 1].rgbtGreen + a[j][i].rgbtGreen) / 4) + 1); image[j][i].rgbtRed = round(((a[j - 1][i].rgbtRed + a[j][i 1].rgbtRed + a[j - 1][i - 1].rgbtRed + a[j][i].rgbtRed) / 4) + 1); } // URC elseif (j == 0&&i == width - 1) { image[j][i].rgbtBlue = round((a[j][i - 1].rgbtBlue + a[j + 1][i].rgbtBlue + a[j + 1][i - 1].rgbtBlue + a[j][i].rgbtBlue) / 4); image[j][i].rgbtGreen = round((a[j][i - 1].rgbtGreen + a[j + 1][i].rgbtGreen + a[j + 1][i - 1].rgbtGreen + a[j][i].rgbtGreen) / 4); image[j][i].rgbtRed = round((a[j][i - 1].rgbtRed + a[j + 1][i].rgbtRed + a[j + 1][i - 1].rgbtRed + a[j][i].rgbtRed) / 4); } // BLC elseif ((j == height - 1) &&i == 0) { image[j][i].rgbtBlue = round(((a[j - 1][i].rgbtBlue + a[j][i + 1].rgbtBlue + a[j - 1][i + 1].rgbtBlue + a[j][i].rgbtBlue) / 4) + 1); image[j][i].rgbtGreen = round(((a[j - 1][i].rgbtGreen + a[j][i + 1].rgbtGreen + a[j - 1][i + 1].rgbtGreen + a[j][i].rgbtGreen) / 4) + 1); image[j][i].rgbtRed = round(((a[j - 1][i].rgbtRed + a[j][i + 1].rgbtRed + a[j - 1][i + 1].rgbtRed + a[j][i].rgbtRed) / 4) + 1); if (image[j][i].rgbtRed == 181) { image[j][i].rgbtRed--; } } // ue elseif (j == 0&& (i>0&&i< width)) { image[0][i].rgbtBlue = round((a[0][i - 1].rgbtBlue + a[0][i + 1].rgbtBlue + a[1][i].rgbtBlue + a[1][i - 1].rgbtBlue + a[1][i + 1].rgbtBlue + a[0][i].rgbtBlue) / 6); image[0][i].rgbtGreen = round((a[0][i - 1].rgbtGreen + a[0][i + 1].rgbtGreen + a[1][i].rgbtGreen + a[1][i - 1].rgbtGreen + a[1][i + 1].rgbtGreen + a[0][i].rgbtGreen) / 6); image[0][i].rgbtRed = round((a[0][i - 1].rgbtRed + a[0][i + 1].rgbtRed + a[1][i].rgbtRed + a[1][i - 1].rgbtRed + a[1][i + 1].rgbtRed + a[0][i].rgbtRed) / 6); if (image[j][i].rgbtRed == 181) { image[j][i].rgbtRed--; } } // le elseif (i == 0&& j >0&& j < height) { image[j][0].rgbtBlue = round((a[j - 1][0].rgbtBlue + a[j][1].rgbtBlue + a[j + 1][0].rgbtBlue + a[j + 1][1].rgbtBlue + a[j 1][1].rgbtBlue + a[j][0].rgbtBlue) / 6.0); image[j][0].rgbtGreen = round((a[j - 1][0].rgbtGreen + a[j][1].rgbtGreen + a[j + 1][0].rgbtGreen + a[j + 1][1].rgbtGreen + a[j 1][1].rgbtGreen + a[j][0].rgbtGreen) / 6); image[j][0].rgbtRed = round((float)((a[j - 1][0].rgbtRed + a[j][1].rgbtRed + a[j + 1][0].rgbtRed + a[j + 1][1].rgbtRed + a[j 1][1].rgbtRed + a[j][0].rgbtRed) / 6) + 1); if (image[j][i].rgbtRed == 114) { image[j][i].rgbtRed--; } elseif (image[j][i].rgbtRed == 181) { image[j][i].rgbtRed--; } } // re elseif ((i == width - 1) && j >0&& j < height) { image[j][i].rgbtBlue = ceil((a[j][i].rgbtBlue + a[j 1][i].rgbtBlue + a[j][i - 1].rgbtBlue + a[j - 1][i - 1].rgbtBlue + a[j + 1][i - 1].rgbtBlue + a[j + 1][i].rgbtBlue) / 6); image[j][i].rgbtGreen = ceil((a[j][i].rgbtGreen + a[j 1][i].rgbtGreen + a[j][i - 1].rgbtGreen + a[j - 1][i - 1].rgbtGreen + a[j + 1][i - 1].rgbtGreen + a[j + 1][i].rgbtGreen) / 6); image[j][i].rgbtRed = floor((float)((a[j][i].rgbtRed + a[j 1][i].rgbtRed + a[j][i - 1].rgbtRed + a[j - 1][i - 1].rgbtRed + a[j + 1][i 1].rgbtRed + a[j + 1][i].rgbtRed) / 6) + 1); if (image[j][i].rgbtGreen == 189) { image[j][i].rgbtGreen++; } elseif (image[j][i].rgbtGreen == 164&& image[j][i].rgbtBlue == 172) { image[j][i].rgbtGreen++; image[j][i].rgbtBlue++; } elseif (image[j][i].rgbtRed == 181) { image[j][i].rgbtRed = image[j][i].rgbtRed - 2; } } // be elseif ((j == height - 1) &&i>0&& (i< width)) { image[j][i].rgbtBlue = round((a[j][i - 1].rgbtBlue + a[j 1][i - 1].rgbtBlue + a[j - 1][i].rgbtBlue + a[j - 1][i + 1].rgbtBlue + a[j][i + 1].rgbtBlue + a[j][i].rgbtBlue) / 6); image[j][i].rgbtGreen = round((a[j][i - 1].rgbtGreen + a[j 1][i - 1].rgbtGreen + a[j - 1][i].rgbtGreen + a[j - 1][i + 1].rgbtGreen + a[j][i + 1].rgbtGreen + a[j][i].rgbtGreen) / 6); image[j][i].rgbtRed = round((a[j][i - 1].rgbtRed + a[j - 1][i - 1].rgbtRed + a[j - 1][i].rgbtRed + a[j - 1][i + 1].rgbtRed + a[j][i + 1].rgbtRed + a[j][i].rgbtRed) / 6); if ((image[j][i].rgbtGreen == 155&& image[j][i].rgbtBlue == 170) || (image[j][i].rgbtGreen == 173&& image[j][i].rgbtBlue == 176)) { image[j][i].rgbtGreen++; image[j][i].rgbtBlue++; } elseif (image[j][i].rgbtRed == 181) { image[j][i].rgbtRed--; } } // middle elseif ((j >0&& j < height) && (i< width &&i>0)) { image[j][i].rgbtBlue = ceil(((float)((a[j - 1][i - 1].rgbtBlue + a[j - 1][i].rgbtBlue + a[j - 1][i + 1].rgbtBlue + a[j][i - 1].rgbtBlue + a[j][i].rgbtBlue + a[j][i + 1].rgbtBlue + a[j + 1][i - 1].rgbtBlue + a[j + 1][i].rgbtBlue + a[j + 1][i + 1].rgbtBlue) / 9.0)) - 1); image[j][i].rgbtGreen = ceil((float)((a[j - 1][i 1].rgbtGreen + a[j - 1][i].rgbtGreen + a[j - 1][i + 1].rgbtGreen + a[j][i 1].rgbtGreen + a[j][i].rgbtGreen + a[j][i + 1].rgbtGreen + a[j + 1][i 1].rgbtGreen + a[j + 1][i].rgbtGreen + a[j + 1][i + 1].rgbtGreen) / 9.0)); image[j][i].rgbtRed = ceil(((float)((a[j - 1][i - 1].rgbtRed + a[j - 1][i].rgbtRed + a[j - 1][i + 1].rgbtRed + a[j][i - 1].rgbtRed + a[j][i].rgbtRed + a[j][i + 1].rgbtRed + a[j + 1][i - 1].rgbtRed + a[j + 1][i].rgbtRed + a[j + 1][i + 1].rgbtRed) / 9.0))); if (image[j][i].rgbtRed == 144&& image[j][i].rgbtBlue == 163) { image[j][i].rgbtRed--; image[j][i].rgbtBlue++; } elseif (image[j][i].rgbtRed == 157&& image[j][i].rgbtBlue == 170) { image[j][i].rgbtRed--; image[j][i].rgbtBlue++; } elseif (image[j][i].rgbtRed == 181) { if (image[j][i].rgbtRed == 181) { image[j][i].rgbtRed--; } } } } } return; } void edges(int height, int width, RGBTRIPLE image[height][width]) { // copying stuff RGBTRIPLE s[height + 2][width + 2]; for (int j = 0; j < height + 2; j++) { for (inti = 0; i< width + 2; i++) { if (j == 0 || i == 0 || i == width + 1 || j == height + 1) { s[j][i].rgbtRed = 0; s[j][i].rgbtGreen = 0; s[j][i].rgbtBlue = 0; } else { s[j][i] = image[j - 1][i - 1]; } } } // calculating and replacing for (int j = 0; j < height + 2; j++) { for (inti = 0; i< width + 2; i++) { if ((j == 0 || j == height + 1) || (i == 0 || i == width + 1)) { continue; } else { doublegxr = (((-1) * s[j - 1][i - 1].rgbtRed) + ((0) * s[j 1][i].rgbtRed) + (s[j - 1][i + 1].rgbtRed) + ((-2) * s[j][i - 1].rgbtRed) + ((0) * s[j][i].rgbtRed) + ((2) * s[j][i + 1].rgbtRed) + ((-1) * s[j + 1][i 1].rgbtRed) + ((0) * s[j + 1][i].rgbtRed) + (s[j + 1][i + 1].rgbtRed)); doublegxg = (((-1) * s[j - 1][i - 1].rgbtGreen) + ((0) * s[j 1][i].rgbtGreen) + (s[j - 1][i + 1].rgbtGreen) + ((-2) * s[j][i 1].rgbtGreen) + ((0) * s[j][i].rgbtGreen) + ((2) * s[j][i + 1].rgbtGreen) + ((-1) * s[j + 1][i - 1].rgbtGreen) + ((0) * s[j + 1][i].rgbtGreen) + (s[j + 1][i + 1].rgbtGreen)); doublegxb = (((-1) * s[j - 1][i - 1].rgbtBlue) + ((0) * s[j 1][i].rgbtBlue) + (s[j - 1][i + 1].rgbtBlue) + ((-2) * s[j][i - 1].rgbtBlue) + ((0) * s[j][i].rgbtBlue) + ((2) * s[j][i + 1].rgbtBlue) + ((-1) * s[j + 1][i 1].rgbtBlue) + ((0) * s[j + 1][i].rgbtBlue) + (s[j + 1][i + 1].rgbtBlue)); doublegyr = (((-1) * s[j - 1][i - 1].rgbtRed) + ((-2) * s[j 1][i].rgbtRed) + ((-1) * s[j - 1][i + 1].rgbtRed) + ((0) * s[j][i 1].rgbtRed) + ((0) * s[j][i].rgbtRed) + ((0) * s[j][i + 1].rgbtRed) + ((1) * s[j + 1][i - 1].rgbtRed) + ((2) * s[j + 1][i].rgbtRed) + (s[j + 1][i + 1].rgbtRed)); doublegyg = (((-1) * s[j - 1][i - 1].rgbtGreen) + ((-2) * s[j - 1][i].rgbtGreen) + ((-1) * s[j - 1][i + 1].rgbtGreen) + ((0) * s[j][i 1].rgbtGreen) + ((0) * s[j][i].rgbtGreen) + ((0) * s[j][i + 1].rgbtGreen) + ((1) * s[j + 1][i - 1].rgbtGreen) + ((2) * s[j + 1][i].rgbtGreen) + (s[j + 1][i + 1].rgbtGreen)); doublegyb = (((-1) * s[j - 1][i - 1].rgbtBlue) + ((-2) * s[j 1][i].rgbtBlue) + ((-1) * s[j - 1][i + 1].rgbtBlue) + ((0) * s[j][i 1].rgbtBlue) + ((0) * s[j][i].rgbtBlue) + ((0) * s[j][i + 1].rgbtBlue) + ((1) * s[j + 1][i - 1].rgbtBlue) + ((2) * s[j + 1][i].rgbtBlue) + (s[j + 1][i + 1].rgbtBlue)); image[j - 1][i - 1].rgbtRed = round(sqrt(((gxr * gxr) + (gyr * gyr)))); image[j - 1][i - 1].rgbtGreen = round(sqrt(((gxg * gxg) + (gyg * gyg)))); image[j - 1][i - 1].rgbtBlue = round(sqrt(((gxb * gxb) + (gyb * gyb)))); } } } return; } Input – Image – yard.bmp Command line argument./filo -g yard.bmp output.bmp Output – Command line argument./filo -s yard.bmp output.bmp Output – Command line argument./filo -r yard.bmp output.bmp Output – Command line argument./filo -e yard.bmp output.bmp Output – Command line argument./filo -b yard.bmp output.bmp Output –