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FSM Diagram: Bank ATM System Example

FSM System Diagram
May 01, 2022
Essay: Demonstrate your understanding of FSM diagrams through the example of a system of
your choice.
Using a Finite State Machine (FSM) formulation, information or tasks may be moved
from one state to another in accordance with predetermined rules. Depending on how much the
process operator is involved, they may be fully semi-automated or totally automatic. An FSM is
a dynamic technique that explains the temporal evolution of a collection of discrete and
continuous state variables, which may be used to model the rules that are invoked. FSMs are
defined by a set of states, qoQ and the starting condition, and the output function. The input
alphabets, X and Y are the finite alphabets for input and output respectively. At least one state
for each component is represented in the FSM, as are all possible transitions between states.
Using finite state machines, you may generate sequential circuits from stated specifications in a
methodical manner (Soomro e.a. 778). Most digital design is based on finite state machines
(FSM). For an FSM to function, a set of distinct states must be stored, from which a transition
may be made in response to changes in either their input values or their present state in the
machine. It is possible to have a Moore or Mealy FSM (the output of a state machine is only
reliant on the state variables) (where the output can depend on the current state variable values
and the input values).
FSM System Diagram
A finite State Machine (FSM) is a computational model that may be used to mimic
sequential logic or to describe and regulate execution flow. Mathematics, artificial intelligence,
video games, and linguistics are just a few domains where Finite State Machines may be put to
good use.
We encounter Finite State Machines throughout our daily routines, which may be found
in anything from our lights to our moods.
A finite state machine may be used to represent any process that has a limited number of
states. In writing a research article, understanding how a finite state machine works is not a
significant concern.
Example of FSM
Bank ATM embedded System
It is possible to utilize a finite-state machine to represent even a basic automated teller
machine (ATM). In this example, the user's input (such as inserting a card) or a central database
are used to mark each transition (such as PIN OK versus bad PIN). Compared to the soda
machine, this example has a considerably higher degree of abstraction several complicated stages
may be missing from the diagram for each of the transitions. As a result, the finite-state machine
is being utilized as a system design tool, rather than a detailed description of the ATM's
History and Mechanism
Teams throughout the globe were working individually to find a way to get money out of
a bank after business hours without breaking the law in the 1960s. The ATM's development and
dissemination are seen in the following timeline:
In 1960, an American called Luther George Simjian created the Bankograph, a machine
that enabled clients to deposit cash and cheques into it.
Barclays bank opened the first ATM in Enfield, London, on June 27, 1967. John
Shepherd-Barron, a British inventor, is credited with its creation. Customers could only take out
GBP10 at a time from the ATM.
You may withdraw cash from an ATM by entering a PIN and departing. Is it feasible to
describe how money machines and the network that authorizes transactions work?
The card reader will take less than a minute to process your payment and provide a
receipt (assuming you have a Bank account and a valid ATM Card). You can both deposit and
withdraw money from an ATM. ATMs are activated by the user inserting cash or a debit or
credit card with a magnetic stripe (for cash withdrawals). ATMs in Rwanda only release cash to
people with ATM cards. As a result, the ATM is only an extension of the bank's computer
system, checking the card's balance and validity (as determined by the password or PIN entered),
before disbursing the cash and sending a confirmation.
However, the term "machine" in the name "ATM machine" is redundant. The ATM
terminal, which is more of a remote computer, is attached to a Safe Cash box. If you think ATMs
are unattended, you'll be surprised to find that the concealed interior is constantly staffed by
people providing a variety of services to consumers.
Many of them are online monitored to ensure the money doesn't run out, the network is
secure, etc. The CPU builds the ATM (microprocessor).
This handles processing tasks like authentication, networking, and currency note validity.
This is crucial. The VDU's screen and keyboard serve as the client's interface and feedback.
There is also a receipt printer that prints out all transactions. This gives consumers a
record of their transactions, much like a bank transaction. This interface has card reader and
money distribution slots. Rubber rollers connect the dispenser to the "currency box," which
moves one "bank note" (currency unit) at a time (each currency box stores around 2,000 notes).
A sensor identifies bills stuck together or withdrawn in the wrong denomination and places them
in the reject box.
Most ATMs in Rwanda have "5000" and "1000" notes. This, I suppose, is done to reduce
the chance of miss-distribution. ATMs accept debit cards rather than credit cards. To receive a
debit card, account holders must have a negative or positive balance. Financial institutions issue
credit cards and give credit to its holders. In practice, credit card users are borrowing money
from their issuers to spend. To protect people from exceeding their credit limitations, I believe
most ATMs only take debit cards (“FINGERPRINT BASED ATM SYSTEM” 20).
Accountants and bankers see credit differently. A credit balance shows a healthy account
to bankers, but not to accountants. Unlike debit cards, which are tied to your account balance,
credit cards are issued by a bank.
Works Cited
“FINGERPRINT BASED ATM SYSTEM”. International Journal of Recent Trends in
Engineering and Research, vol. 3, nr. 2, 2017, pp. 17–21. Crossref,
Soomro, Hassan Ali, e.a. “Comparative Performance of FE-FSM, PM-FSM and HE-FSM with
Segmental Rotor”. Applied Mechanics and Materials, vol. 773–774, 2015, pp. 776–80.
Crossref, https://doi.org/10.4028/www.scientific.net/amm.773-774.776.