#separator:tab #html:true What is Engagement Range?"1"" horizontally + 5"" vertically" What is Unit Coherency?"2"" horizontally + 5"" vertically" While a unit has {{c1::6}}+ models, each model must be in unit coherency with 2 other models from own unit. "<img src=""WS.png""><br>This tells you a model’s skill at hand-to-hand fighting. If a model has a {{c1::Weapon Skill}} of ‘-’ it is unable to fight in melee at all." "This shows how accurate a model <br>is when shooting with ranged weapons.""<img src=""BS.png""><br>Ballistic Skill (<span style=""background-color: rgb(249, 240, 107);"">BS</span>)" "This indicates how physically strong a <br>model is and how likely it is to inflict damage in hand- <br>to-hand combat.""<img src=""S.png""><br>Strength (<span style=""background-color: rgb(249, 240, 107);"">S</span>)" "This reflects the model’s resilience <br>against physical harm.""<img src=""T.png""><br>Toughness (<span style=""background-color: rgb(249, 240, 107);"">T</span>)" "Shows how much damage a model <br>can sustain before it succumbs to its injuries.""<img src=""W.png""><br>Wounds (<span style=""background-color: rgb(249, 240, 107);"">W</span>)" "<img src=""Ld.png"" style=""text-align: center;""><br><span style=""text-align: center;"">This reveals how courageous,&nbsp;</span><span style=""text-align: center;"">determined or self-controlled a model is.</span>"Leadership (Ld) "This indicates the protection a model’s <br>armour gives.""<img src=""Sv.png""><br>Save (<span style=""background-color: rgb(249, 240, 107);"">Sv</span>)" If you do not have enough models to field a minimum-sized unit you can still include one unit of that type in your army with as many models as you have available. This is known as an {{c1::Understrength}} unit. "How good the weapon’s <br>attacks are at getting through armour.""<img src=""AP.png""><br><b>Armour Penetration (AP)</b>" "The amount of damage inflicted by a <br>successful wound.""<img src=""D.png""><br>Damage (<span style=""background-color: rgb(249, 240, 107);"">D</span>)" "Each turn consists of a series of phases, <br>which must be resolved in the following order:"<ol><li>Command</li><li>Movement&nbsp;</li><li>Psychic&nbsp;</li><li>Shooting</li><li>Charge&nbsp;</li><li>Fight&nbsp;</li><li>Morale</li></ol> In which phase do you gain a CP if your army is Battle-forged?Command phase<br><br>(Note: Regular games in <i>your</i> command phase, matched games - in each round.) Battle-forged CP bonus: Gain {{c1::1}} CP in your Command phase if your army is Battle-forged.<i>Note: In War Zone Nephilim missions, players generate a Command point during EVERY Command phase, not just their own.</i> What are the two steps of the Movement phase?<ol><li>Move units</li><li>Reinforcements</li></ol> What are the three things a unit can do when it's chosen to move?<ol><li>Normal move</li><li>Advance</li><li>Remain stationary</li></ol> When a unit makes a Normal Move, each model in that unit can move a distance in inches equal to or less than the Move (M) characteristic shown on its datasheet, but no model can be moved within {{c1::Engagement Range}} of enemy models. When a unit makes an Advance, make an Advance roll for the unit by rolling {{c1::1}}D6."<img src=""D6-6.png"">" A unit cannot {{c1::shoot}} or {{c1::declare a charge}}&nbsp;in the same turn that it made an Advance. "This tells you what models are in the unit, and how many of <br>them you should have (the unit’s minimum and maximum size).""<span style=""background-color: rgb(249, 240, 107);"">No.</span>" When a Psyker unit attempts to manifest a psychic power, you must take a Psychic test for that unit by rolling {{c1::2}}D6."<img src=""D6-29296326c04a46959fbe7dfabee5183b967d4811.png""><img src=""D6-29296326c04a46959fbe7dfabee5183b967d4811.png"">" "If you roll a double {{c1::1}} or a double {{c1::6}} when taking a&nbsp;<a href=""https://wahapedia.ru/wh40k9ed/the-rules/core-rules/#Psychic-Tests"">Psychic Test</a>,&nbsp;that unit immediately suffers <a href=""https://wahapedia.ru/wh40k9ed/the-rules/core-rules/#Perils-of-the-Warp"">Perils of the Warp</a>.<br>""<img src=""D6-1-a6077e4bcda72653fc023b72472a7d97e6eb590f.png""><img src=""D6-1-a6077e4bcda72653fc023b72472a7d97e6eb590f.png"">&nbsp;OR&nbsp;<img src=""D6-6.png""><img src=""D6-6.png"">" <ul><li>{{c1::Invulnerable save}}: Saving throw that is never modified by attacking weapon's AP.</li><li>A model with an {{c1::invulnerable save}} can use it instead of its normal Sv.</li></ul> Unlike damage inflicted by normal attacks, excess damage from {{c1::mortal wounds}} is not lost. What are the two steps of the Charge phase?"<div style=""text-align: justify;""><ol><li><span style=""text-align: center;"">Charges</span></li><li>Heroic Interventions</li></ol></div>" "Start your Charge phase by selecting one eligible unit from your army that you want to charge, and declare a charge with it. An eligible unit is one that is within {{c1::12}}"" of any enemy units at the start of the Charge phase." What three things prevent a unit from charging?"<div style=""text-align: justify;""><ol><li>Advanced</li><li>Fallen Back</li><li>within Engagement Range</li></ol></div>" Do the target(s) of a charge need to be visible to the unit?No Make a charge roll for your unit by rolling {{c1::2}}D6."<img src=""D6-6.png""><img src=""D6-6.png"">" If insufficient to move charging unit into {{c1::Engagement Range}}&nbsp;of all targets, charge fails. What range must a character unit be within to perform a Heroic Intervention?"3"" horizontally + 5"" vertically" "Heroic Intervention: Move up to {{c1::3}}""." "Use this Stratagem when an enemy unit Falls Back, before any models in that unit are moved. <span style=""background-color: rgb(249, 240, 107);"">Roll 1D6</span> for each model from your army that is within Engagement Range of that enemy unit; for <span style=""background-color: rgb(249, 240, 107);"">each result of 6</span>, that enemy unit suffers <span style=""background-color: rgb(249, 240, 107);"">1 mortal wound</span>.""<img src=""cut_them_down-header.png"">" Which units fight first in the Fight phase?Units that made a charge move this turn. "The number of attacks a model makes is determined by its {{c1::Attacks (A)}}&nbsp;characteristic, which can be found on its datasheet.<br><img src=""A.png"">" "<ul><li>Pile in: Move up to {{c1::3}}"".</li><li>Must end closer to the closest enemy model.</li></ul>""<h3>Pile In</h3>When a unit piles in, you can move each model in that unit up to 3"" – this is a pile-in move. Each model in the unit must finish its pile-in move closer to the closest enemy model. A model that is already touching an enemy model cannot move, but still counts as having piled in. Remember that a unit must finish any type of move in unit coherency.<br>" What are the two steps of the Morale phase?<ol><li>Morale Tests</li><li>Unit Coherency Checks</li></ol> "Some units have an ability called {{c1::Objective Secured}}. A player controls an <a href=""https://wahapedia.ru/wh40k9ed/the-rules/core-rules/#Objective-Markers"">objective marker</a> if they have any models with this ability within range of that objective marker, even if there are more enemy models within range of that objective marker. If an enemy model within range of an objective marker also has this ability (or a similar ability), then the objective marker is controlled by the player who has the most models within range of that objective marker as normal.<br><ul><li>Player controls objective marker if any of their models in range have this ability.</li></ul>" Which two things cannot control objective markers?"<ol><li><span style=""text-align: center;"">Aircraft</span></li><li><span style=""text-align: center;"">Fortifications</span></li></ol>" A wound roll of {{c1::6}} always succeeds."<img src=""D6-6.png"">" <b>Combat Attrition<br><br></b>Roll 1D6 for each remaining model in unit; for each {{c1::1}}, one additional model flees."<img src=""D6-1-a6077e4bcda72653fc023b72472a7d97e6eb590f.png"">" Subtract {{c1::1}} from Combat Attrition tests if unit is below Half-strength. "A model is in range of an objective marker if it is within {{c1::3}}"" horizontally and {{c1::5}}"" vertically of that objective marker." Objective marker controlled by player with {{c1::most models in range}}. Which player goes first when taking Morale tests?The player whose turn is currently taking place. Players {{c1::alternate}} taking Morale tests for units from their army that have suffered casualties this turn. To take a Morale test, roll {{c1::1}}D6&nbsp;and add the number of models from the unit that have been destroyed this turn."<img src=""D6-29296326c04a46959fbe7dfabee5183b967d4811.png"">" How does Leadership (Ld) apply to a Morale test?"To take a Morale test, roll 1D6 and add the number of models from <br>the unit that have been destroyed this turn. If the result is equal to or <br>less than the highest Leadership (Ld) characteristic in the unit, the <br>Morale test is passed and nothing else happens.<br><br>result &gt; Ld = fail<br>result &lt;= Ld = pass" "An unmodified roll of {{c1::1}} always results in a passed Morale test, irrespective of the total result.""<img src=""D6-1-a6077e4bcda72653fc023b72472a7d97e6eb590f.png"">" If a unit taking a Morale test has models with differing Leadership (Ld) values, which value is used?The highest Leadership (Ld) value in the unit. "Use this stratagem before you take a <span style=""background-color: rgb(249, 240, 107);"">Morale test</span> for a unit in your army. That test is <span style=""background-color: rgb(249, 240, 107);"">automatically passed</span> (do not roll any dice). You can only use this Stratagem <span style=""background-color: rgb(249, 240, 107);"">once per battle</span>.""<img src=""insane_bravery-header.png"">" "<img src=""command_re-roll-header.png"">""Use this Stratagem after you have made a hit roll, a wound roll, a damage roll, a saving throw, an Advance roll, a charge roll, a Psychic test, a Deny the Witch test or you have rolled the dice to determine the number of attacks made by a weapon. Re-roll that roll, test or saving throw.<br><ol><li>hit</li><li>wound</li><li>damage</li><li>save</li><li>advance</li><li>charge</li><li>psychic test</li><li>deny the witch</li><li>weapon # of attacks</li></ol>"9 "Use this Stratagem in your <a href=""https://wahapedia.ru/wh40k9ed/the-rules/core-rules/#MOVEMENT-PHASE"">Movement phase</a>. Select one unit from your army that has not been selected to move this phase and which <span style=""background-color: rgb(249, 240, 107);"">is in Engagement Range</span> with at least one enemy unit. <span style=""background-color: rgb(249, 240, 107);"">Roll 1D6</span> for each model in that unit; for each <span style=""background-color: rgb(249, 240, 107);"">result of 1</span>, one model in that unit of your choice is destroyed. Assuming that unit was not destroyed, it can now attempt to Fall Back, and when doing so its models can be moved across enemy models as if they were not there. Any model in that unit that ends its Fall Back move within Engagement Range of any enemy model is <span style=""background-color: rgb(249, 240, 107);"">destroyed</span>. Assuming the unit is not destroyed, it <span style=""background-color: rgb(249, 240, 107);"">cannot do anything else</span> this turn (i.e. it cannot attempt to manifest psychic powers, <a href=""https://wahapedia.ru/wh40k9ed/the-rules/core-rules/#SHOOTING-PHASE"">shoot</a>, declare a charge, be selected to fight etc.), even if it has a rule that would allow it to do so after Falling Back.<br><br><div style=""text-align: justify;"">Cannot</div><ul><li>manifest psychic powers</li><li>shoot</li><li>declare a charge</li><li>be selected to fight</li></ul>""<img src=""desperate_breakout-header.png"">" "Use this Stratagem when a <a href=""https://wahapedia.ru/wh40k9ed/the-rules/core-rules/#Transports"">TRANSPORT</a> model from your army is <a href=""https://wahapedia.ru/wh40k9ed/the-rules/core-rules/#Starting-Strength-Half-strength-and-Destroyed-Units"">destroyed</a>. All units that are embarked within that model can be set up <span style=""background-color: rgb(249, 240, 107);"">wholly within 6""</span>&nbsp;of the destroyed model when they disembark instead of the normal 3"" before the model itself is removed from the battlefield. These units are not affected by the destroyed model's Explodes ability (or equivalent) — instead you must <span style=""background-color: rgb(249, 240, 107);"">roll one D6 for each model</span> you just set up on the battlefield. Instead of one model that disembarked (your choice) being destroyed for each roll of 1, one model that disembarked (your choice) is <span style=""background-color: rgb(249, 240, 107);"">destroyed for each roll of 1 or 2</span>. Units <span style=""background-color: rgb(249, 240, 107);"">cannot declare a charge or perform a Heroic Intervention</span> in the same turn that they disembarked from a destroyed TRANSPORT model.<br><br>Summary:<br>Use this Stratagem when a&nbsp;<a href=""https://wahapedia.ru/wh40k9ed/the-rules/core-rules/#Transports"">TRANSPORT</a>&nbsp;model from your army is&nbsp;<a href=""https://wahapedia.ru/wh40k9ed/the-rules/core-rules/#Starting-Strength-Half-strength-and-Destroyed-Units"">destroyed</a>. All units that are embarked within that model can be set up&nbsp;<span style=""background-color: rgb(249, 240, 107);"">wholly within 6""</span>&nbsp;of the destroyed model when they disembark before the model itself is removed from the battlefield. These units are <span style=""background-color: rgb(249, 240, 107);"">not affected</span> by the destroyed model's <span style=""background-color: rgb(249, 240, 107);"">Explodes</span> ability (or equivalent). <span style=""background-color: rgb(249, 240, 107);"">Roll 1D6</span> for each model&nbsp;you just set up on the battlefield. One model that disembarked (your choice) is&nbsp;<span style=""background-color: rgb(249, 240, 107);"">destroyed for each roll of 1 or 2</span>. Units&nbsp;<span style=""background-color: rgb(249, 240, 107);"">cannot declare a charge or perform a Heroic Intervention</span>&nbsp;in the same turn that they disembarked from a destroyed TRANSPORT model.<br><ul><li>Wholly within 6""</li><li>Not affected by Explodes</li><li>D6 for each model, destroyed on 1 or 2</li><li>Cannot declare charge or Heroic Intervention</li></ul>""<img src=""emergency_disembarkation-header.png"">" "Use this Stratagem <span style=""background-color: rgb(249, 240, 107);"">after an enemy unit has declared a charge</span> against one or more units from your army. One of the units that was chosen as the target of that charge can fire Overwatch <span style=""background-color: rgb(249, 240, 107);"">before the charge roll</span> is made.""<img src=""fire_overwatch-header.png"">" Use this Stratagem after an enemy unit has fought in this turn. Select one of your own eligible units and fight with it next."<img src=""counter_offensive-header-376d1189824881cd0816d66aa69f630bb5329f67.png"">" What are the three categories of games?"<ul><li>Open play</li><li>Matched play</li><li>Narrative play</li></ul><div style=""text-align: justify;""><a href=""https://wahapedia.ru/wh40k9ed/the-rules/playing-this-game/""></a><a href=""https://wahapedia.ru/wh40k9ed/the-rules/playing-this-game/"">Wahapedia - Playing This Game</a><br></div><div></div>" What does X++ mean?invulnerable save (e.g. 5++ = 5 invulnerable) The rules that you will need to use the models in your army in a game are presented on {{c1::datasheets}}. "Models with the {{c1::CHARACTER}} keyword <span style=""background-color: rgb(249, 240, 107);"">cannot</span> use their Aura Abilities while performing actions." Models move and fight in {{c1::units}}. A group of models from the same datasheet is a {{c1::Unit}}. When a PSYKER unit suffers Perils of the Warp, it suffers {{c1::D3}} mortal wounds. Which units can perform a Heroic Intervention?CHARACTER Fall Back"When a unit Falls Back, each model in that unit can move a distance in inches <span style=""background-color: rgb(249, 240, 107);"">equal to or less than the Move (M)</span>&nbsp;characteristic shown on its datasheet, and when doing so you <span style=""background-color: rgb(249, 240, 107);"">can move it within Engagement Range</span> of enemy models, but it <span style=""background-color: rgb(249, 240, 107);"">cannot end its move within Engagement Range </span>of any enemy models – if it cannot do this then it cannot Fall Back. A unit <span style=""background-color: rgb(249, 240, 107);"">cannot declare a charge</span> in the same turn that it Fell Back. A unit <span style=""background-color: rgb(249, 240, 107);"">cannot <a href=""https://wahapedia.ru/wh40k9ed/the-rules/core-rules/#SHOOTING-PHASE"">shoot</a> or attempt to manifest a psychic power</span> in the same turn that it Fell Back <span style=""background-color: rgb(249, 240, 107);"">unless it is TITANIC</span>.<br><div style=""text-align: justify;""><ul><li>Fall Back: Models move up to M"".</li><li>Units that Fall Back cannot charge this turn.</li><li>Units that Fall Back cannot shoot or manifest psychic powers this turn unless they are <b>TITANIC</b></li></ul></div>" <b>LOOK OUT, SIR</b>"Cannot shoot at an enemy CHARACTER with <span style=""background-color: rgb(249, 240, 107);"">9 or less wounds</span> while it is <span style=""background-color: rgb(249, 240, 107);"">within 3""</span> of a friendly unit that contains 1 MONSTER, 1 VEHICLE or 3+ other models (excluding CHARACTER models with 9 or less wounds) <span style=""background-color: rgb(249, 240, 107);"">unless it is the closest target</span>." "<b>LOOK OUT, SIR<br><br></b>Cannot shoot at an enemy CHARACTER with&nbsp;{{c1::9}} or less wounds&nbsp;while it is <span style=""background-color: rgb(249, 240, 107);"">within 3""</span> of a friendly unit that contains 1 MONSTER, 1 VEHICLE or 3+ other models (excluding CHARACTER models with 9 or less wounds) unless it is the <span style=""background-color: rgb(249, 240, 107);"">closest target</span>." "<b>LOOK OUT, SIR<br><br></b>Cannot shoot at an enemy CHARACTER with&nbsp;9 or less wounds&nbsp;while it is within {{c1::3}}"" of a friendly unit that contains 1 MONSTER, 1 VEHICLE or 3+ other models (excluding CHARACTER models with 9 or less wounds) unless it is the closest target." "If your army is <a href=""https://wahapedia.ru/wh40k9ed/the-rules/core-rules/#BATTLE-FORGED-ARMIES"">Battle-forged</a>, then at the start of your Command phase, before doing anything else, you gain {{c1::1}} Command point (CP). This is called the Battle-forged CP bonus."<i>Note: In War Zone Nephilim missions, players generate a Command point during EVERY Command phase, not just their own.</i> Forces that one or both sides have chosen not to deploy at the start of the battle.Strategic Reserves "<img src=""desperate_breakout-header.png""><b><br></b>Use this Stratagem in your&nbsp;<a href=""https://wahapedia.ru/wh40k9ed/the-rules/core-rules/#MOVEMENT-PHASE"">Movement phase</a>. Select one unit from your army that has not been selected to move this phase and which&nbsp;is in Engagement Range&nbsp;with at least one enemy unit.&nbsp;Roll {{c1::1}}D6&nbsp;for each model in that unit; for each&nbsp;result of <span style=""background-color: rgb(249, 240, 107);"">1</span>, one model in that unit of your choice is destroyed. Assuming that unit was not destroyed, it can now attempt to Fall Back, and when doing so its models <span style=""background-color: rgb(249, 240, 107);"">can</span> be moved across enemy models as if they were not there. Any model in that unit that ends its Fall Back move <span style=""background-color: rgb(249, 240, 107);"">within Engagement Range</span> of any enemy model is&nbsp;<span style=""background-color: rgb(249, 240, 107);"">destroyed</span>. Assuming the unit is not destroyed, it&nbsp;<span style=""background-color: rgb(249, 240, 107);"">cannot do anything else</span>&nbsp;this turn (i.e. it cannot attempt to manifest psychic powers,&nbsp;<a href=""https://wahapedia.ru/wh40k9ed/the-rules/core-rules/#SHOOTING-PHASE"">shoot</a>, declare a charge, be selected to fight etc.), even if it has a rule that would allow it to do so after Falling Back.""<img src=""D6-29296326c04a46959fbe7dfabee5183b967d4811.png"">" "<img src=""desperate_breakout-header.png""><br>Use this Stratagem in your&nbsp;<a href=""https://wahapedia.ru/wh40k9ed/the-rules/core-rules/#MOVEMENT-PHASE"">Movement phase</a>. Select one unit from your army that has not been selected to move this phase and which&nbsp;is in Engagement Range&nbsp;with at least one enemy unit.&nbsp;Roll 1D6 for each model in that unit; for each&nbsp;result of {{c1::1}}, one model in that unit of your choice is destroyed. Assuming that unit was not destroyed, it can now attempt to Fall Back, and when doing so its models can be moved across enemy models as if they were not there. Any model in that unit that ends its Fall Back move within Engagement Range of any enemy model is&nbsp;destroyed. Assuming the unit is not destroyed, it&nbsp;cannot do anything else&nbsp;this turn (i.e. it cannot attempt to manifest psychic powers,&nbsp;<a href=""https://wahapedia.ru/wh40k9ed/the-rules/core-rules/#SHOOTING-PHASE"">shoot</a>, declare a charge, be selected to fight etc.), even if it has a rule that would allow it to do so after Falling Back." "<img src=""emergency_disembarkation-header.png""><span style=""background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);""><b><br></b></span>Use this Stratagem when a&nbsp;<a href=""https://wahapedia.ru/wh40k9ed/the-rules/core-rules/#Transports"">TRANSPORT</a>&nbsp;model from your army is&nbsp;<a href=""https://wahapedia.ru/wh40k9ed/the-rules/core-rules/#Starting-Strength-Half-strength-and-Destroyed-Units"">destroyed</a>. All units that are embarked within that model can be set up&nbsp;wholly within {{c1::6}}""&nbsp;of the destroyed model when they disembark instead of the normal 3"" before the model itself is removed from the battlefield. These units are not affected by the destroyed model's Explodes ability (or equivalent) — instead you must&nbsp;roll 1D6 for each model&nbsp;you just set up on the battlefield. Instead of one model that disembarked (your choice) being destroyed for each roll of 1, one model that disembarked (your choice) is&nbsp;destroyed for each roll of 1 or 2. Units&nbsp;cannot declare a charge or perform a Heroic Intervention&nbsp;in the same turn that they disembarked from a destroyed TRANSPORT model." "<img src=""emergency_disembarkation-header.png""><b><br></b>Use this Stratagem when a&nbsp;<a href=""https://wahapedia.ru/wh40k9ed/the-rules/core-rules/#Transports"">TRANSPORT</a>&nbsp;model from your army is&nbsp;<a href=""https://wahapedia.ru/wh40k9ed/the-rules/core-rules/#Starting-Strength-Half-strength-and-Destroyed-Units"">destroyed</a>. All units that are embarked within that model can be set up&nbsp;<span style=""background-color: rgb(249, 240, 107);"">wholly within 6""</span>&nbsp;of the destroyed model when they disembark instead of the normal {{c1::3}}"" before the model itself is removed from the battlefield. These units are <span style=""background-color: rgb(249, 240, 107);"">not affected</span> by the destroyed model's Explodes ability (or equivalent) — instead you must&nbsp;roll 1D6 for each model&nbsp;you just set up on the battlefield. Instead of one model that disembarked (your choice) being destroyed for each roll of 1, one model that disembarked (your choice) is&nbsp;destroyed for each roll of <span style=""background-color: rgb(249, 240, 107);"">1 or 2</span>. Units&nbsp;<span style=""background-color: rgb(249, 240, 107);"">cannot declare a charge or perform a Heroic Intervention</span>&nbsp;in the same turn that they disembarked from a destroyed TRANSPORT model." "<img src=""emergency_disembarkation-header.png""><b><br></b>Use this Stratagem when a&nbsp;<a href=""https://wahapedia.ru/wh40k9ed/the-rules/core-rules/#Transports"">TRANSPORT</a>&nbsp;model from your army is&nbsp;<a href=""https://wahapedia.ru/wh40k9ed/the-rules/core-rules/#Starting-Strength-Half-strength-and-Destroyed-Units"">destroyed</a>. All units that are embarked within that model can be set up&nbsp;<span style=""background-color: rgb(249, 240, 107);"">wholly within 6""</span>&nbsp;of the destroyed model when they disembark instead of the normal 3"" before the model itself is removed from the battlefield. These units are <span style=""background-color: rgb(249, 240, 107);"">not affected</span> by the destroyed model's Explodes ability (or equivalent) — instead you must&nbsp;roll {{c1::1}}D6&nbsp;for each model&nbsp;you just set up on the battlefield. Instead of one model that disembarked (your choice) being destroyed for each roll of 1, one model that disembarked (your choice) is&nbsp;destroyed for each roll of <span style=""background-color: rgb(249, 240, 107);"">1 or 2</span>. Units&nbsp;cannot declare a <span style=""background-color: rgb(249, 240, 107);"">charge</span> or perform a <span style=""background-color: rgb(249, 240, 107);"">Heroic Intervention</span>&nbsp;in the same turn that they disembarked from a destroyed TRANSPORT model." "<img src=""emergency_disembarkation-header.png""><b><br></b>Use this Stratagem when a&nbsp;<a href=""https://wahapedia.ru/wh40k9ed/the-rules/core-rules/#Transports"">TRANSPORT</a>&nbsp;model from your army is&nbsp;<a href=""https://wahapedia.ru/wh40k9ed/the-rules/core-rules/#Starting-Strength-Half-strength-and-Destroyed-Units"">destroyed</a>. All units that are embarked within that model can be set up&nbsp;wholly within 6""&nbsp;of the destroyed model when they disembark instead of the normal 3"" before the model itself is removed from the battlefield. These units are not affected by the destroyed model's Explodes ability (or equivalent) — instead you must&nbsp;roll one D6 for each model&nbsp;you just set up on the battlefield. Instead of one model that disembarked (your choice) being destroyed for each roll of {{c1::1}}, one model that disembarked (your choice) is&nbsp;destroyed for each roll of 1 or 2. Units&nbsp;cannot declare a charge or perform a Heroic Intervention&nbsp;in the same turn that they disembarked from a destroyed TRANSPORT model." "<img src=""emergency_disembarkation-header.png""><br>Use this Stratagem when a&nbsp;<a href=""https://wahapedia.ru/wh40k9ed/the-rules/core-rules/#Transports"">TRANSPORT</a>&nbsp;model from your army is&nbsp;<a href=""https://wahapedia.ru/wh40k9ed/the-rules/core-rules/#Starting-Strength-Half-strength-and-Destroyed-Units"">destroyed</a>. All units that are embarked within that model can be set up&nbsp;<span style=""background-color: rgb(249, 240, 107);"">wholly within 6""</span>&nbsp;of the destroyed model when they disembark instead of the normal 3"" before the model itself is removed from the battlefield. These units are <span style=""background-color: rgb(249, 240, 107);"">not affected</span> by the destroyed model's Explodes ability (or equivalent) — instead you must&nbsp;<span style=""background-color: rgb(249, 240, 107);"">roll 1D6</span> for each model&nbsp;you just set up on the battlefield. Instead of one model that disembarked (your choice) being destroyed for each roll of 1, one model that disembarked (your choice) is&nbsp;<span style=""background-color: rgb(249, 240, 107);"">destroyed</span> for each roll of {{c1::1 or 2}}. Units&nbsp;<span style=""background-color: rgb(249, 240, 107);"">cannot declare a charge or perform a Heroic Intervention</span>&nbsp;in the same turn that they disembarked from a destroyed TRANSPORT model." "<img src=""cut_them_down-header.png""><b><br></b>Use this Stratagem when an enemy unit Falls Back, before any models in that unit are moved.&nbsp;Roll {{c1::1}}D6&nbsp;for each model from your army that is <span style=""background-color: rgb(249, 240, 107);"">within Engagement Range</span> of that enemy unit; for&nbsp;each <span style=""background-color: rgb(249, 240, 107);"">result of 6</span>, that enemy unit suffers&nbsp;<span style=""background-color: rgb(249, 240, 107);"">1 mortal wound</span>.""<img src=""D6-6.png"">" "<img src=""cut_them_down-header.png""><b><br></b>Use this Stratagem when an enemy unit Falls Back, before any models in that unit are moved.&nbsp;Roll 1D6&nbsp;for each model from your army that is within Engagement Range of that enemy unit; for&nbsp;each result of {{c1::6}}, that enemy unit suffers&nbsp;1 mortal wound." "<img src=""cut_them_down-header.png""><b><br></b>Use this Stratagem when an enemy unit Falls Back, before any models in that unit are moved.&nbsp;Roll 1D6&nbsp;for each model from your army that is within Engagement Range of that enemy unit; for&nbsp;each result of 6, that enemy unit suffers&nbsp;{{c1::1}} mortal wound." "<span style=""background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);"">To take a Morale test, roll&nbsp;</span>{{c1::1}}<span style=""background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);"">D6 and add the number of models from&nbsp;</span><span style=""background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);"">the unit that have been destroyed this turn. If the result is equal to or&nbsp;</span><span style=""background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);"">less than the highest Leadership (Ld) characteristic in the unit, the&nbsp;</span><span style=""background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);"">Morale test is passed and nothing else happens.</span>""<img src=""D6-1.png"">" Units that are within Engagement Range of any enemy models can only either {{c1::Fall Back or Remain Stationary}}. "To manifest the psychic power, you must first pass a Psychic test. The opposing player can then select one of their PSYKER units that is within {{c1::24}}"" of the PSYKER unit attempting to manifest the power and attempt to deny that power before its effects are resolved by passing a Deny the Witch test." "When a PSYKER unit attempts to manifest a psychic power, you must take a Psychic test for that unit by rolling {{c1::2}}D6. If the total is <span style=""background-color: rgb(249, 240, 107);"">equal to or greater</span> than that power's <span style=""background-color: rgb(249, 240, 107);"">warp charge</span> value, the Psychic test is passed. If you roll a <span style=""background-color: rgb(249, 240, 107);"">double 1 or a double 6</span> when taking a Psychic test, that unit immediately suffers Perils of the Warp.""<img src=""D6-6.png""><img src=""D6-6.png"">" When a PSYKER unit attempts to deny a psychic power, you must take a Deny the Witch test for that unit by rolling {{c1::2}}D6. If the total is greater than the result of the Psychic test, the Deny the Witch test is passed and the psychic&nbsp; power is denied."<img src=""D6-6.png""><img src=""D6-6.png"">" What are the seven Core Stratagems?<ol><li>Command Re-Roll</li><li>Cut Them Down</li><li>Desperate Breakout</li><li>Emergency Disembarkation</li><li>Fire Overwatch</li><li>Counter-Offensive</li><li>Insane Bravery</li></ol>"<span style=""background-color: rgb(222, 221, 218);"">C</span>ows <span style=""background-color: rgb(222, 221, 218);"">C</span>an <span style=""background-color: rgb(222, 221, 218);"">D</span>ance <span style=""background-color: rgb(222, 221, 218);"">E</span>xcept <span style=""background-color: rgb(222, 221, 218);"">F</span>at <span style=""background-color: rgb(222, 221, 218);"">C</span>ows <span style=""background-color: rgb(222, 221, 218);"">I</span>nterrupt" A {{c1::hit}} roll can never be modified by more than -1 or +1. <ul><li>Can be shot even if the firing model's unit {{c1::Advanced}}.</li><li>Subtract 1 from hit rolls if the firing model's unit {{c1::Advanced}}.</li></ul>"<img src=""assault-header.png""><br>[sound:assault.mp3]" Regardless of the source, the Strength, Toughness, Attacks and Leadership characteristics of a model can never be modified below {{c1::1}}. In what order are modifiers applied?<ol><li>Division</li><li>Multiplication</li><li>Addition</li><li>Subtraction</li></ol> Round fractions {{c1::up}} after applying all modifiers. S, T, A and Ld can never be modified below {{c1::1}}. "A model can be moved over terrain features that are {{c1::1}}"" or less in height as if they were not there – any vertical distance up and/or down that they would have to make to traverse such terrain features is ignored." All models can be targeted via just {{c1::1}} model in the unit.<i>(This is also why you declare ALL weapons first)</i> "If a <span style=""background-color: rgb(249, 240, 107);"">Blast</span> weapon targets a unit that has between <span style=""background-color: rgb(249, 240, 107);"">6 and 10</span> models, it always makes a minimum of {{c1::3}} attacks." "If a <span style=""background-color: rgb(249, 240, 107);"">Blast</span> weapon targets a unit that has between {{c1::6 and 10}} models, it always makes a minimum of <span style=""background-color: rgb(249, 240, 107);"">3</span> attacks." "When a <span style=""background-color: rgb(249, 240, 107);"">Blast</span> weapon targets a unit that has {{c1::11}} or more models, <span style=""background-color: rgb(249, 240, 107);"">do not roll</span> dice to randomly determine how many attacks are made - instead, make the <span style=""background-color: rgb(249, 240, 107);"">maximum possible number of attacks</span>." Can never be used to attack units within the firing unit's Engagement Range.Blast weapons Minimum three attacks against units with 6+ models. Always make maximum number of attacks against units with 11+ models.Blast weapons If a unit includes any models equipped with {{c1::Assault}} weapons, that unit is still eligible to shoot with in your Shooting phase even if it has Advanced this turn, but you can only reslove attacks using those {{c1::Assault}} weapons when you select that unit to shoot with. If a model shoots an {{c1::Assault}} weapon in the same turn in which its unit has Advanced, subtract 1 from hit rolls when resolving that weapon's attacks."<img src=""ASSAULT.png"">" What are the three things a unit cannot do if it Falls Back?<ol><li>Charge</li><li>Shoot</li><li>Psychic powers</li></ol> When a model shoots a {{c1::Rapid Fire}} weapon, double the number of attacks it makes if its target is within half the weapon's range."<img src=""RAPID FIRE.png"">" "When a unit piles in, you can move each model in that unit up to {{c1::3}}"" – this is a pile-in move. Each model in the unit must finish its pile-in move closer to the closest enemy model. A model that is already touching an enemy model cannot move, but still counts as having piled in. Remember that a unit must finish any type of move in unit coherency.<div><ul><li>Pile in: Move up to {{c1::3}}"".</li><li>Must end closer to the closest enemy model.</li></ul></div>" "When a unit consolidates, you can move each model in the unit up to {{c1::3}}"" – this is a Consolidation move. Each model must finish its Consolidation move closer to the closest enemy model. A model that is already touching an enemy model cannot move, but still counts as having consolidated. Remember that a unit must finish any type of move in unit coherency.<div><ul><li>Consolidate: Move up to {{c1::3}}"".</li><li>Must end closer to the closest enemy model.</li></ul></div>" "<img src=""HEAVY.png""><br>When an INFANTRY model shoots a {{c1::Heavy}} weapon, subtract 1 from the hit rolls when resolving that weapon's attacks if the firing model's unit has moved for any reason this turn (e.g. it made a Normal Move this turn)." In <i>War Zone Nephilim</i> missions, players generate a Command point during {{c1::every}}<i>&nbsp;</i>Command phase, not just their own – doubling the generation rate. e1fc3774df91485f802129a8e71ead9a-oa-1Use this Stratagem after you have made a hit roll, a wound roll, a damage roll, a saving throw, an Advance roll, a charge roll, a Psychic test, a Deny the Witch test or you have rolled the dice to determine the number of attacks made by a weapon. Re-roll that roll, test or saving throw."<img src=""command_re-roll-header.png"">""<img src=""e1fc3774df91485f802129a8e71ead9a-oa-1-Q.svg"">""<img src=""e1fc3774df91485f802129a8e71ead9a-oa-1-A.svg"">""<img src=""e1fc3774df91485f802129a8e71ead9a-oa-O.svg"">" 88a0395156fb40cb84284d34821d0662-oa-1Use this Stratagem before you take a Morale test for a unit in your army. That test is automatically passed (do not roll any dice). You can only use this Stratagem once per battle."<img src=""insane_bravery-header.png"">""<img src=""88a0395156fb40cb84284d34821d0662-oa-1-Q.svg"">""<img src=""88a0395156fb40cb84284d34821d0662-oa-1-A.svg"" />""<img src=""88a0395156fb40cb84284d34821d0662-oa-O.svg"">" What are the five types of ranged weapons?"<div><img src=""ASSAULT.png""><img src=""HEAVY.png""><img src=""RAPID FIRE.png""><img src=""GRENADE.png""><img src=""PISTOL.png""><br></div><ol><li>Assault&nbsp;</li><li>Heavy</li><li>Rapid Fire</li><li>Grenade</li><li>Pistol</li></ol>" "<img src=""ASSAULT.png"">"ASSAULT "<img src=""HEAVY.png"">"HEAVY "<img src=""RAPID FIRE.png"">"RAPID FIRE "<img src=""GRENADE.png"">"GRENADE "<img src=""PISTOL.png"">"PISTOL "<img src=""assault-header.png""><br>[sound:assault.mp3]""If a unit includes any models equipped with Assault weapons, that unit is still eligible to shoot with in your <a href=""https://wahapedia.ru/wh40k9ed/the-rules/core-rules/#SHOOTING-PHASE"">Shooting phase</a> even if it has Advanced this turn, but you can only <a href=""https://wahapedia.ru/wh40k9ed/the-rules/core-rules/#Making-Attacks"">resolve attacks</a> using those Assault weapons when you select that unit to shoot with. If a model shoots an Assault weapon in the same turn in which its unit has Advanced, subtract 1 from hit rolls when resolving that weapon’s attacks.<br><ul><li>Can be shot even if the firing model's unit Advanced.</li><li>Subtract 1 from hit rolls if the firing model's unit Advanced.</li></ul>" "<img src=""heavy-header.png""><br>[sound:heavy.mp3]"When an INFANTRY model shoots a Heavy weapon, subtract 1 from the hit rolls when resolving that weapon’s attacks if the firing model’s unit has moved for any reason this turn (e.g. it made a Normal Move this turn).<div><br><ul><li>Subtract 1 from hit rolls if firing model is INFANTRY and its unit has moved this turn.</li></ul></div> "<img src=""rapid_fire-header.png""><br>[sound:rapid_fire-85c307f6b75085893d0adb9c82aee60f95c73dd7.mp3]"When a model shoots a Rapid Fire weapon, double the number of attacks it makes if its target is within half the weapon’s range.<br><ul><li>Double number of attacks made if target is within half range.</li></ul> "<img src=""grenade-header.png""><br>[sound:grenade.mp3]""When a unit shoots, one model that is equipped with a Grenade in that unit can <a href=""https://wahapedia.ru/wh40k9ed/the-rules/core-rules/#Making-Attacks"">resolve attacks</a> with it instead of shooting any other weapons.<br><ul><li>Only one model can use a Grenade when its unit shoots.</li></ul>" "<img src=""pistol-header.png""><br>[sound:pistol.mp3]""A model can make attacks with a Pistol even when its unit is within Engagement Range of enemy units, but it must target an enemy unit that is within Engagement Range of its own unit when it does so. In such circumstances, the model can target an enemy unit even if other friendly units are within Engagement Range of the same enemy unit.<br><br>When a model equipped with both a Pistol and another type of ranged weapon (e.g. a Pistol and a Rapid Fire weapon) shoots, it can either shoot with its Pistol(s) or with its other ranged weapons. Choose which it will fire (Pistols or non-Pistols) before selecting targets.<br><ul><li>Can be shot even if the firing model's unit is within Engagement Range of enemy unit.</li><li>Cannot be shot alongside any other type of weapon.</li></ul>" b531c7ee78d948bf839c8e6c0e2322d1-oa-1Use this Stratagem after an enemy unit has fought in this turn. Select one of your own eligible units and fight with it next.<br>"<img src=""counter_offensive-header-376d1189824881cd0816d66aa69f630bb5329f67.png"">""<img src=""b531c7ee78d948bf839c8e6c0e2322d1-oa-1-Q.svg"">""<img src=""b531c7ee78d948bf839c8e6c0e2322d1-oa-1-A.svg"">""<img src=""b531c7ee78d948bf839c8e6c0e2322d1-oa-O.svg"">" 7a9838bfa78c407a92c389665def31f6-oa-1"Use this Stratagem when a TRANSPORT model from your army is destroyed. All units that are embarked within that model can be set up wholly within 6"" of the destroyed model when they disembark instead of the normal 3"" before the model itself is removed from the battlefield. These units are not affected by the destroyed model's Explodes ability (or equivalent) — instead you must roll one D6 for each model you just set up on the battlefield. Instead of one model that disembarked (your choice) being destroyed for each roll of 1, one model that disembarked (your choice) is destroyed for each roll of 1 or 2. Units cannot declare a charge or perform a Heroic Intervention in the same turn that they disembarked from a destroyed TRANSPORT model.""<img src=""emergency_disembarkation-header.png"">""<img src=""7a9838bfa78c407a92c389665def31f6-oa-1-Q.svg"">""<img src=""7a9838bfa78c407a92c389665def31f6-oa-1-A.svg"">""<img src=""7a9838bfa78c407a92c389665def31f6-oa-O.svg"">" 0bd89a4661c248a1aa57729d622b8bfb-oa-1Use this Stratagem after an enemy unit has declared a charge against one or more units from your army. One of the units that was chosen as the target of that charge can fire Overwatch before the charge roll is made."<img src=""fire_overwatch-header.png"" />""<img src=""0bd89a4661c248a1aa57729d622b8bfb-oa-1-Q.svg"" />""<img src=""0bd89a4661c248a1aa57729d622b8bfb-oa-1-A.svg"" />""<img src=""0bd89a4661c248a1aa57729d622b8bfb-oa-O.svg"">" 567eca0cf3ec42a39e0862b9296bfcfb-oa-1Use this Stratagem in your Movement phase. Select one unit from your army that has not been selected to move this phase and which is in Engagement Range with at least one enemy unit. Roll one D6 for each model in that unit; for each result of 1, one model in that unit of your choice is destroyed. Assuming that unit was not destroyed, it can now attempt to Fall Back, and when doing so its models can be moved across enemy models as if they were not there. Any model in that unit that ends its Fall Back move within Engagement Range of any enemy model is destroyed. Assuming the unit is not destroyed, it cannot do anything else this turn (i.e. it cannot attempt to manifest psychic powers, shoot, declare a charge, be selected to fight etc.), even if it has a rule that would allow it to do so after Falling Back."<img src=""desperate_breakout-header.png"" />""<img src=""567eca0cf3ec42a39e0862b9296bfcfb-oa-1-Q.svg"" />""<img src=""567eca0cf3ec42a39e0862b9296bfcfb-oa-1-A.svg"" />""<img src=""567eca0cf3ec42a39e0862b9296bfcfb-oa-O.svg"">" ce7fa732c5824caa882de271e1a89d66-oa-1Use this Stratagem when an enemy unit Falls Back, before any models in that unit are moved. Roll one D6 for each model from your army that is within Engagement Range of that enemy unit; for each result of 6, that enemy unit suffers 1 mortal wound."<img src=""cut_them_down-header.png"">""<img src=""ce7fa732c5824caa882de271e1a89d66-oa-1-Q.svg"" />""<img src=""ce7fa732c5824caa882de271e1a89d66-oa-1-A.svg"" />""<img src=""ce7fa732c5824caa882de271e1a89d66-oa-O.svg"">" When you shoot a unit, if only one model can see, only that model can shoot.Shooting LoS2truefalse1When you shoot a unit, if only one enemy model can be seen, even if you kill the only visible model, you continue resolving attacks against the unit, as visibility and range are only checked when you select targets. "Some models have the {{c1::CHARACTER}} keyword. These models can make <a href=""https://wahapedia.ru/wh40k9ed/the-rules/core-rules/#2.-Heroic-Interventions"">Heroic Interventions</a> in <a href=""https://wahapedia.ru/wh40k9ed/the-rules/core-rules/#CHARGE-PHASE"">Charge Phase</a> and are not easy targets in the <a href=""https://wahapedia.ru/wh40k9ed/the-rules/core-rules/#SHOOTING-PHASE"">Shooting Phase</a> (see Look out, Sir, rule). If your Warlord has the {{c1::CHARACTER}} keyword he may be able to have a Warlord Trait (see Warlord Trait section on model’s faction page).<br><br>Note that {{c1::CHARACTERS}} cannot use their Aura Abilities while <a href=""https://wahapedia.ru/wh40k9ed/the-rules/core-rules/#Performing-Actions"">performing actions</a>." "<img src=""Move.png"">"<b>Move (M)</b>: This is the speed at which a model moves across the battlefield. If a model has a Move of ‘-’ it is unable to move at all. "<img src=""WS.png"">""<b>Weapon Skill (WS)</b>: This tells you a model’s skill at hand-to-hand fighting. If a model has a Weapon Skill of ‘-’ it is unable to fight in melee at all." "<img src=""BS.png"">""<b>Ballistic Skill (BS)</b>: This shows how accurate a model is when shooting with ranged weapons. If a model has a Ballistic Skill of ‘-’ it has no proficiency with ranged weapons and cannot make attacks with ranged weapons at all." "<img src=""S.png"">"<b>Strength (S)</b>: This indicates how physically strong a model is and how likely it is to inflict damage in hand-to-hand combat. "<img src=""T.png"">"<b>Toughness (T)</b>: This reflects the model’s resilience against physical harm. "<img src=""W.png"">"<b>Wounds (W)</b>: Wounds show how much damage a model can sustain before it succumbs to its injuries. "<img src=""A.png"">""<b>Attacks (A)</b>: This tells you how many times a model can strike blows in hand-to-hand combat. If a model has an Attacks of ‘-’ it is unable to fight in melee at all." "<img src=""Ld.png"">"<b>Leadership (Ld)</b>: This reveals how courageous, determined or self-controlled a model is. "<img src=""Sv.png"">"<b>Save (Sv)</b>: This indicates the protection a model’s armour gives. "<img src=""Range.png"">""<b>Range</b>: How far the weapon can shoot. Weapons with a range of ‘Melee’ are melee weapons and can only be used in hand-to-hand combat. All other weapons are ranged weapons. Some weapons have a minimum and maximum range, for example 6""-48""; such weapons cannot target units that are wholly within the shorter range." "<img src=""Type.png"">""<b>Type</b>: These are all explained under the <a href=""https://wahapedia.ru/wh40k9ed/the-rules/core-rules/#SHOOTING-PHASE"">Shooting</a> and <a href=""https://wahapedia.ru/wh40k9ed/the-rules/core-rules/#FIGHT-PHASE"">Fight phases</a> of the basic rules. These types are denoted by symbols on the condensed datasheet." "<img src=""Strengh_Weapons.png"">""<b>Strength (S)</b>: How likely the weapon is to wound a foe. If a weapon’s Strength lists ‘User’, it is equal to the bearer’s Strength characteristic. If a weapon lists a modifier (e.g. ‘+1’ or ‘x2’), modify the bearer’s Strength characteristic as shown (e.g. if a weapon’s Strength was ‘x2’, and the bearer had a Strength of 6, that weapon has a Strength of 12)." "<img src=""AP.png"">"<b>Armour Penetration (AP)</b>: How good the weapon’s attacks are at getting through armour. "<img src=""D.png"">"<b>Damage (D)</b>: The amount of damage inflicted by a successful wound. Strategic Reserve units cannot arrive in the {{c1::first}} battle round.