Autodesk Revit Structure Tutorial What is Revit Structure/Architecture? • Revit architecture is a robust architecture designs and documentation software application created by Autodesk for architecture design and building professionals. • The tools and features up Revit Architecture are in particular. Revit Architecture design to support to building information modeling (BIM) works. Revit architecture is able to support information in application, models to allowing complex building structures to be accurately. What are the benefits of using Revit architecture? Persons who are currently work in or are pursuing careers in architecture and other building professional fields. Revit architecture is a very commercial software That is provided a large project to complete a few time. Option Bar The option bar is vested blew at the ribbon. Option bar provided the sub tool of selected tools and get's the information of element. Type Selector The option bar is vested blew at the ribbon. Option bar provided the sub tool of selected tools and get's the information of element. Properties Palette • Properties palette is mode-less dialog box that is provided me view and modify, property palette give the information of selected element, if you want any changing of element so can to do, and you can modify the element such as you want. If you want the show the project palette on work place, so you select the “view” and select user interface then select the project browser. Project Browser Project Browser is a most important in Revit that is show the logical information history of all view, schedule, site, family, groups level, grid, and other part of current project. If you want the show the project palette on work place, so you select the “view” and select user interface then select the project browser. View Control Bar View control bar provided we how to see the project such as Scale, Show and hide rendering dialog, Reveal hidden element, Detail level, Sun path on/off, Visual style, lock/unlock 3d view, Shadows on/off, crop view, Show and hide crop region, temporary hide/isolate, and any much more. View control bar located bottom in the view window above the status bar. Drawing Area We are work this place that is called the drawing area in Revit. Drawing area show the current project and see the view as you want, drawing area provided we, that project which as show in view. Placing Grids Copy grids & set grid bubbles Display Floor or Structural levels in Project Browser Placing Columns This Ribbon appears Placing Beams This Ribbon appears Placing Floor/Grating/Slab etc. This Ribbon appears