STUDENT LAB REPORT Program: Ownership: Version: Course Name: Course Code: Mode of Delivery: EE242/CEEE242 Semester: 4 Discipline of Power 4.0 Date Issued: March 2022 ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING LABORATORY III EPO562 ✔ Face to Face Virtual CHARACTERISTICS OF DIRECT CURRENT MOTOR LAB REPORT SUBMISSION DEADLINE: 1 WEEK AFTER LAB SESSION Prepared by: Student ID: 1. MUHAMMAD FARIS NAJMI BIN AZEMI 2022971859 2. MUHAMMAD BIN NOH 2022981281 3. MUHAMMAD ARIFUDDIN BIN ROSDIN 2022786411 4. MUHAMMAD ANAS BIN ALIF 2022900677 5. MUHAMMAD HAFIZI BIN MOHD ZAKI 2022978137 Group: Lab Instructor: B2 Lab Date: 12/1/2023 Submission Date: 19/1/2023 PROFESOR MADYA IR DR NURUL HUDA BINTI ABD RAHMAN GRADING SECTION Program: EE242/CEEE242 Semester: Ownership: Discipline of Power Version: 4.0 Course Name: ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING LABORATORY III Course Code: EPO562 Mode of Delivery: ✔ Date Issued: Face to Face 4 March 2022 Virtual CHARACTERISTICS OF DIRECT CURRENT MOTOR (Part A) Assessment Criteria * Marks Allocated Results: ● List all the data collected and show them graphically. ● Present and label clearly the figures, tables and graphs. ● Exhibit significant results of the project 30.00 Discussions: ● Discuss and analyze all results thoroughly. ● Discuss and evaluate the experimental procedure to achieve the objectives ● Include calculation and interpret them by comparing with theoretical values. ● Explain the reason on each interpretation 30.00 Conclusions: ● Summarize the whole experimental results ● State whether your results support your theory ● Comments about its success and effectiveness. ● Explain your achievements, problems and suggestions. 10.00 Grammar: Written with correct grammar e.g., sentence structure, tenses and spelling 5.00 Weighted Marks Obtained (WMO) Total Part (A) 75.00 *Notes: All criteria in Part (A) and Part (B) are assessed based on the PO2 and PO10 of Lab Report Evaluation rubrics. (Part B) Assessment Criteria* Marks Allocated Remarks Pre-Lab Students need to answer and submit all pre-lab in the report. 15. 00 Pre-lab is assessed based on the marking scheme of the respective laboratory Quizzes Students need to submit answers for quizzes in the lab report. 10. 00 Quizzes are assessed based on the marking scheme of the respective laboratory Total Part (B) 25. 00 TOTAL ((A) + (B)) /100% Instructor’s Comments: Marks Obtained RUBRIC LABORATORY EPO562 ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING LABORATORY III SCHOOL OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING, UNIVERSITI TEKNOLOGI MARA COURSE: ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING LABORATORY III EXPERIMENT`S TITLE: COURSE CODE: EPO562 CHARACTERISTICS OF DIRECT CURRENT MOTOR EXPERIMENT NO: GROUP: B2 PROGRAMME CODE: CEEE223 EXPERIMENT DATE: 12/1/2023 SUBMISSION DATE: 19/1/2023 INSTRUCTOR`S NAME: PROFESOR MADYA IR DR NURUL HUDA BINTI ABD RAHMAN Analyze Experimental Findings (PO2: 30%) - (To be filled by instructor) Assessment Criteria Marks Allocated Marks 0 1 2 Weighted Marks 3 4 5 Obtained (WMO) Results: This section should include the following: • List all the data collected and show them graphically. • Present and label clearly the figures and graphs. Exhibit significant results of the project 30 No results Results do not meet laboratory’s objective Results are incomplete with inaccurate analysis Results are available without analysis Results are available with inaccurate analysis Results are available with accurate analysis Pre-Lab Students need to answer and submit all pre-lab in the report. 15 Pre-lab is assessed based on the marking scheme of the respective laboratory Quizzes Students need to submit answers for quizzes in the lab report. 10 Quizzes are assessed based on the marking scheme of the respective laboratory TOTAL 55 (=M X 6) Group Demonstration Evaluation (PO5: 40%) - (To be filled by instructor) Assessment Criteria Marks Allocated Marks 1 2 3 4 5 Weighted Marks Obtained (WMO) Ability to follow lab manual procedures accurately 10 Wrong setup where all elements did not meet the lab procedures requirement Partially wrong setup where at least 2 elements did not meet the lab procedures requirement Partially wrong setup where at least 1 element did not meet the lab procedures requirement Correct setup but needs refinement Correct and accurate setup that meets all the lab procedures requirement (=M X 2) Data Collection has been 15 Data are wrongly Data are presented with Data are presented Data are correctly (=M X 3) presented during observation and tabulation 3 mistakes with 3 mistakes made during observation/ tabulation Data are presented with 2 mistakes made during observation/ tabulation with 1 mistake made during observation/ tabulation presented during observation / tabulation Very poor ability and totally requires help from the instructor Poor ability and often requires help from the instructor Good ability and requires minimal help from the instructor Excellent ability in using tools independently presented and elaborate clearly Demonstrate the ability in using appropriate tools 15 TOTAL 40 Average ability and sometimes requires help from the instructor (=M X 3) Instructor Evaluation (PO9: 7.5%) – (To be filled by instructor) Write the name of each of your group members in a separate column. For each person, indicate the extent to which you agree with the statement on the left, using a scale of 0 to 5 (0=not applicable; 1=strongly disagree; 2=disagree; 3=neutral; 4=agree; 5=strongly agree). Total the numbers in each column. Evaluation Criteria Marks Allocated Group member 1 MUHAMMAD FARIS NAJMI BIN AZEMI Group member 2 Group member Group member Group member Weighted 3 4 5 Marks Obtained MUHAMMAD MUHAMMAD MUHAMMAD MUHAMMAD (WMO) BIN NOH ARIFUDDIN ANAS BIN HAFIZI BIN BIN ROSDIN ALIF MOHD ZAKI 2022971859 2022981281 Marks (M) 0-5 Marks (M) 0-5 2022786411 Marks (M) 0-5 2022900677 Marks (M) 0-5 2022978137 Marks (M) 0-5 Participate in group discussions 1.875 (=M X 0.375) Contributes significantly to the success of the experiment. 1.875 (=M X 0.375) Demonstrates a cooperative and supportive attitude. 1.875 (=M X 0.375) Quality of complet ed work TOTAL 1.8 75 (=M X 0.37 5) 7.5 Lab Report Evaluation (PO10: 15%) - (To be filled by instructor) Assessment Criteria Conclusions: The conclusion should mention the following: • Summarize the whole experimental results • State whether your results support your theory • Comments about its success and effectiveness. Explain your achievements, problems and suggestions. Marks Allocated 10 Mar ks 0 1 No conclusions Not clearly stated 2 3 Only 1 Only 2 element elements clearly clearly stated stated 4 5 Only 3 All elements elements clearly clearly stated stated Weighted Marks Obtained (WMO) (=M x 2) Discussions: This section should include: • Discuss and analyse all results thoroughly. Discuss and evaluate the experimental procedure to achieve the objectives • Include calculation and interpret them by comparing with theoretical values. Explain the reason on each interpretation Grammar: Written with correct grammar e.g., sentence structure, tenses and spelling TOTAL 45 5 Grammatically incorrect sentence 30 No discussions Very poor language ability where more than 3 mistakes are observed in each paragraph Not clearly stated Poor language ability where, on average, about 3 mistakes are observed in each paragraph Only 1 Only 2 element elements clearly clearly stated stated Average language ability where, on average, about 2 mistakes are observed in each paragraph Only 3 elements clearly stated Good language ability was, on average about 1 mistake is observed in each paragraph All elements clearly stated Excellent language ability were only a few grammatical errors are observed in the whole report (=M x 6) (=M x 1) 1. RESULTS 1. Series Excited DC Motor Figure 1: Connection of Series DC motor in manual lab As shown in Figure 1, a series DC motor circuit must be set up , including metering, a DC supply, connections for the armature winding and field winding, and field winding connections, for this experiment. Before activating the supply, we then verify that the connections have been made correctly. Before starting the motor, ensure that the control units are set to their rated settings. After activating the isolator switch and pressing the green button, we must turn on the control unit. The voltage must then be increased to 220 V and the DC power supply must be activated. Throughout the experiment, the voltage must be maintained at 220 V. Increase the load (torque) incrementally until the armature current Ia ranges from 0.8 A to 2.4 A. The reading must be used to calculate the torque (Nm) and speed (rpm) values for each load. Determine the input power (W), output power (W), and efficiency (%) for each stage as the final step. 1 The shunt DC motors are connected. by using a DC motor, electrical energy is converted into mechanical energy. In a DC motor, direct current from the DC power source provides the electrical energy input, which is then converted to alternating current by the autotransformer, resulting in mechanical rotation. The DC power source is connected to a voltmeter, and two ammeters are connected to ports 1B1 and E1. A torque or torsion meter attached to a DC motor measures torque or torsion in a shaft. 2 1. Tabulate the data obtained from the series motor experiment in Table 4.1 below. Table 4.1 Armature Torque, Speed, Output Input Efficiency Current, T N Power, Power, (%) Ia (A) (Nm) (rpm) Po(W) Pin(W) 0.7 0 3203 0 154 0 0.9 0.1 2677 28.03 198 14.16 1.1 0.2 2323 48.65 242 20.10 1.3 0.3 2115 66.44 286 23.23 1.5 0.5 1929 101.00 330 30.61 1.7 0.6 1778 111.72 374 29.87 1.9 0.7 1667 122.20 418 29.23 2.0 0.8 1602 134.21 440 30.50 2.1 0.85 1549 137.88 462 29.84 2.2 0.95 1481 147.34 484 30.44 2.3 1.10 1432 164.95 506 32.60 2.4 1.05 1375 151.19 528 28.63 In this Series DC motor experiment, the following equation defines the motor's electrical power consumption. Pin = I * V, with Pin being the input power in watts (W), I being the current in amperes (A), and V being the applied voltage in volts (V). The value of I is determined by the armature current Ia in table 4.1, while the value of V is a constant 220V. Two crucial factors determine the strength of a motor, which is designed to perform work. It is the speed and torque, or turning force, of the motor. Using the following formula, one could calculate the motor's output mechanical power. Pout = T *, where Pout represents the output power, measured in watts (W), T represents the torque, measured in Newton meters (N•m), and represents the angular velocity, measured in radians per second (rad/s). If the motor's rotational speed is measured in revolutions per minute, it is simple to calculate the angular velocity: ω = rpm * 2π / 60 where represents the angular velocity in radians per second (rad/s), rpm represents the rotational speed in revolutions per minute, and represents the mathematical constant pi (3.14). 60 seconds comprise one minute. 3 Thus, the formula Pout = T * (rpm * 2 / 60) is used. If the motor is 100 percent efficient, all of the electrical energy is converted to mechanical energy. There are no such motors, however. Even modestly manufactured precision industrial motors, such as the generator motor in our generator kit, have a maximum efficiency of 50-60%. Typically, the maximum efficiency of motors built with our kits is about 15%. Formula: E = (Pout / Pin) * 100. When the input power, Pin, is 506W and the output power, Pout, is 164.95W, the highest efficiency for a series DC motor has been measured to be 32.60 percent. The armature current value of 2.3A has generated a torque value of 1.10Nm and a speed value of 1432 rpm. 4 Figure 3 : Torque, T against armature current, Ia for Series DC Motor The figure 3 shows torque is directly proportional to the product of armature current in the graph. The relationship between torque and armature current is directly. As a as a result, the armature current will increase as the torque of the DC motor increases. Figure 4 : Speed, N against armature current, Ia for Series DC Motor 5 The figure 4 shows that speed is inversely proportional to armature current in the graph. The relationship between speed and armature current is inverse. As a result, the armature current will drop as the speed of the DC motor increases. Figure 5 : Efficiency, η against armature current, Ia for Series DC Motor The figure 5 shows that efficiency is directly proportional to armature current in the graph. The relationship between efficiency and armature current is direct. As a result, the armature current will increases as the efficiency of the DC motor increases 6 Figure 6 : Speed, N against torque, T for Series DC Motor The figure 6 shows that speed is inversely proportional to torque in the graph. The relationship between speed and torque is inverse. As a result, the torque will increases as the speed of the DC motor will drop. 7 2. Shunt Excited DC Motor Figure 7: Connection of Shunt DC Motor For this experiment, as shown in Figure 7 we must set up a shunt DC motor circuit, including the metering, DC supply, armature winding, and field winding connection. Before turning on the power, we then double-check the connections to ensure they are secure. Before starting the motor, ensure that the control units are set to their rated settings. After activating the isolator switch and pressing the green button, we must turn on the control unit. The voltage must then be increased to 220 V and the DC power supply must be activated. Throughout the experiment, the voltage must be maintained at 220 V. Increase the load (torque) incrementally until the armature current Ia ranges from 0.3 A to 2.3 A. From the reading, the field current If, speed, and load torque (Nm) for each load must be recorded. Determine the input power (W), output power (W), and efficiency (%) for each stage as the final step. 8 Figure 8: Shunt DC motor connection The connection of the shunt DC motors is shown in Figure 2. Using a DC motor, electrical energy is converted into mechanical energy. In a DC motor, direct current from the DC power source provides the electrical energy input, which is then converted to alternating current by the autotransformer, resulting in mechanical rotation. The DC power source is connected to a voltmeter, and two ammeters are connected to ports 1B1 and E1. A torque or torsion meter attached to a DC motor measures torque or torsion in a shaft. 9 2. Tabulate the data obtained from the series motor experiment in Table 4.2 below. Table 4.2 Armature Field Torque, Speed, Output Input Efficiency Current, Current, T N Power, Power , (%) Ia (A) If (A) (Nm) (rpm) Po(W) Pin(W) 0.7 0.55 0.05 2097 10.9799 154 7.13 0.9 0.5 0.2 2083 43.6264 198 22.03 1.1 0.55 0.3 2074 65.1568 242 26.92 1.3 0.55 0.4 2066 86.5406 286 30.26 1.5 0.55 0.5 2062 107.9663 330 32.72 1.7 0.55 0.6 2048 128.6799 374 34.41 1.9 0.55 0.7 2030 148.8071 418 35.60 2.1 0.55 0.8 2022 169.3951 462 36.67 2.3 0.54 0.85 1994 177.4899 506 35.08 2.4 0.54 0.95 2008 199.7639 528 37.83 In this Shunt DC motor experiment, the following formula defines the motor's electrical power consumption. Pin = I * V, where Pin represents the input power in watts, I represents the current in amperes, and V represents the applied voltage in volts (V). The value for I is derived from the armature current Ia in table 4.2, while the value for V is a constant 220V. Motors are designed to perform work, and the motor's strength is determined by two crucial factors. It is the speed and torque of the motor, or its turning force. The output mechanical power of the motor could be calculated using the following formula. Pout = T *, where Pout is the output power (in watts), T is the torque (in Newton meters), and is the angular velocity (in radians per second). If the motor's rotational speed is expressed in revolutions per minute, it is straightforward to calculate angular speed: ω = rpm * 2π / 60 is the angular velocity in radians per second (rad/s) and rpm is the rotational speed in revolutions per minute (3.14). 60 seconds comprise one minute. 10 Therefore, Pout = T * (rpm * 2 / 60) / 60. If the efficiency of the motor is 100 percent, all the electrical energy is converted into mechanical energy. However, such motors do not exist. Even modest precision-manufactured industrial motors, such as the generator motor in our generator kit, have maximum efficiencies between 50 and 60%. Typically, the maximum efficiency of motors constructed using our kits is approximately 15%. In this experiment involving a Series DC motor, calculating the motor's efficiency requires dividing the mechanical output power by the electrical input power multiplied by 100 percent, or E = (Pout / Pin) * 100. The highest efficiency for a shunt DC motor was 37.83 percent when the input power, Pin, was 528W and the output power, Pout, was 199.7639W. The value of 2.4A armature current produced 0.95Nm of torque and 2008 rpm of speed. 11 Figure 9 : Torque, T against armature current, Ia for Shunt DC Motor The figure 9 shows torque is directly proportional to the product of armature current in the graph. The relationship between torque and armature current is directly. As a as a result, the armature current will increases as the torque of the DC motor increases. Figure 10 : Speed, N against armature current, Ia for Shunt DC Motor 12 The figure 10 shows that speed of DC motor directly proportional to armature current in the beginning. The armature current will increases as the speed of the DC motor wil increases However, at point where field current, Ir is 0.68A, speed is inversely proportional to armature current in the graph. The armature current will increases as the speed of the DC motor will drop Figure 11 : Efficiency, η against armature current, Ia for Shunt DC Motor The figure 11 shows that efficiency is directly proportional to armature current in the graph. The relationship between efficiency and armature current is direct. As a result, The armature current will increase as the efficiency of the DC motor increases. 13 Figure 12 : Speed, N against torque, T for Shunt DC Motor The figure 12 shows that speed of DC motor directly proportional to torque in the beginning. The torque will increase as the speed of the DC motor increases as well. However, at point where field current, Ir is 0.68A, speed is inversely proportional to torque in the graph. The torque will increases as the speed of the DC motor will drop 14 2. DISCUSSION 1. Describe the relationship between torque, speed, and efficiency with respect to the armature current for series and shunt motor. The Series DC Motor is like any other motor because the main function of this motor is to convert the electrical energy to mechanical energy. The operation of this motor depends on the electromagnetic principle. Whenever the magnetic field formed, a current carrying conductor cooperates with an exterior magnetic field then rotating motion can be generated. The relationship between torque, speed, and efficiency is torque is directly proportional to the product of armature current which is 𝑇𝑎∝ 𝐼𝑎. As the torque increases the armature current is increased. This can show in the graph. For DC series motors, field winding connected in series with armature 𝐼𝑎=𝐼𝑓. The Shunt DC Motor, torque is proportional to armature current. When voltage is applied to the motor, the armature draws current sufficient to produce a strong magnetic field, which interacts with the magnetic field produced by the shunt windings causing the armature to rotate. The flux is constant, the torque increases as the load of a current increases. The load current increases, the armature current increases but the speed falls slightly due to an increase in voltage drop in the armature. 2. Do the experimental results are consistent with the expected results? Discuss any discrepancies and explain possible causes. Suggest or recommend how the error can be reduced. No, the experiments do not produce the expected results due to the possibility of errors in the machinery and measuring equipment, as well as human errors or parallax errors that may occur when reading measurements during experimentation. Errors may also occur when the circuit is improperly connected. Due to the possibility of corrosion, the machine must be frequently inspected and maintained in order to reduce error. In addition, for a precise or accurate measurement, the eye must be parallel to the eyes for a good or accurate reading. Before conducting the experiment, the student must verify the connection. 15 3. Compare the performance characteristics of the series and shunt motor as the load increases. The characteristics of the series and shunt motor as the load increase, the load current increase, the armature current increase and the armature torque increase. The difference between series and shunt is the torque value. As the for-Series DC motor the torque value increased exponentially while the shunt DC motor is quite slow as it can self-regulate its speed and can be referred to as a constant motor. 4. State the advantages and disadvantages of both series and shunt DC motor type. The advantages of a series DC motor is that it has the highest starting torque for a given power rating and it is cheaper as it has straightforward design and is easy to assemble. The disadvantage is the speed regulation is low as the load increases the speed of the motor decreases, the increased speed the torque of the motor decreases sharply. The advantages of a shunt DC motor are the power supply is cheap, the shunt can be determined to run at a predetermined speed and the speed of a dc shunt motor is sufficiently constant. The disadvantage of shunt DC motor is unreliable at low-speed operation, the installation of DC machine is expensive and shunt motor is a constant speed it would disadvantage when speed need to be in variable speed. 16 3. CONCLUSION In conclusion, from data that we were get from the experimental result, we can realized the series and shunt motor produce the different speed of motor if we manipulate the armature current. For the series motor, if we increase the armature current the speed of motor decrease significantly. But, If we increase the armature current for the shunt motor the speed produced slightly changes and characteristic for the current on the field shows only some of the data retrieved changed. This data proves the theory for the series motor which the torque T, in general, is proportional to the product of magnetic flux and the armature current. The data also proves that a certain value of the field circuit resistance, the field current If is constant, and thus the magnetic flux Ф is also a constant for the shunt motor. Last but not least, in this experiment, we learned the the relationship between torque, speed,and efficiency with the armature current or torque for series and shunt DC motors. Thus, we are now able to to compare the performance characteristic between series and shunt DC motors. Finally, we are able to run this experiment smoothly and get the result as the theory that we learned from learning session. 17 4. PRE LAB 18 19 20 21 5. QUIZ HISTORY OF DC MOTOR The history of DC motors dates back to the nineteenth century. William Sturgeon, a British physicist, invented the first DC motor capable of powering machines in 1832. Davenport invented the DC motor. Thomas Davenport, an American scientist, expanded on Sturgeon's first work. In 1837, Davenport received a patent for the first operational DC motor he invented. However, Davenport encountered concerns with battery power costs when the motors were operating. This rendered the motors useless over time. After Davenport's first innovation, other innovators started developing concepts. Russian engineer Moritz von Jacobi created the first spinning DC motor in 1834. The engine designed by Jacobi became renowned for its power, which would subsequently establish a world record. Jacobi went on to develop an even more powerful engine, surpassing his own 1838 record for power. Jacobi's creation of this motor inspired others to build and manufacture additional DC motors with the same power. In 1864, Antonio Pacinotti achieved a breakthrough with the invention of the ring armature. The ring armature now plays a major role in the construction of DC motors; it conducts current via the grouped coils. Even with all the improvements during the 19th century, 1886 may have been the most significant. Julian Sprague was the creator of a DC motor capable of maintaining a constant speed under varied loads. The innovation of Sprague would lead to the commercialization of the DC motor. This would include the first variants of electric elevators and trams. These advancements increased the demand for both commercial and household motors. Today, DC motors are used extensively in several sectors, including healthcare, food service, and numerous industrial situations. The adoption of DC motors has greatly increased the productivity of industry, since machines can now operate with a reliable supply of power and speed. DC motors have facilitated the day-to-day operations of several different businesses by replacing large amounts of manual labor with motorized machinery. 22