Discussion Board Rubric Proficient Exceeding Expectations Meeting Expectations Not Proficient Developing Beginning The prompt is fully and expertly addressed. The prompt is competently addressed. The prompt is partially addressed. The prompt is not fully addressed. The author smoothly integrates research/support into their ideas and analysis. The author integrates research/support into their ideas and analysis, but the integration is not always smooth, and/or some of the conclusions are not fully supported. The author sometimes integrates research/support into their ideas and analysis, though the integration is not always smooth, and/or some of the conclusions are not fully supported. The author rarely integrates research/support into their ideas and analysis, the integration is not smooth, and/or conclusions are not fully supported. Response Quality Responds to classmates with unique insight and builds on conversation by offering new information to further conversation. Responds to classmates and builds on conversation by offering information to further conversation. Responds to classmates and builds on conversation, though information is sometimes disconnected or does not further the discussion. May not fully respond to classmates. Comments seem disconnected and/or do not further the discussion. Grammar and Spelling Spelling and/or grammar show expert understanding. Spelling and/or grammar show competent understanding. Spelling and/or grammar sometimes show understanding, but mistakes may distract from understanding of the writing. Spelling and/or grammar show limited understanding, and mistakes distract from understanding of the writing. Integration of New Knowledge/Ideas Discussion Board Rubric Sources/Citations (Not included in all assignments) Sources fully and expertly support key points and are from a reputable authoritative source, including web sources. Expertly cites all data obtained from other sources. Correct citation style is used in both text and works cited. Sources competently support key points and are from a reputable authoritative source, including web sources. Competently cites most data obtained from other sources. Correct citation style is used in both text and works cited. Sources sometimes support key points and are usually from a reputable authoritative source, including web sources. Sometimes cites some data obtained from other sources. Citation style is inconsistent and/or incorrect. Sources don't fully support key points, and/or they may not be from a reputable authoritative source, including web sources. Does not cite sources.