Evolution Review Day With your shoulder partner, you need ONE IPAD with the following apps open: • Notes (create a new note with both your names at the top) • Safari: go to hellosmart.com (code: 571 989) Join as guest and ty pe both names in the username Evolution Review Day • You have 7 minutes at each station • Do not move on to the next station until the timer is up • W hen you’re done with all the stations, finish smart response and press submit Station 1 1. Read the story 2. Answer the questions about the story in your notes app on your iPad Station 1 Station 2 1. Look at the two pictures of the teddy grahams 2. Decide which pictures are an example of genetic drift and which are an example of gene flow (you can google those terms) 3. In your notes app, say which picture is which term and EXPLAIN WHY YOU KNOW Group A Original Population: Station 2 New population after chocolate bears immigrated: Group B Original Population: New population after a tornado went through the village: Station 3 1. The pictures you see are two different groups that have common ancestors. In your notes app, explain in your own words what COMMON ANCESTOR means. 2. Explain what about each group would cause scientists to have the theory that each group has a common ancestor Station 3 Group A Group B: Hominids Station 4 1. Open up hellosmart.com 2. Answer questions 1 and 2 about pedigrees Station 5 1. Open up hellosmart.com 2. Answer questions 3 and 4 about cladograms Quiz questions for teachers: answer is D Quiz questions for teachers: Answer is C If person 3 and 4 have a baby, what would its genotype be if it were a girl? (have to do a punnet square, remember that shaded is recessive) a. 100% homozygous recessive b. 100% homozygous dominant c. 100% heterozygous d. 50% homo recessive, 50% homo dominant Quiz questions for teachers: Answer is B Quiz questions for teachers: Answer is A According to the diagram, which animal shares the closest common ancestor with the amphibian? a. Primates b. Ray-Finned Fish c. Shark d. Crocodile