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Ruth B Drown The Forty Nine Degrees The Road to Divine Truth A Book

About the Author
Dr. Ruth B. Drown was born in Greeley, Colorado, on October 21, 1891, the
third of five children, and received her early education in Colorado.
Her inquisitive mind delved into scientific fields, and at a very early age she
evinced an aptitude for analyzing electronic therapy. Later, in the radio field,
she developed a crystal set using blood crystals, proving the affinity between
human blood and radio wave lengths.
Her scientific studies and inventions and discoveries were recorded in the
Journal of the Drown Radio Therapy, which was published monthly and
which she edited. An intensive student of Life Philosophy, she has lectured on
the theory of Radio Therapy and Philosophy of Life, and founded, edited and
distributed the magazine Philosophers' Stone, a spiritual compilation of helpful
She authored the WISDOM FROM ATLANTIS book on her philosophy of
life, and has written and taught this philosophy for more than forty years.
Highly spiritual, she is a staunch believer in the rights of the individual in
human affairs and relations. She has never been subsidized, and has earned all
monies for her research as an inventor and scientist and writer.
She wrote the text books SCIENCE AND PHILOSOPHY OF RADIO
from her teachings. She is the mother of a son and a daughter, and has four
grandsons. Her life has been lived normally as well as fully in scheduled
scientific fields, conducting clinics that exemplify her love of humanity in the
operation of her Radio Therapy Research for easing the suffering of people
from physical and mental stress.
A Book of Spiritual Understanding
and Discovery:
Presented by DR. RUTH B. DROWN
Library of Congress catalog card number: 57-14585
Flnt Edition
Copyright 1957 by Dr. Ruth B. Drown. All rights reserved. No part of this book may
be reproduced in any form without written permission from the publilhen, except for
brief passagee included in a review intended for publication in a m.apzine or newa·
Manufactured in the United Statee of America
Greenwich Book Publ.iahen
489 Fifth Ave.
New York, N. Y.
Approximately twenty-two years ago, a young man gave
to Dr. Ruth B. Drown the manuscripts of forty-eight of the
degrees contained herein, to do as she wished with them.
She has felt that while in the past it was meant for just a
few to read and study, now it is the right time for this book
of guidance to be made available to the public for the bene­
fit of all who read it.
Knowing that the book should contain forty-nine degrees,
(7 X 7), Dr. Drown wrote the missing Forty-Sixth Degree
and completed the book.
The young man who made her a gift of the manuscript
has since passed on, and she is now presenting to a world so
in need of the guidance and assistance contained in these
pages, the valuable, beautifully written THE
First Degree:
Second Degree:
Third Degree:
:Fourth Degree:
Fifth Degree:
Sixth Degree:
Seventh Degree:
Eighth Degree:
Ninth Degree:
Tenth Degree:
Eleventh Degree:
Twelfth Degree: .
Thirteenth Degree:
Fourteenth Degree:
Fifteenth Degree:
Sixteenth Degree:
Seventeenth Degree:
Eighteenth Degree:
Nineteenth Degree:
Twentieth Degree:
Twenty-first Degree:
Twenty-second Degree:
Twenty-third Degree:
Twenty-fourth Degree:
Twenty-fifth Degree:
Twenty-sixth Degree:
Twenty-seventh Degree:
Twenty-eighth Degree:
Twenty-ninth Degree:
Thirtieth Degree:
Thirty-first Degree:
Thirty-second Degree:
Thirty-third Degree:
Thirty-fourth Degree:
Thirty-fifth Degree:
Thirty-sixth Degree:
Thirty-seventh Degree:
Thirty-eighth Degree:
Thirty-ninth Degree:
Fortieth Degree:
Forty-first Degree:
Forty-second Degree:
Forty-third Degree:
Forty-fourth Degree:
Forty-fifth Degree:
Forty-sixth Degree:
Forty-seventh Degree:
Forty-eighth Degree:
Forty-ninth Degree:
"The day hath come when that which hath been hidden
shall be brought to Light, and that which hath slept shall
awaken. Heed, oh Earnest One, and thou shalt receive the
call and the anointing, if so be thou, will sacredly yield thy­
self to obedience.
In the Alpha and Omega of the Soul's Destiny there are
steps of progress which lead from darkness to Light. These
are set forth to thee in methods of Degrees, whereby, if thou
wilt give both obedience and patience, thou mayest unlock
the secret of thy journey from Heaven to Earth, and from
Earth again to Heaven. As hath been said by one of the
Masters : "He that ascendeth is he also who descendeth."
Study then, most carefully the Truths set before thee, oh
Earnest One, and become the Initiate of the Mysteries, the
user of the Powers, and the dispenser of its blessings. This
Truth is Universal, and is the Light of God that ever hath
been, and ever will be.
Those who pass through the stage of probation and candi­
dacy in receiving Truth are admitted to the sacrament of
Illumination, and to them it is given now, as in the ages of
the past, the name of Sons of Light or the Illuminati.
To earn the name a task is given. He who would perform
must undertake a great journey, and must be willing to go,
if need be, in the guise of a beggar, having neither money
nor shoes, little clothing, no means of defense and with the
token of a prisoner about his neck.
If he can thus assume, and earnestly live the life of hu­
mility befitting every candidate he will prove worthy the
privilege of extensive traveling in the course of which he
will learn many reliable lessons for his further preparation
as a workman, for in addition to his experience as a traveler,
he must be ready to become a Builder.
According to faithfulness Light will be given on the way,
also the implements of labor by which he will be able to
proceed in his work.
His ultimate destiny is to find the City and build the
Temple of the King. How, when and where it is to be built,
oh Earnest One, will be revealed as thine eyes and ears are
opened by the teachings of the Degrees.
Herein will be found the secret symbolism by which the
Truth through all ages hath found majestic utterance.
"He that would make a real progress in the knowledge
must dedicate his age, as well as youth; the latter growth, as
well as the first fruits at the Altar of Truth."-An old Egyp­
tian saying.
Heed this counsel, oh Earnest One, that thou mayest in
time pluck the ripe fruits of thy heart's desire.
See that thou !earnest to use the Key of Gold, called
Silence, first and last and which must always be with you.
Tell thy sacred thoughts only to thy God. He will counsel
and teach. Spill not thy Soul. What is revealed to thee keep
until thou canst transmute into simple forms for the hungry
who crave the Bread of Life.
Even as man by his faith, his clothes, his works, showeth
the pattern of his thoughts, so doth the great God-the In­
finite Creator, show the wondrous pattern of His wisdom in
the starry heavens, the fruitful earth, and all the fair crea­
tions thine eye beholdeth and thy mind conceiveth.
In the golden courses of the stars, the mystery of the days
and nights; in the secret form and beauty of the flowers, the
trees, the falling snowflakes, the flashing gem, and more
than all in the souls of men, hath God writ the message of
the pathway back to Him.
This revelation from the cradle of time, of earth and man,
hath been set forth in rude symbolic form; in wondrous
works of cunning and art, or in words of wisdom, given
straight to earnest ones from that voice of the Eternal that
speaketh ever to the ears that hear. To read this time-held
secret and to reveal its worth to all aspiring seekers after
truth's pure gold is our grand task; yea more, it is to
read aright the hidden mysteries of religion, that great
interpreter of God to His children from the beginning to
the end of human history.
Thus shall we seek to bring the treasures from the ancient
stones, the monoliths and pyramids, the lettered bricks and
cylinders, the matchless records of old Egypt's glorious mas­
onry, and from the living brotherhood of light who yet sur­
vive a mighty past. The light from the East is the Light that
lighteth the world; for there is but one Light, as there is
but one Sun. That Light is Truth.
One Universal Soul, itself changeless, absolutely perfect.
Many bodies, transitory, changeable, imperfect. One in
many. Readest thou in this the love of the ages? Seeth thou
in mineral, vegetable, or man, the One in its many guises?
From whence cometh life?·From Life. Thinkest thou life
can be dissected, separated, disintegrated? Nay, no more
than Light. The expression of life, like Light, can be inter­
cepted, deflected, diverted, but life itself, never! What is, is.
"TRUTH is the established relation which the FACTS
of NATURE sustain to each other and to the INDIVIDUAL
intelligence, or Soul of Man.
"Science is exact knowledge of the Facts of Nature, classi­
fied and systematized.
"Philosophy is the conclusions which man in his search
for Knowledge of Truth has drawn from the Facts of Sci­
"Religion is the application on the Facts of Science and
the conclusions of Philosophy to individual life and conduct.
"Superstition is belief born of ignorance of the nature of
man and the Laws of the Universe, safe-guarded by fear and
enforced by dogma and persecution.
"Belief is a process of mental gymnastics in which imagi­
nation and dogma readily appeal to ignorance, superstition
and fear.
"Faith is the Soul's intuitive conviction of that which
both Reason and Conscience approve.
"Morality is the established harmonic relation which man
as an Individual Intelligence sustains to the constructive
principles in nature. There is a Constructive Principle, in
Nature, that impels every entity to seek vibratory correspon­
dence with a like entity of opposite polarity."
A System of Morals, no matter how illustrated, may, or
may not be an exact science. The word "science" may not
mean the same to every one. So-called Science often differs
as to methods and definitions. But Science as a method of
dealing with facts and experience is as certain and well de­
fined as mathematics, therefore, relentless, uncompromising.
Facts are Facts and a demonstration has nothing in common
with dogma. True science demonstrates but never dogma­
If a true scientist demonstrates a fact, or a Law in Nature,
he can give his method and the processes, step by step by
which conclusion is reached, so that another can repeat it
step by step.
Sir Albert Pike in his teaching shows that the Disciples of
Jesus had a secret order consisting of three degrees, the same
as Masonry today, and that the neophyte passed to the third
degree only by proficiency in the preceding degrees. First,
comes the listening ear and purification; second, comes Ini­
tiation, or Fellow crafts; third, Perfection as the Faithful, or
Masters of the Royal Secrets which Jesus taught His Dis­
All of this work required preparation, personal experi­
ences and effort, constructive in the building of character
and the building of the Soul.
Credulity or incredulity have never yet led man to a
knowledge of his own Soul, or the Royal Secrets. Only the
few in any age have possessed this knowledge, or cared for
it. Those of the majority who defy Jesus today belong to the
same class that crucified Him when here and would do the
same if He were to come tomorrow. The real Masters have
always been few. One Real Master in Russia a few years ago
-a great physician-called together a group of physicians
and tried to give them a clue as to the cause of insanity and
its cure. They answered by putting him in an insane asylum
for two years for presuming to know more than they, and
yet the increase is indescribable.
Punishment for the teachers of these truths is contempt
and ridicule, because burning and crucifixion are out of
fashion. The simple truth, and that scientifically demon­
strated, still appeals only to the few, as in all ages.
Every step, every ceremony, every degree in Free Masonry
symbolizes just this Secret Doctrine, this-MAGNUM­
Opus, this Wisdom of. the Masters. Sir Albert Pike said that
it was never intended or expected that the majority of Ma­
sons should possess the real secrets, though open to all alike.
The instructive tongue, the listening ear and the faithful
heart have a very deep and real meaning. The Stone Masons
of the middle ages could no more have originated Free Ma­
sonry than the Science of Astronomy. All through the writ­
ings of Sir Albert Pike the Royal Secrets are revealed by
hints and yet concealed from the indifferent and superficial.
The symbol was never symbolized but through a veil which
the student must push away.
The Laws of Nature are the Mandates of All Intelligence.
Altogether they are the Builders and Architects of the Uni­
verse. There is a principle of construction, a law, a method,
a process, by which the Divine Architect builds. Back of the
physical structure lies the Ideal Form. Nature may slowly
evolve it toward perfection, or retire it from the arena of
It follows that the Physical, Mental, Psychic and Moral
nature or powers in man are as firmly bound by this Con­
structive Principle as the atoms in the sands, or the human
brains. Masonry the One only way. Conscience as the recog­
nition by the individual of his own Personal Responsibility
is the guiding star light.
Freedom and Responsibility go hand in hand and are
inseparable, and guaranteed from first to last. The Balance,
or the law of Compensation must be kept. Doubt or denial
can not move to a hair's breadth. Every problem in the life
of man, social or individual, must be determined in the
Court of Justice. The Social, Economic and Sex problems
must all face and stand trial under the Moral Code, how­
ever much or long they may evade it. No true basis other
than Scientific Morality. The idea of God is an Eternal
Boundless Principle, a Universal Intelligence, with Man's
individuality as a likeness.
The very latest discoveries in Physical Sciences rests upon
the Universal Law of Polarity, or Magnetic Attraction, and
back of Molecule, Atom, Ion and Electron, they are now
meditating on MAGNETONS. But they have not yet dis­
cerned the UNIVERSAL "Binomial THEOREM" that the
physical and the Spiritual Universes are One and Equal to
the minutest magneton and to the Cosmic Whole.
To be read and re-read, carefully
and secretly, until fully understood.
Art thou ready, Earnest One, to be instructed in the
preparation needful for thy pilgrimage?
Then ponder well on this ancient and immutable truth
which is the foundation of the roadway whereon thou wilt
"Whatsoever is below is like that which is above and that
which is above is like that which is below." And this from
the Master above:
"All that which is bound on earth is that which is bound
in heaven, and that which is loosed on earth is loosed in
In these sayings, brief though they be, lieth the pith of
the mysteries of the ages. And, again, in this, "From the
One proceedeth all. In the One are contained all. By the
One are all made manifest."
The One God, the Maker of heaven and earth and all
that is contained therein. In every manifestation of creation
is the One both concealed and revealed. Thus everywhere is
the two-fold aspect; the seen and unseen, the outer and in­
ner, the objective and subjective, the earth and the heaven.
From the Divine to the natural, from the natural to the
Divine, is the logical expression of man's involution from
Divinity and evolution with the universal nature. From ani­
mal to man is the dictum of science. From man to God is
the word of revelation.
In the progress of experience by which knowledge is ac­
quired man becometh, in the highest sense, the thing he
knoweth. As all life is an evolution, all real knowledge is
initiation. Said Cicero: "It is through the mysteries we have
learned the first principles of life."
Study then with all zeal the mysteries of God revealed
and concealed in Nature around, about, and within thee.
Seek diligently for the one dressed in multitudinous gar­
ments, wearing its masks, but discoverable under any guise
by him who hath the attentive ear, the instructive tongue,
and the faithful heart.
"Whatsoever is below is like that which is above." The
outer man, the flesh, is but the mask of that unseen other
side, the Soul. This outer man beareth witness to his divine
nature by the warm flame of love he sendeth forth when in
his most exalted moods; he manifesteth his God-likeness.
The works of love through men are like unto the works of
God. Through God's Love worlds are made, peopled and
redeemed. Through man's love he findeth the secrets of
creation and redemption and so worketh with God. Love is
Wilt thou, Oh Earnest One, ponder upon this thought,
as the bird sitteth upon her eggs? Find that wondrous flame
of love within thyself, feel it unclothing thee, that thou may­
est be clothed upon. Not until thou art unclothed canst thou
begin the journey, else thou wouldst be heavy for the jour­
ney before thee.
The mantle of pride or the bodice of sorrow, or any cloth­
ing weighted with self would bear thee to the grbund ere
thou couldst take a single step.
Keep the Light BUI'Ding
Keep the windows clean. Work thou steadily with head,
hand and heart to manifest in thy life that, that which is be16
low is like that which is above; that, that love in thee is like
that in heaven.
Light is the watch·word in this degree. Speak. it often.
Meditate upon it. Let it shine.
"If thine eye be single, then thy whole body be full of
Light." Canst thou give half an hour twice a day for this
truth practice?
"That thou seest, that, thou beest."
The Heart
The Center of all Life, all vibration, all force and all
power, is in the Heart. The little spenn of the ovule loses
its head, assumes a triangular shape and becomes the heart
of the foetus. It is the first to live, and last to die. From this
heart the whole embryo grows, and thus the heart builds not
only the physical, but all our bodies.
The Light within us-the Father-in-Heaven-burns in the
center of the Heart. It enfolds us and unfolds us. The Light
molds body, soul and spirit. "As a man thinketh in his heart,
so is he."-"Out of the heart, are the issues of life."
"Wherever the Heart is, there your treasure lies."
To be read and studied carefully
and secretly, until fully understood.
Let There Be Light
Hast thou considered, hast thou practiced diligently and·
well, Oh Earnest One, what was given thee in the First
Doth thou see that as Divine faith went forth saying, "Let
there be Light," in thee it must go forth again with the same
mandate, until the whole vast darkness within thee is trans­
formed by light and that that taketh place within thy con­
sciousness which was enacted in the drama of creation? Thou
art the Chaos out of which must come the Cosmos. That
which is void within thee must be formed and molded into
shape. Thy waters (changing opinions) must be divided,
the firmament above and below established. Thy sun, moon
and stars must be set in their places. Thy mountains and
seas, thy plains and valleys, thy forests and deserts-all must
be uncovered by the wondrous Light. And in this great na­
ture world thy beasts and fish and fowl and every creeping
thing will stand forth, thine own to dominate and rule when
thou art breathed upon by the One from whom thou earnest
forth. Then shalt thou know thyself the God-created, the
man made in the image and destined to show forth the like­
ness of thy Creator. Now thou mayest understand the Ara­
bian Sage, who said: "Oh seek after Divine mysteries, know
thou that the door to knowledge of God will be opened first
of all when a man knows his own soul and understands
about his spirit."
Thus it shall be proven that when thou knowest what is
below, thou wilt find it as that which is above. As the light
sent forth into the physical universe generates motion, so
that sent forth through thy universe sets in motion hidden
forces that will bring all things within thee to the pattern of
the Divine Idea.
Light then is to be thy watchword and desire; Light that
shall reveal thee to thyself and the possibilities before thee;
Light of discernment, Light of judgment, that thou mayest
decree as a Master; Light of power that like the Alchemist
of old, thou mayest attract and transmute according to thy
will whatsoever is without or within thee. This is the great
and hidden wisdom which "teaches the true nature of the
inner man, as well as the organization of his outer body."
Learn and remember well, oh Earnest One, that the small
is as the great, the simplest perfected miniature the type
and pattern of the universal. Speak the word as God spoke.
Thunder forth the edict, "Let there be Light." Upon thy
mind shall steal the magic light of a Divine Day, the day of
revelation, of activity and joy. Thou shalt look to the heav­
ens above and read the laws and secrets of the heavens within
thee. Thou shalt read the mystery of the Cycle of Necessity,
as it bringeth the earth and all within the varying and mani­
fold experiences which evolution and involution stamp as
the universal law.
Therein, oh Earnest One, is the prophetic hint of that
which will be proven in thy journey.
Observe, study, compare, analyze. Meantime, let go of
that which hampereth thee. Yearn, seek, aspire for Light­
Again, for many days, sit twice, the thirty minutes through,
alone and with earnestness profound, repeat this:
"I wait for Light. I am open to receive Light."
Wait patiently, with unmeasured faith.
To be read and studied carefully
and secretly until fully understood.
Now, Oh Earnest One, thou hast come to the Third De­
gree, which will make thee a duly ordained Traveler.
Heed closely what follows and in thy mind and heart
strictly carry out every detail of this instruction.
Thou standeth wondering! Listen! Thou art to go to the
Hall of Preparation which, as thou seest, lieth straight be­
fore thee on the Hill of Aspiration. The Hall faceth the
East. Enter thou in at the gate between the two pillars
marked "Sincerity" and "Humility." Art ready?
Forward then! Eyes straight before thee, fixed upon the
Sun (Truth). As thou hast dropped the heavier part of thy
clothing-the mantle of pride, the bodice of sorrow and the
shoes of selfishness, thou canst pass the portals easily. Go on,
still on through the vestibule of faith and into the still,
small room where thou wilt find a bath and clean linen
awaiting thee. The bath is fresh, crystal water from the
fountain of Holiness. In it thou wilt remain until thou hast
forgiven all thine enemies, forgiven thyself, and cast from
thee the remembrance of all injuries. As all unworthiness is
washed from thy mind, thou wilt feel a sweet, thrilling joy
creeping upon thy heart, and music rare and sweet will fill
thine ears. Thou wilt be strengthened with courage, faith
and zeal. Withdraw then from the water and put on the
linen garment. While it covereth thee for the most part,
thou wilt observe the left breast, the left knee and the left
foot are partially uncovered. This is to signify that on the
left, or feminine side of thy nature, thou art ever respon20
sive to the inspiration and light from heaven and that, as
thou wearest this garment, thou wilt be especially open to
instructions and guidance from the Spirit of the Most High.
"Here in Thy presence, oh my Father, I come to Thee
with all I am in heart, with all I can give in my hands. To
Thee and Thee alone am I now given, to be used according
to Thy good pleasure. Take me, head, heart, hand, feet and
all. Open mine eyes to see more clearly Thy gracious truth;
open mine heart that it may be filled and beat only for Thee.
Open mine ears that they may hear Thy voice; open mine
intellect that it may interpret Thy message to the children
of earth. Anoint me with the oil of Thy blessing and em­
power me to minister unto my Brothers everywhere. Now
am I ready, my Father. Thy Love is the light of my life and
the inspiration of my heart. Whatsoever gifts Thou wouldst
have me use, show them to me and in Thy sight shall they
increase with consecrated use. Amen."
Arise then, proceed through the passage of Dedication
and into the Chamber of Silence. Here remain until thy
senses are sealed against all sights, sounds, conditions, or
thoughts of earth. Think nothing. Be the Spirit.
And when thou hast heard the inner Voice and received
the Key of Silence wherewith to lock thy lips, return again
to where thy outer garments lie, clothe thyself again for the
outer world and return to thy home, meditating much on
this Initiation.
For one month return daily to the Hall of Preparation
and proceed exactly as hath been shown thee. To rise be­
fore the world is awake and go in the early dawn is the rule
for thee to follow. Remain in the Silence Chamber as long
as thou canst spare the time and when thou goest forth, re­
peat this three times: "I am now what the great God made
me, Pure Spirit."
To be read and studied carefully
and secretly until fully understood.
Thou wilt learn as thy heart pondereth, oh Earnest One,
that silence and secrecy are the two watch-words, yea, pass
words, by which thou canst enter into thy country or king­
dom. Moreover, not only is the virtue of silence most God­
like, inasmuch as God Himself conceals the great Arcana of
Heaven until his wisdom, shining in the silent soul, reveal­
eth it; but it is through the art of silence thou canst best
attain to that superb control of self, which will enable thee
to censure no one, to repeat no gossip, to cultivate no preju­
dice, to lose no force in vain babbling of idle things, to say
nothing that would cause anger, sorrow or regret, to utter
nothing unworthy a Brother traveling with other Brothers
on the Great Journey.
Most solemnly was this God-like silence impressed upon
the neophyte in Egyptian mysteries, whence originates the
famous silence of Pythagoras who so successfully guarded
his secret teachings, that neither pupil nor associate in his
Brotherhood ever revealed them, save through the mystic
language of signs and symbols.
Silence is power. In thy silence lieth the key to thy indi­
vidual possession of great gifts that may be put to great uses.
Now, Earnest One, according to thy readiness in obeying
all instructions, shall come to pass the fulfillment of thy de­
sires in attaining the gifts of God. Make ready for thy
Seest thou this uncut, rough, unpolished stone and this
beside it, square, smooth, shining, perfect?
The first doth represent thy unformed, crude, and animal
self, not touched by molding power. The other in its sym­
metry and completeness, that splendid, four-squared, strong
and masterful character, thou wilt become when all condi­
tions are fulfilled. Take these two stones with thee on thy
journey. This box of alabaster, with the golden circle en­
closing a triangle on the cover is a receptacle for thy stones.
Have them with thee always and look upon them often, that
thou mayest remember the transition from imperfection to
the ripe perfection thou desirest. As thou looketh upon the
circle, thou wilt see the symbol of that which is timeless and
deathless and changeless-Infinity-having no beginning and
no end.
The circle also signifieth the perfection of thy spiritual
nature, which is individualized Deity and is not subject,
therefore, to time, space, or death. The equilateral triangle
within the circle doth represent Life as the basis, Love and
Truth· as the sides and apex of that in human nature which
ever aspireth to and seeketh union with the Divine.
Here also on the ends of the box are other symbols, such
as those found on the Egyptian Obelisk erected 2782 B.c.,
and which were emblems used in the Order of Ancient Free­
masons of Egypt, signifying in that far off past, as now,
eternal truths and principles in the sublime mystery of
Life. On the left end of the box is the figure of a square: on
the right, a level; on the front, that which representeth a
plumb. The interpretation and application being most prac­
tical, thou wilt see why the square indicates the perfect jus­
tice with which thy relations should be squared with thy
Brothers; the level, the perfect equality of condition on
which thou standeth with him; the plumb, the rectitude and
uprightness of thy motive toward man and God.
See, oh Earnest One, that thou looketh often upon thine
Alabaster box and its emblems, meditating with earnest,
consecrated mind, until thou hast these wondrous signs as
tools to use at any moment of thy need.
In the early dawn and when retired to thy chamber at
night, take the Box and ponder its lessons for the space of at
least half an hour. Thus wilt thou make ready for further
The key word for nine days and nights may be: "In silence
I see, I hear, I know, for I am Spirit."
To be read and studied carefully
and secretly until fully understood.
The Equipment of a Traveler
Knowest thou the object of thy journey, Earnest One?
'Tis to gather knowledge, to compare truth wherever found,
to learn the exactness of the law that doth rule the universe
and its application to thyself and all that live.
As thy road passeth through valleys of darkness, as well as
plains of light, thou needeth ever with thee a light to guide
thee on the way and to be a lamp unto thy feet. This book
which thou wilt keep with the Box, is such a Light. It con­
taineth sacred words and, like the Petroma of three thousand
years ago, will reveal the holy mysteries, when thou readest
diligently. And in addition, such faithful use of this outer
Book, the Book of Revelation, which is the Special Scripture
writ for thee and to be read within thy soul, when so be
thou art ready for so great a light.
As a further preparation for the Light thou seekest and
which thou must evoke continually, send forth an aspira­
tion and decree these words:
"Let there be Light." Thus wilt thou be prepared to
understand, assimilate, and use that which cometh from any
source. Having thy Box of Jewels, thy Holy Light, and in
thy heart the principles of true Brotherhood, thou art
equipped. Thy journey lieth through the land of experi­
ence. Thou wilt. reach thy goal with ease, in proportion as
thou gaineth knowledge of the One, in all its manifold di­
versity of revelation. Else is he but an image in the glass.
What then wilt thou do with what each day brings thee?
Upon this dependeth the broadening of thy mind and its
capacity for receiving truth. In this also lieth the key to the
use and increase of thy talents. As thou wouldst drink water
in any land and out of a vessel of any shape, so must thou
learn to drink from wells of Truth, wherever found.
Until again our lesson cometh, ponder well upon these
things. And for thy semi-daily practice in meditation, use
these words:
"With Thy eyes, Oh God, let me consider all men and
with Thy understanding, understand all things. Thou art
by moment my sufficiency."
To be read and studied carefully
and secretly until fully understood.
Universal Truth
Thou hast done well these many days, oh Earnest One,
and when thou thoughtest the road most lonely and the
way most hard, thy Light was with thee and thou turned
thy face toward it and then thou wert blessed.
We bring thee now some words taken from the oldest
book in the world. Read and see if they be true. Here on this
papyrus, which for ages and ages hath lain in its pyramid
tomb, is an inscription which saith: "Be just and hate ini­
quity, for he who loveth what is right shall triumph." Is not
this from the One who "hath made of one blood all the
nations of the earth?"
Read again from this scripture of Egypt, "Be not un­
grateful to thy Creator, for He hath given thee life." "I am
the Fount of Light," says the Creator. "I am the Lord of
Is not this beautiful? "But from a heathen source," thou
sayest, hast thou so soon relapsed into thy old judgments,
Earnest One? Art thou not yet ready to put away thy nar­
rowness? Listen I
Truth is universal as the sunlight. Truth is God's mes­
sage. He speaketh and hath spoken to all his children. To
Him there are no heathen. Hast thou not read the very same
in thy own Book? "He shall never suffer the righteous to be
moved." "In Thy presence is fullness of joy."
Now, Earnest One, thou needst thy jewels and thy Light.
Look upon thy Alabaster box. Regard the circle. Doth not
infinity encircle all? Shall thou then not find the one mes27
sage in all lands and in the inspired minds of all nations?
And this, the witness of his revelation given three thousand
years ago, is it not the same as that of all ages?
Use well thy symbols. Look long upon the square, the
level, and the plumb and thou wilt understand thy attitude
for right judgment. As thou seest boundlessness, thou wilt
become boundless. Take, then, the scripture truth from
Egypt and let it be thine own. Eat and drink the words: "I
am the Lord of Joy," until thy soul is full of joy and thy
eyes behold the One who uttereth all Truth. So then, as the
earth is clothed in Light afresh each day, as she turneth her
face to the sun, thou also shalt be invested with new radi­
ance each time thou turneth to the Lord of Joy.
"There is one God. I behold the glory of that One and
my soul is rich with joy." This is my mantram. Let it be
with thee as the others as thou sittest in the silence, for the
space of half an hour, twice a day.
To be read and studied carefully
and secretly until fully understood.
The Oneness of Law
Thou art a good Traveler, Earnest One, inasmuch as thou
art determined to overcome every obstacle on the way.
Thou art beginning to apprehend the way of this strict
discipline over every thought, for only as thou art master of
thyself canst thou know the secrets of a master.
Heed now, oh Earnest One, since thou art willing to re­
move thy prejudice and knowledge that, to those whom thou
callest "the heathen," God gave His message, thou hast en­
larged the boundaries of thy knowledge and the measure of
thy possibilities. Build no fences around thee. Think not
that thou knowest all, nor make of thyself to others. Seek
ever more and more to lift thine eyes above names, condi­
tions, things, or times. All these are but the pipes through
which the water flows. 'Tis truth thou art searching for and
truth is back of form or symbol. 'Tis not contained in them,
yet containeth all. Think thou on this. Then canst thou
realize how this is God's method of revealment-this inten­
tion, Law.
Then too mayest thou see, as did the wise of ancient
Egypt, how, in the harmonious proportions of the universe,
there flasheth eternal wisdom, or a showing forth of the
mind and will of God. Thou wilt perceive in the starry
firmament, crowned by Alcyone and Pleiades, a gleam of the
ineffable beauty of the matchless tabernacle of living light
and canst understand how old Egypt conceived the visible
creation to be the glorious counterpart of God's unseen
To thee will come a heart-warm sympathy in their faith
in a life beyond the grave, inspired as it was by their revela­
tions from the skies. For to these early children the pathway
of the stars was a tracing of the pathway of the Just, when
the portal of the tomb is lifted and he passes through suc­
cessive stages that fit him for an endless union with the great
Creator in the secret chambers of the House of Light.
In Egypt's teaching, Life was the center, the circumfer­
ence, the totality of good. Life was the scepter in the hand of
God. Seest thou aught to be cast aside in this? Nay! Nayl
With rejoicing is thy soul feasting on this truth which,
through all ages, hath been known, and, through all ages,
will be known to those who, having eyes, perceive truly and,
being Divine, understand divinity.
Thou liveth-yea-so many years have passed since thine
eyes opened in this world, and yet, if now thou seest Life,
thou will rejoicefully exclaim, "I am Life! I live in all that
livest I know no life but Life! Before Abraham was, I AMI"
Not the cringing, fearful, stumbling self, but the majestic
soul of thee, speaks thus-the Christ, the Lord of Life, who
knocks, that ye may open unto Him.
Take these Life words. Say them over; let them sing in
thy heart. Sit alone and on these things meditate, twice a
day, for thirty minutes.
To be read and studied diligently
and secretly until fully understood.
Being and Substance
Earnest One, thou canst not journey long in the con­
sciousness of Life without the awakening of new and quick
discernment in thy soul. Much, hitherto concealed, will be­
come most plain. Heed thou the kernel of the teachings in
this day's journey.
Nothing can be added to, nor withdrawn from, the uni­
verse. What is, is, Life and substance are dual aspects of the
One, which is God.
Think, Earnest One, on these two-Cause and Effect. Life
invisible, substance (in its grossest form) visible. Life is
correspondent to Being, Substance to Matter. The process
of manifestation is through motion in substance. Being (that
which is) can never be developed. Matter, the transient gar­
ment of Being, is in a state of continual development, or
change. Thought, the potency of Being, is the mediator be­
tween Being and Matter, between Intelligence and Sub­
stance. Soul, the cause; Mind, the agent, of all progress. De­
velopment, or the state of becoming, is directed by con­
scious, experienced, expanding or active Thought. Thought .
directeth forces inherent in substance. From the lowest to
the highest, this is the ladder of evolution, foreshadowed by
that mysterious figure of the Sphynx, in which the loins of a
beast are joined to the head and breast of a woman; signify­
ing, not only the Oneness of the universal soul, but its
method of development through progressive steps of indi­
One universal soul, itself changeless, absolute, perfect.
Many bodies transitory, changeable, imperfect. One Intelli­
gence, but many expressions, Unity in diversity.
Readest thou in this the love of the ages? Seest thou in
mineral, vegetable, animal or man, the One in its many
guises? From whence cometh?
From whence cometh Life? From Life.
Think.est thou Life can be dissected, separated, disinte­
Nay, no more than Light. The expression of Life, like
Light, can be intercepted, deflected, diverted, but Life itself
-N evert What is, is.
Think on this. With thinking will come knowledge. And
then learn to cease thy thought. Be still and wait.
Thus also shalt thou know. Sit half an hour before sun­
rise, where the Light can baptize thee with its radiance and
"Like a glassy lake, my mind is still and placid. Thus may
begin thy meditation thus:
it reflect, unbrokenly, thoughts of perfect truth."
To be read and studied carefully
and secretly until fully understood.
Because of thy faithfulness, oh Earnest One, thou wilt
perceive that only as thou knowest the Law of God, canst
thou find Him by means of His Works, either in the uni­
verse, without or within. Having thy mind enlightened with
the knowledge that the Omnipotent is the limitless, the
changeless, forever infinite yet manifested through the finite,
thou wilt know also that, in order to find the manifestation
of Himself in thee, thou must know thine own Highest-thy
Soul, where His Omnipresence is forever as a shining light
to illumine and glorify thy whole Being. As the ancient
teaching saith, "Know thine own Soul and thou shalt know
thy Lord."
In Him only is there Life, for He only is the ever living
One. Enter the El Chai, the Ancient of Days.
To know thy God as thou wouldst know thy dearest
friend, enter thou in thought into thy inner chamber-the
Holy Adytum of thy Soul, where His glory dwelleth, and
there remain in contemplation until the sun gates of thy
outer temple open and, through their radiant portals the
effulgence of His Omnipresence shall enter in to join the
rays of that Living Flame which ever burneth upon the
Adytum Altar.
Listen! and thou shalt know in brief the meaning of this
mystery. Is not the body the temple of the living God? Is
not the Soul His Sanctuary? Is not the Light within the
Light of His Presence? Are not the eyes alert for the Most
Glorious behind the veil of sense-sun-gates through which
the beauty of His handiwork reflects the glory of His Pres­
Oh Earnest One, know this: as thy mind taketh note of
this great mystery of Godliness: as thy heart and soul give
sure allegiance to thy Father-Mother God, so shalt thy outer
life be patterned after the great Perfection, and in these
shall be found that sure serenity that marks the obedient
Soul. Thou shalt be as thy prototype, the earth, which, even
in the midst of gloom and fog still shines to her far com­
panions in the field of Light, because of the reflected glory
of the Lord, the Sun.
These words which follow wilt thou find most helpful in
thy daily sittings and as thou goeth on thy daily journey:
"Arise and shine, for thy light is come. The glory of the
Lord is risen upon thee."
Be ye faithful to live each moment as this were true.
To be read and studied carefully
and secretly until fully understood.
The Testing
Cometh thou now with questionings? Patience, Earnest
One, there may be much thou canst not understand at first,
but looking ever to the Light, believing all that's being
wrought, is the working out of good, though thou mayest
see no sign, 'twill come at last; the understanding and the
strength-yea, all thou canst desire, at last .will burst upon
thee like the Light of morning! Remember thou art a
Traveler. Each day thy feet must journey on, each day thy
eyes take in a larger view. Thou wilt meet and pass many
Travelers on the road and mayhap thou wilt have need of
some small ministry, or mayest give of what thou hast to one
less fortunate than thee; but the manner of thy intercourse
and heart thou keepest toward them; thou knowest well be­
cause of all thy symbols and the instruction thou hast had
concerning them.
What then aileth thee?
A sadness, a burden dark and heavy on thy spirit, a doubt
that darkeneth thy clear vision, a whirlwind in thy mind?
Ah, Earnest One, canst think to travel always on the per­
fect road?
Face the East, look ever to the Light, and as the sole ob­
ject of thy journey is to gather knowledge and give thee op­
portunity for its application, make even storms and stones of
stumbling, yea, these burdens on thy heart, to yield their
pith of value. Refuse them place or time, except such as
thou wilt give in very graciousness to redeem them. Thus
will they bless thee. The whirlwind cometh often. 'Tis made
of passions, sorrows, pains and ills to which thy outer self is
heir, until redeemed.
But now 'tis thy sweet privilege, since thou art initiated
in the better way, to heed not outer sound nor stress, nor
even in the fire of suffering to heed the flame that threaten­
eth to consume. With eyes inturned, with heart serene, with
ears alert, thou needst only to listen and thou wilt hear the
Majestic One within thee, and thine ears will hear a word
behind thee saying: "This is the way. Walk ye in it. When
ye turn to the right-hand and when ye turn to the left."
And when thou }earnest by thy diligence to ever turn and
heed this still, small voice, thou wilt be in the presence, and
become heir to the promise of the ages. The winged circle
of Assyria shall be to thee also what it was to those of old­
a symbol of Divine protection, and evermore as thou dost
become the faithful doer and not merely the forgetful
hearer, thou wilt find an ever widening circle of light, even
in thy earth, thy body, for the Law of God is pure in every
Sit thee, in thy quiet place, for half an hour, when the
sun rises; again, when thou art retired to thy chamber. Say
devoutly, with all thy heart: "Speak, Lord, thy servant
heareth." Then wait, wait, wait. Be still. In time thou wilt
have the answer.
To be read and studied carefully
and secretly until fully understood.
The Power of Thought
By this thou hast perceived, oh Earnest One, the true re­
port of thy experiences. That, in thy very being, is wrought
out the wondrous Law. Hast thou recognized the greater
potency of thy thought, as thou riseth higher in thy con­
ception of the Truth? Mark the change within thee when
thou thinkest words of spirit; yea, or when thou speakest
audibly, such words as hath been given for thy daily prac­
tice, and words of Spirit and of Life. Charged with Life
forces, they vitalize and recombine the elements about thee,
until thy name or e'en a thought of thee, in other minds,
conveys the quality and potency of thy Life Thoughts. This
emanation from thee to other souls may minister in any
way, according to their need, may be as healing balm to
diseased or aching bodies; may comfort or console the sor­
row-tossed or anguished ones; may carry light or understand­
ing of God's inner truths to those who pray for knowledge
of this kind. Not only then is thy daily practice and con­
templation of such Truth as thou hast taken for thy food
and drink upon thy momentous journey good for thee, but
for all who touch thee, either consciously or unconsciously,
by the coalescence of their thoughts with thine. As thou art
brave and strong and full of sunny cheer, so also are there
little ones who unconsciously look to thee, or imbibe from
thee the truth (or error) that thou thinkest.
Thus as thou dost bravely meet thine enemies (among
thoughts, feelings or desires) and conquer by the strength of
the Mighty One within thee, the force and inspiration of
thy victory doth make brave the weakest one. See then, oh
Earnest One, how much hath been given thee of the Power
of God, how great the privilege of using it for all thy Broth­
ers, everywhere.
Know this: as surely as the Light doth connect and reveal
each member of the myriads of starry spheres throughout
the majestic universe, so doth thought connect and reveal
every soul in God's great universe of souls. Of the Law thou
shalt hear again.
Guard well thy mind. Let every thought be as the light to
bless and vivify the souls to whom thou mayest be as
guardian angel.
Thus will thy thoughts go forth like rays of Light and, in
very truth, thou mayest be as a shining star in the midnight
of earthly ignorance about thee.
For thy secret sittings take these words: "I Am Light."
And as thou sittest in apartness from the world, imagine
thou a star upon, within, thy breast. Let this engulf thy
thought of body, of sensation, of all outside it. Become thou
in thy consciousness the star itself and shine out to all the
To be read and studied carefully
and secretly until fully understood.
The Mystic Star
Thou hast come, oh Earnest One, to a great stage in thy
journey. Having not only perceived the truth, that thy true
thoughts (that is, thy radiating, unselfish, harmonious, good
will thoughts) go from thee like Light, but having actually
practiced the results of thy perception by consciously being
the shining light, thou hast earned the right to have con­
ferred upon thee the secret and most precious symbol to
which every Traveler aspires-the Mystic Star.
Seest thou its beauty? Five-pointed, radiant, complete in
reaching not only earth, but heaven, it symbolizeth the per­
fect transmutation of the earth in its darkness to the heav­
enly in its light. It representeth not only crucifixion but
resurrection; not only descent but ascent; not only degrada­
tion but victory; not only nothingness but completeness; not
only night but day. Yet, 'tis wholly and sublimely Light.
Canst thou understand? Ponder well, Earnest One. The
understanding of this mystery will prove thou art con­
sciously nearing the Degree of Master.
A word more about the symbol. 'Tis hereby conferred
upon thee and placed-so-upon thy breast. There ever
'twill remain, so long as thou art worthy to be a bond of
Brotherhood unto all Travelers who perceive its presence.
Nay, thou needst not to conceal or hide its radiance. Only
by those who know will its glorious presence be perceived.
The counterpart within thee, thou wilt henceforth be a
Mystic in thy living and a Star in thy Being and unto all
the earth, as thou journeyeth on the path, thou wilt send
forth waves of power and rays of Light. More of this later
That thou mayest gain more knowledge and more strength
to practice these truths, go thou more and more into the
chamber of Silence. Hold thyself steadily to this: "I live
and move and have my being in the Divine One, whose
Glory is Infinite."
To be read and studied carefully
and secretly, until fully understood.
The Double Trinity of Lights
Know this, oh Earnest One, to be duly and truly prepared
to understand and assimilate divine knowledge, the Soul
must not only desire but must be willing to sacrifice what­
ever is required in order to attain; must in very truth have
passed beyond superstition or fear; must have gained mas­
tery over sense and attained to that unselfish motive which
alone decideth its fitness to receive the fire from the altar,
the light from heaven. In the mystery of this inmost experi­
ence, when the soul beginneth to receive illumination, there
goeth on a process of unfoldment and an appropriation of
divine power. Yet, ever must the relation and true balance
between the spiritual and the natural be kept in perfect
Thus, oh Earnest One, canst thou see how, on thy mysteri­
ous journey, thou needst the great Lights by which thou
canst discern the right path; and the three lesser by which
thou canst walk in it.
Of the Greatest Light-Wisdom, but which in symbol is
called the Book of Scripture. Of the other two, Justice and
Equality, symbolized by the square and level, thou hast
heard. The Trinity of what are called the Lesser Lights is
symbolized as sun and moon and master. The sun, repre­
senting understanding; the moon, knowledge; the master,
will. Without the first trinity thou couldst neither see the
Path nor choose it, nor keep thy right relations to thy
Brothers. Without the last, thy Light would fail and thy
feet falter, and the grand consummation of thy destiny be
That thou mayest be true to these double triads, that by
thy faithfulness in blending thy spiritual light in to the prac­
tical reality of daily life, that thou mayest become the recipi­
ent of the vaster knowledge awaiting thee, shouldst be thy
prayer, oh Earnest One, in all thy rare moments of the days
and nights.
As an aid to this fulfillment, say these words with all dili­
gence: "I give myself wholly to the life and service of a true
Brother in the family of God. Teach me, oh Infinite Father,
to perceive the light, to feel its power, to consecrate its use.
In it I am both the Above and the Below, complete in the
unity of the upper and the lower Triune. In me may the
Law be established."
To be read and studied carefully
and secretly until fully understood.
The Nature and Mode of Thought
And now, oh Earnest One, thou shalt be given some
further light pertaining to the law and power of thy think­
ing. Although thou hast questioned little and obeyed well,
the time has come when thou must have a larger light upon
thy path.
Thus sayest the Law-Thought e'en yet unspoken gener­
ateth motion in the subtle ether that embraceth and contain­
eth all the Universe and every form and atom therein
evolved. This ether, tenuous, fluidic, radiant, was by the
ancients named the Astral Light, the Luminous Principle,
the Immeasurable Ether, and ever hath it been recognized
by the wise to be the pliant medium on which all motion
is possible. A thought within thy mind (more marked if it
be intense) stirreth this all embracing element into vibra­
tory waves of influence, which in time return to the source
from whence they started. As doth the thought so doth the
spoken word set motion faring forth upon the etheric sea
to accomplish whatever effects its quality makes possible­
for every thought or word hath quality, determined by the
motive or emotion which sent it forth.
Hast thou noted how angry words or fearful anxious
thoughts, disturb thy peace of mind or body? Or, how a
thought, beneficent or vast with infinite suggestiveness, hath
ofttimes healed thee of a doubt or pain and uplifted all thy
This, then, is the reason why, oh Earnest One, we have
given such words for thee as would expand thy feeling and
help thee make thine every thought an angel to stir the
waters for thine healing, and that thou mightest experience
the transformation from the mere apprentice who doth wait
to learn from the sublime and perfect master who knoweth
and perfonneth.
Aspiration, prayer, a life unselfish in its means to waken
thee to light and joy, but in service, all these are food and
quickening time, because of the fine vibrations, such thought
evoketh. Thy very body cells will be lighted by the tiny
star of Astral Light, which, increasing in its brightness and
enlarging in its sphere, will finally shine forth outside the
body, as light. Thus hath come the halo, or radiant aureole,
about the saint. Thus may come transfiguration and the
robes of "glistening white."
Thy privilege is to become the Master. Use then the
means of becoming. To lift thy consciousness from the lower
to the higher, yea, to the higher plane of Being, it behoo­
veth thee to ever speak these Temple words, with all earn­
estness and devoutness. It will help thee much at first to
speak them audibly with patient repetition. Then let them
sink within, whilst thy meditation which should follow,
leads thee into deeper knowing. Then the words: "The
Knower in me revealeth knowledge. I know all truth, for
I, though having body, having mind, am in the truest sense,
pure spirit. And as such, I know."
To be read and studied carefully
and secretly until fully understood.
Effect of Concentration and
Repetition of Right Words
Perceivest now, oh Earnest One, the subtle change thy
faithful words and aspirations have wrought within thee?
Hast thou not had hint of glorious powers awakening in
thy larger self?
The test of progress lieth lost in practice. When 'tis easier
far to fear, to fret and scold and punish or bewail, and still
thy heavenly thought prevaileth, know thy progress hath
begun, thy feet are turned to light. Nay more, know that
this same thought which gave thee victory, as showeth by
its works, is of quality Divine, and that, therefore, it will
not cease its labors in thee, if thou wilt but entertain it as
thy heavenly guest, until it lifts thy stress of consciousness
to a higher plane.
When thou hath come, and in the stream thou canst a­
bide; the ether flow within the finest interstices of thy very
atoms will be thrilled to motion so exquisite that only that
transcendent radiance, the light ineffable, can be the issue.
And, though only the eyes awakened, thou wilt be clothed as
with the sun, yet to all about thee far and near upon this
wondrous, all pervading ether shall go forth from the waves
of influence, tender, strong and Godlike in their quality,
rich in power to impart harmony and peace, comfort, coun­
sel or blessings, healing to those who need. This hath been
said before. Mark it well.
To reach this state and ministry, oh Earnest One, is the
goal before thee, because of thy desire to bless and serve thy
Droop not, nor be deterred from final victory, for e'en
though the road be steep and the valley dark at times, thou
knowest thine equipments and more than all, the One who
dwelleth with thee.
Lift up thy gates, Oh Heart, and open wide the doors of
Mind, that Godlike thoughts shall issue forth a mighty host
to bless the world.
This be thy key to Meditation. Sit as before twice or thrice
a day and, in the meantime, think, in all thy ways, Divinely.
To be read and studied carefully
and secretly until fully understood.
The Astral Light and Thought Quality
And now cometh thou with questions! 'Tis well, oh Earn­
est One, to have them for answer, but when, by thought and
earnest pondering, thou receiveth due solution, 'tis best
with that answer which cometh to thee to remain content,
until more light is given, as it surely will be, for this is truth.
No earnest seeker after that true gold, "one particle of
which," saith the Alchemist, "is sufficient to transmute and
perfectionize the soul and conduct from it illumination,"
can be left in doubt or darkness, if he will but use the light
he hath by living, thinking, acting what he knows.
Now to thy questions.
Q.-What is meant by the radiance caused by thought?
A.-'Tis the hidden light in the luminous ether uncovered
by the quick vibrations caused by thoughts of purest quality,
for, as 'tis told thee; every thought hath quality. Gross, self­
ish, material thought is heavy and maketh darkness, or what
is like a fog or cloud. But thoughts of love or spiritual
aspiration, of hope or joy, make light apparent; for in their
quality is that which stirreth into action electric and mag­
netic forces that lie latent in the ether. As the scale of
thought rangeth through all grades of selfishness to angelic
holiness, so doth the scale of light, which rangeth from that
most dim to that most glorious.
In this color scale, according to the mixture of quality
is the mixture of color, and wert thou able to perceive thou
wouldst read, by the color emanations or vibrations, the
quality, state and conditions of thy own or others' character.
Q.-What is meant by being lifted into "the stream of
A.-The thoughts which make the predominant moods
and mental states constitute a stream of thought which
floweth through the mind, giving forth the same kind of
thoughts day by day. If the stream of consciousness be made
muddy by doubt, despair, anger, fear, cruelty, should it not
be purified and cleansed; or rather, should it not be best
to abandon altogether such a stream, and establish a stream
on the higher, or more spiritual plane of being, where
aboundeth the peace, purity and love of the spirit?
Q.-Is it important to think the same words over and
A.-Yes, until they bring thee in touch with their quality
and attune thy being to the same vibration. Think upon
these sayings, Earnest One, and this last especially.
Thou art now in touch with many forces which, as yet,
are hidden, but proceed with faithfulness, as before. Day
by day thy journey will be fraught with many findings.
Meantime, school thyself to patience, and to secrecy, as
hath been already told thee.
Consult thy Book, and let thy mind be ready for its
I perceive, I understand, I know. This, thy key word.
To be read and studied carefully
and secretly until fully understood.
The Three-Fold Being
Thou art ready for knowledge of thy three-fold being
and the wondrous faculties upon the three-fold plane. As
a human being thou art, to outward seeming, a Body with
a thinking power that animates and guides; but, as a Glo­
rious Immortal, clothed upon with flesh, thou art a triune
Being, of which the Essence is Deific, the potential Son of
Listen! Earnest One, that thou mayest know somewhat
of this mystery.
As an individualized center of Deity in manifestation,
the Trinity in unity isSpirit.
Spirit is the pure Essence of Deity.
Abiding always in the Deific Sphere.
Yes, Spirit is God epitomized, therefore perfect,
changeless, pure, all knowing.
Spirit dwelleth on the highest plane of Being.
Soul is, in truth, of the same Essence as Spirit: but being
in the dark of earth conditions, is unconscious
of her Divinity and in her dream life ever seek­
ing, longing, groping for her bridegroom, the
ever radiant Spirit to whom she will be con­
joined in marriage, when she hath learned to
turn to Him for help, and to live ever in the
light of His Presence. Thus only can she be the
Of this, oh Earnest One, thou wilt hear more in another
lesson, but ponder thou on this that hath been said.
The Soul lieth and liveth on the middle plane in the Tri­
une Being.
Mind is extreme earth and, therefore, on the lower or
more external plane. Mind is the reservoir of Light from
Spirit-feeling is from the Soul and the mediator of both.
Mind hath the office of formulating both intelligence and
feeling into thought forms or mental images, thus represent­
ing in thought the experience of Soul, or the Wisdom of
Being hath need of that which is yet more eternal, in
order to express the fullness of Perfection. So out of the in­
visible weaveth a garment that representeth the Spirit, Soul
and Mind as One. This is called the body, which, in its sub­
lime office perfectly fulfilled, becometh the Divine-human,
or the God-man in manifestation.
The orderly summing up and centering of the spiritual
nature, powers and faculties is called individuality. The
summing up and centering of their perfect or partial repre­
sentation in the body is personality.
Think well upon these divisions and unities, oh Earnest
One, for upon thy understanding dependeth much.
In thy silent chamber meditate upon this key, speaking it
often and with reverence and warmth: "Clothe me, Oh God,
with Thy characteristics and Thy heavenly attributes and
cause me to overflow with Thy Divine Beauty."
To be read and studied carefully
and secretly until fully understood.
The Threefold Plane of Being
Hear further of this mystery of Being, oh Earnest One.
The Infinite doth include the Finite. This may seem but
a most trite form of words, yet meaneth much. To include
meaneth to encircle, to permeate, to inhere. Thus hath it
been said by the wise of old-"Know thyself." To know thy­
self is to know God. To know thy highest and lowest is to
know the relation and co-ordination of the lesser to the
greater, in order to know at last the Perfect Whole.
Creation, differentiation forms, are possible because of the
law of descent, or the Creator in creation. The Creative
Principle being two in one is expressed as dual phases of the
One-in the Spirit as Love and Wisdom-in the Soul as
Power and Feeling-in the Mind as Intellect-Perception­
and in Nature as Male and Female. And so thou canst find
many and varied aspects of duality, expressing on every
plane the creative power of the One.
If thou wouldst make the potency of Spirit, Soul and
Mind most truly manifest, seek to blend the influence and
spheres of each, as, in truth, God hath blended them, and
is the Law by which, e'en when thou knowest not, the inter­
change proceedeth; yet, when conspicuously the soul and
mind are illumined by the Spirit, there is a mighty increase
in the fruits of all.
Now, Earnest One, to make this truth most plain and
simple for thy use, forget not that the Spirit is the source of
all Light that cometh either to the Soul or Mind or Body­
that Spirit is the basis I, which is and ever will be perfect as
God who hath given Being. Forget not that the Soul is illu­
mined by Spirit in the darkness of earth nature, in which
she seemeth to be wrapped and bound.
For in this, oh Earnest One, lieth the mystery of becom­
ing Spirit, being perfect, needeth not to grow nor seek for
more perfection. Spirit is the Light and, therefore, positive,
doth know the truth. Soul is the feminine half of Spirit, sub­
merged, as it were, in matter. Being feminine, she is not the
actor, but the acted upon, the passive receiver from either
Spirit or Mind. When from the Spirit she doth receive, she
is filled with joy, light, life, love and mighty power. When
the Mind reflects also upon her, she is placed between them
both and, until enlightened, is helpless because of very igno­
rance. Her feelings or emotions, until understood and di­
rected, continually betray her into sufferings which in time
become her teachers. Thus compelled through cruel experi­
ences to seek salvation from her pains, she learns at last the
truth, that Spirit is her Light, her Comforter, her Judge, her
So:vior, and her Lover. As a bride adorned for her bride­
groom, clothed in the light of Wisdom, and the glory of a
supreme Love, she turneth to her Beloved and ascendeth
the throne, her power having become perfected through suf­
fering. Thus canst thou perceive, oh Earnest One, that, until
regeneration cometh, it is not the Spirit who saith I, but the
poor, deluded unillumined soul? When the soul hath found
her place, her I is, the I A m of Spirit, the I of the sublime
and perfect Master, the Adept of all Adepts, the Prince of
To aid thee in thy longed for consciousness of Light,
canst thou, oh Earnest One, ascend to the higher plane and
with all devoutness say-"1 AM?" Realize by silent con­
templation the fullness and glory of those words.
To be read and studied carefully
and secretly until fully understood.
Mind, Soul, Spirit
Thou wilt remember, Earnest One, 'twas said the dual
aspects of the mind are reason and intuition, the active and
passive faculties of knowing. 'Twas also said the mind is as
a reservoir receiving from both the Spirit and the Soul, that
which is formulated into thoughts. Further than this, oh
Earnest One, the mind is the receiving depot for concepts
contributed through the avenue of the senses.
Thus doth the mind appear as mediator for the inner and
outer realm. What it receiveth and how it formulateth into
mortal images called thoughts is a question only he who
doth apprehend the Law may reveal.
When the Soul, in her ignorance of Spirit, identifieth
herself with flesh and flesh conditions, her judgment is per­
verted and, thinking sense conditions authority for all that
seemeth true, poor soul is oft deceived and so made captive
to the body which, instead of serving her, demands her
service. The Soul possessing her inheritance (because as
soul she hath the spiritual gifts) oft seemeth like a child,
who, unconscious of the greatness of his gifts or their higher
use, perverts their power and tumeth it into channels
through which it floweth forth as evil (and this is good, per­
The source of all the faculties is the Spirit, but their seat
of action is the soul, for 'tis the soul that must be tried and
tested through experience. The soul, therefore, hath within
herself the judgment, will, desires and passions that, until
redeemed by Spirit, belong to the purely human or animal
natural state. In her unawakened stage she knoweth neither
their divine nature nor origin. Could she but know, she
would not grope in darkness, dragging mind and body into
the abyss of suffering, through which often she doth pass
before she learneth truth.
This, oh Earnest One, will give the key to many a weary
suffering one thou'lt meet along thy journey; but, knowing
this, thou canst with love, like that of the good Samaritan,
bind up the wounds of thy Brother, and pour upon them
the oil of sweet charity. And when thou hath placed him in
the friendly refuge where his wounds may heal, and hath
given to him thy wine of faith and thy bread of truth, thou
canst proceed on thy road with a profounder sympathy and
a readier hand to serve all other Brothers and travelers thou
mayest meet.
Think on these things, Earnest One, then put thy thoughts
into deeds of Love.
Let sympathy expand thy heart and flow forth as streams
of blessings to all that live. This be thy theme for meditation.
To be read and studied carefully
and secretly until fully understood.
The Soul and the Senses
In thy mind, oh Earnest One, thou questioneth why the
need of strife and struggle to the Soul.
Listen! 1st-Without experiences there would be no power
of choice.
2nd-Experience is necessary for the development of con­
scious power.
3rd-The Soul, being feminine, is the bringing forth
power, but knoweth not her divine privilege until through
experience she hath gained knowledge and so chooseth to
consort only with her own Highest.
Hath not thine own experience through these earth years
been most valuable? Didst thou learn by precept what thou
hast by thine own sufferings?
So canst thou say experience is good because it giveth op­
portunity for the development and use of that knowledge
which cometh through activity. Yet, as the Soul awakeneth
to know her birth-right she needeth not that kind of teach­
ing; for, as she turneth to receive direct the Light that
shineth for her, e'en when she knoweth not, she shall re­
ceive the intuition, the within teaching of the Spirit and
thus be raised to her true dignity as Bride of the Spirit and
Mother of the Living.
Now, Earnest One, tum thou to know the truth about the
Soul and her mysterious relation to the senses-the five
avenues through which she contacts with the outer world
and by which she expresses herself to the world.
Though the senses function through the body, they have
their seat in Soul, hence, in truth are of the Spirit. That she
may learn to find herself superior to and free from flesh, she
hath been made subject to the necessity of experience with
the flesh.
Thus the great beneficence of Divine Intention is shown
in that wondrous instrument, the body, where symbols issue
the mysteries and potencies of life. But of the senses more
in another lesson.
Meantime, let thy daily travel o'er the road be marked
with earnest thought and practice of the following:
"I remove the ban of condemnation from all persons,
states, conditions or things. Harmony is the key of my rela­
tionship to the inner and the outer world. E'en the senses
shall be looked upon as good and righteous stepping stones
to Heaven. Help thou me, oh God, to understand thy per­
fect Law of Harmony."
To be read and studied carefully
and secretly until fully understood.
The Psychic Realm
Heed, now, the somewhat further revelation to the senses.
These gifts, inherent in the soul, function through the body
on the physical plane, and through the Soul herself on the
middle or psychic plane.
This middle plane is the realm of forms and conditions,
the unseen counterpart of the objective world. In this mid­
dle realm lie all thought and astral forms of what hath been
and what are not existent. When the senses waken on this
middle plane, through the Astral Light the Soul may see,
hear, taste, smell or feel exactly as through the body organs.
Until she hath sound judgment, thou seest plainly how she
may be deluded and cruelly deceived, e'en as a child who,
having ears and eyes, if turned adrift upon the crowded
street, would be confused and know nowhere to turn. So,
often, while the Soul yet liveth in her dream of ignorance,
she seeth on the psychic plane that which she understandeth
not, and which perchance may bring to her most baneful
and disastrous consequences.
That thou mayest better understand the way of this, con­
sider that, as there are three planes of Being, there must be
three planes of Knowing. Until the Soul Knoweth the three­
fold Being and the relation of each to the other and the
interblending of the consciousness from all three, she hath
no judgment and acts as she doth feel-one moment illu­
mined with the spiritual wisdom, the next beclouded with
material desire to overwrought emotion.
Yet, while she liveth, all unconsciously, on one of these
three planes doth her interest or love predominate. Accord­
ing to the intensity of her interest hath she attracting power,
hence the kind of experience she draweth to her. If she hath
desire for things of earth and findeth her pleasures through
the organs of the body (or the senses on the objective plane)
her lessons of experience will be gained through mind and
body. There she will suffer through satiety or deprivations,
for knowing not that she is greater than the senses, she
abandoneth herself to them, thinking they alone can give
the happiness for which she longeth. If, on the psychic plane,
she thinketh to escape the loneliness and limitation of the
flesh and turneth her senses inward, knowing not what may
be revealed, her interest and desire, without the power of
discrimination, will attract or draw to her any or every class
of phenomena which her mood determines.
Now, Earnest One, that thou mayest grow in that most
sound and perfect judgment, which can best direct and call
forth other gifts, hold these words continually in thy mind,
for use in thy silent chamber, in thy twice or thrice daily
"I stand in the Center of Being, radiant with the light of
the Spirit, strong in the knowledge of Right. I am wise with
the wisdom of God, now and forever."
To be read and studied carefully
and secretly until fully understood.
The Senses
Still further hear about the senses, Earnest One, that thou
mayest better understand the splendid privilege of their
The sense of sight not only giveth joy in beholding color,
forms and beautiful combinations in the outer world, but is
also privileged to look on objects in the middle realm, and
this is called clairvoyance.
Combined with judgment 'tis a useful and most gracious
gift of conveying knowledge which revealeth processes and
feats of law where sense sight faileth to perceive. On the
spiritual plane of Being, sight is but the clear ideas and
their relations and is most aptly termed, illumination. He
who hath this, in time will or should in the natural order
of descent, possess as well clairvoyance and the vision of the
outer eye. Thus would he prove the trinity in the unity, and
the unity in diversity.
Hearing is the gift of contacting and interpreting waves of
sound, which may be of melody or discord. On the middle
plane hearing is equally pronounced and valuable, and may
be the harmonizer or disturber according to its value as a
bridge in connecting soul with finer vibrations in the realm
of space.
Hearing on the psychic plane proveth often the flow and
interchange of sympathetic sound waves, regardless of the
space that intervenes between the voice that speaketh and
the listener who heareth, and this is named clairaudience,
or clear hearing.
On the spiritual plane hearing is the capacity to interpret
subtlest waves of harmony.
Tasting is the sensing of modes of quality combined in
the physical and psychic realms. 'Tis the discriminator or
cleaver of the good and not good, the true and the false. On
the spiritual plane 'tis the selecting principle which draw­
eth forth and combineth spiritual truths.
Smelling on the sense or physical plane is the faculty of
distinguishing subtle emanations or vibrations called odora
in the physical atmosphere. On the middle plane 'tis this
more emphasized.
On the spiritual 'tis judgment faculty that perceiveth and
doth appropriate spiritual qualities.
Feeling is the sensation of pleasure or pain on the physical,
the exquisite enjoyment or anguish of emotions on the
psychic, and the transcendent glory of Knowing on the spir­
itual plane.
Thus hath the soul great privilege in her avenues of sense
and through them she may climb to heaven, or through
them descend to Hades.
"Keep me, oh God, in the moderation bestowed by self­
control and the dominion over sense."
This is a key of power to one who would establish right ad­
justment between soul and sense.
To be read and studied carefully
and secretly until fully understood.
Psychic Gifts
Thou hast questions in thy mind, Earnest One, submit
Q.-1£ the senses originate in Soul are we to believe the
animals have souls?
A.-Why not? Insofar as they are of the life that contain­
eth all lives and liveth in all that lives, it must needs be that
in the degree of intelligence is the degree of soul faculty.
But the animal hath not the Spirit. Perchance as Soul pro­
gresseth, out of the undifferentiated abundant Life there
may sometime be a human form for its embodiment, and
the Spirit may descend upon and join the Soul. If this be
true, it giveth promise of ultimate awakening into the bliss
of Knowing. To me it is Truth.
Q.-You spoke of the subjective or middle realm as the
counterpart of this objective realm. Are there imperfect,
chaotic, tempestuous conditions there as here?
A.-Yea, verily and even more of anguish in certain condi­
tions. That is why the soul, not yet grown wise, should never
linger on the psychic plane nor use her senses on that plane.
In her ignorance doth her danger lie.
Q.-I wish to develop the gift of clairvoyance, that I may
see my friends who are distant and those who have passed
into the other life. Shall I not seek to develop this?
A.-When thou hast truly learned to love, thou wilt know
that love is spiritual unity and whether form be present or
absent love's communion remaineth the same. In this assur­
ance, thy thought waves will flow and merge together, and
in time and under right conditions will bring clear seeing
of clairvoyance of the form. But the development of the
senses on the psychic plane should come as a blossom
cometh, after root and stalk and leaf. Many a wreck hath
happened to souls not heeding this. Get thee first that un·
derstanding which, like the reins held in firm hands, can
guide young horses through a crowded street. In thought
thou'lt oft exchange sweet messages with thy friends, but
since this world is no longer their field of work, thinkest
thou 'tis best to call them back? Perchance thou couldst
serve them better by letting thy joy and faith and abound­
ing love flow toward them in baptismal waves that would
cleanse them of all fear and clothe them in robes of sweet­
est peace.
Now, Earnest One, that thou mayest find the perfect poise
of Being, let these words be thy key for meditation.
"I am the free, strong, masterful soul, detached from all
affections, desirer or senses. I am in them and with them,
but not of them; hence my freedom is my strength and my
understanding is my guide. In the Highest only do I live and
move and have my Being."
To be read and studied carefully
and secretly until fully understood.
True Clairvoyance
Seest not, oh Earnest One, that all phenomena of Being
in the outer or inner realms are produced by varying de­
grees and modes of motion? Thus the development of the
senses on either plane is dependent on the sensitive state or
nature of soul and her responsiveness to the quality of vibra­
As hath been said, the spiritual plane is highest where
abideth light, but where, in pregnant stillness, lieth innate
forces that descend upon the lower planes. Also hath it been
said the Soul attracteth what she loveth. Hence if she loveth
peace and joy and spiritual life she will hold herself in still­
ness, that she may contact these qualities from the spirit.
This meaneth that in the stillness are the highest, finest,
most ethereal vibrations and those which signify the heav­
enly states and truths. To hold herself in this peaceful, wait­
ing joy, is to finally wake responsiveness that will translate
itself as seeing, hearing, tasting, smelling, feeling, not only
on the highest, but in a great degree upon all the planes of
Being. So in harmonious order will unfold her spiritual
gifts. Having these as her equipment, she can control and
guide, but not be deceived by aught that happeneth on the
lower planes.
The Spiritual plane is the source of Wisdom; but the
middle and the lower planes are where it may be expressed.
As she receiveth knowledge, she must also know the manner
of its application in the realms of form and active life and
thou wilt remember both physical and psychic planes are
filled with forms and their relative conditions.
Seek the highest and thou shalt know the lowest. In this
way shalt thou uncover thy gifts of clear seeing, clear hear­
ing and clear knowing, and thy capacity for helpful ministry
will be greater an hundred fold, because of thine under­
standing and perfect mastery of conditions.
Then mayest thou see thy friends and talk with them,
whether they be here or there, in the flesh or out. Then
thou mayest read at once, through thy soul sense, the way of
all conditions, and through thy wisdom from the Spirit,
solve the riddles of thy life, or pierce the veil for others,
that their faltering steps may be led in the path aright.
This may be thy verse for meditation:
"Seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness
and all else shall be added unto you."
To be read and studied carefully
and secretly until fully understood.
More About the Psychic Realm
Again cometh thou with questions, Earnest One? Yea, 'tis
better than to be in doubt, for o'er these hills and valleys of
thy journey thou shouldst know the surest road.
Q.-Please tell me more definitely about the planes. Do
you mean the middle plane when you refer to the psychic or
soul plane?
A.-Yea, Earnest One, psychic cometh from the word
psyche, meaning soul, and Soul is the middle realm of Being.
Q.-You also called it the realm of subjective form or the
counterpart of the objective world. Can you make the dis­
tinction a little clearer in my mind?
A.-The psychic realm is not only a realm of form in
which exists the counterpart of this objective world, but it
hath many forms and combinations of forms of which thy
objective senses can never know, but which soul sight or
clairvoyance clearly reveals. In this psychic realm every feel­
ing, thought and emotion is at once put forth with form
and color expressive of its nature. Thus anger in that realm
hath a form to indicate its nature. 'Tis like a storm, with
black clouds and lightning fierce and terrible, or it may be
of beastly form and nature, or a thousand varying combina­
tions resulting from infinite variety of conditions accom­
panying anger. All the conditions, passions, desires, and
fierce emotions of the natural man here find graphic fullness
of expression. But his better moods, his tenderness, his
sweet impulses for bettering human life, his aspirations,
yearnings, efforts, are also put forth in forms and scenes of
beauty; so that the realm is lighted up and beautified by
these out-going streams of good which there take on their
fitting form.
And now, oh Earnest One, canst thou more fully under­
stand why, with continuous and impressive zeal, hast thou
been taught the better way, of seeking wisdom before power.
Now perchance thou canst understand why 'tis better not to
wish for psychic gifts, until thou art grounded and well
based in the spiritual understanding, which alone can make
them useful.
Ever and more earnestly lift thy aspirations toward the
Meditate thrice daily on the following:
"I will lift up my heart and give praise and thanksgiving
that I am privileged to possess, understand and use the gifts
of the Spirit."
To be read and studied carefully
and secretly until fully understood.
Every class of facts encircleth an idea, and every class of
experiences encircleth a desire. The idea or desire becometh
the Soul as the polar star whereto her thoughts and emo­
tions ever tend. To be thus centered upon or towards one
or many ideas or desires is polarization. And this word hath
much significance to the aspiring soul. For example-polari­
zation to that Idea which is the content of all ideas, viz: the
Spirit, would in time bring the influx of love and wisdom
which concreted on the lower planes in daily life could be
no less than the Word made flesh. Polarization toward any
idea hath life or death in it, according to the nature of the
idea. Be it of life or death or joy or sorrow, or good or ill,
'twould mean ultimate experiences encircling such a cen­
ter. "As a man thinketh in his heart so is he," is a nugget of
eternal truth.
Seest thou, Earnest One, how much dependeth on the
star the Soul chooseth for her guidance? How like she is to
a ship without a helmsman without the spiritual judgment
that holdeth her to the onward upward course?
Thou questioneth in thy mind in many points, but think
slowly o'er all thou hast been taught and thou wilt see the
silver thread of reason running through the weaving.
Thou wilt perceive that 'tis the soul herself, whether igno­
rantly or wisely, who electeth her own course of travel, who
really decreeth and bringeth to judgment her own acts. And
since all dependeth on her love and wisdom, the first descent
is consciousness and the second judgment.
Using these she calleth out and placeth in their right rela­
tions all her faculties.
Affection, understanding and will are the three grand
powers of the Soul. Through her affections, rightly polar­
ized, she may gain understanding; through understanding
polarize her will. Upon these depend the orderly and sequen­
tial unfoldment of her divine possibilities. As her love or
affection centers on her own Highest, she draweth out the
power of active expression and, in every way, will manifest
the glory of her gifts on every plane of Being. Thus doth she
grow to individuality where, at first, she is uncentered and
As thou measureth thyself by the square and the circle,
oh Earnest One, measure also thy Brothers and together
thou canst find the level pathway that leadeth to thy goal.
As thy key word, say this: "I am a Center, receiving and
dispensing Divine Bounty."
TWENTY-SEVENTH To be read and studied carefully
and secretly until fully understood.
In the word polarization lieth hint of a mighty law. The
soul, polarized to an idea, becometh, not only a magnet, but
a receiving depot and a point of departure for the vibra­
tions produced by the idea centered upon. These vibrations
or waves of influence go forth again, carrying the quality of
good or ill, so perpetuating the influence or quality that
createth them. Know this, oh Earnest One, the mental and
physical atmospheres are full of waves and currents swept
together, or merged into coalescence by their sympathies or
likeness. Like attracts like in the thought realm, as in the
realm of psychics. Recallest not the Lesson, that thought
stirreth the all-embracing ether into waves?
Then 'twould follow that waves of sympathy meet and
merge and conversely those of contrary quality repel or
clash. This is the key to likes and dislikes or attractions and
repulsions in the association of souls in the outer or ex­
ternal world. As thoughts have quality, so do they deter­
mine the quality of influence. One Light or Truth (for
Truth is like the Light) as the standard of his thinking and
his doing, becometh charged with power which can be trans­
mitted to all responsive to its quality. Thus, such vibratory
waves, touching a negative mind, will quicken and vitalize
as with an electric shock and infuse into the consciousness
new hope and courage, into the body strength and vigor and
He, who, therefore, is polarized to Spirit, or his own
Highest becometh the center of forces in equilibrium, viz:
an individual, with power to receive and dispense to the
world the Elixir of Life to those who would live.
Place thyself reverently, oh Earnest One, in the state of
aspiration and prayer. And, as thou sitteth in thy silent
chamber, repeat: "Shower upon me Thy infinite grace, oh
Spirit of Love and Wisdom; Let me be as a Light, shining
in darkness to those who need Light. Let me shed abroad
the Light that becometh Life."
To be read and studied carefully
and secretly until fully understood.
The Surrender of the Will
Thou hast heard something of the affections of the Soul,
by which she becometh polarized: now hear, oh Earnest
One, concerning the will, for without the will there could
be no holding power, no center or bridge of connection be­
tween thought and deed. As affections, until freed from the
blight of selfishness, are but scattered forces with no at-one­
ment or harmony with the higher law; so the finite or self
will, though when polarized to an object for a time hath a
mighty power, yet for the most part being diffused in many
channels, hath little force comparatively until joined in per­
fect coalescence with the Divine. This must come to pass,
that the finite must surrender and merge into the Infinite,
else can there be neither harmony nor illumination. The
old centers of attraction cannot be exchanged for the true
Center, until first the will hath been depolarized and polar­
ized anew.
There is but one way to develop the power of the will and
that is by action; but the supreme act of the finite is the
complete surrender and abandonment to the Infinite. When
the soul knoweth this law she seeketh to lose herself from
the selfish attractions and desires, and lay upon the altar of
sacrifice her self-will and its gifts of forces; thus, through
sacrifice of self or renunciation, she layeth down her life (her
loves) and findeth it again (though with no expectance)
upon the higher plane of Spirit.
Thus purified of self, through renouncement of self-will,
the Soul hath a crystal clearness in her aim of life, and so
draweth without effort the lower elements of her being into
the same perfect symmetry of magnetic order, that in the
realm of physics a magnet draweth the iron filings. Then
floweth more and more to her from the high mount of her
Lord's presence streams of light and power and truth. Then
hath she power to be prophet, poet, priest, or king; or one,
or all, as she hath direction from her Lord. Then will she
not merely hold the symbol in her consciousness, but, in
very truth, become the Mystic Star that shineth in the dawn
of that millennia! day when the whole earth shall be lighted
by the Light that never shone on land nor sea; yet which
lighteth every man that cometh into the world.
"Let thy Light shine upon me, in me, and through me, oh
my God, now and evermore."
To be read and studied carefully
and secretly, until fully understood.
Thought Qualities­
More About the Will
Yea, Earnest One, the very eagerness to know every step
of the ground is pleasing in that it hath promise of final
Submit thy questions and heed well the answers.
Q.-You spoke of the law of attraction and repulsion in
the thought waves as the key to likes and dislikes among
human beings. This would imply inevitable antagonisms, as
well as violent attachments, and would entail consequent
unhappiness. Must this necessarily be a permanent condi­
A.-Nay, when all are polarized to the highest, while there,
in very truth, will ever be a differentiation in thought quali­
ties, which will make pleasing varieties in character and
power, there will be no antagonisms or repulsions. But the
different ration of vibration and the various qualities
thereby ensuing can do no otherwise than manifest in uni­
ties and disunities. Yet he who sendeth the spiritual, rather
than the selfish, vibrations will act as harmonizer and peace­
maker, and may often change the quality emanating from
the lower plane of thought. That which is lower can be
raised but that which is higher can not be lowered.
That which is lower is changeable, but that which is
higher is stable.
Q.-Is it a real or only apparent truth that there are two
A.-There is but one reality. When centered in human
or self-interests, it is apparently separated from the higher.
The Higher or Divine Will is universal and is manifested
in nature as Law, hence, in nature the perfect working out
of harmony, perfection, connectedness. Self knows no au­
thority but its own desires, hence believeth all power resi­
dent within its own limitations. This delusion, in time,
bringeth its own end, so it cometh that in common speech
it is called the finite or human will. The surrender and
consequent victory of the self-centered will lieth in the
mystic death, of which more anon.
Q.-You have spoken of sending vibrations of courage,
strength and health. Just how is this done?
A.-On the principle that the all-embracing ether is the
communicating medium and that thoughts can be sent
wheresoever directed. This is called telepathy or thought
transference and is universal law.
But now, oh Earnest One, hast thou had enough? Go
forth and practice with all earnestness that which thou hast
heard. Help thy fellow travelers on the road and be to all
the helpful Brother who will minister to all in love's sweet
Heed this as discipline for further aid in thy advancement:
"I desire to be unselfish in motive, thought and deed. To
all my Brothers goeth my goodwill, my sympathy and
To be read and studied carefully
and secretly until fully understood.
Thought Transference
Concerning the law of thought transference, know this,
oh Earnest One, the very nature of thought and its effect
upon the ethers maketh thought transmission a continuous
process, whether conscious or unconscious, and as the earth
forever giveth forth her emanations, and the sun its light, so
doth thou give forth thy thoughts and soon or late, whether
thou willeth or no, without regard to space or time, respon­
sive souls through the universe receive thy thoughts and
their effects. Hast noted how instruments of music, may­
hap of different form and kind, if keyed to the same note,
will echo back if the note be touched but on one instrument?
Sound waves touch with unseen fingers the sympathetic keys
and they answer back in tones respondent to the keynote.
So thou, oh Earnest One, art sending forth tones of melody
or discord, according to thy mood or to thy aim and purpose
of life, and these notes go forth to thy whole world of
Brothers, some of whom will surely answer, whether in wail
or song.
To minister as one who knoweth and would, above all,
bless, thou must be lifted up and centered in the Highest:
else, where thou groanest with despair as on thy lower plane
thou oft mayest do, the whole creation on thy plane of con­
sciousness groaneth with thee. When thou art radiant with
joy or strong with victory over self, all others in thy same
vibration will sing and dance with joy or conscious strength.
If thou doth choose to minister through thought to minds
diseased or bodies bent with pain, thou mayest know more
clearly how to use thy thought with more directness and
more of consecrated power.
First, polarize thy will to that Will which ever work­
eth harmony. Then aspire earnestly for healing power. Keep
thy thoughts upon the highest qualities and most beauteous
forms, so that the warmth of love and the strength of under­
standing may be thine. Then choose some time in the early
dawn or late at night for the putting forth of thy streams of
peace and health and strength. If thou hast in mind some
person whom thou wouldst heal of special ills, think just
the converse of his thoughts. Reveal to him the perfect
wholeness, peace and beauty in his spiritual being. Lift him
from the lower to the higher plane of feeling and of Being.
Because thou art the one in Light thou art the positive, he
the negative, pole of consciousness. Thy thoughts, thy feel­
ings, thy faith, and thy pure understanding will pass from
thee to him and become the Power of Omnipotence, using
thee only as its channel.
Consecrate thyself to greater faith and holier living as the
days pass by, and in thy daily quiet times pray thus:
"Cleanse me now, my Father, of all selfishness and lack of
faith. Use me as the perfect channel of thy Power. Teach me
the Law of the Divine Will in the Soul."
To be read and studied carefully
and secretly until fully understood.
The Law of Suggestion
Yea, if thy understanding thriveth better, continue in thy
questioning, Earnest One.
Q.-Why did you say the thought for healing should be
sent in the early morning or late at night?
A.-Because then is the mind more passive, being in sleep
or a drowsy state, hence more open to thy positive charge of
thought. 'Tis like one who, being very much engaged in
conversation or absorbing work, heareth not the voice that
speaketh to him. But when his mind is open or not occu­
pied, he heareth. So this one asleep, though he heareth not
with outer ears, yet thy cheering thoughts will reach his
Q.-Is there any special use of will in this exercise of using
thoughts for others? If so, is this what is called hypnotism?
A.-There may be or not an emphasis of the will. Direct­
ing thought power of will may be often practiced, but 'tis
better far to be so high above the plane of will, in its finite
plane, that there will be no conscious effort; merely an in­
tending of the mind towards the object, as when one holdeth
in his hand a hose and merely turneth it where the water is
desired. On the selfish plane of action, those yet not high in
aspiration or attainment may be tempted to enter, through
their unconsecrated will, that which should be forever held
as sacred, the domain of human consciousness or individu­
ality, and to decree what e'er they might wish to come to
pass, whether good or bad. This on no ground is right or
true, unless the person acted upon should wish a change
wrought in mind or body and should desire such power used
for this betterment, as in rare cases it might be used; yet
even then a mighty risk attendeth such performance, unless
the one who wills be thoroughly true and upright in his
thought and life.
Canst see? On the physical and mental-psychic plane, not
being illumined with the light of spirit, one performing
these feats, though for a righteous end, might, even unwit­
tingly to himself, transmit his lower qualities, some color of
his unregenerate self, or temperamental failings. These in
general are reasons why 'tis only safe when living on the
highest plane of Being, to place oneself unreservedly an ob­
ject to be brought within the thought sphere and quality
sphere of such performer.
Hypnotism is the hushing of the outer senses at the domi­
nant suggestion of another. Thou seest 'tis very like what
hath been described. The higher way and that which seem­
eth most divine would speak the truth of Spirit and, with
conviction born of faith, let it be established. This, the
higher aspect of the will, the divinely tranquil potency,
which falleth as the gentle dew upon the mountain to send
refreshing strength and holiness upon the thoughts of him
whose consecration draweth to him all its blessedness.
"A channel for the Highest; a minister to the lowest; a
lover of the Best, I pray to ever be. Use thou me, oh God of
Light and Life."
To be read and studied carefully
and secretly until fully understood.
Suggestion and Hypnotism
Q.-What is the difference between suggestion and hyp­
A.-A suggestion is the natural tendency of thought to
specialize in interest and direction and so become, with or
without necessity of conscious intention, the molding or in­
tending influence to other minds.
Hypnotism is the intentional use of suggestion to not only
intend but dominate and put to sleep another's mind, mak­
ing that mind subject to any wish, intention or decree in
the mind of the hypnotist. The peculiar sleep induced by
the hypnotist, and called hypnosis, is but the hushing of the
outer senses, in which the will of the patient is in abeyance
and subject entirely to the operator. On this method of men­
tal action we make no comment, saying this: this power in
a mind unlightened by the Spirit and the love of good
might do ruthless harm to many trusting ones; while in a
clean, unselfish mind, might be as ministering angels to suf­
fering bodies or sorrow tossed souls.
Thus, Earnest One, through the mind's channel, it lieth
in the power of a Brother to help another, even though the
space between be great, for swiftly through the wondrous
ether flieth thought, and lot if it be good and of the light,
its precious ministry hath begun the moment Love con­
ceived the thought to help. In suggestion one doth not of
necessity use the will as an active force, but as their power
of consent. But on this point there hath been discussion.
Suffice, oh Earnest One, if thou canst perceive the Law that
thought may be transferred and that the kind of quality of
thought dependeth wholly on the one who sendeth. Of this
be sure-the thought, warm with love and strong with wis­
dom, goeth forth freighted with the potency of its spiritual
quality, which alone would make it powerful to heal or
bless. As the crown and pith of truth, oh Earnest One, heed
this: Be true to the highest thoughts. Only the loving soul
can radiate the Light and warmth of love that, more than
all else, is the healing balm.
For healing power, enter into the prayer of consecration
and then, sitting alone in thy room and upright chair,
breathe seven long deep breaths, fervently realizing the
omnipresence and omniscience of the One Life. Do this
thrice daily.
To be read and studied carefully
and secretly until fully understood.
The Healing Potency of
God-Like Thoughts
Questioneth thou again, oh Earnest One? So be it, but
thou wilt study diligently, for greater good cometh when
thou wilt insist on knowing in thine own right. But 'tis
pleasing to feel a mind so hungry. What wilt thou know?
Q.-1£ thoughts are free to go and come, even without
direction, and every thought is charged with power of its
own quality, why would not humanity be exposed to
thoughts as they would to bacteria?
A.-A fertile question, truly; they are so exposed, oh
Earnest One, and only as they live above the mists and
storms of selfishness and ignorance can they be exempt from
dire effects of vagrant thoughts. The pure quality of God­
like thoughts, such as inspired by faith and truth and love
of good, is of such high vibration it maketh no connection
with quality of the grosser sort. Herein lieth protection,
even as the light is ever light, e'en though in the midst of
darkness. 'Tis knowing life that frees from death-'tis love
and wisdom from above that giveth faith and strength, and
this keepeth the mind positive, so 'tis not swerved aside
nor, through ignorance, compelled to entertain winged or
bat-like thoughts that breed disease. Such mind is joined
to higher currents in the moving ether and maketh contact
only with its kind or quality of thought.
Q.-1£ thoughts may be sent to heal and help, may they
not be sent to curse and injure?
A.-Thou are wise, Earnest One. The Law worketh either
way, yet woe betide him who willfully committeth injury to
his Brother. 'Tis according to the law that thoughts move in
circles and, though they be sent afar to the ends of the
earth, yet will they return to the sender with the same qual­
ity and increased force with which they were charged to go
forth. Blessings or cursings will he reap who sendeth them.
He who worketh in evil findeth retribution sure and swift
when it cometh, e'en though its coming may seem delayed.
Thus mayest thou see why so earnestly 'tis taught that all
souls should seek the highest plane of thought and Life. Out
of self into love is the sure pathway to life, love and immor­
tality. Since quality most God-like is that which goeth forth
from the soul uplifted and redeemed, the surest, truest and
most certain ministry is the Love that issueth from the Soul
that liveth in loving and loveth in living. Love hath magic
in it. 'Twill bring the needy ones into the fountain of Beth­
esda whose healing waters will make whole.
Abide thou in the tabernacle and, with devotion fixed on
the Highest, receive this love from the heart of God. Hold
thy mind long and often (in the month to come) in the
heavenly silence with these words:
"Supreme and holy Love covereth me as a garment. I am
clothed and ready for traveling and for ministry as I go. "
To be read and studied carefully
and secretly until fully understood.
Thou hast traveled far on the road, Earnest One, and
received much of the instruction which, as a Brother and a
Traveler, it is essential thou shouldst know. Thou hast been
shown the principles of religion (which bindeth back to
God) without which no traveler should start upon this event­
ful road, and thou hast learned the first great lesson of the
aspirant for knowledge, viz: obedience. Thou hast learned
of the immutable law, by which all change is wrought and
all things brought forth through the law of thought. Thou
hast learned compliance with the law, that thou mayest be­
come a Master in the world. Thou hast been given the lights
to guide thee on thy way, and the jewels that represent to
thee the jewels of character, through which only he who pos­
sesseth may become as a Son of Light and a Brother of the
whole human kind-the high, the low, the rich, the poor,
who should receive from thee that brotherly love when
needed, which would ever succor in distress, which would
ever soothe, protect, and heal and bless, which would cause
thee to unite in friendship with all men of whatever coun­
try, creed, or opinion and to thus manifest the Spirit of
true Brotherhood.
Now thou canst proceed on thy journey knowing that
whatsoever trial or obstruction thou mayest meet thou wilt
find in thy heart fortitude to bear all tests, prudence to deal
with all questions, temperance to practice self-control, and
justice to mete in all relations. Truth being thy goal (and
having received moral and religious instruction) thou wilt
in thy further journeying find it essential to know some­
thing of the exact sciences which reveal the glory of the law
in the outer world. This study will corroborate and empha­
size the spiritual truth and make thee better able to build
upon the rock.
Hold thyself open to knowledge (Truth) on all planes of
"I wait to Know, that I may Know to Work."
To be read and studied carefully
and secretly until fully understood.
The Sciences. Language
Consider, Earnest One, how wonderful is the gift of speech
and that thoughts may find due outlet through language. It
behooveth all to learn somewhat of the parts of speech,
their relation to each other, and their need and timely use.
Each word meaneth some phase of thought and feeling and
experience; each word has its part to play in putting forth
the waves of sound that convey utterance to the soul. It hath
been given to man to represent in all the harmony and
complexity of their infinite variety the perfect thoughts of
God. Until he hath conception of the perfect and perfecting
Law by which all things in orderly sequence and array are
made and placed, how can he find in his own soul the image
of the thoughts of God, or the image of their audible ex­
Yet in the countless ages through which man hath passed
he hath learned the revelation between his dumb emotions
and his outward speech. He hath, through unutterable
anguish or gladsome joy, put forth in sound the majestic
utterance of himself, as he hath known himself. But as the
vaster ages with their wealth of rich experience added to his
expertness in expressing himself in language, there slowly
stole upon his mind the light from heaven, the intuitions
clear revealing of himself as self and his Creator as his Source
and Prototype. Then, as the light spread larger in his soul, he
discerned the difference between his thoughts and God's.
He grew to see how God spake, in the accuracy and per­
fection with which He made the universe and all contained
Thus man, studying into the hidden workings of the Law,
discovered its perfection and sought most zealously to con­
form the manner and the quality of his thinking to its re­
quirements, and so evolved the law of speech.
Canst think, oh Earnest One, of any way more needful,
if thou wouldst pattern the Most High, than learning ac­
curate language by which thy speech be the perfect showing
of thy perfect thought?
Seek right words. Be wise in choosing words that are ex­
quisite molds of thought, that thou mayest use the pure,
precise, and proper language of the Spirit.
"Let the words of my mouth and the meditations of my
heart be acceptable unto thee, oh God."
To be read and studied carefully
and secretly until fully understood.
The Art of Beautiful Speech
In continuance of this gift of language, thou art enjoined,
oh Earnest One, to note the part that beauty playeth in the
matchless eloquence of God's spoken words. Mark the rich
embellishment in the beauteous universe. 'Tis the Rhetoric
with which He woos His children to decipher the secrets of
Himself and His creation.
Some soul illumined with the truth hath said: "The uni­
verse is the autograph of the Almighty." And another of His
prophets hath been given to say: "Every leaf and grass blade
are letters dropped from God."
See, how round about every faculty of being hath He
woven joy and beauty, that His children might not be bereft
of pleasure in the school of life.
The pith of what this teacheth, oh Earnest One, is this:
As thou thinketh, thou teacheth largely thyself; but, as thou
speaketh, thou teacheth others. Hence doth it behoove thee,
if thou wouldst follow the Divine Teacher, not only to
speak accurately, but winningly, and not only to the under­
standing, but to the heart.
Seek in speech, therefore, to represent somewhat of the
beauty with which the earth and sky and all the glorious
phenomena of Nature are adorned. For the end of speech is
to communicate and what is there to communicate but
God's message?
Is this not what the painted glory of the morning sky re­
vealeth, as the light glides forth in majesty through the star
held curtains of the night? Is it not of this the planets sing
in their mighty chorus of the spheres? Is it not of this pipeth
the tiny insect with his spots and dots and lines of rainbow
color, e'en as he moveth in frightened grace into his cun­
ning household in the earth?
If all these and the myriads of creatures and creations, in
voice and manner, garb and form, do thus bear witness of
the perfect thought of their Creator, why not thou, the
greatest of them all, oh Earnest One, why not with will and
love, with heart and soul awakened, speak forth in tones in­
comparable and words most eloquent, the truth and majesty
of His Law? 'Tis thus thine every word, like a radiant jewel,
would fall blazing from thy mouth, and by its beauty and
priceless value win the thoughtless ones to seek the path
that leadeth back to God.
Speak thou true words and beauteous; speak thou such
words as God might speak. Thus recreate thy world.
"I call forth every faculty for right use and hold myself
to the true observance of the Law, to the measure of my
knowledge. I open now my mind for Light."
To be read and studied carefully
and secretly until fully understood.
In thy speaking, Earnest One, thou wilt use thy clear cut
reason as an aid and emphasis to all thy revelations from
the Spirit. The reason helpeth mightily in forming clear
ideas and preventing misconception of their true relation.
The light of logic is of value most profound if the basis
of the Law or principle be understood. But this, the base
must be exact, so that all things placed thereon may fit in
nice proportions and harmonious relation. Thus wert thou
shown so carefully the basis of man's being-that innate
germ of God's own Essence-power possessed by man. This,
the seed of Divinity, is the real man, the One, unconquer­
able in every soul, who maketh every grace and virtue of the
Spirit a living truth. 'Tis the office of illumined reason, by
a wise persistence and a firm adherence to reason's logic, to
reveal this real man and show the mis-conceived, deluded
man wherein the false assumption and ignorance of Right
hath no foundation save as he useth the power of the true
and living One. When the eloquence of Love and Wisdom,
or the conjoined and noble powers of intuition and intellect
(feeling and logic) combine to make apparent this basic
truth of Being, then cometh man to see how, from that true
and only base, he himself must build the life and character
that, in just sequence, flower forth from such a seed. So, too,
will true logic explain the why of false conditions and show
forth the rule of re-adjustment. Neglect not, in the cultiva­
tion of the gift of language, the use of logic that will square
and dovetail stones of truth and set them where they should
be set.
To represent ideas, to make clear to other minds the
truth as it hath been revealed to thee is a rare privilege in
thy ministry; yet, while 'tis fitting and e'en most useful, thou
shouldst be prepared to use thy words, have no insistence in
their use. Seek not to force unwilling minds, for unwilling­
ness doth prove unripeness. Let be the unready. Hold thy­
self to be as true and fair a picture of consistent thinking as
thy faculties permit, and thus in speechless eloquence be the
revelation thou wouldst voice.
To every power give due place. Imagination, reason, will,
memory, affection, understanding, and all the rare equip­
ment of thy being, use to this end-the showing forth of the
Perfect Whole.
"Complete in me thy perfect work, oh God, and reveal in
me thine own perfection. Reverently do I acknowledge
every power in me to be Thine."
To be read and studied carefully
and secretly until fully understood.
Not more clearly in all His pregnant symbols than in
Numbers hath God revealed the process of His Law. Catch
but the hint of this and the sure principle on which He
built the universe will be revealed. So now, oh Earnest One,
learn wherein God speaketh in Number language.
One representeth the Infinite One.
Two, the offspring, or that which proceedeth from the
One, as Thinker produceth thought.
Three, the Divine Trinity in unity, of which there are
many illustrations. Thus: Thinker, thought, and that which
cometh forth to outer Light. The Within and the Without,
with thought as mediator or unseen Link without which no
"without" could be. Three-the number representing the
Infinite in action in the realm of Nature. For example-time
(in nature) hath three divisions-space, three dimensions­
Nature, three kingdoms-man, three aspects of Being.
Four proceedeth from the Divine; for, as three represent­
eth the Divine or Trinity, four representeth the world, or
that which cometh as a revelation of the Divine. Thus, we
have four seasons, four elements, four cardinal points, the
four-sided sanctuary, the Holy of Holies, whence God com­
muned with Moses.
Five signifieth evolution or change in the natural, whereby
is possible a greater concept and discovery of Divine truths,
as through the five senses man may see the symbols God hath
displayed for his reading. Five, the promise of something to
come; the suggestion of things to be.
Six, the double trinity, or the unseen manifested in the
seen. Man as Spirit, Soul, Mind, manifested in body as vital­
ity, action, matter.
Seven, the completion of an octave of unfoldment, the
perfection of form and function, the union of God with His
revelation. Seven, the number of the microcosm, or the God­
man in manifestation.
Eight standeth for the beginning of a new octave in the
scale of vibration, a new epoch of experience. Eight, the
number of the crucifixion or death of the natural, the pre­
liminary to the glory of a higher life.
Nine, the Deity unrevealed, the Spiritual man ascended,
the initiation into Divine mysteries.
Ten, the center and circumference, the perfection of all.
Completeness, unity in diversity. The full statement of God
to man-illustrated in the ten spheres of Pythagoras: the
ten sephiroth of the Cabalists; the ten periods of the Etrus­
cans; the ten Commandments of Moses, etc.
This, but a hint, oh Earnest One, of the marvelous revela­
tion awaiting those who use the magic key of numbers in
deciphering the mystery of creation.
Study carefully each word herein set forth, that thou
mayest know how, in thy very self as three-fold Being, God
hath writ His Numbers large.
"Reveal in me and to my mind thy glorious Law, oh
Master Builder of the universe, that I too may be a builder
after Thee, and worthy to be called a fellow workman with
my Master."
To be read and studied carefully
and secretly until fully understood.
'Twas said by one of God's illumined ones, "God geo­
metrizes" and this, oh Earnest One, can be perceived by any
soul who searcheth deeply for the signs.
Geometry revealeth powers and properties of things hav­
ing magnitude, length, breadth and thickness. 'Tis through
symbols known as geometrical figures the architect is able to
construct and formulate his plans, the builder to build, with
not one jot of swerving, the majestic edifice that typifieth
the exact and perfect plan. All that requireth absolute ad­
justment, geometry maketh possible. A point, a dot, is the
beginning of geometrical calculation. It is the first finite
manifestation of spiritual force, the alpha of mathematics.
Within the point or dot lieth concealed in embryo all the
future manifestations of the revealing Principle. As a pri­
mary idea is the mother of all thoughts, so the dot or point
is the mother of all form. A Line is a figure denoting length,
therefore Infinity. It is the dot extended and correspondeth
to the One from which all proceedeth. The line to which
another line is added, making an angle, is the point ex­
tended and diversified, the ground plan of the building, be­
gun with that exactness which permitteth no deviation and
which ensureth permanence.
In all that God hath builded He hath used the science of
Geometry. Study the symmetry and beauty of the crystal,
with its perfect lines and angles, its complete and wondrous
form of geometric beauty.
Saith one who, from long and arduous study, knoweth:
"In the process of crystallization Nature first reveals herself
a Builder." Thus the snowflake, the flower, the tree, the
markings of the matchless color on the bodies of insect, bird
or beast, all these and countless forms innumerable, prove
the plan, design and inspiration of the Great Geometrician
of the universe who, in fashion glorious and wonderful, re­
vealeth the perfect marvel of this perfect law, from smallest
seed to largest star.
Law, Order, Perfection: These are magic words, which if
thou holdest constantly in thy mind and heart, will geom­
etrize thy life.
To be read and studied carefully
and secretly until fully understood.
No greater revelation hath God made than through the
sweet concords and seraphic melodies of music.
Harmony is the soul of music, and music the voice of
God. 'Tis heard through the starry spheres, through air,
and sea, and earth, doth swell from low, sweet prelude of
the growing grass to the grand, majestic tones of wind-swept
forests of sublimest organ peals. Can not music tame discord­
ant passions, soften cruel moods, and calm tempestuous con­
ditions into quietness and peace?
Whence the mighty secret of the mighty change so
wrought by music?
Listen I Through the wondrous ether and all-pervading
air goeth waves of sound. These vibrations any soul can
hear and feel, since they are capable of connecting, through
the ear, the realms of earth and heaven. In all the varying
realms of Nature are emanations of this subtle harmony
which, e'en when not revealed by sound, are none the less
musical vibrations. Sweet influences of the vital sunlight,
the smell of growing things, the gorgeous symphonies of
color, the caroling of birds and buzz of whirring insects are
but the songs of heaven in another key and part of God's
great and loving ministry to man.
Oh Earnest One, since thou hast learned that man is
God's epitome, canst thou not see that, e'en as God sendeth
the infinite variety of harmony, thou canst send abroad, for
the betterment and happiness of all mankind, the harmonies
of love and peace and sweet goodwill; yea, not only by thy
unuttered thought, but by the spoken word, for not a
sound goeth forth from thy lips but hath melody or discord
in it. Every word in language hath its kind and quality of
vibration and he who speaketh any word sets in motion all
the qualities which mark its nature. When the soul is mel­
low and the heart is warm, such thoughts fill the mind and
issue from the lips, as bathe the earth in happiness and
peace. In this state doth the Spirit find and love to teach the
Bethink thee, then, to listen long and often to these melo­
dies from God, whether as revealed by Nature, or inter­
preted by man. Put thy soul in touch with music that thou
mayest thyself become the rare and precious instrument
God intended when He made thee.
Attune thy harp strings now to airs from heaven and let
thy music ring from pole to pole.
Pray with true devotion this prayer:
"Open Thou me, oh God, to Thy Almighty harmony, that
I too may be Thy messenger to men, and throughout all my
being let the Harmony of Life be played in full, rich chords
of peace."
To be read and studied carefully
and secretly until fully understood.
And come we now, oh Earnest One, to contemplate the
grand significance of that most marvelous science of all
sciences-the Science of Astronomy, by which the Divine
Artificer built the Arch of Heaven and caused to appear
therein the resplendent configuration of the starry worlds
whose rotation in the realms of space, in incomparable
obedience to the Law, reveal the Wisdom, Strength and
Beauty of His handiwork. No greater lesson hath He given
of the perfect order that followeth obedience than that found
in the orbs of heaven, obeying in their lustrous courses the
Law, which never knoweth change. The motion of our
planet, even Earth, doth give a key to all the varying aspects
of the universe. Through a contemplation and understand­
ing of Earth's orbit, the wise of ancient Egypt found the
symbol to the pathway to celestial glory.
What natural image is fraught with greater radiance or
tranquility than that of the rolling year, as it circleth in per­
petual serenity about the feet of God? As the lustrous orbit
thus is woven, "cycle after cycle of age-long periods, like the
golden serpents, twine themselves around it and span the
gulfs of time with the on-marching years of the Most High."
Set thy mind upon these stupendous themes and thou
canst not then be weak and small and petty in comprehen­
sions or thy moods. Thou canst not contemplate and revel
in this expansive vision of the arching heavens, knowing
their infinite significance, without becoming God-like in thy
Soul and God-like in thy thoughts.
And then what followeth? This, oh Earnest One, that
thou wilt build a "four squared, finely wrought and perfect
character, divinely imaged and true as God."
Thy life and nature shall be so evolved in order and com­
pleteness, that in thy Being, though invisible to outer eyes,
the work will be accomplished which, all unwittingly, thou
soughtest to perform throughout the struggling years of
ignorance, the work of building thy Cosmos out of Chaos.
By analogy, thy illumined consciousness may discern the
constellations in the heavens-the sun, moon and stars, the
boundless space, the earth they shine upon and all the mov­
ings of the Perfect Law, as in the visible heavens above thee.
Seek the deeper meanings of these words, oh Earnest One,
and thou wilt find that which is the gift of God within thee.
Lift up thy soul continually and in thy daily meditations
speak thy loftiest language to thy God.
"The day is thine. The night also is thine. Thou hast pre­
pared the light and the sun. Thou hast set all the borders of
the earth. Unto thee be thanksgiving and praise forever."
To be read and studied carefully
and secretly until fully understood.
The Being of God
Wouldst thou question further, Earnest One?
Q.-You think a study of the Arts and Sciences will be
indispensable in the attainment of Spiritual Knowledge?
A.-Nay, not indispensable, but most valuable, Earnest
One, in helping to understand the process of God's Law
and its workings in the clay of human nature; also to cor­
roborate the inner revelations of the Spirit.
Every art and every science is but an analysis or a pro­
duction of the works of God. But the key to the higher min­
istry hath been found only in the understanding of Nature
as the revelation of Divinity and the oneness of the man
with both Divinity and Nature. Hast thou thoughts, they
must be expressed, and to reach their perfect end must be
expressed in language clear and accurate. Thus the art of
speech hath its certain place and function. So with all the
Q.-You speak of God as Personality. Do you mean that
He is a Personal Being?
A.-In the sense of a limited Personal Form, nay, a thou­
sand times. In the sense of a Perfect Individuality, an All­
inclusive-Mind, of which every mind is an inlet, an All-in­
clusive Spirit, in which every Spirit liveth and hath Being
and identity, yea, verily.
Take thyself as type : Is thy mind or Higher Self limited to
thy form? Is not thy form but the symbol of thy Being, that
which thou art using as a garment? Is not thy mind inclu­
sive of thine every thought, either past or present? Can thy
thoughts be taken from thee? Thou boldest thoughts as
mental images or forms objectified. Thou art to all intents
and purposes their creator, and they constitute thy world.
So the Mind and Being of the One from whom all things
have been sent forth is like thine own. Thou couldst have
no Individuality were not thy sense of Being in the All-in­
clusive Being or Individual. 'Tis this mystery, oh Earnest
One, which hath baffled all the ages; yet, with the key that
there is but One, a Unity shown forth in all diversity, the
revealment cometh, and to him who receiveth the way is
open, the path is found that leadeth back to God. "Nature
is but the garment of Divinity, the Colossal cypher of the
Soul. As a whole and in the relation of her parts, Nature is
the dial plate of the invisible world." So sayeth the Illumi­
nati of the past.
Draw in thy breathing and draught of Life that shall
quicken thy mind and baptize thy Soul with Light. Say:
"I am filled with the Light of Knowledge now."
To be read and studied carefully
and secretly until fully understood.
Hear now, oh Earnest One, somewhat of the hidden mys­
tery of symbols. One divinely gifted seer hath said: "Men
are symbols and inhabit symbols. Workmen work with tools,
words and things; birth and death are symbols." Thus hath
been sealed the vision of the truth that "the visible Universe
is the embodiment of the Divine Life, a synthetic unity
wrought of infinite differentiation."
Since the Great Architect revealeth the mystery of His
plan in the building of His outer temple in symbolic form,
can man, His smaller self and imitator, do likewise than
cloth<� his thoughts and feelings, his observations, his knowl­
edge or his ignorance, in some fitting form? On this basis,
canst see how great the meaning, fullness in every fonn, or­
ganic or inorganic? Since the mystic key to symbology of
Science hath opened our vision to her treasures, shall we
not also seek the clear interpretation of the sacred mysteries
concealed in rites and symbols of Religions, by which may
be unlocked the meaning back of fonn? Perchance 'tis thus
will the unity of God as Love be found in religion, as the
unity of God as Life hath been found in Nature, and the
unity of God as Truth been found in Science. 'Tis only in
the synthetic consciousness of the Omnipresent, Omniscient
and Omnipotent Love and Wisdom by which all Travelers
reach their goal, and through which may be attained the
Supreme Degrees in the Order of Master-Builder.
As thou hast already passed the first and second stages of
thy ideal journey and attained to wisdom gained through
moral balance and right relation to thy Brothers on thy way,
also strength of mind and character through the knowledge
of God's Law in Science, thou comest now to the stage where
the Greater Mystery may be unfolded-the mystery of Im­
mortal Life. That it hath not been hidden from the wise and
faithful of all climes and ages will be proven or disproven
by the interpretation of the rites and symbols.
The nature of the Deity of the Soul and the various
changes of the mental states in all ancient religions were
symbolized by forms of men, beasts, birds, trees, etc., and
that the people might be constantly reminded of the prin­
ciples and attributes of Deity, carved images were made that
were set up in temples, in the houses, gateways, etc. The
priests and teachers knew these were but symbolic figures,
but they felt that in no other way could the childish minds
of the masses be impressed. Perversions of the corresponden­
cies in later times led to idol worship. Yet these images had
their place and symbol teaching performed its part in the
evolution of the races then on earth.
Shall we say, oh Earnest One, that e'en a single link could
be left out in the mighty chain that stretcheth from the
earlkst to the latest man? Nay, the boundaries of our
thoughts must be enlarged and limitless. Our God hath
wrought most wondrously through his creatures.
That thou mayest have the larger understanding, pray
thou for a fair mind, a sympathetic heart, the Spirit to give
thee Light upon all those in darkness.
To be read and studied carefully
and secretly until fully understood.
The Soul's Initiation
Most marvelous of all was the symbolism teaching of the
soul's initiation into another life. Let us turn our mind to
that, oh Earnest One, and in all the old religions will we
find the same idea, that after death comes life. The initiate
in the Egyptian Ritual obtained his illuminations from a
study of celestial things. The pathway of the stars was but
a tradng out of the pathway of the Just on his way to
Heaven. This was the theme of Temple teachings and its
enactment in dramatic form constituted the mysteries which
were communicated to the Postulant in the secret chambers
of the House of Light. The great Pyramid of Gizeh in its
structure and symbolic meaning, the wonder of the ages,
hath now revealed its mighty secrets. 'Tis the stupendous
symbol of Creation, Life, Death and the Resurrection. This
great Pyramid is an ancient Bible built of adamantine stone
and to the wise appeareth to contain greater revelations than
have heretofore been given to the world. But not alone in
Egypt may we find proofs of faith in immortal life. In all
the teachings of the ancient races were the symbolic rites to
indicate .the stages of the Soul's awakening, progress, descent,
and, finally, ascent into life immortal.
In the Persian mysteries of Mithras, the ladder of seven
rounds symbolized the Soul's approach to the perfect state.
These were also called seven gates, and in allusion to them
the initiate was obliged to pass through seven dark and
winding caverns, which process was called the ascent of the
"Ladder of Perfection."
In the Christian mysteries, as in the ancient Egyptian,
Chaldean and others, the outer symbolism expressed the
stages through which the Soul of the initiate was supposed
to pass. The death of the body was indicated by having it
dressed for burial, put into the grave or sarcophagus, and
left, for the return of the Spirit to reanimate and possess it.
The uprising and resurrection was the signal of triumph over
death and the grave. That this could not be understood by
the ignorant or untrained caused the necessity for secret and
continuous training and initiation of every Soul who seek­
eth initiation into the true and heavenly mysteries is told
in the Biography of the Master Initiate in the Christian gos­
pels. For thy profounder appropriation of truth incorporate
in life and character, oh Earnest One, thou wilt find the
study and personal application of the Christ Principles su­
preme and irresistible.
Thou doubtless understandeth now the key to symbol
reading and how that the earth whereon thou standeth, the
heavens above, thy body, and the whole stupendous uni­
verse is but a symbol of the Temple made without sound
of hammer or saw; yet glorious beyond the power of man
to conceive, and thou canst realize that as man becometh
more and yet more perfect in his likeness to the Creator,
in whose image he is made, he too will become the fellow
workman and at last a Master Builder. This is the signifi­
cance concerning the law of regeneration given in every
true religion.
The knowledge of this universal truth will make thee,
Earnest One, universal in thy sympathies, universal in thy
aspirations, and finally universal in thy love.
In thy morning devotions take seven long, deep, breaths
of the pure, fresh air and with each incoming breath men­
tally say, Love, and with each outgoing breath, Wisdom.
Then for seven days sit in silent realization of possession.
To be read and studied carefully
and secretly until fully understood.
Religious Symbols
And now a little light upon the symbols that from misty
ages have been types or emblems of religious truths. The
Circle, as thou knowest, hath ever been a symbol of Deity.
The Winged Circle of Assyria, of omnipotent protection.
The Winged Circle also representeth the Sun of righteous­
ness with healing in its wings. In the triangle lieth the first
manifestation of the soul as individual-in the perfect square
the second-in the circle the third. Thus mergeth the square
into the circle, or the quadrature of the circle, and signifieth
the blending of the individual with the Universal, or the
state of the soul where the soul sayeth: "I and the Father
are One."
The Cross, through countless ages, hath symbolized man.
So ancient is it that none knoweth its origin. It is an emblem
of the male and female principles (as the Egyptians made it)
when seen with the circle at the head. It representeth man
as he standeth. "Infinity around him and Eternity with him,
rising from earth to heaven like the Tree of Life." Also it
signifieth crucifixion or regeneration of the natural, and the
resurrection of the spiritual.
Thus the study of all symbols proveth that the truth,
whether expressed by ancient or modern, remaineth the
same. Inasmuch as the same intelligence dwelleth in every
Soul, its expression and its substance remaineth practically
the same. He who hath eyes seeth. And to him who hath re­
ceived the seal of initiation, in whatever school, will be re­
vealed in all symbols the same message, insofar as a symbol
stimulateth the mind to keen remembrance of a truth, 'tis
good; yet ever is the symbol but the dead effect of a living
cause, and when, in looking upon the form, the conscious­
ness of its spirit fadeth, then beware, oh Earnest One, lest
by too much dwelling upon the form thou forgetteth the
living truth of which the form but speaketh.
As the soul ascendeth higher in the scale of progress, she
seeth deeper meanings in all her world of symbols.
Steal softly by thyself, oh Earnest One, and in thy mus­
ings realize the picture of God's great family-reaching, striv­
ing, groping in all their puny ways for each their Father­
Mother-God, expressing them in symbol, their thought and
worship of His Almightiness. Thus wilt thou grow into that
sweet sense of Brotherhood which maketh service like a
blessed giving of thyself and love as a sheltering mantle
with which thou shouldst enfold and comfort all.
Practice sympathy. In each day's journey do thou each
day something kind to thy Brothers on the way.
To be read and studied carefully
and secretly until fully understood.
Oh Earnest One, watch carefully thy spoken words if
thou would cease to cleave a groove in which thy soul con­
tinues to adhere.
Knowest not that if thou dost declare thyself to be a
"Child of God," and yet also declare thyself to be possessed
of "sin, of sickness and of death" that thou canst never
reach the starry path which once thy soul made effort to
If thy words proclaim the truth of immortality, and thy
heart is filled with thoughts of fear of death, thy soul can
never reach to that great height which lifts men up to know
the Truth of Life.
Oh Earnest One, only freedom from the sense of fear,
which is the negative aspect of thy faith can ever redeem
the strength which ebbs away during thy faint-heartedness.
Watch thy words and guard thy tongue lest it bind thee
to the earth until great effort needs be used to pry thee
Fearlessness, and Faith in thy great God alone, can raise
thy Soul to its eternal strength.
Go thou now into thy silence, and remember the ancient
proverb which says, "Wisdom is made of ten parts, Nine of
which are Silence, and the tenth part-Brevity of Speech!"
To be read and studied carefully
and secretly until fully understood.
Hast received the AnoiJll ting, Earnest One, the flash of
Cosmic Light that shall reveal to thee thy world and thyself
related to it?
Heed now and bring thy soul before thee, that she may
hear thy questions and give answer as she may. Go thou into
thy Hall of Consecration and therein, with unsandaled feet
and in thy robes of purest white say: "Oh, my Soul harken
unto these questions. Thou saidst of all things thou couldst
desire, soul powers would be thy choice; that pomps and
glories of the world, the pleasures and the powers would be
exchanged with gladness for the more transcendent gifts in­
herent in thy Being, and thou didst pray to have them
wrought out in full and definite activity. Now, my Soul,
hast thou still desire for these powers? And, if so, for what?
Thou hast been taught just how thy faculties of know­
ing outer things and inner may be brought to flower: thou
hast been shown how to select thy thoughts, charge them with
power and send them forth to accomplish what thou wilt;
thou hast received the promise of unfoldment of thy senses
on the psychic plane; thou knoweth the wonderful and
magic potencies of thy will-now what is thy motive in
their possession?
Hast searched thyself with calm-eyed firmness to know
the ground whereon thou standeth?
If by thy powers thou couldst win again the treasures of
the world thou gavest up, wouldst thou be tempted? If by
a word sent forth from thy trained mind thou couldst
bring some favor to thyself, e'en at the sacrifice of an un­
conscious Brother, wouldst thou send it forth?
Yea, even if thy life were jeopardized, wouldst thou seek
to save by a betrayal of thy sacred powers?
Reply not thoughtlessly, my Soul. Search long and deeply
into the profoundest depths of thy Being and, as thou
prizeth immortality, speak thou the truth.
Thus, Earnest One, wilt thou find in this experience thy
firmness for that degree of Master.
Go thou apart from the others in thy journey that lieth
before thee, for this day, and find thy Soul.
In the presence of thy Brothers speak little; think much.
To be read and studied carefully
and secretly until fully understood.
The Mystic Death
How comest thou, Earnest One!
What meanest thy dejected countenance?
Thy grief too deep for speech? Then place before me
what I perceive hast been written for mine eyes.
My Soul trembled when I questioned her. She means to
do right and yet I fear her strength. Already have I found
her wavering many times between the outside and the world
within and once, yes, even since I questioned her (for I
must tell you all), she chose the wrong. Deliberately, it
seemed, and with intensest selfishness, she betrayed a Brother.
When he knew not she led him into a secluded path beside
the road on which they journeyed side by side, and there
benumbed his faculties, and then (oh, how can I bear the
awfulness of this foul deed) she robbed him of his money
and almost of his life. I feel bereft, confounded, lost with
sin. My life is lost, for what is life without the Soul?
Farewell, my Guide, my Teacher. Your teachings have
been good and pure, but they are not for me. Through this
sad weakness of my soul they are as naught, and worse. Fare­
well. I go to finish with this death, I already feel creeping
upon me. May I be buried deep, deep, even from your
I have read it all. My heart yearneth over thee, Earnest
One. How gladly would I, if I could, save thee from this
anguish! How gladly change this darkness into light!
But wait and condemn not, e'en thine erring soul. Hold
thy heart toward God. His mercy endureth forever.
l lO
To be read and studied carefully
and secretly until fully understood.
Resurrection, Light, Life
Cometh thou again, Earnest One! My Soul hath joy to
see thee! But what hath wrought this wondrous change? Thy
face glisteneth and thine eyes hath glory not of earth! What
sayest thou?
A resurrection, a life found after death? Thy Soul hath
died and risen?
Ah, now my spiritual senses wake. Now I perceive, oh
Earnest One, how thou hast passed the mystic death of self,
not soul; for, though Soul can suffer and be cast into dire­
ful prison, yet she cannot die, but self the mortal side of
Oh, glorious death that leadeth to such a victory! Oh
pangs of death that turned to pangs of birth! Risen, re­
freshed, renewed, crowned now with Life, because of know­
ing death, thou now canst never die. The true repentance
of thy Soul hath turned her to the Light. Through her aw­
ful suffering she learned the truth. Joined now by her holy
will to Spirit, baptized with Love and Wisdom, thy Soul,
oh Earnest One, hath been transfigured. Thou needst grieve
no more. She now will love and cherish and enrich thy
mind and thy body with the living fountain of her love,
and thou wilt be henceforth among the chosen.
And now, my Earnest One, receive the High Degree for
which thou art now duly and truly prepared-the Degree
of Master Builder-for now shalt thou be one among the
Builders of the Temple, which hath been at times spoken
of as the "City that lieth four square" and "which is accord­
ing to measure of the Man; that is, of an Angel."
Thou shalt in the fullness of time, through thy attention
and faithfulness, be instructed in the laying of the wondr­
ous pavement, the rearing of the Columns which denotes
Wisdom, Strength, and Beauty, and the Chapters adorned
with leaves of the White Lily with delicate network and
chains of pomegranates-the meaning of such adornment
signifying the Peace, Unity and Plenty of the Spirit which
supplieth Knowledge, Power and Substance.
Thou wilt be illumined with Divine Wisdom. As a
Master, too, thou shalt be given the Key to the "shut Palace
of the King" wherein thou wilt find the "Ineffable Name"
and the Crown of Immortal Life.
Go now, Earnest One, and in thy daily living remember
ever thy station as a traveler, a Brother, a Builder, and a
Peace be with thee.
1 12