Uploaded by Hennessy Kaethe

Grade 10 Arts Module: Technology-Based Art

Technology has literally taken over every aspect of life in the
21st century, and the creative and visual arts have not been spared.
In fact, for the younger generations, art as you know it is defined by
technology—from its creation, to its manipulation, to its reproduction,
and even to its distribution.
Technology-based art i
Essentially computer-generated and/or manipulated.
Today’s computer artists employ the ever-expanding
powers of
– image manipulation programs and applications to
create their works which can appear in an entire
range of media
- whether as a physical output or a virtual experience.
Computer/Digital Arts make use of electronic and mechanical
devices, rather than the artist’s own hand.
Historical background of Computer/Digital Arts
1. Origin and Early Stages
Computer art or digital art first came on the scene in the
early 1960s.
Thus, the early experimenters were not necessarily artists,
but engineers and scientists who had access to and
experience with the hardware needed.
It was they who began to recognize the potential of artistic
expression through the application of scientific and
mathematical principles.
2. The Philippine Scene
In our country, Filipino artists werelikewise influenced by the
technology trend in art. However, this was more in the
commercial sphere. From the 1960s to the 1990s, their
computer-generated works were primarily geared towards
illustrating for international comic books.
3. Digital Art in the Hands of Everyone
Computer technology has by now invaded every aspect of
modern life.
It was, therefore, inevitable that it would develop into forms
and devices that could be mass produced, mass
distributed, and therefore widely accessible to everyone.
In other words, anyone with a computer device—from a
desktop PC to a laptop, to a tablet or android phone—can
now capture andedit images and videos;
create, manipulate,and share works of art;
and even compose music. You can be— and probably
already are—a digital artist in your own right.
Mobile Phone Art
The mobile phone that you constantly hold has evolved
from a mere communication tool, into a creative device that
allows you to generate originalworks of art for an entire
range of purposes.
These could be personal photographs and videos that you
can manipulate with a myriad special effects, both visual as
well as sound and music.
They could also be school projects or reports that require
you to combine images, incorporate text, even include
simple animation.
Android Devices Mobile Programs and Applications
Pixlr – a powerful, free online image editor
Pic Collage – allows you to make collages incorporating photos,
stickers, text, and frames
Photo Grid – a downloadable application for android phones that
allows you to make collages out of images from your photo gallery
Doodle Booth – an iPad application (with a free downloadable
version) that
enables you to ‘doodle’ on your images using available stickers
Photo Booth – an application for taking photos and videos using an
iPad or iPad mini (a version for the iPhone, called SimpleBooth, is
also available) Magic Mirror Booth – an iPhone application that
allows you to take amusing, distorted images, simulating camera
Pic Monkey – a free online photo editing tool that provides filters,
frames, text, and effects to manipulate your images
Flipagram – a downloadable application that allows you to ‘bring
your photos to life’ in short videos set to music of your choice
Picsart – a free photo editor and drawing application, as well as a
network for you to share your art with others
Snapseed – a photo application that enables you to enhance,
transform, and share your photos; a free downloadable version for
android phones is available
Instagram – a fast and fun way to share images with others; snap a
photo, choose from among the available filters, and share via
Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, and more
Computer Programs and Applications:
Among such programs are:
Gimp (GNU Image Manipulation Program)
Paint.net Inkscape Xara Extreme Artweaver Draw Plus
Picasa Paint Star
Smooth Draw Spray Karbon
Adobe Photoshop Express Corel PaintShop Pro X5
Video Games / Digital Painting / Imaging Videos
Video Games
•For today’s younger generation that grew up in a digital world, even
entertainment now comes courtesy of computer devices.
•A major component of such entertainment is in the form of video
games of every conceivable genre, subject matter, and skill
•These range from educational games and mind twisters, to building
and construction games, to ones that entail physical interaction by
the users (sports,fitness, dance).
•Then there are the tremendously popular games of strategy, war,
science fiction, and mythical worlds that employ amazingly complex
and realistic graphics, motion, sound, and other special effects.
Video Games
•For today’s younger generation that grew up in a digital world, even
entertainment now comes courtesy of computer devices.
•A major component of such entertainment is in the form of video
games of every conceivable genre, subject matter, and skill
•These range from educational games and mind twisters, to building
and construction games, to ones that entail physical interaction by
the users (sports,fitness, dance).
•Then there are the tremendously popular games of strategy, war,
science fiction, and mythical worlds that employ amazingly complex
and realistic graphics, motion, sound, and other special effects.
Digital painting
•is a method of creating an artwork using a
•This is,however, different from the image generating devices and
programs discussed above,which create, modify, store, and share
images entirely on a laptop, tablet, or android
•makes use of traditional painting mediums such as acrylic paint,
oils, ink, and watercolor and also applies the pigment to traditional
surfaces,such as canvas, paper, polyester etc.
•Ctrl+Paint is an example of an online resource for teaching yourself
digital painting for free, via simple videos and mini tutorials.
Video Technology / Imaging Videos
•Social media purposes - Another tremendously powerful and
innovative field that digital technology has revolutionized is that of
creating and presenting videos.
•The explosion of social media in recent decades has provided a
new platform for videomaterials targeting the “netizens” of today.