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Taro Chips Research Proposal: Flavor & Acceptability

Research Proposal about Taro
Research Methodology
Benguet State University
15 pag.
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Background of the Study
Among the root crops grown in the Philippines Gabi ranks third only in production and
hectares (. 1977.author).Gabi is generally grown as a backyard crop and is seldom planted in
more than hectares of land. In Bicol region and Eastern Visayas, the crop is considered as one of
the leading vegetables crop. Gabi or taro is a local grown vegetable in the Cordillera where in
researchers conducted a study to be able to make Gabi as one of our produce. Most edible taro
has irritating, needle-like crystals (oxalic acid), and must be cooked to dissolve it. Undercooked
taro root and taro leaves can cause extremely unpleasant itching in your mouth and shouldn’t be
eaten raw because not all taros are edible. Even handling the corms can cause itchy skin for some
people (Asta Miklius 2003).
Gabi belongs to the family Araceae. It is an annual to perennial crop. Some varieties
contain high amounts of calcium oxalate crystals which is the cause of its acidity. Taro is an
important part of the nutritional, agricultural and even spiritual traditions of the Hawaiian people.
There were reportedly 300 named varieties of taro under cultivation at one time in Hawai`i. The
most traditional food made from taro in Hawai`i is pot cooked, pounded taro root, often slightly
fermented. (Asta Miklius 2003).
Practically all parts of the Gabi plant can be used for food- the sessile, starchy tubers or
corms, the leaves and the stem or petioles. Gabi corms ranks first in protein content(2.4 grams
per 100g edible portion) among root crops that’s why considering Gabi corms to be created into
chips because of it health benefits which can help in nutrition imbalances.
Most of the root crops are made into a chip that’s why Gabi is not ignored, Gabi has been
produced as chips but not as that popular as the other chip snacks because it is not healthy for
food consumption and not marketable because of its itchiness and high content of carbohydrates,
however, to improve its popularity thinking of something different for the consumers to market
our product is by adding flavoring such as cheese and sour cream.
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Conceptual Framework
Gabi or taro chips are subjected to product development bay adding cheese and sour
cream flavoring. It is modified that Gabi or taro chips is only flavored as salted. Product
development is to design, create, and market a new product (Techtarget.2014) whether it is
modified product or an entirely new product that will satisfy consumer wants. (Mintel 2015).
The paradigm shows the IPO process of flavored Gabi chips. Gabi chips flavored with
different quantities of cheese and sour cream as the input. Sensory evaluation will take place
according to age and sex in the process. The output will take place by the characteristics of Gabi
chips flavored with cheese and sour cream. And to determine the level of acceptability of Gabi
chips flavored with cheese and sour cream.
Paradigm of Variable:
Gabi Chips
With different
quantity of cheese
and sour cream
Sensory Evaluation
Characteristics of Gabi
chips flavored with
cheese and sour cream
Level of Acceptability
of Gabi chips flavored
with cheese and sour
cream powder.
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Objectives of the Study
The study aims to improve the marketability and acceptability of Gabi chips by adding
flavor and subjecting the same to sensory evaluation by consumer panel.
Specifically the study aim to:
Determine the characteristics of Taro chips samples flavored with cheese powder in terms
of its color, strength of flavor and saltiness.
Determine if there are significant differences between the two Taro chips samples
flavored with cheese powder.
Determine the level of acceptability of the two Taro chips samples with cheese powder in
terms of its color, strength of flavor and saltiness.
Determine if there are significant differences in the level of acceptability of the two Taro
chips samples flavored with cheese powder.
Determine the characteristics of Taro chips samples flavored with sour cream powder.
Determine if there are significant differences between the two Taro chips samples
flavored with sour cream powder.
Determine the level of acceptability of the two Taro chips samples with sour cream
Determine if there are significant differences in the level of acceptability of the two Taro
chips samples flavored with sour cream powder.
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Statements of the Study:
1. Which of the two products do people prefer ?
2. How did they choose the tastier product ?
3. If you taste ? Which of the two product do you think you will like ?
There are significant differences in the characteristics of the two Taro chips samples
flavored with cheese powder.
There are significant differences in the level of acceptability of the two Taro chips
samples flavored with cheese powder.
There are significant differences on the characteristics of the two Taro chips samples
flavored with sour cream powder.
There are significant differences in the level of acceptability of the two Taro chips
samples flavored with sour cream powder.
Importance of the Study
This study was conducted to improve and develop a kind of chip snack with new local
produce and to determine its acceptability to consumers. The data collected will produce a
reference that will benefit farmers, consumers, entrepreneurs, and future researchers.
The data will create awareness to consumers that Taro can also be a healthy snack
because people nowadays tends to eat healthy due to increasing rates of illnesses that we get on
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processed food we intake.
The consumers will have a new healthy snack as an option for consumption on the
market. Some also consider the health benefits that they get on their snack before considering
consuming it. Sometimes consumers tend to snack on something new to make things different
which make them to buy less of the usual. A new option will make them try a new food to snack
For future entrepreneurs, the result of this study would give them basis in making an
informed decision to offer a snack with a new taste like the Gabi and to showcase the local
produce of Benguet.
The farmers can resort to cultivating Gabi as one of their product because as we can
observe Gabi is just seen almost everywhere in where it is able to survive so if we promote this
kind of crop, they can consider it as one of their major crop because of its big potential in the
market. Some farmers are not convinced in farming due to destruction from natural calamities,
destructive insects and fluctuating prices of crops..
According to (Bandiola 2016) Taro (ColocasiaEsculenta) is an herbaceous plant that
belongs to Araceae. It is native to Southeast Asia, as well in the Pacific; this plant became a
staple crop. It is also locally known in the Philippines as Gabi and is widely available all
throughout the archipelago. It is an extremely variable, succulent glabrous herb that measures
one-half to two meters tall. However, it has heart-shaped leaves that arise from underground and
has edible corms wherein especially cultivated for its large central corm that is starchy and
spherical underground tubers that grows as a staple crop which are consumed as a cooked
According to (Magpili and Tangonan 2008) the findings of this study will increase the
demand for taro (Trinidad) chips among consumers besides stimulating agricultural production
of Trinidad as well in the area. It could likewise be beneficial in widening trade of possible
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export markets, the application of the technology to diversity, its use, and the promotion of
intensive consumption in people’s diets in tropical regions. This study was delimited to the
production and any quality evaluation of cheese flavored taro (Trinidad) chips.
Qualities of Chips
Qualities of Chips to be evaluated in this study are color, crispiness and strength of
flavor. In color, it is all about the outer look wherein the amount of every sample has cheese and
sour cream flavor. While in crispiness, it talks about the texture of every sample with cheese and
sour cream flavor. In strength of flavor, it is about the addition of cheese and sour cream in every
sample wherein it could significantly give a unique taste to the product.
Characteristics of Taro Chips
The Taro Chips that we bought is crispy and a little salty. It is not that itchy like what the
taro usually tastes.
Importance of Sensory Evaluation
Sensory evaluation was in terms of color, crispiness, and strength of flavor. Importance
of sensory evaluation is to determine the most acceptable sample of Taro Chips with cheese and
sour cream flavor. Also to determine the characteristics of Taro Chips flavored with cheese and
sour cream.
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The main ingredient used in the study is Taro Chips manufactured by Hannah and Chloe
Food Enterprise came from Binalonan, Pnagasinan that we bought.
Other ingredients that used were the following: food flavorings like cheese and sour
Based on our reading from a Nutrition and Diet Therapy book it states there that the
recommended intake of cheese powder is 1 tbsp. per 100 grams per day and same goes with sour
cream powder.(Williams, Sue Rodwell, 1922- Nutrition and Diet Therapy, third edition)
Product Preparation
We used sensory evaluation method to know the acceptability of the two sample products
that we will be preparing. We will use random sampling in choosing our panellist/evaluators that
will evaluate our four products samples.
Procedure for the flavored Taro Chips
Put the taro chips into a four separate containers then add the flavorings. The container
with the label code 415 will be flavored with 3 Tbsp. of cheese powder while the other one it will
be labelled with the code 514 that will be flavored with 6 Tbsp. of cheese powder. There will be
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another two containers that will be labelled with 114 that are flavored with 3 tbsp. of sour cream
and the other container will be coded with 411 that will be flavored with 6 tbsps. of sour cream.
Sensory Evaluation
As for the sensory evaluation we will randomly choose 75 panelists/ evaluator each will
be given pen and scorecard/evaluation sheet together with the two sample product of enhanced
Taro chips (flavored with cheese and sour cream powder). Prior to the sensory evaluation, there
will be a simple briefing to be done in order for the panelist/evaluator to be acquainted with the
terminologies and procedure of used in the evaluation sheet. As they test the product samples
given to them they will answer the evaluation sheet at the same time. During the evaluation, only
one product must be presented to the evaluator at a time. This is done in order for the evaluators
to assess each product as a distinct product and to prevent the possibility of mixing up the
products and answers on the evaluation sheet. Then after tasting and evaluating the sample
product, the evaluators will be asked to drink first water before tasting the other sample product
to ensure fresh discrimination over the next sample product. Below are the sample of the sensory
evaluation sheet (Appendix A) and there corresponding quantity.
Lumiked, M. S. (December 2015). Sugar Beet Zucchini Cakes: A Product Development.
Umayat, L. D. (2015). Instructional Manual in Food Processing. La Trinidad: College of Home
Economics and Technology.
Villanueva, M. Gabriel, B. Balanay, N. Cadiz, T. Pena, R. Pantastico, E. Magboo, C. The
Philippines Recommends for Gabi (1997)
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Miklius, A. (2003). The Art of Aquatic Cooking-Taro Basics. Volcano, Hawaii.
Magpili, M. and Tangonan J. (2008). Utilization of Taro. Cotabato: University of Southern
Stone, H. and Sidel J. (2004). Sensory Evaluation Practices, 3rd Edition. London/New York:
Academic Press/Elsevier
Bandiola, L. (2016). Art Research Projects: Taro Chips. Visayas: University of the Philippines
Williams, Sue Rodwell, 1922- Nutrition and Diet Therapy, third edition. The C. V. osby
Company. USA
Sensory Evaluation Sheet Sample
Welcome to our sensory evaluation. We are currently conducting study entitled
“Acceptability of Taro Chips flavored with Cheese Powder and Sour Cream Powder”. This study
aims to evaluate the acceptability of cheese and sour cream flavored Taro chips. In these regards,
may we humbly ask you to evaluate our product samples. We ensure that this product samples
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are safe and will not cause you any harm, however, please inform us if you have any food
allergies before proceeding in evaluating our product samples.
Thank you very much for your participation.
Research Adviser
Directions: Please evaluate the following samples of taro chips flavored with cheese and sour
cream according to the identified characteristics and the acceptability. Put a check mark (✓) on
the boxes that best describe the samples. Please wash your palate by drinking water after tasting
each sample.
Product Attribute
A. Color
Red Orange
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A. 1. Degree of Liking
Like extremely
Like very much
Like moderately
Like slightly
Neither like nor Dislike
Dislike slightly
Dislike moderately
Dislike very much
Dislike extremely
C. Strength of Flavoring (Cheese)
Very Cheesy
Moderately Cheesy
Slightly Cheesy
C. 2. Degree of Liking
Like extremely
Like very much
Like moderately
Like slightly
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Neither like nor Dislike
Dislike slightly
Dislike moderately
Dislike very much
Dislike extremely
D. Saltiness
Very Salty
Moderately Salty
Slightly Salty
D. 2. Degree of Liking
Like extremely
Like very much
Like moderately
Like slightly
Neither like nor Dislike
Dislike slightly
Dislike moderately
Dislike very much
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Dislike extremely
E. Overall Level of Acceptability
Like extremely
Like very much
Like moderately
Like slightly
Neither like nor Dislike
Dislike slightly
Dislike moderately
Dislike very much
Dislike extremely
Product Attribute
A. Color
Dirty White
Simply White
Cappuccino White
A. 1. Degree of Liking
Like extremely
Like very much
Like moderately
Like slightly
Neither like nor Dislike
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Dislike slightly
Dislike moderately
Dislike very much
Dislike extremely
C. Strength of Flavoring (Sour Cream)
Very distinct sour cream flavor
Moderately distinct sour cream flavor
Slightly distinct sour cream flavor
C. 2. Degree of Liking
Like extremely
Like very much
Like moderately
Like slightly
Neither like nor Dislike
Dislike slightly
Dislike moderately
Dislike very much
Dislike extremely
D. Saltiness
Very Salty
Moderately Salty
Slightly Salty
D. 2. Degree of Liking
Like extremely
Like very much
Like moderately
Like slightly
Neither like nor Dislike
Dislike slightly
Dislike moderately
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Dislike very much
Dislike Extremely
E. Overall Level of Acceptability
Like extremely
Like very much
Like moderately
Like slightly
Neither like nor Dislike
Dislike slightly
Dislike moderately
Dislike very much
Dislike extremely
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