Crime and Enforcement Activity in New York City (Jan 1 – Dec 31, 2021) Keechant Sewell Police Commissioner Introduction This report presents statistics on race/ethnicity compiled from the New York City Police Department’s records management system. Crime Complaint Reports contain information on the crime victims’ race and ethnicity as recorded by the officers or precinct clerical staff interviewing the victim or complainant. The victim’s description of any non-arrested suspects will also be recorded on the crime complaint report. Arrests made by the responding officers will be recorded on an arrest report associated with the crime complaint report and used to initiate the booking system. Once the information has been entered and “signed” off by a supervisor it is stored in the Department’s Enterprise Data Warehouse. The data for this report were drawn from the Data Warehouse. Additional information was drawn from a separate Homicide and Shooting Database that collects additional statistical information for Murder and Shooting incidents. The crime complaint and arrest data contained in this report represent crimes occurring from January 1, 2021 thru December 31, 2021 for the general crime complaint and arrest data (compiled on January 17, 2022). The Murder and Shooting tables and charts are also based on incidents that occurred through December 31, 2021 as are the statistics presented for Firearm arrests (compiled on January 17, 2022). Stop Question and Frisk data and Violent Crime Suspect information are taken from the New York City Police Department’s Stop, Question and Frisk Database which is also the source of the quarterly report on Stop Question and Frisk Activity supplied to the New York City Council for all 4 quarters 2021. Statistical Considerations Commercial victimizations are generally noted on crime complaint reports and are excluded from the statistics dealing with specific categories of crime. However, it is likely that a small number of commercial victimizations may be inadvertently included in the victim data when a report is not properly classified as a commercial victimization. Those cases would generally present the race/ethnicity of employees as the crime victims. Both crime complaint reports and arrest reports are classified according to the most serious crime recorded or charge lodged. Arrest statistics represent arrests made by all Police agencies operating within the confines of New York City and arresting and charging individuals with crime under New York State laws. The arrest statistics presented here do not include arrests made by federal agencies. Crime complaint statistics used in these tables and charts are from crimes occurring during calendar year 2021 and Arrest statistics presented represent arrests made during calendar year 2021. Crime complaint reports that were recorded during calendar year 2021 but report an incident occurring in prior years are excluded from these i statistics. Arrest reports included in these statistics do include arrests made during calendar year 2021 for incidents that may have occurred in prior years. Black Hispanic and White Hispanic categories have been combined into a single Hispanic category for the statistical tables and charts presented in this report. The categories of Black and White used in tables and charts through out this report therefore represent Black Non-Hispanic and White Non-Hispanic. The labels Black and White are used for the sake of brevity and simplicity of presentation in the various tables and charts. The New York City Police Department’s Crime Reporting System uses a two tiered crime classification system. The broadest level of categorization is used to present the statistics in this report. Specific broad Crime categories however may contain only some subcategories for which suspect descriptions are typically available (e.g. a Larceny from the person will normally provide some suspect descriptive information while a larceny from a business office without a witness will not). For certain broad crime categories the number of crime complaints that contain suspect descriptions with race/ ethnicity information will therefore only be a portion of the total complaints recorded. The tables included in the report contain overall statistics that explain the available victim and suspect information for each broad crime category. The victim count for the period for the example table below, Misdemeanor Criminal Mischief is 32,698. Of these victims, 20,241 had information on the race/ethnicity of a noncommercial victim. Within this crime complaint population suspect information was available for 18,361 suspects and the race/ethnicity of 9,341 of those suspects was available. During calendar year 2021 4,708 misdemeanor criminal mischief arrests were made and 4,692 of these records contained race/ethnicity information. Misdemeanor Criminal Mischief Victim, Suspect, Arrestee Race/Ethnicity AMER IND ASIAN/PAC.ISL BLACK WHITE HISPANIC Total Victims/Suspects/Arre sts Known Race/Ethnicity % of Incidents With Race/Eth. Known Victim 0.6% 11.3% 39.2% 19.9% 29.1% 32,698 18,361 56.2% Suspect 0.3% 4.2% 52.2% 14.3% 29.0% 20,241 9,341 46.1% Arrestee 0.3% 4.8% 42.3% 19.4% 33.2% 4,708 4,692 99.7% Appendix A includes a description of the significant classification subcategories contained in the broad crime categories used in the tables and charts contained in this report. ii An initial crime complaint report may record a crime with several suspects some of whom may be arrested at the time the crime is reported and recorded. The nonarrested suspects are included in the “suspect” statistics in the tables and charts included in this report and arrested individuals are included in the “arrestee” statistics. At the time these statistics were compiled additional follow up arrests may have been made increasing the number of arrested suspects. In so far as that situation has occurred within calendar year 2021 data presented the suspect and arrests data will overlap and count the same individual as both suspect and arrestee if a follow up arrest has been made during the period. Arrest statistics are drawn from the initial booking data collected by the arresting officer prior to arraignment. The small number of arrest records without race/ethnicity may result from arrestees that have no identification and whose race/ethnicity cannot initially be determined before arraignment or due to administrative omissions in report preparation. The race/ethnicity of victims are recorded by the officer or precinct clerical staff who are taking the report and rely on that interaction with the victim/complainant/reporter to determine the victims race/ethnicity. The suspect’s description is also recorded at this time but relies on the victim’s assessment of race and ethnicity given their interaction with the suspect. The arrestee race/ethnicity is recorded as a result of the officers assessment of the individual’s identification documents the individual’s physical characteristics and in many cases their prior criminal record. Arrestee race/ethnicity and victim designation of suspect race/ethnicity may therefore vary due to the different methods of determination. Classification as a Shooting incident is based upon a bullet striking the victim. A Shooting incident therefore contains complaints for violent crimes such as Rape, Robbery and Felonious Assault as well as Murders committed with a firearm. This category therefor is not mutually exclusive with the broad crime classifications used in the other tables and charts within this report but is meant to isolate those specific instances where firearms are used to cause harm regardless of the other crimes committed. Some crime categories are principally proactive enforcement events and will have no specific victim e.g. drug possession, sale and manufacture. The race/ethnicity of arrested individuals is reported for these categories. Additionally possible drug related criminal activity is also reported as allegations via 911 and various hot lines. Criminal activity noted in allegations requires further investigation to determine if criminal activity is actually occurring as suspected in the report from the public. Arrests may result from those follow-up investigations. Drug allegations may contain suspect race/ethnicity descriptions. The Arrest statistics dealing with firearm arrests are a special compilation focusing on arrests that remove one or more firearms from the street. The arrests so identified are arrests that include selected Felony Dangerous Weapons charges, indicate iii by specific report entries the presence of a firearm and finally that a firearm was vouchered as a result of the arrest. A firearm arrest will be counted if these conditions are met by an arrest containing other charges, some of which may be for serious violent felonies. The Firearm Arrest statistics therefore include arrests for other violent crimes that are also included in other tables within this report. iv Table of Contents Felony Crimes Murder and Non Negligent Manslaughter Rape Other Felony Sex Crimes Robbery Felonious Assault Grand Larceny 1 2 3 4 5 6 Misdemeanor Crimes Misdemeanor Sex Crimes Misdemeanor Assault and Related Offenses Petit Larceny Misdemeanor Criminal Mischief 7 8 9 10 Special Populations Shootings Firearm Arrests Proactive Offenses, Drugs Proactive Offenses, Possession of Stolen Property Violent Crime Suspects and Stop Question and Frisk Subjects Felony & Misdemeanor Complaints with Identified Juvenile Victims, Suspects and Arrestees 11 12 13 14 15 16 Appendices Appendix A: Crimes Included in the Broad Crime Categories A-1 Appendix B: Race/Ethnicity Breakdown of New York City Resident Population B-1 Appendix C: Race/Ethnicity Breakdown of New York City Police Department C-1 v Murder and Non-Negligent Manslaughter Murder and Non-Negligent Manslaughter victims are most frequently Black (67.0%) or Hispanic (23.7%). White victims account for (5.9%) of all Murder and Non-Negligent Manslaughter victims while there were no Asian/Pacific Islander (3.5%) Murder and Non-Negligent Manslaughter victims. The race/ethnicity of known Murder and Non-Negligent Manslaughter suspects mirrors the victim population with Black (63.9%) and Hispanic (28.5%) suspects accounting for the majority of suspects. White suspects account for (4.8%) of all Murder and Non-Negligent Manslaughter suspects while there were no Asian/Pacific Islander (2.8%) Murder and Non-Negligent Manslaughter suspects. The Murder and Non-Negligent Manslaughter arrest population is similarly distributed. Black arrestees (61.7%) and Hispanic arrestees (30.9%) account for the majority of Murder and Non-Negligent Manslaughter arrestees while Asian/Pacific Islander arrestees (3.9%) and White (3.3%) arrestees account for the remaining portions of the Murder and Non-Negligent Manslaughter arrest population. Murder and Non-Negligent Manslaughter Victim, Suspect, Arrestee Race/Ethnicity AMER IND ASIAN/PAC.ISL BLACK WHITE HISPANIC Total Victims/Suspects/Arrests Known Race Ethnicity % of Incidents With Race/Eth. Known Victim 0.0% 3.5% 67.0% 5.9% 23.7% 460 460 100.0% Suspect 0.0% 2.8% 63.9% 4.8% 28.5% 396 396 100.0% Arrestee 0.0% 3.3% 61.7% 3.9% 30.9% 459 458 99.8% Rape Page 1 of 16 Rape victims are most frequently Black (37.7%) or Hispanic (35.5%). White victims account for (18.2%) of all Rape victims while Asian/Pacific Islanders account for (8.6%) of all Rape Victims. Rape suspects are most frequently Black (48.9%) or Hispanic (33.6%). White suspects account for (11.3%) of all Rape suspects while Asian/Pacific Islanders accounted for (6.2%) of the known Rape suspects. Rape arrestees are most frequently Black (45.4%) and Hispanic (43.0%). Asian/Pacific Islander arrestees (5.1%) and White arrestees (6.3%) account for the remaining portions of the Rape arrestee population. Rape Victim, Suspect, Arrestee Race/Ethnicity AMER IND ASIAN/PAC.ISL BLACK WHITE HISPANIC Total Victims/Suspects/Arrests Known Race Ethnicity % of Incidents With Race/Eth. Known Victim 0.0% 8.6% 37.7% 18.2% 35.5% 1069 1002 93.7% Suspect 0.0% 6.2% 48.9% 11.3% 33.6% 1087 874 80.4% Arrestee 0.2% 6.3% 45.4% 5.1% 43.0% 606 603 99.5% Other Felony Sex Crimes Page 2 of 16 Other Felony Sex Crime victims are most frequently Hispanic (36.7%) or Black (33.0%). White victims account for (21.9%) of all Other Felony Sex Crime victims while Asian/Pacific Islanders account for (8.3%) of the Other Felony Sex Crime Victims. Known Other Felony Sex Crime suspects are most frequently Black (42.3%) or Hispanic (34.5%). White suspects account for (15.5%) of all Other Felony Sex Crime suspects while Asian/Pacific Islanders accounted for (7.7%) of known Other Felony Sex Crime suspects. Hispanic arrestees are the largest portion of the Other Felony Sex Crime arrest population (49.5%) followed by Black arrestees who account for (33.3%) of the arrest population. Asian /Pacific Islander arrestees (6.5%) and White (10.7%) arrestees account for the remaining significant portions of the Other Felony Sex Crime arrest population. Other Felony Sex Crimes Victim, Suspect, Arrestee Race/Ethnicity Victim AMER IND ASIAN/PAC.ISL BLACK WHITE HISPANIC Total Victims/Suspects/Arrests Known Race Ethnicity % of Incidents With Race/Eth. Known Robbery Suspect 0.1% 8.3% 33.0% 21.9% 36.7% 925 822 88.9% 0.0% 7.7% 42.3% 15.5% 34.5% 844 666 78.9% Arrestee 0.0% 6.5% 33.3% 10.7% 49.5% 685 681 99.4% Page 3 of 16 Robbery victims are most frequently Hispanic (41.6%) or Black (29.9%). Asian/Pacific Islander victims account for (14.6%) of all Robbery victims while Whites account for (13.3%) of all Robbery Victims. The race/ethnicity of known Robbery suspects is primarily Black (64.5%). Hispanic suspects account for an additional (28.4%) of the suspect population. White suspects account for (4.8%) of all Robbery suspects while Asian /Pacific Islanders accounted for (2.2%) of known Robbery suspects. The Robbery arrestees are most frequently Black (58.9%) or Hispanic (31.9%). White arrestees (6.2%) and Asian/Pacific Islander (2.9%) arrestees account for the remaining portions of the Robbery arrest population. Robbery Victim, Suspect, Arrestee Race/Ethnicity AMER IND ASIAN/PAC.ISL BLACK WHITE HISPANIC Total Victims/Suspects/Arrests Known Race Ethnicity % of Incidents With Race/Eth. Known Victim Suspect 0.6% 14.6% 29.9% 13.3% 41.6% 15212 12306 80.9% 0.1% 2.2% 64.5% 4.8% 28.4% 21622 16696 77.2% Arrestee 0.1% 2.9% 58.9% 6.2% 31.9% 7848 7822 99.7% Felonious Assault Page 4 of 16 Felonious Assault victims are most frequently Black (45.8%) or Hispanic (34.0%). White victims account for (11.8%) of all Felonious Assault victims while Asian/Pacific Islanders account for (8.1%) of all Felonious Assault Victims. The race/ethnicity of known Felonious Assault suspects is most frequently Black (53.4%) or Hispanic (32.5%). White suspects account for (7.7%) of all Felonious Assault suspects while Asian/Pacific Islanders accounted for (5.9%) of the known Felonious Assault suspects. Felonious Assault arrestees are most frequently Black (53.2%) or Hispanic (32.0%). White arrestees (7.9%) and Asian/Pacific Islanders (6.4%) account for the remaining significant portions of the Felonious Assault arrestee population. Felonious Assault Victim, Suspect, Arrestee Race/Ethnicity Victim AMER IND ASIAN/PAC.ISL BLACK WHITE HISPANIC Total Victims/Suspects/Arrests Known Race Ethnicity % of Incidents With Race/Eth. Known Grand Larceny Suspect 0.3% 8.1% 45.8% 11.8% 34.0% 23011 21189 92.1% 0.4% 5.9% 53.4% 7.7% 32.5% 23229 18648 80.3% Arrestee 0.5% 6.4% 53.2% 7.9% 32.0% 16632 16577 99.7% Page 5 of 16 Grand Larceny victims are most frequently White (29.4%) while Hispanic (29.4%) and Black (23.4%) victims account for the additional of all Grand Larceny victims. Asian/Pacific Islanders account for (17.2%) the remainder of all Grand Larceny Victims. The race/ethnicity of known Grand Larceny suspects are most frequently Black (58.4%) or Hispanic (24.4%). White suspects account for (13.6%) of all Grand Larceny suspects while Asian/Pacific Islanders accounted for (3.3%) of the known Grand Larceny suspects. Grand Larceny arrestees are most frequently Black (48.9%) or Hispanic (32.9%). White arrestees (13.8%) and Asian/Pacific Islanders (4.2%) account for the remaining significant portions of the Grand Larceny arrest population. Grand Larceny Victim, Suspect, Arrestee Race/Ethnicity Victim AMER IND ASIAN/PAC.ISL BLACK WHITE HISPANIC Total Victims/Suspects/Arrests Known Race Ethnicity % of Incidents With Race/Eth. Known Suspect 0.5% 17.2% 23.4% 29.4% 29.4% 40751 31627 77.6% 0.3% 3.3% 58.4% 13.6% 24.4% 30003 11629 38.8% Arrestee 0.2% 4.2% 48.9% 13.8% 32.9% 6671 6649 99.7% Page 6 of 16 Misdemeanor Sex Crime Misdemeanor Sex Crime victims are most frequently Hispanic (38.1%) or Black (34.3%). White victims account for an additional (16.8%) of all Misdemeanor Sex Crime victims while Asian/Pacific Islanders account for (10.4%) of all Misdemeanor Sex Crime Victims. Misdemeanor Sex Crime suspects are most frequently Black (45.2%) and Hispanic (33.7%). White suspects account for (10.8%) of all Misdemeanor Sex Crime suspects while Asian/Pacific Islanders accounted for (9.8%) of the known Misdemeanor Sex Crime suspects. Misdemeanor Sex Crime arrestees are most frequently Black (41.7%) or Hispanic (37.6%). Asian /Pacific Islander arrestees (11.1%) and White (8.9%) arrestees account for the remaining portions of the Misdemeanor Sex Crime arrest population. Misdemeanor Sex Crimes Victim, Suspect, Arrestee Race/Ethnicity AMER IND ASIAN/PAC.ISL BLACK WHITE HISPANIC Total Victims/Suspects/Arrests Known Race Ethnicity % of Incidents With Race/Eth. Known Victim 0.4% 10.4% 34.3% 16.8% 38.1% 5175 4672 90.3% Suspect 0.6% 9.8% 45.2% 10.8% 33.7% 4232 3406 80.5% Arrestee 0.7% 11.1% 41.7% 8.9% 37.6% 2903 2881 99.2% Page 7 of 16 Misdemeanor Assault and Related Offenses Misdemeanor Assault victims are most frequently Black (39.5%) or Hispanic (36.0%). White victims account for an additional (14.0%) of all Misdemeanor Assault victims while Asian/Pacific Islanders account for (10.0%) of the Misdemeanor Assault Victims. Misdemeanor Assault suspects are most frequently Black (52.0%) or Hispanic (32.6%). White suspects account for an additional (9.3%) of all Misdemeanor Assault suspects while Asian/Pacific Islanders accounted for (5.9%) of the known Misdemeanor Assault suspects. The Misdemeanor Assault arrest population is similarly distributed. Black arrestees (47.7%) and Hispanic arrestees (35.1%) account for the majority of Misdemeanor Assault arrestees while White arrestees (9.7%) and Asian/Pacific Islander (7.3%) arrestees account for the remaining significant portions of the Misdemeanor Assault arrestee population. Misdemeanor Assault and Related Offenses Victim, Suspect, Arrestee Race/Ethnicity Victim AMER IND ASIAN/PAC.ISL BLACK WHITE HISPANIC Total Victims/Suspects/Arrests Known Race Ethnicity % of Incidents With Race/Eth. Known 0.4% 10.0% 39.5% 14.0% 36.0% 48793 46472 95.2% Suspect 0.3% 5.9% 52.0% 9.3% 32.6% 49317 42256 85.7% Arrestee 0.3% 7.3% 47.7% 9.7% 35.1% 26855 26771 99.7% Page 8 of 16 Petit Larceny Petit Larceny victims are most frequently Black (31.0%) or White (27.8%). Hispanic victims account for (26.9%) of all Petit Larceny victims while Asian/Pacific Islanders account for (13.7%) of all Petit Larceny Victims. The race/ethnicity of known Petit Larceny suspects are most frequently Black (53.0%) or Hispanic (26.1%). White suspects account for an additional (18.1%) of all Petit Larceny suspects while Asian/Pacific Islanders account for (2.6%) of the known Petit Larceny suspects. The Petit Larceny arrest population is most frequently Black (45.8%) or Hispanic (31.4%). White arrestees (18.4%) and Asian /Pacific Islander (4.2%) arrestees account for the remaining significant portions of the Petit Larceny arrestee population. Petit Larceny Victim, Suspect, Arrestee Race/Ethnicity AMER IND ASIAN/PAC.ISL BLACK WHITE HISPANIC Total Victims/Suspects/Arrests Known Race Ethnicity % of Incidents With Race/Eth. Known Victim 0.5% 13.7% 31.0% 27.8% 26.9% 86312 43572 50.5% Suspect 0.2% 2.6% 53.0% 18.1% 26.1% 66381 38830 58.5% Arrestee 0.2% 4.2% 45.8% 18.4% 31.4% 13178 13137 99.7% Note: Due to a necessary change in the Police Department’s records management system, Petit Larceny Arrestee data is not comparable prior to 2014. Page 9 of 16 Misdemeanor Criminal Mischief The Misdemeanor Criminal Mischief victims are most frequently Black (39.2%) or Hispanic (29.1%). White victims account for an additional (19.9%) and Asian/Pacific Islanders (11.3%) account for the remaining significant portion of the Misdemeanor Criminal Mischief Victim population. Misdemeanor Criminal Mischief suspects are most frequently Black (52.2%) or Hispanic (29.0%). White suspects account for an additional (14.3%) of all Misdemeanor Criminal Mischief suspects while Asian/Pacific Islanders account for (4.2%) of known Misdemeanor Criminal Mischief suspects. Misdemeanor Criminal Mischief arrestees are most frequently Black (42.3%) or Hispanic (33.2%). White arrestees (19.4%) and Asian/Pacific Islander (4.8%) arrestees account for the remaining significant portions of the Misdemeanor Criminal Mischief arrest population. Misdemeanor Criminal Mischief Victim, Suspect, Arrestee Race/Ethnicity AMER IND ASIAN/PAC.ISL BLACK WHITE HISPANIC Total Victims/Suspects/Arrests Known Race Ethnicity % of Incidents With Race/Eth. Known Victim 0.6% 11.3% 39.2% 19.9% 29.1% 32698 18361 56.2% Suspect 0.3% 4.2% 52.2% 14.3% 29.0% 20241 9341 46.1% Arrestee 0.2% 4.8% 42.3% 19.4% 33.2% 4708 4692 99.7% Page 10 of 16 Shootings Shooting victims are most frequently Black (72.2%) or Hispanic (24.7%). White victims account for an additional (1.9%) of all Shooting victims while Asian/Pacific Islanders victims account for (1.2%) of all Shooting Victims. The race/ethnicity of known Shooting suspects is most frequently Black (68.0%). Hispanic suspects accounted for an additional (28.4%) of all suspects. Asian/Pacific Islander suspects (1.9%) and White suspects (1.7%) accounted for the remaining portion of known Shooting suspects. The Shooting arrest population is similarly distributed. Black arrestees (65.0%) and Hispanic arrestees (31.2%) account for the majority of Shooting arrest population. White arrestees (2.2%) and Asian/Pacific Islander arrestees (1.6%) account for the remaining portion of the Shooting arrest population. Shootings (any crime where victim struck with bullet) AMER IND ASIAN/PAC.ISL BLACK WHITE HISPANIC Total Victims/Suspects/Arrests Known Race Ethnicity % of Incidents With Race/Eth. Known Victim 0.0% 1.2% 72.2% 1.9% 24.7% 1876 1876 100.0% Suspect 0.0% 1.9% 68.0% 1.7% 28.4% 834 834 100.0% Arrestee 0.0% 1.6% 65.0% 2.2% 31.2% 689 689 100.0% Page 11 of 16 Firearm Arrests (satisfying specific selection criteria) The Firearm Arrest population is most frequently Black (73.5%) or Hispanic (22.1%). White arrestees account for (2.6%) and Asian /Pacific Islanders account for (1.7%) of the total Firearm arrest population. The Firearm arrest group consists of arrests in which at least one firearm is recovered and the arrestee is charged with a Dangerous Weapons Felony charge. The Dangerous Weapon charge may also be one of many arrest charges lodged, some of which may be for more serious violent felonies. This arrest population therefore overlaps with arrests for other violent crimes that appear in other charts. Firearm Arrests (satisfying specific selection criteria) Compstat Logic AMER IND ASIAN/PAC.ISL BLACK WHITE HISPANIC Total Arrests 0.1% 1.7% 73.5% 2.6% 22.1% 4497 Known Race Ethnicity % of Incidents With Race/Eth. Known 4470 99.4% Page 12 of 16 Proactive Offenses (Drug Arrests & Allegations) The Drug Felony Arrest population is most frequently Black (48.4%) or Hispanic (40.2%). White arrestees account for (7.7%) and Asian Pacific Islanders account for (3.5%) of the total Drug Felony arrest population. The Drug Misdemeanor Arrest population is most frequently Black (47.2%) or Hispanic (35.0%). White arrestees account for (13.7%) and Asian Pacific Islanders account for (3.9%) of the total Drug Misdemeanor arrest population. Proactive Offenses (Drugs) Arrests AMER IND ASIAN/PAC.ISL BLACK WHITE HISPANIC Total Arrests/Allegations Known Race Ethnicity % of Incidents With Race/Eth. Known Dang. Drugs Felony 0.1% 3.5% 48.4% 7.7% 40.2% 5489 5468 99.6% Dang. Drugs Misdemeanor 0.1% 3.9% 47.2% 13.7% 35.0% 4961 4947 99.7% Page 13 of 16 Proactive Property Crimes The Felony Stolen Property Arrest population is most frequently Black (50.2%) or Hispanic (35.3%). White arrestees account for (11.0%) and Asian/Pacific Islanders account for (3.3%) of the total Felony Stolen Property arrest population. The Misdemeanor Stolen Property Arrest population is most frequently Black (46.6%) or Hispanic (31.8%). White arrestees account for (16.5%) and Asian/Pacific Islanders account for (4.9%) of the total Misdemeanor Stolen Property arrest population. Proactive Offenses (Property) Poss. Stolen Poss. Stolen Property (Fel.) Property (Misd.) AMER IND 0.2% 0.2% ASIAN/PAC.ISL 3.3% 4.9% BLACK 50.2% 46.6% WHITE 11.0% 16.5% HISPANIC 35.3% 31.8% Total Arrests 1524 879 Known Race Ethnicity 1257 752 % of Incidents With Race/Eth. Known 82.5% 85.6% Note: Due to a necessary change in the Police Department’s records management system, Possession Stolen Property (MISD.) data is not comparable prior to 2014. Page 14 of 16 Violent Crime and Stop Question and Frisk Activity The most frequently occurring race/ethnic group within the Violent Felony suspects is Black, accounting for (58.5%). Hispanic suspects account for an additional (30.5%) while White and Asian/Pacific Islanders account for (6.4%) and (4.2%) respectively. The most frequent race/ethnic group within the Stop Question and Frisk subject population is Black, accounting for (60.5%). Hispanic subjects account for an additional (27.4%) while White and Asian/Pacific Islanders account for (7.9%) and (3.1%) of total Stops respectively. Stop Question & Frisk Subjects and Violent Crime Suspects Race Ethnicity AMER IND ASIAN/PAC.ISL BLACK WHITE HISPANIC Total Suspects/Subjects Known Race Ethnicity % of Incidents With Race/Eth. Known Suspects 0.3% 4.2% 58.5% 6.4% 30.6% 46441 36394 78.4% Stops 0.1% 3.1% 60.5% 7.9% 27.4% 9217 9132 99.1% Page 15 of 16 Felony and Misdemeanor Complaint Records with Identified Juvenile Victims, Suspects and Arrestees Violent Crimes include Murder, Rape, Robbery, Felonious Assault Reported crime complaint juvenile victims are most frequently Black (37.1%). and Hispanic (37.2%). White juvenile victims (13.6%) and Asian/Pacific Islander juvenile victims (8.3%) account for the remaining significant portions of all juvenile victims. Juvenile crime complaint suspects are most frequently Black (54.5%) or Hispanic (26.6%). White suspects account for an additional (6.5%) of the juvenile suspects while Asian/Pacific Islanders accounted for (2.4%) of the juvenile suspects. The juvenile arrest population is most frequently Black (62.4%) and Hispanic (29.2%). White arrestees (4.6%) and Asian/Pacific Islander arrestees (3.0%) account for the remaining significant portions of the juvenile arrest population. Race/Ethnicity of Felony and Misdemeanor Juvenile Victim, Suspects and Arrestees Race/Ethnicity AMER IND ASIAN/PAC.ISL BLACK WHITE HISPANIC Total Victims/Suspects/Arrests Known Race/Ethnicity % with Race/Ethnicity Known Victims 0.3% 8.3% 37.1% 13.6% 37.2% 8487 8198 96.6% Suspects 0.2% 2.4% 54.5% 6.5% 26.6% 2724 2455 90.1% Arrestees 0.1% 3.0% 62.4% 4.6% 29.2% 1691 1678 99.2% Page 16 of 16 Appendix A Contents of Broad Crime Categories Felony Crimes Murder and Non-Negligent Manslaughter: Murder first and second degree and Non Negligent Manslaughter. Rape: Includes Rape first second and third degree Other Felony Sex Crimes: Includes Criminal Sexual Act first, second and third degree, Sexual Abuse first degree, Incest and Sexual Conduct Against a Child Robbery: First, second and third degree Felonious Assault: First and second degree Grand Larceny: Grand Larceny first, second, third and fourth degree Felony Criminal Mischief: First, second and third degree Misdemeanor Crimes Misdemeanor Sex Crimes: Sex Abuse second degree, Sexual Misconduct, Forcible Touching Misdemeanor Assault: Assault third degree Petite Larceny: All larcenies of $1,000.00 or less Misdemeanor Criminal Mischief: Criminal Mischief fourth degree, Cemetery Desecration second degree, Reckless Endangerment of Property, False Alarm of Fire second degree. Special Populations See detailed discussion in the Introduction section of the Report A-1 Appendix B New York City population New York City Population by Race/Hispanic Origin (2020 Census: Census Bureau) White Non-Hispanic ACS Estimate 2,719,856 % of Total 30.89% Black Non-Hispanic 1,776,891 20.18% Asian Pacific Islander Non-Hispanic 1,373,502 15.60% Race/Hispanic Origin Groups Other Non-Hispanic Hispanic Origin Total Population 143,632 1.63% 2,490,350 28.29% 8,804,190 New York City Population by Race/Hispanic Origin (Census Bureau 2018: American Community Survey ACS) Race/Hispanic Origin Groups White Non-Hispanic Black Non-Hispanic American Indian & Alaskan Native Non-Hispanic Asian Pacific Islander Non-Hispanic Other Non-Hispanic Hispanic Origin Total Population ACS Estimate 2,675,819 1,823,673 15,596 1,184,982 249,227 2,449,451 % of Total 31.9% 21.7% 0.2% 14.1% 3.0% 29.2% 8,398,748 The NYC total population for 2018, as determined using the methodology of the Census Bureau's American Community Survey, was slightly less than 8.4 Million. The NYC population determined by the Census Bureau's 2020 Census procedures was slightly more than 8.8 million for 2020. B-1 Appendix C New York City Police Department Census New York City Police Department Uniformed Officers by Race & Hispanic Origin (12/31/21) Rank Police officers Detectives Sergeants All Other Ranks Total Uniformed White 9,347 2,664 2,144 1,402 15,557 Black 3,561 775 618 319 5,273 Hisp 7,438 1,397 1,116 475 10,426 Asian 2,540 247 399 219 3,405 Other 18 8 2 1 29 Total 22,904 5,091 4,279 2,416 34,690 Hisp 32.5% 27.4% 26.1% 19.7% 30.1% Asian 11.1% 4.9% 9.3% 9.1% 9.8% Other 0.1% 0.2% 0.0% 0.0% 0.1% Total 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% Percentage by Race & Hispanic Origin by Rank Rank Police officers Detectives Sergeants All Other Ranks Total Uniformed White 40.8% 52.3% 50.1% 58.0% 44.8% Black 15.5% 15.2% 14.4% 13.2% 15.2% C-1