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Purchasing Power Parity & Interest Parity

Purchasing Power Parity
Principle (PPP)
• Inflation is one of the important
factor that affect the exchange rate
in the long run.
• long-run connection between inflation
and exchange rates is the PPP
Session 4 - International Parity
Condition- Instructor: Bimesh
Law of one price
• Connection between exchange rates and the
local-currency price of an individual commodity
in different countries is the law of one price.
• The law of one price states that a commodity
will have the same price in terms of a common
currency in every country.
• People who buy in one market and sell in another
are commodity arbitragers.
• the law of one price states that:
• This is the absolute or static form of law of one
Session 4 - International Parity
Condition- Instructor: Bimesh
Law of one price
Session 4 - International Parity
Condition- Instructor: Bimesh
• For example, if the basket costs $1,000 in
the United States and £600 in Britain, the
exchange rate according to equation
should be $1.67/£.
• However we know that different baskets of
goods are used in different countries for
computing price indexes. Different baskets
are used because tastes and needs differ
between countries, affecting what people buy.
Session 4 - International Parity
Condition- Instructor: Bimesh
• For example, if heating oil prices increased
more than olive oil prices, the country with a
bigger weight in its price index for heating
oil would have a larger price index increase
than the olive-oil-consuming country, even
though heating oil and olive oil prices
increased the same amount in both
• Partly for this reason, an alternative form
of the PPP condition which is stated in terms
of rates of inflation can be very useful. This
form is called the relative (or dynamic) form
of PPP.
Session 4 - International Parity
Condition- Instructor: Bimesh
Session 4 - International Parity
Condition- Instructor: Bimesh
Relative form of PPP
Session 4 - International Parity
Condition- Instructor: Bimesh
Relative form of PPP
Equation (7.7) is the PPP condition in its relative (or dynamic) form.
Session 4 - International Parity
Condition- Instructor: Bimesh
Relative form of PPP
Session 4 - International Parity
Condition- Instructor: Bimesh
Relative form of PPP
This condition holds true only when the
inflation is low, when inflation is high this
condition may not hold true.
Session 4 - International Parity
Condition- Instructor: Bimesh
Reasons for departure
from PPP
• Restrictions on the movement of the goods
– Transportation cost
– Import tariff
– Quotas
• Price indexes and non traded outputs
– Many of the items that are included in the
commonly used price indexes do not enter into
international trade.
– There are immovable items like land, building,
highly perishable commodities.
• How ever movement of buyers some how help to
maintain PPP
Session 4 - International Parity
Condition- Instructor: Bimesh
Interest Parity
• The purchasing power parity, inflation and law
of one price dealt with goods and service
• Similar or parallel condition that applies to the
financial market is the covered interest parity
• This covered interest parity condition states
that when steps have been taken to avoid
foreign exchange risk by use of forward
contracts, rates of return on investments, and
costs of borrowing, will be equal irrespective of
the currency of denomination of the investment
or the currency borrowed.
Session 4 - International Parity
Condition- Instructor: Bimesh
Interest parity
• There is a consideration of the
‘‘frictions’’ that must be absent for the
covered interest-parity condition to
hold. The frictions that must be absent
include legal restrictions on the
movement of capital, transaction costs,
and taxes.
• These frictions play an analogous role to
the frictions that must be absent for
PPP to hold, namely, restrictions on the
movement of goods between markets,
transportation costs, and tariffs.
Session 4 - International Parity
Condition- Instructor: Bimesh
Interest parity
• Our focus is on investment yields and
borrowing costs in different
• Therefore we must determine
– Which currency to invest
– Which currency to borrow
Session 4 - International Parity
Condition- Instructor: Bimesh
Interest parity
• Determining the currency to invest
– Let us assume Aviva company is one of the
investment company and plans to invest in
its domestic currency in us dollars.
– The investment done in us dollar would
result in the final wealth as depicted above.
Session 4 - International Parity
Condition- Instructor: Bimesh
Interest parity
Session 4 - International Parity
Condition- Instructor: Bimesh
Interest parity
Session 4 - International Parity
Condition- Instructor: Bimesh
Interest parity
Session 4 - International Parity
Condition- Instructor: Bimesh
Interest parity
Session 4 - International Parity
Condition- Instructor: Bimesh
Session 4 - International Parity
Condition- Instructor: Bimesh
Interest parity
Session 4 - International Parity
Condition- Instructor: Bimesh
Interest parity
Session 4 - International Parity
Condition- Instructor: Bimesh
• An investor is indifferent when:
Domestic Currency Interest Rate =
Foreign Currency Interest Rate +
Annual Forward Rate Premium /
• An investor invests in domestic
currency if:
Domestic Currency Interest Rate >
Foreign Currency Interest Rate +
Annual Forward Rate Premium /
Discount .......... and vice versa
Session 4 - International Parity
Condition- Instructor: Bimesh
Session 4 - International Parity
Condition- Instructor: Bimesh
Interest parity
• Determining the currency in which to
– The firm should borrow when the
reverse inequality holds discussed
earlier in the investment
Session 4 - International Parity
Condition- Instructor: Bimesh
Borrowing and investing
for arbitrage profit
Session 4 - International Parity
Condition- Instructor: Bimesh
• A borrower should borrow in
domestic currency if:
Domestic Currency Interest Rate <
Foreign Currency Interest Rate +
Annual Forward Rate Premium /
Discount .......... and vice versa
Session 4 - International Parity
Condition- Instructor: Bimesh