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De ign Public Hearing
I earle Iou nty
Purpose of This Hearing
The change to the metric syste m is part of a
The Virginia Departme nt of Transportation
ab ility to compete in the world marke tplace. At
(VDOT) presen ts this Design Pub lic Hearing in
the present time, the United States is the only
order to provide an opportun lry for the public to
industrialized nation not using the metric sys­
view th plans for the proposed Route 29
tem of mea urement.
national effort to improve the United States'
Bypa s. The hearing also provides a forum for
comments about the project, both oral and writ­
In order to aid in the understanding of our pro­
ten , by any persons acting on their own or repn:­
posed project. all information provided at this
scnting a group or government agency. All com­
meeting will be given in both metric (meters an d
ments received within the 10-day comment peri­
cen timeters) and imperial (feet and inches)
od will be included in an official transcript that
units . t\ disposable sca le is ava ilable to meas ure
viII be re -icwcd by VDOT. Question and con­
dimensions in feet from 0 r metric plans.
cerns will be addressed by VDOT and resol ed
prior to presentat ion of the proposed design to
the Commonwealth Transportation Board.
Project Comments
Persons may make verbal statements at the
Metric Plans
hea ring and/or file written comment at the
record. There is no prescribed format for written
result of the Omnibus Trade and
hearing or by mall for inclusion in the hea ring
Competitiveness Act enacted b, Congress in
comments, however, to assist you we have pro­
1988, the Federal Highway Administration
vided 001 comment sheet at the back of this
required that all Federal-Aid highway construc­
brochure . which should be completed and
tion after September 1996 use the metric system
mailed to the address below. These comments
of measurement if federal highway funding is to
must be postma rked by Mar h 7. 1997 and
be used. The September 1996 dead line was
sent t :
extended to September 2000 after the NHS
Designation Act was signed in November 1995.
Mr. Donald R. Askew. District Administrator
Virginia Department of Transportat ion
To retain this important source f funding f r
160 I Orange Road
trans portatlon improvements, VDOT initiated
CUl peper, 'A 2270 1
the development f plans in metric units for all
projects such as the one being discusse d at this
Questions co nce rni ng right-of-way acquisition
Construction of the Route 29 Bypass, a long with
procedures can be directed to:
the widening of existing Route 29 No rth to six
lanes with two contin uou s right turn lan es (a
Mr. Jam es W . Je nkins
project tha t is nea ring co mplet ion ), is intended
Culpeper District Right-of-Way Ma nager
to handle the tra ffic leve ls pro jected to ex ist in
160 I Orange Road
the yea r 2022 .
Cul peper, VA 22 70 1
Telepho ne : (540 ) 82 9-7586
Design Features
Project Background and Need
The 10.04 kilo meter (6.24 mile) Ro ute 29 Bypas s
Rou te 29 is a ma jor highway in the sta te's tra ns­
access roadway loca ted wes t of ex isting Route
po rtat ion net work. It a lso ha s been designa ted
29 Nort h . It will intersec t at the so ut he rn en d
as a High Priority Corrido r o n the Nationa l
with the Route 29/250 Bypass in the vicinity of
Highway System from Greensbo ro, North
St. Anne's Belfield School. It will reconnect with
Ca rolina to W ashin gton , D.C. In addition to its
ex ist ing Route 29 North 0.8 kilome ter (0.5 mile)
role as a through route , Rou te 29 is a lso the
no rth of the So ut h Pork of the Rivanna River.
will be con structed as a new four-la ne limited
mos t heavily traveled highway in the
Charlottesvi lle area . It is the o nly major no rth­
Inclu ded in th is projec t is the Nort h Gro unds
south highway serv ing the exp a nd ing deve lop­
Con nector. It is plan ne d as a fou r-la ne urba n
ment north of Charlottesville and su rrounding
roadway whic h will beg in at the intersecti on of
port ions of Albem a rle Co unty.
the proposed Route 29 Bypass a nd the existing
Rout e 29/2 50 Bypass , a nd will extend south­
Improvements to Route 29 are needed to:
ward betwee n University Village and the
Darde n School of Business Adm inistrati on, e nd ­
• Preserve Route 29's ro le as a key elemen t of
ing at Massie Road, a d ista nce of a pproxima tely
the Sta te Arterial System, as ma nda ted by the
0 .76 kilom eter (0.4 7 mile).
Virginia Gen era l Assembly, a nd
The projected tra ffic on the Route 29 Bypa ss in
• Fu lfill Route 29's function as a ma jo r regiona l
the year 202 2 is 24 ,400 ve hicles pe r da y. The
h ighway.
proj cted roadway section will include two ,
3.6-me ter ( t z- Ioot) travel la nes in each direction
with 2.4- meter (s-foor) graded sh o ulde rs. The
median will b e ithe r a /arlable wid th grass area
or. in co nstra ined ar ea s, paved a nd divided by a
concrete media n ba rrier.
Typical Sections
From Route 29/250
Bypass to North of
Barracks Road
From lambs Road
to Hydraulic Road
24 m
From North of
Barracks Road to
lambs Road
From Hydraulic Road
to Rivanna River
, ~
7.801 & varies
A Locati on Pu blic Hea ring was h ld in June
for public review a nd com ment. Alte rna tive # 10
Description of the
Design and Alternatives
was selected as the preferred loca tio n corr ido r.
Project Location
1990 , at which nine al ternatives we re presented
Th is a lignme nt has been the subject of the
Des ign Phase cu rrently un derway.
The projec t begins approxi mat ely 1. 12 kilom e­
ters (0.7 mile) north of th e Route 29/250 inte r­
cha nge. This po int is the loca tion of the Bypass'
so uthern intercha nge with the R ute 291250
Bypass a nd the North Grounds Co nnector. The
North Grounds Connector continues from this
intercha nge southward between University
Vi llage and the Darden Grad uate School of
\ '­
Business Administration to Massie Road. The
\ I
Bypass extends northward from the southe rn
interchange. passing between Canterbury Hills
Subdivision an d Saint Anne's Bel field Lower
As the roadway approaches Stillhouse
Mountain. two alternative alignments are being
considered. The Central vlterna tlve passes
through the eas tern portion of the Colthu rst
Subdivision an d to the west of Stillhouse
M untain, avoiding the Westove r property. The
Easte rn Alternative proceeds through the west­
ern side of Stillhouse Mountai n and ties back
into the Central Alterna tive north of Barracks
The roadway extends northward through the
western portion of the Montvue Subdivision,
staying east of the Schlesinger property (Haffner
Farm). It continues through the undeveloped
land to the west of Mary Greer Elementary
School and Jack Jouett Middle School. passing
underneath Lambs Road and Roslyn Ridge
Road. It crosses under Hydraulic Road to the
west of Rock Store and through the eastern por­
tion of the Squirrel Ridge Subd ivision~ The road­
way extends just to the west of the Agnor-Hurt
SPCA pet cemete ry. J t crosses the South Fork of
Elementary School and crosses underneath
the Rivanna River eas t of the da m an d tics back
Woodb urn Road, staying between Woodb urn
into Route 29 North with an interchange
Road and Berkrna r Drive while avoiding the
app roximately 0.8 kilometer (0.5 mile) north of
the river. The northern interchange is designed
to acco mmodate a future intercha nge with the
Meadowcreek Parkway.
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Project Location Map
Route 29 Bypass
and North Grounds Connector
Albemarle County
Right-of-Way Requirements
At the Citizen Informa tion Meeting in March
1996. where four a lternatives we re s hown , mo st
att endees ind icat ed a pre ference fo r a nar rower
right-of-way that took less property ove r a right­
.25 Mi.
0.5 MI.
.75 MI.
of- vay with a wider media n that wo uld provide
more roo m for an e nhanced la nd scape trea t­
ment. The design reflects this choice .
As VOOT further coordinates and finalizes pro­
A Fi nal Environmental Impact Statement for this
ject development, case ments fo r utility reloca­
project was approved by the Federal Highway
tions may be requ ired beyond the proposed
Administration on Janua ry 20. 1993. A supp le­
right-of-way shown on the public hearing plans.
ment to this documen t was ap proved by the
Any affected property owners will be informed of
Federal Highway Administration on November
the exact location of the ease ments dur ing the
4, 1994.
. right-of-way acquis ilion process and prior to
Compliance with Section 106 of the
at ional
Historic Preservation Act of 1966, as Amended,
Anticipated Effect on Environment
is ongoing with the Virginia State Historic
During const ruction, all reasona ble efforts will
Preservation Offic e to eva luate effects of the
be made to protect the environment with respect
project on the Schlesinger property (Haffn er
to dust, silt and erosion. Storrnwater manage­
Farml , which has been identified as eligible for
ment facilities have been incorporated into this
the Nationa l Register of Historic Places.
project. Construction will conform t nationwide
best management practices, VDOT specifica­
tions and special provi sions and the Virginia
Public Involvement
Department of Soil and Water Conservation
VDOT is committed to effective citizen involve­
Regu lation. .
ment. The Design Phase has involved regular
and ongoing efforts to
seek out an d address
Project Cost Estimates and Displacements for Roadway
Alignment with Central and Eastern Alternatives, and
North Grounds Connector
Construc tion
Right-of-Way and
Util ity Relo cation
Central Altern ati ve
Eastern Altern ative
North Grounds
$129,857 ,600
27 ,560,200
$140, 065,000
$3 ,646,700
issues of a newsletter
ha 'e been produced .
Two well-attended
Citizen Information
Meetings were held in
March 1996 and July
1996. VDOT and consu l­
Non -Profit
Organ iz ation (SPCA)
public concerns . Three
tan t taff have met regu­
larly with residents of
affected neighborhoods
and businesses near the
alignment. The consu l­
tant has maintained a toll-free hot line.
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The Charlotte. ville-Albemarle Metropolitan
The Commonwealth Trans portation Board
Plan ning Organization a ppointed a Bypass
will consider the proposed design of the
Design Advisory Committee which has met
Route 29 Bypass.
monthly during the Design Phase. VDOT and
the consultan t ha ve provided the committee
Plans must be app roved for acquisition of
with extens ive briefi ngs and opportunities for
\l OOT will begin acquisition of right-of-way.
The remainder of construction funding will be
Next Steps
• Following the Design Public Hearing. VDOT
will review a nd evaluate stateme nts and pub­
• Bids fo r construction will be solicited.
lic comments , including written statement s
submitted in accordance with the procedu res
• Construction will begin.
outlined in this brochu re.
• Easements for utility relocations are ap proxi­
mate and additional case ments for utility
relocation plans may be required beyond the
proposed right-of-way shown on the plans.
We Keep Vir gin ia Moving
Affected property owners will be informed of
the exact location of the easements during
the right-of-v'ay acquisition process and prior
to construction.