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Psychology Fundamentals Course Syllabus - UCI Winter 2023

Psychology Fundamentals
Psych 9A / PSci 11A
Winter 2023
Course Code: 68040 (Psych 9A) / 54040 (PSci 11A)
Instructor: Dr. John Hagedorn
Office: SBSG 2551
Email: jhagedor@uci.edu
Office Hours: Email only
Lecture: T/Th 11am-12:20pm
Location: Remote
Teaching Assistants:
Mehdi Orouji
Sajjad Torabian Esfahani
General Course Information
Psychology 9A, B, C provides an in-depth survey of general psychology – the study of
behavior and mental processes. The topics covered in Psych 9A include research
methods, biological bases of behavior, sensation, perception, and consciousness.
Lectures will be based upon the textbook readings, but will include additional
Lecture videos will be delivered asynchronously and will be available for viewing any
time after they are posted. However, all exams must be taken at the scheduled course
time on exam days (11:00am, Pacific Time).
Required Text
Gross, J., Schmader, T., Martin Hard, B., and Anderson, A. (2019). Interactive
Psychology: People in Perspective <CUSTOM>. First Edition E-book (New York:
ISBN-13: 978-0393445114
Link: https://digital.wwnorton.com/interpsychpsychsci6irvine
This text is a custom online E-book prepared specifically for the UCI Psych
Fundamentals series. It can be purchased from the campus bookstore or through the link
© John Hagedorn 2023 – This content is protected and may not be shared, uploaded or distributed
There are four exams – three midterms and a final exam. One of the three midterm
scores (the lowest score) will be dropped in computing a student's final grade for the
course. Each midterm is worth 50 points (25 questions) and the final exam is worth 80
points (40 questions). The final exam WILL be cumulative. The exams will be multiplechoice and will cover the material given in lecture. Questions on exams are designed to
test your understanding of basic terminology (e.g. “transduction”), your grasp of
important concepts (e.g., “cognition”), your ability to apply these concepts to practical
situations, your knowledge of how these concepts are supported by research results, and
your ability to integrate these areas.
IMPORTANT: Exams will be given online through the Canvas environment. Please be
aware that the Respondus LockDown browser will be required for exams. Some basic
information on the LockDown browser is available below.
LockDown Browser Requirement
This course requires the use of LockDown Browser for online exams. Watch this video to
get a basic understanding of LockDown Browser:
Download Instructions
Download and install LockDown Browser from this link:
Once Installed
(a) Start LockDown Browser
(b) Log into to Canvas
(c) Navigate to the quiz
(d) Note: You won't be able to access a quiz that requires LockDown Browser with a
standard web browser. If this is tried, an error message will indicate that the test
requires the use of LockDown Browser. Simply start LockDown Browser and
navigate back to the exam to continue.
© John Hagedorn 2023 – This content is protected and may not be shared, uploaded or distributed
Getting LockDown Browser Help
Several resources are available if you encounter problems with LockDown Browser:
The Windows and Mac versions of LockDown Browser have a "Help Center"
button located on the toolbar. Use the "System & Network Check" to troubleshoot
Respondus has a Knowledge Base available from support.respondus.com. Select
the "Knowledge Base" link and then select "Respondus LockDown Browser" as
the product.
If you're still unable to resolve a technical issue with LockDown Browser, go to
support.respondus.com and select "Submit a Ticket". Provide detailed information
about your problem and what steps you took to resolve it
Letter grades will be assigned according to the scale shown below, based on the total
number of points earned by the student (i.e. the total number of points earned on the best
two midterms plus the final exam). Please note that there will be no A+ grades awarded
in the class. The range of points for each possible grade is as follows (180 possible
164 – 180 pts
162 – 163 pts
160 – 161 pts
146 – 159 pts
144 – 145 pts
142 – 143 pts
128 – 141 pts
126 – 127 pts
124 – 125 pts
110 – 123 pts
108 – 109 pts
107 or lower
Extra Credit and Makeup Exams
IMPORTANT: There is no extra-credit available for the course, nor will there be
any makeup midterms. If a midterm is missed for either an excused or non-excused
reason, the student will use that midterm as their lowest score (i.e. zero) and it will be
dropped. If a second midterm is missed for either an excused or non-excused reason, the
student's score on that exam will be zero. The final exam MUST be taken and its score
© John Hagedorn 2023 – This content is protected and may not be shared, uploaded or distributed
cannot be dropped. Any excuse for missing the final exam must include official
documentation (from doctor, police, etc) otherwise the absence will be unexcused and
will be dealt with accordingly. In addition, be aware that once the final exam has been
taken by the student, NO excuse can be used to justify a retake of the exam or to be given
additional points.
IMPORTANT NOTE ABOUT GRADING. The STUDENT is responsible for being
sure that his or her assignments have been scored and entered into the online gradebook.
If any completed exam score is missing from the online gradebook, it MUST be reported
immediately. If a missing score is not reported by the day prior to the following exam,
that exam will be scored a zero.
Adding the course. From weeks 1-2, students can enroll using WebReg. If the class is
full, students can add themselves to the waitlist. From weeks 3-10, students can submit
an enrollment exception request via StudentAccess. The student must provide a
justification for why they want to enroll in the course, after which his or her request will
be approved or denied.
Dropping the course. From weeks 1-2, students can drop via WebReg without approval.
From weeks 3-6, students can submit an enrollment exception request via StudentAccess.
Drops during this period require approval by the dean of the course AND the dean of the
student’s major. Weeks 7-10 follow the same process as weeks 3-6, but the student will
receive a “W” on his or her transcript if a drop is approved during this period.
Change grade option. From weeks 1-2, students can change their grade option (from
grade to P/NP or vice versa) via WebReg. From weeks 3-10, students submit an
enrollment exception request via StudentAccess which will require approval by the dean
of the student’s major.
Academic Dishonesty
Academic dishonesty is unacceptable and will not be tolerated. Academic dishonesty
includes cheating, forgery, dishonest conduct, plagiarism, and collusion in dishonest
activities. Students who are guilty of academic dishonesty will automatically receive a
grade of F and will not be permitted to retake the course. See the “Schedule of Classes”
for a detailed discussion of UCI’s policies on academic dishonesty.
Course Web Site
The course web site is located at: https://canvas.eee.uci.edu/courses/51632. Lecture
videos and PowerPoints can be found there as they become available.
© John Hagedorn 2023 – This content is protected and may not be shared, uploaded or distributed
Course material copyright information
My lectures and course materials, including PowerPoint presentations, tests, outlines, and
similar materials, are protected by U.S. copyright law and by University policy.
I am the exclusive owner of the copyright in those materials that I create. You may take
notes and make copies of course materials for your own use. You may also share those
materials with other students who are registered and enrolled in this course.
You may not reproduce, distribute or display (digitally post/upload) lecture notes or
recordings or course materials in any other way—whether or not a fee is charged—
without my express written consent. You also may not allow others to do so.
If you do so, you may be subject to student conduct proceedings under the Code of
Student Conduct, Section 102.23. https://aisc.uci.edu/policies/pacaos/grounds-fordiscipline.php
Similarly, you own the copyright in your original papers and exam essays. If I am
interested in posting your answers or papers on the course web site, I will ask for your
written permission.
The TAs and I hope you will enjoy this course. We look forward to working with you
and will do our best to make this course a valuable and rewarding experience.
© John Hagedorn 2023 – This content is protected and may not be shared, uploaded or distributed
Introduction to Psychology
Psych 9A / PSci 11A
Week 1 (Jan 10, 12)
Tu Jan 10: Course Introduction
Th Jan 12: Welcome to Psychology (Ch. 1)
Week 2 (Jan 17, 19)
Tu Jan 17: Research Methods (Ch. 2)
Th Jan 19: Research Methods (Ch. 2)
Week 3 (Jan 24, 26)
Tu Jan 24: Research Methods (Ch. 2)
Th Jan 26: Research Methods (Ch. 2)
Week 4 (Jan 31, Feb 2)
Tu Jan 31: MIDTERM #1
Th Feb 2: Brain, Mind, and Behavior (Ch. 3)
Week 5 (Feb 7, 9)
Tu Feb 7: Brain, Mind, and Behavior (Ch. 3)
Th Feb 9: Brain, Mind, and Behavior (Ch. 3)
Week 6 (Feb 14, 16)
Tu Feb 14: Brain, Mind, and Behavior (Ch. 3)
Th Feb 16: MIDTERM #2
Week 7 (Feb 21, 23)
Tu Feb 21: Sensation and Perception (Ch. 4)
Th Feb 23: Sensation and Perception (Ch. 4)
Week 8 (Feb 28, Mar 2) Tu Feb 28: Sensation and Perception (Ch. 4)
Th Mar 2: Sensation and Perception (Ch. 4)
Week 9 (Mar 7, 9)
Tu Mar 7: MIDTERM #3
Th Mar 9: Consciousness (Ch. 5)
Week 10 (Mar 14, 16)
Tu Mar 14: Consciousness (Ch. 5)
Th Mar 16: Consciousness (Ch. 5)
Tu Mar 21: 10:30 AM
Note that this syllabus is tentative and may be changed. Any changes to this syllabus will
be announced in lecture.
© John Hagedorn 2023 – This content is protected and may not be shared, uploaded or distributed