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Cardiovascular Disease Notes: Pathophysiology & Pharmacology

Cardiovascular Disease Notes
Integrated Pathophysiology and Pharmacology (California State University Fullerton)
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Downloaded by Carolina Landa Perez (landaperezc@gmail.com)
Right Heart Failure (Patho)
RV impaired resulting in systemic venous overload
Usually caused by left-sided failure
○ fatigue/weakness
○ Bilateral leg swelling
○ Abdominal bloating/pain (right)
○ Weight gain
○ Loss of appetite
Left Heart Failure (Patho)
LV is weakened or over loaded resulting in
pulmonary congestion
○ fatigue/weakness
○ Dyspnea
○ Orthopnea
○ Sudden orthopnea that awakens from sleep
Used to treat (stable) angina
ADH and BP Regulation
The release of ADH regulates hypotension by
causing reabsorption of water by kidney
With reabsorption, blood plasmas volume inc
(raising BP)
Pressure generated in LV at end of diastole
Reflects the amount of stretch of the muscle fibers
Greater stretch means greater CO (Starling’s law)
Factors that inc
○ Hypervolemia
Factors that dec
○ Hypovolemia, inc intrathoracic pressure,
vasodilation due to inc temp/sepsis/meds,
atrial fibrillation, cardiac tamponade
Resistance to ejection of blood from LV
Pressure the ventricle must overcome in order to
eject its contents
SVR is a reflection of LV afterload
Normal: 800-1200 dynes sec cm-5
BP >140/>90 (intermittent or sustained elevation)
○ Normal- <120/<80
○ Prehypertension- 120-139/80-89
Downloaded by Carolina Landa Perez (landaperezc@gmail.com)
Myocardial Ischemia (MI)
-lack of O2
-chest pain
○ Hypertension 1- 140-159/90-99
○ Hypertension 2- >160/>100
Associated Factors
○ Insulin (sensitivity)
○ RAAS activity
○ Cell membrane sodium/calcium transport
○ Sympathetic response to neurogenic
○ Family hx
○ Age
○ Gender
○ Race
○ DM
○ Diet/ETOH/Tobacco
○ Most common
○ Begins insidiously, asymptomatic
○ Related to systemic disease that raises
peripheral vascular resistance (PVR) or SV
Develops if the supply of coronary blood cannot
meet the demand of myocardium for oxygen and
Myocardial cells become ischemic within 10
seconds of coronary occlusion
Causes conduction abnormalities
Anaerobic process take over and lactic acid
If fow not restored, infarction occurs
Silent ischemia
○ Occur with presence of abnormal global or
regional symptomatic afferent innervation of
Stable angina
○ recurrent/predictable
○ Transient (3-5 mis approx)
Unstable angina
○ Form of ACS that results in reversible
myocardial ischemia
○ Signal that atherosclerosis plaque has
become complicated
○ Small fissuring or superficial erosion of
plaque leads to vessel
occlusion/vasoconstriction at site of plaque
Downloaded by Carolina Landa Perez (landaperezc@gmail.com)
Ejection Fraction (EF)
Unstable plaques have ore with
oxidized LDL and thin fibrous cap
Prinzmetal angina
○ CP attributable to transient ischemia of
myocardium that occurs unpredictably and
almost exclusively at rest (common during
REM sleep)
○ Pain secondary to vasospasm of 1+ major
coronary arteries with or without associated
Experienced as substernal chest pain
Pain most likely from lactic acid build-up or
abnormal myocardial fibers stretching causing
myocardial nerve fibers to be irritated
Caused by gradual narrowing and hardening of
arterial walls (arteriosclerosis) preventing
vasodilation when more blood flow is needed
Estimate of the amount of blood pumped from LV
to the rest of the body with each heartbeat
Used as determinant of LV function
Reflects systolic function of heart
Normal: 50-75%
Abnormal thickening and hardening of vessel walls
Tunica intima undergoes changes that decrease
the artery’s ability to change lumen size
Smooth muscle cells and collagen fibers migrate
into intima, causing it to stiffen/thicken
Worsened by
○ Ischemia
○ Weakening and outpouching of arterial
○ Changes in lipid/cholesterol/phospholipid
metabolism within intima
Clogging of arteries with plaque and lipids
○ Injury to endothelial cell leads to
inflammatory rxn
○ Inflamed endothelial cells express adhesion
○ Neutrophils/lymphocytes attach to them
○ Oxidized LDL is engulfed by macrophages,
which penetrate into intima of vessel
Downloaded by Carolina Landa Perez (landaperezc@gmail.com)
“Good” cholesterol vs “Bad” cholesterol
RAAS and hypertension
Foam cells: lipid-laden macrophages
When foam cells accumulate, they form a
lesion called a fatty streak (which prod
more toxic O2 radicals and cause further
inflammatory changes which progressively
damage vessel wall
Macrophages release growth factors which
stimulate smooth muscle cell proliferation
Smooth muscle cells produce collagen and
migrate over the fatty streak forming a
fibrous plaque
LDL is “bad” cholesterol
○ Greatest contributor to CHD
HDL is “good” cholesterol
○ Cardioprotective
Sodium depletion, reduced BP, and dehydration
stimulate renin release
Renin reacts with angiotensin (liver enzyme) and
converts it to angiotensin I (inc preload/afterload)
Angiotensin I converts to angiotensin II in lungs
(potent vasoconstrictor targeting arterioles)
Angiotensin II causes structural changes in BV (inc
PVR and makes vessels at risk for endothelial
dysfunction and platelet aggregation)
Circulating angiotensin II also works to inc
preload/afterload by stimulating adrenal cortex to
secrete aldosterone (inc BV by conserving
Aldosterone causes sodium retention
Inc BV causes inc BP
Patients with hypertension already have high BP
RAAS highers BV → highers BP (which we do not
want to further heighten in pts with HTN)
Downloaded by Carolina Landa Perez (landaperezc@gmail.com)