Uploaded by Candace Wagar

Intro to Turtle Graphics: Unit 1 Notes

Unit 1 Notes
1. What is the correct way to tell Tracy to move forward 100 pixels?
a. Forward 100
b. Forward (100)
c. forward 100
d. forward (100)
2. What do you think typing forward (-100) will do?
3. What is syntax?
4. Circles are measured how?
5. How is a circle drawn?
a. Starts at the top
b. Starts are the bottom
c. Starts in the middle
6. Label the Grid
7. Where does the x axis start and end?
8. Where does the y axis start and end?
9. Where does Tracy the turtle start on the grid?
10. What coordinate is point A?
11. How many pixels long is the grid?
12. What does penup () do?
13. What does pendown () do?