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Grade 12 Biology Exam Long Answer Questions

Grade 12 Biology Exam Long Answer Questions
1. Below are two molecules. Compare and contrast these molecules, that have similar structures but
very different functions in the body. Finally, discuss the relationship between these two molecules
2. In our discussions of Homeostasis, it was outlines that there was 4 steps in any feedback loop (S, C, R,
R). Name these components and apply them to elements of the Excretory System OR the Nervous
System OR the Immune System. Describe what could happen if there was no feedback in the system
you've chosen.
3. In Biology, there is a recognition that change occurs through mutation and that generally speaking,
Evolution selects the most successful mutations to be continued on. In our study of Biology, we came
across several examples of what appeared to be inefficient ways of completing steps/tasks. Choose an
example, from anything studied in the course, to demonstrate how inefficiencies in nature are
overcome with compensatory measures.
4. One of the major themes of our study of Biology has been the movement of material across a
membrane. We've discussed how material gets from one side to the other, using energy or not, how the
solute is moved or the solvent, and how the cell can move solid and liquids into and out of themselves
when required. Discuss one of the methods of transport across a cell and provide examples of how it is
used in the cell or the body as a whole.
5. In Biology, one of the important aspects to understand is genetic code. We learned about how the
code is replicated, activated, turned on and off, how to copy it and how to isolate it. Discuss the
significance of our understanding of DNA to modern day society; what does our grasp of its structure
and enzymes contribute to our daily lives? Also, discuss what future applications could be and how it
would improve health and/or society.
6. In class we talked about the incredible importance of high energy molecules to the body. We
discussed where and how they were formed as well as where and how they were used. Discuss the
formation of one of these high energy molecules and what importance it has in the functioning of the
organism. If the organism is deprived of these high energy molecules, how does the body compensate?
7. We have looked at the structure and function of various parts of the cell and the organism, and
although quite different, both are systems that require input and output, energy, waste disposal, central
control and repair. Using the information we've discussed this term, and borrowing from your
knowledge in grade 11, compare and contrast the cell and the whole organism for these factors.
8. Proteins are the building blocks of our bodies, and through our studies we've seen how they are
made, how they're important to the body and some of the applications of proteins in the body. Using
our studies as background, discuss the formation, structure, use and modification of proteins in the
body. Give some specific examples to help in your explanation.