Student: Zhang, Haoyang Grade: 8 Local ID: 631338 NWEA MAP Student Results - Beginning of Year Campus: Doerre Intermediate Comparison Data Instructional Areas BOY to BOY Math 253 Growth Achievement -% 93% Percentile Percentile Math MAP 270 260 250 240 230 220 210 200 190 MOY 20/21 EOY 20/21 BOY 21/22 MOY 21/22 EOY 21/22 Numerical Representations and Probability 248 High Computations and Algebraic Relationships 258 High Geometry and Measurement 261 High Data Analysis 244 High Foundational Language Skills: Vocabulary 233 High Multiple Genres 226 HiAvg Author's Purpose and Craft 241 High Matter, Force, Motion and Energy 241 High Earth and Space 230 High Organisms and Environments 227 High BOY 22/23 Comparison Data Instructional Areas BOY to BOY Reading 233 Growth Achievement 40% 82% Percentile Percentile Reading MAP 235 230 225 220 215 210 Lexile Range: 205 1325L 200 MOY 20/21 EOY 20/21 BOY 21/22 MOY 21/22 EOY 21/22 BOY 22/23 Comparison Data Instructional Areas BOY to BOY Science 233 Growth Achievement 82% 96% Percentile Percentile Science MAP 250 240 230 220 210 200 190 MOY 20/21 EOY 20/21 BOY 21/22 MOY 21/22 EOY 21/22 BOY 22/23 Reference Information: Student RIT District Grade Level Mean RIT How do I read this? Average Percentile is 50%. Any percentile above is High Growth or Achievement and below is Low Growth or Achievement. - A growth percentile during the beginning of year will not be available if the student did not participate in the MAP assessment during the Fall of the prior school year. - A growth percentile during Middle or End of year will only be available if the student participated in the Beginning of Year MAP administration during the current school year. * This is the overall RIT score (on a scale of 100 - 350), which is an average of all Instructional area scores for that subject. RIT Designates an strength compared among the instructional areas for that subject. RIT Designates an area of focus compared among the instructional areas for that subject. Download and save a copy for your records. The RIT score, Percentile and Instructional Areas will update after each administration to reflect the most current information.