Current Flow in Semiconductors 1 1. Drift Current There are two distinctly different mechanisms for the movement of charge carriers and hence for current flow in semiconductors: drift and diffusion. • Q: What happens when an electrical field (E) is applied to a semiconductor crystal? • A: Holes are accelerated in the direction of E, free electrons are attracted. • Q: How is the velocity of these carriers defined? p =hole mobilityPpp n =electron mobilityPpp v p − driftv p−=drift =p Ep E (eq3.8) vn − drift v=n−− =E− n E (eq3.9) drift n E =electric fieldPpp E =electric fieldPpp 2 1. Drift Current note that electrons move with velocity 2.5 times higher than holes .E (volts / cm) .p (cm2/Vs) = 480 for silicon .n (cm2/Vs) = 1350 for silicon 3 An electric field E established in a bar of silicon causes the holes to 3.3.1. Drift drift inCurrent the direction of E and the free electrons to drift in the opposite direction. Both the hole and electron drift currents are in the direction of E. • Q: What happens when an electrical field (E) is applied to a semiconductor crystal? • A: Holes are accelerated in the direction of E, free electrons are repelled. HOLES • Q: How is the velocity of these holes defined? ELECTRONS p =hole mobility n =electron mobility v p−drift = p E vn−drift = − n E E =electric field E =electric field 4 1. Drift Current 5 Example 6: Drift current A uniform bar of n-type silicon of 2 μm length has a voltage of 1 V applied across it. If 𝑁𝐷 = 106 /cm3 and 𝜇𝑛 = 1350cm2 /V.s, find (a) the electron drift velocity, (b) the time it takes an electron to cross the 2-μm length, (c) the driftcurrent density, and (d) the drift current in the case the silicon bar has a cross sectional area of 0.25μm2 . 1/24/2023 Lecture 03 6 Example 6: Drift current, contd. b. Time taken to cross 2μm length 𝑑𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒 2 × 10−6 = = = 30ps 𝑣𝑑𝑟𝑖𝑓𝑡 6.75 × 104 c. The current density 𝐽𝑛 is given by 𝐽𝑛 = 𝑞𝑛𝜇𝑛 𝐸 = 1.6 × 10−19 × 1016 × 1350 × 1 = 1.08 × 104 A/cm2 −4 2 × 10 d. Drift current 𝐼𝑛 = 𝐽𝑛 𝐴 𝐼𝑛 = 0.25 × 10−8 × 1.08 × 104 = 27μA 1/24/2023 Lecture 03 7 2. Diffusion Current • Take the following example… • inject holes – By some unspecified process, one injects holes in to the left side of a silicon bar. • concentration profile arises – Because of this continuous hole inject, a concentration profile arises. • diffusion occurs – Because of this concentration gradient, holes will flow from left to right. 1/24/2023 inject holes Lecture 03 diffusion occurs concentration profile arises 8 4. The pn Junction with Open-Circuit Terminals 4.1. Physical Structure pn junction structure • p-type semiconductor • n-type semiconductor • metal contact for connection Simplified physical structure of the pn junction. As the pn junction implements the junction diode, its terminals are labeled anode and cathode. 1/24/2023 Lecture 03 9 The pn Junction with Open-Circuit Terminals 1. Physical Structure pn junction structure • p-type semiconductor • n-type semiconductor • metal contact for connection Simplified physical structure of the pn junction. As the pn junction implements the junction diode, its terminals are labeled anode and cathode. 1/24/2023 Lecture 03 10 2. pn Junction Operation with Open-Circuit Terminals • Q: What is state of pn junction with open-circuit terminals? • A: Read the below… • p-type material contains majority of holes • these holes are neutralized by equal amount of bound negative charge • n-type material contains majority of free electrons • these electrons are neutralized by equal amount of bound positive charge 11 2. pn Junction Operation with Open-Circuit Terminals bound charge • charge of opposite polarity to free electrons / holes of a given material • neutralizes the electrical charge of these majority carriers • does not affect concentration gradients free electrons free holes positive bound charges negative bound charges p-type n-type Figure: The pn junction with no applied voltage (open-circuited terminals). 12 4.2. Operation with Open-Circuit Terminals • Q: What happens when a pn-junction is newly formed – aka. when the p-type and n-type semiconductors first touch one another? • A: See following slides… Lecture 03 13 Step #1: The p-type and n-type semiconductors are joined at the junction. p-type semiconductor filled with holes junction n-type semiconductor filled with free electrons Figure: The pn junction with no applied voltage (open-circuited terminals). 14 Step #2: Diffusion begins. Those free electrons and holes which are closest to the junction will recombine and, essentially, eliminate one another. p-type n-type Figure: The pn junction with no applied voltage (open-circuited terminals). 15 Step #3: The depletion region begins to form – as diffusion occurs and free electrons recombine with holes. The depletion region is filled with “uncovered” bound charges – who have lost the majority carriers to which they were linked. p-type n-type Figure: The pn junction with no applied voltage (open-circuited terminals). 16 Step #4: The “uncovered” bound charges affect a voltage differential across the depletion region. The magnitude of this barrier voltage (V0) differential grows, as diffusion continues. voltage potential No voltage differential exists across regions of the pn-junction outside of the depletion region because of the neutralizing effect of positive and negative bound charges. barrier voltage (Vo) p-type n-type location (x) 17 Step #5: The barrier voltage (V0) is an electric field whose polarity opposes the direction of diffusion current (ID). As the magnitude of V0 increases, the magnitude of ID decreases. diffusion current drift (ID) p-type current (IS) n-type Figure: The pn junction with no applied voltage (open-circuited terminals). 18 Step #6: Equilibrium is reached, and diffusion ceases, once the magnitudes of diffusion and drift currents equal one another – resulting in no net flow. Once equilibrium is achieved, no netdrift current current flow exists (Inet = ID – IS) diffusion current within the pn-junction condition. (I ) while under open-circuit (I ) D p-type S depletion region n-type 19 Step #5: The barrier voltage (V0) is an electric field whose polarity opposes the direction of diffusion current (ID). As the magnitude of V0 increases, the magnitude of ID decreases. diffusion current drift (ID) p-type current (IS) n-type Figure: The pn junction with no applied voltage (open-circuited terminals). 20 Step #6: Equilibrium is reached, and diffusion ceases, once the magnitudes of diffusion and drift currents equal one another – resulting in no net flow. Once equilibrium is achieved, no netdrift current current flow exists (Inet = ID – IS) diffusion current within the pn-junction condition. (I ) while under open-circuit (I ) D p-type S depletion region n-type 21 Step #4: The “uncovered” bound charges affect a voltage differential across the depletion region. The magnitude of this barrier voltage (V0) differential grows, as diffusion continues. voltage potential No voltage differential exists across regions of the pn-junction outside of the depletion region because of the neutralizing effect of positive and negative bound charges. barrier voltage (Vo) p-type n-type location (x) 1/24/2023 Lecture 03 22 4.2. Operation with Open-Circuit Terminals • Q: What happens when a pn-junction is newly formed – aka. when the p-type and n-type semiconductors first touch one another? • A: See following slides… Lecture 03 23 Step #1: The p-type and n-type semiconductors are joined at the junction. p-type semiconductor filled with holes junction n-type semiconductor filled with free electrons Figure: The pn junction with no applied voltage (open-circuited terminals). 24 Step #2: Diffusion begins. Those free electrons and holes which are closest to the junction will recombine and, essentially, eliminate one another. p-type n-type Figure: The pn junction with no applied voltage (open-circuited terminals). 25 Step #3: The depletion region begins to form – as diffusion occurs and free electrons recombine with holes. The depletion region is filled with “uncovered” bound charges – who have lost the majority carriers to which they were linked. p-type n-type Figure: The pn junction with no applied voltage (open-circuited terminals). 26 Step #4: The “uncovered” bound charges affect a voltage differential across the depletion region. The magnitude of this barrier voltage (V0) differential grows, as diffusion continues. voltage potential No voltage differential exists across regions of the pn-junction outside of the depletion region because of the neutralizing effect of positive and negative bound charges. barrier voltage (Vo) p-type n-type location (x) 27 5. The pn Junction with an Applied Voltage 5.1. Qualitative Description of Junction Operation • Figure to right shows pnjunction under three conditions: • (a) open-circuit – where a barrier voltage V0 exists. • (b) reverse bias – where a dc voltage VR is applied. • (c) forward bias – where a dc voltage VF is applied. 1/24/2023 Lecture 03 Figure 11: The pn junction in: (a) equilibrium; (b) reverse bias; (c) forward bias. 28 1) no voltage applied 1) negative voltage applied 1) positive voltage applied 2) voltage differential across depletion zone is V0 2) voltage differential across depletion zone is V0 + VR 2) voltage differential across depletion zone is V0 - VF • Figure to right shows pn-junction 3) ID < IS 3) ID = Iconditions: under three S • (a) open-circuit – where a barrier voltage V0 exists. • (b) reverse bias – where a dc voltage VR is applied. • (c) forward bias – where a dc voltage VF is applied. 1/24/2023 3) ID > IS Figure 3.11: The pn junction in: (a) equilibrium; (b) reverse bias; (c) forward bias. Lecture 03 29 Reverse Biased Diode’s Application: VoltageDependent Capacitor The PN junction can be viewed as a capacitor. By varying VR, the depletion width changes, changing its capacitance value; therefore, the PN junction is actually a voltage-dependent capacitor. 30 Example: How does a Voltage dependent capacitor work ? 5.2. The Current-Voltage Relationship of the Junction (eq3.40) I = IS (eV / VT − 1) • saturation current (IS) – is the maximum reverse current which will flow through pn-junction. • It is proportional to cross-section of junction (A). • Typical value is 1018A. Figure 13: The pn junction I–V characteristic. 32 Example: calculate the current flowing in a p-n junction subjected to a forward voltage of 0.4V given that saturation current Is=10-18 A and thermal voltage VT= 0.026 V 5.3 Reverse Breakdown 1/24/2023 Lecture 03 34 Zener breakdown • The electric field in the depletion layer increases to cause breaking covalent bonds and generating electron-hole pairs. • The electrons generated in this way will be swept by the electric field into the n side and the holes into the p side. Thus these electrons and holes constitute a reverse current across the junction. • Once the zener effect starts (VR=5V), a large number of carriers can be generated, with a negligible increase in the junction voltage. Thus the reverse current in the breakdown region will be large and its value must be determined by the external circuit. • the reverse voltage appearing between the diode terminals will remain close to the specified breakdown voltage VZ. 1/24/2023 Lecture 03 35 Avalanche breakdown • The minority carriers that cross the depletion region under the influence of the electric field gain sufficient kinetic energy to be able to break covalent bonds in atoms with which they collide. • The carriers liberated by this process may have sufficiently high energy to be able to cause other carriers to be liberated in another ionizing collision. • This process keeps repeating in the fashion of an avalanche, with the result that many carriers are created that are able to support any value of reverse current, as determined by the external circuit, with a negligible change in the voltage drop across the junction. 1/24/2023 Lecture 03 36 5.3 Reverse Breakdown • The maximum reverse-bias potential that can be applied before entering the breakdown region is called the peak inverse voltage (referred to simply as the PIV rating) or the peak reverse voltage (denoted the PRV rating). 37 6. Capacitive Effects in the pn Junction 1. Depletion or Junction Capacitance When a pn junction is reverse biased Where 2. Diffusion Capacitance When a pn junction is forward biased ()المعادالت أعاله كانت موجودة هنا و تم إصالح الخطأ 𝜏 𝑇 is the mean transit time of the junction. I is the forward-bias current. 38 6. Capacitive Effects in the pn Junction • junction capacitance: ✓ due to the dipole in the transition region (associated with the charge stored in the depletion region). ✓ Also called transition region capacitance or depletion layer capacitance. ✓ Dominates under reverse bias conditions. • Charge storage (Diffusion) capacitance: ✓ associated with the minority carrier charge stored in the n and p materials as a result of the concentration profiles established by carrier injection. ✓ Also referred to as diffusion capacitance. ✓ Dominant when the junction is forward biased. 39 Summary (1) • Today’s microelectronics technology is almost entirely based on the semiconductor silicon. If a circuit is to be fabricated as a monolithic integrated circuit (IC), it is made using a single silicon crystal, no matter how large the circuit is. • In a crystal of intrinsic or pure silicon, the atoms are held in position by covalent bonds. At very low temperatures, all the bonds are intact; No charge carriers are available to conduct current. As such, at these low temperatures, silicone acts as an insulator. 1/24/2023 Lecture 03 41 Summary (2) • At room temperature, thermal energy causes some of the covalent bonds to break, thus generating free electrons and holes that become available to conduct electricity. • Current in semiconductors is carried by free electrons and holes. Their numbers are equal and relatively small in intrinsic silicon. • The conductivity of silicon may be increased drastically by introducing small amounts of appropriate impurity materials into the silicon crystal – via process called doping. 1/24/2023 Lecture 03 42 Summary (3) • There are two kinds of doped semiconductor: ntype in which electrons are abundant, p-type in which holes are abundant. • There are two mechanisms for the transport of charge carriers in a semiconductor: drift and diffusion. • Carrier drift results when an electric field (E) is applied across a piece of silicon. The electric field accelerates the holes in the direction of E and electrons oppositely. These two currents sum to produce drift current in the direction of E. 1/24/2023 Lecture 03 43 Summary (4) • Carrier diffusion occurs when the concentration of charge carriers is made higher in one part of a silicon crystal than others. To establish a steadystate diffusion current, a carrier concentration must be maintained in the silicon crystal. • A basic semiconductor structure is the pn-junction. It is fabricated in a silicon crystal by creating a pregion in proximity to an n-region. The pn-junction is a diode and plays a dominant role in the structure and operation of transistors. 1/24/2023 Lecture 03 44 Summary (5) • When the terminals of the pn-junction are left open, no current flows externally. However, two equal and opposite currents (ID and IS) flow across the junction. Equilibrium is maintained by a built-in voltage (V0). Note, however, that the voltage across an open junction is 0V, since V0 is cancelled by potentials appearing at the metal-to-semiconductor connection interfaces. • The voltage V0 appears across the depletion region, which extends on both sides of the junction. 1/24/2023 Lecture 03 45 Summary (6) • The drift current IS is carried by thermally generated minority electrons in the p-material that are swept across the depletion region into the n-side. The opposite occurs in the n-material. IS flows from n to p, in the reverse direction of the junction. Its value is a strong function of temperature, but independent of V0. • Forward biasing of the pn-junction, that is applying an external voltage that makes p more positive than n, reduces the barrier voltage to V0 - V and results in an exponential increase in ID (while IS remains unchanged). 1/24/2023 Lecture 03 46 Semiconductor Diode Notation Various types of junction diodes 1/24/2023 47 Diode Testing • Diode Checking Function • Ohmmeter Testing • Curve Tracer 48 Introduction • In this Lecture we will learn ❑ application of the diode in the design of rectifier circuits, which convert ac voltages to dc as needed for powering electronic equipment. ❑ a number of other practical and important applications: limiting and clamping circuits. ❑ Special diode types: LED, Photo diode, Schottky diode, Varactor diode, Zener diode. 1/24/2023 49 4.5. Rectifier Circuits • One important application of diode is the rectifier – • Electrical device which converts alternating current (AC) to direct current (DC) • One important application of rectifier is dc power supply. Figure 4.20: Block diagram of a dc power supply step #1: Decrease RMS magnitude of AC wave via power transformer step #2: convert full-wave AC signal to full-wave rectified signal (still time-varying and periodic) step #3: employ low-pass filter to reduce wave amplitude by > 90% step #4: employ voltage regulator to eliminate ripple step #5: supply dc load . Oxford University Publishing Figure 4.20:Microelectronic Block Circuits diagram ofandaKenneth dcC.power supply by Adel S. Sedra Smith (0195323033) 4.5.1. The Half-Wave Rectifier • half-wave rectifier – utilizes only alternate half-cycles of the input sinusoid • Constant voltage drop diode model is employed. Figure 4.21: (a) Half-wave rectifier (b) Transfer characteristic of the rectifier circuit (c) Input and output waveforms 1/24/2023 52 4.5.1. The Half-Wave Rectifier In selecting diodes for rectifier design, two important parameters must be specified: • current-handling capability – what is maximum forward current diode is expected to conduct? • peak inverse voltage (PIV) – what is maximum reverse voltage it is expected to block w/o breakdown? It is usually prudent to select a diode that has a reverse breakdown voltage at least 50% greater than the expected PIV. 1/24/2023 53 4.5.2. The Full-Wave Rectifier • Q: How does fullwave rectifier differ from half-wave? • A: It utilizes both halves of the input • One potential is shown to right. Figure 4.22: Full-wave rectifier utilizing a transformer with a center-tapped secondary winding. 1/24/2023 54 1/24/2023 Figure 4.22: full-wave rectifier utilizing a transformer with a centertapped secondary winding: (a) circuit; (b) transfer characteristic assuming a constant-voltage-drop model for the diodes; (c) input and output waveforms. 55 4.5.2. The Full-Wave Rectifier • Q: What are most important observation(s) from this operation? • A: The direction of current flowing across load never changes (both halves of AC wave are rectified). The fullwave rectifier produces a more “energetic” waveform than half-wave. • PIV for full-wave = 2VS – VD 1/24/2023 56 4.5.3. The Bridge Rectifier • An alternative implementation of the full-wave rectifier is bridge rectifier. • Shown to right. Figure 4.23: The bridge rectifier circuit. 1/24/2023 57 when instantaneous source voltage is positive, D1 and D2 conduct while D3 and D4 block Figure 4.23: The bridge rectifier circuit. 1/24/2023 58 when instantaneous source voltage is positive, D1 and D2 conduct while D3 and D4 block Figure 4.23: The bridge rectifier circuit. 1/24/2023 59 4.5.3: The Bridge Rectifier (BR) • Q: What is the main advantage of BR? • A: No need for center-tapped transformer. • Q: What is main disadvantage? • A: Series connection of TWO diodes will reduce output voltage. • PIV = VS – VD 1/24/2023 60 4.5.4. The Rectifier with a Filter Capacitor • step #1: source voltage is positive, diode is forward biased, capacitor charges. • step #2: source voltage is reverse, diode is reversebiased (blocking), capacitor cannot discharge. • step #3: source voltage is positive, diode is forward biased, capacitor charges (maintains voltage). Figure 4.24 (a) A simple circuit used to illustrate the effect… 1/24/2023 61 4.5.4. The Rectifier with a Filter Capacitor • Q: Why is this example unrealistic? • A: Because for any practical application, the converter would supply a load (which in turn provides a path for capacitor discharging). 62 4.5.4. The Rectifier with a Filter Capacitor • Q: What happens when load resistor is placed in series with capacitor? • A: One must now consider the discharging of capacitor across load. 63 4.5.4. The Rectifier with a Filter Capacitor circuit state #1 output voltage for state #1 vO ( t ) = v I ( t ) − v D vO ( t ) = Vpeak e − t RC output voltage for state #2 circuit state #2 64 output voltage for state #1 vO ( t ) = v I ( t ) vO ( t ) = Vpeak e − t RC output voltage for state #2 Figure 4.25: Voltage and Current Waveforms in the Peak Rectifier Circuit WITH RC >> T. The diode is assumed ideal. 65 4.6.2. The Clamped Capacitor or DC Restorer • Q: What is a dc restorer? • A: Circuit which removes the dc component of an AC wave. • Q: Why is this ability important? • A: Average value of this output is effective way to measure duty cycle Figure 4.32: The clamped capacitor or dc restorer with a square-wave input and no load 1/24/2023 66 4.6.3: The Voltage Doubler • Q: What is a voltage doubler? • A: One which multiplies the amplitude of a wave or signal by two. Figure 4.34: Voltage doubler: (a) circuit; (b) waveform of the voltage across D1. 1/24/2023 67 Special Diode Types 1/24/2023 68 Optical Diodes There are two popular types of optoelectronic devices: light-emitting diode (LED) and photodiode. The Light-Emitting Diode (LED) LED is diode that emits light when biased in the forward direction of p-n junction. Anode Cathode The schematic symbol and construction features. The Light-Emitting Diode (LED) LED that are produced in an array of shapes and sizes. LED characteristics: characteristic curves are very similar to those for p-n junction diodes higher forward voltage (VF) lower reverse breakdown voltage (VBR). The Light-Emitting Diode (LED) Application The seven segment display is an example of LEDs use for display of decimal digits. The 7-segment LED display. LED Displays LED displays are packages of many LEDs arranged in a pattern, the most familiar pattern being the 7-segment displays for showing numbers (digits 0-9). The Light-Emitting Diode (LED) Light Spectrum Red, green and blue LEDs The Light-Emitting Diode (LED) When a light-emitting diode is forward biased, electrons are able to recombine with holes within the device, releasing energy in the form of photons. This effect is called electroluminescence and the color of the light (corresponding to the energy of the photon) is determined by the energy gap of the semiconductor. Fabricating the pn junction using a semiconductor of the type known as direct-bandgap materials. LED - Light Emitting Diodes UV – AlGaN Blue – GaN, InGaN Red, green – GaP Red, yellow – GaAsP IR- GaAs Calculating an LED resistor value An LED must have a resistor connected in series to limit the current through the LED. The resistor value, R is given by: R = (VS - VL) / I VS = supply voltage VL = LED voltage (usually 2V, but 4V for blue and white LEDs) I = LED current (e.g. 20mA), this must be less than the maximum permitted If the calculated value is not available, choose the nearest standard resistor value which is greater, to limit the current. Even greater resistor value will increase the battery life but this will make the LED less bright. For example If the supply voltage VS = 9V, and you have a red LED (VL = 2V), requiring a current I = 20mA = 0.020A, R = (9V - 2V) / 0.02A = 350, so choose 390 (the nearest greater standard value). The Photodiode Photodiode is a p-n junction that can convert light energy into electrical energy. It operates in reverse bias voltage (VR), as shown in Figure, where Iλ is the reverse light current. It has a small transparent window that allows light to strike the p-n junction. The resistance of a photodiode is calculated by the formula as follows: Iλ RR = VR I Alarm System using Photodiode Photodiode Alarm Circuit IR Transmitter Circuit 1/24/2023 78 The Schottky Diode ❑ The Schottky diode’s significant characteristic is its fast switching speed. ❑ This is useful for high frequencies and digital applications. ❑ It is not a typical diode in that it does not have a p-n junction. ❑ Instead, it consists of a doped semiconductor (usually n-type) and metal bound together. Schottky diode (a) symbol and (b) basic internal construction Zener Diode Zener diode is a p-n junction diode that is designed to operate in the reverse breakdown region. + V Z Two things happen when the reverse breakdown voltage (VBR) is reached: The diode current increases drastically. The reverse voltage (VR) across the diode remains relatively constant. In other words, the voltage across a zener diode operated in this region is relatively constant over a range of reverse current and nearly equal to its zener voltage (VZ) rating. K Cathode (K) I − Anode (A) Z A VB R Zener diode voltage-curent (V-I) characteristic. Zener Diode Ideal-and-Practical Zener Equivalent Circuits I F VR V VF Z IR Ideal model and characteristic curve of a zener diode in reverse breakdown. The constant voltage drop = the nominal zener voltage. Practical model and characteristic curve of a zener diode, where the zener impedance (resistance), ZZ is included. A change in zener current (ΔIZ) produces a small change in zener voltage (ΔVZ). Varactor (Varicap Diode) Varactor is a type of p-n junction diode that operates in reverse bias. The capacitance of the junction is controlled by the amount of reverse bias. Varactor diodes are also referred to as varicaps or tuning diodes and they are commonly used in communication systems. Varactor diode symbol Basic Operation The capacitance of a reverse-biased varactor junction is found as: C= A d C = the total junction capacitance. A = the plate area. ε = the dielectric constant (permittivity). d = the width of the depletion region (plate separation). Reverse-biased varactor diode acts as a variable capacitor. Varactor (Varicap Diode) When the junction diode is reverse biased, the insulating barrier widens reducing diode capacitance. The barrier forms the dielectric, of variable width, of a capacitor. The N and P type cathode and anode are the two plates of the capacitor. In the diagram, the diode and coil form a resonant circuit. The capacitance of the diode, and thereby the resonant frequency, is varied by means of the potentiometer controlling the reverse voltage across the varicap. The capacitor prevents the coil shorting out the voltage across the potentiometer. Summary (1) • Rectifiers convert ac voltage into unipolar voltages. Half-wave rectifiers do this by passing the voltage in half of each cycle and blocking the opposite-polarity voltage in the other half of the cycle. • The bridge-rectifier circuit is the preferred full-wave rectifier configuration. 1/24/2023 84 Summary (2) • The variation of the output waveform of the rectifier is reduced considerably by connecting a capacitor C across the output load resistance R. The resulting circuit is the peak rectifier. The output waveform then consists of a dc voltage almost equal to the peak of the input sine wave, Vp, on which is superimposed a ripple component of frequency 2f (in the full-wave case) and of peak-topeak amplitude Vr = Vp/2fRC. 1/24/2023 85 Summary (3) 1/24/2023 • Combination of diodes, resistors, and possible reference voltage can be used to design voltage limiters that prevent one or both extremities of the output waveform from going beyond predetermined values – the limiting levels. • Applying a time-varying waveform to a circuit consisting of a capacitor in series with a diode and taking the output across the diode provides a clamping function. • By cascading a clamping circuit with a peak- 86 Summary (4) • Beyond a certain value of reverse voltage (that depends on the diode itself), breakdown occurs and current increases rapidly with a small corresponding increase in voltage. • Diodes designed to operate in the breakdown region are called zener diodes. They are employed in the design of voltage regulators whose function is to provide a constant dc voltage that varies little with variations in power supply voltage and / or load current. 1/24/2023 87