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AI Course Syllabus: Search, Agents, Problem Solving

Principles of Artificial Intelligence
M1 Syllabus
16th Jan 2023(Batch1:12 –1 pm; Batch2: 1-2 pm)
Unit-1-Introduction: Overview and historical perspective, Turing test, physical symbol
systems and the scope of symbolic AI, agents & its types.
Unit-2-Problem Solving: Problem spaces (states, goals and operators), problem solving by
search, uninformed search (breadth-first, depth-first, depth-first with iterative deepening),
heuristics and informed search (Greedy best first, A*).
Definition of terms, PEAS representation for a given scenario, Task environment, Agents and
types with diagrams, applications of AI, Explanation of all algorithms(DFS,BFS,
IDDFS,Greedy Best first Search, A*) with algorithm and example, numerical problems,
comparisons, advantages, limitations.
[Refer ppt1 and ppt2, Norvig book, Javatpoint link]
Few Examples:
1) PEAS for automated Taxi, vacuum cleaner etc.
For each of the following graph search strategies, work out the order in which states are
expanded, as well as the path returned by graph search. In all cases, assume ties resolve in such
a way that states with earlier alphabetical order are expanded first. Remember that in graph
search, a state is expanded only once.
a) Depth-first search. b) Breadth-first search. c) Uniform cost search.
3) Consider the following graph. The numbers written on edges represent the
distance between the nodes. The numbers written on nodes represent the
heuristic value. Find the most cost-effective path to reach from start state A to
final state J using A* Algorithm.