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SAP ESS Implementation Project Bina Nusantara
SAP Implementation Project
User Guide
Employee Self Service
Revision History
5 Nov 2012
Farid Akbar Harahap
Final Version
19 Dec 2012
Farid Akbar Harahap
Additional MSS Content
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1. ESS Navigation .................................................................................................................... 5
1.1 ESS Overview ................................................................................................................. 5
ESS and MSS Description................................................................................. 5
ESS Features .................................................................................................... 5
1.2 How to Access ESS......................................................................................................... 6
1.3 Setting Up Browser ......................................................................................................... 7
Recommended Browser .................................................................................... 7
Allow Pop Up Browser ....................................................................................... 7
Create Bookmark in Internet Explorer................................................................ 7
Activate Compatibility View in Internet Explorer ................................................. 7
2. Home ..................................................................................................................................12
2.1 Corporate News and Information ....................................................................................12
2.2 Personal Inbox ...............................................................................................................12
2.3 Create Substitution Rule in Personal Inbox ....................................................................21
3. Employee Self Service ........................................................................................................25
3.1 Personal Profile ..............................................................................................................25
Personal Data ..................................................................................................26
Address ............................................................................................................29
Family Members/Dependents ...........................................................................30
Personal ID ......................................................................................................36
Communications ..............................................................................................40
Bank Information ..............................................................................................43
3.2 Job Information...............................................................................................................45
3.3 External Working Experience .........................................................................................47
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3.4 Internal Working Experience...........................................................................................49
3.5 Education Profile ............................................................................................................51
3.6 Scholarship and Wbound Information .............................................................................54
3.7 Profile NPWP .................................................................................................................56
3.8 Leave Request ...............................................................................................................58
Create Leave Request .....................................................................................59
Display Leave Request ....................................................................................60
Display Leave Calendar ...................................................................................61
Display Time Account .......................................................................................62
Display Team Calendar ....................................................................................63
Leave Overview ...............................................................................................64
View Time Account Balance .............................................................................68
3.9 Overtime Request ..........................................................................................................70
Create Overtime Request ........................................................................................70
Overtime Request Status ........................................................................................72
Overtime History......................................................................................................74
Time and Attendance ..............................................................................................77
Clock In/Clock Out............................................................................................77
My Attendance .................................................................................................79
Summary Attendance Report ...........................................................................83
Work Schedule Calendar .........................................................................................87
Medical Benefit History ............................................................................................89
4. Manager Self Service ..........................................................................................................90
4.1 Manager Approval ..........................................................................................................90
Approve Leave Request ...................................................................................91
Approve Overtime Request ..............................................................................92
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Create Substitution Rule for Approval...............................................................94
4.2 Team Working Time .....................................................................................................100
Employee Overtime Request ..........................................................................100
Subordinate Leave Summary .........................................................................101
Subordinate Attendance Summary .................................................................104
Subordinate Attendance Report .....................................................................107
Subordinate Work Schedule ...........................................................................111
Clock In/Clock Out Correction ........................................................................115
4.3 Organization Profiles ....................................................................................................117
Organization Profile ........................................................................................117
Employee General Information .......................................................................120
Reminder of Dates .........................................................................................122
4.4 Team Attendance Overview .........................................................................................124
Attendance Overview .....................................................................................124
Team Calendar ..............................................................................................125
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1. ESS Navigation
1.1 ESS Overview
1.1.1 ESS and MSS Description
SAP Employee Self-Service (ESS) provides access to job-related information to all
of your employees worldwide. It provides employees with the data and information they
need to perform everyday without having to ask HR staff for help. Employees can
manage important informations and datas such as personal profile, education profile,
working experience, etc. Using SAP Employee Self-Service, employees can create
leave request and overtime request and also manage their attendance such as Clock
in/Clock Out.
SAP Manager Self-Service (MSS) is a web based tool designed for the employees
who carry out management tasks. Using SAP Manager Self-Service, managers can
manage their subordinates such as working schedule. The most important function in
SAP Manager Self-Service is approval function,where managers can approve leave
request and overtime request sent by subordinates.
1.1.2 ESS Features
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1.2 How to Access ESS
This section will explain how to access ESS including Login and Logout. For login to
ESS, follow these steps below:
Open Internet Explorer.
Insert this link in the address field: http://hc.binus.edu/irj/portal
The initial screen will be displayed.
Insert your username and password.
Click button
For ESS Logout, simply click button
on the top right of the home screen.
SAP ESS Implementation Project Bina Nusantara
1.3 Setting Up Browser
1.3.1 Recommended Browser
To open SAP ESS, use this recommended browser:
Internet Explorer
1.3.2 Allow Pop Up Browser
To use SAP ESS, we have to turn off Pop-up Blocker in Internet Explorer. Follow
these steps to turn off Pop-up Blocker in Internet Explorer:
Open Internet Explorer.
Click the tools button and then click Pop-up Blocker.
Click Turn Off Pop-up Blocker.
1.3.3 Create Bookmark in Internet Explorer
Creating a bookmark in Internet Explorer can be done in several ways. Below is
several ways for creating a bookmark:
1. Right click on a blank portion of the page and click “Add to Favorites”.
2. -
Move to the page you wish to add to your Favorites.
At the top of the browser window click Favorites.
Click “Add to Favorites”.
1.3.4 Activate Compatibility View in Internet Explorer
Some websites might appear blank or might not display correctly in Internet Explorer
9.To solve this problem,we must to activate compatibility view to view the websites.
We can use these methods below to turn on Compatibility View in Internet Explorer
Method 1 : Click the Compatibility View button on the Address bar
When Internet Explorer recognizes that a webpage is not compatible, you
will see the Compatibility View button on the Address bar. Try clicking it.
When Compatibility View is turned on, the button changes from an outline
to a solid color when you view the page.
SAP ESS Implementation Project Bina Nusantara
Method 2 : Set and use Compatibility View on the Menu bar
To use Compability View:
Open the webpage in Internet Explorer, and then click Compatibility
View on the Tools menu. If you do not see the Tools menu, press ALT.
When Compatibility View is turned on, the button changes from an
outline to a solid color when you view the page.
SAP ESS Implementation Project Bina Nusantara
To set Compability View:
In Internet Explorer, click Compatibility View setting on the Tools menu.
If you do not see the Tools menu, press ALT.
In the Compatibility View Settings windows, type the address of the
webpage, and then click Add.
SAP ESS Implementation Project Bina Nusantara
Method 3 : Use the developer tools to turn on Compatibility
Open the webpage in Internet Explorer, press F12, or click
click F12 developer tools.
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Click Browser Mode, and then select the browser mode that you want to
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2. Home
2.1 Corporate News and Information
Module :
Employee Self Service
Process :
Corporate News and Information
Path :
Home -> Corporate News and Information
Step 1: Display Corporate News and Information
Click “Home” to display page related with corporate news and information. You can find
page related with corporate news and information in Bina Nusantara in this transaction.
2.2 Personal Inbox
Module :
Employee Self Service
Process :
Personal Inbox
Path :
Home -> Work -> Universal Worklist
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Step 1: Display Tasks
to display Universal Worklist.
tab to display Tasks.
Step 2: Create Task
Click button
to create task
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Create task screen provides data below:
Task Type
Select Type of Task Type (Task, Task List,
Request for Feedback, Request for
Insert Task Title (R)
Assigned To
Select Task Recipient
Select Task Priority (Low,Normal,High)
Select Task Deadline
As Soon As Possible
-Due Date
Select Due Date
-Due Time
Select Due Time
Insert Task Description
Click button
to select task recipient.
Insert task recipient in “Search For Name” field to search task recipient and then press
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Select task recipient and press button
to move task recipent from search results to
current selection.
Click button
to confirm task recipient
to add attachments.
More Options screen provides data below:
Select Task Trackers
Select Notification Condition (None, When
Complete, On Updates,Completion,and if
Task Condition
Select Task Condition
-Task Requires Final Approval
Select when task requires final approval
-Separate Task for Each
Select when separate task for each assignee
-Allow Assignees to Decline
Select when assignees allow to decline task
Click button
to select task trackers.
Insert task trackers in “Search For Name” field to search task trackers and then press
Choose task trackers and press button
to move task trackers from search results to
current selection.
Press button
Click button
to confirm task trackers.
to insert attachments.
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Click button
to browse file.
Click button
to upload file.
Click button
to close attachments window.
Click button
to send task.
Step 3: Display Submitted Task
tab to display submitted task .
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Choose task to display task detail
Task detail screen provides data below:
Due Date
Display Task Due date
Sent Date
Display Task Sent date
Display Task Status
Tracked By
Display Task Tracker
Display Task Priority
Display Task Progress
Assigned to
Display Task Recipient
Display Task Attachments
Submit a memo
Insert Memo
Click button
to insert memo to the task.
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Step 4: Edit Task
tab to display tracking screen
Select a task to edit and click button
then choose “Edit”.
Edit Task screen provides data below:
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Edit Task Title (R)
Assigned To
EditTask Recipient
EditTask Priority (Low,Normal,High)
Edit Task Due
As Soon As Possible
-Due Date
Select Due Date
-Due Time
Select Due Time
Edit Task Description
Edit Task Status (New,In Progress,Completed
Awaiting Approval)
Edit Task Progress
Edit Escalated
Edit Task Trackers
Click button
to update the task
Step 5: Display and Confirm Completion Task (for Task Recipient)
tab to display Tasks
Select a task to complete.
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Click button
and then choose “Change Status” and select “Complete Awaiting for
Approval”. Task Status is changed to “Complete Awaiting for Approval”
To see task attachments,click button
and then choose “Edit”. Double click the
attachments to display.
Step 6: Approve Task
Select a task to approve and the task detail will be displayed.
Insert task memo and click button
to approve the task.
Task status is changed to “Completed”.
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2.3 Create Substitution Rule in Personal Inbox
Module :
Manager Self Service
Process :
Create Subtitution Rule in Personal Inbox
Path :
MSS->Universal Worklist->Manage Subtitution rule
Step 1: Create Subtitution Rule
tab to display Tasks
Select a task,click button
on the right top side of the screen
Click “Manage Subtitution Rule”
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Click button “Create Rule” to create subtitution rule
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Create a Subtitution Rule screen provides data below:
Select Nominee
Assign These Tasks
Select task to assign to the nominee
I Want the Nominee to
Select Nominee Role
Receive My Tasks
Select to hand over tasks to the assignee for the
duration employee planned absence
Fill in For me
Select when assignee can take over your tasks
Click button
to select Nominee.
Input nominee in “Search For Name” field to search nominee and then press button
Select the nominee and then click button
Click button “Next”
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Select “On” to decide Turn On Date and then choose the date
Click button
Step 2: Display Subtitution Rule
tab to display Tasks
Select radio button “Items on Behalf Of” and select your username
Select button
Select "Change Status" then select "In Progress"
Screen display "Action Done" message
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3. Employee Self Service
3.1 Personal Profile
Module :
Employee Self Service
Process :
Maintain Personal Profile
Path :
ESS -> Personal Information -> Personal Profile(for Employee)
Step 1: Click Employee Self-Service Folder
Click Personal Information to display Employee Personal Information menu
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Step 2: Click on Personal Profile
Personal Data
Step 1: Personal Data Overview
Select on Personal Data Overview
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Personal Data Overview Provides :
Display Employee’s Name
Date of Birth
Display Employee’s Date of Birth
Marrial Status
Display Employee’s Marrial Status
Step 2: Edit Personal Data Detail
Press button "Edit"
to edit and display your Personal Data Detail
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Edit Personal Data Provides:
Full Name
Display Employee’s Full Name
Academic Title
Display Employee’s Academic Title
Display Employee’s Title
Other Title
Display Employee’s Other Title
Known as
Display Employee’s other name
Date of Birth
Display Employee’s Date of Birth
Place of Birth
Display Employee’s Place of Birth
Country of Birth
Display Employee’s Country of Birth
Display Employee’s Gender (Female, Male)
Marrial Status/ since (R)
Select Type of Marrial status (Single, Marr, Wid,
Div, NM, Sep, Unknwn, RegCou), Select Date
Select Employee’s Photo
Select Nationality
Display Employee’s Basic Language
Select Religion
Click button
Click button
to upload your photo.
to delete your current photo.
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Click button
save your personal data change and back to home page.
Click button
to save your personal data change.
Click button
to cancel your personal data change.
Step 1: Display Address Overview
Click Emergency address to create Emergency Address
Display Address Overview Provides:
Street Name
Display Employee’s Address
Display Employee’s City Address
Telephone Number
Display Employee’s Telephone Number
Valid To
Display Addresses Valid Date
Step 2: Create New Address
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Create New Address Overview Provides :
Country (R)
Select Address Country
Insert with Employee’s Spouse Name
House number and Street(R)
Insert with Employee’s House Number and
Address line 2
Insert with Employee’s Address line 3
Insert with Employee’s Disctrict
City/ Postal Code (R)
Insert with Employee’s City and Postal Code
Select Employee’s Region
Insert with Employee’s Telephone Number
Select Type of Communications(Mobile Phone,
E-mail, Telefax,Telephone, Other)
Click button
save your personal data change and back to home page.
Click button
to save your personal data change.
Click button
to cancel your personal data change.
Family Members/Dependents
Step 1: Family Member/ Dependents
Select on Family Members / Dependents Overview
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Family Members/ Dependents Overview Provides :
Display Employee’s Child/ Spouse/ Father /
Mother Name
Date of Birth
Display Employee’s Child/ Spouse/ Father /
Mother Name Date of Birth
Step 2: Add New Family Member
Click Button
to add new data Spouse
Click Button
to add new data Father
Click Button
to add new data Mother
Click Button
to add new data Child
Create Family Member Data Provides:
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Name (R)
Display and Employee’s can change your Family
Member Name
Display and Employee’s can change Family
Member Name Title
Additional Title
Display and Employee’s can change Family
Member Name Addtional Title
Marriage Certificate No
Display and Employee’s can change Spouse
Marriage Certificate No
Display and Employee’s can change Family
Member Street address
Postal Code
Display and Employee’s can change Family
Member Posta Code
Display and Employee’s can change Family
Member City address
Address Line 2
Display and Employee’s can change Family
Member another address
Display and Employee’s can change Family
Member District
Display and Employee’s can change Family
Member Country
Telephone Number
Display and Employee’s can change Family
Member Telephone Number
ID Card Type
Display and Employee’s can change Family
Member ID Card Type
ID Card Number
Display and Employee’s can change Family
Member ID Card Number
Place of issue
Display and Employee’s can change Family
Member Place of issue ID Card
Date of Issue
Display and Employee’s can change Family
Member Date of Issue Card
Expiry Date
Display and Employee’s can change Family
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Member Expiry Date ID card
Date of Birth (R)
Display and Employee’s can change Family
Member Date of Birth
Place of Birth
Display and Employee’s can change Family
Member Place of Birth
Country of Birth
Display and Employee’s can change Family
Member Country of Birth
Display and Employee’s can change Family
Member Gender (Female, Male)
Job Title
Display and Employee’s can change Family
Member Job Titile
Display and Employee’s can change Employer of
Family Member
Dependent for Tax
Display and Employee’s can change Dependet for
tax of Family Member (check list if dependent)
Pasport Type
Display and Employee’s can change Family
Member Pasport Type
Pasport Number
Display and Employee’s can change Family
Member Pasport Number
Place of Issue
Display and Employee’s can change Family
Member Place of Issue Pasport Data
Country of Issue
Display and Employee’s can change Family
Member Country of Issue Pasport Data
Date of Issue
Display and Employee’s can change Family
Member Date of Issue Pasport Data
Expiry Date
Display and Employee’s can change Family
Member Expiry Date Pasport Data
Click button
Click button
save your family member new data and back to home page.
to save your new family member data member
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Click button
to cancel your add family member data
Step 3: Edit Family Member Data Detail
Press button "Edit"
to edit and display your Family Members Detail
Edit Family Member Data Provides:
Name (R)
Display and Employee’s can change your Family
Member Name
Display and Employee’s can change Family
Member Name Title
Additional Title
Display and Employee’s can change Family
Member Name Addtional Title
Display and Employee’s can change Family
Member Street address
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Postal Code
Display and Employee’s can change Family
Member Posta Code
Display and Employee’s can change Family
Member City address
Address Line 2
Display and Employee’s can change Family
Member another address
Display and Employee’s can change Family
Member District
Display and Employee’s can change Family
Member Country
Telephone Number
Display and Employee’s can change Family
Member Telephone Number
ID Card Type
Display and Employee’s can change Family
Member ID Card Type
ID Card Number
Display and Employee’s can change Family
Member ID Card Number
Place of issue
Display and Employee’s can change Family
Member Place of issue ID Card
Date of Issue
Display and Employee’s can change Family
Member Date of Issue Card
Expiry Date
Display and Employee’s can change Family
Member Expiry Date ID card
Date of Birth (R)
Display and Employee can change Family Member
Date of Birth
Place of Birth
Display and Employee’s can change Family
Member Place of Birth
Country of Birth
Display and Employee’s can change Family
Member Country of Birth
Display and Employee’s can change Family
Member Gender (Female, Male)
Job Title
Display and Employee’s can change Family
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Member Job Titile
Display and Employee’s can change Employer of
Family Member
Dependent for Tax
Display and Employee’s can change Dependet for
tax of Family Member (check list if dependent)
Pasport Type
Display and Employee’s can change Family
Member Pasport Type
Pasport Number
Display and Employee’s can change Family
Member Pasport Number
Place of Issue
Display and Employee’s can change Family
Member Place of Issue Pasport Data
Country of Issue
Display and Employee’s can change Family
Member Country of Issue Pasport Data
Date of Issue
Display and Employee’s can change Family
Member Date of Issue Pasport Data
Expiry Date
Display and Employee’s can change Family
Member Expiry Date Pasport Data
Click button
save your family member data change and back to home
Click button
to save your family member data change.
Click button
to cancel your family member/dependent change.
Personal ID
Step 1: Personal ID
Select on Personal ID Overview
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Personal ID Overview Provides :
Display Employee’s Personal Number
Vaild From
Display Employee’s Start of Validity ID
Valid To
Display Employee’s End of Validity ID
Step 2: Add New Personal ID
Click Button
Click Button
Click Button
Click Button
Click Button
Click Button
to add new data Identity Card
to add new data Pasport
to add new data Drivers License – Type A
to add new data Drivers License – Type B
to add new data Binusian ID
to add new data Lecture ID
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Create new Personal ID Provides:
Identity Number
Insert Employee’s Identity Number
Issuing Authority
Insert Employee’s Issuing Authority
Date of Issue
Insert Employee’s Date of Issue
Expiry Date
Insert Employee’s Expiry Date ID
Valid as of Today
Select if Employee new Personal Id only valid as of
Valid From
Select if Employee new Peronal Id only have Valid
Valid From/To
Select if Employee new Personal Id have Valid
From adn Valid To
Click button
save your new Personal Id data and back to home page.
Click button
to save your new Personal Id data
Click button
to cancel your new Personal ID data
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Step 3: Edit Personal ID
Press button "Edit"
to edit and display your Personal Id Detail
Edit new Personal ID Provides:
Identity Number
Display and you can change Employee’s Identity
Issuing Authority
Display and you can change Employee’s Issuing
Date of Issue
Display and you can change Employee’s Date of
Expiry Date
Display and you can change Employee’s Expiry
Date ID
Click button
save your new Personal Id data and back to home page.
Click button
to save your new Personal Id data.
Click button
to cancel your new Personal ID data.
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Step 4: Delete Personal ID data
Click button "Delete"
to delete your Personal Id Detail.
to confirm Deletion Emplyee’s Personal Id Data.
Click “No”
to cancel Deletion Employee’s Personal Id Data.
Step 1: Communication
Select on Communication Overview
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Communication Overview Provides :
Cell Phone
Display Employee’s Cell Phone Number
Display Employee’s Email
Step 2: Add New Personal ID
Click Button
Click Button
to add new data Cell Phone
to add new data Email
Create new Cell Phone Number Provides:
Cell Phone(R)
Insert Employee’s Cell Phone
Create new Email Provides:
Insert Employee’s Email
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Click button
save your new Personal Id data and back to home page.
Click button
to save your new Personal Id data
Click button
to cancel your new Personal ID data
Step 3: Edit Personal ID
Click on button "Edit"
to edit and display your Personal Id Detail
Edit Comunication Provides:
Cell Phone/ Email
Display and you can change Employee’s Cell
Phone/ Email
Click on button
save your new Personal Id data and back to home page.
Click on button
to save your new Personal Id data.
Click on button
to cancel your new Personal ID data .
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Step 4: Delete Personal ID data
Click button "Delete"
to Delete your Comunication Data
to confirm Deletion Emplyee’s Personal Id Data.
Click “No”
to cancel Deletion Employee’s Personal Id Data.
Bank Information
Step 1: Bank Information
Select on Bank Information Overview
Communication Overview Provides :
Display Employee’s Payee Name
Bank Name
Display Employee’s Bank Name
Bank Account
Display Employee’s Bank Account Number
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Step 2: Edit Bank Information
Click on button "Edit"
to edit and display your Bank Information Detail
Edit Bank Information Provides:
Display and you can change Employee’s Payee
Display Employee’s Country
Bank key
Display and you can change Employee’s Bank Key
Account Number
Display and you can change Employee’s Account
Payment Method
Display and you can change Employee Payment
Method (Bank Transfer, Cash Payment, Check)
Click button
save Employee’s new Bank Information data and back to
home page.
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Click button
to save Employee’s Bank Information data
Click button
to cancel Employee’s Bank Information data
3.2 Job Information
Module :
Employee Self Service
Process :
Job Information
Path :
ESS -> Personal Information -> Job Information(for Employee)
Step 1: Click Employee Self-Service Folder
Click Job Information to Display Job Information
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Step 2: Display Job Information
Job Information Overview Provides:
Directorate/ Business Unit
Display Employee’s Business Unit
Display Employee’s Division
Display Employee’s Department
Display Employee’s Section
Job Grade
Display Employee’s Job Grade
Display Employee’s Position Id
Name of Direct Supervisor
Display Employee’s Superviser
Status Pegawai
Display Employee’s Status
Start of Employment Date
Display Employee’s Employment Date
Insurance Number
Display Employee’s Insurance Number
End of Employment Date
Display Employee’s End of Employment Date
End of Contract Date
Display Employee’s End of Contract Date
Work Station
Display Employee’s Work Station
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3.3 External Working Experience
Module :
Employee Self Service
Process :
External Work Experience
Path :
ESS - Personal Information – External Work Experience
Step 1: Click Employee Self-Service
Click Personal Information to display Employee Personal Information menu
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Step 2: Click on External Work Experience
Click on External Work Experience to display, enter and edit any external work
Step 3: Display External Work Experience
External working experiences detail provides data below:
Start Date
Employment Date
End Date
End of Employment Date
Employee’s Position
Name of Company
Click button
to add external working experience data.
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working experience data.
to edit external
Click button
Click button
to save edited external working experience data or new external
experience data.
Screen will go back to External Working Experience screen, with the message “Data
Successfully Saved” displayed on the header.
3.4 Internal Working Experience
Module :
Employee Self Service
Process :
Internal Work Experience
Path :
ESS - Personal Information – Internal Work Experience
Step 1: Click Employee Self-Service
Click Personal Information to display Employee Personal Information menu.
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Step 2: Click on Internal Work Experience
Click on Internal Work Experience to display, enter and edit any internal work experiences.
Step 3: Display Internal Work Experience
Internal working experiences detail provides data below:
Start Date
Employment Date
End Date
End of Employment Date
Position ID
Employee Position ID
Position Desc.
Position Description
Bisnis Unit ID
Employee Bisnis Unit ID
Bisnis Unit Desc.
Employee Bisnis Unit Desc.
Department ID
Employee Department ID
Department Desc.
Employee Department Desc.
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to print internal working experience data.
Click button
to export internal working experience data into Microsoft Excel.
Click button
3.5 Education Profile
Module :
Employee Self Service
Process :
Maintain Education Profile
Path :
ESS - Personal Information - Education Profile
Step 1: Click Employee Self-Service
Click Personal Information to display Employee Personal Information menu
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Step 2: Click on Education Profile
Click on Education Profile to display, enter and edit your education profile.
Step 3: Display Education Profile
Display Education Overview Provide:
Display Employee full name
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Start Date
Display Start date of education
End Date
Display End date of education
Educational Training
Display Kind of educational/ training
E&T Categories
Display Institute or location of education taken
Country Key
Display Education taken country
Display Certificate of education
Duration of Course
Display Duration of course/ training
Final Grade
Display Final grade that you got from course
City/ District
Display Education taken city
Display Education taken province
to edit education profile.
to create new education and insert new record into table.
to go to previous record.
to go to next record.
to delete record.
to save edited record.
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3.6 Scholarship and Wbound Information
Module :
Employee Self Service
Process :
Scholarship and Wbound Information
Path :
ESS ->
> Personal Information ->
> Scholarship and Wbound Information
Step 1: Click Employee Self-Service
Click Personal Information to display Employee Personal Information menu.
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Step 2: Click on Scholarship and Wbound Information
Click on Scholarship and Wbound Information to display your Scholarship and Wbound
Information here.
Step 3: Display Scholarship and Wbound Information
Scholarship and Wbound detail provides data below:
Scholarship Description
Display Scholarship and Wbound Description
Start Date
Display Scholarship and Wbound Start Date
End Date
Display Scholarship and Wbound End Date
Display Scholarship and Wbound Status
Display Scholarship and Wbound Remarks
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3.7 Profile NPWP
Module :
Employee Self Service
Process :
Profile NPWP
Path :
ESS -> Personal Information -> Profile NPWP(for Employee)
Step 1: Click Employee Self-Service Folder
Click Personal Information to Personal Information menu
Step 2: Display Personal Information
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Click Profile NPWP to Display Employee NPWP Profile
Step 3: Display Personal NPWP
Display NPWP Profile Provides:
Display Employee Name in NPWP Profile
Display Employee address
NPWP Number
Display Employee NPWP Number
NPWP Registration Date
Display Employee NPWP Registration Date
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3.8 Leave Request
Module :
Employee Self Service
Process :
Display Leave Request
Path :
ESS - Working Time - Create Leave Request
Step 1: Click Employee Self-Service Folder
Click Working Time for Display Employee Working Time menu.
Step 2: Click Create Leave Request
Click Create Leave Request to request leave and other types of absences.
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3.8.1 Create Leave Request
Step 1: Filled Out Leave Request Form
Leave Details Form provides data below:
Type of Leave
Type of leave (Absence with Permission, Absent
Without Notice, Bereavement Leave, Children’s
Circum/Immerse, Children’s Marriage Leave,
Examination Leave, Hajji Leave, Leaving Work
Permit, Marriage Leave, Maternity Leave,
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Menstruation Work Permit, Personal Leave,
Siblings Marriage leave, Sickness, Unpaid Leave)
Short description of type of leave
Start Date
Start date of leave
End Date
End date of leave
Absence Hours
Approver Name
Leave approver name or next processor
Reason of employee leave request
Contact Address
Employee contact address
Contact Telephone Number
Employee telephone number
Task on Process
Task or work to be done
Step 2: Submit Leave Request
Click on button
to check whether the form is filled out well.
If no error occurs, click on button
at the top-right corner to send leave request.
After that, leave request successfully submitted and confirmation message appears.
3.8.2 Display Leave Request
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Step 1: Display Leave Request Tab
Leave Request detail provides data below:
Type of Leave
Type of leave
Start date
Start date of leave
Start time
Start time of leave
End Date
End date of leave
End Time
End time of leave
Next Processor
Leave approver
Status of requested leave
Absence Hours
Amount of absence hours
Amount of used day
3.8.3 Display Leave Calendar
Step 1: Display Calendar Tab
Choose month and year, and click on
to view calendar. The legends show
absent, requested leave, non-working day, holiday, etc.
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Here are some colors that exist in calendar tab:
for employee’s absent day
for holiday
for multiple entries
for any leave request with status ‘sent’
for any deletion requested
for non working day or off day
3.8.4 Display Time Account
Step 1: Display Time Account Tab
Choose type of leaves and click on
to display time account.
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Time Accounts detail provides data below:
Time Account
Type of leave
Deduction from
Start date of leave
Deduction to
End date of leave
Amount of entitlement leave
Entitlement Planned
Remaining balance of leave quota
3.8.5 Display Team Calendar
Step 1: Display Team Calendar Tab
Choose month and year, and click on
to view team calendar in the selected
Here are some colors that exist in team calendar tab:
for employee’s absent day
for holiday
for multiple entries
for any leave request with status ‘sent’
for any deletion requested
for non working day or off day
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Click on
to select which team calendar you want to display.
Click on
to print team calendar in the selected month displayed
3.8.6 Leave Overview
Module :
Employee Self Service
Process :
Display Leave Overview
Path :
ESS - Working Time - Create Leave Overview
Step 1: Click Employee Self-Service Folder
Click Working Time for Display Employee Working Time menu.
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Step 2: Click Leave Overview
Click on Leave Overview to display leave overview.
Step 3: Display and Edit Leave Overview
Leave overview screen displayed and containts list of requested leaves and their status..
Leave Overview detail provides data below:
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Type of Leave
Type of leave
Start date
Start date of leave
Start time
Start time of leave
End Date
End date of leave
End Time
End time of leave
Next Processor
Leave approver
Status of requested leave
Absence Hours
Amount of absence hours
Amount of used day
Click on button
Click on button
to delete leave request.
to edit leave.
Leave Details Form provides data below:
Type of Leave
Type of leave (Absence with Permission,
Absent Without Notice, Bereavement
Leave, Children’s Circum/Immerse,
Children’s Marriage Leave, Examination
Leave, Hajji Leave, Leaving Work Permit,
Marriage Leave, Maternity Leave,
Menstruation Work Permit, Personal Leave,
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Siblings Marriage leave, Sickness, Unpaid
Short description of type of leave
Start Date
Start date of leave
End Date
End date of leave
Approver Name
Leave approver name or next processor
Reason of employee leave request
Contact Address
Employee contact address
Contact Telephone
Employee telephone number
Task on Process
Click on
Task or work to be done
to save edited leave request and back to Leave Overview
Click on
to save edited leave request and make new leave request.
Click on
to cancel editing leave request and back to Leave Overview screen.
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3.8.7 View Time Account Balance
Module :
Employee Self Service
Process :
View Time Account Balance
Path :
ESS -> Working Time -> View Time Account Balance(for Employee)
Step 1: Click Employee Self-Service Folder
Click Working Time for Display Employee Working Time menu
Click Working Time for Display Employee Working Time menu.
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Step 2: Click View Time Account Balance
Click View Time Account Balance to display Employee Time Account.
Step 3: Display Time Account
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Time Account detail provides data below:
Time Account View
Select Type of View Time Account (display specific
type of leave or display all type)
Approve Time Account
Time Account
Select Type of Leave
Deduction From
Start Date of Leave
Deduction Date
End Dateof Leave
Ammount of Entitlement Leave
Entitlement Planned
Remain Balance of Leave Quota
3.9 Overtime Request
3.9.1 Create Overtime Request
Module :
Employee Self Service
Process :
Create Overtime Request
Path :
ESS - Working Time - Create Overtime Request
Step 1: Click Employee Self-Service Folder
Click Working Time for Display Employee Working Time menu.
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Step 2: Click Create Overtime Request
Click on Create Overtime Request to request overtime here.
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Step 3: Create Overtime Request
Overtime Request form provides data below:
Date of overtime
Start time
Start time of overtime
End Time
End time of overtime
Reason of doing overtime
to submit overtime request.
to cancel overtime request.
Overtime Request Status
Module :
Employee Self Service
Process :
Display Overtime Request Status
Path :
ESS - Working Time – Overtime Request Status
Step 1: Click Employee Self-Service Folder
Click Working Time for Display Employee Working Time menu.
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Step 2: Click Overtime Status
Click on Overtime Status to display approval status of employee overtime request.
Step 3: Display Overtime Status
Select date and click on
to display overtime status through report.
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Overtime Request History provides data below:
Date of overtime
Work Hour
Start time of work and work time of work
Start time
Start time of overtime
End Time
End time of overtime
Reason/ Activity
Reason of doing overtime
Next processor or overtime approver
Approver Date
When overtime was approved
Status of overtime request
Click on
to print generate report of overtime history.
Click on
to export the report into Microsoft Excel.
Overtime History
Module :
Employee Self Service
Process :
Overtime History
Path :
ESS -> Working Time -> Overtime History
Step 1: Click Employee Self-Service Folder
Click Working Time for Display Employee Working Time menu.
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Step 2: Click Overtime History
Click on Overtime History to display your overtime history.
Step 3: Display Overtime History
Select Month as selection criteria.
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Click button
to display Overtime History.
Overtime History details provides data below:
Overtime Date
Display Overtime Date
Total Overtime Hour(s)
Display Total Overtime hours
Meal Allowance
Display Meal Allowance
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3.10 Time and Attendance
3.10.1 Clock In/Clock Out
Module :
Employee Self Service
Process :
Create Clock In and Clock Out
Path :
ESS -> Working Time -> Time and Attendance -> Clock In/Clock Out (for
Step 1: Click Employee Self-Service Folder
Click Working Time for display Working Time menu
Step 2: Click Clock In/Clock Out
Click Clock In/Clock Out for display employee Clock In/Clock Out
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Step 3: Display Clock in/ Clock Out
Click button
”Clock In” to Register Employee’s arrival at work
If Clock in was created successfully this window will appear.
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Click button
“Clock Out” to Register Emmployee’s departure from work.
3.10.2 My Attendance
Module :
Employee Self Service
Process :
My Attendance Report
Path :
ESS -> Working Time -> Time and Attendance -> My Attendance(for
Step 1: Click Employee Self-Service Folder
Click Working Time to display Working Time menu
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Step 2: Click My Attendance
Click My Attendance to display Report Sumarry Attendance.
Step 3: Display My Attendance Report
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Selection Criteria detail provides data below:
Current Month
Other Period
Direct Subordinate
Select Specific Subordinate
All Subordinate
Select All Subordinate
Generate Report
To generate Report
If “Other Period” in selection criteria is chose, another fields will appear.
Other Period detail provides data below:
Select Start Date Period
Select End Date Period
Click button
”Generate Report” to Start Generate Report User Selection.
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Clock In/Clock Out detail provides data below:
Full Name
Display All Employee’s Full Name
Id Number
Display All Employee’s Id Number
Work Start
Display Employee’s Start Working Time Standard
End Of Work
Display Employee’s End Workting Time Standard
Date in
Display Employee’s Start Working Time Date
Clock In
Display Employee’s Start Workint Time
Clock Out
Display Employee’s End Working Time
Place in
Display Employee’s Place In Working Time
Place out
Display Employee’s Place out Working Time
Display Employee’s Working Duration
Display Employee’s
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Absence details provide data below:
Full Name
Display All Employee’s Full Name
Id Number
Display All Employee’s Id Number
Start Date
Display Employee’s Start Date Absence
End Date
Display Employee’s End Date Absence
Type of Leave
Display Employee’s Type of Leave
Absence Without Reason detail provides data below:
Full Name
Display All Employee’s Full Name
Id Number
Display All Employee’s Id Number
Start Date
Display Employee’s Start Date Absence
3.10.3 Summary Attendance Report
Module :
Employee Self Service
Process :
Summary Attendance Report
Path :
ESS -> Working Time -> Time and Attendance -> Summary Attendance
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Step 1: Click Employee Self-Service Folder
Click Working Time to display Working Time menu
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Step 2: Click Summary Attendance Report
Click Summary Attendance Report to display summary attendance
Step 3: Display Summary Attendance Report
Selection Criteria detail provides data below:
Date Selection Period
Select Start Date and End Date for specification
search attendance
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Select/enter the period on the “date selection period” area.
Click button
.The summary will be displayed below the selection area.
Summary detail provides data below:
Display Summary Components
Display Component Total
Click one of the summary component to display summary component detail.
Summary detail provides data below:
Display Summary Components
Display Date From
Display Date To
You can export the summary to Microsoft Excel by clicking button
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3.11 Work Schedule Calendar
Module :
Employee Self Service
Process :
Work Schedule Calendar
Path :
ESS -> Working Time -> Time and Attendance -> Work Schedule
Step 1: Click Employee Self-Service Folder
Click Working Time to display Working Time menu.
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Step 2: Click Work Schedule Calendar
Click Work Schedule Calendar to display your daily work schedule here.
Step 3: Display Work Schedule Calendar
Select month/year to display your working schedule according to month/year you are
Click button
Your working schedule will be displayed below.
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3.12 Medical Benefit History
Module :
Employee Self Service
Process :
Medical Benefit History
Path :
ESS -> Benefit and Payment -> Medical Reimbursement Report
Step 1: Click Employee Self-Service Folder and Open Medical Reimbursement
Click Working Time to display Working Time menu.
Click "Medical Reimbursement Report".
Step 2: Display Medical Reimbursement Report
Input Month and Year of Medical Reimbursement History
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4. Manager Self Service
4.1 Manager Approval
Module :
Manager Self Service
Process :
Manager Approval
Path :
MSS –>Work Overview
Step 1: Click Manager Self-Service Folder
Click “Manager Self Service” and choose Work Overview.
tab to display Tasks, Leave Request and Overtime Requests.
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Approve Leave Request
Step 1: Approve Leave Request
tab to display Tasks and Leave Requests.
You can use filter to display Tasks and Leave Requests. Click button
to filter Tasks
and Leave Requests by Send Date,Priority,Due Date,and Status.
Click a Leave Request that will be approved.
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Request Leave Data detail provides data below:
Personnel No.
Display Leave Request requestor Personnel Number
Display Leave Request requestor Name
Type Leave
Display Type Leave
Leave Date From
Display Leave Date From
Leave Date To
Display Leave Date To
Display Leave Reason
Contact Address
Display Contact Address
Phone Number
Display Phone Number
Task on Process
Display Task on process by the applicant
Click button
to approve Leave Request
Approve Overtime Request
Step 1: Click Tasks tab
tab to display Tasks and Overtime Requests.
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Click on Overtime Request that will be approved.
to approve employee’s overtime request.
to reject employee’s overtime request.
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Create Substitution Rule for Approval
Module :
Manager Self Service
Process :
Create substitution rule for approval
Path :
MSS- Overview
In this case, a user (User A) has a leave request. User A wants to assign the approval
task to another user (User B). User A can create substitution rule to user B. By creating
the substitution rule, user B will receive approval task behalf on user A. In this case,
User A gives approval authority to User B. So, User B can approve and reject the
approval tasks.
Step 1: Click Tasks tab
tab to display Tasks.
Select a task,click button
on the right top side of the screen and click “Manage
Subtitution Rule”. For example, User A has leave request from "Dian Ekasari".
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Step 2: Create substitution rule
Click button
to create subtitution rule . For example, User A create
substitution rule to User B. By this way, User A gives approval authority to User B. So,
User B can approve and reject the approval tasks.
After clicking the button, this screen will appear:
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Create a Subtitution Rule screen provides data below:
Select Nominee
Assign These Tasks
Select task to assign to the nominee
I Want the Nominee to
Receive My Tasks
Select Nominee Role
Select to hand over tasks to the assignee for
the duration employee planned absence
Fill in For me
Select when assignee can take over your tasks
Create a Subtitution Rule screen provides data below:
Select Nominee
Assign These Tasks
Select task to assign to the nominee
I Want the Nominee to
Receive My Tasks
Select Nominee Role
Select to hand over tasks to the assignee for
the duration employee planned absence
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Fill in For me
Select when assignee can take over your tasks
Click button
to select Nominee.
Input nominee in “Search For Name” field to search nominee and then click on button
Select the nominee and then click button
Click button “Next”
Select “On” to decide Turn On Date and then choose the date
Click button
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Now, that employee who was selected before can approve the leave request. For
Example: User B can receive all tasks from User A.
If the employee login to portal, he/she will receive the notification about leave request
that need to be approved.
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Step 3: Approve Leave Request
Click “Manager Self Service” to display Universal Worklist.
tab to display Tasks and Leave Requests. Select "Items on Behalf of
the substitution rule. For example: By creating substitution rule, User B can make
approval for items behalf of User A.
Click a Leave Request that need to be approved.
Request Leave Data detail provides data below:
Personnel No.
Display Leave Request requestor Personnel Number
Display Leave Request requestor Name
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Type Leave
Display Type Leave
Leave Date From
Display Leave Date From
Leave Date To
Display Leave Date To
Display Leave Reason
Contact Address
Display Contact Address
Phone Number
Display Phone Number
Task on Process
Display Task on process by the applicant
Manager also can approve overtime request by using Create Substitution Rule.
4.2 Team Working Time
Employee Overtime Request
Module :
Manager Self Service
Process :
Employee Overtime Request
Path :
MSS -> Team Working Time -> Subordinate Overtime Request ->
Employee Overtime Request
Step 1: Click Manager Self-Service Folder
Click “Manager Self Service” to display Universal Worklist.
to display Subordinate Overtime Request and Subordinate and
absence Report
to display Employee Overtime Request
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to generate Report
Overtime Approval detail provides data below:
Start Date
Insert Start Date
Insert End Date
Display Employee’s Binusian ID
Display Employee’s Overtime Date
Start Time
Display Employee’s Overtime StartTime
End Time
Display Employee’s Overtime End Time
Clock In/Clock Out
Display Employee’s Clock in/ Clock Out
Reason/ Activity
Display Employee’s Activity/ Reason
Display Employee’s Overtime Status
“validate” to accept overtime request
“reject” to reject overtime request
Subordinate Leave Summary
Module :
Manager Self Service
Process :
Subordinate Leave Summary
Path :
MSS -> Team Working Time -> Subordinate Attendance and Absence
Report -> Subordinate Leave Summary
Step 1: Click Manager Self-Service Folder
Click “Team Working Time” to display “Subordinate Attendance and Absence” menu
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Step 2: Click Subordinate Attendance and Absence Report
Click “Subordinate Leave Summary” to display subordinate leave summary.
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Step 3: Display Subordinate Leave Summary
Selection Criteria detail provides data below:
Type of Leave
Select type of leave (Personal Leave,Marriage
Leave,Sibling’s Marriage Leave,Children’s
Marriage Leave,Children’s
Circum/Immersn,Unpaid Leave,Sickness,Early
Leave,Late Arrival)
Start Date
Select specific date as summary criteria
Employee Status
Select Employee Status as summary criteria
Select to display active employee leave
Select to display non-active employee leave
Select to display all employee leave summary
Employee Strucuture
Select Employee Structure as summary criteria
Select to display direct subordinate leave
Direct Subordinate
All Subordinate
Select to display all subordinate leave summary
Select Type of Leave
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Select Start Date
Select Employee Status
Click button
to generate summary. The summary will be generated below
the selection criteria area.
Summary detail provides data below:
Display Employee Status
Binusian ID
Display Employee Binusian ID
Personnel Number
Display Employee Personnel Number
Display Employee Name
Start Date of Leave
Display Start Date of Leave
End Date of Leave
Display End Date of Leave
Join Date
Display Employee Join Date
Total Leave Days
Display Employee Total Leave Days
You can export the summary to Microsoft Excel by clicking button
Subordinate Attendance Summary
Module :
Manager Self Service
Process :
Subordintae Attendance Summary
Path :
MSS -> Team Working Time -> Subordinate Attendance and Absence
Report -> Subordinate Attendance Summary
Step 1: Click Manager Self-Service Folder
Click “Team Working Time” to display “Subordinate Attendance and Absence” menu
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Step 2: Click Subordinate Attendance and Absence Report
Click “Subordinate Attendance Summary” to display subordinate attendance summary.
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Step 3: Display Subordinate Attendance Summary
Selection Criteria detail provides data below:
Date Selection Period
Select Start Date and End Date as summary
criteria (R)
Direct Subordinate
Select to display direct subordinate attendance
All Subordinate
Select to display all subordinate attendance
Choose selection criteria to display the summary according to the criteria
Click button
to generate summary. The summary will be generated below
the selection criteria area.
Summary detail provides data below:
Full Name
Display All Employee Full Name
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Business Trip
Display Total Business Trip
Display Total Training Total
Late Arrival
Display Total Late Arrival
Display Total Leave
Unpaid Leave
Display Total Unpaid Leave
Display Total Sickness
Display Total Permission
Display Total AWOL
Display Summary Detail
Select one of the subordinate summary and click button
to display detail
information about the summary. Detail information will be displayed below the summary.
Detail provides data below:
Full Name
Display All Employee Full Name
Attendance/Absence Type
Display Attendance/Absence Type
Date From
Display Date From
Date To
Display Date To
You can export the summary to Microsoft Excel by clicking button
Subordinate Attendance Report
Module :
Manager Self Service
Process :
Subordinate Attendance Report
Path :
MSS -> Team Working Time -> Subordinate Attendance and Absence
Report -> Subordinate Attendance Report
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Step 1: Click Manager Self-Service Folder
Click “Team Working Time” to display “Subordinate Attendance adn Absence” menu
Step 2: Click Subordinate Attendance and Absence Report
Click “Subordinate Attendance Report” to display subordinate attendance report
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Step 3: Display Subordinate Attendance Report
Selection Criteria detail provides data below:
Selection Criteria
Current Month
Select to display today’s attendance report
Select to display current month’s
attendance report
Other Period
Select to display attendance report in
specific period
Direct Subordinate
Select to display direct subordinate
attendance report
All Subordinate
Select to display all subordinate attendance
Choose selection criteria to display the report according to the criteria
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Click button
to generate report.The report will be generated below the
selection area. You can see subordinate Clock in/Clock out,Absence,and Absence
Without Reason.
Clock In/Clock Out detail provides data below:
Full Name
Display All Employee Full Name
Id Number
Display All Employee Id Number
Work Start
Display Employee Start Working Time
End Of Work
Display Employee End Workting Time
Date in
Display Employee Start Working Time Date
Clock In
Display Employee Start Workint Time
Place in
Display Employee Place In Working Time
Time Out
Display Employee End Working Time
Place out
Display Employee Place out Workint Time
Display Employee Working Duration
Display Clock In/Clock Out Reason
Absence detail provide data below:
Full Name
Display All Employee Full Name
Id Number
Display All Employee Id Number
Start Date
Display Employee Start Date Absence
End Date
Display Employee End Date Absence
Type of Leave
Display Employee Type of Leave
Absence Without Reason detail provides data below:
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Full Name
Display All Employee Full Name
Id Number
Display All Employee Id Number
Start Date
Display Employee Start Date Absence
Subordinate Work Schedule
Module :
Manager Self Service
Process :
Subordinate Work Schedule
Path :
MSS -> Team Working Time -> Subordinate Work Schedule->
Subordinate Work Schedule
Step 1: Click Manager Self-Service Folder
Click “Team Working Time” to display “Subordinate Work Schedule” menu
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Step 2: Click Subordinate Work Schedule
Click “Subordinate Work Schedule” to display subordinate work schedule.
Step 3: Display Subordinate Work Schedule
Select one or several subordinates.Then,click button
to display their working
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In Subordinate Work Schedule, managers can change Work Schedule Rule,Change
Daily Work Schedule,and display subordinate Work Schedule Calendar.
Step 4: Change WS Rule
By changing WS Rule, Manager can change work schedule rule per week. The new
work schedule will implement to all of the week. Change WS Rule detail provides data
Start Date
Select start date of WS Rule
End Date
Select end date of WS Rule
Daily Pattern (Monday-
Select subordinate working schedule
manually from Monday to Saturday
Period Work Schedule
Select period work schedule
Select Start Date and End Date
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Select subordinate working schedule manually from “daily pattern” or you can choose
the working schedule by “period work schedule”.
Click button
to save WS rule.
Step 5: Change DWS (Daily Work Schedule)
By changing DWS, Manager can change daily works schedule data. Change DWS detail
provides data below:
Select Date
Daily Rule
Select Daily Rule
Select specific date to add the rule and then select the rule available.
Click button
to save DWS.
Step 6: Display Work Schedule Calendar
Display Work Schedule Calendar detail provides data below:
Select Subodinate name
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Select Month/Year
Select subordinate name.
Select month/year to display subordinate working schedule according to month/year you
are selected.
Click button
Your working schedule will be displayed below.
Clock In/Clock Out Correction
Module :
Manager Self Service
Process :
Clock In/ Clock Out Correction
Path :
MSS -> Team Working Time -> Clock In/Out Correction
In this menu, Manager can edit subordinate
Step 1: Click Manager Self-Service Folder
Click “Team Working Time” to display “Clock In/Out Correction” menu
Step 2: Click Clock In/Out Correction
Clock In/Out Correction menu is displayed. Select Date
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Step 3: Edit Subordinate Clock In/Out Data
Select subordinate name to be edited. Example
Click button edit
then edit Clock In data
Erase Clock In Data
, then add new Clock In data
Click button save
. Data successfully saved
Step 4: Erase Subordinate Clock In/Out Data
Click button edit
then edit Clock Out data
Erase Clock In Data
. Click button save
. Data successfully saved
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4.3 Organization Profiles
Organization Profile
Module :
Manager Self Service
Process :
Organization Profile
Path :
MSS -> Organization Profiles -> Organization Profile
Step 1: Click Manager Self-Service Folder
Step 2: Click Organization Profile
Organization Profile displayed features below:
1. Organization Unit Search. In this features you can select Organization Unit will
be displayed. You can select Organizational Unit Selection,
, either All Organizational Units or
Organizational Structure.
All Organizational Units Screen
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Organizational Structure
Click Organizational structure will be displayed, example
. Organizational Unit of Human Capital Information
System is displayed in table.
Click Organizational Unit Name. For example
. System will
display Qualification, Position Holders, and Working Time data's in Human
Capital Information System.
2. Qualifications
System will display qualification data's. For Example in
Human Capital
Information System.
Click on Qualification Name, for example
. It will display
Employee with qualification Communication Level 3 on new screen.
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3. Position Holder
System will display Position Holders data's. For Example in
Human Capital
Information System.
Click on Position Name, for example
. It will display several data
about selected position on new screen.
Click Holder data's. It will display Position Holders.
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4. Working Time
System will display Working Time data's. For Example in
Human Capital
displays Working
Organizational Unit daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly.
Employee General Information
Module :
Manager Self Service
Process :
Employee General Information
Path :
MSS -> Organization Profiles -> Employee General Information
Step 1: Click Manager Self-Service Folder
Step 2: Click Employee General Information
Employee General Information displayed features below:
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1. Employee Search.
Employee Search is used to display direct report of subordinate or Employee in
Organizational Structure. For Example Organizational Structure in Human Capital
Information System below:
Click one of subordinate name's. It will display Personal Data, General Data, Photo,
Monitoring of Tasks and Absence Days of the selected subordinate.
2. Personal Data
System displays Personal Data of selected subordinate.
3. General Data
System displays General Data of selected subordinate.
4. Photo and Monitoring of Tasks
System displays Photo and Monitoring of Tasks of selected subordinate.
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5. Absence Days
System displays Absence Days of selected subordinate.
Reminder of Dates
Module :
Manager Self Service
Process :
Reminder of Dates
Path :
MSS -> Organization Profiles -> Reminder of Dates
Step 1: Click Manager Self-Service Folder
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Step 2: Click Reminder of Dates
Reminder of Dates displayed Employee Birthday and Monitoring of Tasks data's
included scholarship data's.
Step 3: Click Event Data's
Click Event Data's to display detail about the event.
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4.4 Team Attendance Overview
Attendance Overview
Module :
Manager Self Service
Process :
Attendance Overview
Path :
MSS -> Team Attendance Overview -> Attendance Overview
Step 1: Click Manager Self-Service Folder
Step 2: Click Team Attendance Overview
Team Attendance Overview will display Direct and All Subordinates attendance data.
Displayed data is today's data when Manager enroll the transaction.
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There are 4 status of attendance will be displayed: Absent (Absence and Attendance),
Partially Absent (When Employee takes Absence < Daily Working Hours), At Work when
there is no Absence and Attendance data's, and Open Request when there are Absence
or Attendance data doesn't approve yet by Manager.
Team Calendar
Module :
Manager Self Service
Process :
Team Calendar
Path :
MSS -> Team Attendance Overview -> Team Calendar
Step 1: Click Manager Self-Service Folder
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Step 2: Click Team Calendar
Team Calendar will display monthly Direct and All Subordinates attendance data.
There are 4 status of attendance will be displayed: Absent (Absence and Attendance),
Multiple Entries, Sent when there are Absence or Attendance data doesn't approve yet
by Manager, and Deletion Requested when there is deletion leave request from
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