MOSANADA TECHNICAL SURVEY REPORT DATE: 23/11/2022 TASK ORDER NO: TE1157:968 VENUE: _Lusail Stadium_ SERVICE TYPE: Electrical SYSTEM AFFECTED: Oven in Legacy Kitchen ASSET NAME: Power Cable SCOPE OF WORK: Power Cable replacement for Oven in legacy kitchen due to fault Symptoms: Faulty Cable Technical Findings: Oven not working due to faulty cable, Continuity and IR test failed on existing cable feeding the equipment. Remarks/Recommendation: Match hospitality team offered their spare cable (8m) at free cost that used by Takyeef to replace during the event. MATERIALS REQUIREMENT S/N MATERIAL REQUIREMENT 5 core 16 sq mm flexible Cable 1 (8 meters cable) QTY 8m Quote (Yes/No) No 2 3 MANPOWER REQUIREMENT: (Third party manhours) S/N DESCRIPTION QTY HRS 1 ENGINEER 2 SUPERVISOR 3 SKILLED WORKER 2 5 4 SEMI-SKILLED WORKER 2 5 GENERAL REMARKS: Reports will be attached separately, wherever required. Prepared by: Arafat Baunto Date: 23/11/2022 Photo No. Location Description 01 Legacy Kitchen, L3 Zone 1 Faulty Cable