NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY Basic Education Department Senior High School Laoag City BUSINESS PLAN NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY SECTION 1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Leche flan is also known as creme caramel and caramel custard. It is a dessert made up of an egg and milk dessert with a light caramel topping on top. For many Filipinos, leche flan is still the best dessert. A delicious sweet treat for any occasion, particularly for children's parties, as well as a common pasalubong treat. We came up with the concept of innovating leche flan and a recipe that would alter people's perceptions of an ordinary leche flan as a once-in-a-while dessert by turning it into a street dessert with a twist. Graham flan cupcakes, graham de leche in a tub and ordinary Letche flan are the perfect products. Graham de Leche is the combination of graham crackers and leche flan. It is a decadent cake featuring layers of graham cracker, whipped cream, and dulce de leche flan. Students and neighborhood buyers will be our ideal target market so they can afford to purchase our product. We'll use social media to advertise our product. Let's swEAT guarantees that when it comes to customer satisfaction and premium offerings, consumers will be well entertained and respected, allowing the brand to earn their confidence and patronize the commodity. NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY SECTION 2 PERSONAL DETAILS THE PROPONENTS Avrylle Kyle B. Maneja Avrylle was born at Mariano Marcos Memorial Hospital on April 21, 2003. She is the third child of Mr. Edwin R. Maneja's and Mrs. Mildred B. Maneja. She is currently enrolled at Northwestern University in the Accountancy, Business, and Management strand as a Grade 12 student. She’s planning to take BS in Tourism Management in college to be a great Flight Attendant in the future. Ruthlyn A. Ramos She is a grade 12 Accountancy, Business and Management student at Northwestern University. She was born in April 13, 2003. She lives in 13 Baay Batac City. In the future, she will be a Certified Public Accountant. NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY Shaloome Kaye C. Bayudan She was born in July 14, 2003 in Mariano Marcos Memorial Hospital, Batac City. Her parents are Wilmer A Bayudan and Mary Jane C. Bayudan. She is currently studying as a grade 12 student in Northwestern University of Laoag City. In the future, she will be a successful business woman. Rose Marie A. Tolentino She was born on July09, 2001 in Bangui Ilocos Norte. Her parents are Mr.Rommel Tolentino and Mrs.Gladys Bonita Tolentino. She is currently studying as a Grade 12 student in Northwestern University. In the future l, she will be a successful entrepreneur. NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY James Nicol B. Arquillo He was born in August 29, 2002 in Gov. Roque B. Ablan Sr. Memorial Hospital in Laoag City Ilocos Norte. His parents are Niño R. Arquillo and Joyce B. Arquillo. He is currently studying as a Grade 12 student in Northwestern University. In the future he will be a successful chef for being good in cooking and baking. Jhessa May Duran She was born on May 22, 2003. Her parents are Mr. Jummel Duran and Mrs. Elisa Duran. She is now a Grade 12 student at Northwestern University. She will be a great flight attendant in the future. NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY Mark John Jacinto Axcel Laoang Pasion He was born on November 21, 2000, in the General Hospital of Laoag City. Jowie and Mariebel Pasion are his parents. He is presently a 12th grade student at Northwestern University. Because he is talented in the kitchen, he will become a successful professional chef in the future. NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY Avrill Gem V. Geronimo He was born in april 16, 2003 in laoag city, his parents are Gelmer S. Geronimo and Marissa V. Geronimo. He is currently studying as grade 12 student in northwestern university in the future he will be a successful chef for being good at cooking. Allysa Quiazon She lives in 48A Cabungaan Laoag City. Allysa is 18 years old and she was born in Laoag City General Hospital on March 14, 2003. She is a grade 12 student in Northwestern University, major in cookery. SHE LOVES LOVE COOKING. NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY Gianne Castillo She was born on March 22, 2003 in Laoag City. Her parents are Mr. Gil A. Castillo and Mrs. Aurelia D. Castillo. She is currently studying as a Grade 12 student in Northwestern University. In the future , she will be a successful chef. THE ADVISERS Mr. Paul Calventas Ms. Faith Joangelica Gomez Evangelista NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY SECTION 3 OVERVIEW OF THE BUSINESS Let’s swEAT will provide affordable high quality classic Filipino dessert. We sell different kinds of leche flan like ordinary Leche Flan, Graham de Leche and graham flan cupcakes plus special palitaw. This business was made because we need it for or work immersion. NAME OF THE BUSINESS NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY BUSINESS PLAN PROPER THE NEEDS Based on the data collected, the information below depicts the problem/need of the business plan. 1. Sweeter Graham de Leche Consumers seek comfort in sweet delicacy; our store is now open to provide you with the best goods available. 2. Products in a tub People can now buy our product in a tub for a lower price 3. Home-made Leche Flans Almost half of all consumers prefer to make desserts at home. 4. ONE-STOP SHOP To bring those goods, a location/walk-in house with all of these items for sale is required. NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY VISION, MISSION AND VALUES The data below depicts the mission, vision, and values based on the ready-made product principle VISION: “Be a business with creativity, ability, and most 'ANG SARAP' feedbacks of sweet foods with the desire to expand and improve the food industry.” Mission: “Our mission is to create the finest and affordable food possible while also using the business to encourage a healthy and lively community by bringing costumers to real food.” Values: “It has gotten better as we've grown as a team. We value the pursuit of growth and learning; as well as the development of a positive team and family spirit; passion in the heart and mind; and honesty in everything that we do.” NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY MARKETING PLAN The following information depicts the proposal based on the product concept data collected. It encompasses the product or service's characteristics, the target audience, and the marketing plans. PRODUCTS Desserts and sweet foods are the products we want to implement. Graham De Leche, Leche Flan, Graham Flan Cupcakes, and Special Palitaw are among them. All of these are homecooked meals. Sample Graham De Leche NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY Sample Leche Flan NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY Sample Graham Flan Cupcakes Sample Special Palitaw NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY TARGET MARKET The products are to be sold to: STUDENTS with the age rage 13 and above who can afford and who loves to eat the product. NEIGHBORHOOD anyone who loves to eat desserts PRICING Our product tastes good and is affordable. It means that a lot of people especially to our target market can afford it. We only get small percentage of interest in it because getting the trust of our customer is the first thing we think. We depends the prices of our product to the raw materials we will use in making it. Advertising We will use social media especially: Facebook this is for the customer to know our brand and our product. Telephone and Gmail we will use this for better customer communication NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY OPERATIONAL PLAN / PRODUCTION AND TECHNICAL PLAN The table below depicts our own production paradigm, which is focused on our product definition. INPUT 6 pcs graham crackers 1 pack 125ml Nestle All Purpose Cream, 1/3 cup condensed milk 1 tsp Nescafe classic 1 cup crushed grahams 1/3 cup melted butter 1 pack gelatin (9g) ½ cup cold water 6 egg yolks 300 ml condensed milk 370 ml evaporated milk 1-2 tsp vanilla extract TRANSFORMATION PROCESS Step 1: Whip together Nestle All Purpose Cream and condensed milk until light and smooth. (5 minutes), Step 2: Layer graham crackers and cream mixture on a serving dish. Step 3: Place the prepared Creamy Leche Flan on top and fill the sides with more cream mixture. Refrigerate for at least 24 hours. Mixed mixed grahams and melted butter. Line muffin tray with cupcake liners. Put 2 tbsp of crumbs I each liner. Press down lightly to form firmness. Put ½ cup cold water and 1 pack of gelatin (9g). set aside and let it bloom. OUTPUT 1 lyanera Creamy Leche Flan 16 pcs Graham Flan Cupcakes or lemon juice 4 1/2 cups glutinous rice flour 2 cups water sugar for dusting shredded coconut for dusting Mix the remaining ingredients then add the gelatin. Turn on the flame in low to medium heat. Stir constantly until it boils. Pour the mixture on each liner. Poke to remove bubbles. Chill overnight. Combine the glutinous Special palitaw rice flour and water in a mixing bowl until a dense, sticky paste emerges. Make little balls of the dough. A big pot of water should be brought to a boil. Boil the glutinous rice balls until they are firm and floating to the surface, about 10 minutes. Allow the palitaw to cool slightly after draining the bath. When the cookies are cool enough to touch, wrap them in a bowl of sugar and coconut. Serve on skewers or simple. ORGANIZATION OR MANAGEMENT PLAN This section will introduce you to our own organizational / management map focused on our chosen industry. Organizational Chart CEO: Avrylle Kyle Maneja VICE PRESIDENT: Ruthlyn Ramos FINACIAL AND MARKETING STAFF: PACKING TEAM: Rose Marie Tolentino James Arquillo Shaloome Kaye Bayudan Jhessa May Duran Mark John Jacinto DISTRIBUTOR: COOKING STAFF: Axcel Lao-ang Pasion Allysa Quiazon Avrill Gem Geronimo Gianne Castillo NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY Contribution in the Business Positions CEO Vice President Financial and Marketing Staff Packing Team Distributor Cooking Staff Duties and Reponsibilities Making big strategic decisions, overseeing a company's overall affairs and finances, and serving as the primary point of contact between the members. Overseeing corporate affairs, assisting in the development of good client partnerships, improving the company's operational efficiency, and assisting in the achievement of the company's financial objectives. In charge of financial responsibilities / in charge of developing production ideas with a high visual effect Before making design choices, the job entails listening to clients and considering their needs. Place finished products in containers by stacking and piling them. Organize goods collection and delivery As part of this position, you will be responsible for ensuring that the correct goods are shipped to the correct location on schedule and at a fair cost. Responsible for keeping the kitchen, food prep areas, and food storage areas clean and sanitized. NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY SECTION 5 SUSTAINABILITY This part shows the financial plan, projected cost revenue, projected revenue, projected income statement, and cash flow. FINANCIAL PLAN Capitalization Let`s swEAT the initial capital is P 5,000.00. Our business has 11 members, each would be responsible for P 454.55. Monthly Expenses The table below shows our projected expenses for the initial year of our operation based on our product. TABLE 1 MONTHLY EXPENSES FIXED COST Salaries APRIL MAY P 2,000.00 P 2,000.00 (A)Total Fixed Cost P 2,000.00 P 2,000.00 VAVIABLE COST (Month) Graham Flan Cupcakes Leche Flan Special Palitaw Transportation P 700.00 P 1,000.00 P 700.00 P 200.00 P 500.00 P 500.00 P 500.00 P 200.00 (B)Total Variable Cost P 2,600.00 P 1,700.00 (A+B) Total Monthly Cost P 4,600.00 P 3,700.00 Table 1 shows the projected monthly expenses for the initial year of operation. It is indicated that fixed costs is less than variable costs. COMPUTING OF PROJECTED COST AND COST REVENUE Table 2 Types of Products Costing Graham Flan Cupcakes C: 20 M:30 SP: 50 Leche Flan C: 40 M:20 SP: 70 Special Palitaw C: 40 M: 20 SP: 60 TOTAL PROJECTED REVENUE Projected Revenue Daily Revenue Projected Volume Monthly Revenue (Daily) 16 (C x PVD) C:320 (PVD x 30) 480 (DR x 30) C: P9,600 300 SP: P24,000 C:P12,000 SP: P 800 10 C: 400 SP: P700 10 C: 400 SP: P21,000 300 SP: P600 36 C: P1,120 C-COST SP: P288,000 C: P144,000 SP: P252,000 C: P144,000 SP:P18,000 1,080 SP: P2,000 LEGEND: C:12,000 Yearly Projected Revenue (MR x 12) C:115,200 M-MARK UP C:33,600 SP: P216,000 C: P443,200 SP: SP: P756,000 SP-SELLING PRICE Table 2 & 3 showed the projected cost and revenue by month. Based on the table the Total Revenue is P 756,000 the combined fixed and variable cost. It indicates that Let`s swEAT has the great potential of generating profit. Table 3 PROJECTED COST REVENUE JANUARY REVENUE P 63,000 COST P 36,933 PROJECTED P 26,034 NET INCOME FEBRUARY P 62,900 P 36,833 P25,800 JULY P 62,500 P 36, 533 P 26,702 SEPTEMBER OCTOBER P 63,000 P 62,600 P 38,066 P 36,933 P 26,068 P 25,000 AUGUST P 63,500 P36, 000 P 26,000 MARCH P 62,800 P37,033 P26,268 APRIL P 63,200 P 36,933 P26,034 MAY P 62,700 P 37, 533 25,900 NOVEMBER P 63,400 P 36,800 P 27,068 JUNE P 63,300 P 36,933 P25,500 DECEMBER TOTAL P 63,100 P 756,000 P37, 066 P 443,596 P 26,030 P 312,404 Computation of the projected income statement for the year ended and cash flow for the first quarter of the year based on our product concept. PROJECTED INCOME STATEMENT FOR THE YEARS ENDED REVENUE COST/EXPENSES PROJECTED NET INCOME 2021 P 756,000 P 443, 596 P 312,404 2022 P 1,134,000 P 665, 394 P 468,606 Projected income of the year is expected to by at least rise by .5%. April 5,000.00 7,000.00 May 5,000.00 7,200.00 June 5,500.00 7,100.00 Fixed Cost 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 Variable Cost Cash Balance Ending 2,600.00 2,400.00 1,500.00 3,700.00 1,500.00 3,600.00 Cash Balance Beginning Cash Inflows Bet Income Cash Outflows