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Data Structures & Algorithms Assignment

Data Structures & Algorithms Assignment
Assignment title: Specification, Implementation, and Assessment of Data Structures
for a sample scenario.
Task -01
(1 to 7: P1)
1. Explain about the abstract data types (ADT)
2. Explain about the data structure? (Give some examples where the data
structure used in the computer technologies)
3. Differentiate ADT and DS
4. Advantages of data structure
5. Operations of data structures
6. Classification of Data Structures
a. Explain each classifications
b. Specify and briefly explain about the types of each classifications
c. Explain operations of each classifications
d. List the applications of each classifications
(8,9: P4)
7. Select the relevant data structure for the scenario
a. Importance of selecting proper data structure.
b. Justify why you have selected particular data structure or data structures
for the scenario
8. Explain the operations of selected data structure for the given scenario
• Explanation should relate the operations of the stack with scenario
• Add suitable pictures
• Write the algorithm for the operations of selected data structure
(10: P2)
9. Memory stack
a. What is memory stack
b. Explain operations of a memory stack
c. Explain how memory stack is used to implement function calls in a
(11: M1)
10. Queue data structure
a. Explain queue data structure with real world example (add picture)
b. Explain the operations of a queue data structure with the picture and
c. Critically review how queue data structure is used to implement function
calls related to the above scenario.
• Include short paragraph to justify why queue data structure is
suitable to implement function calls
• Add picture to show enqueue function that is used to call function
• Add picture to show dequeue function that is used to execute the
Task -02
(1: P4)
1. Implement the scenario using selected data structure (Add screenshots)
Note: You have to use exception handling in your implementation
a. Code for menu (Add separate screenshot)
b. Code for all options (Add separate screenshots for each option’s
implementation )
i. Register Car Details
ii. Delete a car
iii. Insert 3 Rounds Results.
iv. Find out the winners (1st,2nd,3rd)
v. Search for a particular car
c. Implementation of stack (Add separate screenshots for each operations)
(2: M4)
2. Add screenshots for all outputs
(3 to 5: P5)
3. Error handling
a. Explain about error handling
b. Explain about types of errors
4. Exception handling
a. Explain about Exception
b. Explain about Exception handling
c. Explain about types of Exception handling
d. Exception handling in your system (Add screenshots of implementation)
5. Testing
a. Explain about testing and test plan
b. Illustrate your test plan
Note: Add test plan for testing the exception handling
c. Illustrate the system with test cases. And provide evidence (Add
screenshots) of the test cases and the test results.
Task -03
(1,2: P3)
1. Select proper data structure for insertion of car details based on the scenario.
a. Justify why you have selected particular data structure.
2. Implement the selected data structure.
a. Use Encapsulation in your code.
b. Add screen shots of codes and outputs
(3: D3)
3. Discuss about complexity of selected data structure.
a. Explain about the Complexity of an Algorithm
b. Explain about the best, average and worst case of complexity of an
c. Explain about the space and time complexity.
d. Types of Notations for Time Complexity
e. Explain about the Big-O notation.
i. For all possible cases in complexity using Big-O
a) Add chart
b) Explain
c) Give example
f. Explain complexity of selected data structure for the scenario.
i. Specify the space and time complexity of each operation of selected
data structure.
(4: M3)
4. Explain about the Object oriented programming
a. Explain about the all OOP concepts
b. Clearly explain about the Encapsulation
i. Add the screen shot of implementation where you implemented
the encapsulation in your implementation/code.
ii. Explain the advantages of encapsulation and information hiding
when using an ADT selected for the scenario.
a) What is information hiding(encapsulation) in ADT?
b) List down the advantages of encapsulation in ADT.
c) Briefly explain the advantages of encapsulation in selected
ADT for the scenario.
(5: D2)
5. “Imperative ADTs are basis for object orientation.” Discuss the view stating
whether you agree or not. Justify your answer.
Task -04
(1: D1)
1. Shortest path algorithm
a. Explain about shortest path algorithm
b. Specify and very briefly explain about types of shortest path algorithm
c. Choose more suitable two shortest path algorithm to visit all the places of
the participants of the car race
i. Clearly explain selected shortest path algorithms with the algorithm
ii. Draw sample graph for scenario
iii. Analyse the operation, using illustrations, of two shortest path
algorithms (Trace out the shortest path algorithms to find out the
shortest paths for all participants from the ABC Pvt Ltd.)
(2 to 4: M2)
2. Sorting Algorithm
a. Explain about sorting algorithm
b. Specify and briefly explain about the types of Sorting Algorithms
c. Sort the cars based on numbers with two different sorting algorithms
i. Clearly explain the selected sorting with algorithm.
ii. Illustrate the sorting process to sort the cars. (Using pictures)
iii. Implement the both sorting algorithms
(Add the screenshots of codes and outputs)
3. Compare and Contrast both sorting algorithms
4. Analyse the performance of both sorting algorithms through Time and space
complexity of both sorting algorithms. (Discuss about Best, Average and Worst
cases of complexity).
a. Finally add conclusion to specify which sorting is best based on the above
Task -05
(1,2: P6, P7)
1. Effectiveness of an Algorithm
a. Explain how effectiveness of algorithm measure.
b. Determine two ways in which the efficiency of an algorithm can be
measured, illustrating your answer with an example.
2. Asymptotic Analysis
a. Explain about the Asymptotic Analysis
b. Explain about the Types of Asymptotic Notations
c. Discuss how asymptotic analysis can be used to assess the effectiveness
of an algorithm.
(3: M5)
3. Critically review the sort of trade-offs exists when you use an ADT for
implementing programs.
a. What is a trade-off is when specifying an ADT using an example to
support your answer.
b. Explain about types of trade-off in ADT.
(4: D4)
4. Benefits of using independent data structures for implement a program.
a. Explain about the independent data structures
b. Evaluate at least three benefits of using implementation independent
data structures.