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Letter & Essay Writing Templates: Guide & Examples

Personal letter
1. Introduction
• How’re you doing recently / getting on? / How are things going on?
• I am really excited / elated / thrilled to receive your letter / What an amazement to see my
mailbox embrace your letter.
• While I am really excited / elated / thrilled to receive your letter, I’m so sorry to know you’ve
been caught in a dilemma of ___ / have been perplexed / worried / baffled about ___
• I knew this already when I read your Instagram post mentioning you are upset about your
current situation. As your soul mate / best friend / companion, I suggest that ___
• I know you have endured a turbulent time
• I can definitely / certainly / totally understand your concerns / worries / trepidation
2. Body paragraph
• I know that you must be a bundle of nerves at the moment
• I have unshakable confidence that you can overcome the obstacles / pull this off
• Worry not, it is absolutely acceptable as ___.
• Suggestion: Alternatively, you should try
• Bear in mind that ___
• It is vitally important to ___
• To be frank / honest, ___
• Appreciation: I believe my friend is mature / clear-minded enough to make the best / the most
appropriate decision.
• Own experience: I am the exact example you can refer to.
3. Ending
• All the best to you for ___
• That’s all I have for now. I wish you all the strengths during this tough time.
• I have faith in you that you can overcome these seemingly insurmountable obstables / hurdles.
• I’m sure there will be opportunities awaiting you as long as you draw on good use of every
experience you encountered to better equip yourself.
• Do write me after the ___. Wish you best of luck!
• Looking forward to receiving your reply.
1. Suitable title
• A Report on ___
• A Comparison of ___
• An Investigation into ___
• An Analysis of ___
2. Introduction
• This report has been prepared in order to further investigate into ___
3. Body paragraphs
Express facts about the survey results:
• An overwhelming majority of people suggested that ___
• The majority / minority of the respondents expressed approval / disapproval of ___
• A significant / small percentage of those interviewed reported that ___
• There is an alarming increase of ___
• There is a sudden / gradual increase / decrease in ___
Express generalisation from the survey results:
• This fact illustrates / confirms / indicates that ___
• The underlying reasons for ___ are ___
• The study conducted evidently shows the problem of ___
• The undesirable situation can be attributed to ___
4. Conclusion
→ summarise the above information and may include suggestions and recommendations
• On the whole, ___
• All in all, ___
• The main conclusion that can be drawn is that, ___
• On the basis of the survey findings mentioned above, it would seem that ___
• In light of these findings, we have the following suggestions and recommendations to help
solve the problem.
• One suggestion being put forward is ___
• Prompt actions should be taken to rectify the situation without further delay
• Launch a review of how overseas jurisdictions combated the problem
• Introduce penalties targeting ___
Argumentative essay / Letter to the Editor
1. Title OR Dear Sir/ Madam,
• __ is a must / Zero tolerance for ___
• Is ___ a boon or bane to _(target)_
• xxx - a laudable policy
• xxx - a leap in the dark
2. Opening
• With just a few clicks on the keyboard and the mouse, you will see articles and photos about
___ flooding your news feed.
• A recent article on the development of ___ / the phenomenon of ___ has stirred up /
triggered heated controversies.
• The issue of whether xxx has hit the headlines.
• The phenomenon of ___ is not uncommon / ubiquitous
Your stance (argumentative)
• There is a diverse spectrum of opinions of xxx.
• The advocates cling to the idea … while critics point their fingers at / frown upon _____
• Divergent as people’s views on this issue in question may be, I am in favour of the idea
because its benefits outweigh its drawbacks.
Examine the issue (expository)
• Both sides of the argument are supported by cogent reasons.
• It is worthwhile to explore the positive and negative aspects of xxx so that we can judge if it
is desirable / advisable for sb. to do sth.
3. Body paragraphs
• Constructive as this suggestion may sound, implementing this measure would invariably lead
to a host of problems
• Every coin has two sides
4. Counter arguments
• Critics put forth the idea that ___. However, I am certain that this is not the case
• This argument may seem reasonable on the surface, but upon closer inspection, it does not
5. Conclusion
• Taking all aspects into account, it is my firm conviction that svo
Letter of complaint (To the company / To the Editor)
1. Introduction
Directly to the company:
• I am writing to lodge a complaint about …
• I find … far from satisfaction / failed to live up to my expectations.
• My experience in the above mentioned period / event was nothing but a mess.
To the Editor:
• I would like to express my discontent with …
• The services there failed to live up to my expectations.
2. Body paragraphs
→ Structure:
1. Original expectation
2. Observations (5 senses)
3. Development + elaboration (give details)
4. Impacts (on you / other users)
5. Feelings (disgust, dreadful, disappointed)
→ Useful points
1. Physical environment (appalling facilities / overcrowding / unhygienic)
2. Human resources (indifferent attitude of the staff / poor coordination)
3. Advertisements (misleading / exaggerated / violate the Trade Description Ordinance 商品
4. After-sales services (late delivery / no response on the consumers’ hotline)
5. Hygiene (Toilet: water overflowing / faeces everywhere / cockroaches crawling // Food:
rotten meat / insects crawling / lack of selection)
6. Terms and conditions (require for refund or replacement)
• The first thing in mind is the … (e.g. poor service by the front desk counter staff / concierge)
• Equally frustrating was …
• Another thing that I find disappointing is that …
• We have been filled with dismay by the appalling conditions in …
• To my dismay/discomfort, (the soup was spilt all over my new dress.)
• Never had I expected paying a visit … could be so disappointing.
• We were really disappointed and upset.
3. Conclusion
Directly to the company:
• While my experience was dreadful and left me and my family very upset, I am convinced that
it is merely an isolated incident, and you will take the matter seriously to prevent the
recurrence of similar situations.
• I hope to receive an apology letter from the management board of your company. (for strong
letter) Otherwise, I will not hesitate to contact local news reporters and have my
experience reported.
• (ask for refund) Only with a full refund can my anger be relieved and loss be compensated. I
anticipate your earliest response.
To the Editor:
• I hope that no other consumers would commit the same mistake as I did and never set foot
into this shop until the service has been significantly improved.
Letter to the Principal / Speech to the school
1. Sample sentences
• Being the microcosm of society, the school has the responsibility to teach students to
distinguish right from wrong, which is evident in our strict school rules.
• Schools should not only be teaching knowledge in textbooks but also allow students to
develop mentally and morally, which help us integrate into society.
• The prime objective of setting up … is not to … but to …
• Our school places premium on …
• The policy can equip them / prepare them for future challenges
• Idealistics as it may seems, immersing in such kind of environment would help shape your
future character, thus enhancing your future personal development.
Proposal / Proposal Letter
1. (Dear ___)
2. Background
• As a student (or other identity), I am submitting the following proposal on how to make the
activity more fruitful and appealing to somebody (target audience).
3. Body paragraphs
4. Ending
• As a student who lacks experience in organizing large scale activities as such, I may not be able
to give comprehensive recommendations on the most suitable activities for the campaign.
• However, it is my firm belief that the proposed activities can contribute a part.
• Thank you very much for your kind attention and I hope my proposal will be given due
Debate speech
• Good morning respected judges, my honourable opponents and members of the audience.
• It is an honour here to speak of my view on the topic of xxx
• Our team strongly agrees / is strongly opposed to this motion on the following grounds.
• Isn’t it clear that …?
• Let me tell you a fact …
• You may wonder …
• I bet all of you …
• Our worthy opponents (opposition / proposition side) may tell you …
• However, this is not the case / is merely an isolated incident.
• We firmly believe that …
• I sincerely hope that you will support our team’s stance.
• Today’s motion should / should not stand. Thank you.
* Information has been extracted from different sources.
* Please do not repost.