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Leading SAFe - Poll 5
Study online at https://quizlet.com/_9f6d5x
Which is not a Lean Portfolio Management (LPM) collaboration?
a. Investment and Strategy Funding
b. Agile Portfolio Operations
c. Lean Governance
d. Lean Business Operations
d. Lean Business Operations
_________ is a template for identifying a specific SAFe portfolio
a. Portfolio Canvas
b. Epic Hypothesis Statement
c. Value Stream Canvas
d. ART Canvas
a. Portfolio Canvas
_______ represents those core businesses that provide the
greatest profits and cash flow
a. Horizon 0
b. Horizon 1
c. Horizon 2
d. Horizon 3
b. Horizon 1
Portfolio Canvas provides context for decision-making, inputs to
the Vision, budget, and backlogs
a. true
a. true
b. false
_____ analysis focuses on action and is used to identify strategic
options, Epics and other artifacts to create a better future state
a. Portfolio
c. Strategic theme
______ provides a transparent and quantitative basis for economic decision-making
a. Minimum Viable Product (MVP)
b. Portfolio Kanban
c. Lean Business Case
d. Epic Hypothesis Statement
b. Portfolio Kanban
______ is developed as part of the Lean startup cycle and fosters
innovation and control scope
a. Lean Business Case
b. Epic Hypothesis Statement
c. Minimum Viable Product
d. Portfolio Kanban
c. Minimum Viable Product
______ describe the early measures that will help predict the
business outcomes
a. Leading Indicators
b. The Epic value statements
c. Business outcome hypothesis
d. Non-Functional Requirements (NFR)
a. Leading Indicators
______ is NOT a Lean Budget Guardrail
a. Apply Investment Horizons
b. Ignore Sunk Costs
c. Approve Epic initiatives
d. Continuous Business Owner engagement
b. Ignore Sunk Costs
Leading SAFe - Poll 5
Study online at https://quizlet.com/_9f6d5x
Funding Value Streams not Project moves the People to the Work.
True or False