Chapter Two II. Financial Institutions in the Financial System Leaning Objectives At the end of the chapter students/learners will be able to. Recognize financial institutions and capital transfer Appreciate the function of financial institutions Realize the roles of financial intermediaries Differentiate the classification of financial institutions Discriminate the types of risk in financial industry 11/21/2022 Abebe Tilahun(Ass. Prof.) 1 2.1. Financial Institutions and Capital Transfer A financial institution is an organization that facilitates financial transactions and is a key player in financial intermediation. They are involved in handling transactions such advancing loans, receiving deposits, and currency changes. A Funds Transfer is a sequence of events that results in the movement of funds from the remitter to the beneficiary. Funds Transfers can also be classified as customer transfer, bank transfer and bank transfer for own account. 11/21/2022 Abebe Tilahun(Ass. Prof.) 2 2.2. Functions of Financial Institutions Banking Service Ensure economic growth Capital Formation Function of FIs Pension Fund Service Money Supply Regulation 11/21/2022 Abebe Tilahun(Ass. Prof.) 3 2.3. Financial Intermediaries and their Roles Lending and borrowing involve both transactions costs, like the cost of writing a loan contract, and information costs. Financial institutions exist to reduce these costs. 11/21/2022 Abebe Tilahun(Ass. Prof.) 4 2.4. Classifications of Financial Institutions Broadly speaking financial institutions are categorized in to two major parts, as: a) Depository financial institutions; which include commercial banks, savings and loan associations, mutual savings banks, and credit unions b) Non-depository financial institutions; which comprises of contractual savings institutions (insurance companies and pension funds); investment institutions (finance companies, mutual funds, money market mutual funds, stock brokerage firms, investment banks etc). There are several governmental financial institutions assigned with regulatory and supervisory functions. 11/21/2022 Abebe Tilahun(Ass. Prof.) 5 Financial Institutions Classification Depository Financial Institutions Non-Depository Financial Institutions Commercial Banks Insurance Saving and Loan Association Pension Fund Saving Bank Mutual Fund Credit Union Investment Bank Finance Companies Money Market Mutual Fund 11/21/2022 Abebe Tilahun(Ass. Prof.) 6 ---Cont…. Depository institutions are popular financial institutions for the following reasons: They offer deposit accounts They provide loan facilities They accept the risk on loans provided They have more expertise They diversify their loans among numerous deficit units 11/21/2022 Abebe Tilahun(Ass. Prof.) 7 Advantage of Mutual Funds Mutual Fund: - A mutual fund (in US) or unit trust (in UK and India) raise funds from the public and invests the funds in a variety of financial assets, mostly equity, both domestic and overseas and also in liquid money and capital market. Advantage of Mutual Funds Mobilizing small saving Professional management Diversified investment/ reduced risks Better liquidity Investment protection Low transaction cost (economy of scale) Economic Developments The investors’ return in the mutual fund includes capital appreciation (capital gain from price appreciation of the underlying assets), and the income generated by the assets of the fund. 11/21/2022 Abebe Tilahun(Ass. Prof.) 8 2.7. Risks in Financial Industry Credit Liquidity Operational Types of Risks in Financial Industry Solvency Market Interest rate Fxc 11/21/2022 Abebe Tilahun(Ass. Prof.) 9 ----Cont….. Risk-taking is an inherent element of banking and, indeed, profits are in part the reward for successful risk taking. In contrary, excessive, poorly managed risk can lead to distresses and failures of banks. Risks are, therefore, warranted when they are understandable, measurable, controllable and within a bank’s capacity to withstand adverse results. 11/21/2022 Abebe Tilahun(Ass. Prof.) 10 ---End--- Thank you! 11/21/2022 Abebe Tilahun(Ass. Prof.) 11