11/15/22, 12:28 AM The service logic - Principles of Service Management - Hanken School of Economics Principles of Service Management Hanken School of Economics Unlimited YT Your learning Wishlist Subscriptions Profile Settings Account Sign out To do Conversations Progress Week 1 Service as a perspective on business Welcome to the course! 1.1 Welcome to the course Video 1.2 Course outline Article 1.3 Meet the team Article 1.4 Introduce yourself Discussion Service as a business model 1.5 Service means customer focus Video https://www.futurelearn.com/courses/principles-of-service-management/7/steps/1189491 1/9 11/15/22, 12:28 AM The service logic - Principles of Service Management - Hanken School of Economics 1.6 The service logic Video 1.7 Quiz 1 Quiz Customer value and value creation 1.6 1.8 You’ve completed 5 steps in Week 1 A service logic perspective on value Article 1.9 What is customer value? Video 1.10 How is value created? Video 1.11 Quiz 2 Quiz Week 1 Wrap-Up 1.12 Summary of what we learned this week Article 1.13 Final Assessment - Week 1 Test 1.14 Reflect on your learning this week Discussion Week 2 The importance of service orientation How customers perceive quality 2.1 How do service customers perceive quality? Article 2.2 What does customer perceived quality mean? Video 2.3 What are the implications for the management? https://www.futurelearn.com/courses/principles-of-service-management/7/steps/1189491 2/9 11/15/22, 12:28 AM The service logic - Principles of Service Management - Hanken School of Economics Video 2.4 Quality management challenges Video 2.5 Quiz 3 Quiz Service orientation and customer focus 2.6 Management focus vs. customer expectations Video 2.7 The strategic service management trap Video 2.8 Quiz 4 Quiz Customer expectations management 2.9 Managing customer expectations Article 2.10 Write a blog post on customer expectations management Assignment 2.11 Comment on your fellow learners' blog posts Assignment review 2.12 Read the feedback on your blog post Assignment reflection 2.13 Reflect on the blog post assignment Discussion Customer-focused marketing 2.14 What is marketing? Video Close Video transcript Player is loading. 2.15 Play Video 0:04Skip to 0 minutes and 4 seconds Now, service management– managing this. Well, service management can be described as a customer-focused management of a Replay The service marketing triangle service, regardless of the core of the firm’s offering. My two examples here, one was from typical manufacturing industry and the other was from the service industry. Mutetake a service approach to their business and developed business models based on service logic. Now any firm, therefore, can be a service firm, any firm. It just Both Video Current Time 5:44 choice and then a customer-focused service culture. Of course it requires other things as well, but these are the musts– there must be a strategic choice requires a strategic /made and a service culture with a customer focus must in the end develop. 2.16 https://www.futurelearn.com/courses/principles-of-service-management/7/steps/1189491 3/9 11/15/22, 12:28 AM The service logic - Principles of Service Management - Hanken School of Economics 1:00Skip Quiz Duration 5 5:44 to 1 minute and 0 seconds Now if we compare then a service perspective on business with a traditional perspective– goods or manufacturing logic– first we can Loaded: say that the 100.00% service perspective means that the firm’s processes aim at supporting its customers everyday processes. Whereas traditional approach, while products and Quiz resources are delivered to customers for their use. Secondly, value for customers emerges when resources provided by the firm are used. Value is therefore created 3:35 other 5:43 use, and we are going to talk more about this in a later lecture. Traditionally, value for customers is considered embedded in products and other resources and then during Stream sold to customers. Type LIVEA value is then destroyed during usage when the product disappears through usage and consumption. Week 2 Wrap-Up Seek to live, currently behind liveLIVE 2:00Skip toTime 2 minutes Remaining -0:00and 0 seconds And thirdly, the offering to customers is therefore also different. It is a process consisting of resources required to support the customer’s processes, whereas traditionally, the offering is considered to be a bundle of resources. It’s considered to consist of product services information or 2.17 combinations of all this. So there are distinct differences in these two approaches. We can say that the service logic or perspectives answer the question, what can we do 1x for our customers mostly with our Whereas the traditional goods or manufacturing approach is an answer to the question, what can we give to our Summary Playback Rate of what and we have learned thiscustomers. week customers. So there is a clear, distinct difference. Article2x 2:53Skip to 2 minutes and 53 seconds Now the reason for the service logic is, among other things, based on consumption, the nature of consumption, because 1.5x consumption 2.18 1.25x is an ongoing process, including one or several everyday processes. Consumption can be characterised as a journey with the supplying or service providing firm. The customer travels through its various processes with the firm, and the firm must support the customer’s consumption throughout this journey. That is, support 1x, selected provide service to -the customer. So the conclusion is that regardless of what customers are provided with, they consume it as service. The consumers add service to their Final Assessment Week 2 0.5x everyday processes in order to become better off in their life or business. Test Chapters 3:52Skip to 3 minutes and 52 seconds So whatever we buy, the natural way of understanding consumption is that we use what we buy as a service to ourselves, to our 2.19 processes, in order to become better off, meaning to get value out of it. Chapters 4:12Skipontoyour Reflect 4 minutes learning and this 12week seconds Now finally, if we look a bit closer at this then, the service perspective is multi-faceted. We can look at the customer service logic, Descriptions and we can also look at a service provider or supplier service logic. From a customer’s perspective, the service logic is based on the discussion a while ago that service is Discussion what customers look for and what customers’ experience when they use resources and processes both. All types of resources approaches are used as support to their descriptions selected everyday processes,off, meaning they are used as service. Customers consume, use everything as service. Therefore, the provider service logic just has to match this. Captions Week 3 5:00Skip to 5 minutes and 0 seconds So according to the provider, the service logic means that service is supported to someone’s everyday processes in a way to enable value, to emerge forbusiness that person or organisation. So actually, service as a business model, service as a logic is only a natural way of following the customer’s way of A profitable service captions off,any selected consuming, using type of resources. Now next lecture will be about customer value and the value creation process. Thank you. English How service does the service profit work? The Audio Track logic 36 English, selected 3.1comments Lecture 1 part 2profit logic The traditional The service logic is fundamentally different from the traditional manufacturing (goods) logic. Firms operating according to traditional manufacturing logic typically ask Quality Video themselves 720p what they can produce and sell to customers. In contrast, firms that have adopted a service logic ask themselves how they can best support customers’ everyday processes 3.2 Auto, selectedin a value-creating way! The service Have Picture-in-Picture yourprofit say logic Fullscreen Video This is aagree modal window. Do you that any firm can be a service business? Why or why not? Discuss below in the comments! 3.3 © Hanken School of Economics Manufacturing 36 comments profit logic vs. Service profit logic Article Previous Mark as complete 3.4 Next Mark6as complete Quiz Quiz Comments Show: Managing customer promises All comments Sort by: 3.5 Newest Filter The meaning of marketing Help Centre Video Child safety Privacy 3.6 T&Cs Marketing as promise management Contact FutureLearn for Support Video Our website is updated regularly so this content may now be out of date, please go to https://www.futurelearn.com for the most up to date information. 3.7 What is the relationship marketing model? Video 3.8 Quiz 7 Quiz https://www.futurelearn.com/courses/principles-of-service-management/7/steps/1189491 4/9 11/15/22, 12:28 AM The service logic - Principles of Service Management - Hanken School of Economics Service profitability 3.9 The profitability of relationships Video 3.10 Relationship costs Video 3.11 What can we learn from the total cost analysis? Video 3.12 Quiz 8 Quiz Reciprocal return on relationships (ROR) 3.13 How customers perceive the value of an offering Video 3.14 Introduction to ROR Video 3.15 ROR in a nutshell Article 3.16 ROR Calculation Video 3.17 Final remarks on calculating ROR Video 3.18 Quiz 9 Quiz Week 3 Wrap-Up 3.19 Summary of what we have learned this week Article 3.20 Final Assessment - Week 3 Test 3.21 Reflect on your learning this week https://www.futurelearn.com/courses/principles-of-service-management/7/steps/1189491 5/9 11/15/22, 12:28 AM The service logic - Principles of Service Management - Hanken School of Economics Discussion Week 4 Managing a service business Service productivity 4.1 What is service productivity? Video 4.2 The service productivity models Video 4.3 How to develop service productivity Video 4.4 Why is productivity in service so difficult? Article 4.5 Quiz 10 Quiz Internal marketing 4.6 What is internal marketing? Video 4.7 Strategic internal marketing Video 4.8 Tactical internal marketing Video 4.9 Internal marketing strategies and tactics Article 4.10 Quiz 11 Quiz Customer-driven marketing communication 4.11 Traditional marketing communication Video 4.12 https://www.futurelearn.com/courses/principles-of-service-management/7/steps/1189491 6/9 11/15/22, 12:28 AM The service logic - Principles of Service Management - Hanken School of Economics Customer-driven marketing communication Video 4.13 Long-term effects of communication Video 4.14 Marketing communication from a service perspective Article 4.15 Quiz 12 Quiz Service branding 4.16 Developing the service offering Video 4.17 The service offering and branding Video 4.18 Branding a service offering Video 4.19 Challenges with service branding Article 4.20 Quiz 13 Quiz Week 4 Wrap-Up 4.21 Summary of what we have learned this week Article 4.22 Final Assessment - Week 4 Test 4.23 Reflect on your learning this week Discussion Week 5 From manufacturing to service Managing a service culture https://www.futurelearn.com/courses/principles-of-service-management/7/steps/1189491 7/9 11/15/22, 12:28 AM The service logic - Principles of Service Management - Hanken School of Economics 5.1 The importance of a service culture Video 5.2 What is required of a service culture? Video 5.3 Example of an outstanding service culture Article 5.4 Quiz 14 Quiz Transforming manufacturing into a service business 5.5 How to avoid the manufacturing logic Video 5.6 The nature of a supplier-customer relationship Video 5.7 Benefits of a service approach to manufacturing Video 5.8 Quiz 15 Quiz Conclusions, guiding rules and barriers 5.9 Managerial implications of a service logic Video 5.10 Marketing implications of a service logic Video 5.11 Guidelines for service management Video 5.12 Quiz 16 Quiz Week 5 Wrap-Up 5.13 Summary of what we have learned this week https://www.futurelearn.com/courses/principles-of-service-management/7/steps/1189491 8/9 11/15/22, 12:28 AM The service logic - Principles of Service Management - Hanken School of Economics Article 5.14 Final Assessment - Week 5 Test 5.15 Reflect on your learning this week Discussion 5.16 Thank you for completing the course! Video https://www.futurelearn.com/courses/principles-of-service-management/7/steps/1189491 9/9