Annual Reviews Annu. Rev. Fluid Mech. 1994.26 : 23-~63 Copyright © 1994 by Annual Reviews Inc. All rights reserved LAGRANGI-AN PDF METHODS FOR TURBULENT FLOWS S. B. Pope Sibley School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Cornell University, Ithaca, NewYork 14853 KEYWORDS: turbulence modeling, stochastic methods, Langevinequation 1. INTRODUCTION Lagrangian Probability Density Function (PDF) methods have arisen the past 10 years as a union betweenPDFmethodsand stochastic Lagrangian models, similar to those that have long been used to study turbulent dispersion. The methods provide a computationally-tractable way of calculating the statistics, of inhomogeneousturbulent flows of practical importance, and are particularly attractive if chemical reactions are involved. The information contained at this level of closure--equivalent to a multi-time Lagrangian joint pdf--is considerably more than that provided by momentclosures. The computational implementation is conceptually simple and natural. At a given time, the turbulent flow is represented by a large number of particles, each having its ownset of properties--position, velocity, composition etc. These properties evolve in time according to stochastic model equations, so that the computational particles simulate fluid particles. The particle-property time series contain information equivalent to the multi-time Lagrangian joint pdf. But, at a fixed time, the ensemble of particle properties contains no multi-point information: Each particle can be considered to be sampled from a different realization of the flow. (Hence two particles can have the same position, but different velocities and compositions.) It is generally acknowledged(e.g. Reynolds 1990) that manydifferent approaches have important roles to play in tackling the problems posed by turbulent flows. Each approach has its ownstrengths and weaknesses. 23 0066-4189/94/0115-0023505.00 Annual Reviews 24 POPE At one end of the spectrum of approaches, Direct Numerical Simulations (DNS) offer unmatched accuracy, but their computational cost is high, and their range of applicability is extremely limited (Reynolds 1990). the other .end of the spectrum, simple turbulence models such as k-~ (Launder & Spalding 1972) offer essentially unrestricted applicability, moderate cost, but poor or uncertain accuracy (except in some simple flows). Compared to suclh turbulence models, Lagrangian PDFmethods have the same wide applicability; their cost is greater (but less than DNS); and, for the reasons presented below, their potential for accuracy is greatly increased. In going beyond simple turbulence models (i.e. momentclosures), the challenge is to incorporate a fuller description of the turbulence, while retaining computational tractability. If appropriately chosen, the fuller description allows unsatisfactory modeling assumptions to be avoided, and at the same time provides more information to model the unavoidable. It can be argued that the dominant process in turbulent flows is convection (by the instantaneous fluid velocity). At high Reynolds number, molecular diffusion makes a negligible contribution to spatial transport, and so convection dominates the transport of momentum, chemical species, and enthalpy. In momentclosures, at some level, convection is modeled by a gradient diffusion assumption, which can lead to qualitatively incorrect behavior (see, for example, Deardorff 1978). In Lagrangian PDFmethods, on the other hand, convection is treated simply and naturally in the Lagrangian frame with no modeling assumptions. Similarly, in reacting flows, finite-rate nonlinear reaction rates can present insurmountable difficulties to momentclosures; whereas arbitrarily complex reactions can be handled naturally by Lagrangian PDFmethods, without modeling assumptions (Pope 1985, 1990). In any statistical approach to turbulence, modeling assumptions are required at somelevel. It is notoriously difficult to construct general and accurate models for turbulence, whereas there are manyother stochastic physical phenomenafor which simple statistical models are successful (see e.g. van Kampen1983). There are two features of turbulent flows that go a long way to explaining the inherent difficulties. First, turbulence has a long memory:In free shear flows, it is readily deduced (from experimental data) that the characteristic time scale of the energy-containing turbulent motion is, typically, four times the characteristic mean-flowtime scale. Second,through the fluctuating pressure field, the velocity field experiences long-range interactions. Amongother effects, this can lead to large-scale organized motions, and to the boundary geometry influencing the turbulence structure in the interior of the flow. Lagrangian PDFmethods can take full account of the long memoryof Annual Reviews LAGRANGIAN PDF METHODS 25 turbulence. For the fluid properties considered, the multi-time Lagrangian joint pdf completelydescribes the past history of all fluid particles that (on different realizations) pass through a given point at a given time. As discussed in Section 5, the long-memoryincorporated in current stochastic Lagrangian modelsleads to fluid-particle motions that are consistent with large-scale turbulent structures. In the next Section the relevant Eulerian and Lagrangian pdfs are introduced, and the different PDFmethods are categorized. Section 3 is devoted to the Langevinequation. This equation provides a simple stochastic modelfor the velocity of a fluid particle: It is also a building block for other stochastic models. The particle representation of a turbulent flow, which is fundamental to the Lagrangian PDFapproach, is described in Section 4. Then more recent and sophisticated stochastic models are reviewed in Section 5. 2. EULERIAN AND LAGRANGIAN PDF METHODS The purpose of this section is to introduce the various pdfs considered, to categorize PDFmethods, and to provide references to the relevant literature. 2.1 Eulerian pdfs Westart by considering a single composition variable (e.g. a species mass fraction) which, at position x and time t, is denoted by ~b(x, t). At fixed (x, t), ~b is a randomvariable, corresponding to which we introduce the independent sample-space variable O. Then the cumulative distribution function (cdf) of q~ is defined F~(0, x, t) = Prob{q~(x, t) < 0}, (1) and the probability density function (pdf) of q5 (2) f~(0; x, t) = ~ F~(0, x, t). The fundamentalsignificance of the pdf is that it measuresthe probability of the randomvariable being in any specified interval. For example, for 0b > 0a, from Equations (1) and (2) we obtain Prob {0a N {#(X, t) < 0U} = f*(0; X, t) (3) a The pdfjust defined, f,(x, t), is the one-point, one-time Eulerian pdf ~b(x, t). It completely describes the randomvariable q~ at each x and Annual Reviews 26 POPE separately; but it contains no joint information about ~b at two or more space-time points. If ~b(x, t) is statistically homogeneous, then fo is independent of x. Moregenerally, we maywant to consider a set oftr composition variables ~b(x, t) where~ = {qbl, q~2..... q~}.Then,with~k = {~b1, ~/~2, ¯ ¯ ¯, ~b~}being corresponding sample-space variables, the joint pdf of ~b is denoted by f~0P; x, t). Further, with U(x, t) being the Eulerian velocity of the fluid, introduce sample-space velocity variables V = { V~, Vz, V3}and denote the (one-point, one-time Eulerian) joint pdf of velocity by fu(V; x, t). Finally, the velocity-compositionjoint pdf is denotedby f(V, ~p; x, t). By definition, in a PDFmethod, a pdf (or joint pdf) in a turbulent flow is determinedas the solution of a modeledevolution equation. 2.2 Assumed PDF Methods In spite of their name, assumed PDF methods are not PDF methods (according to the above definition). Instead of being determined from modeled evolution equation, the pdf is assumedto have a particular shape that is parametrized (usually) by its first and second moments.The method has found application in combustion (e.g. Bilger 1980). For the pdf of single composition, the suggested shapes include: a beta-function distribution (Rhodes 1975); a clipped Gaussian (Lockwood& Naguib 1975); and a maximum entropy distribution (Pope 1980). The extension to several composition variables, which is considerably more difficult, has been considered by, among others, Correa et al (1984), Bockhorn (1990), Girimaji (1991). Although assumed PDF methods are favored in some applications, compared to PDFmethods they have two disadvantages. First, no account is taken of the influence of the dynamics(e.g. reaction) on the shape of the pdf. Second--and maybe surprising at first sight--assumed PDFmethods are computationally more expensive (if not intractable) for the general case of manycompositions. 2.3 Eulerian PDF Methods One of the first cases studied using PDFmethods, and one that continues to receive considerable attention, is reaction in constant-density homogeneous turbulence. In the simplest situation, the composition is characterized by a single passive scalar 4,(x, t), that evolves D~b_ FV2q ~ + S(x, t). Dt (4) Here D/Dt = O/Ot+U"V is the substantial derivative, F is the (constant) Annual Reviews LAGRANGIAN PDF METHODS molecular diffusivity, composition: 27 and the reaction rate is a knownfunction of the s(x,t) = ~[~(x,t)]. (5) For the statistically homogeneouscase considered, the composition pdf f,($; t) is independent of x. Without further assumption, the evolution equation for f, can be deduced from Equation (4). This can be done using any one of several different techniques that have been developed over the years. These techniques are reviewed by Pope (1985), Dopazo(1993), Kuznetsov & Sabel’nikov (1990), and are not described here. For the present case the result forf,(~k; t) f,~ - -- ~02[/e~Z(~, t)]-- ~[f~(4’)], (6) where X(~’, t) = F<Vq5 .VqSl~b(x,t) = ~b> (7) is the conditional scalar dissipation. An important observation is that the reaction term in the pdf equation (6) is in closed form, whereas the corresponding terms in momentclosures [e.g. <~(~b)> and <~b3(40>]are not--hence the attraction of PDFmethods for reactive flows. The term involving Z in Equation (6) represents molecular mixing and requires modeling. In general--as exemplified by Equation (7)--in Eulerian PDFmethods, the quantities that have to be modeled are onepoint one-time conditional expectations. Molecular mixing models (which model the term in Z in Equation 6) have a long history which is briefly reviewed in Section 5.5 and more thoroughly elsewhere (Pope 1982, 1985; Borghi 1988; Dopazo 1993); and there are several relevant (Chert et al 1989, Sinai & Yakhot 1989, Valifio & Dopazo 1991, Pope 1991a, Gao 1991, Gao & O’Brien 1991, Fox 1992, Pope & Ching 1993). The composition PDFmethod can be extended to several compositions, and to inhomogeneousflows. The latter necessitates modeling turbulent convection--generally as gradient diffusion. Recent applications to multidimensional flows are described by Chen et al (1990), Roekaerts (1991), and Hsuet al (1993). For inhomogeneous flows, the method based on the velocity-composition joint pdf f(V, q,; x, t) has the advantage of avoiding gradientdiffusion modeling. For constant-density flow, the Navier-Stokes equations can be written Annual Reviews 28 POPE DU Dt - vV2U- V(p) Vp’, (8) wherev is the kinematic viscosity, and the pressure (divided by the density) p is subjected to the Reynolds decomposition. From this equation, and from Equation (4) written for each composition qS~(x, t), the evolution equation forf(V, ~k; x, t) can be deducedto Of Vi~x~+~[f~(~) ] oQ~) of ~ + ~[f(~x~_VV U,.lv,~p)] Ox~~V~ -~[f(vV~v, 0)], (9) where (V~]V,O) is written for the conditional expectation (Vz~]U(x, t) = V, ~(x, t) - ~), and the summationconvention applies a as well as to i. The terms on the left-hand side of Equation (9) are in closed form and represent convection, reaction, and acceleration due to the meanpressure gradient. Those on the right-hand side contain one-point one-time conditional expectations. Modelsfor the effects of the viscous stresses and the fluctuating pressure gradient are discussed below. 2.4 Lagrangian pdfs Fundamentalto the Lagrangiandescription is the notion of a fluid particle. Let t0 be a reference time, and let x0 = {Xo~,Xoz, Xo~} be Lagrangiancoordinates. Thenx+(t, x0) denotes the position at time t of the fluid particle that is at x0 at time t0 [i.e. x+(t0, x0) = x0]. For each Eulerian variable [e.g. U(x, t)] t~e corresponding Lagrangian variable (denoted by the superscript +) is defined by (for example) U+(t,x0)=U[x+(t,x0), (10) By definition, a fluid particle moveswith its ownvelocity. So, given the Eulerian velocity, x+ is determined as the solution of ex+(t, x0) - ~+(~, *o), Ot (~ with the initial condition (12) x+(t0, x0) = x0. To simplify the subsequent development we impose two restrictions. First, we consider flow domains that are (possibly time-dependent) material volumes. Thus fluid particles do not cross the boundary of the Annual Reviews LAGRANGIAN PDF METHODS 29 flow domain. Second, we consider constant-density flow so that the determinant of the Jacobian ~x~-/dXoj is unity. Both of these restrictions are readily removed(see Pope 1985). The primary Lagrangian pdf considered is (13) fL(V, X; tlV0, x0), whichis the joint pdf of the event (14) {U+(t, x0) = V, x+(/, Xo) subject to the condition U+(t0,x0) = V0. Thus fL is the joint pdf of the fluid particle properties at time t, conditional upon their properties at time to. Note that, in the Lagrangian pdffL, x denotes the sample space corresponding to x+(t, x0), while in the Eulerian pdf it is a parameter. Also, other fluid particle properties [e.g. 4~+(t, x0)] can be included in the definition offL. The Lagrangian pdffL is defined in terms of the reference initial time to and a future time t > to. More generally, we may consider Mtimes to < t~ < t2... < tM, and define the M-timeLagrangian pdf fLM(VM,XM;tin: VM- 1, XM-- 1; t~t 1;’’" ; Vl, Xl; tl [Vo, x0) (15) as the joint pdf of the events {U+(tk, x0) = Vk, x+(tk, x0) = x~; k = 1,2,..., (16) subject to the sameinitial condition as before, U÷(t0, x0) = V0. 2.5 Lagrangian PDF Methods In Eulerian PDFmethods, the quantities to be modeled are one-point, one-time conditional expectations (see Equation 9). In Lagrangian PDF methods, the modeling approach is entirely different. Stochastic models are constructed to simulate the evolution of fluid particle properties. For example, Figure 1 shows the time series of one component of velocity (in stationary, homogeneous,isotropic turbulence) according to a simple stochastic model--the Langevinequation (which is the subject of the next Section). It is useful to distinguish betweenthe fluid-particle properties (U÷ and ÷) x and the values obtained from the stochastic models. Thus U*(t) and x*(t) denote the modeledparticle properties, with x* evolving dx*(t) dt - U*(t). (17) Annual Reviews 30 POPE ~ 0 -1 0 5 10 Figure 1 Sampleof an Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process obtained as the solution of the Langevin equation (Equation 21). Then fL*(V,X;tIV0, x0) is the joint pdf to U*(t) and x*(t) subject initial condition U*(t0) = Vo, x*(to) = (18) If the stochastic modelis accurate, then fL* is an accurate approximation tofL. Stochastic Lagrangian models--such as the Langevin equation--have long been used in studies of turbulent dispersion, where the quantities of interest are (or can be obtained from) Lagrangian pdfs. For example, if pulse of a contaminant is released at time to and location x0, then (if molecular diffusion can be neglected) the expected concentration of the contaminantat a later time t is proportional to the pdf of x+(t, x0), which is modeled by x*(t). In fact, as early as 1921, G. I. Taylor proposed stochastic modelfor x*(t) precisely for this application (Taylor 1921). A direct numerical implementation of a stochastic model of turbulent dispersion is to release a large numberN of particles at the source [i.e. x*(to) = Xo] with initial velocities U*(to) distributed according to Eulerian pdff(V; Xo, to). Then the stochastic model equations are inte- Annual Reviews LAGRANGIAN PDF METHODS 31 grated forward in time to obtain U*(t) and x*(t). The expected particle numberdensity (at any x, t) is then proportional to the meancontaminant concentration. In Lagrangian PDFmethods, the stochastic models are used to determine both Lagrangian and Eulerian pdfs. This is achieved through the fundamental relation: f(V; x, t) fff(vo; x0 , t0)fL(V, X;tlV0, x0) dV0dx0,(19) where integration is over all velocities and over the entire flow domainat to. (A derivation of this equation is given by Pope1985.) Thusthe Lagrangian pdffL is the transition density for the turbulent flow: It determines the transition of the Eulerian pdf from time to to time t. Since fL determines f, it also determines simple Eulerian means, such as the mean velocity (U(x, t)) and the Reynolds stresses (uiuj) (where u = U-(U)). Such means can therefore be used as coefficients in the stochastic Lagrangian models. It is almost inevitable that computationallyviable stochastic modelsare Markovprocesses. That is, with t,_ 1 < t, < t,+ t, the joint pdf of U*(t,+ l) and x*(t~+ l) is completely determined by U*(t,), x*(t,) and the Eulerian pdff(V; x, t,), independentof the particle properties at earlier times t,_ It then follows that (the model equivalent of) the M-timeLagrangian pdf (Equation 15) is given by the product of the Mtransition densities fL*u(V~,xu; tu: V~t_1, XMl; tu_ ~;... ; V~,Xl; t~ ]Vo,Xo) M = I-I fL*(Vk, Xk;tklV,_ l, Xk_1). (20) k=l Thusfor Markovmodels it is sufficient to consider the transition density J~* since this contains the same information as the M-timeLagrangian pdf. Lagrangian PDFmethods are implemented numerically as Monte Carlo/ particle methods. In contrast to implementations for dispersion studies, the large numberof particles are at all times uniformly distributed in the flow domain. This particle representation is described in more detail in Section 4. Calculations based on this approach are described by Haworth & Pope (1987), Anand et al (1989, 1993), Haworth & E1 Tahry (1991), Taing et al (1993), and Norris (1993), for example. 3. LANGEVIN EQUATION The Langevin equation is the prototypical stochastic model. The basic mathematicaland physical concepts are introduced here in a simple setting. More general and advanced models are described in Section 5. Annual Reviews 32 POPE Webegin by considering stationary homogeneousisotropic turbulence, with zero meanvelocity, turbulence intensity u’, and Lagrangian integral time scale T. The subject of the Langevinequation, U*(t), is a modelfor one componentof the fluid-particle velocity U÷(t). Written as a stochastic differential equation (sde), the Langevinequation is dU*(t) = -- U*(t) dt/T+ (2u’2/T)1/2 dl, V(t), (21) where W(t) is a Wiener process. The reader unfamiliar with sdes, can appreciate the meaningof the Langevinequation through the finite-difference approximation U*(t + At) = U*(t)- U*(t)At/T+ (2u’2At/T)~/2~, (22) where ~ is a standardized Gaussian random variable ((3) = 0, (~2) which is independent of the corresponding random variable on all other time steps. Thus the increment in the Wiener process dW(t) can be thought of as a Gaussian random variable with mean zero, and variance dr. The basic mathematical properties of the Langevin equation are now described, and then their relationship to the physics of turbulence is discussed. The Langevin equation (Equation 21 or 22) describes a Markovprocess U*(I) that is continuous in time (see Gardiner 1990, for a more precise statement). Hence, in the terminology of stochastic processes, U*(t) is a diffusion process. Althoughit is continuous, it is readily seen that U*(t) is not differentiable: Equation (22) shows that [U*(t+At)-U*(t)]/At varies as At- 1/2, and hence does not converge as At tends to zero. For simplicity we consider the initial condition at time to that U*(to) is a Gaussian random variable with zero mean and variance u’2. Then, for t > to, U*(t) is the stationary random process knownas the OrnsteinUhlenbeck (OU) process, a sample of which is shown on Figure 1. The OUprocess is a stationary, Gaussian, Markov process, and hence is completely characterized by its mean ((U*(t))=0), its variance 2) ((U*(t) = u’2), and its autocorrelation function, which is p*(s) =( U*(t +s)U*(t) ’ ~ =e-I*I/T, (23) (see e.g. Gardiner 1990). Notice that these results confirm the consistency of the specification of the coefficients in the Langevin equation: The rms fluid-particle velocity is u’, and the Lagrangian integral time scale is Annual Reviews LAGRANGIAN PDF METHODS T = ff p*(s) ds. 33 (24) To what extent does U*(t) model the fluid particle velocity U÷(t)? The first and obvious limitation is that U÷(t) is differentiable, whereasU*(t) is not. Hencethe modelis qualitatively incorrect if U*(t) is examinedon an infinitesimal time scale. But consider high Reynoldsnumberturbulence in which there is a large separation between the integral time scale T and the Kolmogorovtime scale %; and let us examineU+(t)on inertial-range time scales s, T >>s >> This is best done through the Lagrangian structure function (see e.g. Monin & Yaglom 1975) DL(s) = ([U+(t+s) - U+(t)]2). (25) The Kolmogorovhypotheses (both original 1941 and refined 1962) predict (in the inertial range) DL(s) = Co(e)s, (26) whereCo is a universal constant, and (e) is the meandissipation rate. And the Langevinequation yields [for the structure function based on U*(t)]: De*(s) = 2u’2s/T, for siT << 1, (27) as is evident from Equation (22). Thus the Langevinequation is consistent with the Kolmogorovhypotheses in yielding a linear dependenceof De on s in the inertial range. (Equation 27 corresponds to an ~o-z frequency spectrum (at high frequency), which in turn corresponds to white-noise acceleration.) By comparingthe coefficients in Equations (26) and (27) we obtain relation T-l = Co(a)/(2u ’2) = ~Co(e>/k, (28) where k is the turbulent kinetic energy; and the Langevin equation (Equation 21) can be rewritten in the alternative form: dU*(t) = - ~ Co U*(t) dt (C0(e>)1/2 dW(t). (29) To date, Lagrangian statistics in high-Reynolds number flows have proven inaccessible both to experiment and to direct numerical simulation. Consequently, a direct test of Equation (26) has not been possible. However at low or moderate Reynolds number, both techniques have been Annual Reviews 34 POPE used to measure the Lagrangian autocorrdation function p(~’). Figure shows the results comparedto the exponential (Equation 23) arising from the Langevin equation. At very small times s/T, the behavior is qualitatively different because U*(t) is not differentiable--correspondingly, p*(s) has negative slope at the origin. But for larger times, the exponential form provides a very reasonable approximation to the observed autocorrelations. Measurementson turbulent dispersion provide an indirect test of the Langevinequation. For particles originating from the origin at time t = 0, their subsequent position is (30) x*(t) = U*(t’) 1.0 0.9 0.8 ¯ ~ Expt. Sato & Y~mamoto (1987) 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 s/T Figure 2 Lagrangian velocity autocorrelation function in isotropic turbulence: open symbols and lines from DNSof Yeung & Pope 0989); full symbols from experiments of Sato Yamamoto(1987); dashed line exponential, Equation 23. (From Yeung & Pope 1989.) Annual Reviews LAGRANGIAN PDF METHODS 35 This (according to the Langevinequation) is a Gaussian process, with zero mean, and variance (x*(t)2~ 2u’2T[t- T(1 -- e-’/r)], (31) which exhibits the correct short-time limit [(x*(t) 2) ~ (u’t) 2] and longtime limit [(x*(t) 2) ~ 2u’2Tt] given by Taylor’s (1921) theory. The Langevin equation has been applied to dispersion behind a line source in grid turbulence by Anand & Pope 0985) with modifications to account for the decay of the turbulence and the first-order effects of molecular diffusion. The result shownon Figure 3 is in excellent agreement with the data. Several refinements and extensions to the Langevin equation are described in Section 5, where further comparisons with DNSdata are made. Wenow describe the most rudimentary extension of the Langevin equation to inhomogeneousflows. The equation is a model for the evolution of all three componentsof velocity U*(t) of a fluid particle with position X*(t). ’ I ~ I ’ I ’ I o.~,/ 10° z’//o ~ ~ -I 10 / "~/ 05 .2 10 ~~~ ~"lJ "~ 310 , ~ la,"" I "2 10 ¯ - = X + --52 = 60 Stapountzis []-’~o/M ~ 19.3 , I 110 , I °10 , I 101 ~w /~o Figure 3 Turbulent dispersion behind a line source in grid turbulence. The rms dispersion x’ -- (x .2) ~/2 is normalized by the integral scale at the source lo; the distance downstream of the source xw is normalized by the distance from the grid to the source Xo. Experimental data of Warhaft(1984) and of Stapountzis et al (1986). Solid line is the calculation of Anand & Pope (1985) based on the Langevin equation. Annual Reviews 36 YOrE There are three modifications to Equation (29)--all to the drift term. First, the velocity increment due to the mean pressure gradient -dtV(p) is added. Second, the fluid particle velocity relaxes to the local Eulerian mean(U(x*[t], t)) (rather than to zero). And,third, the coefficient drift term is altered. Theresult is +(Co(~))’/2dw(t).(32) In this (and subsequent) equations, it is understood that meanquantities (i.e. V(.p), (~), and (U)) ar e evaluated at theflui d-particle posi tion x*(t). The vector-valued Wiener process W(t) is simply composedof three independent components W~(t), Wz(t), and W3(t ). The increment dWhas zero mean and covariance ( dWidW/) = dt 6ii. (33) [As discussed at greater length in Section 5.1, the coefficient (½+ ~C0) Equation (32) (compared to ]C0 in Equation 29), correctly causes turbulent kinetic energy to be dissipated at the rate (~). The omission the ½ in Equation (29) is because that equation pertains to the hypothetical case of stationary (i.e. non-decaying)isotropic turbulence.] A stochastic modelfor fluid-particle properties implies a modeledevolution equation for the corresponding Lagrangian joint pdf. In the present context, f~*(V,x, tlVo, x0)is the joint pdf of U*(t) and x*(t), with initial conditions U*(t0) =: V0, x*(t0) = x0- Thenwith U*(t) evolving extended Langevin equation (Equation 32), and with x*(t) evolving Equation (17), fL* evolves according to the Fokker-Planck equation O ¯ -- Vi Of L* O@) ~fC = ~x~ + ~xx~ ~ + O4) (see Gardiner 1990, Risken 1989), with the initial condition fY(V,x, t01v0,x0)= a(v-v0)a(x- 05) The Eulerian joint pdf of velocity f(V; x, t) is related to its Lagrangian counterpart by Equation (19). Hence the above evolution equation forf~ implies a corresponding evolution equation for the modeled Eulerian pdf f*(V; x, 0, Indeed, sincc the differential operators in the Fokker-Planck Annual Reviews LAGRANGIAN PDF METHODS 37 equation are independent of to, x0, and V0, it follows immediately from Equation (19) that the Eulerian pdfJ’*(V; x, t) also evolves according Equation (34). The Eulerian pdf equation (i.e. Equation 34 written for f*), together with a modeled equation for (e), form a complete set of turbulencemodelequations. Theyare completein the sense that all the coefficients in Equation (34) are knownin terms off* and (e.). The mean velocity and the kinetic energy k are determined as first and second momentsof f*, while the meanpressure field (p) is determined as the solution of Poisson equation. The source in the Poisson equation involves (U) and (uiuj) which are knownin terms off*. In Section 5.3 coupled stochastic models for U*(t) and 09*(0 = e*(t)/k are described, which lead to an evolution equation for the joint pdf of U and ~o. This single equation provides a complete model: All of the coefficients are knownin terms of the pdf itself. The above development illustrates the different use of the Langevin equation in turbulent dispersion and in PDFmethods. In the former, the turbulent flow field is assumed known, and so the coefficients in the Langevin equation are specified; and the equation is used (at most) deduce the Lagrangian pdf. In PDF methods, the Langevin equation is used to determine the Eulerian pdf, from which the coeff~cients are deduced. 4. PARTICLE REPRESENTATION Central to Lagrangian PDFmethods is the idea that a turbulent flow can be represented by an ensemble of N fluid particles, with positions and velocities x~n)(t), U~n)(t), n = 1, 2 .... , N. Thepurposeof this section describe this particle representation, and to make precise the connection betweenparticle properties and statistics of the flow. 4.1 Basic Representation Webegin by considering a single componentof velocity U at a particular point and time. Thus U is a random variable, with pdff(V), which consider to be known. For a given ensemblesize N(N >_ 1), the particle velocities {U~")} are specified to be independent random samples, each with pdff(V). It conceptually useful (and legitimate) to think of ~") as t he value of Uon the n-th (independent) realization of the flow. Note that the particle velocities are independent and identically distributed, and hence the numbering of the particles is irrelevant. A fundamental question, to which we provide three answers, is: In what Annual Reviews 38 POPE sense does the ensemble (Ut")) "represent" the.underlying distribution f(V)? The first answer is in terms of the discrete pdffN(V), defined 1 fr~(V) =- ~ ~ 6(U~")- V). (36) It is readily shown(see, e.g. Pope 1985) that the expected discrete pdf equalsf(V) for any N > l: (37) <fr~(V)) = f(V). In the analysis of PDFmethods, this relation allows properties of the pdf [i.e. f(V)] to be deducedfrom the properties of a single particle (~), say). The second answer involves ensemble averages. In numerical implementations of PDFmethods it is necessary to estimate means such as (U) and (U2) from the ensemble{ U(")}. Let Q(U)be somefunction of the velocity U, then we have (38) <Q(U)) = f~_~ f(V)Q(V) For example, the choices of V and Vz for Q(V) lead to (U) and (U:). The mean (Q) can be estimated from the ensemble simply as the ensemble average <Q(U)>u -- N Q(O~")) = fu(V)Q(V) (39) Then (since {U~")} are independent and identically distributed) a basic result from statistics is that <Q>uis an unbiased estimator of <Q>: <<Q>N>= <Q>- (40) Further, if the variance of Q(U)is finite, it follows from the central limit theoremthat for large N the rms statistical error in <Q>utends to zero as N ~/2 Hence the second sense in which the ensemble { Ut"~} "represents" the pdff(V) is that, for all functions Q [for which Q(U) has finite meanand variance], the ensemble average <Q>uconverges in mean square to <Q>. This is written lim <Q>u= <Q>. (41) [An additional convergence result is provided by the Glivenko-Cantelli theorem (e.g. Billingsley 1986): As N tends to infinity, the difference Annual Reviews LAGRANGIAN PDF METHODS 39 betweenthe cdf F( IO and the empirical cdfF,( V)--i.e. the definite integral offN(V)--converges to zero with probability one.] For almost all purposes, the two answers provided above are sufficient: Equation (37) is used in the analysis of PDFmethods, while Equation (41) is used in numerical implementations. However,neither of these relations (nor the Glivenko-Cantelli theorem) provides an estimate of the pdff(V) in terms of { Uen)) that converges in meansquare as N tends to infinity. The third answer, then, is that the techniques of density estimation can be used for this purpose (see e.g. Tapia & Thompson1978, Silverman 1986). These are not reviewed here, since they have not played an important role in PDFmethods. This is because in the implementation of PDFmethods, an explicit representation of the pdf is not required. The above considerations apply to any random variable U. Consider nowU¢n)(t) to be a modelfor the velocity of a fluid particle, obtained as the solution to a stochastic model equation--the Langevin equation, for example. At the initial time to, the values of (U~")(to)) are sampled from the specified initial pdff(V; to). The representations described above are readily extended. The one-time discrete pdf [representingf(V; t)] 1 u fu( V; t) = ~ .~=, 6[U~")(t)-- (42) while the discrete Lagrangian pdf is 1 u f~N(V;tl V0) = ~ ,~1 {3[U~")(t)- V]I U~")(to) = V0}. Multi-time Lagrangian statistics for example, can be estimated as ensemble averages: 1 u (Q(U(tl), U(t2)))u = ~ ,~l Q[U~")(tO’U~")(t2)]" 4.2 Inhomogeneous (43) (44) Flows The extension of this particle representation to inhomogeneous flows requires some new ingredients, and it leads to some subtle consistency conditions. Throughout,for simplicity, we are restricting our attention to constantdensity flows in a material volume. Hence the volumeV of the flow domain D, and the mass of fluid within it, do not changewith time. At a given time t, an ensembleof N particles is constructed as follows to represent the joint pdf of velocityf(V; x, t). Theparticle positions x~")(t) Annual Reviews 40 POPE are mutually independent, random, uniformly-distributed in D. [Hence the pdf of each x~n)(t) is l/V.] Thenthe particle velocity U~)(t) is random, pdff[V; x~n)(t), t]. In terms of these properties, the discrete pdf is defined by fN(V;x, t) --= ~ 6[x~(t) -- xlf[U~")(t)-- (45) i=1 The specification of x~)(t) (and also the constant in Equation 45) determined by a consistency condition. Werequire the expectation offN to equal f; where f satisfies the normalization condition that its integral over all V is unity. Hence from Equation (45) we obtain 1 = f(f~v) dV = V(f[x(")(t)- x]), for any n (since {x~")} are independent and identically distributed). This condition is satisfied if, and only if, x(")(t) is uniformlydistributed. If this consistencyconditionis satisfied at an initial time to, will it remain satisfied as the particle properties evolve in time? The answer (established by Pope 1985, 1987) is yes, provided the mean continuity equation is satisfied. This in turn requires that the meanpressure gradient [affecting the evolution of U(")(t), Equation 32] satisfies the appropriate Poisson equation. Both of these results are reflected in the Eulerian pdf equation [e.g. Equation 34 written for f(V; x, t)]. Whenthis equation is integrated over all V, all the terms on the right-hand side vanish, expect the first whichis -V" (U). If this is nonzero--in violation of the continuity equation-then the normalization condition on f is also violated. An evolution equation for V" (U) is obtained from Equation (34) by multiplying by integrating over all V, and then differentiating with respect to xj. Equating the time rate of change of V" (U) to zero, yields a Poisson equation for @). With Q(V) being a function of the velocity, we now consider the estimation of the mean (Q[U(x, t)]) from the ensemble of Particles. This an important issue because Eulerian means such as (U) and (uiuj) must be estimated from the particle properties in order to determine the coefficients in the modeledparticle evolution equations, e.g. Equation (32). Since (with probability one) there are no particles located at x, it unavoidable that an estimate of (Q[U(x, t)]) must involve particles in vicinity of x. Wedescribe nowthe kernel estimator (see e.g. Eubank1988, H/irdle 1990), which is useful both conceptually and in practice (although a literal implementation is not efficient). It is assumedthat Q[U(x, t)] Annual Reviews LAGRANGIAN PDF METHODS 41 has finite mean and variance, and that the mean is twice continuously differentiable with respect to x. For simplicity we consider points x that are remote from the boundary of the domain; and for definiteness we take the kernel to be a Gaussian of specified width h. In D dimensionsthis is K(r, h) = (x/~h)-° exp (- ½r2/h2), (47) (wherer = Irl). Then a kernel estimator of (Q[U(x, t)]) V N <Q[U(x, t)l>N,h---- ~ ,~,~. K[x--x(")(t),hlQ[U(")(t)]. (48) For small h, the bias in this estimate is ((Q)s,h) - (Q) = ~h2V2(Q) ¯ (49) Hence, as h tends to zero, K(r, h) tends to 6(r) and ((Q)N.h) converges (Q). But as h becomessmaller, fewer particles have significant values of K[x--x(")(t), h], and so the statistical error rises: The variance of varies as V/(Nh°) = (L/h)D/N, (50) whereL -= V l/D is a characteristic length of the domain.It is readily shown that, for large N, it is optimal for h/L to vary as N- l/(4+D). For then, the sumof the bias and the rms statistical error is minimized,each varying as N-2/(4+~). Thus, for such a choice of h we have lim (Q)N,h = (Q). (51) These results have two major significances. First, Equation (51) shows the convergenceof the particle representation. Second, it is likely that in a numerical implementationthe error decreases with increasing N no faster than N- 2/(4+0). Althoughit is seldomdone in practice, it is in principle possible to use the aboveideas to extract multi-time Lagrangianstatistics. It is important to realize, however,that (at a fixed time) the particle representation contains no two-point information. Recall that different particles can be viewed as being sampled from different, independent realizations of the flow. Annual Reviews 42 5. POPE STOCHASTIC LAGRANGIAN MODELS 5.1 Generalized Langevin Model The Langevin equation for inhomogeneous flows described in Section 3 (Equation 32) is referred to as the Simplified Langevin Model(SLM).It the simplest possible extension of the basic Langevin model(Equation 29) that is consistent with momentum and energy conservation. The Generalized Langevin Model (GLM)--proposed by Pope (1983a) and developed and demonstrated by Haworth & Pope (1986, 1987)overcomes some of the qualitative and quantitative defects of the SLM. For the increment in the fluid-particle velocity U*(t), the GLM dU~* = - 0447- ) dt+fgij(~*-(U~.))dt+(Co(e))t/2dWi, Oxi (52) wherethe drift coefficient tensor (qij is a modeledfunction of the local mean velocity gradients O(Ug)/Oxj,Reynoldsstresses (u~uj), and dissipation It may be immediately observed that the SLMcorresponds to the simple specification (53 Hence the GLMis distinguished by a more elaborate specification of The first term in Equation (52) is uniquely determined by the mean momentumequations (at high Reynolds number, when the viscous term is negligible). The final term in Equation (52) (the diffusion term) has same form as in homogeneousisotropic turbulence. This is justified (at high Reynolds number) by the Kolmogorov(1941) hypotheses: The term pertains to small time-scale (high frequency) processes that are hypothesized to be locally isotropic and characterized by (e). (Implications of the Kolmogorov1962 hypotheses are discussed in Section 5.3, and Reynolds-numbereffects in 5.4.) In the construction of the drift term (involving ~g~), the principal assumption madeis that the term is linear in U*. For homogeneous turbulence, the assumptionis fully justified, since this linearity is necessaryand sufficient (Arnold 1974) for the joint pdf of velocity to be joint normal, in accord with experimental observations (e.g. Tavoularis & Corrsin 1981). The observed joint no~ality of the one-point velocity pdf in homogeneous turbulence leads to several important results. For this case, the joint pdf is fully determined by the (known) mean velocity, and by the covariance matrix, namely the Reynolds stresses; and, according to the GLM(Equation 52), the Reynolds stresses evolve Annual Reviews LAGRANGIAN PDF METHODS d 43 (54) ~ (u~u,)= ~,+fVk,(u,u,)fV,,(u~uk) +Co (~),s~,, where ~ is the production tensor: ~ ~ - (u~u~) Ox~ - (u~u~)o~). (55) Thus for any choice of ~q there is a corresponding modeled Reynoldsstress equation, which (as shownby Pope 1985) is realizable. The known behavior of the Reynoldsstress equation in certain limits (e.g. rapid distortion, or two-component turbulence) can then be invoked to impose constraints on Using these constraints and experimental data on homogeneousturbulence, Haworth & Pope (1986) determined a specific form of if0 that accurately describes the evolution of the Reynoldsstresses (and hence the velocity joint pdf) in these flows. As an example, Figure 4 shows the evolution of the anisotropy tensor ~ ~ (u~)/(u~u,)o, (~6) for the plane strain experiment of Gence & Mathieu (1979). As is customary in turbulence modeling, with simplicity as the main justification, the same model is used in inhomogeneousflows. Haworth& 0.2 0 0 A A 0- - -0.2 0 0.01 0.02 Figure 4 Reynoldsstress anisotropies b~t =- (u, ut)/(ulul)--~6~ against time for transverse plane strain of homogeneousturbulent. Symbols: experimental data of Genee & Mathieu (1979) ~ b~ ~, ~ b:~, O b33, ¯ b2a. Lines: GLMcalculations. (From Haworth& Pope 1986.) Annual Reviews 44 POPE Pope (1987) describe the successful application of the GLMto a range free shear flows. Finally, we observe that there is a Reynolds-stress equation corresponding to the SLM.Specifically, for homogeneousturbulence, Equations (52) and (53) lead d ~ {uku,) - ~k,- (2 + 3(70) {e)dk,-- ~(e)~Sk,, (57) which is Rotta’s (1951) model. Thus, in Reynolds-stress-closure terminology, the GLM is superior to the SLMin allowing for a nonlinear returnto-isotropy, and for incorporating "rapid pressure" effects. Recently Pope (1993) considered in detail the relationship between the GLMand Reynolds-stress models, and thereby deduced specifications corresponding to the isotropization of the production model (IPM, Naot et al 1970) and to the SSGmodel(Speziale et al 1991). Model for Frequency 5.2 Stochastic The Generalized Langevin Model, just described, leads to a modeled transport equation for the velocity joint pdff(V; x, t). This equation does not provide a complete model, because the mean dissipation rate {e) (or equivalent information) must be supplied separately--from a modeled transport equation for (e), for example. This shortcoming motivated the development of a complete closure based on the joint pdf of velocity and dissipation (Pope & Chert 1990), which required the development of stochastic modelfor dissipation. In fact, rather than the instantaneous dissipation rate e(x, t) the model developed by Pope &Chen(1990) is based on the turbulence frequency defined by co(x, t) = e(x, t)/k(x, t). (58) It should be noted that this is a mixedquantity in that e(x, t) is random whereask(x, t) is not. Thus the probability distribution of co is the same as that of e, to within a scaling. The mean frequency (~o) has been used previously as a turbulence-model variable by, for example, Kolmogorov (1942) and Wilcox (1988). For homogeneousturbulence, Pope &Chen(1990) developed a stochastic modelco*(t) for the turbulent frequencyfollowinga fluid particle, co+(t). Their model is constructed by rcference to the Lagrangian statistics of dissipation extracted from direct numerical simulations by Yeung &Pope (1989). The simulations show that (to a very good approximation) the one- Annual Reviews LAGRANGIAN PDF METHODS 45 point one-time distribution of e is log-normal. That is, for fixed t, the random variable Z+(t) -= In [e+(t)/(e)] = In [co+(t)/(co)], (59) is Gaussian, with variance denoted by a 2. Further, except near the origin, the autocorrelation function of Z+(t), p~(s), is well approximatedby the exponential px(s) -Islv*. =e (60) where T~ is the corresponding integral time scale. The simulations support the approximation T~ -1 = Cx((D), (61) with Cz being a constant. Giventhat ~ + (t) has a Gaussian pdf and an exponential autocorrelation, it is obvious to model it as an OUprocess. The appropriate stochastic differential equation is dz*(t) = - [Z*(t) - (~*(t))] dt/T~ + (2~rZ/T~)’/2dW, (cf Equation 21). The modeled frequency is related to ~* by ~*°~, co*(t) : (co(t))e (62) (63) (cf Equation 59). Consequently, in order to obtain a model equation for o~*, it is necessary also to model the evolution of (co). With the nondimensional rate of change S~ defined by dQo)= _ (co) 2S, ’ (64) dt the standard model equation for (e) (Launder & Spalding 1972) implies S,o = (C,2-- 1)--(C,,- l)P/<e>, (65) where C,~ and C~2 are standard model constants, and P is the rate of production of turbulence kinetic energy. The stochastic model for co* proposed by Pope &Chen(1990) is then obtained from Equations (62)-(64): dco*=-co*(co) dt{ S~ + Cz [ln (co*/<co))+co*(2C~(co)a2)~/2 (66) The above development pertains to homogeneousturbulence. The extension of the model to inhomogeneousflows is considered by Pope (1991b). Annual Reviews 46 POPE The only significant modification required to Equation (66) is the addition of a term that (under appropriate circumstances) causes nonturbulent fluid (characterized by co*= 0) to become turbulent ((o*> 0). As scribed in the next subsection, with this modification, the stochastic modelfor frequency is successful in describing the intermittent turbulent/ nonturbulent regions of free shear flows. 5.3 Refined Langevin Model The stochastic model for frequency co*(t) (Equation 66) can be combined with the Generalized Langevin Model (Equation 52) to provide a closed modeled joint pdf equation. However,if the frequency co*(t) following fluid particle is known,it is possible to incorporate this information in a stochastic modelfor velocity so as to increase its physical realism. Sucha refined Langevin model has been developed by Pope & Chen (1990) and Pope (1991b). According to all of the Langevin equations described above, for a small time interval s (s/T << 1), the modeledLagrangian velocity increment AsU*(t) U*(t+s)-U*(t), (67) is an isotropic Gaussian random vector with covariance (AsUT(t)AsU~(t))= Co<~e)st~ij-~-O(s2). (68) This covariance is consistent with the refined Kolmogorov(1962) hypotheses; but the Gaussianity of AsU*(t) is clearly at odds with notions internal intermittency. In the spirit of Kolmogorov’srefined hypotheses, it is natural to model AsU*(t) in terms of the particle dissipation e*(t) = k~o*(t). This is simply achieved by replacing the diffusion coefficient C0(e) in the Langevin equation by C0e*. Then, the conditional covariance of AsU(t) (AsUf(t)AsU~*(t)le*(t) = g) = Cogs6ij+O(s2), while, correctly, (69) the unconditional variance is again given by Equation (68). Since the performance of the GLM is completely satisfactory for homogeneous turbulence, Pope & Chen (1990) developed the Refined Lan#evin model (RLM) to retain this behavior (while replacing Co(e) by Coe* = Cokco* in the diffusion term). For homogeneousturbulence the model is dUff -where ~(P) dt+.L~,j(U~*-(U~))dt+(Cokog*)l/2dmi, OX i (70) Annual Reviews LAGRANGIAN PDF METHODS 47 (71) and the tensor ~ij is the inverse of (uiuj)/(~k). Notice that, comparedto the GLM(Equation 52), the additional term in ~i~ is needed to produce the correct Gaussian joint pdf of velocity (in homogeneousturbulence). Additional modifications for inhomogeneousflows are described by Pope (1991b). The combination of the stochastic model for 09*(0 (Equation 66) the RLMfor U*(t) provides a closed modeledevolution equation for their joint pdf. This is the most advancedpdf modelcurrently available. It has been applied to several different flows by Pope(1991b), Anandet al (1993), and Norris (1993). Calculations for a plane mixing layer are nowbriefly reported in order to illustrate several features of the model. The calculations pertain to the statistically plane, two-dimensional,selfsimilar mixing layer formed between two uniform streams of different velocities. The dominantflow direction is xl; the lateral direction is x2; and the flow is statistically homogeneous in the spanwise direction x3. The free-stream velocities are U~o(at x2 = ~) and 2U~(at x2 = - ~), so that the velocity ratio is 2, and the velocity difference is AU= Uo~. At large axial distances the flow spreads linearly and is self-similar. Consequently, statistics of U(x, t)/A U dependonly on x2/xl [where(x l, x2) = (0, 0) is virtual origin of the mixing layer]. Lang (1985) provides experimental data on this flow. The calculations are performed by integrating the stochastic differential equationsfor the properties (x¢"), U¢"), o9¢"); n = 1,2 ..... N) N ~ 50,000 particles. A comparison of the mean and rms velocities with experimental data shows good agreement (see Pope 1991b). Figure 5 is a scatter plot of the axial velocity and lateral position. For this flow, with extremely high probability, there is no reverse flow (i.e. U~l")(t) > 0 for all n and t). Hencethe axial location X~l")(t) of each particle increases monotonically with time. Figure 5 is constructed by plotting the points (U]")/AU, x~")/xl) for about one fifth of the particles (selected at random) as they pass a particular axial location x~. (In view of selfsimilarity, the value of x~ is immaterial.) At large and small values of x~/xl, the points are dense at U~*/AU= 1 and 2, respectively, and so appear as horizontal straight lines. Thesepoints correspondto fluid with the free-stream velocity. At the center of the layer (e.g. x~/xl = 0), the points are broadly scattered in U?/AU,indicative of turbulent fluctuations with rms of order 0.2. Towardthe edges of the layer, bimodal behavior is evident: with increasing distance from the layer, a band of points tends to the free-stream velocity, while other points exhibit fluctuations of order 0.1, but with decreasing probability. This reflects the turbulent/nonturbulent nature of these regions. Annual Reviews 48 POPE -0.05 0.0 0.05 Figure 5 Scatter plot of axial velocity and lateral position from joint pdf calculations of the self-similar plane mixing layer (from Pope199 lb). The intermittent nature of the edges of the mixing layer is yet more evident in Figure 6, whichis a scatter plot of frequencyand lateral position. The frequency is normalized by its maximummean value (~0)max (at axial location considered) and is shown on a logarithmic scale. At the edges of the layer the bimodalnature of~o*is clear: There is a diffuse band of points centered around o~* ~ 0.3(co7 .... with a second denser band with a)* values two or three orders of magnitudeless. These bands correspond to turbulent and nonturbulent fluid respectively. For inhomogeneousflows, experimental data on Lagrangian quantities are essentially nonexistent. For this reason, there has been little impetus to extract Lagrangian statistics from pdf calculations. However, as an illustration of the type of information that is available in Lagrangian PDF methods, shownon Figure 7 are the fluid particle paths of five particles whoseinitial positions were selected at randomnear the center of the selfsimilar mixing layer. It maybe observed that several of these trajectories traverse the layer monotonically, and that the trajectories are devofd of high wave number fluctuations. From this we conclude that the motion Annual Reviews LAGRANGIAN PDF METHODS I 10 I i - . ~....:.. .. : ....: ":’... . : -.. ~.:.. ::.. : ~.’, ...’.,::, ;’,:,~..:.; ; .;, ~"... .. ¯ ..;..?-.:;-.::.~.’:~:;.!,’,.~’~. :..,:-’.:~.,.?.’d.~’:........ :.. . ~:: ¯ .-."~.~:~,.±. ~.~..7.9, :.’.~,’.;¢.~.".;. >:"- ... ~’~r"-V~~$~-z--,. ............ 1 ............ ~ 101 ~,V ~ 49 _ ". ....:.:-,:.~;,:~,.!.~.:.,,~-.,~,,,.,.-.,..:.....:,.:.... :Y,ar,E’q::t.’-,.~ ".’;;;:.,~.~..:-.:">: .-’."."’" ..-..."~]~:...-:::.:.-;::e:.~-.~.,.~-..-:.... ... :.~." ~’a::~ ’.’." ’.." "~..’-x~"- ".. " _ . ¯ ~:.~.,.-,. ". ,. - ." ...~.,-~.~., ¢;..~"¢’~:."-.’~-~.~:~."i :-:" -.:.. .... . ¯ 104 I 0.0 -0.05 0.05 x~/x~ Figure 6 Scatter plot of turbulence frequency and lateral position from joint pdfcalculations of the self-similar plane mixing layer (from Pope 1991b). 0. 10, 50. zl 100. Figure 7 Fluid particle paths in the self-similar plane mixing layer according to stochastic models: x~ and x2 have arbitrary units. The dashed lines showthe nominal edgc of the layer, wherethe meanvelocity differs from the free-stream velocity by 10%of th,e velocity difference. (From Pope 1991b.) Annual Reviews 50 vow implied by the model is consistent with the large-scale coherent motions observed experimentally in mixing layers; and, conversely, it does not resemble the small-scale randommotion analogous to molecular diffusion or Brownian motion. 5.4 Stochastic Model for Acceleration Whenexamined in detail, the basic Langevin model (described in Section 3) can be justified on physical groundsonly in the limit of infinite Reynolds number Re. Sawford (1991) presents a stochastic model for the fluid particle acceleration which is extremely valuable and successful in incorporating Reynolds number effects. One virtue of the model is that it can be directly related to Lagrangian statistics obtained from direct numerical simulations--which are found to depend strongly on Reynolds number. In the limit of infinite Reynoldsnumber,the modelreverts to the Langevin equation. [As Sawfordshows, his model is equivalent to a different formulation given earlier by Krasnoff & Peskin (1971).] As in Section 3 we consider stationary homogeneous isotropic turbulence with zero mean velocity. The turbulence is characterized by its intensity u’ (or kinetic energy k = ~u’2), the meandissipation rate (e~, by the kinematic viscosity v. In terms of these quantities, the Reynolds numberis defined by: 2k Re = (-~. (72) It is instructive to relate the Reynoldsnumberto time scales. As usual, the eddy-turnover time TE and the Kolmogorovtim6 scale r,~ are defined by Tz =- k/Q,) = ~2u’2/(e), (73) and (74) Hence we obtain 2. Re = (Tz/v,) (75) The Langevin equation contains the single time scale T~; whereas Sawford’s stochastic model for acceleration contains two time scales, To and 3. These time scales (precisely defined below) scale as TE and respectively, at high Reynolds number. Let U*(t) and A*(t) denote the model for one component of velocity and acceleration following a fluid particle. Thenthe velocity evolves by Annual Reviews 51 LAGRANGIAN PDF METHODS d ~ U*(t) = A*(t). (76) With a’2 defined by a"2 = u’2/(T~z), (77) Sawford’s stochastic modelfor acceleration can be written (78) where W(t) is a Wiener process. Ananalysis of this model(see Sawford1991 or Priestly 1981) reveals that U*(t) and A *(t) are stationary processes with zero meansand variances "2 and a’z, respectively. The autocorrelation function of U*(t) is p*(s)=Ie-’"/r~--(~)e-’S’/~]/(1--~), (79) from which it follows that the (modeled) Lagrangian integral time scale T= To~ + v. (80) The principal features of this model are most clearly seen at high (but finite) Reynoldsnumber,at which there is a complete separation of scales, i.e. ¯ << To~.For all times s muchlarger than z, the velocity autocorrelation function is p*(s) exp(--[sl/T~)--the sa me asfor the Langevin mode Consequently,in the inertial range (z << s << To), the Lagrangianvelocity structure function varies linearly with s, in accord with the Kolmogorov hypotheses (Equations 25-27). Correspondingly, the Lagrangian velocity frequency spectrum varies as ~o-2. But for times s comparable to z, this model is quite different from the Langevin model. Because U*(t) is a differentiable function of time, the autocorrelation function has zero slope at the origin. For not-too-large s/z, the autocorrelation function of acceleration is p~,(s) ~-, exp (-Isl/~). Correspondingly,the Lagrangianvelocity frequency spectrum varies as ~o-4 at high frequency (~or >> 1). In order to complete the model, two specifications are required to fix T~o and z in terms of TE and Re. Sawford (1991) used the Lagrangian DNS data of Yeung& Pope (1989) to achieve this. Here we do the same, but a slightly different way. First, the DNSdata on the Kolmogorov-scaled acceleration variance Annual Reviews 52 r, ov~ ao = a’2"~n/(e), (81) can be well approximated (for not too small Ra) ao ~ 3(1-22/Ra), (82) where R~ = (20/3Re)’/2 is the Taylor-scale Reynolds number. [This form of correlation can be justified in terms of the inertial-range pressure fluctuation spectrum (M. S. Nelkin 1991, private communication; George et al 1984).] Second, for each value of Rz studied in the DNS,the quantity 4TE Cr(R~) = 3 T~’ (83) can be determined by m~ttching T/r, between DNSand the model. The values obtained are between 6 and 7, with a least-squares fit yielding Cr ~ Cx(o~) (1 +4/Ra), (84) with Cx(oo) = 6.2. In this case there is no justification for the form of the correlation, and the data exhibit significant scatter around it. Given the empirical correlations for ao and CTthe two time scales are determined as T~ = T~ , (85) and r= "\2aoJ" (86) The ability of this modelto describe Lagrangianstatistics is impressive. Figure 8 showsa comparison of the acceleration autocorrelation functions pA(S) obtained from the model and from DNS. The agreement indicates that the model provides a good approximation to the short-time behavior [although, because A*(t) is not differentiable, p~(s) has finite slope at the origin]. A revealing plot is of the Lagrangian velocity structure function DL(S) (Equation 25) normalized by. (e)s. As may be seen from Figure 9, model is in good agreement with the DNSdata, and correctly shows that the peak value--denoted by C0*--increases with R~. According to the Kolmogorovhypotheses, at high Reynolds number, and for inertial-range times s (z, << s << T), the quantity D~(s)/((~)s), adopts a constant value C0. It is readily shownthat the modelhas this property, with C0 = Cx(~). But, as may be seen on Figure 10, the peak value Cg of DL(S)/((e)s) Annual Reviews LAGRANGIAN PDF METHODS 1.0 I I 53 I 0.8 0.6 ’~ 0.4 0.0I- - %*_, - - -. - .7,,~7~.---~ 0 5 10 15 20 Figure 8 Acceleration autocorrelation function against Kolmogorov-scaled time lag. Symbols: DNSdata (Yeung & Pope 1989); lines: Sawford’s model. Ra = 38: ~ ---; R~ ~ 63: ~ ~; R~ = 90: ~ ~; R~ = 93: ~. (From Sawford 1991, with permission.) 4 ~ ~/ o ,~’,o, 9~’.i 10 -2 10 1 1 ~~ 10 102 103 Figure 9 Lagrangian velocity structure function DL(S) divided by (e)s against Kolmogorovscaled time, s/%. Symbolsand lines, same as Figure 8. (FromSawford1991, with permission.) Annual Reviews 54 POPE 7.0 i Co 4.0 3.0 2.0 2 10 ~ 10 4 11) 5 10 6 10 Figure 10 Co*[the peakvalueof DL(s)/(e)s]againstTaylor-scaleReynolds number. Symbols: DNSdata (Yeung & Pope 1989); full line: from stochastic model for acceleration, dashed line: model asymptote approaches Co slowly as R~ increases: At the relatively high value Rz = 1000, Co* is only 85%of Co. Figure 11 showsthe ratio of the Lagrangian to Eulerian time scales. It maybe seen that this ratio varies appreciably over the range of R~accessible to DNSand wind tunnel experiments. A question of some interest and importance is the value of the Kolmogorov constant Co. The estimate from the above model [Co = CT(~) = 6.2] is, in essence, obtained by extrapolating from DNS data in the R~ range 40-90. Other values given in the literature are: Annual Reviews LAGRANGIAN PDF METHODS 55 0.4 T/T E 30 100 300 1000 Rx Figure 11 Ratio of Lagrangian to Eulerian time scales against Taylor-scale Reynolds number. Symbols: DNS(Yeung & Pope 1989); line: stochastic model for acceleration, Equations (83 86). Co ~ 3.8_+ 1.9 from measurements in the atmospheric boundary layer (Hanna 1981); Co ~ 5.0 from kinematic simulations (Fung et al 1992); Co ~ 5.9 from the Lagrangian renormalized approximation theory (Kaneda 1992); and Co = 5.7 based on the Langevin equation and further assumptions applied to the constant-stress region of the neutral atmospheric boundary layer (Rodean 1991). It is not unreasonable to suppose, therefore, that Co is in the range 5.0-6.5. With the Langevin and refined Langevin models (which contain no Reynolds-numberdependence) it is found that values of Co = 2.1 (Anand &Pope 1985) and Co = 3.5 (Pope &Chen1990), respectively, are required to calculate accurately the dispersion behind a line source in grid turbulence at Ra ~ 70. It is nowapparent that these values--while being appropriate Annual Reviews 56 POPE values of the model constants at moderate Reynolds number--do not correspond to the value of the Kolmogorovconstant Co. A stochastic model for the fluid p~.rticle acceleration A*(t) (such Equation 78), combined with the equations ~* = U* and 1]* = A*, leads to a modeled equation for the Eulerian joint pdf of velocity and acceleration, J~A. Such a model equation has not, to date, been applied to inhomogeneousflows. Comparedto the velocity joint pdf equation (stemming from a Langevin equation), the equation forf~A has the advantages of incorporating Reynolds-number effects and of representing Kolmogorovscale processes. This maybe of particular value in the study of near-wall flows. 5.5 Other Stochastic Models Table 1 summarizes the stochastic Lagrangian models that have been proposed for various fluid properties. Table 1 Stochastic Lagrangian models of turbulence Subject of model Authors Fluid particle position Taylor (1921 Fluid particle velocity (single-particle dispersion) Novikov (1963), Chung (1969), Frost (1975), (1979), Wilsonet al (1981 a~z), Legg &Raupach(1982), Durbin (1933), Ley & Thomson(1983), Wilson al (1983), Thomson(1984), Anand & Pope (1985), Dopet al (ii985), De Baas et al (1986), Haworth Pope ( 198611, Sawford (1986), Thomson(1986a), (1987), Thomson(1987), Maclnnes & Bracco (1992) Fluid particle acceleration Sawford( 199 I) Relative velocity between fluid particle pairs (two-particle dispersion) Novikov (1963), Durbin (1980), Lamb (1981), Gifford (1982), Sawford (I 982), Durbin (1982), Lee & (1983), Sawford & Hunt (1986), Thomson(1986b), Thomson (1990) Dissipation Pope &Chen(1990), Pope (I 991 Velocity-gradient tensor Pope & Cheng (1988), Girimaji & Pope (1990) Scalar (e.g. species concentration) Valifio & Dopazo (1991) Scalar and scalar gradient Fox (1992) Annual Reviews LAGRANGIAN PDF METHODS 57 Taylor (1921) proposed a stochastic model for a componentof fluid particle position x*(t) in whichsuccessive increments Ax*~ x*(t + At)- x*(t) are correlated. It is interesting to observe that the statistics implied by this model are identical to those from the Langevin equation (Durbin 1980). For the fluid particle velocity U*(t), early proposals for the use of the Langevin equation were made by Novikov (1963), Chung (1969), Frost (1975). The works cited in Table 1 from the period 1979-1984reflect active use of stochastic modelingof atmospheric dispersion. These models are essentially of the Langevin type, with the primary issue being the specification of the coefficients. In inhomogeneous flows, if the coefficients are specified incorrectly, stochastic modelscan predict (incorrectly) that an initially uniform distribution of particles becomesnonuniform. Most of the works since 1985 address this issue; a complete explanation is provided by Pope (1987). The concentration variance of a contaminant in a turbulent flow can be studied in terms of the relative dispersion of fluid particle pairs (Batchelor 1952). Hencestochastic models have been developed (see Table 1) for relative velocity between particles. These models have had somenotable successes in predicting and explaining experimental observations. For example, Durbin (1982) shows that a two-particle dispersion model accounts for the observed sensitivity of the scalar variance in decaying grid turbulence to the initial scalar-to-velocity length scale ratio; and Thomson(1990) shows that his modelaccounts for the nontrivial evolution of the correlation coefficient betweenscalars emanatingfrom a pair of line sources in grid turbulence, which has been studied experimentally by Warhaft (1984). A key quantity in the specification of two-particle modelcoefficients is the separation distance between the particles. Only recently (Yeung1993) have DNSresults that can be used to develop and test such models become available. Someinsight is also provided by kinematic simulations (Fung et al 1992). The local deformation of material lines, surfaces, and volumes in a turbulent flow is determined by the velocity gradient tensor following the fluid (see e.g. Monin &Yaglom1985). This motivated the development stochastic Lagrangian models for the velocity gradient tensor by Pope & Cheng (1988) and Girimaji & Pope (1990). One use of such models is the calculation of the area density of premixedturbulent flame sheets (Pope & Cheng 1988). An important yet difficult topic is stochastic Lagrangian models~b*(t) for a set of scalars ~b ÷ (t)--such as temperatureand species concentrations. In conjunction with a Langevinmodel, a stochastic modelfor ~b*(t) leads Annual Reviews 58 POPE to a modeled equation :for the Eulerian joint pdf of velocity and composition which can be used to study turbulent reactive flows. Examplesof applications of this approach can be found in Anand&Pope (1987), Masri & Pope (1990), Haworth & E1 Tahry (1991), Correa & Pope (1992), (1993), Taing et al (1993), and elsewhere. A set of compositions q~ has certain properties that are very different from these of velocity U. Amongthese are: boundedness; localness of interactions in composition space; and (in important limiting cases) linearity and independence (Pope 1983b, 1985). These properties make the modelingof 4~*(t) different and more difficult than the modelingof U*(t). Currently there is no modelthat is even qualitatively satisfactory in all respects. The simplest model---proposed in several different contexts and with different justifications--is the linear deterministic model: dt - C4(co) (~b* - (q~)) (87) (Chung 1969, Yamazaki & Ichigawa 1970, Dopazo & O’Brien 1974, Frost 1975, Borghi 1988). Although (in application to inhomogeneousturbulent reactive flows) the modelis not without merit, because it is deterministic, it clearly provides a poor representation of time series of the fluid particle composition ~b+(t). Also widely employed are stochastic mixing models (e.g. Curl 1963, Dopazo 1979, Janicka et al 1979, Pope 1982). In the terminology of stochastic processes, these modelsare point processes: The value of ~p*(t) is piecewise constant, changing discontinuously at discrete time points. Again, these modelshave their uses, but clearly the time series they generate, 4’*(0, are qualitatively different to those of turbulent fluid, 4,+(t). Shownin Table 1 are the only proposed models that are stochastic, that generate continuous time series, and that preserve the boundedness of scalars. It is possible that a completely satisfactory model at this level will not be achieved. Instead, it may be necessary to incorporate more information, particularly that pertaining to scalar gradients (see e.g. Meyers & O’Brien 1981, Pope 1990, Fox 1992). 6. CONCLUSION- Lagrangian PDF methods are based on stochastic Lagrangian models-that is, stochastic models for the evolution of properties following fluid particles. For example, stochastic models for the fluid particle velocity U*(t) (Equation 70) and for the turbulence frequency o~*(t) (Equation 66) Annual Reviews LAGRANGIAN PDF METHODS 59 lead to closed modelequations for both the Lagrangian and Eulerian joint pdfs of these quantities. The Eulerian pdf equation can be used as a turbulence modelto calculate the properties of inhomogeneousturbulence flows. This equation is solved numerically by a Monte Carlo method which is based, naturally, on the tracking of a large number of particles. The primary stochastic models reviewed here are for velocity (based on the Langevinequation), for the turbulent frequency (or dissipation), for the fluid particle acceleration. Lagrangian statistics extracted from direct numerical simulations of homogeneousturbulence have played a central role in the developmentof these models. Similar statistics at higher Reynolds numbers and in inhomogeneousflows are needed to develop and test the modelsfurther. Other fluid properties--most importantly the composition S--can be adjoined to the PDFmethod. This requires stochastic models for the quantities involved. In spite of considerable efforts, deficiencies remainin stochastic models for composition. There is a close connection between Lagrangian PDF methods and Reynolds-stress closures. This connection can be used to benefit both approaches. In particular, new ideas in Reynolds-stress modeling (e.g. Durbin 1991, Lumley 1992, Reynolds 1992) can be readily incorporated in PDF methods. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I amgrateful to Dr. B. L. Sawfordfor permission to reproduce Figures 8 and 9. For commentsand suggestions on the draft of this paper I thank M. S. Anand, R. O. Fox, D. C. Haworth, J. C. R. Hunt, B. L. Sawford, D. J. Thomson, C. C. Volte, and P. K. Yeung. This workwas supported in part by the USAir Force Office of Scientific Research (grant number AFOSR-91-0184),and by the National Science Foundation (grant number CTS-9113236). Literature Cited Anand, M. S., Pope, S. B. 1985. Diffusion behind a line source in grid turbulence. In Turbulent Shear Flows 4, ed. L. J. S. Bradbury, F. Durst, B. E. Launder, F. W. Schmidt, J. H. Whitelaw, pp. 4(~61. Berlin: Springer-Verlag Anand,M. S., Pope, S. B. 1987. Calculations of premixed turbulent flames by pdf methods. Combust. Flame 67:127~42 Anand, M. S,, Pope, S. B., Mongia, H. C. 1989. A pdf method for turbulent recir- culating flows. In Turbulent Reactive Flows, Lect. Notes in Engr9. 40: 672-93. Berlin: Springer-Verlag Anand, M. 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