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Youth Mobility Agreement: Thessaloniki, Greece

Project: PUSH UP SPORTS AND ARTS BALKAN, Thessaloniki, Greece - Erasmus+
18-24 august 2021
Approval Code: 2021-2-EL02-KA152-YOU-000040526
As a participant of the project,
1. I am aware that I will have to carry out all the duties assigned to me.
2. I will do my best so the project will turn out an unforgettable experience for all participants.
3. I understand that I have to respect the other participants and I have to be tolerant towards their cultures.
4. I understand that the mobility has to be held in the spirit of tolerance and cooperation and that prejudices are not wanted.
5. I agree that I will take part at the preparation, implementation and the evaluation of the project, which will be
coordinated by ESAI EN ROI Cultural Organization of Macedonia-Thrace, with participatory countries:
6. I agree to cooperate with the other participants as a group.
7. I understand that ESAI EN ROI wishes that all the participants of the international camp get as much experience of
working in a group as possible.
8. I am responsible for my actions during the international mobility. I will pay for the damage in case I would destroy something.
9. I will respect the other participants and their personal things.
10. I will follow the hierarchy of the administration, asking/ applying queries/ making comments or complaints to my
group leader (name of the Youth Leader: ……………………………………….)
11. I will keep updated and revise my data whenever necessary through the interactive online project management tool
of trello.com
12. I will support dissemination process and multiplier events of the current camp by sharing my opinions through a. one
articleof 10 sentences at least, about the camp and the place of venue & one article of 10 sentences at least, about
the local event that I participated. I will also support the dissemination of the project contributing to the newsletters of
the REYOUTH blog, website and facebook.
ESAI EN ROI as the organization with which I will take part at this international mobility, will take care of the local and
international transportation of the participants (Pax will be refunded only if you keep travel receipts including e tickets
with prices, boarding pass, local transfers tickets; Travel refund per person is up to ……..€ (according to real travel costs.
Reimbursement will be accomplished the latest until the end of the evaluation process, after some months).
1. The hosting Organization will take care of the food and accommodation during the mobility.
2. The hosting organisation will make sure that the working environment will be safe but the participants have to
respect all security rules.
3. Before the mobility ESAI EN ROI will provide all the information necessary.
4. I have the right that the group leader helps me.
5. I can expect from the group leader that she/he will listen to my eventual
ESAI EN ROI Cultural Organization of Macedonia – Thrace || 4, Eratosthenous Str., 56429 Thessaloniki, GREECE
Tel. + 2314 042 342, Email: eu@esai.gr
problems and will help me solve them.
6. I can expect that the group leader will encourage good relations and communication
among participants.
7. Just like all the other participants I have the right to express myself freely. I have the right to evaluate the mobility
independently. Everybody has the right to express themselves freely and to take part at the making of decisions
during the exchange.
Each participant is responsible for getting the European health insurance card for abroad. The damage or loss
of luggage is not included in the insurance.
By Signing below, I agree with the term and conditions described above.
If the participant is a minor, I agree that the minor has my consent to participate in the project.
Sign Here if Participant is an Adult
Signature of Participant:
Place and date:
Greece, 10.08.2022
Sending Organization
Hosting Organization
Signature & Stamp
Signature & Stamp
ESAI EN ROI Cultural Organization of Macedonia – Thrace || 4, Eratosthenous Str., 56429 Thessaloniki, GREECE
Tel. + 2314 042 342, Email: eu@esai.gr