INDICATOR DEFINITION How is it calculated? Goal Outcom es 1 Outputs 1.1 Outcom es 2 Percentag e of DREbased technolog ies adopted by rural entrepren eurs benefiting from the DOEN Project. Improve access to DREbased technolog ies services to rural entrepren eurs. Increased funding allocation and disburse ment for DREbased technolog ies services in rural communit ies. Strengthe ned Communi ty systems to improve linkage and Number of entreprene urs who have adopted DREbased technologi es divide by the number Number of the identified end users’ needs, multiplied by 100. Proportion al of funding and allocation for DREbased technologi es services. BASELIN E What is the current value? TARGET What is the target value? DATA SOURCE FREQUEN CY RESPONSI BLE How will it be measured/ collected? How often will it be measure d? Who will measure it? REPORTI NG SCHEDUL E REPORTING Where will it be reported? % % Field Surveys and visits. Annual M&E Specialis t Quarterl y Activity report % % Activity report Quarterl y Program Manager Quarterl y Activity report Outputs 2.1 access to DREbased technolog ies services. Increase the number of identified end users’ needs who had little access to DREbased technolog y services. Outputs 2.2 Installing Ground Interventi ons Outcom Entrepren eurs financial stability and profitabilit y improved. es 3 Outputs 3.2 Increased in incomegeneratin g activities. Outputs 3.3 Increased growth and productivi ty. Number of beneficiari es reached/ identified in the three (3) additional regions, three (3) districts, and nine (9) wards, disaggreg ated by (Sex, Age, Marital status, Region, district, ward, and others). Total number of installed ground interventio ns. Total number of new business enterprise s establishe d by the end-users beneficiari es. # # Field reports Quarterl y PIU Team Monthly Activity report # # Monthly reports Monthly PIU Team Quarterl y Final Activity report # # Survey of the endusers beneficiar ies Quarterl y Assigned PIU Team Monthly Activity report Outcom es 4 Increased Communi ty awarenes s, knowledg e, and understan ding of DREbased technolog ies and sustainab le use of technolog y innovatio ns. Outputs 4.1 End-user trainings, workshop s, and seminars conducte d to create awarenes s on DRE technolog ies Number of supportive supervisio n, capacity building seminars and trainings conducted to review supply chain practices and availability of essential DREbased technologi es for project beneficiari es on marketing, product diversifica tion, and business manageme nt. Outputs 4.2 Communi ty level meetings. Number of communit y level meetings which have been conducted so as to create awareness # # # # Field visits reports Quarterl y PIU Team Monthly Activity report in all districts/w ards Outputs 4.3 Beneficiar ies awarenes s on DRE technolog ies Outcom Increased interactio n/ coordinati on between stakehold ers, Service Providers, and rural SMEs. es 5 Outputs 5.1 Outputs 5.2 Increase partnershi ps with other stakehold ers working in DREbased technolog ies, farming, and nonfarming value chains. LGA, DNTF and extension worker capacity improved Percentag e of endusers beneficiari es whose knowledge and understan ding of the sustainabl e use of technolog y innovation s among communit y members is Increased. Number of partnershi p who are working and supporting beneficiari es of KAKUTE DOEN Projects Number of LGA staff, DNTF and Extension workers capacitate d % % Survey of the endusers beneficiar ies Quarterl y M&E Specialis t Quarterl y Activity report # # Activity report Quarterl y Program Manager Quarterl y Activity report # # Activity report Quarterl y PIU Team Quarterl y Activity report disaggreg ated by sex. Outcom es 6 Outputs 6.1 Improved capacity of KAKUTE staffs on M&E. Hiring M&E Officer to support KAKUTE Interventi ons. Number of seminars and trainings conducted to improve staffs capacity on M&E # # Activity report Quarterl y Project Coordina tor Quarterl y Activity report