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TACTICs for Managing Difficult Negotiations

TACTICs For Managing
Difficult Negotiations
Managing difficult negotiations is not easy, the TACTIC model can help you
deal and communicate with a manipulative sales negotiator.
***Video Script ***
As much as we want sales negotiations with our customers to be a mutually
beneficial process, there are times when we are faced with managing difficult
negotiations with an extremely tough negotiator on the other side who views
negotiating as a zero sum game. Sometimes these negotiators can even be
adversarial, employing manipulative or even use abusive negotiation techniques.
So what should you do when you find yourself dealing with an adversarial or
manipulative negotiator?
Regardless of the manipulative tactic used by the other party, we recommend
responding with our TACTIC model for adversarial negotiations:
Take a deep breath
Acknowledge the disagreement
Clarify the concern
Transfer the focus
Investigate mutually beneficial alternatives
Confirm next steps
Let’s look at each step in more detail.
Take a Deep Breath
When attacked by an adversarial negotiator or when you begin to feel
threatened by the other party, the first step is to literally take a deep breath.
Taking a deep breath diminishes your flight or fight response, lowers your
blood pressure and gives you time to think. The goal is to allow you to digest
the situation while remaining calm and professional before you respond or
react in a way that doesn’t protect your interests. The old adage to “Take a
deep breath and count to 10” can be very beneficial when dealing with a
challenging negotiator.
Acknowledge the Disagreement
The second step in a difficult and adversarial negotiating situation is to
acknowledge that there is disagreement. It’s okay to state openly that there is
a difference of opinion and to get the disagreement out on the table. “It
sounds like you feel strongly about that position and it’s really
important.” People like to be acknowledged and heard, even if you aren’t
immediately agreeing with them. Acknowledging their perspective has the
effect of diffusing the charge behind their emotion and helps delay the urge for
you to jump in and immediately respond or convince them why you’re right.
When done with genuine interest, this can positively shift the nature of the
Clarify the Concern
The next step is to ask thoughtful, open-ended questions in an attempt to
clarify the concern or nature of the adversarial situation. In other words, you
might ask “Can you help me understand why that is so important to you? “Tell
me more about why that is upsetting to you?” Often just asking a few
questions and then really listening can diffuse the situation and create an
atmosphere of collaboration instead of conflict. This has the added benefit
of helping ensure you respond to the actual concern, and not one you've
misinterpreted or fabricated in your head.
Transfer the Focus
Transferring the focus is making an effort to shift attention away from the most
contentious or difficult issue and reframe the discussion around the shared
interests that build the backbone of working together. Reminding the
customer as to why you are at the negotiating table (“I’m still really excited
about getting this deal put together so we can move forward with helping you
solve your customer service issue.”). Identifying the shared interests that help
the customer solve their business problems creates the foundation
for mutually beneficial negotiations. Strong shared interests and a focus on
why the deal is important to both parties can help smooth over many bumpy
issues that come up during the negotiation. The more difficult issues can be
brought up again if necessary, but only after other issues have been worked
out and more progress has been made toward getting the deal done.
Sometimes the difference between a successful negotiation and one that falls
apart is just the ability to think creatively about how to resolve the differences
and create collaborative solutions. If we’re forced into an “us/them” mentality
it’s hard to think out of the box and be creative. If we truly work to understand
the other side’s perspective and investigate the “Interests behind the
positions” we often find that there is more than one way to resolve a
sticking point. “We aren’t able to give you the price you demanded at this
time, but we can help you with co-marketing programs that will grow your
market and increase your overall net profit. Would adding $xx more per year
to your bottom line be worth paying a bit more per unit?”
Confirm Next Steps
Once you’ve Taken a deep breath, Acknowledged the disagreement, Clarified
the concerns, Transferred the focus back onto shared interests,
and Investigated alternatives, it is time to test the waters, determine if you’ve
made progress, and Confirm the next steps. The best way to do this is to ask
the other party. “Based on the alternatives we’ve discussed, are we ok to
move forward? Even though we haven’t resolved all the issues, are you
comfortable proceeding with our negotiations at this point?” We want to get
their commitment that they are willing to work with us in the negotiation as
opposed to digressing into an adversarial, one-sided attack.
If we sense that the animosity and adversarial attitude is still present, it may
be time to take a “time out” and reschedule the discussion for a future date
when they have time to cool off - and you have time to regroup and do some
additional planning. You might also determine that you need to appeal to a
“higher authority,” and attempt to escalate the discussion within their
organization. At the same time, if you are deadlocked in the negotiation, you
might want to bring in “reinforcements” from your side in terms of an executive
from your organization, a professional negotiator, or your legal team. It’s not
failure on your part to seek additional resources, it’s just smart negotiating to
use all the resources you have at your disposal.
The next time you are presented with a challenging, adversarial negotiator, try
the TACTIC model to help you through the discussion . . .and first off,
remember to breathe.