Uploaded by Husnora Po'latova

UK Goods Transportation Analysis 1974-2002

Task 1
Full name: Husnora Po’latova
The line graph illustrates how many goods were transported in the UK from 1974 to 2002 by four
means of transportation. Overall, road transportation and waterways shifted more products rather than
the amount carried by railway tracks and pipelines.
First and foremost, there was a significant rise in goods transited generally in this country over 28
year-period showing up to 70 million tons (1974) and hitting a peak at just under 100 million tons.
(2002) Goods transported by water and pipeline adhered to a similar rising trend, they started just
below 40 and about 5 million tons respectively and increased gradually just above 60 and above 20
million tons in the last year. Among the three types of transport, goods that were transported on road
were the most popular modes of transport.
An opposite pattern can be observed for the goods transported using rail. In 1974, the commodities
fetched by wheeled vehicles followed at sharp 40 million tons. And it decreased by showing 30
million tons in 1984.It then showed a fluctuation trajectory from 1984 to 1995. It rose considerably
until the year 2002 at just over 40 million tons.
Grade 8 E.S.L End of Term 1. AY- 2021-2022