Strategic Parameter for Special Events UPDATED 2018 Vendor Tech Object Parameters Name Existing Values Suggestion Values Remark KPI related Priority UL Power Congestion UCORRMALGOSWIT MAPSWITCH_MAP_HSUPA_TTI_2M UL Power TRUE FALSE Disable 2ms TTI for HSUPA service CH S_SWITCH Congestion Maximum number of retransmissions of the RRC High SPU UIDLEMODETIMER N300 3 1 CONNECTION REQUEST message. Load UL CE Higher value (i.e D64 Congestion, UFRC BeHsupams2msTTIrateths D64, D256,D1280 Threshold of selecting TTI 2ms for HSUPA changed to D384) UL Power Congestion CS RAB UCELLALGOSWITCH CSRABCacOptSwitch OFF ON Enable loose CAC algorithm for CS RAB Congestion Higher value (i.e 40 CELL-PCH inactivity timer for UEs enabled with the High SPU UPSINACTTIMER PsInactTmrForPreFstDrm 10,20,40,90,360 changed to 90) Fast Dormancy feature Load CQIFbCk=D8,CQIFbCk CQIFbCk=D20,CQIFbC Reduce Uu Load & improve RTWP to increase CS UCELLHSDPCCH CQIFbCk, CQIFbCkforSHO RTWP forSHO=8; kforSHO=D20; Traffic Maximum number of retransmissions of the RRC High SPU WCEL_SIB N300 3 1 CONNECTION REQUEST message. Load target for the total wideband interference power UL Power WCEL_LC PrxTarget 80 260 received in a cell Congestion UL Power WCEL_PS DeltaPrxMaxUp 8 25 maximum received uplink power increase in a cell Congestion the maximum received uplink power decrease in a UL Power WCEL_PS DeltaPrxMaxDown 15 10 cell Congestion maximum downlink user bit rate allowed in a cell WCEL_AC MaxBitrateDLPSNRT 256 128 Code Blocking for an NRT PS domain RAB Huawei 3G UCELLALGOSWITCH Huawei 3G Huawei 3G Huawei 3G Huawei 3G Huawei 3G Huawei 3G Nokia 3G Nokia 3G Nokia 3G Nokia 3G Nokia 3G NBMULCACALGOSELSWITCH ALGORITHM_SECOND ALGORITHM_OFF Disable uplink call admission control algorithm Type 1 P 1 R 2 P (3 to 2) R (2 to 1) 2 R 1 R 2 R 1 R 2 P (3 to 2) R (2 to 1) 1 R 2 R 2 R 1 R Strategic Parameter for Special Events UPDATED 2018 Vendor Tech Object Parameters Name Existing Values Suggestion Values Remark KPI related Priority Type Nokia 4G MRBTS/LNBTS/LNCEL maxNumActDrb 972 1260 Max number act DRB Latency 2 R Nokia 4G MRBTS/LNBTS/LNCEL maxNumActUE 324 384 Maximum number of active UEs RAB Blocking 1 R Nokia 4G maxNumRrc 324 420 Max Number RRC RRC Blocking 1 R maxNumRrcEmergency 360 420 Max Number RRC Emergency RRC Blocking 1 R t302 8000 ms 12000 ms Timer T302 RRC Blocking 2 P t300 4 5 Timer T300 RRC Blocking 2 P ulpcIniPrePwr 8 7 Preamble initial received target power RRC Blocking 1 R preambTxMax 6 5 Preamble transmission maximum RRC Blocking 1 P inactivityTimer 10 5 Inactivity Timer RRC Blocking 1 P Nokia MRBTS/LNBTS/LNCEL /MPUCCH MRBTS/LNBTS/LNCEL 4G /MPUCCH Nokia 4G MRBTS/LNBTS/LNCEL Nokia 4G Nokia Nokia Nokia MRBTS/LNBTS/LNCEL /SIB MRBTS/LNBTS/LNCEL 4G /SIB MRBTS/LNBTS/LNCEL 4G /SIB MRBTS/LNBTS/LNCEL 4G /PS Huawei 4G Cell level RbgAllocStrategy Round Up ADAPTIVE Adaptive RBG Allocation High PRB load 1 R Huawei 4G Cell level PreambleTransMax 6 5 Uplink power control RRC Blocking 1 P Huawei 4G Cell level PreambInitRcvTargetPwr -104 -106 Uplink power control RRC Blocking 1 P Huawei 4G Cell level UeInactiveTimer 10 5 Inactivity timer RRC Blocking 2 P Huawei 4G Cell level UlRaUserSchOptSw 0 1 Improve scheduling priority of uplink access signaling RRC Blocking 1 P 2 R 2 R 2 R Nokia 3G Cell MaxBitRateULPSNRT 384 16 Save resources from R99 Nokia 3G Cell MaxBitRateDLPSNRT 384 16 Save resources from R99 Nokia 3G Cell MaxActiveSetSize 3 2 Save all resources from reusing in SHO , should be applied in expected high congested area Power blocking Power blocking Power blocking Nokia 3G Cell CodeTreeOptTimer 3600 1200 Decrease the reshuffling timer Code Blocking 1 P Nokia 3G Cell PowerRampStepPRACHpreamble 3 2 Decrease the ramp step size to save uplink power RRC Blocking 1 P Nokia 3G Cell UETXPowerMAXprach 21 19 Decrease the MAX UE TX power during RACH state RRC Blocking 1 P Nokia 3G WAC MACdflowutilRelThr 1 2 Push More HS user to FACH in order free more resources to AMR user Power blocking 1 P