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Dogs and Wolves: Origins, Behavior, and Fun Facts

Editor: Braylon Peach
The Woman with the Wolves
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Do dogs come from Wolves
Researchers say that it is true that all dogs today
came from wolves. Their conclusion for how did they
Type into
is that a wolf was tamed or
domesticated at some point in time. Eventually over
time friendly wolves become todays dogs! The tame
wolves genes continued in their offspring and over
time dogs have changed tremendously!
Are wolves vicious animals?
It turns out that wolves aggression
against humans is less common. Most
humans are scared of them and think
they are mean. Its proven that other
large animals have more aggression
towards humans and pets than wolves.
With that being said wolves may still
have acts of aggression towards
humans and pets.
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Fun Facts:
All wolves have
42 teeth in the
Wolf litters are
about 4-6 pups
Wolves can run
about 40 MPH!