S u ns h i n e2 Program1 (page 00) Main Objective: Time Stage Activity WARM-UP 5mins ENG AG E (insert text here) (insert text here) (insert text here) (insert text here) (insert text here) (insert text here) LET’S DRILL 5mins STUDY (insert text here) (insert text here) (insert text here) (insert text here) (insert text here) (insert text here) 5mins LET’S PLAY AC TIV ATE (insert text here) (insert text here) (insert text here) (insert text here) (insert text here) (insert text here) ONE MORE 5mins PRODUC E (insert text here) (insert text here) (insert text here) (insert text here) (insert text here) (insert text here) FREETALK 5mins INTEG RATE (insert text here) (insert text here) (insert text here) (insert text here) (insert text here) (insert text here) Material needed S u ns h i n e2 年 (PA R T ) 組 番 名前 __________________ ● WA R M- U P (A C T I V I T Y T I T L E ) INSTRUCTIONS: Listen to your teacher. Write the correct number. (text) (text) (text) (text) (text)