Environ Sci Pollut Res DOI 10.1007/s11356-013-2171-2 NEW APPROACHES FOR LOW-INVASIVE CONTAMINATED SITE CHARACTERIZATION, MONITORING AND MODELLING Integration of geophysical, geochemical and microbiological data for a comprehensive small-scale characterization of an aged LNAPL-contaminated site Alessandro Arato & Markus Wehrer & Borbala Biró & Alberto Godio Received: 15 April 2013 / Accepted: 16 September 2013 # Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2013 Abstract Characterization of aged hydrocarbon-contaminated sites is often a challenge due to the heterogeneity of subsurface conditions. Geoelectrical methods can aid in the characterization of such sites due to their non-invasive nature, but need to be supported by geochemical and microbiological data. In this study, a combination of respective methods was used to characterize an aged light non-aqueous phase liquid-contaminated site, which was the scene of a crude oil blow-out in 1994. As a consequence, a significant amount of crude oil was released into the subsurface. Complex resistivity has been acquired, both Responsible editor: Michael Matthies Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:10.1007/s11356-013-2171-2) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users. A. Arato (*) : A. Godio Dipartimento di Ingegneria per l’Ambiente, il Territorio e le Infrastrutture, Politecnico di Torino, Corso Duca degli Abruzzi 24, 10129 Torino, Italy e-mail: alessandro.arato@polito.it M. Wehrer Lehrstuhl für Hydrogeologie, Institut für Geowissenschaften, Burgweg 11, 07749 Jena, Deutschland M. Wehrer Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey, 101 Warren Street, Newark, NJ 07102, USA along single boreholes and in cross-hole configuration, in a two-borehole test site addressed with electrodes, to observe the electrical behaviour at the site over a two-year period (2010–2011). Geoelectrical response has been compared to results of the analysis of hydrocarbon contamination in soil and groundwater samples. Geochemical parameters of groundwater have been observed by collecting samples in a continuous multi-channel tubing (CMT) piezometer system. We have also performed a biological characterization on soil samples by drilling new boreholes close to the monitoring wells. Particular attention has been given to the characterization of the smear zone that is the sub-soil zone affected by the seasonal groundwater fluctuations. In the smear zone, trapped hydrocarbons were present, serving as organic substrate for chemical and biological degradation, as was indicated by an increase of microbial biomass and activity as well as ferrogenicsulfidogenic conditions in the smear zone. The results show a good agreement between the intense electrical anomaly and the peaks of total organic matter and degradation by-products, particularly enhanced in the smear zone. Keywords Multi-component NAPL . Aquifer . Borehole geophysics . Induced polarization . Complex resistivity . Geochemical monitoring . Multilevel piezometer . Biological assays . Crude oil . Bio-degradation Introduction B. Biró Institute for Soil Sciences and Agricultural Chemistry, Centre for Agricultural Research, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Herman Otto ut 15, 1022 Budapest, Hungary Present Address: B. Biró Faculty of Horticulture Department of Soil Science and Water Management, CORVINUS University of Budapest, Villányi ut 29-43, H-1118 Budapest, Hungary Porous media can be considered as multi-phase systems, consisting of solid grains and pores, partially or totally filled by various fluids. Each phase is responsible, through its individual electrical properties, for the bulk resistivity of the formation which is going to be measured in the field. An important contribution also comes from the geometric arrangement of the solid matrix and the (non-)aqueous solution Environ Sci Pollut Res filling the inter-connected pores. The flow of electric charges through the soil depends on electrolytic conduction (e.g. Archie 1942; Kemna 2000), interfacial conduction and polarization mechanisms (e.g. Seigel 1959; Börner et al. 1996). We can distinguish between these different phenomena by measuring, in time domain, direct current (DC) conduction properties (i.e. electrical conductivity or its reciprocal resistivity) and polarization mechanisms (i.e. chargeability, defined as the integral of a residual voltage decay after current switch-off). Since resistivity can be considered as a complex quantity and frequency dependent, a complete observation of electrical phenomena requires its measurement in frequency domain. Conduction and polarization properties of the soil are thus assessed by measuring the module and phase of a sinusoidal wave injected in the ground, related to the real and imaginary part of the complex resistivity, respectively. At hydrocarbon-contaminated sites, the presence of a third phase (fourth within the vadose zone) increases the complexity of the problem to be assessed. Past studies (e.g. Sauck 2000; Marcak and Golebiowski 2008) showed that the distribution of light non-aqueous phase liquid (LNAPL) contamination into the subsurface can be divided into four main fractions: – – – – dissolved phase within the saturated zone, corresponding to a contaminant plume that undergoes flow and transport processes into the aquifer; free phase within the saturated layer of the so-called smear zone (that corresponds to the zone of fluctuation of the piezometric surface); residual phase within the upper smearing zone (unsaturated); vapour phase within the vadose zone. The effect of the vapour phase can be neglected from a merely geoelectrical point of view, since it tends to migrate towards the surface and to be removed quite rapidly in the atmosphere. Whilst, all the other three phases of the contamination have to be considered. The presence of hydrocarbon contaminants in a unconsolidated porous medium produces a distinctive geoelectrical anomaly, since the LNAPL components are characterized by extremely high resistivity values, in a broad range between 106 and 109 Ωm (Lucius et al. 1992; Olhoeft 1985). Therefore, the presence of a hydrocarbon phase should result in resistive anomalies at NAPLcontaminated sites, especially in the early periods after the contamination, as found by several authors (e.g. Mazác et al 1990; DeRyck et al. 1993). However, in the case of long-term contamination, the matured hydrocarbon mixture can undergo bio-degradation, generating a conductive plume where an enhanced concentration of ionic species and degradation by-products can be found (e.g. Atekwana et al. 2000; Atekwana et al. 2004; Abdel Aal et al. 2004, 2006). Most of literature works agree that aged hydrocarbon undergoing degradation results in a conductive plume with enhanced polarization response (e.g. Atekwana et al. 2000, 2002; Abdel Aal et al. 2004, 2006; Werkema et al. 2003), but there are some studies that associate strong NAPL contamination to resistive feature into the subsoil (e.g. Benson et al. 1997; Tezkan et al. 2005; Frohlich et al. 2008). Quantitative information on the role of biomass degrading activity is difficult to obtain, especially if it needs to be converted in a useful parameter for geophysical data inversion. Studies on the effect of microbial activity at hydrocarbon-contaminated sites have shown a decrease in bulk resistivity and an increase in induced polarization (IP) response in correspondence to the contaminated locations and to the conductive plumes detected downstream. Degradation process is responsible for surface alteration and increase in surface conduction due to the interaction of contaminants with grain surfaces(e.g. Abdel Aal et al. 2004, 2006), affecting the resistivity and the IP response (both in time-domain and in frequency-domain). Therefore, due to their non-invasive nature, geoelectrical methods offer an excellent opportunity to aid characterization of NAPL-contaminated sites. On the other hand, a robust model to explain the geophysical response accounting for the presence of NAPL (and for biodegradation activity) has yet to be developed because of the difficulty in distinguishing surface and electrolytic effects and because the smearing process increases the complexity of fluid distribution and saturation into the pore spaces, creating isolated blobs (or pendular rings in water non-wetting grain surfaces) of NAPL and enhancing the spatial heterogeneity at the contaminated locations. This work is aimed to provide a comprehensive small-scale characterization of hydrocarbon-degradation processes by means of both geoelectrical cross-hole time- and frequencydomain methods, together with monitoring campaigns of physico-chemical parameters and laboratory biological analysis at a hydrocarbon-contaminated site in Northwest Italy. The integrated approach has been composed of geophysical techniques, geochemical monitoring and biological laboratory assessments. Indirect information coming from vertical profiles and 2D section of electrical resistivity and induced polarization measurements are validated by direct measurements of the most relevant geochemical parameters of soil and water samples, and by laboratory counts of (an-)aerobic bacterial colonies. Biological degrading activity is estimated by carrying out enzymatic assays. Material and methods The experimental activity has been carried out at Trecate site over a 2-year time period, from 2009 to 2011. After a preliminary geophysical characterization of the site (2008–2009), presented in Godio et al. (2010), a test site for cross-hole monitoring has been set-up in December 2008 within the most contaminated area of the site. Environ Sci Pollut Res The test site has been specifically designed to monitor time-lapse changes in electromagnetic properties both in the vadose and in the saturated zone. More specifically, it has been designed for cross-hole electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) and ground-penetrating radar (GPR), and completed with two PVC-screened boreholes (2″ diameter), named B-S3 and B-S4 as they were installed under the framework of EU project SoilCAM. The two boreholes are 6 m spaced and reach a depth of 18 m below ground surface (b.g.s.), and they allow to perform cross-hole GPR surveys and geochemical monitoring of groundwater quality, with multi-electrode probes. Each borehole consists of 24 electrodes, 0.7 m spaced, in the depth range between 1 m to 17.1 m b.g.s.. In December 2009, a multi-level sampling system has been installed in the vicinity of B-S3 and B-S4. Solinst continuous multi-channel tubing (CMT) system has been installed in situ with a direct push Geoprobe device. The CMT system consists of four multi-channel boreholes (named B-S5, B-S6, B-S7and B-S8, from WestEast direction), with seven separate micro-tubes in each. A transect of 28 sampling ports is then available for mapping the most important geochemical parameters of interstitial filling fluid vertically and horizontally in the saturated zone. Figure 1 shows the geographical location of the Trecate site, including the positioning of the test site for geophysical cross-hole monitoring (blue dots), the CMT system (red dots) and the sampling location for the biological characterization (black dots). The test site for geophysical and geochemical monitoring is described in Fig. 2. From the drilling of two boreholes of the CMT system, soil columns were extracted in transparent PVC liners, for laboratory characterization of lithological features, presence of contaminant and laboratory measurements of the major geochemical parameters. In addition, microbial count analysis and in vitro growth experiments were performed to assess the presence of active colonies of hydrocarbon-degrading bacteria. Geophysical characterization Several geophysical surveys have been carried out at the SoilCAM test site. More specifically, 1D and cross-hole 2D complex electrical resistivity measurements have been performed on a monthly basis from 2009 to 2011. In-hole resistivity and IP logs were acquired by shifting the quadripole with minimum inter-electrode separation along the total length of the boreholes. We used a Wenner configuration, with a = 0.7 m (i.e. the electrode separation). 2D resistivity tomography has been performed with a pole–dipole array, using the 48 electrodes along the two boreholes and a 49th electrode as the Fig. 1 Geolocalization of the Trecate test site, with indication of boreholes for geophysical small-scale monitoring (in blue), multi-level sampling system (in red) and the location of boreholes used for microbiological analysis (in black) Environ Sci Pollut Res Fig. 2 Description of the test site for geophysical monitoring and characterization of chemico-physical condition of the groundwater remote pole, which was placed 300 m farther away in the eastern direction. Measurements have been carried out with a complex resistivity device (Polares), developed by PASI Ltd., jointly with geophysics research group of Politecnico di Torino, which is designed to measure complex impedance data in the frequency range between 0.5 and 100 Hz. Analogue measurements were carried out with a DC-current device (IRIS Syscal), through which DC resistivity and chargeability data were acquired. Resistance and phase data from 1D borehole profiles were transformed to apparent resistivity and phase logs (the same was done with time-domain resistivity and chargeability), while the 2D complex impedance data were inverted using a novel code for modelling and inversion of 2D and 3D complex resistivity data, which is based on the theoretical framework developed by Borsic and Adler (2012). A least-squares minimization formulation is herein used, and then the L2-norm is minimized on both the data and the regularization term of the Occam’s objective function. The reconstructed resistivity (ρ rec) distribution comes from the minimization of the following equation: ρrec ¼ arg minkWd ðZðρÞ−Zmeas Þk2 þ αkWm ðρ−ρ0 Þk2 where ρ and ρ 0 are the complex resistivity distribution at the current and previous iteration respectively (ρ 0 can incorporate different sources of a priori information), W d is the data weighting matrix (a covariance matrix), Z is the vector of simulated complex impedances coming from the solution of the forward problem on the resistivity model Z, Z meas is the vector of the measured impedances, and, finally, α and W m represent the Tikhonov factor and the regularization matrix (which can control horizontal/vertical flatness of the model or can constrain the inversion to the prior resistivity model). The solution of this equation is carried out with a iterative Gauss–Newton approach, and the search for the model update Δρ k at the kth iteration is performed as JTk WTd Wd Jk þ αWTm Wm Δρk ¼ JTk WTd Wd ½Zmeas −Zðρk Þ−αWTm Wm ðρk −ρ0 Þ where J is the first-order differential matrix (the Jacobian), which accounts for the sensitivity of the data to variations of model parameters. The results of the inversion of complex resistivity data are a map of the amplitude (i.e. resistivity) and phase of the complex resistivity. In this context, the inversion is carried out on complex resistivity data collected at a frequency of 1.79 Hz. The data error values were estimated using the relationship proposed by LaBrecque et al. (1996), who defined a linear Environ Sci Pollut Res model for the errors in the data with the form: ε(R )=a +bR. The use of a pole–dipole sequence did not permit to perform a statistical analysis of the errors based on the discrepancy between direct and reciprocal measurements (LaBrecque et al. 1996). We based our error model on over-estimating the average repeatability instrumental error. Conscious that this choice, based on empirical knowledge, is widely arbitrary, we used an error estimation model having a =1 mΩ and b =0.02 and 0.05 for dataset of October 2010 and May 2011, respectively. As far as the phase errors are concerned, we applied the same linear model, using a=0.1° and b=0.05 and 0.1 for dataset of October 2010 and May 2011, respectively. Unrealistic data, such as positive phase shifts, were ignored. with a 0.45-μm filter with supor membrane and samples for inductive coupled plasma-optical emission spectroscopy (ICP OES), TOC and DOC were additionally acidified immediately after sampling. Sulfate(SO42−), nitrate (NO3−) and chloride (Cl−) were also analysed in the laboratory with ion chromatography. Total organic carbon (TOC) and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) was determined as non-purgeable organic carbon. TIC was determined as purgeable carbon after acidification. Total calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, iron and manganese were determined by ICP OES. TPH was extracted according to EN ISO 9377-2:2000 and measured with GCFID (see Supplemental Material). Microbial counts and enzymatic activity in below-ground soil layers Geochemical parameters in soil and groundwater samples To better understand the small-scale geophysical response at the test site, three measurement campaigns of the major geochemical parameters were carried out in August 2010, October 2010 and May 2011. The soil samples were analysed for grain size characterization, water content measurements (and derivation of related quantities such as bulk electrical conductivity and bulk dielectric permittivity), pH, cation exchange capacity (CEC) and measurements of total carbon (TC), total organic (TOC), total inorganic carbon (TIC) and total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH). Analysis of dithionite and oxalate dissolvable minerals, containing Fe, Mn and Al, were also performed. Details of the methods can be found in the supplemental material. Groundwater sampling was carried out in correspondence of the sampling ports of the multi-channel system at very low flow rate with submersible double-valve pumps. Each port was previously depurated from stagnant water by pumping several liters of water with a peristaltic pump. To avoid oxygen exchange through air and the sample, the double-valve pumps were operated with nitrogen gas. To avoid sample cross-contamination, pumps and tubes were cleaned thoroughly between two sampling events. In addition to the multilevel piezometers, a well-located outside the contaminated zone was sampled in order to derive the background values. Dissolved oxygen, electrical conductivity, redox potential, pH and CO2 were analysed online in flow through-cells with ion selective electrodes (WTW, Weilheim) during pumping on site. Nitrate (NO3−), nitrite (NO2−), sulfate(SO42−), sulfide (S2−), iron (Fe2+), manganese (Mn2+; for the second campaign only) and turbidity were determined photometrically on site immediately after sampling. Samples for laboratory analysis were kept refrigerated immediately after sampling during all time. The samples for laboratory analyses (carried out in Jena, Germany) were filtered in the field (except TOC samples) Microbial counts and growth experiments have been performed, in the laboratories of the RISSAC HAS (Budapest, Hungary), on contaminated and uncontaminated samples from nine different sampling locations at Trecate site (indicated by black dots in Fig. 1, with progressive ID number S1 to S9). Samples at different depths were assessed in order to obtain a vertical distribution of bacterial abundance and degrading activity. Isolation and enumeration of soil microorganisms were performed using the dilution plate-counting technique. For each depth, two series of diluted specimens were used, for the estimation of both aerobic and anaerobic microbial components in the soil samples. The catabolic enzymatic activity, through which it is possible to infer the presence of extra-cellular enzymes and thus to verify the presence of additional sources of energy, was characterized by fluorescent diacetate hydrolysis (FDA). FDA consists of a colourless transformation to fluorescein by both free and membrane-bound bacterial enzymes. FDA hydrolysis was measured to account for the general microbiological activity, as stated by Villanyi et al. (2006). Furthermore, the measure of FDA activity provides a description of the microbiological state of the soils, and can be compared to the amount of the contaminants (Biró et al. 2012, 2013). Results We hereby present the results of the integrated geochemical, biological and geophysical characterization at the contaminated site of Trecate. First, the results of direct (in situ and in laboratory) measurement of the geochemical evidences of the contamination and its natural degradation are shown. Finally, the results of the geoelectrical surveys are presented to spread the characterization over the whole section delimited by the boreholes B-S3 and B-S4. Environ Sci Pollut Res Fig. 3 Soil texture profiles from boreholes B-S5 and B-S7 Geological stratification The geological stratification has been obtained by performing a grain size analysis on soil liners from drilling of wells B-S5 and B-S7. As shown in Fig. 3, it has been pointed out a prevalence of gravel and sand along the entire column. Seventy percent of silty material (and 5 to 8 % of clay) has been measured in the top soil layer, in the depth range between 0 and 3 m. Downwards, no significant amount of clay was detected. Silt is present in low percentage (2–5 %) below a depth of 3 m, with an increase in B-S5 (up to 10 %) around a depth of 8 m. Distribution of geochemical parameters in soil and groundwater samples We mainly focus on the TOC, total petroleum hydrocarbon (TPH) and DOC as the main indicators of the vertical distribution of contaminants in groundwater and in soil. The TOC, DOC, Fetot and Mntot concentrations in the groundwater during three sampling campaigns in the four piezometer wells BS5 to BS8 are shown in Fig. 4 and, while in Fig. 5 the Total Carbon (TC), TOC and TPH in the solid phase are presented. TOC concentrations in soil samples below the depth of 3 m and in groundwater are due to the hydrocarbon content and can be used as representative for TPH, which was only measured during the third campaign (correlation coefficient TOC- TPH soil: 0.94, p =0.01; correlation coefficient TOC-TPH groundwater: 0.87, p =0.01). Figure 4a shows that in particular the depths from −8.5 to −10 m are a contaminant hot spot with large hydrocarbon concentrations. DOC concentrations do not show such a pronounced peak in these depths (Fig. 4b). The difference between TOC and DOC comprises oil droplets of size 0.45 μm or larger while DOC either represents smaller droplets, truly dissolved hydrocarbons or metabolic products of the hydrocarbon degradation. Depths between −7 and −8.5 and also between −10 and −12 m are affected by this fraction only, but not by the larger size droplets. There is remarkable little difference in the hydrocarbon concentrations at the three different sampling dates despite the groundwater fluctuations, which happened between these dates. The depths with large hydrocarbon concentrations in the solid phase (Fig. 5) correspond with the depth of the most contaminated groundwater. Figure 4c, d shows concentrations of total iron and specific conductivity of the pore water. Both iron and manganese (not shown, but reflective of the values for iron species) are largely comprised of the mobile species Fe2+ and Mn2+, respectively. Particularly the depths from −7 to −11 m are affected by large concentrations. Like TOC/DOC concentrations, the three sampling dates have very similar concentrations. Nitrate and nitrites were mostly absent (data not shown). Due to the sampling strategy, the detection limit for oxygen was quite high. A complete removal of oxygen out of the sampling system would have taken impractical long pumping intervals, Environ Sci Pollut Res Fig. 4 Plots of a TOC, b DOC, c FeTOT and d pore-water conductivity for the three sampling campaigns (blue, first; red, second and green, third campaign) in the four CMT wells. The background values (ref.) are indicated by the well in the uncontaminated location so samples were derived as soon as oxygen concentrations were <1 mg/l. We assume the oxygen is only present in trace amounts in the contaminated zone. Sulfate was below detection limit over the entire profile of the aquifer, compared to background concentrations of about 30 mg/l (data not shown). Only small amounts of sulfide were detected, which cannot explain the missing sulfate (data not shown). It seems that other reduced sulfur species, which were not analysed, are more abundant, for example HS− or H2S, which is to be expected at a circumneutral pH. Overall, the changes in ionic composition of the groundwater in the most contaminated zone result in an increase of the pore fluid electrical conductivity, as it is evident from Fig. 4d. The vertical distribution of oxalate dissolvable iron, which corresponds to amorphous and poorly crystallized oxides (Schwertmann 1964), is shown in Fig. 6 (left). The dithionite dissolvable fraction, which represents the sum of all iron oxides, differs hardly from the oxalate dissolvable fraction in greater depths below 6 m (data not shown). An estimate of magnetite content was obtained from empirical relations (e.g. Mullins 1977) on the basis of magnetic susceptibility measurements. A susceptibility value of ca. 100×10−6 cm3/g roughly corresponds to 0.2 mg/g of magnetite content. A peak Environ Sci Pollut Res Fig. 5 TC, TOC and TPH concentration on soil samples collected during the drilling operations for boreholes B-S5 (left) and B-S7 (right) in magnetic susceptibility, around 130×10−6 cm3/g, is observed in borehole B-S7 at the depth of 8 m but apart from that only in depths above −3 m such large values were recorded. In all other depths, the magnetic susceptibility is usually less than 50×10−6 cm3/g. Fig. 6 Concentration of iron oxides (left) and magnetic susceptibility (right) on soil samples from boreholes B-S5 and B-S7 Microbial counts and estimation of catabolic enzymatic activity Results of microbial counts are presented for the sampling position S1 and S4, respectively located outside the Environ Sci Pollut Res Fig. 7 Colony-forming units for aerobic microbes, measured at different depths in the sampling point S1 (left) and S4 (right) contaminated area and in the vicinity of the test site used for geophysical and geochemical monitoring. Figures 7 and 8 show the microbial counts for the aerobic and anaerobic microbes, respectively. Regarding the aerobic microbes, the abundance was found to be rather variable as a function of different soil layers. In the non-contaminated samples, the highest amount of bacterial colonies was found in the sample originating from the 4.3 m b.g.s. layer (Fig. 7, left). Fig. 8 Colony-forming units for anaerobic microbes, measured at different depths in the sampling point S1 (left) and S4 (right) Environ Sci Pollut Res Fig. 9 Fluorescein diacetate analysis, measured at different depths in the sampling point S1 (left) and S4 (right) Approximately the same quantity was estimated in the borehole S4 at depth of 6.1 m (Fig. 7, right), while lower counts were estimated in the saturated zone, where lower oxygen concentration was measured. The anaerobic microbes were discovered to be more abundant in the contaminated locations (here presented for borehole S4, in Fig. 8, right) than in the control non-contaminated samples (Fig. 8, left). In particular, higher counts of anaerobic microbes were obtained within the soil samples at depths around 6 and 11 m b.g.s.. Results of FDA hydrolysis are presented in Fig. 9. It is clear how a greater amount of fluorescein dye was estimated in the contaminated samples from borehole S4 (Fig. 9, right), compared to samples from borehole S1 (Fig. 9, left). No great differences were discovered in the amount of fluorescein produced in S4, within the depth range between 6.1 and 11 m b.g.s. Geoelectrical characterization Results of 1D apparent resistivity and IP logs are shown for the borehole B-S3 (Fig. 10a, b) and B-S4 (Fig. 10c, d), respectively. The electrical behaviour in the two boreholes, in particular the IP response, is dramatically different. The resistivity profiles point out four main layers: – a conductive superficial layer at the top (around 50– 100 Ω m), corresponding to a silty layer (0–≈3 m); – – – a medium resistive layer (several hundred ohms metre, with some peaks to 1,000 Ω m in B-S3; ≈3–≈8 m) above the piezometric surface, which presents oscillations due to various fluid saturation, and probable hydrocarbon smearing; a conductive layer below the water table (decreasing from several hundred to 100–200 Ω m; ≈8–≈12 m), corresponding to the contaminated saturated zone. a highly conductive layer corresponding to the slightlycontaminated saturated zone (100 Ω m; ≈12–16 m) IP logs show a complex behaviour, in particular along the borehole B-S3. The IP data appear to be consistent with the oscillations of the water table, with a peak (up to 100 mV/V) detected 1–2 m below the piezometric level. The main significant apparent IP anomaly is in the depth range between 8 and 12 m b.g.s. It is interesting to notice the accordance between the position of the IP peak and the water table level. On the contrary, very low IP values, mostly less than 5 mV/V, were found in B-S4. We observe from complex resistivity measurements a good agreement between apparent chargeability and phase values. We apply the method proposed by Kemna et al. (1997) to convert time domain into frequency domain data for vertical logs in borehole B-S3; an example on dataset acquired in February 2011 is shown in Fig. 11. A log of phase values obtained by linear conversion from DC apparent chargeability data measured with a DC georesistivimeter Environ Sci Pollut Res Fig. 10 Logs of apparent electrical resistivity and apparent chargeability from borehole B-S3, (a) and (b), and from borehole BS4, (c) and (d), respectively. Colored bars on the right side of a and c indicate water table level at each time-step (IRIS Syscal Pro) is compared to logs of apparent phase angle, measured in the frequency range between 0.5 and 100 Hz with PASI Polares. Results of inversion of 2D resistivity data shown in Figs. 12 and 13 point out a lateral variability in both amplitude and phase of the complex resistivity, both for the October 2010 data Environ Sci Pollut Res Fig. 11 Comparative plot of vertical phase logs (data of February 2011) along B-S3, and phase log from time domain chargeability data (TDIP), obtained by using the relation proposed by Kemna et al. (1997) and for the May 2011 data. The inversion process of the 2D data greatly reduces the overall IP values, and the anomalies in B-S3 are in the order of 10-20 mradians, in the depth range between 6 to 10 m. The resulting map of complex resistivity for the dataset of May 2011 shows a relatively more prominent phase response, with a phase anomaly extended at a depth of 12 m b.g.s.. Discussion The results of the integrated characterization at the Trecate test site indicate that a strong contamination at the site and residual NAPL is present mostly in the aquifer affected by the seasonal water table fluctuations (from 6 to 11 m b.g.s.). An oil emulsion, measured as difference between TOC and DOC, is present within a more confined region between 8.5 and 10 m. Remarkably, 10 m is also the depth of the groundwater level at the beginning of February, when the blow out occurred in 1994. Despite the groundwater fluctuations, the measured concentrations are rather time invariant at the three sampling dates. All arguments hint on a strong retention of NAPL in the contaminated zone, even emulsified NAPL remains in place. The buoyancy of the droplets is not strong enough that all oil floats on top and the horizontal hydrodynamic forces due to groundwater flow are not large enough for a down gradient transport. Potentially, horizontal groundwater flow in the smear zone is restricted by blockage of pore throats in the smear zone. Blockage could be an effect of the increased biomass and/or NAPL filled pore throats. The parameters indicate also a horizontal heterogeneity of the contamination. However, the horizontal coverage of data is too sparse to allow further conclusions. Microbial degradation of hydrocarbons has multiple effects on the hydrochemistry. Hydrocarbons are degraded and converted to CO2 or metabolic byproducts. Dissolution of CO2 results in increase of electrical conductivity of the pore water and decrease of the pH. Microbial degradation of crude oil hydrocarbons requires terminal electron acceptors, which are used preferentially depending on the energy gain of the reaction. First, oxygen and nitrate are depleted. Then, manganese and iron oxides are reduced, Environ Sci Pollut Res Fig. 12 October 2010. Module (left) and phase (right) of the complex resistivity (at 1.79 Hz) distribution at Trecate site. The white line indicates the level of the piezometric surface which results in the production of Mn2+ and Fe2+ ions. The next lower energy gain is derived through the reduction of sulfate to sulfur or hydrogen sulfide (Christensen et al. 2000). The presence of dissolved Mn and Fe indicates manganese and iron oxide-reducing conditions. Because sulfate is missing, it must have been used as electron acceptor also. In summary, the conditions can be characterized as ferrogenic on the limit to sulfidogenic. This is supported by the anaerobic CFU counts in the contaminated area (Fig. 8), which are more than 2 orders of magnitude greater than the anaerobic CFUs in the uncontaminated control location. In contrast, no considerable differences on aerobic microbial CFUs can be found in the contaminated region versus uncontaminated location (Fig. 7). The results of FDA hydrolysis, presented in Fig. 9, are important to check whether the soil condition are favourable or not for a conspicuous bacterial growth. The amount of fluorescein produced in the analysed samples, which is related to the presence of additional energy sources (in this case, the contaminant), is 10 times greater in the deeper samples of S4 (in the contaminated region). The depth range between 6 and 11 m corresponds in fact to the hydrocarbon-smearing zone. It is interesting to note that sulfate is missing in all sampled depth of the profile, while Mn and Fe only occur in the most contaminated zone. The reason could be that sulfate is reduced upstream of the investigated area, which is located in the centre of the contaminated zone, and transverse mixing results in a homogeneous distribution of the depleted groundwater over the whole water column. In contrast, Mn and Fe are less mobile due to precipitation outside the iron and manganese reduction zone or due to the precipitation of iron and manganese sulfides (Baedecker et al. 1993; Bennett et al. 1993). Consequently, they are not affected by the transverse mixing as much. This finding contradicts the traditional assumption of the geometry of redox zonation (Lyngkilde and Christensen 1992), where zones of low redox potential, as indicated by the redox sensitive species, should be surrounded by zones of higher redox potential. Instead, our data supports growing evidence that reaction and transport characteristics of the individual species and site heterogeneities are important for the characterization of plumes at aged NAPL sites (Wilson et al. 2004). As far as the geophysical results are concerned, we attribute the low resistivity of the top 3 m to the high silt and clay content, resulting in a larger water-holding capacity than the layers below. The high resistivity in the second layer (≈3–≈8 m) is most likely due to the low water content of the unsaturated coarse material. Detection of contaminated horizons in the unsaturated zone is complicated, since the NAPL is present as a residual phase and adds to the bulk resistivity Environ Sci Pollut Res Fig. 13 May 2011. Module (right) and phase (right) of the complex resistivity (at 1.79 Hz) distribution at Trecate site. The white line indicates the level of the piezometric surface increase due to the unsaturated conditions. We do not assume that the resistivity changes at depths >3 m can be attributed to texture changes. Although sand and gravel alternate strongly below the depth of 3 m, this alternation is not reflected in the resistivity profile. The reason for this is that division into the two fractions, sand (<2 mm) and gravel (>2 mm) probably exaggerates the differences in texture and pore size distribution between layers. The strong NAPL contamination in the third layer (≈8–≈12 m) below the water level can contribute to partially increased resistivity, reducing the contrast between saturated and unsaturated zone. The beforehand discussed blockage of pore throats seems to contribute to an increase of the resistivity in the contaminated zone. This effect seems to outbalance the conductivity increase of the pore water due to the microbial activity in this layer. Consequently in the fourth layer ≈12–16 m, a decrease of resistivity is observed due to the absence of NAPL. Some of the time series show considerable IP values above the water table. Because of capacitive effects from bad electrode-ground contact, anomalous polarization responses can be originated, and we believe they represent an overestimation of the real polarizability of the soil at those depths. In addition, inductive coupling effects from the measurement system have to be considered into the interpretation. This is clearer for IP logs whose measures were carried out in frequency domain, where phase values are affected by inductive coupling effects, which increase with frequency. IP response could also be related to the presence of dispersed ferromagnetic minerals, which were found in slightly larger abundances in B-S7 at a depth of 8 m and near the ground surface. However, the IP response does not appear to be sensitive to these small amounts, otherwise a clear relationship between magnetic susceptibility and IP response should be visible. This is not the case. Instead, we suggest that the deeper IP anomalies are prevalently associated to degradation byproducts and/or microbial colonization. It is interesting to note that the groundwater level is almost the same for the two campaigns, but the global electrical properties in the section is different between the two time series. This is mainly due to the fact that after a maximum depth of 11 m b.g.s. reached at the end of February 2011, the piezometric level is being forced to raise as a consequence of the abundant amount of water used for irrigation of the area. This huge rise produces a smearing of NAPL free phase, and it is responsible for the isolated blob of trapped LNAPL (e.g. Sauck 2000; Atekwana and Atekwana 2010). This, in addition to the recharging fresh water from irrigation, can contribute to enhance biodegradation processes of the available organic matter (i.e. Environ Sci Pollut Res the LNAPL) and therefore a different IP response of the two dates. Similar results can be found in Flores Orozco et al. (2012), who found good agreement between complex resistivity anomalies and hydrocarbon (BTEX) contamination. They derived a qualitative relationship between spectral IP parameters and BTEX contamination, with an increase of polarization effects for large BTEX concentrations but a decrease in phase values in presence of free phase products. This can explain the variability of phase anomalies encountered at Trecate site, which is likely to be related to the variability of hydrocarbon distribution and microbial activity. electrical measurements used for NAPL site characterization and monitoring. The conclusive statement based on the results presented in this paper is that changes in fluid composition, due to the high amount of free phase NAPL (smeared by the huge water level fluctuations), microbial degradation and growth and local heterogeneities represent the main factors influencing the complex geoelectrical response. Acknowledgments This study was supported by the European Commission (SOILCAM Project, contract number 212663, www.soilcam.eu) and the DFG (WE 4979/1-1). We would like to thank Helen French, Kai Uwe Totsche and Lee Slater for valuable advice and Sarah Heck, Christian Egel and Diego Franco for field assistance. Conclusions The integrated characterization of the hydrocarboncontaminated site of Trecate permitted to achieve a complete knowledge of the various and complex phenomena undergoing at the site. The crude oil contamination at the site is spread over the groundwater fluctuation zone and large NAPL concentrations are present in the groundwater as an emulsion. The contamination appears fairly time invariant due to trapping of NAPL. NAPL products act as additional (continuous) source for biological degradation. From a chemical point of view, this has been shown through the presence or absence of the different redox-sensitive species in an anoxic and reductive environment. The geometry of the redox zonation at the site supports the hypothesis that the traditional concept of plume development, where zones of low redox potential are surrounded by zones of high redox potential, may be an over-simplified approach. The results of micro-biological laboratory assays support the geochemical findings with respect to hydrocarbon degradation, indicating that the smearing zone is the richest zone of the anaerobic bacteria population. Both CFUs and enzymatic activity tests pointed out that there is an enhanced abundance and activity of microbial communities and that the smearing zone is rich of additional organic matter for the bacteria to proliferate. The results of the geophysical surveys (both ERT and vertical resistivity and IP logs) pointed out an anomalous response in the upper saturated zone, in the depth range between 8 and 11 m b.g.s. It is unlikely that this observation can be attributed to textural differences because these do not appear to be related to the geoelectrical anomalies. Therefore, resistivity and phase anomalies are attributed to the presence of the NAPL contamination. However, the analysis of both resistivity and IP data and geochemical data partly brings counter-intuitive observations. The presence of NAPL seems to result in a resistivity increase, which outbalances an increase in ion concentration in the pore water caused by microbial activity. The phase response hints on a large spatial heterogeneity, which is reflected in the geochemical data. Such effects need to be taken into account when complex References Abdel Aal G, Atekwana EA, Slater LD (2004) Effects of microbial processes on electrolytic and interfacial electrical properties of unconsolidated sediments. 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