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52 Sales Word Tracks by Andy Elliott

Memorize these powerful
word tracks to advance
your sale.
When you say, “The price
is too high”, are you talking
about the purchase price
or the ownership price?
90% of our customers
have agreed that if money
is your biggest concern,
then the ownership price
is actually much more
important than the purchase price because
the purchase price is a
one-time spend, and the
ownership price is the real
money spent.
You work hard for your
money, right? Then, you
put your money in the
bank but when the money
leaves the bank, that’s the
real money spent, right?
So, the ownership cost
is the most important
I apologize, I forgot to ask
you, when would you like
to set up your first payment? In the beginning of
the month,…the middle of
the month,…or toward the
end of the month…What’s
best for you and your
Other than price, are you
okay with the payment?
When you say, “The price is
too high,” would you mind
being more specific why
you think, “The price is too
I understand…Let me show
you how affordable your
new vehicle is.
On a scale from 1 to 10,
with 1 being the worst and
10 being the best, how
do you rate your credit,
We’ve learned that 90% of
our customers, want to get
the best price upfront, and
the other 10% still want to
negotiate and haggle.
Unfortunately, we find
it disrespectful and
I’m looking for a further
relationship than just
today. I don’t want to just
sell you the car you buy
today, I want to sell you
every car for the rest of
your life.
If I were to mark up the
car $3,000, then drop
the price by $3,000, even
though you felt like you’ve
won, is that respectful and
...they say no.
Have I offended you and
your family in any way
by giving you my best
price upfront? (pause...say
again) In any way?
…they say no
Thank goodness!…(go back
into close)
Wouldn’t you agree that
better gas mileage equals
less money spent?
How much (roughly, ballpark, roundabout) do you
spend a week in gas?
You would agree that
there are four weeks in a
I understand, let me show
you how we arrived at the
top value for your trade-in.
Will you be titling your
vehicle in your name or
both of your names?
Great! Follow me inside
and let me show you how
easy it is to do business
with me.
If there was one thing...just
one thing…that would prevent you from buying this
new vehicle right now…
what would that one thing
(they answer)
As long as I can do that,
then it looks like we have a
deal? Follow me inside, let
me show you how easy it
is to do business with me.
If I could get the numbers
110% to your satisfaction,
would you be happy to
take your new car home
Wouldn’t you agree that
we can’t be the highest in
all the critical areas that
are important to you and
your family and be the
lowest in price?
...Great business doesn’t
work that way.
If we are higher in price
but still lower in cost, at
the end that’s ultimately
the real money spent. So,
I’m sure that’s the most
important number for you
and your family...the ownership cost, not the initial
purchase price.
Mr. and Mrs. Customer, we
are high in all the critical
areas that are important to
you and your family.
Are you looking to put
value in your driveway or
a price…or value for the
Doesn’t it make complete
sense to trade and it’s
super affordable?
…Absolutely! Sign here,
let me get your new car
cleaned up for you.
(How many miles on it?)
Mr. Customer, if I covered
the odometer and you
had to guess how many
miles are on it just after
looking at it and driving it,
you would say that it only
had 10,000 miles on it. It
has more miles on it than
that but it’s that nice! On a
scale from 1 to 10, it’s an 11.
We can’t be high in all
the critical areas that are
important to you and your
family if…(you fill it in)
I completely understand
where you are coming
from (go back into closing/
always agree)
One day, you’re going to
go from just looking into
buying anyway, let me
save you the time and
get you into this new car
You can absolutely talk to
your wife. Would you like
to use my office?
I like where your head’s
at and the numbers you
came up with, but this is a
real deal and the best one
I can give you. Sign here
and I’ll get your new car
cleaned up for you.
I’d say the same thing if I
were in your position, but
we can get all of it done
now and stop prolonging
the pain. What’s next?
You can’t lose with this
deal. The consequences
of this decision can only
bring happiness into your
life. You do deserve to be
happy, don’t you?
The awesome thing is that
every journey begins with
a first step. And the good
news is that you’re halfway there because you’ve
already made it to the
dealership. I appreciate
the opportunity to help
you and will show you how
easy I can make the last
If I owed you $0 on your
trade-in, would you want
$0 for it? No, of course not.
You would want what it’s
worth. You see, what you
owe and what your vehicle is worth are two completely different things.
I completely understand!
The last thing I would ask
you to do today is to buy
a car. I know my inventory
extremely well so let’s see
if we can find the perfect
car that fits your wants,
needs, and desires.
Note: a seed is actually
planted here.
Later in the process when
you find the perfect car,
you have earned the right
to ask for the sale, you can
“Remember when I said,
the last thing I would ask
you to do today is buy a
car, Well…”
(no)…Thank goodness.
I really apologize, I must’ve
not have been clear when
I spoke to you about market pricing. We do things
a little differently here at
XYZ Motors. We do the
homework upfront for
you so you have the best
experience and deal without having to fight for it.
Have I offended you in any
way by giving you my best
price upfront?
(How do you decide what
is fair “Market Price?”)
That’s a great question! It
starts online. We have a
computer program that
shows us what competitive vehicles are selling for
based on condition, miles,
and options in our area.
Then we look to see how
long the vehicle has been
here and once we gather
all of that information, the
computer tells us what a
fair price would be for that
specific vehicle.
Mr. and Mrs. Customer,
other than price and payments, is there anything
else preventing you from
owning this vehicle right
(I saw it cheaper somewhere else)
Wow, Mr. And Mrs. Customer,
I can see that you’ve really
done your homework here.
Nobody could accuse you
of being impulsive! I cannot
speak for the other vehicles
found on other lots in other
towns. I can only represent
the vehicles that I have in
inventory here right now.
You’re not looking for cheap,
are you? Most people aren’t.
You’re probably looking for
value and value for the price;
just like you’ve found with my
Are you looking for top
dollar or fair market value
for your trade-in?
(they say, “Top dollar.”)
Great! I’ve never seen a
manager give top dollar
before seeing a trade-in.
So, let’s set up a time for
you to come in so I can
guarantee top dollar
which is exactly what you
The owner of the dealership just discounted the
entire inventory by over
$100,000 this morning.
Let’s drive the car and
make sure you love it and
when we get back I won’t
just give you the price.. I
going to give you the new
discounted price.
Bonus word tracks that
will help excel you to your
next level!
People don’t care about
how much you know, until
they know how much you
If it doesn’t challenge you,
it doesn’t change you.
The difference from where
you are now and where
you want to be is the gap
in your skill set.
Everything you want in life
is right on the other side of
being uncomfortable.
Remember, those who say
your dreams are impossible have already given up
on theirs.
Old habits won’t bring
new results.
Don’t walk through life
asleep like others.
The problem is not that we
dont’ know what to do. It’s
that we don’t do what we
already know.
You’re the average of the 5
people that you’re closest
to in life.
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