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Latin Exercises: Relative Clauses & Translation Practice

Chapter 27
Exercise C
1) Eos milites vidi qui in magno bello pugnaverant.
2) Gravia erant ea tela quae portabamus.
3) Qui magnam virtutem habet vir est vere.
4) Ea legio quae a Marco ducta est bene pugnavit.
5) Ubi sunt puellae feminaeque quibuscum ambulabas?
6) Vobis qui cives Romani estis multa de civitatis legibus consul dicet.
7) Caesar, cuius copiae ab Italia discesserunt, nunc est in Gallia.
8) Milites a quibus castra defensa sunt cum virtute pugnaverunt.
9) Dux cui periculum nuntiatum est ad castra currit.
10) Legionem ad flumen quod in provincia est duxit.
Exercise D
1) The man whom you sent to the general has reported the victory.
2) I saw those slaves who had been led to the city.
3) The people whose courage you praised are now citizens.
4) You who live in farmhouses do not like the life of the city.
5) Those rivers which you were looking at in Gaul are wide and deep.
6) In Helvetia I have seen a large city in which many people live.
7) He who is not my friend is my friend.
8) I sent my friend the books which I had written.
9) Behind the farmhouse there was a large garden, in which the farmer and (his) sons
were working.
10) Did you see the men to whom I gave the money?