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Romeo Character Analysis Outline

Character Analysis Sample Outline - Romeo
1. Introduction: Introduction to chosen character and thesis statement
When faced with adversity, Romeo has the tenacity to overcome an array of obstacles and still be with his one true love.
He demonstrates an iron will that grants him one wish - time with Juliet, as well as one curse - premature death.
2. Body: At least 3 Paragraphs providing evidence to support the thesis
A. Paragraph 1: Character background
• Romeo’s family life - Family feud, comes from high class family
B. Paragraph 2: Character’s traits
• Romeo’s physical traits - Age 16, handsome
• Romeo’s character traits - Loyal friend, immature, impulsive, passionate
C. Paragraph 3: Character’s relation to the plot
• Summary of Romeo’s love story with Juliet - After being rejected by Rosaline, he falls hard for Juliet and
pursues her at all cost
D. Paragraph 4: Character’s personal growth
• Summary of Romeo’s love story with Juliet - After being rejected by Rosaline, he falls hard for Juliet and
pursues her at all cost
3. Conclusion: Summarize your essay
Growing up in the midst of a hate-filled feud drives Romeo to be a loving and loyal person. He proves that each person
has their own free will, despite their family’s beliefs. Romeo starts with an immature view on love, then he grows and
matures, making the ultimate sacrifice for love.