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Manufacturing Processes Quiz: Machining Operations

Manufacturing Processes II
Quiz 1
B.Tech Mechanical (Smart Manufacturing)
Answer all questions and each question carries 5 marks
1. A face milling operation is used to machine 6.0 mm from the top surface of a rectangular piece
of aluminum 300 mm long by 125 mm wide in a single pass. The cutter follows a path that is
centered over the workpiece. It has four teeth and is 150 mm in diameter. Cutting speed = 2.8
m/s, and chip load = 0.27 mm/tooth. Determine (a) the actual machining time to make the pass
across the surface and (b) the maximum metal removal rate during cutting.
2. The surface finish specification in a turning job is 0.8 μm. The work material is cast iron.
Cutting speed = 75 m/min, feed = 0.3 mm/rev, and depth of cut = 4.0 mm. The nose radius of
the cutting tool must be selected. Determine the minimum nose radius that will obtain the
specified finish in this operation.
3. A turning operation is carried out on aluminum (100 BHN, U = 0.7 N-m/mm3 for aluminum).
Cutting speed = 5.6 m/s, feed = 0.25mm/rev, and depth of cut = 2.0 mm. The lathe has a
mechanical efficiency = 0.85. Determine (a) the cutting power and (b) gross power in the
turning operation, in Watts.
4. Orthogonal cutting is performed on a metal whose mass specific heat = 1.0 J/g-C, density = 2.9
g/cm3, and thermal diffusivity = 0.8 cm2/s. The cutting speed is 4.5 m/s, uncut chip thickness
is 0.25 mm, and width of cut is 2.2 mm. The cutting force is measured at 1170 N. Using Cook’s
equation, determine the cutting temperature if the ambient temperature =22oC.