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Milan Sonka, Vaclav Hlavac, et al., Image Processing, Analysis, and Machine Vision (2014)

Image Processing, Analysis, and
Machine Vision
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Image Processing, Analysis, and
Machine Vision
Fourth Edition
Milan Sonka
The University of Iowa, Iowa City
Vaclav Hlavac
Czech Technical University, Prague
Roger Boyle
Prifysgol Aberystwyth, Aberystwyth
Australia • Brazil • Japan • Mexico • Singapore • United Kingdom • United States
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Image Processing, Analysis, and
Machine Vision, Fourth Edition
Milan Sonka, Vaclav Hlavac, and
Roger Boyle
Publisher, Global Engineering:
Timothy L. Anderson
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ISBN-13: 978-1-133-59360-7
Cover Image: © Milan Sonka,
Vaclav Hlavac, and Roger Boyle
ISBN-10: 1-133-59360-7
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2D, 3D, ...
one dimension(al)
two dimension(al), three dimension(al), ...
active appearance model
automatic gain control
artificial intelligence
adaptive resonance theory
active shape model
best bin first
Bayesian belief network
bi-directional re ectance distribution function
boundary representation
computer-aided design
charge-coupled device
coupled HMM
International Commission on Illumination
complementary metal-oxide semiconductor
cyan, magenta, yellow
CONditional DENSity propagATION
cathode ray tube
cerebro-spinal uid
constructive solid geometry
computed tomography
decibel, 20 times the decimal logarithm of a ratio
discrete cosine transform
discrete Fourier transform
degrees of freedom
differential PCM
discrete wavelet frame
fast Fourier transform
fast library for approximate nearest neighbors
focus of expansion
genetic algorithm
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Giga byte = 230 bytes = 1,073,741,824 bytes
geographic information system
Gaussian mixture model
Gaussian radial basis function
gradient vector ow
high definition TV
as HSI
hidden Markov model
histogram of oriented gradients
hue, saturation, intensity
as HSI
hue, saturation, value
independent component analysis
iterative closest point algorithm
iterative closest reciprocal point algorithm
intensity, hue, saturation
Joint Photographic Experts Group
Kilo bit = 210 bits = 1,024 bits
Kilo byte = 210 bytes = 1,024 bytes
Kanade-Lucas-Tomasi (tracker)
local binary pattern
liquid crystal display
maximum a posteriori
Mega bit = 220 bits = 1,048,576 bits
Mega byte = 220 bytes = 1,048,576 bytes
Manzanera–Bernard skeletonization
Monte Carlo Markov chain
minimum description length
motion JPEG
moving picture experts group
Markov random field
magnetic resonance imaging
magnetic resonance
mean-square error
maximally stable extremal region
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optical character recognition
order statistics
principal component analysis
partial differential equation
probability density function
point distribution model
positron emission tomography
Pollard-Mayhew-Frisby (correspondence algorithm)
RANdom SAmple Consensus
radial basis function
reversible component transform
red, green, blue
root mean square
scale invariant feature transform
skeleton by inference zones
single lens re ex`
signal-to-noise ratio
short term Fourier transform
singular value decomposition
support vector machine
universal serial bus
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arg(x, y)
argmax expr(i)
argmin expr(i)
angle (in radians) from x axis to the point (x, y)
the value of i that causes expr(i) to be maximal
A B, B
x y
@f =@x
rf , grad f
r2 f
f g
F. G
integer division or divergence
remainder after integer division
largest integer which is not bigger than x + 0.5
empty set
complement of set A
set A is included in set B
intersection between sets A and B
union of sets A and B
difference between sets A and B
(uppercase bold) matrices
(lowercase bold) vectors
magnitude (or modulus) of vector x
scalar product between vectors x and y
estimate of the value x
absolute value of a scalar
Dirac function
small finite interval of x, difference
partial derivative of the function f with respect to x
gradient of f
Laplace operator applied to f
convolution between functions f and g
element-by-element multiplication of matrices F , G
Euclidean distance
city block distance
chessboard distance
complex conjugate of the complex function F
rank of a matrix A
transformation dual to transformation T , also complex conjugate of T
mean value operator
linear operator
origin of the coordinate system
the value of i that causes expr(i) to be minimal
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number of (e.g., pixels)
point set symmetrical to point set B
morphological dilation
morphological erosion
morphological opening
morphological closing
morphological hit-or-miss transformation
morphological thinning
morphological thickening
logical and
logical or
sum of elements on the matrix main diagonal
covariance matrix
secant, sec = 1= cos
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List of algorithms
Possible course outlines
1 Introduction
Why is computer vision difficult?
Image representation and image analysis tasks
2 The image, its representations and properties
Image representations, a few concepts
Image digitization
2.2.1 Sampling
2.2.2 Quantization
Digital image properties
2.3.1 Metric and topological properties of digital images
2.3.2 Histograms
2.3.3 Entropy
2.3.4 Visual perception of the image
2.3.5 Image quality
2.3.6 Noise in images
Color images
2.4.1 Physics of color
2.4.2 Color perceived by humans
2.4.3 Color spaces
2.4.4 Palette images
2.4.5 Color constancy
Cameras: An overview
2.5.1 Photosensitive sensors
2.5.2 A monochromatic camera
2.5.3 A color camera
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3 The image, its mathematical and physical background
3.1.1 Linearity
3.1.2 The Dirac distribution and convolution
Linear integral transforms
3.2.1 Images as linear systems
3.2.2 Introduction to linear integral transforms
3.2.3 1D Fourier transform
3.2.4 2D Fourier transform
3.2.5 Sampling and the Shannon constraint
3.2.6 Discrete cosine transform
3.2.7 Wavelet transform
3.2.8 Eigen-analysis
3.2.9 Singular value decomposition
3.2.10 Principal component analysis
3.2.11 Radon transform
3.2.12 Other orthogonal image transforms
Images as stochastic processes
Image formation physics
3.4.1 Images as radiometric measurements
3.4.2 Image capture and geometric optics
3.4.3 Lens aberrations and radial distortion
3.4.4 Image capture from a radiometric point of view
3.4.5 Surface re ectance
4 Data structures for image analysis
Levels of image data representation
Traditional image data structures
4.2.1 Matrices
4.2.2 Chains
4.2.3 Topological data structures
4.2.4 Relational structures
Hierarchical data structures
4.3.1 Pyramids
4.3.2 Quadtrees
4.3.3 Other pyramidal structures
5 Image pre-processing
Pixel brightness transformations
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5.1.1 Position-dependent brightness correction
5.1.2 Gray-scale transformation
Geometric transformations
5.2.1 Pixel co-ordinate transformations
5.2.2 Brightness interpolation
Local pre-processing
5.3.1 Image smoothing
5.3.2 Edge detectors
5.3.3 Zero-crossings of the second derivative
5.3.4 Scale in image processing
5.3.5 Canny edge detection
5.3.6 Parametric edge models
5.3.7 Edges in multi-spectral images
5.3.8 Local pre-processing in the frequency domain
5.3.9 Line detection by local pre-processing operators
5.3.10 Detection of corners (interest points)
5.3.11 Detection of maximally stable extremal regions
Image restoration
5.4.1 Degradations that are easy to restore
5.4.2 Inverse filtering
5.4.3 Wiener filtering
6 Segmentation I
6.1.1 Threshold detection methods
6.1.2 Optimal thresholding
6.1.3 Multi-spectral thresholding
Edge-based segmentation
6.2.1 Edge image thresholding
6.2.2 Edge relaxation
6.2.3 Border tracing
6.2.4 Border detection as graph searching
6.2.5 Border detection as dynamic programming
6.2.6 Hough transforms
6.2.7 Border detection using border location information
6.2.8 Region construction from borders
Region-based segmentation
6.3.1 Region merging
6.3.2 Region splitting
6.3.3 Splitting and merging
6.3.4 Watershed segmentation
6.3.5 Region growing post-processing
6.4.1 Template matching
6.4.2 Control strategies of templating
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Evaluation issues in segmentation
6.5.1 Supervised evaluation
6.5.2 Unsupervised evaluation
7 Segmentation II
Mean shift segmentation
Active contour models snakes
7.2.1 Traditional snakes and balloons
7.2.2 Extensions
7.2.3 Gradient vector ow snakes
7.3 Geometric deformable models level sets and geodesic active contours
7.4 Fuzzy connectivity
7.5 Towards 3D graph-based image segmentation
7.5.1 Simultaneous detection of border pairs
7.5.2 Suboptimal surface detection
7.6 Graph cut segmentation
7.7 Optimal single and multiple surface segmentation LOGISMOS
7.8 Summary
7.9 Exercises
7.10 References
8 Shape representation and description
Region identification
Contour-based shape representation and description
8.2.1 Chain codes
8.2.2 Simple geometric border representation
8.2.3 Fourier transforms of boundaries
8.2.4 Boundary description using segment sequences
8.2.5 B-spline representation
8.2.6 Other contour-based shape description approaches
8.2.7 Shape invariants
Region-based shape representation and description
8.3.1 Simple scalar region descriptors
8.3.2 Moments
8.3.3 Convex hull
8.3.4 Graph representation based on region skeleton
8.3.5 Region decomposition
8.3.6 Region neighborhood graphs
Shape classes
9 Object recognition
Knowledge representation
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Statistical pattern recognition
9.2.1 Classification principles
9.2.2 Nearest neighbors
9.2.3 Classifier setting
9.2.4 Classifier learning
9.2.5 Support vector machines
9.2.6 Cluster analysis
9.3 Neural nets
9.3.1 Feed-forward networks
9.3.2 Unsupervised learning
9.3.3 Hopfield neural nets
9.4 Syntactic pattern recognition
9.4.1 Grammars and languages
9.4.2 Syntactic analysis, syntactic classifier
9.4.3 Syntactic classifier learning, grammar inference
9.5 Recognition as graph matching
9.5.1 Isomorphism of graphs and subgraphs
9.5.2 Similarity of graphs
9.6 Optimization techniques in recognition
9.6.1 Genetic algorithms
9.6.2 Simulated annealing
9.7 Fuzzy systems
9.7.1 Fuzzy sets and fuzzy membership functions
9.7.2 Fuzzy set operators
9.7.3 Fuzzy reasoning
9.7.4 Fuzzy system design and training
9.8 Boosting in pattern recognition
9.9 Random forests
9.9.1 Random forest training
9.9.2 Random forest decision making
9.9.3 Random forest extensions
9.10 Summary
9.11 Exercises
9.12 References
10 Image understanding
10.1 Image understanding control strategies
10.1.1 Parallel and serial processing control
10.1.2 Hierarchical control
10.1.3 Bottom-up control
10.1.4 Model-based control
10.1.5 Combined control
10.1.6 Non-hierarchical control
10.2 SIFT: Scale invariant feature transform
10.3 RANSAC: Fitting via random sample consensus
10.4 Point distribution models
10.5 Active appearance models
10.6 Pattern recognition methods in image understanding
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10.6.1 Classification-based segmentation
10.6.2 Contextual image classification
10.6.3 Histograms of oriented gradients HOG
Boosted cascades of classifiers
Image understanding using random forests
Scene labeling and constraint propagation
10.9.1 Discrete relaxation
10.9.2 Probabilistic relaxation
10.9.3 Searching interpretation trees
Semantic image segmentation and understanding
10.10.1 Semantic region growing
10.10.2 Genetic image interpretation
Hidden Markov models
10.11.1 Applications
10.11.2 Coupled HMMs
10.11.3 Bayesian belief networks
Markov random fields
10.12.1 Applications to images and vision
Gaussian mixture models and expectation–maximization
11 3D geometry, correspondence, 3D from intensities
11.1 3D vision tasks
11.1.1 Marr's theory
11.1.2 Other vision paradigms: Active and purposive vision
11.2 Basics of projective geometry
11.2.1 Points and hyperplanes in projective space
11.2.2 Homography
11.2.3 Estimating homography from point correspondences
11.3 A single perspective camera
11.3.1 Camera model
11.3.2 Projection and back-projection in homogeneous coordinates
11.3.3 Camera calibration from a known scene
11.4 Scene reconstruction from multiple views
11.4.1 Triangulation
11.4.2 Projective reconstruction
11.4.3 Matching constraints
11.4.4 Bundle adjustment
11.4.5 Upgrading the projective reconstruction, self-calibration
11.5 Two cameras, stereopsis
11.5.1 Epipolar geometry; fundamental matrix
11.5.2 Relative motion of the camera; essential matrix
11.5.3 Decomposing the fundamental matrix to camera matrices
11.5.4 Estimating the fundamental matrix from point correspondences
11.5.5 Rectified configuration of two cameras
11.5.6 Computing rectification
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11.6 Three cameras and trifocal tensor
11.6.1 Stereo correspondence algorithms
11.6.2 Active acquisition of range images
11.7 3D information from radiometric measurements
11.7.1 Shape from shading
11.7.2 Photometric stereo
11.8 Summary
11.9 Exercises
11.10 References
12 Use of 3D vision
12.1 Shape from X
12.1.1 Shape from motion
12.1.2 Shape from texture
12.1.3 Other shape from X techniques
12.2 Full 3D objects
12.2.1 3D objects, models, and related issues
12.2.2 Line labeling
12.2.3 Volumetric representation, direct measurements
12.2.4 Volumetric modeling strategies
12.2.5 Surface modeling strategies
12.2.6 Registering surface patches and their fusion to get a full 3D
12.3 2D view-based representations of a 3D scene
12.3.1 Viewing space
12.3.2 Multi-view representations and aspect graphs
12.4 3D reconstruction from an unorganized set of 2D views, and Structure
from Motion
12.5 Reconstructing scene geometry
12.6 Summary
12.7 Exercises
12.8 References
13 Mathematical morphology
13.1 Basic morphological concepts
13.2 Four morphological principles
13.3 Binary dilation and erosion
13.3.1 Dilation
13.3.2 Erosion
13.3.3 Hit-or-miss transformation
13.3.4 Opening and closing
13.4 Gray-scale dilation and erosion
13.4.1 Top surface, umbra, and gray-scale dilation and erosion
13.4.2 Umbra homeomorphism theorem, properties of erosion and
dilation, opening and closing
13.4.3 Top hat transformation
13.5 Skeletons and object marking
13.5.1 Homotopic transformations
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13.5.2 Skeleton, medial axis, maximal ball
13.5.3 Thinning, thickening, and homotopic skeleton
13.5.4 Quench function, ultimate erosion
13.5.5 Ultimate erosion and distance functions
13.5.6 Geodesic transformations
13.5.7 Morphological reconstruction
Morphological segmentation and watersheds
13.7.1 Particle segmentation, marking, and watersheds
13.7.2 Binary morphological segmentation
13.7.3 Gray-scale segmentation, watersheds
14 Image data compression
Image data properties
Discrete image transforms in image data compression
Predictive compression methods
Vector quantization
Hierarchical and progressive compression methods
Comparison of compression methods
Other techniques
JPEG and MPEG image compression
14.9.1 JPEG still image compression
14.9.2 JPEG–2000 compression
14.9.3 MPEG full-motion video compression
14.10 Summary
14.11 Exercises
14.12 References
15 Texture
15.1 Statistical texture description
15.1.1 Methods based on spatial frequencies
15.1.2 Co-occurrence matrices
15.1.3 Edge frequency
15.1.4 Primitive length (run length)
15.1.5 Laws' texture energy measures
15.1.6 Local binary patterns LBPs
15.1.7 Fractal texture description
15.1.8 Multiscale texture description wavelet domain approaches
15.1.9 Other statistical methods of texture description
15.2 Syntactic texture description methods
15.2.1 Shape chain grammars
15.2.2 Graph grammars
15.2.3 Primitive grouping in hierarchical textures
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Hybrid texture description methods
Texture recognition method applications
16 Motion analysis
16.1 Differential motion analysis methods
16.2 Optical ow
16.2.1 Optical ow computation
16.2.2 Global and local optical ow estimation
16.2.3 Combined local–global optical ow estimation
16.2.4 Optical ow in motion analysis
16.3 Analysis based on correspondence of interest points
16.3.1 Detection of interest points
16.3.2 Lucas–Kanade point tracking
16.3.3 Correspondence of interest points
16.4 Detection of specific motion patterns
16.5 Video tracking
16.5.1 Background modeling
16.5.2 Kernel-based tracking
16.5.3 Object path analysis
16.6 Motion models to aid tracking
16.6.1 Kalman filters
16.6.2 Particle filters
16.6.3 Semi-supervised tracking TLD
16.7 Summary
16.8 Exercises
16.9 References
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List of algorithms
Distance transform
Computing the brightness histogram
Generation of additive, zero mean Gaussian noise
Co-occurrence matrix Cr (z, y) for the relation r
Integral image construction
Histogram equalization
Smoothing using a rotating mask
Efficient median filtering
Canny edge detector
Harris corner detector
Enumeration of extremal regions.
Basic thresholding
Otsu's threshold detection
Recursive multi-spectral thresholding
Non-maximal suppression of directional edge data
Hysteresis to filter output of an edge detector
Inner boundary tracing
Outer boundary tracing
Extended boundary tracing
Border tracing in gray-level images
A-algorithm graph search
Heuristic search for image borders
Boundary tracing as dynamic programming
Curve detection using the Hough transform
Generalized Hough transform
Region forming from partial borders
Region merging (outline)
Region merging via boundary melting
Split and merge
Split and link to the segmentation tree
Single-pass split-and-merge
Efficient watershed segmentation
Removal of small image regions
Mean shift mode detection
Mean shift discontinuity-preserving filtering
Mean shift image segmentation
Absolute fuzzy connectivity segmentation
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List of algorithms
Fuzzy object extraction
Fuzzy object extraction with preset connectedness
Graph cut segmentation
Optimal surface segmentation
Multiple optimal surface segmentation
4-neighborhood and 8-neighborhood region labeling
Region identification in run length encoded data
Quadtree region identification
Curvature estimation – HK2003 algorithm
Calculating area in quadtrees
Region area calculation from Freeman 4-connectivity chain code
Region convex hull construction
Simple polygon convex hull detection
Fully parallel skeleton by thinning – MB algorithm
Fully parallel skeleton by thinning – MB2 algorithm
Region graph construction from skeleton
Minimum distance classifier learning and classification
Nearest neighbor search with K-D trees
Learning and classification by estimating normal distribution probability
Support vector machine learning and classification
K-means cluster analysis
Back-propagation learning
Unsupervised learning of the Kohonen feature map
Recognition using a Hopfield net
Syntactic recognition
Graph isomorphism
Maximal clique location
Genetic algorithm
Simulated annealing optimization
Fuzzy system design
Bottom-up control
Coronary border detection a combined control strategy
Non-hierarchical control
Scale Invariant Feature Transform SIFT
Random sample consensus for model fitting RANSAC
Approximate alignment of similar training shapes
Fitting an ASM
AAM construction
Active appearance model matching
Contextual image classification
Recursive contextual image classification
HOG object detection and localization
Classifier generation for Viola-Jones face detection
Discrete relaxation
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List of algorithms
Probabilistic relaxation
Updating a region adjacency graph and dual to merge two regions
Semantic region merging
Genetic image segmentation and interpretation
Gaussian mixture parameters via expectation-maximization
Expectation-maximization (a generalization of Algorithm 10.19)
Baum-Welch training for HMMs (the forward-backward algorithm)
Image rectification
PMF stereo correspondence
Reconstructing shape from shading
Line labeling
Iterative closest reciprocal points
Auto-correlation texture description
Co-occurrence method of texture description
Edge-frequency texture description
Primitive-length texture description
Shape chain grammar texture synthesis
Texture primitive grouping
Relaxation computation of optical ow from dynamic image pairs
Optical ow computation from an image sequence
General Lucas–Kanade tracking
Velocity field computation from two consecutive images
Background maintenance by median filtering
Background maintenance by Gaussian mixtures
Kernel-based object tracking
Condensation (particle filtering)
Tracking-Learning-Detection TLD
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Image processing, analysis, and machine vision are an exciting and dynamic part of cognitive and computer science. Following an explosion of interest during the 1970s and
1980s, subsequent decades were characterized by a maturing of the field and significant
growth of active applications; remote sensing, technical diagnostics, autonomous vehicle
guidance, biomedical imaging (2D, 3D, and 4D) and automatic surveillance are the most
rapidly developing areas. This progress can be seen in an increasing number of software
and hardware products on the market as a single example of many, the omnipresence
of consumer-level digital cameras, each of which depends on a sophisticated chain of
embedded consumer-invisible image processing steps performed in real time, is striking. Re ecting this continuing development, the number of digital image processing and
machine vision courses offered at universities worldwide continues to increase rapidly.
There are many texts available in the areas we cover a lot of them are referenced in
this book. The subject suffers, however, from a shortage of texts which are `complete' in
the sense that they are accessible to the novice, of use to the educated, and up to date.
Here we present the fourth edition of a text first published in 1993. We include many
of the very rapid developments that have taken and are still taking place, which quickly
age some of the very good textbooks produced in the recent past.
Our target audience spans the range from the undergraduate with negligible experience in the area through to the Master's, Ph.D., and research student seeking an
advanced springboard in a particular topic. The entire text has been updated since the
third version (particularly with respect to most recent development and associated references). We retain the same Chapter structure, but many sections have been rewritten or
introduced as new. Among the new topics are the Radon transform, a unified approach
to image/template matching, efficient object skeletonization (MB and MB2 algorithms),
nearest neighbor classification including BBF/FLANN, histogram-of-oriented-Gaussian
(HOG) approach to object detection, random forests, Markov random fields, Bayesian
belief networks, scale invariant feature transform (SIFT), recent 3D image analysis/vision
development, texture description using local binary patterns, and several point tracking
approaches for motion analysis. Approaches to 3D vision evolve especially quickly and we
have revised this material and added new comprehensive examples. In addition, several
sections have been rewritten or expanded in response to reader and reviewer comments.
All in all, about 15% of this edition consists of newly written material presenting stateof-the-art methods and techniques that already have proven their importance in the field:
additionally, the whole text has been edited for currency and to correct a small number
of oversights detected in the previous edition.
In response to demand, we have re-incorporated exercises (both short-form questions, and longer problems frequently requiring practical usage of computer tools and/or
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development of application programs) into this text. These re-use the valuable practical companion text to the third edition [Svoboda et al., 2008], but also cover material
that was not present in earlier editions. The companion text provides Matlab-based implementations, introduces additional problems, explains steps leading to solutions, and
provides many useful linkages to allow practical use: a Solution Manual is available
via the Cengage secure server to registered instructors. In preparing this edition, we
gratefully acknowledge the help and support of many people, in particular our reviewers
Saeid Belkasim, Georgia State University, Thomas C. Henderson, University of Utah,
William Hoff, Colorado School of Mines, Lina Karam, Arizona State University, Peter
D. Scott, the University at Buffalo, SUNY and Jane Zhang, California Polytechnic State
University. Richard W. Penney, Worcestershire, UK gave close attention to our third
edition which has permitted the correction of many shortcomings. At our own institutions, Reinhard Beichel, Gary Christensen, Hannah Dee, Mona Garvin, Ian Hales, Sam
Johnson, Derek Magee, Ipek Oguz, Kalman Palagyi, Andrew Rawlins, Joe Reinhardt,
Punam Saha, and Xiaodong Wu have been a constant source of feedback, inspiration and
This book re ects the authors' experience in teaching one- and two-semester undergraduate and graduate courses in Digital Image Processing, Digital Image Analysis,
Image Understanding, Medical Imaging, Machine Vision, Pattern Recognition, and Intelligent Robotics at their respective institutions. We hope that this combined experience
will give a thorough grounding to the beginner and provide material that is advanced
enough to allow the more mature student to understand fully the relevant areas of the
subject. We acknowledge that in a very short time the more active areas will have moved
beyond this text.
This book could have been arranged in many ways. It begins with low-level processing and works its way up to higher levels of image interpretation; the authors have chosen
this framework because they believe that image understanding originates from a common database of information. The book is formally divided into 16 chapters, beginning
with low-level processing and working toward higher-level image representation, although
this structure will be less apparent after Chapter 12, when we present mathematical morphology, image compression, texture, and motion analysis which are very useful but often
special-purpose approaches that may not always be included in the processing chain.
Decimal section numbering is used, and equations and figures are numbered within
each chapter. Each chapter is supported by an extensive list of references and exercises.
A selection of algorithms is summarized formally in a manner that should aid implementation. Not all the algorithms discussed are presented in this way (this might have
doubled the length of the book); we have chosen what we regard as the key, or most useful or illustrative, examples for this treatment. Each chapter further includes a concise
Summary section, Short-answer questions, and Problems/Exercises.
Chapters present material from an introductory level through to an overview of
current work; as such, it is unlikely that the beginner will, at the first reading, expect
to absorb all of a given topic. Often it has been necessary to make reference to material
in later chapters and sections, but when this is done an understanding of material in
hand will not depend on an understanding of that which comes later. It is expected that
the more advanced student will use the book as a reference text and signpost to current
activity in the field we believe at the time of going to press that the reference list is
full in its indication of current directions, but record here our apologies to any work we
have overlooked. The serious reader will note that the reference list contains citations
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of both the classic material that has survived the test of time as well as references that
are very recent and represent what the authors consider promising new directions. Of
course, before long, more relevant work will have been published that is not listed here.
This is a long book and therefore contains material sufficient for much more than
one course. Clearly, there are many ways of using it, but for guidance we suggest an
ordering that would generate five distinct modules:
Digital Image Processing I, an undergraduate course.
Digital Image Processing II, an undergraduate/graduate course, for which Digital Image Processing I may be regarded as prerequisite.
Computer Vision I, an undergraduate/graduate course, for which Digital Image Processing I may be regarded as prerequisite.
Computer Vision II, a graduate course, for which Computer Vision I may be regarded
as prerequisite.
Image Analysis and Understanding, a graduate course, for which Computer Vision I
may be regarded as prerequisite.
The important parts of a course, and necessary prerequisites, will naturally be specified
locally; a suggestion for partitioning the contents follows this Preface.
Assignments should wherever possible make use of existing software; it is our experience that courses of this nature should not be seen as `programming courses', but it
is the case that the more direct practical experience the students have of the material
discussed, the better is their understanding. Since the first edition was published, an
explosion of web-based material has become available, permitting many of the exercises
we present to be conducted without the necessity of implementing from scratch. We
do not present explicit pointers to Web material, since they evolve so quickly; however,
pointers to specific support materials for this book and others may be located via the
designated book web page, http://www.cengage.com/engineering .
In addition to the print version, this textbook is also available online through MindTap, a personalized learning program. If you purchase the MindTap version of this book,
you will obtain access to the book's MindTap Reader and will be able to complete assignments online. If your class is using a Learning Management System (such as Blackboard,
Moodle, or Angel) for tracking course content, assignments, and grading, you can seamlessly access the MindTap suite of content and assessments for this course. In MindTap,
instructors can:
• Personalize the learning path to match the course syllabus by rearranging content,
hiding sections, or appending original material to the textbook content.
• Connect a Learning Management System portal to the online course and Reader.
• Customize online assessments and assignments.
• Track student progress and comprehension with the Progress application.
• Promote student engagement through interactivity and exercises.
Additionally, students can listen to the text through ReadSpeaker, take notes and highlight content for easy reference, as well as self-check their understanding of the material.
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The book has been prepared using the LATEX text processing system. Its completion
would have been impossible without extensive usage of the Internet computer network
and electronic mail. We would like to acknowledge the University of Iowa, the Czech
Technical University, the Department of Computer Science at Prifysgol Aberystwyth,
and the School of Computing at the University of Leeds for providing the environment
in which this book was born and re-born.
Milan Sonka is Director of the Iowa Institute for Biomedical Imaging, Professor/Chair
of Electrical & Computer Engineering, and Professor of Ophthalmology & Visual Sciences
and Radiation Oncology at the University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa, USA. His research
interests include medical image analysis, computer-aided diagnosis, and machine vision.
Václav Hlavᣠis Professor of Cybernetics at the Czech Technical University, Prague. His
research interests are knowledge-based image analysis, 3D model-based vision and relations between statistical and structural pattern recognition. Roger Boyle very recently
retired from the School of Computing at the University of Leeds, England, where he had
been Head. His research interests are in low-level vision and pattern recognition, and he
now works within the UK National Phenomics Centre at Prifysgol Aberystwyth, Cymru.
All authors have contributed throughout the ordering on the cover corresponds to
the weight of individual contribution. Any errors of fact are the joint responsibility of
Final typesetting has been the responsibility of Hrvoje Bogunovi¢ at the University
of Iowa. This fourth collaboration has once more jeopardized domestic harmony by
consuming long periods of time; we remain very happy to invest more work in this text
in response to readers' comments.
Svoboda T., Kybic J., and Hlavac V. Image Processing, Analysis, and Machine Vision: A
MATLAB Companion. Thomson Engineering, 2008.
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Milan Sonka
The University of Iowa
Iowa City, Iowa, USA
http://www.engineering.uiowa.edu/ sonka
Václav Hlavá£
Czech Technical University
Prague, Czech Republic
http://cmp.felk.cvut.cz/ hlavac
Roger Boyle
Prifysgol Aberystwyth
United Kingdom
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Possible course outlines
Here, one possible ordering of the material covered in the five courses proposed in the
Preface is given. This should not, of course, be considered the only option on the
contrary, the possibilities for organizing Image Processing and Analysis courses are practically endless. Therefore, what follows shall only be regarded as suggestions, and instructors shall tailor content to fit the assumed knowledge, abilities, and needs of the
students enrolled.
Figure 1 shows course pre-requisite dependencies of the proposed ordering. Figure 2
shows the mapping between the proposed course outlines and the material covered in the
individual chapters and sections.
Digital Image
Processing I
Digital Image
Processing II
Computer Vision I
Image Analysis and
Computer Vision II
Figure 1: Pre-requisite dependencies of the proposed five courses. UG = undergraduate course,
G = graduate course. © Cengage Learning 2015.
1 2
10 11 12
13 14
15 16
Figure 2: Mapping between the proposed course outlines and material covered in individual
chapters and sections. See course outlines for details. © Cengage Learning 2015.
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Possible course outlines
Digital Image Processing I (DIP I)
An undergraduate course.
1 Introduction
2 The image, its representation and properties
2.1 Image representations
2.2 Image digitization
2.3 Digital image properties
4 Data structures for image analysis
5 Image pre-processing
5.1 Pixel brightness transformations
5.2 Geometric transformations
5.3 Local pre-processing (except 5.3.6–5.3.7, 5.3.9–5.3.11, limited coverage of 5.3.4,
5.4 Image restoration (except 5.4.3)
6 Segmentation I
6.1 Thresholding (except 6.1.3)
6.2 Edge-based segmentation (except 6.2.4, 6.2.5, 6.2.7, 6.2.8)
6.3 Region growing segmentation (except 6.3.4)
6.4 Matching
6.5 Evaluation issues in segmentation
3 The image, its mathematical and physical background
3.2 Linear integral transforms (3.2.1–3.2.4, 3.2.6 only)
14 Image data compression (except wavelet compression, except 14.9)
Practical image processing projects
Digital Image Processing II (DIP II)
An undergraduate/graduate course, for which Digital Image Processing I may be regarded as prerequisite.
1 Introduction (brief review)
2 The image, its representation and properties
2.4 Color images
2.5 Cameras
3 The image, its mathematical and physical background (except 3.2.8–3.2.10)
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Possible course outlines
5 Image pre-processing
5.3.4 Scale in image processing
5.3.5 Canny edge detection
5.3.6 Parametric edge models
5.3.7 Edges in multi-spectral images
5.3.8 Pre-processing in frequency domain
5.3.9 Line detection
5.3.10 Corner detection
5.3.11 Maximally stable extremal regions
5.4 Image restoration
6 Segmentation I
6.1 Thresholding – considering color image data
6.2.1 Edge image thresholding – considering color image data
6.3.1–3 Region-based segmentation – considering color image data
6.4 Matching – considering color image data
14 Image compression
14.2 Discrete image transforms in image compression
14.9 JPEG and MPEG
13 Mathematical morphology
Practical image processing projects
Computer Vision I (CV I)
An undergraduate/graduate course, for which Digital Image Processing I may be regarded as prerequisite.
1 Introduction (brief review)
2 The image, its representation and properties (brief review)
6 Segmentation I
6.2.4 Border detection as graph searching
6.2.5 Border detection as dynamic programming
6.2.7 Border detection using border location information
6.2.8 Region construction from borders
6.3.4 Watershed segmentation
7 Segmentation II
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Possible course outlines
7.1 Mean shift segmentation
7.2 Active contour models
8 Shape representation and description
9 Object recognition
9.1 Knowledge representation
9.2 Statistical pattern recognition (except 9.2.5)
9.3 Neural networks
9.4 Syntactic pattern recognition
10 Image understanding
10.1 Image understanding control strategies
10.2 SIFT
10.6 Pattern recognition methods in image understanding
10.9 Scene labeling
10.10 Semantic image segmentation and understanding
15 Texture
Practical computer vision projects
Computer Vision II (CV II)
A graduate course, for which Computer Vision I may be regarded as prerequisite.
2 The image, its representation and properties
2.4 Color images
2.5 Cameras
3 The image, its mathematical and physical background
3.4 Image formation physics
5 Image pre-processing
5.3.4 Scale in image processing
5.3.5 Canny edge detection
5.3.6 Parametric edge models
5.3.7 Edges in multi-spectral images
5.3.9 Line detection
5.3.10 Corner detection
5.3.11 Maximally stable extremal regions
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Possible course outlines
11 3D Vision, geometry and radiometry
12 Use of 3D vision
16 Motion analysis
Practical 3D vision projects
Image Analysis and Understanding (IAU)
A graduate course, for which Computer Vision I may be regarded as prerequisite.
7 Segmentation II (except 7.1, 7.2)
9 Object recognition
9.2.5 Support vector machines
9.5 Recognition as graph matching
9.6 Optimization techniques in recognition
9.7 Fuzzy systems
9.8 Boosting in pattern recognition
9.9 Random forests
3 The image, its mathematical and physical background
3.2.8 Eigen analysis
3.2.9 Singular value decomposition
3.2.10 Principal component analysis
10 Image understanding
10.1 Image understanding control strategies
10.4 Point distribution models
10.5 Active appearance models
10.7 Boosted cascade of classifiers
10.8 Image understanding using random forests
10.11 Hidden Markov models
10.12 Markov random fields
10.13 Gaussian mixture models and expectation maximization
16 Motion analysis
Practical image understanding projects
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Vision allows humans to perceive and understand the world surrounding them, while
computer vision aims to duplicate the effect of human vision by electronically perceiving
and understanding an image. Books other than this one would dwell at length on this
sentence and the meaning of the word `duplicate' whether computer vision is simulating
or mimicking human systems is philosophical territory, and very fertile territory too.
Giving computers the ability to see is not an easy task we live in a three-dimensional
(3D) world, and when computers try to analyze objects in 3D space, the visual sensors available (e.g., TV cameras) usually give two-dimensional (2D) images, and this
projection to a lower number of dimensions incurs an enormous loss of information.
Sometimes, equipment will deliver images that are 3D but this may be of questionable
value: analyzing such datasets is clearly more complicated than 2D, and sometimes the
`three-dimensionality' is less than intuitive to us . . . terahertz scans are an example of
this. Dynamic scenes such as those to which we are accustomed, with moving objects or a
moving camera, are increasingly common and represent another way of making computer
vision more complicated.
Figure 1.1 could be witnessed in thousands of farmyards in many countries, and
serves to illustrate just some of the problems that we will face.
Figure 1.1: A frame from a video of a typical farmyard scene: the cow is one of a number walking naturally from right to left. Courtesy of D. R. Magee,
University of Leeds.
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Chapter 1: Introduction
There are many reasons why we might wish to study scenes such as this, which
are attractively simple to us. The beast is moving slowly, it is clearly black and white,
its movement is rhythmic, etc.; however, automated analysis is very fraught in fact,
the animal's boundary is often very difficult to distinguish clearly from the background,
the motion of the legs is self-occluding and (subtly) the concept of `cow-shaped' is not
something easily encoded. The application from which this picture was taken1 made use
of many of the algorithms presented in this book: starting at a low level, moving features
were identified and grouped. A `training phase' taught the system what a cow might
look like in various poses (see Figure 1.2), from which a model of a `moving' cow could
be derived (see Figure 1.3).
Model 1
Model 2
Model 3
Front Legs
Rear Legs
Figure 1.2: Various models for a cow silhouette: a straight-line boundary approximation has
been learned from training data and is able to adapt to di erent animals and di erent forms of
occlusion. Courtesy of D. R. Magee, University of Leeds.
These models could then be fitted to new (`unseen') video sequences. Crudely, at
this stage anomalous behavior such as lameness could be detected by the model failing
to fit properly, or well.
Thus we see a sequence of operations image capture, early processing, segmentation,
model fitting, motion prediction, qualitative/quantitative conclusion that is characteristic of image understanding and computer vision problems. Each of these phases (which
may not occur sequentially!) may be addressed by a number of algorithms which we shall
cover in due course.
1 The application was serious; there is a growing need in modern agriculture for automatic monitoring
of animal health, for example to spot lameness. A limping cow is trivial for a human to identify, but it
is very challenging to do this automatically.
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1.2 Why is computer vision di cult?
Figure 1.3: Three frames from a cow sequence: notice the model can cope with partial occlusion
as the animal enters the scene, and the di erent poses exhibited. Courtesy of D. R. Magee,
University of Leeds.
This example is relatively simple to explain, but serves to illustrate that many computer vision techniques use the results and methods of mathematics, pattern recognition,
artificial intelligence (AI), psycho-physiology, computer science, electronics, and other
scientific disciplines.
Why is computer vision hard? As an exercise, consider a single gray-scale (monochromatic) image: put the book down and before proceeding write down a few reasons
why you feel automatic inspection and analysis of it may be difficult.
Why is computer vision di cult?
This philosophical question provides some insight into the complex landscape of computer
vision. It can be answered in many ways: we brie y offer six most of them will be
discussed in more detail later in the book.
Loss of information in 3D ! 2D is a phenomenon which occurs in typical image capture devices such as a camera or an eye. Their geometric properties have been
approximated by a pinhole model for centuries (a box with a small hole in it a
`camera obscura' in Latin). This physical model corresponds to a mathematical
model of perspective projection; Figure 1.4 summarizes the principle. The projective
transformation maps points along rays but does not preserve angles and collinearity.
Figure 1.4: The pinhole model of
imaging geometry does not distinguish size of objects. © Cengage
real candle
virtual image
image plane
Learning 2015.
The main trouble with the pinhole model and a single available view is that the
projective transformation sees a small object close to the camera in the same way as
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Chapter 1: Introduction
a big object remote from the camera. In this case, a human needs a `yardstick' to
guess the actual size of the object which the computer does not have.
Interpretation of image(s) is a problem humans solve unwittingly that is the principal
tool of computer vision. When a human tries to understand an image then previous
knowledge and experience is brought to the current observation. Human ability to
reason allows representation of long-gathered knowledge, and its use to solve new
problems. Artificial intelligence has worked for decades to endow computers with
the capability to understand observations; while progress has been tremendous, the
practical ability of a machine to understand observations remains very limited.
From the mathematical logic and/or linguistics point of view, image interpretation can be seen as a mapping
interpretation: image data −! model .
The (logical) model means some specific world in which the observed objects make
sense. Examples might be nuclei of cells in a biological sample, rivers in a satellite
image, or parts in an industrial process being checked for quality. There may be
several interpretations of the same image(s). Introducing interpretation to computer
vision allows us to use concepts from mathematical logic, linguistics as syntax (rules
describing correctly formed expressions), and semantics (study of meaning). Considering observations (images) as an instance of formal expressions, semantics studies
relations between expressions and their meanings. The interpretation of image(s) in
computer vision can be understood as an instance of semantics.
Practically, if the image understanding algorithms know into which particular
domain the observed world is constrained, then automatic analysis can be used for
complicated problems.
Noise is inherently present in each measurement in the real world. Its existence calls
for mathematical tools which are able to cope with uncertainty; an example is probability theory. Of course, more complex tools make the image analysis much more
complicated compared to standard (deterministic) methods.
Too much data. Images are big, and video increasingly the subject of vision applications–correspondingly bigger. Technical advances make processor and memory
requirements much less of a problem than they once were, and much can be achieved
with consumer level products. Nevertheless, efficiency in problem solutions is still
important and many applications remain short of real-time performance.
Brightness measured in images is given by complicated image formation physics. The
radiance ( brightness, image intensity) depends on the irradiance (light source
type, intensity and position), the observer's position, the surface local geometry,
and the surface re ectance properties. The inverse tasks are ill-posed for example,
to reconstruct local surface orientation from intensity variations. For this reason,
image-capture physics is usually avoided in practical attempts at image understanding. Instead, a direct link between the appearance of objects in scenes and their
interpretation is sought.
Local window vs. need for global view. Commonly, image analysis algorithms analyze
a particular storage bin in an operational memory (e.g., a pixel in the image) and its
local neighborhood; the computer sees the image through a keyhole; this makes it
very difficult to understand more global context. This problem has a long tradition in
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1.3 Image representation and image analysis tasks
artificial intelligence: in the 1980s McCarthy argued that formalizing context was a
crucial step toward the solution of the problem of generality. It is often very difficult
to interpret an image if it is seen only locally or if only a few local keyholes are
available. Figure 1.5 illustrates this pictorially. How context is taken into account is
an important facet of image analysis.
Figure 1.5: Illustration of the world seen
through several keyholes providing only a local
context. It is very di cult to guess what object is depicted; the complete image is shown in
Figure 1.6. © Cengage Learning 2015.
Image representation and image analysis tasks
Image understanding by a machine can be seen as an attempt to find a relation between
input image(s) and previously established models of the observed world. Transition from
the input image(s) to the model reduces the information contained in the image to relevant information for the application domain. This process is usually divided into several
steps and several levels representing the image are used. The bottom layer contains
raw image data and the higher levels interpret the data. Computer vision designs these
intermediate representations and algorithms serving to establish and maintain relations
between entities within and between layers.
Image representation can be roughly divided according to data organization into four
levels, see Figure 1.7. The boundaries between individual levels are inexact, and more
detailed divisions are also proposed in the literature. Figure 1.7 suggests a bottom up
approach, from signals with almost no abstraction, to the highly abstract description
needed for image understanding. Note that the ow of information does not need to
be unidirectional; often feedback loops are introduced which allow the modification of
algorithms according to intermediate results.
This hierarchy of image representation and related algorithms is frequently categorized in an even simpler way low-level image processing and high-level image understanding.
Low-level processing methods usually use very little knowledge about the content of
images. In the case of the computer knowing image content, it is usually provided by
high-level algorithms or directly by a human who understands the problem domain. Lowlevel methods may include image compression, pre-processing methods for noise filtering,
edge extraction, and image sharpening, all of which we shall discuss in this book. Lowlevel image processing uses data which resemble the input image; for example, an input
image captured by a TV camera is 2D in nature, being described by an image function
f (x, y) whose value, at simplest, is usually brightness depending on the co-ordinates x, y
of the location in the image.
If the image is to be processed using a computer it will be digitized first, after
which it may be represented by a rectangular matrix with elements corresponding to the
brightness at appropriate image locations. More probably, it will be presented in color,
implying (usually) three channels: red, green and blue. Very often, such a data set will
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Chapter 1: Introduction
Figure 1.6: It is easy for humans to interpret an
image if it is seen globally: compare to Figure 1.5.
© Cengage Learning 2015.
be part of a video stream with an associated frame rate. Nevertheless, the raw material
will be a set or sequence of matrices which represent the inputs and outputs of low-level
image processing.
High-level processing is based on knowledge, goals, and plans of how to achieve those
goals, and artificial intelligence methods are widely applicable. High-level computer
vision tries to imitate human cognition (although be mindful of the health warning given
in the very first paragraph of this chapter) and the ability to make decisions according to
the information contained in the image. In the example described, high-level knowledge
would be related to the `shape' of a cow and the subtle interrelationships between the
different parts of that shape, and their (inter-)dynamics.
High-level vision begins with some form of formal model of the world, and then
the `reality' perceived in the form of digitized images is compared to the model. A
match is attempted, and when differences emerge, partial matches (or subgoals) are
sought that overcome them; the computer switches to low-level image processing to
find information needed to update the model. This process is then repeated iteratively,
and `understanding' an image thereby becomes a co-operation between top-down and
bottom-up processes. A feedback loop is introduced in which high-level partial results
create tasks for low-level image processing, and the iterative image understanding process
should eventually converge to the global goal.
Computer vision is expected to solve very complex tasks, the goal being to obtain
similar results to those provided by biological systems. To illustrate the complexity of
these tasks, consider Figure 1.8 in which a particular image representation is presented
Understanding objects
From features to objects
Image with
From images to features
Image digitization
2D image
From objects to images
or a scene
Figure 1.7: Four possible levels of image representation suitable for image analysis problems
in which objects have to be detected and classified. Representations are depicted as shaded
ovals. © Cengage Learning 2015.
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1.3 Image representation and image analysis tasks
Figure 1.8: An unusual image representation. © R.D. Boyle 2015.
the value on the vertical axis gives the brightness of its corresponding location in the
[gray-scale] image. Consider what this image might be before looking at Figure 1.9,
which is a rather more common representation of the same image.
Both representations contain exactly the same information, but for a human observer
it is very difficult to find a correspondence between them, and without the second, it is
unlikely that one would recognize the face of a child. The point is that a lot of a
priori knowledge is used by humans to interpret the images; the machine only begins
with an array of numbers and so will be attempting to make identifications and draw
conclusions from data that to us are more like Figure 1.8 than Figure 1.9. Increasingly,
data capture equipment is providing very large data sets that do not lend themselves to
straightforward interpretation by humans we have already mentioned terahertz imaging
as an example. Internal image representations are not directly understandable while
the computer is able to process local parts of the image, it is difficult for it to locate global
knowledge. General knowledge, domain-specific knowledge, and information extracted
from the image will be essential in attempting to `understand' these arrays of numbers.
Low-level computer vision techniques overlap almost completely with digital image
processing, which has been practiced for decades. The following sequence of processing
steps is commonly seen: An image is captured by a sensor (such as a camera) and
digitized; then the computer suppresses noise (image pre-processing) and maybe enhances
some object features which are relevant to understanding the image. Edge extraction is
an example of processing carried out at this stage.
Image segmentation is the next step, in which the computer tries to separate objects
from the image background and from each other. Total and partial segmentation may be
distinguished; total segmentation is possible only for very simple tasks, an example being
the recognition of dark non-touching objects from a light background. For example, in
analyzing images of printed text (an early step in optical character recognition, OCR)
even this superficially simple problem is very hard to solve without error. In more
complicated problems (the general case), low-level image processing techniques handle
the partial segmentation tasks, in which only the cues which will aid further high-level
processing are extracted. Often, finding parts of object boundaries is an example of
low-level partial segmentation.
Object description and classification in a totally segmented image are also understood
as part of low-level image processing. Other low-level operations are image compression,
and techniques to extract information from (but not understand) moving scenes.
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Chapter 1: Introduction
Figure 1.9: Another representation of Figure 1.8.
© R.D. Boyle 2015.
Low-level image processing and high-level computer vision differ in the data used.
Low-level data are comprised of original images represented by matrices composed of
brightness (or similar) values, while high-level data originate in images as well, but only
those data which are relevant to high-level goals are extracted, reducing the data quantity
considerably. High-level data represent knowledge about the image content for example,
object size, shape, and mutual relations between objects in the image. High-level data
are usually expressed in symbolic form.
Many low-level image processing methods were proposed in the 1970s or earlier:
research is trying to find more efficient and more general algorithms and is implementing
them on more technologically sophisticated equipment, in particular, parallel machines
(including GPU's) are being used to ease the computational load. The requirement for
better and faster algorithms is fuelled by technology delivering larger images (better
spatial or temporal resolution), and color.
A complicated and so far unsolved problem is how to order low-level steps to solve
a specific task, and the aim of automating this problem has not yet been achieved. It is
usually still a human operator who finds a sequence of relevant operations, and domainspecific knowledge and uncertainty cause much to depend on this operator's intuition
and previous experience.
High-level vision tries to extract and order image processing steps using all available
knowledge image understanding is the heart of the method, in which feedback from
high-level to low-level is used. Unsurprisingly this task is very complicated and computationally intensive. David Marr's book [Marr, 1982], discussed in Section 11.1.1, in uenced
computer vision considerably throughout the 1980s; it described a new methodology and
computational theory inspired by biological vision systems. Developments in the 1990s
moved away from dependence on this paradigm, but interest in properly understanding
and then modeling human visual (and other perceptual) systems persists it remains the
case that the only known solution to the `vision problem' is our own brain!
Consider 3D vision problems for a moment. We adopt the user's view, i.e., what
tasks performed routinely by humans would be good to accomplish by machines. What
is the relation of these 3D vision tasks to low-level (image processing) and high-level (image analysis) algorithmic methods? There is no widely accepted view in the academic
community. Links between (algorithmic) components and representation levels are tailored to the specific application solved, e.g., navigation of an autonomous vehicle. These
applications have to employ specific knowledge about the problem solved to be competitive with tasks which humans solve. Many researchers in different fields work on related
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1.4 Summary
problems and research in `cognitive systems' could be the key which may disentangle the
complicated world of perception which includes also computer vision.
Figure 1.10 depicts several 3D vision tasks and algorithmic components expressed
on different abstraction levels. In most cases, the bottom-up and top-down approach is
adopted to fulfill the task.
Shape from X
3D reconstruction
Objects detection
Image analysis
Image processing
Figure 1.10: Several 3D computer vision tasks from the user's point of view are on the upper
line (filled). Algorithmic components on di erent hierarchical levels support it in a bottom-up
fashion. © Cengage Learning 2015.
• Human vision is natural and seems easy; computer mimicry of this is difficult.
• We might hope to examine pictures, or sequences of pictures, for quantitative and
qualitative analysis.
• Many standard and advanced AI techniques are relevant.
• `High' and `low' levels of computer vision can be identified.
• Processing moves from digital manipulation, through pre-processing, segmentation,
and recognition to understanding but these processes may be simultaneous and
• An understanding of the notions of heuristics, a priori knowledge, syntax, and
semantics is necessary.
• The vision literature is large and growing; books may be specialized, elementary,
or advanced.
• A knowledge of the research literature is necessary to stay up to date with the
• Developments in electronic publishing and the Internet are making access to vision
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Chapter 1: Introduction
Short-answer questions
S1.1 What is the di erence between image analysis (or computer vision) on one side and
computer graphics on the other side?
S1.2 Walking around your local town, locate five instances in which digital images are now
publicly visible or in use where they would not have been 10–15 years ago.
S1.3 For some or all of the instances identified in Exercise S1.2, estimate the economics of
the application the size of market implied and the cost of the unit.
S1.4 Determine the current cost of domestic video cameras and storage, and image-capture
hardware for home computers. Try to determine the cost of comparable equipment 1,
5, and 10 years ago. Make some predictions about the power and price of comparable
equipment in 1, 5, and 10-year time.
S1.5 In your own, or a local, university, determine how long image processing, image analysis,
or computer vision have been taught. Try to determine the major syllabus or course
o ering changes over the last 1, 5, and (if possible) 10 years.
S1.6 Locate a topic area of computer science outside vision in which heuristics are commonly
S1.7 Locate a topic area of computer science outside vision in which a priori information is
commonly used.
S1.8 Locate a topic area of computer science outside vision in which syntax is commonly
S1.9 Locate a topic area of computer science outside vision in which semantics are commonly
S1.10 In a technical or academic library, locate the section on computer vision. Examine the
texts there, noting the date of publication and chapter titles; compare them with those
of this text. Draw some conclusions about the topics (or, at least, their titles) that are
static, and those which have developed recently.
S1.11 Select at random some journal references from the listings at the end of each chapter in
this book. Construct a histogram of publication year.
S1.12 Locate in a library some of the references selected in Exercise S1.11; study the publication dates of references listed there, and draw another histogram of years. What do
this exercise and Exercise S1.11 tell you about the development of computer vision?
S1.13 Make yourself familiar with solved problems and Matlab implementations of selected
algorithms provided in the corresponding chapter of the Matlab Companion to this text
[Svoboda et al., 2008]. The Matlab Companion homepage http://visionbook.felk.cvut.cz
o ers images used in the problems, and well-commented Matlab code is provided for
educational purposes.
S1.14 Use the Matlab Companion [Svoboda et al., 2008] to develop solutions to additional
exercises and practical problems provided there. Implement your solutions using Matlab
or other suitable programming languages.
Marr D. Vision—A Computational Investigation into the Human Representation and Processing
of Visual Information. Freeman, San Francisco, 1982.
Svoboda T., Kybic J., and Hlavac V. Image Processing, Analysis, and Machine Vision: A
MATLAB Companion. Thomson Engineering, 2008.
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The image, its representations
and properties
This chapter and the next introduce concepts and mathematical tools which are widely
used in image analysis, and will be used throughout this book. We have separated this
material into essential basics (this chapter) and more intense mathematical theory (the
next). This division is intended to help the reader to start practical work immediately;
mathematical details may be skipped in favor of concentrating on the intuitive meaning
of the basic concepts while the next chapter provides a thorough anchoring to a mathematical background. Such a division can never be perfect, and this chapter contains
some forward references and dependencies on its successor.
Image representations, a few concepts
Mathematical models are often used to describe images and other signals. A signal is
a function depending on some variable with physical meaning; it can be one-dimensional
(e.g., dependent on time), two-dimensional (e.g., an image dependent on two co-ordinates
in a plane), three-dimensional (e.g., describing a volumetric object in space), or higherdimensional. A scalar function might be sufficient to describe a monochromatic image,
while vector functions may be used to represent, for example, color images consisting of
three component colors.
Functions we shall work with may be categorized as continuous, discrete, or digital. A continuous function has continuous domain and range; if the domain set is
discrete, then we have a discrete function; if the range set is also discrete, then we have
a digital function. Many of these functions will be linear, and correspondingly simple to
deal with.
We shall take the usual intuitive definition of image an example might be the image
on the human retina, or captured by a video camera. This can be modeled by a continuous (image) function of two variables f (x, y) where (x, y) are co-ordinates in a plane, or
perhaps three variables f (x, y, t), where t is time. This model is reasonable in the great
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Chapter 2: The image, its representations and properties
majority of applications that we encounter, and which are presented in this book. Nevertheless, it is worth realizing that an `image' may be acquired in many ways. We shall
note often that color is the norm, even when algorithms are presented for monochromatic images, but we do not need to constrain ourselves to the visible spectrum. Infra-red
cameras are now very common (for example, for night-time surveillance). Other parts of
the electro-magnetic [EM] spectrum may also be used; microwave imaging, for example,
is becoming widely available. Further, image acquisition outside the EM spectrum is also
common: in the medical domain, datasets are generated via magnetic resonance (MR),
X-ray computed tomography (CT), ultrasound etc. All of these approaches generate
large arrays of data requiring analysis and understanding and with increasing frequency
these arrays are of 3 or more dimensions. We imply a study of all these modalities in the
title of this book.
The continuous image function
The (gray-scale) image function values correspond to brightness at image points. The
function value can express other physical quantities as well (temperature, pressure distribution, distance from the observer, etc.). Brightness integrates different optical
quantities using brightness as a basic quantity allows us to avoid the complicated process of image formation which will be discussed in Section 3.4.
The image on the retina or on a camera sensor is intrinsically two-dimensional (2D).
We shall call such an image bearing information about brightness points an intensity
image. The 2D image on the imaging sensor is commonly the result of projection of a
three-dimensional (3D) scene. The simplest mathematical model for this is a pin-hole
camera (see Figure 1.4).
The 2D intensity image is the result of a perspective projection of the 3D scene,
which is modeled by the image captured by a pin-hole camera illustrated in Figure 2.1.
In this figure, the image plane has been re ected with respect to the XY plane in order
Figure 2.1: Perspective projection geometry.
image plane
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not to get a mirrored image with negative co-ordinates. The quantities x, y, and z are
co-ordinates of the point X in a 3D scene, and f is the distance from the pinhole to the
image plane. f is commonly called the focal length because in lenses it has a similar
meaning. The projected point u has co-ordinates (u, v) in the 2D image plane, which
can easily be derived from similar triangles
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2.1 Image representations, a few concepts
A non-linear perspective projection is often approximated by a linear parallel (or orthographic) projection, where f ! 1. Implicitly, z ! 1 says that the orthographic
projection is a limiting case of the perspective projection for faraway objects.
When 3D objects are mapped into the camera plane by perspective projection, a lot
of information disappears because such a transform is not one-to-one. Recognizing or reconstructing objects in a 3D scene from one image is an ill-posed problem. In Chapter 11,
we shall consider more elaborate representations that attempt to recapture information
about the original scene that an image depicts. As may be expected, this is not a simple
task and involves intermediate representations that try to establish the depth of points
in the image. The aim is to recover a full 3D representation such as may be used in computer graphics that is, a representation independent of the viewpoint, and expressed in
the co-ordinate system of the object rather than of the viewer. If such a representation
can be recovered, then any intensity image view of the object(s) may be synthesized by
standard graphics techniques.
Recovering information lost by perspective projection is only one, mainly geometric, problem of computer vision another is understanding image brightness. The only
information available in an intensity image is the brightness of the appropriate pixel,
which is dependent on a number of independent factors such as object surface re ectance
properties (given by the surface material, microstructure, and marking), illumination
properties, and object surface orientation with respect to viewer and light source see
Section 3.4. It is a non-trivial and again ill-posed problem to separate these components
when trying to recover the 3D geometry of an object from the intensity image.
Some applications work with 2D images directly for example, an image of a at
specimen viewed by a microscope with transparent illumination, a character drawn on
a sheet of paper, the image of a fingerprint, etc. Many basic and useful methods used in
digital image analysis do not therefore depend on whether the object was originally 2D or
3D. Much of the material in this book restricts itself to the study of such methods the
problem of 3D understanding is addressed explicitly in Chapters 11 and 12.
Image processing often deals with static images, in which time is constant. A monochromatic static image is represented by a continuous image function f (x, y) whose arguments are co-ordinates in the plane. Most images considered in this book will be
presented as monochromatic and static, but we will frequently note that they are taken
from color or dynamic applications, and extensions of the techniques we develop will be
Computerized image processing uses digital image functions which are usually represented by matrices, so co-ordinates are natural numbers. The domain of the image
function is a region R in the plane
R = (x, y), 1 x xm , 1 y yn ,
where xm , yn represent the maximal co-ordinates. The function has a limited domain
infinite summation or integration limits can be used, as the image function value is zero
outside the domain R. The customary orientation of co-ordinates in an image is in the
normal Cartesian fashion (horizontal x-axis, vertical y-axis, origin bottom-left), although
the (row, column, origin top-left) orientation used in matrices is also often used.
The range of image function values is also limited; by convention, in monochromatic
images the lowest value corresponds to black and the highest to white. Brightness values
bounded by these limits are gray-levels.
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Chapter 2: The image, its representations and properties
The quality of a digital image grows in proportion to the spatial, spectral, radiometric, and time resolutions. The spatial resolution is given by the proximity of image
samples in the image plane; spectral resolution is given by the bandwidth of the light
frequencies captured by the sensor; radiometric resolution corresponds to the number
of distinguishable gray-levels; and time resolution is given by the interval between time
samples at which images are captured. The question of time resolution is important in
dynamic image analysis, where time sequences of images are processed.
Images f (x, y) can be treated as deterministic functions or as realizations of stochastic processes. Mathematical tools used in image description have roots in linear system theory, integral transforms, discrete mathematics, and the theory of stochastic processes. Mathematical transforms usually assume that the image function f (x, y) is `wellbehaved', meaning that the function is integrable, has an invertible Fourier transform,
etc. A comprehensive explanation of the mathematical background useful for representing and treating image functions is given in [Bracewell, 2004; Barrett and Myers, 2004].
Image digitization
An image to be processed by computer must be represented using an appropriate discrete
data structure, for example, a matrix. An image captured by a sensor is expressed as
a continuous function f (x, y) of two co-ordinates in the plane. Image digitization means
that the function f (x, y) is sampled into a matrix with M rows and N columns. Image
quantization assigns to each continuous sample an integer value the continuous range
of the image function f (x, y) is split into K intervals. The finer the sampling (i.e., the
larger M and N ) and quantization (the larger K), the better the approximation of the
continuous image function f (x, y) achieved.
Image function sampling poses two questions. First, the sampling period should be
determined this is the distance between two neighboring sampling points in the image.
Second, the geometric arrangement of sampling points (sampling grid) should be set.
Clearly, there is a relationship between the density of digital sampling and the detail that
the image will contain; the theoretical aspects of this (in particular, Shannon's theorem)
are given in Section 3.2.5 the reader is strongly encouraged to understand at least the
implications of this important result. It is worth glancing ahead to Figure 3.11 to see a
clear illustration of this intuitive issue.
For now, it is sufficient to appreciate that if quality comparable to an ordinary
(standard) television image is required, sampling into a 512 × 512 grid is used (768 × 576
for PAL format and 640 × 480 for NTSC format using a rectangular capture window);
this is the reason many image digitizers use this (or higher) resolution. Resolution of
high-definition television (HDTV) is up to 1920 × 1080 pixels. Such a resolution turns
out to be adequate for a very wide range of practically useful tasks. Yet, much higher
image resolutions are routinely available – for example provided by digital cameras or
smartphones – with 10, 000 × 7, 096 pixels being the highest resolution available from a
CMOS chip in 2013 (79 Megapixels, see also Section 2.5.1).
A continuous image is digitized at sampling points. These sampling points are
ordered in the plane, and their geometric relation is called the grid. The digital image
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2.2 Image digitization
is then a data structure, usually a matrix. Grids used in practice are usually square
(Figure 2.2a) or hexagonal (Figure 2.2b). It is important to distinguish the grid from
the raster; the raster is the grid on which a neighborhood relation between points is
Figure 2.2: (a) Square grid. (b) Hexagonal grid.
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One infinitely small sampling point in the grid corresponds to one picture element
also called a pixel or image element in the digital image; in a three-dimensional image,
an image element is called a voxel (volume element). The set of pixels together covers
the entire image; however, the pixel captured by a real digitization device has finite size
(since the sampling function is not a collection of ideal Dirac impulses but a collection of
limited impulses see Section 3.2.5). The pixel is a unit which is not further divisible2
from the image analysis point of view. We shall often refer to a pixel as a `point'.
A value of the sampled image fs (j x, k y) is expressed as a digital value in image
processing. The transition between continuous values of the image function (brightness)
and its digital equivalent is called quantization. The number of quantization levels
should be high enough to permit human perception of fine shading details in the image.
Most digital image processing devices use quantization into k equal intervals. If b bits
are used to express the values of the pixel brightness then the number of brightness levels
is k = 2b . Eight bits per pixel per channel (one each for red, green, blue) are commonly
used although systems using other numbers (e.g., 16) can be found. An efficient computer
representation of brightness values in digital images requires that eight bits, four bits,
or one bit are used per pixel, meaning that one, two, or eight pixel brightnesses can be
stored in one byte.
The main problem in images quantized with insufficient brightness levels is the occurrence of false contours which effect arises when the number of brightness levels is
lower than that which humans can easily distinguish. This number is dependent on
many factors for example, the average local brightness but displays which avoid this
effect will normally provide a range of at least 100 intensity levels. This problem can be
reduced when quantization into intervals of unequal length is used; the size of intervals
corresponding to less probable brightnesses in the image is enlarged. These gray-scale
transformation techniques are considered in Section 5.1.2.
Figures 3.11a and 2.3a-d demonstrate the effect of reducing the number of brightness
levels in an image. An original image with 256 brightness levels (Figure 3.11a) has its
1 E.g., if 4-neighborhoods are used on the square grid, the square raster is obtained. Similarly, if
8-neighborhoods are used on the same square grid, then the octagonal raster is obtained. These 4neighborhood and 8-neighborhood concepts are introduced in Section 2.3.1.
2 In some case, the properties of an image at subpixel resolution can be computed. This is achieved
by approximating the image function by a continuous function.
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Chapter 2: The image, its representations and properties
Figure 2.3: Brightness levels. (a) 64. (b) 16. (c) 4. (d) 2. © Cengage Learning 2015.
number of brightness levels reduced to 64 (Figure 2.3a), and no degradation is perceived.
Figure 2.3b uses 16 brightness levels and false contours begin to emerge, and this becomes
clearer in Figure 2.3c with four brightnesses and in Figure 2.3d with only two.
Digital image properties
A digital image has several properties, both metric and topological, which are somewhat different from those of continuous two-dimensional functions. Human perception
of digital images is a frequent aspect, since judgment of image quality is also important.
Metric and topological properties of digital images
A digital image consists of picture elements with finite size these pixels carry information about the brightness of a particular location in the image. Usually (and we assume
this hereafter) pixels are arranged into a rectangular sampling grid. Such a digital im-
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2.3 Digital image properties
age is represented by a two-dimensional matrix whose elements are natural numbers
corresponding to the quantization levels in the brightness scale.
Some intuitively clear properties of continuous images have no straightforward analogy in the domain of digital images. Distance is an important example. Any function
D holding the following three condition is a `distance' (or a metric)
D(p, q) 0 ; D(p, q) = 0 if and only if p = q , identity,
D(p, q) = D(q, p) ,
D(p, r) D(p, q) + D(q, r) ,
triangular inequality.
The distance between points with co-ordinates (i, j) and (h, k) may be defined in several
different ways.
The Euclidean distance DE known from classical geometry and everyday experience is defined by
DE (i, j), (h, k) = (i − h)2 + (j − k)2 .
The advantage of Euclidean distance is that it is intuitively obvious. The disadvantages
are costly calculation due to the square root, and its non-integral value.
The distance between two points can also be expressed as the minimum number of
elementary steps in the digital grid which are needed to move from the starting point to
the end point. If only horizontal and vertical moves are allowed, the ‘city block’ distance distance D4 is obtained (also called the L1 metric or Manhattan distance, because
of the analogy with the distance between two locations in a city with a rectangular grid
of streets):
D4 (i, j), (h, k) =j i − h j + j j − k j .
If moves in diagonal directions are allowed in the digitization grid, we obtain the
distance D8 , or ‘chessboard’ distance. D8 is equal to the minimal number of kingmoves on the chessboard from one part to another:
D8 (i, j), (h, k) = max j i − h j, j j − k j .
These distance definitions are illustrated in Figure 2.4.
0 1 2 3 4
Figure 2.4: Distance metrics De , D4 , and D8 . © Cengage
Learning 2015.
Pixel adjacency is another important concept in digital images. Two pixels (p, q)
are called 4-neighbors if they have distance D4 (p, q) = 1. Analogously, 8-neighbors
have D8 (p, q) = 1 see Figure 2.5.
It will become necessary to consider important sets consisting of several adjacent
pixels regions (in set theory, a region is a connected set). More descriptively, we can
define a path from pixel P to pixel Q as a sequence of points A1 , A2 , . . ., An , where
A1 = P, An = Q, and Ai+1 is a neighbor of Ai , i = 1, . . . , n − 1; then a region is a set
of pixels in which there is a path between any pair of its pixels, all of whose pixels also
belong to the set.
If there is a path between two pixels in the set of pixels in the image, these pixels
are called contiguous. Alternatively, we can say that a region is a set of pixels in which
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Chapter 2: The image, its representations and properties
Figure 2.5: Neighborhood of the representative
pixel (gray filled pixel in the middle). © Cengage
(a) 4-neighborhood
(b) 8-neighborhood
Learning 2015.
each pair of pixels is contiguous. The relation `to be contiguous' is re exive, symmetric,
and transitive and therefore defines a decomposition of the set (the image in our case)
into equivalence classes (regions). Figure 2.6 illustrates a binary image decomposed by
the relation `contiguous' into three regions.
Figure 2.6: The relation `to be contiguous' decomposes an image into individual regions. The
Japanese Kanji character meaning `near from
here' decomposes into 3 regions. © Cengage
Learning 2015.
Assume that Ri are disjoint regions in the image which were created by the relation
`to be contiguous', and further assume (to avoid special cases) that these regions do not
touch the image bounds. Let R be the union of all regions Ri ; RC be the set complement
of R with respect to the image. The subset of RC which is contiguous with the image
bounds is called the background, and the remainder of the complement RC is called
holes.3 A region is called simple contiguous if it has no holes. Equivalently, the
complement of a simply contiguous region is contiguous. A region with holes is called
multiple contiguous.
Note that the concept of region uses only the property `to be contiguous'. Secondary
properties can be attached to regions which originate in image data interpretation. It is
common to call some regions in the image objects; a process which determines which
regions in an image correspond to objects in the world is a part of image segmentation
and is discussed in Chapters 6 and 7.
The brightness of a pixel is a very simple property which can be used to find objects
in some images; if, for example, a pixel is darker than some predefined value (threshold),
then it belongs to the object. All such points which are also contiguous constitute one
object. A hole consists of points which do not belong to the object and are surrounded
by the object, and all other points constitute the background. An example is the black
printed text on this white sheet of paper, in which individual letters are objects. White
areas surrounded by the letter are holes, for example, the area inside the letter `o'. Other
white parts of the paper are the background.
These neighborhood and contiguity definitions on the square grid create interesting
paradoxes. Figure 2.7a shows two digital line segments with 45◦ slope. If 4-connectivity
is used, the lines are not contiguous at each of their points. An even worse con ict with
intuitive understanding of line properties is also illustrated; two perpendicular lines do
intersect in one case (upper right intersection) and do not intersect in another case (lower
left), as they do not have any common point (i.e., their set intersection is empty).
3 Some
literature does not distinguish holes and background, and calls both of them background.
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2.3 Digital image properties
Figure 2.7: Paradoxes of crossing lines.
© Cengage Learning 2015.
It is known from Euclidean geometry that each closed curve (e.g., a circle) divides
the plane into two non-contiguous regions. If images are digitized in a square grid using
8-connectivity, we can draw a line from the inner part of a closed curve into the outer
part which does not intersect the curve (Figure 2.7b). This implies that the inner and
outer parts of the curve constitute only one region because all pixels of the line belong to
only one region, giving another paradox. One possible solution to contiguity paradoxes
is to treat objects using 4-neighborhoods and background using 8-neighborhoods (or vice
versa). A more exact treatment of digital images paradoxes and their solution for binary
and other images can be found in [Klette and Rosenfeld, 2004].
These problems are typical on square grids a hexagonal grid (see Figure 2.2), however, solves many of them. Any point in the hexagonal raster has the same distance
to all its six neighbors. There are some problems peculiar to the hexagonal raster as
well (for example, it is difficult to express a Fourier transform on it). For reasons of
simplicity and ease of processing, most digitizing devices use a square grid despite the
known drawbacks.
An alternative approach to the connectivity problems is to use discrete topology
based on cellular complexes [Kovalevsky, 1989]. This approach develops a complete
strand of image encoding and segmentation that deals with many issues we shall come
to later, such as the representation of boundaries and regions. The idea, first proposed
by the German mathematician Riemann in the nineteenth century, considers families of
sets of different dimensions; points, which are 0-dimensional sets, may then be assigned
to sets containing higher-dimensional structures (such as pixel arrays). This approach
permits the removal of the paradoxes we have seen.
The distance transform also called the distance function or chamfering algorithm or simply chamfering is a simple application of the concept of distance. The
idea is important as it provides the basis of several fast algorithms that will be seen multiple times in this book. The distance transform provides the distance of pixels from
some image subset (perhaps describing objects or some features). The resulting `image'
has pixel values of 0 for elements of the relevant subset, low values for close pixels, and
then high values for pixels remote from it the appearance of this array gives the name
to the technique.
For illustration, consider a binary image, in which ones represent the objects and
zeros the background. The input image is shown in Figure 2.8 and the result of the D4
distance transform is illustrated in Figure 2.9.
To calculate the transform, a two-pass algorithm has been suggested [Rosenfeld and
Pfaltz, 1966, 1968] for distances D4 and D8 . The idea is to traverse the image by a small
local mask. The first pass starts from the top-left of the image and moves horizontally
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Chapter 2: The image, its representations and properties
0 1
0 1
Figure 2.8: Input image: gray pixels correspond to objects and white to background.
Figure 2.9: Result of the [D4 ] distance
transform. © Cengage Learning 2015.
© Cengage Learning 2015.
left to right until it reaches the bounds of the image and then returns to the beginning
of the next row. The second pass goes from the bottom-right corner in the opposite
bottom-up, right to left direction using a different local mask. The effectiveness of the
algorithm comes from propagating the values of the previous image investigation in a
`wave-like' manner. The masks used in calculations are shown in Figure 2.10.
Figure 2.10: Pixel neighborhoods used in distance transform
calculations p is the central one. The neighborhood on the left is
used in the first pass (top-down, left to right); that on the right is
used in the second (bottom-up, right to left). © Cengage Learning
Algorithm 2.1: Distance transform
1. Choose a distance Nmax that exceeds the image dimension with respect to the
chosen distance metric (D4 or D8 ). Initialize an image F of the same dimension
as the input: set pixels corresponding to the subset(s) to be chamfered to 0, and
all others to Nmax .
2. (Refer to Figure 2.10.) Pass through image pixels from top to bottom and left
to right. For a given pixel, consider neighbors above and to the left and set
F (p) = min F (p), D(p, q) + F (q) .
q AL
3. (Refer to Figure 2.10.) Pass through image pixels from bottom to top and right
to left. For a given pixel, consider neighbors above and to the left and set
F (p) = min F (p), D(p, q) + F (q) .
q BR
4. If any pixels remain still set at Nmax , go to (2).
5. The array F now holds a chamfer of the chosen subset(s).
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2.3 Digital image properties
Figure 2.11: Three distances used often in distance transform calculations the input consists
of three isolated `ones'. Output distance is visualized as intensity; lighter values denote higher
distances. Contour plots are superimposed for better visualization. (a) Euclidean distance DE .
(b) City block distance D4 . (c) Chessboard distance D8 . © Cengage Learning 2015.
This algorithm needs obvious adjustments at image boundaries, where the sets AL
and BR are truncated. It is open to various improvements by using different distance
calculations [Montanari, 1968; Barrow et al., 1977; Borgefors, 1986; Breu et al., 1995;
Maurer et al., 2003]. Distance transform performance for DE , D4 , D8 on an input
consisting only of three distinct `ones' is shown in Figure 2.11.
The distance transform has many applications, e.g., in discrete geometry, path
planning and obstacle avoidance in mobile robotics, finding the closest feature in the
image, and skeletonization (discussed with mathematical morphology methods in Section 13.5.5).
An edge is a further important concept used in image analysis. This is a local
property of a pixel and its immediate neighborhood it is a vector given by a magnitude
and direction which tells us how fast the image intensity varies in a small neighborhood
of a pixel. Images with many brightness levels are used for edge computation, and
the gradient of the image function is used to compute edges. The edge direction is
perpendicular to the gradient direction which points in the direction of the fastest image
function growth. Edges are considered in detail in Section 5.3.2.
The related concept of the crack edge creates a structure between pixels in a similar
manner to that of cellular complexes. However, it is more pragmatic and less mathematically rigorous. Four crack edges are attached to each pixel, which are defined by its
relation to its 4-neighbors. The direction of the crack edge is that of increasing brightness, and is a multiple of 90◦ , while its magnitude is the absolute difference between the
brightness of the relevant pair of pixels. Crack edges are illustrated in Figure 2.12 and
may be be used in considering image segmentation (Chapter 6).
The border (boundary) of a region is another important concept in image analysis.
The border of a region R is the set of pixels within the region that have one or more
neighbors outside R. The definition corresponds to an intuitive understanding of the
border as a set of points at the bound of the region. This definition is sometimes referred
to as the inner border to distinguish it from the outer border, that is, the border
of the background (i.e., its complement) of the region. Inner and outer borders are
illustrated in Figure 2.13. Due to the discrete nature of the image, some inner border
elements which would be distinct in the continuous case coincide in the discrete case, as
can be seen with the one-pixel-wide line at the right of Figure 2.13.
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Chapter 2: The image, its representations and properties
Figure 2.12: Crack edges.
© Cengage Learning 2015.
Figure 2.13: Region inner borders shown as white circles and outer
borders shown as black squares (using 4-neighborhoods). © Cengage Learning 2015.
While edges and borders are related, they are not the same thing. `Border' is a global
concept related to a region, while `edge' expresses local properties of an image function.
One possibility for finding boundaries is chaining the significant edges (points with high
gradient of the image function). Methods of this kind are described in Section 6.2.
A region is described as convex if any two points within it are connected by a
straight line segment, and the whole line lies within the region see Figure 2.14. The
property of convexity decomposes all regions into two equivalence classes: convex and
Figure 2.14: A convex region (left)
and non-convex region (right). © Cengage Learning 2015.
A convex hull of a region is the smallest convex region containing the input (possibly non-convex) region. Consider an object whose shape resembles the letter `R' (see
Figure 2.15). Imagine a thin rubber band pulled around the object; the shape of the
rubber band provides the convex hull of the object. Convex hull calculation is described
in Section 8.3.3.
Figure 2.15: Description using topological components:
An `R' object, its convex hull, and the associated lakes
and bays. © Cengage Learning 2015.
Topological properties are not based on the distance concept. Instead, they are
invariant to homeomorphic transforms which can be illustrated for images as rubber
sheet transforms. Imagine a small rubber balloon with an object painted on it; topological properties of the object are those which are invariant to arbitrary stretching of
the rubber sheet. Stretching does not change contiguity of the object parts and does not
change the number of holes in regions. We use the term `topological properties' of the
region to describe its qualitative properties invariant to small changes (e.g., the property
of being convex), even though an arbitrary homeomorphic transformation can change a
convex region to a non-convex one and vice versa. Considering the rubber sheet analogy,
we mean that the stretching of the sheet is only gentle. Further properties of regions
that are not rubber sheet invariant are described in Section 8.3.1.
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2.3 Digital image properties
An object with non-regular shape can be represented by a collection of its topological
components, Figure 2.15. The set inside the convex hull which does not belong to an
object is called the deficit of convexity. This can be split into two subsets: lakes (dark
gray) are fully surrounded by the object; and bays (light gray) are contiguous with the
border of the convex hull of the object.
The convex hull, lakes, and bays are sometimes used for object description; these
features are used in Chapter 8 (object description) and in Chapter 13 (mathematical
The brightness histogram hf (z) of an image provides the frequency of the brightness
value z in the image the histogram of an image with L gray-levels is represented by
a one-dimensional array with L elements.
Algorithm 2.2: Computing the brightness histogram
1. Assign zero values to all elements of the array hf .
2. For all pixels (x, y) of the image f , increment hf f (x, y) by 1.
The histogram provides a natural bridge between images and a probabilistic description. We might want to find a first-order probability function p1 (z; x, y) to indicate the
probability that pixel (x, y) has brightness z. Dependence on the position of the pixel is
not of interest in the histogram; the function p1 (z) is of interest and the brightness histogram is its estimate. The histogram is often displayed as a bar graph, see Figure 2.16.
The histogram is usually the only global information about the image which is available. It is used when finding optimal illumination conditions for capturing an image,
gray-scale transformations, and image segmentation to objects and background. Note
Image histogram
Figure 2.16: Original image (a) and its brightness histogram (b). © Cengage Learning 2015.
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Chapter 2: The image, its representations and properties
that one histogram may correspond to several images; for instance, a change of the
object position on a constant background does not affect it.
The histogram of a digital image typically has many local minima and maxima, which
may complicate its further processing. This problem can be avoided by local smoothing
of the histogram; this may be done, for example, using local averaging of neighboring
histogram elements as the base, so that a new histogram h0f (z) is calculated according
hf (z + j) ,
h0f (z) =
2K + 1
where K is a constant representing the size of the neighborhood used for smoothing. This
algorithm would need some boundary adjustment, and carries no guarantee of removing
all local minima. Other techniques for smoothing exist, notably Gaussian blurring; in the
case of a histogram, this would be a one-dimensional simplification of the 2D Gaussian
blur, equation (5.47), which will be introduced in Section 5.3.3.
If a probability density p is known then image information content can be estimated
regardless of its interpretation using entropy H. The concept of entropy has roots in
thermodynamics and statistical mechanics but it took many years before it was related
to information. The information-theoretic formulation comes from Shannon [Shannon,
1948] and is often called information entropy.
An intuitive understanding of information entropy relates to the amount of uncertainty about an event associated with a given probability distribution. The entropy can
serve as an measure of `disorder'. As the level of disorder rises, entropy increases and
events are less predictable.
Entropy is formally defined assuming a discrete random variable X with possible
outcomes (called also states) x1 , . . . , xn . Let p(xk ) be the probability of the outcome xk ,
k = 1, . . . n. Then the entropy is defined as
p(xk ) log2
p(xk )
p(xk ) log2 p(xk ) .
The entropy of the random variable X is the sum, over all possible outcomes k of X,
of the product of the probability of outcome xk with the logarithm of the inverse of the
probability of xk .
The base of the logarithm in this formula determines the unit in which entropy
is measured. If this base is two then the entropy is given in bits. Recall that the
probability density p(xk ) needed to calculate the entropy is often estimated using a graylevel histogram in image analysis, Section 2.3.2.
Entropy measures the uncertainty about the realization of a random variable. For
Shannon, it served as a proxy capturing the concept of information contained in a message
as opposed to the portion of the message that is strictly determined and predictable by
inherent structures. For example, we shall explore entropy to assess redundancy in an
image for image compression (Chapter 14).
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2.3 Digital image properties
Visual perception of the image
Anyone who creates or uses algorithms or devices for digital image processing should take
into account the principles of human image perception. If an image is to be analyzed by
a human the information should be expressed using variables which are easy to perceive;
these are psycho-physical parameters such as contrast, border, shape, texture, color, etc.
Humans will find objects in images only if they may be distinguished effortlessly from
the background. A detailed description of the principles of human visual perception can
be found in [Bruce et al., 1996; Palmer, 1999]. Human perception of images provokes
many illusions, the understanding of which provides valuable clues about visual mechanisms. Some of the better-known illusions will be mentioned here the topic is covered
exhaustively from the point of view of computer vision in [Frisby, 1979].
The situation would be relatively easy if the human visual system had a linear response to composite input stimuli i.e., a simple sum of individual stimuli. A decrease of
some stimulus, e.g., area of the object in the image, could be compensated by its intensity,
contrast, or duration. In fact, the sensitivity of human senses is roughly logarithmically
proportional to the intensity of an input signal. In this case, after an initial logarithmic
transformation, response to composite stimuli can be treated as linear.
Contrast is the local change in brightness and is defined as the ratio between average
brightness of an object and the background. Strictly speaking, we should talk about
luminance4 instead of brightness if our aim is to be physically precise. The human eye
is logarithmically sensitive to brightness, implying that for the same perception, higher
brightness requires higher contrast.
Apparent brightness depends very much on the brightness of the local surroundings;
this effect is called conditional contrast. Figure 2.17 illustrates this with five circles of the
same size surrounded by squares of different brightness. Humans perceive the brightness
of the small circles as different.
Figure 2.17: Conditional contrast e ect. Circles inside squares have the same brightness and
are perceived as having di erent brightness values. © Cengage Learning 2015.
Acuity is the ability to detect details in an image. The human eye is less sensitive to slow
and fast changes in brightness in the image plane but is more sensitive to intermediate
changes. Acuity also decreases with increasing distance from the optical axis.
Resolution in an image is firmly bounded by the resolution ability of the human eye;
there is no sense in representing visual information with higher resolution than that of
4 Luminance describes the amount of light that passes through or is emitted from a particular area,
and falls within a given solid angle. Luminance is given candela per square meter [cd/m2 ].
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Chapter 2: The image, its representations and properties
the viewer. Resolution in optics is defined as the inverse value of a maximum viewing
angle between the viewer and two proximate points which humans cannot distinguish,
and so fuse together.
Human vision has the best resolution for objects which are at a distance of about
250 mm from an eye under illumination of about 500 lux; this illumination is provided
by a 60 W bulb from a distance of 400 mm. Under these conditions the distance between
two distinguishable points is approximately 0.16 mm.
Some visual illusions
Human perception of images is prone to many illusions. For a comprehensive treatment
of the subject, see [Palmer, 1999].
Object borders carry a lot of information for humans. Boundaries of objects and
simple patterns such as blobs or lines enable adaptation effects similar to conditional
contrast, mentioned above. The Ebbinghaus illusion is a well-known example two circles of the same diameter in the center of images appear to have different diameters
(Figure 2.18).
Figure 2.18: The Ebbinghaus illusion. © Cengage
Learning 2015.
Perception of one dominant shape can be fooled by nearby shapes. Figure 2.19 shows
parallel diagonal line segments which are not perceived as parallel. Figure 2.20 contains
rows of black and white squares which are all parallel. However, the vertical zigzag
squares disrupt our horizontal perception.
Figure 2.19: Disrupted parallel diagonal
lines. © Cengage Learning 2015.
Figure 2.20: Horizontal lines are parallel,
although not perceived as such. © Cengage
Learning 2015.
Perceptual grouping
Perceptual grouping [Palmer, 1999] is a principle used in computer vision to aggregate
elements provided by low-level operations such as edgels, which are small blobs to bigger
chunks having some meaning. Its roots are in Gestalt psychology first postulated by
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2.3 Digital image properties
Wertheimer in 1912 [Brett King and Wertheimer, 2005]. Gestalt psychology proposes
that the operational principle of the mind and brain is holistic, parallel, and with selforganizing tendencies.
Gestalt theory was meant to have general applicability; its main tenets, however,
were induced almost exclusively from observations on visual perception. The overriding
theme of the theory is that stimulation is perceived in organized or configuration terms.
Gestalt in German means configuration, structure or pattern of physical, biological, or
psychological phenomena so integrated to constitute a functional unit with properties
not derivable by summation of its parts. Patterns take precedence over elements and
have properties that are not inherent in the elements themselves.
not grouped
by proximity
by similarity
by similarity
Figure 2.21: Grouping according to
properties of elements.
© Cengage
by direction
Learning 2015.
The human ability to group items according to various properties is illustrated in
Figure 2.21. Perceived properties help people to connect elements together based on
strongly perceived properties as parallelism, symmetry, continuity and closure taken in
a loose sense as illustrated in Figure 2.22.
Figure 2.22: Illustration of properties perceived in images which allow humans to group together
elements in cluttered scenes. © Cengage Learning 2015.
It has been demonstrated that mimicking perceptual grouping in machine vision
system is a plausible technique. It permits the creation of more meaningful chunks of
information from meaningless outcomes of low-level operations such as edge detection.
Such grouping is useful in image understanding. This principle will be used in this book
mainly for image segmentation.
Image quality
An image might be degraded during capture, transmission, or processing, and measures
of image quality can be used to assess the degree of degradation. The quality required
naturally depends on the purpose for which an image is used.
Methods for assessing image quality can be divided into two categories: subjective
and objective. Subjective methods are often used in television technology, where the
ultimate criterion is the perception of a selected group of professional and lay viewers.
They appraise an image according to a list of criteria and give appropriate marks. Details
about subjective methods may be found in [Pratt, 1978].
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Chapter 2: The image, its representations and properties
Objective quantitative methods measuring image quality are more interesting for
our purposes. Ideally such a method also provides a good subjective test, and is easy to
apply; we might then use it as a criterion in parameter optimization. The quality of an
image f (x, y) is usually estimated by comparison with a known reference image g(x, y)
[Rosenfeld and Kak, 1982], and a synthesized image is often used for this purpose.
class of methods uses simple measures such as the mean quadratic difference (g − f )2 ,
but this does not distinguish a few big differences from many small differences. Instead of
the mean quadratic difference, the mean absolute difference or simply maximal absolute
difference may be used. Correlation between images f and g is another alternative.
Another class measures the resolution of small or proximate objects in the image.
An image consisting of parallel black and white stripes is used for this purpose; then the
number of black and white pairs per millimeter gives the resolution.
Noise in images
Real images are often degraded by some random errors this degradation is usually called
noise. Noise can occur during image capture, transmission, or processing, and may be
dependent on, or independent of, the image content.
Noise is usually described by its probabilistic characteristics. Idealized noise, called
white noise is often used. White noise has a constant power spectrum (explained in
Section 3.2.3), meaning that all noise frequencies are present and have the same intensity.
For example, the intensity of white noise does not decrease with increasing frequency as
is typical in real-world signals. White noise is frequently employed to model the worst
approximation of degradation, the advantage being that its use simplifies calculations.
A special case of white noise is Gaussian noise. A random variable with a Gaussian
(normal) distribution has its probability density function given by the Gaussian curve.
In the 1D case the density function is
p(x) =
p e 2σ2 ,
where is the mean and the standard deviation of the random variable. Gaussian
noise is a very good approximation to noise that occurs in many practical cases.
When an image is transmitted through some channel, noise which is usually independent of the image signal occurs. This signal-independent degradation is called additive
noise and can be described by the model
f (x, y) = g(x, y) + (x, y) ,
where the noise and the input image g are independent variables. Algorithm 2.3 will
generate zero mean additive Gaussian noise in an image this can often be of use in
testing or demonstrating many algorithms in this book which are designed to remove
noise, or to be noise resistant.
Algorithm 2.3: Generation of additive, zero mean Gaussian noise
1. Suppose an image has gray-level range [0, G − 1]. Select
generate less noise.
> 0; low values
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Figure 2.30.
(a) CRT monitor
(b) printer
(c) film
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Plate 4: © Cengage Learning 2015. Page 39, Figure 2.34.
Power spectrum log(module of the FFT)
Power spectrum log(module of the FFT)
Spatial frequency v
Spatial frequency v
Spatial frequency u
Spatial frequency u
Plate 5: © Cengage Learning 2015. Page 61, Figure 3.7.
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Plate 7: Courtesy of M. Urban, Czech Technical University, Prague. Page 159, Figure 5.34.
Plate 8: Courtesy of J. Matas, Czech Technical University, Prague. Page 160, Figure 5.35.
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robust approach toward feature space analysis,” IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Machine Intell., vol. 24,
pp. 603-619, 2002. Page 259, Figure 7.2.
Plate 10: © 2002 IEEE. Reprinted, with permission, from D. Comaniciu, P. Meer, “Mean shift: A
robust approach toward feature space analysis,” IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Machine Intell, vol. 24,
pp. 603-619, 2002. Page 260, Figure 7.3.
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Pound et al., “CellSeT: Novel Software to Extract and Analyze Structured Networks of Plant Cells
from Confocal Images,” 1989; permission conveyed through Copyright Clearance Center, Inc. Page 268,
Figure 7.11.
Plate 12: Courtesy of J. K. Udupa, University of Pennsylvania. Page 287, Figure 7.28.
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Plate 14: Yin, Y., Zhang, X., Williams, R., Wu, X., Anderson, D.D., Sonka, M., “LOGISMOSLayered Optimal Graph Image Segmentation of Multiple Objects and Surfaces: Cartilage Segmentation
in the Knee Joint,” Medical Imaging, IEEE Transactions, Volume: 29, Issue: 12, Digital Object Identifier: 10.1109/TMI.2010.2058861, Publication Year: 2010, Page(s): 2023-2037. Page 316, Figure 7.48.
Plate 15: Sun S., Sonka M., and Beichel R., “Lung segmentation refinement based on optimal surface
finding utilizing a hybrid desktop/virtual reality user interface,” Computerized Medical Imaging and
Graphics, 37(1):15-27, 2013b. Page 316, Figure 7.49.
Decision tree structure
Tree root node
Is top of image blue?
Is bottom of
image gray?
Leaf node
Is bottom of
image blue?
Plate 16: Based on [Criminisi et al., 2011]. Page 443, Figure 9.35.
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Color inset
Before split
Split 1
Split 2
Plate 17: Based on [Criminisi et al., 2011]. Page 444, Figure 9.36.
pS (ϖ r |x)
pS (ϖ r |x)
pS (ϖ r |x)
Plate 18: Based on [Criminisi et al., 2011]. Page 445, Figure 9.37.
Plate 19: Based on [Criminisi et al., 2011]. Page 446, Figure 9.38.
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Tree t=1
p1 (ϖ r |x)
p2 (ϖ r |x)
p3 (ϖ r |x)
Plate 20: Based on [Criminisi et al., 2011]. Page 447, Figure 9.39.
p1 (y|x)
p3 (y|x)
p4 (y|x)
(a) Random forest
p1 (y|x)
p3 (y|x)
p4 (y|x)
(b) Tree posteriors
(c) Average forest posterior
(d) Product forest posterior
Plate 21: Based on [Criminisi et al., 2011]. Page 447, Figure 9.40.
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Plate 22: Handbook of Mathematical Models in Computer Vision, “3D active shape and appearance
models in cardiac image analysis,” 2006, pp. 471-486, B. Lelieveldt, A. Frangi, S. Mitchell, H. van
Assen, S. Ordas, J. Reiber, and M. Sonka. Page 499, Figure 10.20.
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oriented gradients for human detection,” Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, pp.
886-893, 2005. Page 512, Figure 10.31.
Plate 24: © 2005 IEEE. Reprinted, with permission, from N. Dalal and B. Triggs, “Histograms of
oriented gradients for human detection,” Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, pp.
886-893, 2005. Page 513, Figure 10.32.
Plate 25: With kind permission from Springer Science+Business Media: Outdoor and Large-Scale
Real-World Scene Analysis, “An introduction to random forests for multi-class object detection,” 2012,
pp. 243-263, J. Gall, N. Razavi, and L. Gool. Page 518, Figure 10.37.
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L., Lempitsky, V., “Hough forests for object detection, tracking, and action recognition,” IEEE Trans.
Pattern Anal. Machine Intell, vol. 33, pp. 2188-2202, IEEE, 2011. Page 519, Figure 10.38.
Plate 27: © 2011 IEEE. Reprinted, with permission, from Gall, J., Yao, A., Razavi, N., Van Gool,
L., Lempitsky, V., “Hough forests for object detection, tracking, and action recognition,” IEEE Trans.
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pp. 243-263, J. Gall, N. Razavi, and L. Gool. Page 521, Figure 10.40.
Plate 29: A. Criminisi, J. Shotton, and E. Konukoglu, Decision Forests for Classfication, Regression,
Density Estimation, Manifold Learning and Semi-Supervised Learning. Microsoft Research technical
report TR-2011-114. © 2012 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Page 522, Figure 10.41.
Plate 30: © 2011 IEEE. Reprinted, with permission, from Shotton J., Fitzgibbon A., Cook M., Sharp
T., Finocchio M., Moore R., Kipman A., and Blake A., “Real-time human pose recognition in parts
from single depth images,” Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2011 IEEE Conference,
pp. 1297-1304, 2011. Page 522, Figure 10.42.
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T., Finocchio M., Moore R., Kipman A., and Blake A., “Real-time human pose recognition in parts
from single depth images,” Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2011 IEEE Conference,
pp. 1297-1304, 2011. Page 523, Figure 10.44.
Plate 32: A. Criminisi, J. Shotton, and E. Konukoglu, Decision Forests for Classfication, Regression,
Density Estimation, Manifold Learning and Semi-Supervised Learning. Microsoft Research technical
report TR-2011-114. © 2012 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Page 523, Figure 10.44.
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Normalised Speed
Frame Number
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2.3 Digital image properties
2. For each pair of horizontally neighboring pixels (x, y), (x, y + 1) generate a pair
of independent random numbers r, in the range [0, 1].
3. Calculate
z1 =
z2 =
) −2 ln r ,
) −2 ln r .
(This is the Box-Muller transform which assumes that z1 , z2 are independently
normally distributed with zero mean and variance 2 .)
4. Set f 0 (x, y) = g(x, y) + z1 and f 0 (x, y + 1) = g(x, y + 1) + z2 , where g is the input
5. Set
if f 0 (x, y) < 0 ,
f (x, y) = G − 1
if f 0 (x, y) > G − 1 ,
 0
f (x, y) otherwise,
if f 0 (x, y + 1) < 0 ,
f (x, y + 1) = G − 1
if f 0 (x, y + 1) > G − 1 ,
 0
f (x, y + 1) otherwise.
6. Go to 3 until all pixels have been scanned.
The truncation performed by equations (2.11) and (2.12) will attenuate the Gaussian
nature of the noise; this will become more marked for values of that are high relative
to G. Other algorithms for noise generation may be found in [Pitas, 1993].
Equation (2.9) leads to a definition of signal-to-noise ratio (SNR); computing the
total square value of the noise contribution
(x, y) ,
which we compare this with the total square value of the observed signal
F =
f 2 (x, y) .
The signal-to-noise ratio is then
(strictly, we are comparing the mean observation with the mean error the computation
is obviously the same). SNR represents a measure of image quality, with high values
being `good'. It is often expressed in the logarithmic scale, in decibels
SNRdB = 10 log10 SNR .
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Chapter 2: The image, its representations and properties
The noise magnitude depends in many cases on the signal magnitude itself
f =g .
This model describes multiplicative noise. An example of multiplicative noise is television raster degradation, which depends on TV lines; in the area of a line this noise is
maximal, and between two lines it is minimal.
Quantization noise occurs when insufficient quantization levels are used, for example, 50 levels for a monochromatic image. In this case false contours appear. Quantization
noise can be eliminated simply, see Section 2.2.2.
Impulse noise means that an image is corrupted with individual noisy pixels whose
brightness differs significantly from that of the neighborhood. The term salt-andpepper noise is used to describe saturated impulsive noise an image corrupted with
white and/or black pixels is an example. Salt-and-pepper noise can corrupt binary images.
The problem of suppressing noise in images is addressed in Chapter 5. If nothing
is known a priori about noise properties, local pre-processing methods are appropriate
(Section 5.3). If the noise parameters are known in advance, image restoration techniques
can be used (Section 5.4).
Color images
Human color perception adds a subjective layer on top of underlying objective physical
properties the wavelength of electromagnetic radiation. Consequently, color may be
considered a psycho-physical phenomenon.
Color has long been used in painting, photography and films to display the surrounding world to humans in a similar way to that in which it is perceived in reality. There
is considerable literature on the variants in the naming of colors across languages, which
is a very subtle affair [Kay, 2005]. The human visual system is not very precise in perceiving color in absolute terms; if we wish to express our notion of color precisely we
would describe it relative to some widely used color which is used as a standard: recall,
e.g., the red of a British pillar box. There are whole industries which present images to
humans the press, films, displays, and hence a desire for color constancy. In computer
vision, we have the advantage of using a camera as a measuring device, which yields
measurements in absolute quantities.
Newton reported in the 17th century that white light from the sun is a spectral
mixture, and used the optical prism to perform decomposition. This was a radical idea
to propose at time; over 100 years later in uential scientists and philosophers such as
Goethe refused to believe it.
Physics of color
The electromagnetic spectrum is illustrated in Figure 2.23.
Only a narrow section of the electromagnetic spectrum is visible to a human, with
wavelength from approximately 380 nm to 740 nm. Visible colors with the wavelengths
shown in Figure 2.24 are called spectral colors and are those which humans see when
white light is decomposed using a Newtonian prism, or which are observed in a rainbow
on the sky. Colors can be represented as combinations of the primary colors, e.g., red,
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2.4 Color images
ELF waves
AM radio
X rays
g rays
visible light
Figure 2.23: Division of the electromagnetic spectrum (ELF is Extremely Low Frequencies).
© Cengage Learning 2015.
λ [nm]
Figure 2.24: Wavelength λ of the spectrum visible to humans. © Cengage Learning 2015.
green, and blue, which for the purposes of standardization have been defined as 700 nm,
546.1 nm, and 435.8 nm, respectively [Pratt, 1978], although this standardization does
not imply that all colors can be synthesized as combinations of these three.
The intensity of irradiation for different wavelengths usually changes. This variation is expressed by a power spectrum (called also power spectrum distribution) S( ).
Why do we see the world in color? There are two predominant physical mechanisms
describing what happens when a surface is irradiated. First, the surface reflection
rebounds incoming energy in a similar way to a mirror. The spectrum of the re ected
light remains the same as that of the illuminant and it is independent of the surface
recall that shiny metals `do not have a color'. Second, the energy diffuses into the material
and re ects randomly from the internal pigment in the matter. This mechanism is called
body reflection and is predominant in dielectrics such as plastic or paints. Figure 2.25
illustrates both surface re ection (mirroring along surface normal n) and body re ection.
Colors are caused by the properties of pigment particles which absorb certain wavelengths
from the incoming illuminant wavelength spectrum.
Most sensors used for color capture, e.g., in cameras, do not have direct access to
color; the exception is a spectrophotometer which in principle resembles Newton's
prism. Incoming irradiation is decomposed into spectral colors and intensity along the
color pigment
Figure 2.25: Observed color of objects is caused by certain wavelength absorptions by pigment
particles in dielectrics. © Cengage Learning 2015.
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Chapter 2: The image, its representations and properties
spectrum with changing wavelength is measured in a narrow wavelength band, for instance, by a mechanically moved point sensor. Actual spectrophotometers use diffraction
gratings instead of a glass prism.
Sometimes, intensities measured in several narrow bands of wavelengths are collected
in a vector describing each pixel. Each spectral band is digitized independently and is represented by an individual digital image function as if it were a monochromatic image. In
this way, multispectral images are created. Multispectral images are commonly used
in remote sensing from satellites, airborne sensors and in industry. Wavelength usually
span from ultraviolet through the visible section to infrared. For instance, the LANDSAT 7 satellite transmits digitized images in eight spectral bands from near-ultraviolet
to infrared.
Color perceived by humans
Evolution has developed a mechanism of indirect color sensing in humans and some
animals. Three types of sensors receptive to the wavelength of incoming irradiation have
been established in humans, thus the term trichromacy. Color sensitive receptors on
the human retina are the cones. The other light sensitive receptors on the retina are the
rods which are dedicated to sensing monochromatically in low ambient light conditions.
Cones are categorized into three types based on the sensed wavelength range: S (short)
with maximum sensitivity at
430 nm, M (medium) at
560 nm, and L (long) at
610 nm. Cones S, M, L are occasionally called cones B, G and R, respectively, but that is
slightly misleading. We do not see red solely because an L cone is activated. Light with
equally distributed wavelength spectrum looks white to a human, and an unbalanced
spectrum appears as some shade of color.
The reaction of a photoreceptor or output from a sensor in a camera can be modeled
mathematically. Let i be the specific type of sensor, i = 1, 2, 3, (the retinal cone type
S, M, L in the human case). Let Ri ( ) be the spectral sensitivity of the sensor, I( ) be
the spectral density of the illumination, and S( ) describe how the surface patch re ects
each wavelength of the illuminating light. The spectral response qi of the i-th sensor,
can be modeled by integration over a certain range of wavelengths
qi =
I( ) Ri ( ) S( ) d .
Consider the cone types S, M, L. How does the vector (qS , qM , qL ) represent the color
of the surface patch? It does not according to equation (2.16) since the output from the
photosensors depends on the three factors I( ), S( ) and R( ). Only the factor S( ) is
related to the surface patch. Only in the ideal case, when the illumination is perfectly
white, i.e., I( ) = 1, can we consider (qS , qM , qL ) as an estimate of the color of the
Figure 2.26 illustrates qualitatively the relative sensitivities of S, M, L cones. Measurements were taken with the white light source at the cornea so that absorption of
wavelength in cornea, lens and inner pigments of the eye is taken into account [Wandell,
A phenomenon called color metamer is relevant. A metamer, in general, means
two things that are physically different but perceived as the same. Red and green adding
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Relative sensitivity
2.4 Color images
700 λ [nm]
Figure 2.26: Relative sensitivity of S,
M, L cones of the human eye to wavelength. © Cengage Learning 2015.
Intensity of primary colors
to produce yellow is a color metamer, because yellow could have also been produced by
a spectral color. The human visual system is fooled into perceiving that red and green
is the same as yellow.
Consider a color matching experiment in which someone is shown a pattern consisting
of two adjacent color patches. The first patch displays a test light a spectral color of
certain wavelength. The second patch is created as an additive combination of three
selected primary lights, e.g., colors red=645.2 nm, green=525.3 nm and blue=444.4 nm.
The observer is asked to control the red, green and blue intensities until both patches
look identical. This color matching experiment is possible because of the color metamer.
The result of measurements (redrawn from [Wandell, 1995]) is in Figure 2.27. Negative
lobes can be seen on the curves for red and green in this figure. This would seem to be
impossible. For wavelengths exhibiting negative values the three additive lights do not
perceptually match the spectral color because it is darker. If the perceptual match has
to be obtained then the observer has to add the intensity to the patch corresponding to
the spectral color. This increase of this intensity is depicted as a decrease in the color
matching function. Hence the negative values.
- 0.5
λ [nm]
Figure 2.27: Color matching functions obtained in the color matching experiment.
Intensities of the selected primary colors
which perceptually match spectral color of
given wavelength λ. Based on [Wandell,
Human vision is prone to various illusions. Perceived color is in uenced, besides
the spectrum of the illuminant, by the colors and scene interpretation surrounding the
observed color. In addition, eye adaptation to changing light conditions is not very fast
and perception is in uenced by adaptation. Nevertheless, we assume for simplicity that
the spectrum of light coming to a point on the retina fully determines the color.
Since color can be defined by almost any set of primaries, the world community
agreed on primaries and color matching functions which are widely used. The color
model was introduced as a mathematical abstraction allowing us to express colors as
tuples of numbers, typically as three or four values of color components. Being motivated
by the press and the development of color film, in 1931, CIE (International Commission
on Illumination, still acting in Lausanne, Switzerland) issued a technical standard called
XYZ color space.
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Chapter 2: The image, its representations and properties
The standard is given by the three imaginary lights X=700.0 nm, Y =546.1 nm,
Z=435.8 nm and by the color matching functions X( ), Y ( ) and Z( ) corresponding to the perceptual ability of an average human viewing a screen through an aperture
providing a 2◦ field of view. The standard is artificial because there is no set of physically
realizable primary lights that would yield the color matching functions in the experiment.
Nevertheless, if we wanted to characterize the imaginary lights then, roughly speaking,
X red, Y
green and Z blue. The CIE standard is an example of an absolute standard, i.e., defining unambiguous representation of color which does not depend on other
external factors. There are more recent and more precise absolute standards: CIELAB
1976 (ISO 13665) and HunterLab (http://www.hunterlab.com). Later, we will also discuss relative color standards such as RGB color space: there are several RGB color spaces
used two computer devices may display the same RGB image differently.
The XYZ color standard fulfills three requirements:
• Unlike the color matching experiment yielding negative lobes of color matching
functions, the matching functions of XYZ space are required to be non-negative.
• The value of Y ( ) should coincide with the brightness (luminance).
• Normalization is performed to assure that the power corresponding to the three
color matching functions is equal (i.e., the area under all three curves is equal).
The resulting color matching functions are shown in Figure 2.28. The actual color is a
mixture (more precisely a convex combination) of
cX X + cY Y + cZ Z ,
where 0 cX , cY , cZ 1 are weights (intensities) in the mixture. The subspace of colors
perceivable by humans is called the color gamut and is demonstrated in Figure 2.29.
3D figures are difficult to represent, and so a planar view of a 3D color space is used.
The projection plane is given by the plane passing through extremal points on all three
Tristimulus value
700 λ [nm]
Figure 2.28: Color matching functions for the CIE
standard from 1931. X(λ), Y (λ), Z(λ) are color
matching functions. Based on [Wandell, 1995].
Figure 2.29: Color gamut - a subspace
of the X, Y, Z color space showing all
colors perceivable by humans. © Cengage Learning 2015.
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2.4 Color images
CIE Chromaticity Diagram 1931
Figure 2.30: CIE chromaticity diagram is
a projection of XYZ color space into a
plane. The triangle depicts a subset of colors spanned by red, green, and blue. These
are TV colors, i.e., all possible colors, which
can be seen on a CRT display. © Cengage
Learning 2015. A color version of this gure
may be seen in the color inset Plate 1.
axes, i.e., points X, Y, Z. The new 2D coordinates x, y are obtained as
X +Y +Z
X +Y +Z
z =1−x−y.
The result of this plane projection is the CIE chromaticity diagram, see Figure 2.30.
The horseshoe like subspace contains colors which people are able to see. All monochromatic spectra visible to humans map into the curved part of the horseshoe their
wavelengths are shown in Figure 2.30.
Display and printing devices use three selected real primary colors (as opposed to
three synthetic primary colors of XYZ color space). All possible mixtures of these primary
colors fail to cover the whole interior of the horseshoe in CIE chromaticity diagram. This
situation is demonstrated qualitatively for three particular devices in Figure 2.31.
CIE Chromaticity Diagram 1931
CRT monitor gamut
CIE Chromaticity Diagram 1931
Color printer gamut
(a) CRT monitor
Color film gamut
CIE Chromaticity Diagram 1931
(b) printer
(c) film
Figure 2.31: Gamuts which can be displayed using three typical display devices. © Cengage
Learning 2015. A color version of this gure may be seen in the color inset Plate 2.
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Chapter 2: The image, its representations and properties
Color spaces
Several different primary colors and corresponding color spaces are used in practice, and
these spaces can be transformed into each other. If the absolute color space is used then
the transformation is the one-to-one mapping and does not lose information (except for
rounding errors). Because color spaces have their own gamuts, information is lost if the
transformed value appears out of the gamut. See [Burger and Burge, 2008] for a full
explanation and for algorithms; here, we list several frequently used color spaces.
The RGB color space has its origin in color television where Cathode Ray Tubes
(CRT) were used. RGB color space is an example of a relative color standard (as opposed
to the absolute one, e.g., CIE 1931). The primary colors (R–red, G–green and B–blue)
mimicked phosphor in CRT luminophore. The model uses additive color mixing to inform
what kind of light needs to be emitted to produce a given color. The value of a particular
color is expressed as a vector of three elements intensities of three primary colors, and
a transformation to a different color space is expressed by a 3 × 3 matrix. Assume that
values for each primary are quantized to m = 2n values; let the highest intensity value
be k = m − 1; then (0, 0, 0) is black, (k, k, k) is (television) white, (k, 0, 0) is `pure' red,
and so on. The value k = 255 = 28 − 1 is common, i.e., 8 bits per color channel. There
are 2563 = 224 = 16, 777, 216 possible colors in such a discretized space.
Blue (0,0,k)
Cyan (0,k,k)
Magenta (k,0,k)
White (k,k,k)
Black (0,0,0)
Green (0,k,0)
Red (k,0,0)
Yellow (k,k,0)
Figure 2.32: RGB color space with primary
colors red, green, blue and secondary colors
yellow, cyan, magenta. Gray-scale images
with all intensities lie along the dashed line
connecting black and white in RGB color
space. © Cengage Learning 2015.
The RGB model may be thought of as a 3D co-ordinatization of color space (see
Figure 2.32); note the secondary colors which are combinations of two pure primaries.
There are specific instances of the RGB color model such as sRGB, Adobe RGB and
Adobe Wide Gamut RGB, which differ slightly in transformation matrices and the gamut.
One of the transformations between RGB and XYZ color spaces is
  
 
3.24 −1.54 −0.50 X
G = −0.98
0.04  Y  ,
0.06 −0.20
  
 
0.41 0.36 0.18
 Y  = 0.21 0.72 0.07 G .
0.02 0.12 0.95 B
The US and Japanese color television formerly used YIQ color space. The Y component describes intensity and I, Q represent color. YIQ is another example of additive
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2.4 Color images
color mixing. This system stores a luminance value with two chrominance values, corresponding approximately to the amounts of blue and red in the color. This color space
corresponds closely to the YUV color model in the PAL television norm (Australia, Europe, except France, which uses SECAM). YIQ color space is rotated 33◦ with respect to
the YUV color space. The YIQ color model is useful since the Y component provides all
that is necessary for a monochrome display; further, it exploits advantageous properties
of the human visual system, in particular our sensitivity to luminance, the perceived
energy of a light source.
The CMY for Cyan, Magenta, Yellow color model uses subtractive color mixing
which is used in printing processes. It describes what kind of inks need to be applied
so the light re ected from the white substrate (paper, painter's canvas) and passing
through the inks produces a given color. CMYK stores ink values for black in addition.
Black can be generated from C, M and Y components but as it is abundant in printed
documents, it is of advantage to have a special black ink. Many CMYK colors spaces
are used for different sets of inks, substrates, and press characteristics (which change the
color transfer function for each ink and thus change the appearance).
HSV – Hue, Saturation, and Value (also known as HSB, hue, saturation, brightness)
is often used by painters because it is closer to their thinking and technique. Artists
commonly use three to four dozen colors (characterized by the hue; technically, the
dominant wavelength). If another color is to be obtained then it is mixed from the
given ones, for example, `purple' or `orange'. The painter also wants colors of different
saturation, e.g., to change `fire brigade red' to pink. She will mix the `fire brigade red'
with white (and/or black) to obtain the desired lower saturation. The HSV color model
is illustrated in Figure 2.33.
Figure 2.33: HSV color model illustrated as a
cylinder and unfolded cylinder. © Cengage Learnsaturation
ing 2015. A color version of this gure may be seen
in the color inset Plate 3.
HSV decouples intensity information from color, while hue and saturation correspond to human perception, thus making this representation very useful for developing
image processing algorithms. This will become clearer as we proceed to describe image
enhancement algorithms (for example, equalization Algorithm 5.1), which if applied to
each component of an RGB model would corrupt the human sense of color, but which
would work more or less as expected if applied to the intensity component of HSV (leaving the color information unaffected). HSL (hue, saturation, lightness/luminance), also
known as HLS or HSI (hue, saturation, intensity) is similar to HSV. `Lightness' replaces
`brightness'. The difference is that the brightness of a pure color is equal to the brightness
of white, while the lightness of a pure color is equal to the lightness of a medium gray.
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Chapter 2: The image, its representations and properties
Color spaces
Colorimetric calculations
Device oriented, nonuniform spaces
Storage, processing, coding, color TV
Device oriented, Uniform spaces
Color di erence, analysis
User oriented
Color perception, computer graphics
Palette images
Palette images (also called indexed images) provide a simple way to reduce the
amount of data needed to represent an image. The pixel values constitute a link to a
lookup table (also called a color table, color map, palette). The table contains as
many entries as the range of possible values in the pixel, which is typically 8 bits 256
values. Each entry of the table maps the pixel value to the color, so there are three
values, one for each of three color components. In the typical case of the RGB color
model, values for red, green and blue are provided. It is easy to see that this approach
would reduce data consumption to one-third if each of the RGB channels had originally
been using 8 bits (plus size of the look up table). Many widely used image formats for
raster images such as TIFF, PNG and GIF can store palette images.
If the number of colors in the input image is less than or equal to the number of
entries in the lookup table then all colors can be selected and no loss of information
occurs. Such images may be cartoon movies, or program outputs. In the more common
case, the number of colors in the image exceeds the number of entries in the lookup table,
a subset of colors has to be chosen, and a loss of information occurs.
This color selection may be done many ways. The simplest is to quantize color space
regularly into cubes of the same size. In the 8 bit example, there would be 8 × 8 × 8 =
512 such cubes. If there is, e.g., a green frog in green grass in the picture then there will
not be enough shades of green available in the lookup table to display the image well. In
such a case, it is better to check which colors appear in the image by creating histograms
for all three color components and quantize them to provide more shades for colors which
occur in the image frequently. If an image is converted to a palette representation then
the nearest color (in some metric sense) in the lookup table is used to represent the
original color. This is an instance of vector quantization (see Section 14.4) which is
widely used in analyzing large multi-dimensional datasets. It is also possible to view
the occupation by the pixels of RGB space as a cluster analysis problem (see Section
9.2.6), susceptible to algorithms such as k-means (Algorithm 9.5).
The term pseudo-color is usually used when an original image is gray-level and
is displayed in color; this is often done to exploit the color discriminatory power of
human vision. The same palette machinery as described above is used for this purpose;
a palette is loaded into the lookup table which visualizes the particular gray-scale image
the best. It could either enhance local changes, or might provide various views of the
image. Which palette to choose depends on the semantics of the image and cannot be
derived from image statistics alone. This selection is an interactive process.
Almost all computer graphics cards work with palette images directly in hardware.
The content of the lookup table will be filled by the programmer.
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2.4 Color images
Color constancy
Consider the situation in which the same surface is seen under different illumination, e.g.,
for a Rubik's cube in Figure 2.34. The same surface colors are shown fully illuminated
and in shadow. The human vision system is able to abstract to a certain degree from
the illumination changes and perceive several instances of a particular color as the same.
This phenomenon is called color constancy. Of course, it would be desirable to equip
artificial perception systems based on photosensors with this ability too, but this is very
R: 253
G: 225
B: 001
R: 231
G: 047
B: 000
R: 187
G: 018
B: 000
Figure 2.34: Color constancy: The Rubik cube is captured in sunlight, and two of three visible
sides of the cube are in shadow. The white balance was set in the shadow area. There are six
colors on the cube: R-red, G-green, B-blue, O-orange, W-white, and Y-yellow. The assignment
of the six available colors to 3 × 9 visible color patches is shown on the right. Notice how di erent
the same color patch can be: see RGB values for the three instances of orange. © Cengage Learning
2015. A color version of this gure may be seen in the color inset Plate 4.
Recall equation (2.16) which models the spectral response qi of the i-th sensor by
integration over a range of wavelengths as a multiplication of three factors: spectral
sensitivity Ri ( ) of the sensor i = 1, 2, 3, spectral density of the illumination I( ), and
surface re ectance S( ). A color vision system has to calculate the vector qi for each pixel
as if I( ) = 1. Unfortunately, the spectrum of the illuminant I( ) is usually unknown.
Assume for a while the ideal case in which the spectrum I( ) of the illuminant is
known. Color constancy could be obtained by dividing the output of each sensor with
its sensitivity to the illumination. Let qi0 be the spectral response after compensation for
the illuminant (called von Kries coefficients), qi0 = i qi , where
I( ) Ri ( ) d .
Partial color constancy can be obtained by multiplying color responses of the three
photosensors with von Kries coefficients i .
In practice, there are several obstacles that make this procedure intractable. First,
the illuminant spectrum I( ) is not known; it can only be guessed indirectly from re ections in surfaces. Second, only the approximate spectrum is expressed by the spectral
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Chapter 2: The image, its representations and properties
response qi of the i-th sensor. Clearly the color constancy problem is ill-posed and cannot
be solved without making additional assumptions about the scene.
Several such assumptions have been suggested in the literature. It can be assumed
that the average color of the image is gray. In such a case, it is possible to scale the
sensitivity of each sensor type until the assumption becomes true. This will result in an
insensitivity to the color of the illumination. This type of color compensation is often
used in automatic white balancing in video cameras. Another common assumption is
that the brightest point in the image has the color of the illumination. This is true when
the scene contains specular re ections which have the property that the illuminant is
re ected without being transformed by the surface patch.
The problem of color constancy is further complicated by the perceptual abilities of
the human visual system. Humans have quite poor quantitative color memory, and also
perform color adaptation. The same color is sensed differently in different local contexts.
Cameras: An overview
Photosensitive sensors
Photosensitive sensors most commonly found in cameras can be divided into two groups:
Sensors based on photo-emission principles exploit the photoelectric effect. An external photon carried in incoming radiation brings enough energy to provoke the emission of a free electron. This phenomenon is exhibited most strongly in metals. In
image analysis related applications, it has been used in photomultipliers and vacuum
tube TV cameras.
Sensors based on photovoltaic principles became widely used with the development of
semiconductors. The energy of a photon causes an electron to leave its valence
band and changes to a conduction band. The quantity of incoming photons affects
macroscopic conductivity. The excited electron is a source of electric voltage which
manifests as electric current; the current is directly proportional to the amount of
incoming energy (photons). This phenomenon is exploited in several technological
elements as a photodiode, an avalanche photodiode (an amplifier of light which has
similar behavior from the user's point of view as the photomultiplier; it also amplifies noise and is used, e.g., in night vision cameras), a photoresistor, and Schottky
There are two types of semiconductor photoresistive sensors used widely in cameras:
CCDs (charge-coupled devices) and CMOS (complementary metal oxide semiconductor),
both developed in the 1960s and 1970s. CCDs initially became technologically mature in
the 1970s and became the most widely used photosensors in cameras. CMOS technology
started being technologically mastered from about the 1990s.
In a CCD sensor, every pixel's charge is transferred through just one output node
to be converted to voltage, buffered, and sent off-chip as an analog signal. All of the
pixel area can be devoted to light capture. In a CMOS sensor, each pixel has its own
charge-to-voltage conversion, and the sensor often includes amplifiers, noise-correction,
and digitization circuits, so that the chip outputs (digital) bits. These other functions
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2.5 Cameras: An overview
increase the design complexity and reduce the area available for light capture. The chip
can be built to require less off-chip circuitry for basic operation.
The basic CCD sensor element includes a Schottky photodiode and a field-effect
transistor. A photon falling on the junction of the photodiode liberates electrons from
the crystal lattice and creates holes, resulting in the electric charge that accumulates
in a capacitor. The collected charge is directly proportional to the light intensity and
duration of its falling on the diode. The sensor elements are arranged into a matrixlike grid of pixels a CCD chip. The charges accumulated by the sensor elements are
transferred to a horizontal register one row at a time by a vertical shift register. The
charges are shifted out in a bucket brigade fashion to form the video signal.
There are three inherent problems with CCD chips.
• The blooming effect is the mutual in uence of charges in neighboring pixels.
• It is impossible to address directly individual pixels in the CCD chip because read
out through shift registers is needed.
• Individual CCD sensor elements are able to accumulate approximately 30-200 thousands electrons. The usual level of inherent noise of the CCD sensor is on the level
of 20 electrons. The signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) in the case of a cooled CCD chip
is SNR = 20 log(200000=20), i.e., the logarithmic noise is approximately 80 dB at
best. This means that the sensor is able to cope with four orders of magnitude of
intensity in the best case. This range drops to approximately two orders of magnitude with common uncooled CCD cameras. The range of incoming light intensity
variations is usually higher.
Here, current technology does not beat the human eye. Evolution equipped us with
the ability to perceive intensity (brightness) in a remarkable range of nine orders of
magnitude (if time for adaptation is provided). This range is achieved because the eye
response to intensity is proportional logarithmically to the incoming intensity. Nevertheless, among the sensors available, CCD cameras have high sensitivity (are able to see in
darkness) and low levels of noise. CCD elements are abundant, also due to widely used
digital photo cameras.
The development of semiconductor technology permits the production of matrix-like
sensors based on CMOS technology. This technology is used in mass production in the
semiconductor industry because processors and memories are manufactured using the
same technology. This yields two advantages. The first is that mass production leads to
low prices; because of the same CMOS technology, the photosensitive matrix-like element
can be integrated to the same chip as the processor and/or operational memory. This
opens the door to `smart cameras' in which image capture and basic image processing is
performed on the same chip.
The advantage of CMOS cameras (as opposed to CCD) is a higher range of sensed
intensities (about 4 orders of magnitude), high speed of read-out (about 100 ns) and
random access to individual pixels. The disadvantage is a higher level of noise by approximately one degree of magnitude.
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Chapter 2: The image, its representations and properties
A monochromatic camera
The camera consists of the optical system (lens), the photosensitive sensor(s) and electronics which enables the processing of a captured image, and transfer to further processing.
While image acquisition increasingly uses fully digital cameras, the earlier generation analog cameras are brie y described for completeness. Analog cameras generate
a complete TV signal which contains information about light intensity, and horizontal
and vertical synchronization pulses allowing row by row display. The frame scan can be
with interlaced lines as in ordinary analog TV, which was introduced to reduce image
ickering on cathode-ray tube (CRT) screens. A rate of 60 half-frames per second is used
in the USA and Japan, and 50 half-frames per second in Europe and elsewhere. The
whole image has 525 lines in the USA and Japan, 625 lines in Europe and elsewhere.
Analog cameras require a digitizer card (a frame grabber) to be incorporated in the image
acquisition chain.
Analog cameras have problems with jitter which means that two neighboring lines
are not aligned properly and ` oat' in a statistical manner one against the other. The
human eye is insensitive to jitter because it is able to smooth out the statistical variation.
However, jitter causes problems when the camera is used for measurement purposes such
as gauging. Non-interlaced analog cameras with an appropriate frame grabber suppress
this problem. Non-interlaced cameras do not need to conform to TV norms, and usually
provide higher resolution such as 1024 × 720 pixels. Nowadays, the preferred solution
is to use digital cameras offering much higher resolution in measurement applications
with CMOS camera chip resolution reaching 10, 000 × 7, 096 at the time this edition was
prepared (2013).
A/D conversion
video circuits
g correction
Q/U convesion
digit. data in a
cable computer
Figure 2.35: Analog CCD camera. © Cengage Learning 2015.
A block diagram of an analog camera with a CCD chip is in Figure 2.35. The block
AGC (Automatic Gain Control) automatically changes the gain of the camera according
to the amount of light in the scene. The gain is set as a compromise between necessary
sensitivity in low illuminated areas and the attempt to avoid saturation of bright areas.
Cameras usually contain another block named correction which performs nonlinear
transformation of the intensity scale. The necessity for this in the display chain originates
in television technology with cathode-ray tubes (CRT). The dependency between the grid
bias voltage U and the resulting irradiance L ( brightness) of the luminophore follows
a power law, L = U
the typical value of is 2.2. The shape of the transfer curve is
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2.5 Cameras: An overview
roughly parabolic. Note that the intensity of modern at Liquid Crystal Displays (LCD)
depends linearly on the input voltage.
In order to maintain a linear transfer function of the whole display chain with CRT,
there is a need to compensate the non-linear transfer function by an inverse curve. It was
easier and cheaper to include compensation circuitry into a few cameras at the beginning
of the television era than to put it into a mass produced TV set. Due to the need for
backward compatibility, there is a module in cameras which modifies the dependency of
the output voltage of the camera Uk on the input radiation E, Uk = E 1= = E . The
typical value is thus = 1=2.2 0.45. Some cameras allow the -value to be set in the
range [0,1]. The value =1 corresponds to the correction being switched off.
Sometimes, it is necessary to use the camera as an absolute measuring device of
incoming intensities. The image capturing chain has to be radiometrically calibrated
before the actual measurement starts. In such a case, there is a need to switch off
AGC and -correction. Higher quality cameras allow both AGC and -correction to be
switched on or off. In cheaper cameras, it may be possible to switch off AGC and
correction by intervening into the camera electronics.
Analog cameras are equipped with video circuitry which adds frame synchronization
pulses to the signal. The high-pass filter in the camera compensates for a decrease of
high frequencies in the optical part. The TV signal is usually conducted by a coaxial
cable to a digitizer (frame grabber) in a computer. At the input of the digitizer, there
are sometimes equalization filters to compensate for the loss of high frequencies in the
A block diagram of a digital camera is in Figure 2.36. The conversion from photon energy to voltage is the same as in analog cameras including potential AGC and/or
-correction. The analog-to-digital (A/D) converter provides a number proportional to
the input intensity. These numbers have to be transferred to the computer for further
processing the connection can be done using either parallel or serial hardware. Serial connections usually exploit widely used technology standardized in the IEEE 1394
(FireWire) or USB (Universal Serial Bus) protocols. In the case of parallel connection,
only short cables of length about 1 meter can be used.
A/D conversion
γ correction
Q/U convesion
data in a
Figure 2.36: Digital CCD camera. © Cengage Learning 2015.
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Chapter 2: The image, its representations and properties
Analog cameras
Digital cameras
Long cable possible (up to 300 m).
Multiple sampling of a signal.
Noisy due to analog transmission.
Line jitter.
Cheap webcams. Dropping price for others.
Shorter cable (≈ 10 m for Firewire).
Kilometers after conversion to optical cable.
Any length for Internet cameras.
Single sampling.
No transmission noise.
Lines are vertically aligned.
A color camera
Electronic photosensitive sensors are monochromatic. Three strategies are usually employed to capture color images:
• Record three different images in succession by employing color filters in front of
monochromatic cameras. This approach is used only in precise laboratory measurements because it is impractical and impossible for any image capture involving
• Using a color filter array on a single sensor.
• The incoming light is split into several color channels using a prism-like device.
A color filter array mosaic is often combined with a single photosensitive sensor
to create a color camera. Each pixel is covered with an individual filter which can be
implemented either on a cover glass on the chip package (hybrid filter) or directly on the
silicon (monolithic filter). Each pixel captures only one color. Consequently, the color
resolution is about one third of the geometric resolution which would correspond to a
monochromatic camera with same number of pixels. The full color values for each pixel
can be interpolated from pixel values of the same color in local neighborhood.
The human eye is most sensitive to green, less to red, and least to blue. This property
is used by the most common color filter for single chip cameras called the Bayer filter
mosaic or pattern (Bryce Bayer, US patent 3971065, 1976), see Figure 2.37. It can be
seen that the number of green-sensitive pixels is equal to the combined number of pixels
sensitive to red and blue.
Figure 2.37: Bayer filter mosaic for single chip color cameras. © Cengage Learning 2015.
A great advantage of a mosaic filter is its optical simplicity. It provides the single
focal plane necessary for the use of standard film lenses. Good mosaic filters provide
excellent band-pass transmission. Many professional digital SLR and studio cameras use
mosaic filters.
Multiple-chip cameras use color filters to split incoming light into separate color
channels. Photosensors are simple and preserve the spatial resolution. Aligning and
registering the sensors to the color splitter to the prism requires high precision. For
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2.6 Summary
pixels of the same size, color splitter systems should allow higher sensitivity in low light
conditions, since they should lose less light in the filters. In practice, this advantage
is not always available. Color splitting devices often include absorption filters because
simple refraction may not provide sufficiently precise color separation. The beam splitter approach complicates the optical system and limits lens selection significantly. The
additional optical path of the prism increases both lateral and longitudinal aberration
for each color's image. The longitudinal aberration causes different focal lengths for each
color; the photosensor could be moved independently to each color's focal point, but
then the lateral aberration would produce different magnification for each color. These
aberrations can be overcome with a lens specifically designed for use with the prism, but
such camera-specific lenses would be rare, in exible, and expensive.
• Basic concepts
– A 2D image gray-scale image is represented by a scalar function f (x, y) of two
variables which give coordinates in a plane.
– In many cases, a 2D image is formed as the result of a projection of a 3D scene
into 2D.
– The domain of the digitized image is a limited discrete grid the coordinates
of which are natural numbers. The range of the digitized image is a limited
discrete set of gray values (brightnesses). A pixel is the elemental part of an
• Image digitization
– Digitization (sampling) of an image can be seen as a product of a sampling
function and a continuous image function.
– Usually the grid consists of regular polygons (squares or hexagons). The
second aspect of sampling is setting the distance between the sampling points
(the smaller sampling distance the higher the resolution of the image).
– Gray level quantization governs the appearance of shading and false contour.
A human is able to recognize about 60 gray levels at most. Images containing
only black and white pixels are called the binary.
• Digital image properties
– The neighborhood relation of a pixel has to be defined to be able to represent
discrete geometry.
– A function providing distance between two pixels has to be established. The
most commonly used are `city block', `chessboard', and everyday Euclidean
distance. If the neighborhood relation is set for a grid then a raster is obtained.
– Given a raster, topological properties are induced. These properties are based
on the relation `being contiguous' and lead to concepts of region, background,
hole, and region border. The convex hull of a region is the minimal convex
subset containing it.
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Chapter 2: The image, its representations and properties
– 4-neighborhoods and 8-neighborhoods lead to `crossing line' paradoxes which
complicate basic discrete geometry algorithms. However, there exist solutions
to these paradoxes for both binary and gray-level images.
– The distance transform of a binary image gives the distance from each pixel
to the nearest non-zero pixel. A two-pass algorithm can compute this, the
complexity of which depends linearly on the number of pixels.
– The brightness histogram is a global descriptor of the image giving the estimate of the probability density that a pixel has a given brightness.
– Human visual perception is vulnerable to various illusions. Some of the properties of human perception of images as perceptual grouping are inspirations
for computer vision methods.
– Live images as any other measurements or observations are always prone to
noise. Noise can be quantitatively assessed using, e.g., signal-to-noise ratio.
– White, Gaussian, impulse, and salt-and-pepper noise are common models.
• Color images
– Human color perception is a subjective psycho-physical layer on top of underlying objective physical properties the wavelength of electromagnetic radiation.
– Humans have three types of sensors receptive to the wavelength of incoming
irradiation. Color sensitive receptors on the human retina are cones. The
retina also has rods which are dedicated to sensing monochromatically in low
ambient light conditions. Cones are categorized into three types based on the
sensed wavelength range, approximately corresponding to red, green and blue.
• Cameras
– Most cameras use either CCD or CMOS photosensitive elements, both using
photovoltaic principles. They capture brightness of a monochromatic image.
– Cameras are equipped with necessary electronics to provide digitized images.
Color cameras are similar to monochromatic ones and contain color filters.
Short-answer questions
S2.1 Define, with diagrams, perspective projection and orthographic projection.
S2.2 Define:
• Spatial resolution
• Spectral resolution
• Radiometric resolution
• Time resolution
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2.7 Exercises
S2.3 Why the analog television norms as NTSC, PAL (which are several decades old) use
interlaced image lines?
S2.4 Use Matlab or similar software to generate images of very low contrast: determine what
contrast is detectable by humans.
S2.5 Define:
• Additive noise
• Multiplicative noise
• Gaussian noise
• Impulsive noise
• Salt-and-pepper noise
S2.6 A photoreceptor or camera sensor can be modeled by the following equation:
qi =
I(λ) Ri (λ) S(λ) dλ
• Name/describe the individual variables.
• What is qi ?
S2.7 Brie y describe the relationship between the color gamut perceivable by humans and
available in a typical CRT or LCD display.
Provide a rough sketch of each of these two gamuts in a single CIE chromaticity diagram.
S2.8 Explain the concept of color constancy. Why is it important for color image processing
and/or analysis?
P2.1 Discuss the various factors that in uence the brightness of a pixel in an image.
P2.2 Develop a program that reads an input image and manipulates its resolution in the
spatial and gray domains; for a range of images (synthetic, of man-made objects, of
natural scenes . . . ) conduct experiments on the minimum resolution that leaves the
image recognizable. Conduct such experiments on a range of subjects.
P2.3 An interlaced television signal of 50 half-frames per second is sampled into the discrete
image (matrix) of 500 × 500 pixels in 256 gray levels. Calculate the minimal sampling
frequency in kHz (kiloHertz) which has to be used in the framegrabber performing
analog to digital conversion?
P2.4 Using software of your choice (Matlab or its equivalents are ideal) extract some `interesting' subimages and plot them in the manner of Figure 1.8. Observe for yourself the
di culty in `translating' between the visual sense and pixels.
P2.5 Acquire some RGB images. Develop software to convert them into YIQ and HSI representations. Subject them to various degrees of noise (by, for example, Algorithm 2.3)
and convert back to RGB for display.
P2.6 Implement chamfering on a rectangular grid, and test it on a synthetic image consisting
of a (black) subset of specified shape on a (white) background. Display the results for
a range of shapes, basing the chamfering on:
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Chapter 2: The image, its representations and properties
• The Euclidean metric
• The city block metric
• The chessboard metric
P2.7 Implement chamfering on a hexagonal grid and display the results.
P2.8 One solution to digitization paradoxes is to mix connectivities. Using 8-neighborhoods
for foreground and 4-neighborhoods for background, examine the paradoxes cited in
the text (Figure 2.7). Do new paradoxes occur? What might be the disadvantages of
such an approach?
P2.9 For each uppercase printed letter of the alphabet, determine the number of lakes and
bays it has. Derive a look-up table that lists the candidate letters, given the number of
lakes and bays. Comment on this quality of this feature as an identifier of letters.
P2.10 Write a program that computes an image histogram; plot the histogram of a range
of images. Plot also the histogram of the three components of a color image when
represented as
P2.11 Implement histogram smoothing; determine how much smoothing is necessary to suppress turning points in the histogram due to what you consider to be noise, or small-scale
image e ects.
P2.12 Using gray level frequencies (from the histogram) as an estimate of p in Equation
2.7, compute the entropy of a range of images/subimages. What causes it to increase/decrease?
P2.13 Implement Algorithm 2.3. For a range of images, plot the distribution of f (x, y)−g(x, y)
for various values of σ. Measure the deviation of this distribution from a `perfect' zero
mean Gaussian.
P2.14 For a range of images and a range of noise corruption, compute the signal-to-noise ratio
(equation 2.13). Draw some subjective conclusions about what `bad' noise is.
P2.15 Make yourself familiar with solved problems and Matlab implementations of selected
algorithms provided in the corresponding chapter of the Matlab Companion to this text
[Svoboda et al., 2008]. The Matlab Companion homepage http://visionbook.felk.cvut.cz
o ers images used in the problems, and well-commented Matlab code is provided for
educational purposes.
P2.16 Use the Matlab Companion [Svoboda et al., 2008] to develop solutions to additional
exercises and practical problems provided there. Implement your solutions using Matlab
or other suitable programming languages.
Barrett H. H. and Myers K. J. Foundation of Image Science. Willey Series in Pure and Applied
Optics. Wiley & Sons, Hoboken, New Jersey, USA, 2004.
Barrow H. G., Tenenbaum J. M., Bolles R. C., and Wolf H. C. Parametric correspondence
and chamfer matching: Two new techniques for image matching. In 5th International
Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Cambridge, CA, pages 659–663. Carnegie-Mellon
University, 1977.
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2.8 References
Borgefors G. Distance transformations in digital images. Computer Vision Graphics and Image
Processing, 34(3):344–371, 1986.
Bracewell R. N. Fourier Analysis and Imaging. Springer-Verlag, 1st edition, 2004.
Brett King D. and Wertheimer M. Max Wertheimer and Gestalt Theory. New Brunswick, 2005.
Breu H., Gil J., Kirkpatrick D., and Werman M. Linear time euclidean distance transform
algorithms. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 17(5):529–
533, 1995.
Bruce V., Green P. R., and Georgeson M. A. Visual Perception: Physiology, Psychology, and
Ecology. Psychology Press, Boston, 3rd edition, 1996.
Burger W. and Burge M. J. Digital Image Processing: An Algorithmic Introduction Using Java.
Springer-Verlag, 2008.
Frisby J. P. Seeing—Illusion, Brain and Mind. Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1979.
Kay P. Color categories are not arbitrary. Cross-cultural Research, 39(1):39–55, 2005.
Klette R. and Rosenfeld A. Digital Geometry, Geometric Methods for Digital Picture Analysis.
Morgan Kaufmann, San Francisco, CA, 2004.
Kovalevsky V. A. Finite topology as applied to image analysis. Computer Vision, Graphics,
and Image Processing, 46:141–161, 1989.
Maurer C. R., Qi R., and Raghavan V. A linear time algorithm for computing exact Euclidean
distance transforms of binary images in arbitrary dimensions. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 25(2):265–270, 2003.
Montanari U. A method for obtaining skeletons using a quasi-euclidean distance. Journal of
the Association for Computing Machinery, 15(4):600–624, 1968.
Palmer S. E. Vision Science : Photons to Phenomenology. The MIT Press, Cambridge, MA,
USA, 1999.
Pitas I. Digital Image Processing Algorithms. Prentice-Hall, Hemel Hempstead, UK, 1993.
Pratt W. K. Digital Image Processing. Wiley, New York, 1978.
Rosenfeld A. and Kak A. C. Digital Picture Processing. Academic Press, New York, 2nd edition,
Rosenfeld A. and Pfaltz J. L. Distance functions on digital pictures. Pattern Recognition, 1(1):
33–62, 1968.
Rosenfeld A. and Pfaltz J. L. Sequential operations in digital picture processing. Journal of the
Association for Computing Machinery, 13(4):471–494, 1966.
Shannon C. E. A mathematical theory of communication. Bell System Technical Journal, 27:
379–423, 623–656, 1948.
Svoboda T., Kybic J., and Hlavac V. Image Processing, Analysis, and Machine Vision: A
MATLAB Companion. Thomson Engineering, 2008.
Wandell B. Foundation of Vision. Sinauer Associates, 1995.
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The image, its mathematical and
physical background
This chapter considers various aspects of digital images in greater theoretical depth than
the last; we do not present all the necessary mathematics and physics since they are
considered in thorough detail in many more relevant places. Readers unfamiliar with
this background are recommended to consider the descriptive textual presentation only;
this chapter may be omitted without detriment to an understanding of the algorithms
that appear later in the book.
The chapter is divided into three parts: Section 3.2 is devoted to linear integral
transforms which provide a different insight into an image and are often used in analysis.
This material is usually taught in university mathematics or signal processing courses.
Section 3.3 overviews probabilistic methods necessary if images cannot be represented
deterministically. In this case, a more complicated approach is often needed in which
images are understood as a realization of stochastic processes.
Section 3.4 is an introduction to image formation physics it is of advantage to
understand how an image is created before its computer analysis. The section begins
with basic geometric optics which illustrate how to realize an optical system which mimics
the pin-hole camera. Then radiometric and photometric concepts which explain image
formation from the point of view of physics are presented. In many practical cases, image
formation physics is not directly explored because it is too complicated to determine all
the parameters which describe a particular capture setting, and some related tasks are
ill-posed. Nevertheless, it is recommended the reader browse this material to understand
how physical knowledge of the image capturing process can contribute to analysis.
The notion of linearity will occur frequently in this book: this relates to vector (linear) spaces where commonly matrix algebra is used. Linearity also concerns more
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3.1 Overview
general elements of vector spaces, for instance, functions. The linear combination is
a key concept in linear mathematics, permitting the expression of a new element of a
vector space as a sum of known elements multiplied by coefficients (scalars, usually real
numbers). A general linear combination of two vectors x, y can be written as ax + by,
where a, b are scalars.
Consider a mapping L between two linear spaces. It is called additive if L(x + y) =
Lx + Ly and homogeneous if L (ax) = aLx for any scalar a. From a practical point of
view, this means that the sum of inputs (respectively, multiple) results in the sum of the
respective outputs (respectively, multiple). This property is also called a superposition
principle. We call the mapping L linear if it is additive and homogeneous (i.e., satisfies
the superposition principle). Equivalently, a linear mapping satisfies L(ax + by) = aLx +
bLy for all vectors x, y and scalars a, b, i.e., it preserves linear combinations.
The Dirac distribution and convolution
Some formal background on moving from the continuous to discrete domains will be of
help, as will a definition of convolution. These are fundamental motivators for appreciating the use of linear algebra An ideal impulse is an important input signal; the ideal
impulse in the image plane is defined using the Dirac distribution (x, y),
Z ∞Z ∞
(x, y) dx dy = 1 ,
and (x, y) = 0 for all (x, y) 6= 0.
Equation (3.2) is called the `sifting property' of the Dirac distribution; it provides
the value of the function f (x, y) at the point ( , )
Z ∞Z ∞
f (x, y) (x − , y − ) dx dy = f ( , ) .
This `sifting' equation can be used to describe the sampling process of a continuous image
function f (x, y). We may express the image function as a linear combination of Dirac
pulses located at the points a, b that cover the whole image plane; samples are weighted
by the image function f (x, y)
Z ∞Z ∞
f (a, b) (a − x, b − y) da db = f (x, y) .
Convolution is an important operation in the linear approach to image analysis. It
is an integral which expresses the amount of overlap of one function f (t) as it is shifted
over another h(t). A 1D convolution f h of functions f , h over a finite range [0, t] is
given by
f ( ) h(t − ) d .
To be precise, the convolution integral has bounds −1, 1. Here we can restrict to the
interval [0, t], because we assume zero values for negative co-ordinates
Z ∞
Z ∞
(f h)(t)
f ( ) h(t − ) d =
f (t − ) h( ) d .
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Chapter 3: The image, its mathematical and physical background
Let f , g, h be functions and a a scalar constant. Convolution satisfies the following
f h=h f,
f (g h) = (f g) h ,
f (g + h) = (f g) + (f h) ,
a (f g) = (a f ) g = f (a g) .
Taking the derivative of a convolution gives
h) =
This equation will later prove useful, e.g., in edge detection of images.
Convolution can be generalized to higher dimensions. Convolution of 2D functions
f and h is denoted by f h, and is defined by the integral
Z ∞Z ∞
(f h)(x, y) =
f (a, b) h(x − a, y − b) da db
−∞ −∞
Z ∞Z ∞
f (x − a, y − b) h(a, b) da db
= (h f )(x, y) .
In digital image analysis, the discrete convolution is expressed using sums instead
of integrals. A digital image has a limited domain on the image plane. However, the
limited domain does not prevent us from using convolutions as their results outside the
image domain are zero. The convolution expresses a linear filtering process using the
filter h; linear filtering is often used in local image pre-processing and image restoration.
Linear operations calculate the resulting value in the output image pixel g(i, j) as
a linear combination of image intensities in a local neighborhood O of the pixel f (i, j)
in the input image. The contribution of the pixels in the neighborhood O is weighted by
coefficients h
f (i, j) =
h(i − m, j − n) g(m, n) .
Equation (3.12) is equivalent to discrete convolution with the kernel h, which is called
a convolution mask. Rectangular neighborhoods O are often used with an odd number
of pixels in rows and columns, enabling specification of the neighborhood's central pixel.
Linear integral transforms
Linear integral transforms are frequently employed in image processing. Using such
transforms, images are treated as linear (vector) spaces. As when dealing with 1D signals,
there are two basic and commonly used representations of image functions: the spatial
domain (pixels) and the frequency domain (frequency spectra). In the latter case, the
image is expressed as a linear combination of some basis functions of some linear integral
transform. For instance, the Fourier transform uses sines and cosines as basis functions.
If linear operations are involved in the spatial domain (an important example of such
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3.2 Linear integral transforms
linear operation is convolution) then there is a one-to-one mapping between the spatial
and frequency representations of the image. Advanced signal/image processing goes
beyond linear operations, and these non-linear image processing techniques are mainly
used in the spatial domain.
Images as linear systems
Images and their processing can be modeled as superposition of point spread functions
which are represented by Dirac pulses (equation 3.1). If this image representation is
used, well-developed linear system theory can be employed.
An operator is a mapping from one vector space to another. A linear operator L
(also called linear system) has the property
L{af1 + bf2 } = a L{f1 } + b L{f2 } .
An image f can be expressed as a linear combination of point spread functions represented
by Dirac pulses . Assume that the input image f is given by equation (3.3). The response
g of the linear system L to the input image f is given by
Z ∞Z ∞
g(x, y) = L f (x, y) =
f (a, b) L (x − a, y − b) da db
−∞ −∞
Z ∞Z ∞
f (a, b) h(x − a, y − b) da db = (f h)(x, y) ,
where h is the impulse response of the linear system L. In other words the output of
the linear system L is expressed as the convolution of the input image f with an impulse
response h of the linear system L. If the Fourier transform (explained in Sections 3.2.3
and 3.2.4) is applied to equation (3.14) and the Fourier images are denoted by the respective capital letters then the following equation is obtained
G(u, v) = F (u, v) H(u, v) .
Equation (3.15) is often used in image pre-processing to express the behavior of smoothing
or sharpening operations, and is considered further in Chapter 5.
It is important to remember that operations on real images are not in fact linear
both the image co-ordinates and values of the image function (brightness) are limited.
Real images always have limited size, and the number of brightness levels is also finite.
Nevertheless, image processing can be approximated by linear systems in many cases.
Introduction to linear integral transforms
Linear integral transforms provide a tool which permits representations of signals and
images in a more suitable domain, where information is better visible and the solution
of related problems is easier. Specifically, we are interested in the `frequency domain',
and where the inverse transform exists. In such a case, there is a one-to-one mapping
between the spatial and frequency domains. The most commonly used linear integral
transforms in image analysis are the Fourier, cosine, and wavelet transforms.
The usual application of a linear integral transform in image processing is image
filtering, a term which comes from signal processing the input image is processed by
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Chapter 3: The image, its mathematical and physical background
some filter to get the output image. Filtering can be performed in either the spatial or
frequency domains, as illustrated in Figure 3.1. In the frequency domain, filtering can
be seen as boosting or attenuating specific frequencies.
Figure 3.1: The image can be
processed in either spatial or
frequency domains. For linear operations, these two ways
should provide equivalent results. © Cengage Learning 2015.
We begin by reviewing the simpler 1D Fourier transform [Karu, 1999], and will then
proceed to the 2D Fourier transform, and mention brie y cosine and wavelet transforms.
1D Fourier transform
Developed by the French mathematician Joseph Fourier, the 1D Fourier transform F
transforms a function f (t) (e.g., dependent on time) into a frequency domain representation, F{f (t)} = F ( ), where [Hz=s−1 ] is a frequency and 2 [s−1 ] is an angular
frequency. The complex function F is called the (complex) frequency spectrum in which
it is easy to visualize relative proportions of different frequencies. For instance, the sine
wave has a simple spectrum consisting of a double spike, symmetric around 0, for positive
frequencies, indicating that only a single frequency is present.
Let i be the usual imaginary unit. The continuous Fourier transform F is given by
F f (t) = F ( ) =
f (t) e−2
i t
dt .
The inverse Fourier transform F −1 is then
F ( ) = f (t) =
F ( ) e2
i t
d .
The conditions for the existence of the Fourier spectrum of a function f are:
• −∞ jf (t)j dt < 1.
• f can have only a finite number of discontinuities in any finite interval.
The Fourier transform always exists for digital signals (including images) as they are
bounded and have a finite number of discontinuities. We will see later that if we use the
Fourier transform for images we have to adopt the assumption that they are periodic.
The fact that they typically are not presents problems which will be discussed later.
Attempting to understand what equation (3.16) means, it is useful to express the
inverse Fourier transform as a Riemannian sum
f (t) = . . . + F ( 0 ) e2 i 0 t + F ( 1 ) e2 i 1 t + . . .
= k+1 − k for all k. The inverse formula shows that any 1D function can be
decomposed as a weighted sum (integral) of many different complex exponentials. These
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3.2 Linear integral transforms
exponentials can be decomposed into sines and cosines (also called harmonic functions)
because ei! = cos ω +i sin ω. The decomposition of f (t) into sines and cosines starts with
some basic frequency 0 . Other sines and cosines have frequencies obtained by multiplying
0 by increasing natural numbers. The coefficients F ( k ) are complex numbers in general
and give both magnitude and phase of the elementary waves.
The Fourier transform exhibits predictable symmetries. Recall the notion of even,
odd, and conjugate symmetric function, illustrated in Table 3.1.
f (t) = f (−t)
f (t) = −f (−t)
f ( 5) = 4 + 7i
f (−5) = 4 − 7i
f ( ) = f ∗ (− )
Table 3.1: Concepts of even, odd and
conjugate symmetric functions (denoted by a superscript ∗ ). © Cengage
Learning 2015.
Note that any 1D function f (t) shape can always be decomposed into its even and
odd parts fe (t) and fo (t)
fe (t) =
f (t) + f (−t)
fo (t) =
f (t) − f (−t)
The ability to form a function from its even and odd parts is illustrated in Figure 3.2.
t =
t +
Figure 3.2: Any 1D function can be
decomposed into its even and odd
parts. © Cengage Learning 2015.
The symmetries of the Fourier transform and its values are summarized (without
proof) in Table 3.2.
real f (t)
values of F ( )
symmetry of F ( )
conjugate symmetric
only real
only imaginary
Table 3.2: Fourier transform
symmetries if f (t) is a real function. © Cengage Learning 2015.
Table 3.3 summarizes some elementary properties of the transform, all easily obtained
by manipulation with the definitions of equation (3.16).
Some other properties are related to areas under the function f or its Fourier representation F . The DC offset (DC from Direct Current1 ) is F (0) and is given by the area
1 The
1D Fourier transform was first widely used in electrical engineering.
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Chapter 3: The image, its mathematical and physical background
f (t)
F( )
af1 (t) + bf2 (t)
a F1 ( ) + b F2 ( )
F (t)
f (− )
F ( ) G( )
f (t) g(t)
Time shift
f (t − t0 )
−2 i t0
F( )
F( −
Frequency shift
f (t)
G)( )
df (t)
2 i F( )
Multiplication by t
t f (t)
i dF ( )
Time scaling
f (a t)
|a| F
under the function f
F (0) =
Table 3.3: Properties of the
Fourier transform. © Cen-
( =a)
gage Learning 2015.
f (t) dt ,
and a symmetric property holds for the inverse formula. The value of f (0) is the area
under the frequency spectrum F ( ),
f (0) =
F( )d .
Parceval's theorem equates the area under the squared magnitude of the frequency spectrum and squared function f (t). It can be interpreted as saying that the signal `energy'
in the time domain is equal to the `energy' in the frequency domain. The theorem states
(for a real function f , which is our case for images, the absolute value can be omitted)
f (t) dt =
F( ) d .
Figures 3.3, 3.4 and 3.5 show some properties of transforms of simple signals.
Let Re(c) denote the real part of a complex number c and Im(c) its imaginary part.
The formulas describing four function-spectrum definitions are as follows:
Complex spectrum
F ( ) = Re F ( ) + i Im F ( ) ,
Amplitude spectrum
F ( ) = Re F 2 ( ) + Im F 2 ( ) ,
Phase spectrum
( ) = arctan Im F ( ) Re F ( ) , if defined,
Power spectrum
P( ) = F( )
= Re(F( )) + Im(F( )) .
It can be seen from Figures 3.4 and 3.5 that time signals of short duration or quick
changes have wide frequency spectra and vice versa. This is a manifestation of the
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3.2 Linear integral transforms
1 f(t)
-2T -T 0 T 2T t
Re F(x)
1 x
1 1
0 1
-2T -T
T 2T
Figure 3.3: 1D Fourier transform of the Dirac pulse, constant value and infinite sequence of
Dirac pulses. © Cengage Learning 2015.
f(t)=cos(2px0 t)
f(t)=cos(2px0 t) + cos(4px0 t)
f(t)=sin(2px0 t)
Re F(x)
Im F(x)
Re F(x)
x0 x
-2x0 -x0 0 x0 2x0 x
x0 x
Figure 3.4: 1D Fourier transform of the sine, cosine, and sum of two di erent cosines. © Cengage
Learning 2015.
f(t)=(sin 2px0t)/pt
f(t)=exp(-t )
Re F(x)=(sin 2pxT)/px
2 2
Re F(x)= p exp(-p x )
Re F(x)
Figure 3.5: 1D Fourier transform of the idealized rectangular pulse of length 2T in the time
domain gives the spectrum (2 cos 2πξT )/ξ. Symmetrically, the idealized rectangular spectrum
corresponds to an input signal of the form (2 cos 2πξ0 t)/t. The right column shows that a
Gaussian pulse has the same form as its Fourier spectrum. © Cengage Learning 2015.
uncertainty principle which states that it is impossible to have a signal which is
arbitrarily narrow in both time and frequency domains. If the duration of the signal in
the time domain and the bandwidth in the frequency domain were expressed as statistical
moments, then the following compact uncertainty principle can be proved,
`signal duration'
`frequency bandwidth'
The uncertainty principle is also of theoretical importance, and has a relation to the
Heisenberg uncertainty principle from quantum mechanics [Barrett and Myers, 2004].
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Chapter 3: The image, its mathematical and physical background
There is also a related question of interest for practitioners: which function f has the
smallest duration-bandwidth product? It can be shown that such a function is Gaussian
in the form f (t) = exp(−t2 ). The uncertainty principle allows for qualitative questions,
such as which signal has the higher bandwidth in the frequency domain: sin(t)=t or
sin(3t)=3t? The answer is the latter, because it is narrower.
If we need to process a non-stationary signal, one option is to divide it into smaller
pieces (called often windows), and assume that outside these windows the signal is periodic. This approach is called the short time Fourier transformation STFT and
was first introduced by Gabor in 1946. The STFT has been used in many disciplines,
such as speech recognition. Unfortunately, mere cutting of the signal by non-overlapping
rectangular windows is not good as it introduces discontinuities which induce wide bandwidth in the frequency domain. This is why the signal at the bounds of the local window
is smoothly damped to zero by, e.g., a Gaussian or Hamming window. Any signal processing textbook will provide a more detailed explanation of windowing.
The Fourier spectrum expresses global properties of the signal (as information of
the speed of signal changes) but it does not reveal in which time instant such a change
appears. On the other hand, the time domain represents precisely what happens at
certain instants but does not represent global properties of the signal. There are two ways
to step towards having a little of both global frequency properties and localization. The
first is the STFT, and the second is the use of different basis functions in the linear integral
transformation which are less regular than sines and cosines. The wavelet transformation
is one example, see Section 3.2.7.
Computers deal with discrete signals: the discrete signal f (n), n = 0 . . . N − 1, is
obtained by equally spaced samples from a continuous function f . The Discrete Fourier
Transform (DFT) is defined as
F (k) =
N −1
1 X
f (n) exp −2 i
N n=0
and its inverse is defined as
f (n) =
F (k) exp 2 i
The spectrum F (k) is periodically extended with period N .
Computational complexity is an issue with the Discrete Fourier Transform. We will
be interested in the time complexity as opposed to memory complexity we would like to
know how many steps it takes to calculate the Fourier spectrum as a function of the size
of the input. The Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT), if computed from its definition for
the samples discretized into n samples, see equations (3.25), (3.26), has time complexity
O(n2 ). The result can be calculated much faster if the Fast Fourier Transformation
(FFT) algorithm is used. This algorithm depends on the number of samples used to
represent a signal being a power of two. The basic trick is that a DFT of length N can
be expressed as a sum of two DFTs of length N=2 consisting of odd or even samples.
This scheme permits the calculation of intermediate results in a clever way. The time
complexity of the FFT is O(n log n); any signal processing textbook will provide details.
The FFT is implemented in many software tools and libraries.
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3.2 Linear integral transforms
2D Fourier transform
The 1D Fourier transform can be easily generalized to 2D [Bracewell, 2004]. An image
f is a function of two coordinates (x, y) in a plane. The 2D Fourier transform also
uses harmonic functions for spectral decomposition. The 2D Fourier transform for the
continuous image f is defined by the integral
Z ∞Z ∞
f (x, y) e−2 i(xu+yv) dx dy
F (u, v) =
and its inverse transform is defined by
Z ∞Z ∞
F (u, v) e2
f (x, y) =
du dv .
Parameters (u, v) are called spatial frequencies. The function f on the left-hand side
equation (3.28) can be interpreted analogously to the 1D case see equation (3.18) , i.e.,
as a linear combination of simple periodic patterns e2 i(xu+yv) . The real and imaginary
components of the pattern are cosine and sine functions. The complex spectrum F (u, v)
is a weight function which represents the in uence of the elementary patterns.
Equation (3.27) can be abbreviated to
F f (x, y) = F (u, v) .
From the image processing point of view, the following properties (corresponding to the
1D case) are easily derived:
• Linearity:
F a f1 (x, y) + b f2 (x, y) = a F1 (u, v) + b F2 (u, v) .
• Shift of the origin in the image domain:
F f (x − a, y − b) = F (u, v) e−2
• Shift of the origin in the frequency domain:
F f (x, y) e2 i(u0 x+v0 y) = F (u − u0 , v − v0 ) .
• If f (x, y) is real-valued then
F (−u, −v) = F ∗ (u, v) .
The image function is always real-valued and we can thus use the results of its
Fourier transform in the first quadrant, i.e., u 0, v 0, without loss of generality.
If in addition the image function has the property f (x, y) = f (−x, −y) then the
result of the Fourier transform F (u, v) is a real function.
• Duality of the convolution: Convolution, equation (3.11), and its Fourier transform
are related by
F (f h)(x, y) = F (u, v) H(u, v) ,
F f (x, y) h(x, y) = (F H)(u, v) .
This is the convolution theorem.
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Chapter 3: The image, its mathematical and physical background
The 2D Fourier transform can be used for discrete images too: integration is changed to
summation in the respective equations. The discrete 2D Fourier transform is defined as
F (u, v) =
M −1 N −1
mu nv i
1 X X
f (m, n) exp −2 i
M N m=0 n=0
u = 0, 1, . . . , M − 1 ,
v = 0, 1, . . . , N − 1 ,
and the inverse Fourier transform is given by
f (m, n) =
−1 N
mu nv i
F (u, v) exp 2 i
m = 0, 1, . . . , M − 1 ,
n = 0, 1, . . . , N − 1 .
Considering implementation of the discrete Fourier transform, note that equation (3.34)
can be modified to
" N −1
M −1
1 X 1 X
−2 inv
−2 imu
F (u, v) =
f (m, n) exp
M m=0 N n=0
u = 0, 1, . . . , M − 1 ,
v = 0, 1, . . . , N − 1 .
The term in square brackets corresponds to the one-dimensional Fourier transform of the
mth line and can be computed using standard fast Fourier transform (FFT) procedures
if N is a power of two. Each line is substituted with its Fourier transform, and the
one-dimensional discrete Fourier transform of each column is computed.
Periodicity is an important property of the discrete Fourier transform. A periodic
transform F is derived and a periodic function f defined
F (u, −v) = F (u, N − v) ,
F (−u, v) = F (M − u, v) ,
f (−m, n) = f (M − m, n) ,
f (m, −n) = f (m, N − n) ,
f (aM + m, bN + n) = f (m, n) ,
F (aM + u, bN + v) = F (u, v) ,
where a and b are integers.
The outcome of the 2D Fourier transform is a complex-valued 2D spectrum. Consider
the input gray-level image (before the 2D Fourier transform was applied) with intensity
values in the range, say, [0, . . . , 255]. The 2D spectrum has the same spatial resolution.
However, the values in both real and imaginary part of the spectrum usually span a
bigger range, perhaps millions this makes the spectrum difficult to visualize and also
to represent precisely in memory because too many bits are needed for it. For easier
the range of values is usually decreased by applying a monotonic function,
e.g., jF (u, v)j or log jF (u, v)j.
It is also useful to visualize a centered spectrum, i.e., with the origin of the coordinate
system (0, 0) in the middle of the spectrum. This is because centering has the effect of
placing the low frequency information in the center and the high frequencies near the
corners consider the definition given in equation (3.34).
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3.2 Linear integral transforms
Figure 3.6: Centering of the 2D Fourier spectrum
places the low frequencies around the coordinates origin. (a) Original spectrum. (b) Centered spectrum
with the low frequencies in the middle. © Cengage
Learning 2015.
Assume the original spectrum is divided into four quadrants, see Figure 3.6a. The
small gray-filled squares in the corners represent positions of low frequencies. Due to the
symmetries of the spectrum the quadrant positions can be swapped diagonally and the
low frequencies locations appear in the middle of the image, see Figure 3.6b.
Figure 3.7 illustrates the spectrum of Figure 3.8. The left image demonstrates the
non-centered power spectrum and the right image the centered spectrum. The latter
option is used more often. The range of spectrum values has to be decreased to allow an
observer to perceive it better; log P (u, v) is used here. For illustration of the particular
range of this power spectrum, the pair of (minimum, maximum) for P (u, v) is (2.4
10−1 , 8.3 106 ) and the (minimum, maximum) for log P (u, v) is (−0.62, 6.9). A quite
distinct light cross can be seen in the centered power spectrum on the right of Figure 3.9.
This is caused by discontinuities on the limits of the image while assuming periodicity.
These abrupt changes are easily visible in Figure 3.8.
The use of the Fourier transform in image analysis is pervasive. We will see in
Chapter 5 how it can assist in noise filtering; in the detection of edges by locating high
frequencies (sharp changes) in the image function; it also has applications in restoring
images from corruption (Section 5.4.2), fast matching using the convolution theorem (Section 6.4.2), boundary characterization (Section 8.2.3), image compression (Chapter 14),
and several other areas.
Power spectrum log(module of the FFT)
Power spectrum log(module of the FFT)
Spatial frequency v
Spatial frequency v
Spatial frequency u
Spatial frequency u
Figure 3.7: Power spectrum displayed as an intensity image. Lighter tones mean higher values.
(a) Non-centered. (b) Centered. © Cengage Learning 2015. A color version of this gure may be
seen in the color inset Plate 5.
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Chapter 3: The image, its mathematical and physical background
Figure 3.8: Input image in the spatial domain
is assumed periodic. Notice induced discontinuities on the borders of the image which manifests badly in the Fourier spectrum. The image
is the Saint Vitus Cathedral, part of the Prague
Castle the original is 256 × 256 pixels in 256
gray levels. © Cengage Learning 2015.
Figure 3.9: Power spectrum displayed as height in a 3D mesh; lighter tones mean higher values.
(a) Non-centered. (b) Centered. © Cengage Learning 2015. A color version of this gure may be
seen in the color inset Plate 6.
Sampling and the Shannon constraint
Equipped with understanding of the Fourier transform, we can now discuss more fully
the issues surrounding sampling. A continuous image function f (x, y) can be sampled
using a discrete grid of sampling points in the plane, but a second possibility is to expand
the image function using some orthonormal functions as a basis the Fourier transform
is an example and the coefficients of this expansion then represent the digitized image.
The image is sampled at points x = j x, y = k y, for j = 1, . . . , M and k =
1, . . . , N . Two neighboring sampling points are separated by distance x along the x
axis and y along the y axis. Distances x, y are called sampling intervals (on the
x, y axes), and the matrix of samples f (j x, k y) constitutes the discrete image. The
ideal sampling s(x, y) in the regular grid can be represented using a collection of Dirac
s(x, y) =
(x − j
x, y − k
y) .
j=1 k=1
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3.2 Linear integral transforms
The sampled image fs (x, y) is the product of the continuous image f (x, y) and the sampling function s(x, y)
fs (x, y) = f (x, y) s(x, y)
= f (x, y)
(x − j
x, y − k
y) .
j=1 k=1
We may consider an infinite sampling grid which is periodic with periods x, y and
expand the sampling into a Fourier series. We obtain (see [Oppenheim et al., 1997])
 X
,v −
(x − j x, y − k y) =
x y
m=−∞ n=−∞
j=−∞ k=−∞
Equation (3.40) can be expressed in the frequency domain using equation (3.41):
Fs (u, v) =
F u−
,v −
x y m=−∞ n=−∞
Thus the Fourier transform of the sampled image is the sum of periodically repeated
Fourier transforms F (u, v) of the image. We can demonstrate this effect in the 1D case:
assume that the maximal frequency of the signal is fm , so the signal is band-limited
(so its Fourier transform F is zero outside a certain interval, jf j > fm ). The spectra
will be repeated as a consequence of discretization see Figure 3.10. In the case of 2D
images, band-limited means that the spectrum F (u, v) = 0 for j u j> U , j v j> V , where
U, V are maximal frequencies.
- 3fs
- 2fs
- fs
0 fm
f [Hz]
Figure 3.10: Repeated spectra of the 1D signal due to sampling. Non-overlapped case when
fs ≥ 2fm . © Cengage Learning 2015.
Periodic repetition of the Fourier transform result F (u, v) may under certain conditions cause distortion of the image, which is called aliasing; this happens when individual
digitized components F (u, v) overlap. Overlapping of the periodically repeated results of
the Fourier transform F (u, v) of an image with band-limited spectrum can be prevented
if the sampling interval is chosen such that
This is Shannon’s sampling theorem, known from signal processing theory. It has
a simple physical interpretation in image analysis: The sampling interval should be chosen
such that it is less than half of the smallest interesting detail in the image.
The sampling function is not the Dirac distribution in real digitizers limited impulses (quite narrow ones with limited amplitude) are used instead. Assume a rectangular
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Chapter 3: The image, its mathematical and physical background
sampling grid which consists of M × N such equal and non-overlapping impulses hs (x, y)
with sampling period x, y; this function realistically simulates real image sensors.
Outside the sensitive area of the sensor, hs (x, y) = 0. Values of image samples are
obtained by integration of the product f hs in reality this integration is done on the
sensitive surface of the sensor element. The sampled image is then given by
fs (x, y) =
f (x, y) hs (x − j
x, y − k
y) .
j=1 k=1
The sampled image fs is distorted by the convolution of the original image f and the
limited impulse hs . The distortion of the frequency spectrum of the function Fs can be
expressed using the Fourier transform
Fs (u, v) =
x y
m=−∞ n=−∞
,v −
m n
where Hs = F{hs }.
Figure 3.11: Digitizing. (a) 256 × 256. (b) 128 × 128. (c) 64 × 64. (d) 32 × 32. Images have
been enlarged to the same size to illustrate the loss of detail. © Cengage Learning 2015.
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3.2 Linear integral transforms
In real image digitizers, a sampling interval about ten times smaller than that indicated by the Shannon sampling theorem is used this is because algorithms which
reconstruct the continuous image on a display from the digitized image function use only
a step function, i.e., a line in the image is created from pixels represented by individual
A demonstration with an image of 256 gray-levels will illustrate the effect of sparse
sampling. Figure 3.11a shows a monochromatic image with 256 × 256 pixels; Figure 3.11b
shows the same scene digitized into a reduced grid of 128 × 128 pixels, Figure 3.11c into
64 × 64 pixels, and Figure 3.11d into 32 × 32 pixels. Decline in image quality is clear in
these. Quality may be improved by viewing from a distance and with screwed-up eyes,
implying that the under-sampled images still hold substantial information. Much of this
visual degradation is caused by aliasing in the reconstruction of the continuous image
function for display. This can be improved by the reconstruction algorithm interpolating
brightness values in neighboring pixels and this technique is called anti-aliasing, often
used in computer graphics [Rogers, 1985]. If anti-aliasing is used, the sampling interval
can be brought near to the theoretical value of Shannon's theorem. In real image processing devices, anti-aliasing is rarely used because of its computational requirements.
Discrete cosine transform
The discrete cosine transform (DCT) is a linear integral transformation similar to
the discrete Fourier transform (DFT) [Rao and Yip, 1990]. In 1D, cosines with growing
frequencies constitute the basis functions used for function expansion: the expansion is a
linear combination of these basis cosines, and real numbers suffice for such an expansion
(the Fourier transform required complex numbers). The DCT expansion corresponds to
a DFT of approximately double length operating on a function with even symmetry.
Similarly to the DFT, the DCT operates on function samples of finite length, and
a periodic extension of this function is needed to be able to perform DCT (or DFT)
expansion. The DCT requires a stricter periodic extension (a more strict boundary
condition) than the DFT it requires that the extension is an even function.
Two options arise in relation to boundary conditions for a discrete finite sequence.
The first one is whether the function is even or odd at both the left and right boundaries
of the domain, and the second is about which point the function is even or odd. As
illustration, consider an example sequence wxyz. If the data are even about sample w,
the even extension is zyxwxyz. If the sequence is even about the point halfway between
w and the previous point, the extension sequence is zyxwwxyz.
Consider the general case which covers both the discrete cosine transform (with even
symmetry) and the discrete sine transform (with odd symmetry). The first choice has
to be made about the symmetry at both left and right bounds of the signal, i.e., 2×2=4
possible options. The second choice is about which point the extension is performed, also
at both left and right bounds of the signal, i.e., an additional 2×2=4 possible options.
Altogether 4×4=16 possibilities are obtained. If we do not allow odd periodic extensions
then the sine transforms are ruled out and 8 possible choices remain yielding 8 different
types of DCT. If the same type of point is used for extension at left and right bounds
then only half the options remain, i.e., 8/2=4. This yields four basic types of DCT they
are usually denoted by suffixing Roman numbers as DCT-I, DCT-II, DCT-III, DCT-IV.
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Chapter 3: The image, its mathematical and physical background
11 samples
Figure 3.12: Illustration of the periodic extension used in DCT-II. The input signal of length
11 is denoted by squares. Its periodic extension is shown as circles. © Cengage Learning 2015.
The most commonly used variant of DCT in image processing, mainly in image
compression (Chapter 14) is DCT-II. The periodic extension is even at both left and right
bounds of the input sequence. The sequence is even about the point halfway between the
bound and the previous point: the periodic extension for the input sequence is illustrated
in Figure 3.12. The figure demonstrates the advantage of periodic extension used in DCTII mirroring involved in periodic extension yields a smooth periodic function, which
means that fewer cosines are needed to approximate the signal.
The DCT can easily be generalized to two dimensions which is shown here for the
square image, M = N . The 2D DCT-II is [Rao and Yip, 1990]
F (u, v) =
N −1 N −1
2m + 1
2n + 1
2 c(u) c(v) X X
f (m, n) cos
m=0 n=0
where u = 0, 1, . . . , N − 1, v = 0, 1, . . . , N − 1 and the normalization constant c(k) is
for k = 0 ,
c(k) =
The inverse cosine transform is
N −1 N −1
2m + 1
2 X X
2n + 1
f (m, n) =
c(u) c(v) F (u, v) cos
N u=0 v=0
where m = 0, 1, . . . , N − 1 and n = 0, 1, . . . , N − 1.
There is a computational approach analogous to the FFT which yields computational
complexity in the 1D case of O(N log N ), where N is the length of the sequence.
Efficacy of an integral transformation can be evaluated by its ability to compress
input data into as few coefficients as possible. The DCT exhibits excellent energy compaction for highly correlated images. This and other properties of the DCT have led
to its widespread deployment in many image/video processing standards, for example,
JPEG (classical), MPEG-4, MPEG-4 FGS, H.261, H.263 and JVT (H.26L).
Wavelet transform
The Fourier transform (Section 3.2.3) expands a signal as a possibly infinite linear combination of sines and cosines. The disadvantage is that only information about the
frequency spectrum is provided, and no information is available on the time at which
events occur. In another words, the Fourier spectrum provides all the frequencies present
in an image but does not tell where they are present. We also know that the relation
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3.2 Linear integral transforms
between the frequency and spatial resolutions is given by the uncertainty principle, equation (3.24).
One solution to the problem of localizing changes in the signal (image) is to use
the short time Fourier transform, where the signal is divided into small windows and
treated locally as it were periodic (see Section 3.2.3). The uncertainty principle provides
guidance on how to select the windows to minimize negative effects, i.e., windows have
to join neighboring windows smoothly. The window dilemma remains a narrow window
yields poor frequency resolution, while a wide window provides poor localization.
The wavelet transform goes further than the short time Fourier transform. It also
analyzes the signal (image) by multiplying it by a window function and performing an
orthogonal expansion, analogously to other linear integral transformations. There are
two directions in which the analysis is extended.
In the first direction, the basis functions (called wavelets, meaning a small wave)
are more complicated than sines and cosines. They provide localization in space to a
certain degree, not entire localization due to the uncertainty principle. Five commonly
used `mother' wavelets are illustrated in Figure 3.13 in a qualitative manner and in a
single of many scales.
(a) Haar
(b) Meyer
(c) Morlet
(d) Daubechies-4
(e) Mexican hat
Figure 3.13: Examples of mother wavelets. © Cengage Learning 2015.
In the second direction, the analysis is performed at multiple scales. To understand
this, note that modeling a spike in a function (a noise dot, for example) with a sum of a
huge number of functions will be hard because of the spike's strict locality. Functions that
are already local will be better suited to the task. This means that such functions lend
themselves to more compact representation via wavelets sharp spikes and discontinuities
normally take fewer wavelet bases to represent compared to sine-cosine basis functions.
Localization in the spatial domain together with the wavelet's localization in frequency
yields a sparse representation of many practical signals. This sparseness opens the door to
successful applications in data/image compression, noise filtering and detecting features
in images.
We will start from the 1D, continuous case the 1D continuous wavelet transform. A function f (t) is decomposed into a set of basis functions
c(s, ) =
f (t) ∗s, (t) dt , s ∈ R+ − {0} ,
(complex conjugation is denoted by ∗ ). The new variables after transformation are s
(scale) and (translation).
Wavelets are generated from the single mother wavelet (t) by scaling s and
s, (t) = p
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Chapter 3: The image, its mathematical and physical background
The factor 1= s is applied to normalize energy across different scales.
The inverse continuous wavelet transform serves to synthesize the 1D signal f (t) of
finite energy from wavelet coefficients c(s, )
f (t) =
c(s, ) s, (t) ds d .
Equations (3.48)–(3.49) do not specify a mother wavelet: the user can select or design
the basis of the expansion according to application needs.
There are constraints which a function s, must obey to be a wavelet, of which the
most important are admissibility and regularity. Admissibility requires that the wavelet
has a band-pass spectrum; consequently, the wavelet must be oscillatory a wave. The
wavelet transform of a 1D signal is two dimensional as can be seen from equation (3.48),
and similarly, the transform of a 2D image is four dimensional. This is complex to deal
with, and the solution is to impose an additional constraint on the wavelet function
which secures fast decrease with decreasing scale. This is achieved by the regularity,
which states that the wavelet function should have some smoothness and concentration
in both time and frequency domains. A more detailed explanation can be found in, e.g.,
[Daubechies, 1992].
We illustrate scaling and shifting on the oldest and the simplest mother, the Haar
wavelet, which is a special case of the Daubechies wavelet. Scaling functions are denoted
by . Simple scaling functions used for Haar wavelets are given by the set of scaled and
translated `box' functions
ji (x)
= 2j=2 (2j x − i) , i = 0, . . . , 2j − 1 , where
1 for 0 x < 1 ,
(x) =
0 otherwise.
and 2j=2 is a normalization factor. An example of four instances of scaling function which
constitute a basis of the appropriate vector space are shown in Figure 3.14. Wavelets
corresponding to the box basis are called the Haar wavelets and are given by
ji (x)
= 2j=2 (2j x − i) , i = 0, . . . , 2j − 1 , where
 1 for 0 x < 2 ,
(x) = −1 for 2 x < 1 ,
0 otherwise,
An example of Haar wavelets 11 , 12 is given in Figure 3.15. The transform which uses
Haar wavelets is called the Haar transform.
1 x
1 x
1 x
Figure 3.14: `Box-like' scaling functions Φ. © Cengage Learning 2015.
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3.2 Linear integral transforms
Figure 3.15: Haar wavelets Ψ11 , Ψ12 .
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It is not practical to use equation (3.48) in the general case for three reasons:
• There is much redundancy because the calculation is performed by continuously
scaling the mother wavelet, shifting it and correlating it with the analyzed signal.
• The intention is to reduce the infinite number of wavelets taking part in calculations.
• The final result of the transform cannot be calculated analytically: further an
efficient numerical solution is needed of comparable complexity to, e.g., the FFT.
The solution is the discrete wavelet transform. If the scales and positions are based
on a power of two (dyadic scales and positions) then the wavelet analysis becomes much
more computationally efficient and just as accurate.
Mallat [Mallat, 1989] developed an efficient way to calculate the discrete wavelet
transform and its inverse. The scheme is actually a variant of the classical scheme
a two-channel subband coder known in signal processing. This method yields a fast
wavelet transform which can be imagined as a box into which a signal (an image)
enters and the wavelet coefficients c appear quickly at its output.
Consider a discrete 1D signal s of length N which has to be decomposed into wavelet
coefficients c. The fast wavelet transform consists of log2 N steps at most. The first
decomposition step takes the input and provides two sets of coefficients at level 1: approximation coefficients cA1 and detail coefficients cD1 . The vector s is convolved with
a low-pass filter for approximation and with a high-pass filter for detail. Dyadic decimation follows which down-samples the vector by keeping only its even elements. Such
down-sampling will be denoted by (# 2) in block diagrams. The coefficients at level j + 1
are calculated from the coefficients at level j analogously, see Figure 3.16. This procedure
is repeated recursively to obtain approximation and detail coefficients at further levels.
The structure of coefficients for level j = 3 is illustrated in Figure 3.17.
The inverse discrete wavelet transform takes as input the approximation and detail
coefficients cAj , cDj and inverts the decomposition step. Vectors are extended (up-
low pass filter
high pass filter
level j
level j+1
Figure 3.16: A single decomposition step of the 1D discrete wavelet transform consists of the convolution of coe cients from previous level j by a low/high pass filter
and down-sampling by dyadic decimation. Approximation and detail coe cients at level j + 1 are obtained.
Figure 3.17: Example illustrating the structure of approximation and detail coe cients for levels up to a level j = 3. © Cengage
Learning 2015.
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Chapter 3: The image, its mathematical and physical background
high pass filter
low pass filter
level j
level j-1
Figure 3.18: 1D discrete inverse wavelet transformation. © Cengage Learning 2015.
sampled) to double length by inserting zeros at odd-indexed elements and convolving
the result with the reconstruction filters. Analogously to down-sampling, up-sampling is
denoted (" 2) in Figure 3.18, which illustrates the 1D inverse discrete wavelets transformation.
Similar wavelet decomposition and reconstruction algorithms were developed for 2D
signals (images). The 2D discrete wavelet transformation decomposes a single approximation coefficient at level j into four components at level j + 1: the approximation
coefficient cAj+1 and detail coefficients at three orientations horizontal cDj+1
, vertical
cDj+1 and diagonal cDj+1 Figures 3.19 and 3.20 illustrate this. The symbol (col # 2)
represents down-sampling columns by keeping only even indexed columns. Similarly,
low pass filter
low pass filter
row 2
col 2
high pass filter
col 2
cD j+1
high pass filter
low pass filter
row 2
col 2
cD j+1
high pass filter
level j
col 2
cD j+1
level j+1
Figure 3.19: 2D discrete wavelet transform. A decomposition step. © Cengage Learning 2015.
col 2
low pass filter
cD j+1
col 2
high pass filter
row 2
low pass filter
cD j+1
col 2
low pass filter
col 2
high pass filter
cD j+1
level j+1
row 2
high pass filter
level j
Figure 3.20: 2D inverse discrete wavelet transform. A reconstruction step. © Cengage Learning
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3.2 Linear integral transforms
(row # 2) means down-sampling rows by keeping only evenly indexed rows. (col " 2)
represents up-sampling columns by inserting zeros at odd-indexed columns. Similarly,
(row " 2) means up-sampling rows by inserting zeros at odd-indexed rows.
Figure 3.21: Decomposition to three levels by the 2D discrete Haar wavelet transform. Left is
the original 256 × 256 gray-scale image, and right four quadrants. The undivided southwestern,
southeastern and northeastern quadrants correspond to detailed coe cients of level 1 at resolution 128 × 128 in vertical, diagonal and horizontal directions, respectively. The northwestern
quadrant displays the same structure for level 2 at resolution 64 × 64. The northwestern quadrant of level 2 shows the same structure at level 3 at resolution 32 × 32. The lighter intensity
32 × 32 image at top left corresponds to approximation coe cients at level 3. © Cengage Learning
Figure 3.22: 2D wavelet decomposition; another view of the same data as Figure 3.21. © Cengage
Learning 2015.
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Chapter 3: The image, its mathematical and physical background
Figure 3.21 illustrates the decomposition of the previous example. The resolution
of levels 2 and 3 is insufficient qualitatively to see the character of wavelet coefficients.
Figure 3.22 shows the same data for all three levels in a different form.
The wavelet transform discussed thus far is a special case of a more versatile wavelet
packet transform. Wavelet packets are particular linear combinations of wavelets which
retain many of the localization, smoothness and orthogonality properties of their parent
wavelets. Linear combinations of coefficients are again calculated in a recursive way.
Using discrete wavelets, only the detail branch of the decomposition tree is split, but
both detail and approximation branches can be split in wavelet packet analysis.
Applications have proved the value of the approach. Wavelets have been used with
enormous success in data compression, feature detection and in image noise suppression
it is possible to erase to zero the contribution of wavelet components that are `small' and
correspond to noise without erasing the important small detail in the underlying image.
The interested reader is referred to specialized texts for a fuller exposition on this topic
[Chui, 1992; Daubechies, 1992; Meyer, 1993; Chui et al., 1994; Castleman, 1996].
Many disciplines, including image analysis, seek to represent observations, signals, images and general data in a form that enhances the mutual independence of contributory
components. Linear algebra provides very good tools for such representations. One observation or measurement is assumed to be a point in a linear space; this space will have
some `natural' basis vectors which allow data to be expressed as a linear combination
in a new coordinate system consisting of orthogonal basis vectors. These basis vectors
are the eigen-vectors, and the inherent orthogonality of eigen-vectors secures mutual
independence. For an n × n square regular matrix A, eigen-vectors are solutions of the
Ax =
where is called an eigen-value (which may be complex).
A system of linear equations can be expressed in a matrix form as Ax = b, where A is
the matrix of the system. The extended matrix of the system is created by concatenating
a column vector b to the matrix A, i.e., [Ajb]. Frobenius' theorem says that this system
has a unique solution if and only if the rank of the matrix A is equal to the rank of the
extended matrix [Ajb].
If the system of equations is not degenerate then it has as many equations as unknown
variables x = (x1 , . . . , xn )> and the system has a unique solution. Gaussian elimination
is the commonly used method to solve such a system. The method performs equivalent
transformations of [Ajb] which do not change the solution of the system of equations, and
the extended matrix is finally expressed in upper triangular form. When the elimination
is finished, the last row of the matrix provides the solution value of xn . This solution
allows the stepwise calculation of xn−1 , . . . , x1 .
There is another class of matrix transformation called similar transformations. If A
is a regular matrix, matrices A and B with real or complex entries are called similar if
there exists an invertible square matrix P such that P −1 A P = B. Similar matrices share
many useful properties they have the same rank, determinant, trace, characteristic
polynomial, minimal polynomial and eigen-values (but not necessarily the same eigen-
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3.2 Linear integral transforms
vectors). Similarity transformations allow us to express regular matrices in several useful
Let I be the unit matrix (with 1's on the main diagonal and zeros elsewhere). The
polynomial of degree n given by det(A − I) is called the characteristic polynomial.
Then the eigen-equation (3.55) has nontrivial solutions if det(A − I) = 0 and the
characteristic polynomial's roots are the eigen-values . Consequently, A has n eigenvalues which are not necessarily distinct multiple eigen-values arise from multiple roots
of the polynomial.
Here we will be interested in the Jordan canonical form. Any Hermitian (in particular, symmetric) matrix is similar to a matrix in the Jordan canonical form
. 0
 , where Ji are Jordan blocks 
 0 0 ... 1 
0 0
and i are the multiple eigen-values. The multiplicity of the eigen-value gives the size of
the Jordan block. If the eigen-value is not multiple then the Jordan block degenerates to
the eigen-value itself. This happens very often in practice.
Consider the case when the linear system is over-constrained, meaning that there are
more equations than variables to be determined; this case is very common in practice,
when abundant data comes from many observations or measurements. Strictly speaking,
the observations are likely to be in contradiction with respect to the system of linear
equations. In the deterministic world, the conclusion would be that the system of linear
equations has no solution, but the practical need is different. There is an interest in
finding the solution to the system which is in some sense `closest' to the observations,
perhaps compensating for noise in observations. We will usually adopt a statistical
approach by minimizing the least square error. This leads to the principal component
analysis method, explained in Section 3.2.10.
Seeking roots of the characteristic polynomial is usually rather poor computationally,
and more effective methods such as singular value decomposition are used.
Singular value decomposition
Eigen-values and eigen-vectors are defined on square matrices; a generalization singular
values operates on rectangular matrices, and is approached via singular value decomposition (SVD). A non-negative real number is a singular value of a matrix A (not
necessarily square) if and only if there exist unit-length vectors u and v such that
Av =
u and A∗ u =
Note the similarity to the eigen-equation (3.55). The vectors u and v are called leftsingular and right-singular vectors for , respectively.
SVD is a powerful linear algebra factorization technique of a rectangular real or
complex matrix; it works even for singular or numerically near-singular matrices. It is
used with many applications for solving linear equations in the least-square sense, e.g.,
in signal processing and statistics. It can be viewed as a generalization of the transformation to the Jordan canonical form to arbitrary, not necessarily square, matrices. Basic
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Chapter 3: The image, its mathematical and physical background
information necessary to use SVD can be found in many texts: for example, [Press et al.,
1992], and a rigorous mathematical treatment is given in [Golub and Loan, 1989]. Most
software packages for numerical calculations such as Matlab contain SVD.
SVD proceeds by noting that any m × n matrix A, m
n, (with real or complex
entries) can be decomposed into a product of three matrices,
A = U DV∗ ,
where U is m × m with orthonormal columns and rows, D is a non-negative diagonal
matrix, and V ∗ has orthonormal rows.
SVD can be understood as decoupling input of size m into output of size n. The
matrix V contains a set of orthonormal `input' or basis vector directions (left-singular
vectors) for the matrix A, and U contains a set of orthonormal `output' basis vector
directions (right-singular vectors) for A. D contains the singular values, which can be
understood as scalar `gains' by which each corresponding input is multiplied to give the
corresponding output.
It is conventional to reorder the input and output values to have the diagonal entries
of the diagonal matrix D non-increasing, making D unique for any given A. The matrices
U and V are not unique in general.
There is a relation between singular values and vectors, and eigen-values and vectors.
In the special case, when A is Hermitian (also self-adjoint, A = A∗ ), all eigen-values of A
are real and non-negative. In this case, the singular values and singular vectors coincide
with the eigen-values and eigen-vectors, A = V D V ∗ .
SVD can be used to find a solution of a set of linear equations corresponding to
a singular matrix that has no exact solution it locates the closest possible solution in
the least-square sense. Sometimes it is required to find the `closest' singular matrix to
the original matrix A this decreases the rank from n to n − 1 or less. This is done by
replacing the smallest diagonal element of D by zero this new matrix is closest to the
old one with respect to the Frobenius norm (calculated as a sum of the squared values
of all matrix elements). SVD is also very popular because of its numerical stability and
precision [Press et al., 1992].
Principal component analysis
Principal component analysis (PCA) is a powerful and widely used linear technique
in statistics, signal processing, image processing, and elsewhere. It appears under several
names: it is also called the (discrete) Karhunen-Loève transform (after Kari Karhunen
and Michael Loève) or the Hotelling transform (after Harold Hotelling).
In statistics, PCA is a method for simplifying a multidimensional dataset to lower
dimensions for analysis or visualization. It is a linear transform that represents the data
in a new coordinate system in which basis vectors follow modes of greatest variance in the
data: it is the optimal linear transformation which divides an observed space into orthogonal subspaces with the largest variance. Thus, new basis vectors are calculated for the
particular data set. One price to be paid for PCA's exibility is in higher computational
requirements as compared to, e.g., the fast Fourier transform.
As it reduces dimensionality, PCA can be used for lossy data compression while retaining those characteristics of the dataset which contribute most to its variance. PCA
transforms a number of possibly correlated variables into the same number of uncorrelated variables called principal components. The first principal component accounts
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3.2 Linear integral transforms
for as much of the variability in the data as possible, and each succeeding component
accounts for as much of the remaining variability as possible. If the dataset has to be
approximated in a lower dimension then lower-order principal components are considered
and higher-order ones are omitted.
Suppose a data set comprises N observations, each of M variables (dimensions).
Usually N
M . The intention is to reduce the dimensionality of the data so that each
observation can be usefully represented with only L variables, 1
L < M . Data are
arranged as a set of N column data vectors, each representing a single observation of M
variables: the n-th observations is a column vector xn = (x1 , . . . , xM )> , n = 1, . . . , N .
We thus have an M × N data matrix X. Such matrices are often huge because N may
be very large: this is in fact good, since many observations imply better statistics.
This procedure is not applied to the raw data R but to normalized data X as
follows. The raw observed data is arranged in a matrix R and the empirical mean is
calculated along each row of R to give a vector u, the elements of which are scalars
u(m) =
1 X
R(m, n) ,
N n=1
where m = 1, . . . , M .
The empirical mean is subtracted from each column of R: if e is a vector of size N
consisting of ones only, we will write
X = R −ue.
If we approximate X in a lower dimensional space of dimension M by the lower
dimensional matrix Y (of dimension L), then the mean square error "2 of this approximation is given by
1 X
1 X
" =
jxn j −
xn xn bi ,
N n=1
N n=1
where bi , i = 1, . . . , L are basis vector of the linear space of dimension L. If "2 is to be
minimized then the following term has to be maximized
i cov(x) bi ,
where cov(x) =
xn xn>
is the covariance matrix.
The covariance matrix cov(x) has special properties: it is real, symmetric and positive
semi-definite and so can be guaranteed to have real eigen-values. Matrix theory tells us
that these may be sorted (largest to smallest) and the associated eigen-vectors taken
as the basis vectors that provide the maximum we seek. In the data approximation,
dimensions corresponding to the smallest eigen-values are omitted. The mean square
error "2 of equation (3.59) is given by
"2 = trace cov(x) −
where trace(A) is the trace sum of the diagonal elements
equals the sum of all eigenvalues.
of the matrix A. The trace
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Chapter 3: The image, its mathematical and physical background
As an example, consider the use of PCA on images this approach was popularized by
its application to face recognition [Turk and Pentland, 1991]. The image is considered as
a very long 1D vector by concatenating image pixels column by column (or alternatively
row by row). Figure 3.23 is an example where the image is 321 × 261 = 83781 pixels
`long'. In this example, we have just 32 examples of this vector (contrary to the discussion
above in which the number of examples is expected to exceed the dimensionality).
If we have fewer observations than unknowns, the system of linear equations is not
over-constrained but PCA is still applicable. The number of principal components is
less than or equal to the number of observations available; this is because the (square)
covariance matrix has a size corresponding to the number of observations (number of
observations minus one when doing PCA on centered data, which is usual). The eigenvectors we derive are called eigen-images, after rearranging back from the 1D vector to
a rectangular image.
One image is treated as a single point (a single observation) in a high-dimensional
feature space. The set of images analyzed populates only a tiny fraction of the feature
space. Considering Figure 3.23, note that the images were geometrically aligned; this
was done manually by cropping to 321 × 261 and approximately positioning the nose tip
to the same pixel. The reconstruction from four basis vectors is shown in Figure 3.24.
Note that basis vectors are images.
PCA applied to images has also drawbacks. By rearranging pixels column by column
to a 1D vector, relations of a given pixel to pixels in neighboring rows are not taken into
account. Another disadvantage is in the global nature of the representation; small change
or error in the input images in uences the whole eigen-representation. However, this
property is inherent in all linear integral transforms. Section 10.4 illustrates a widespread
application of PCA, and a more detailed treatment of PCA applied to images can be
found in [Leonardis and Bischof, 2000].
Figure 3.23: 32 original images of a boy's face, each 321 × 261 pixels. © Cengage Learning 2015.
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3.2 Linear integral transforms
= q1
+ q2
+ q3
+ q4
Figure 3.24: Reconstruction of the image from four basis vectors bi , i = 1, . . . , 4 which can be
displayed as images. The linear combination was computed as q1 b1 + q2 b2 + q3 b3 + q4 b4 =
0.078 b1 + 0.062 b2 − 0.182 b3 + 0.179 b4 . © Cengage Learning 2015.
Radon transform
Projections of images prove to reveal many important properties, and can also be realized
by a number of physical processes. A complete (continuous) set of projections contains
the same amount of information as the original image, and is known as the Radon
transform [Barrett and Myers, 2004].
Formally, if f (x, y) is a 2D function that vanishes outside some disk, we consider the
set of lines L in 2D and define the Radon transform Rf as
Rf (L) =
f (x)jdXj .
It is common to parameterize lines by their distance from the origin and angle to the
Cartesian axes (see Figure 3.25)
((x(t), y(t)) = ((t sin
+ s cos ), (−t cos
+ s sin )) .
Rf ( , s)
Z ∞
f (x(t), y(t))dt
f (t sin
+ s cos , −t cos
+ s sin )dt .
Conceptually, we are integrating the image function over every ray passed through the
image, at every angle; this is what CT image acquisition does with X-rays.
The inverse of the Radon transform is accessible via the Fourier techniques we have
seen, specifically the Fourier Slice Theorem. Informally, the 1D Fourier transform of
Figure 3.25: A straight line parameterized by its distance from
the origin s and angle α. © Cengage Learning 2015.
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Chapter 3: The image, its mathematical and physical background
Figure 3.26: (a) The iconic Chamberlin-Powell-Bon Computing building of the University of
Leeds. (b) Edge detection (see Section 5.3.2) the straight lines are very evident. © R.D. Boyle
Figure 3.27: The Radon transform of Figure 3.26. The horizontal axis is 180 wide
(measured in degrees); the vertical is 751, being the `diameter' of the original 394 ×
640 image. The image has been contrast-stretched for display. With the origin at
the image center in Figure 3.26, the primary peaks are evident at (1, 196), columns
at the image left; (−18, 48), the oblique from upper left to center right, above a line
of windows; (−25, 95), similarly, the oor above. © Cengage Learning 2015.
the Radon transform with respect to angle delivers one line (slice) of the 2D Fourier
transform of f . Thus computing the set of 2D Fourier transforms of Rf ( , s) generates
the 2D Fourier transform of f , which may then be inverted using established techniques.
This is how `body slice' images are derived from the raw output of a CT scanner.
In digital images, the transform is realized by summing across a set of rays cast
through an image; the dimensions of the transform depend on the maximal image diameter and the granularity of the angle between rays. Figures 3.26 and 3.27 illustrate the
Radon transform of a Sobel edge detection (see Section 5.3.2) of an image with a number
of pronounced lines; the peaks locate these lines successfully. It will become clear that
the Radon transform has relationships with the Hough transform (see Section 6.2.6).
Other orthogonal image transforms
Many other orthogonal image transforms exist. The Hadamard-Haar transform is a
combination of the Haar and Hadamard transforms, and a modified Hadamard-Haar
transform is similar. The Slant transform and its modification the Slant-Haar transform represent another transform containing sawtooth waveforms or slant base vectors;
a fast computational algorithm is also available. The discrete sine transform is very
similar to the discrete cosine transform. The Paley and Walsh transforms are both very
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3.3 Images as stochastic processes
similar to the Hadamard transform, using matrices consisting of 1 elements only. All
transforms mentioned here are discussed in detail in [Gonzalez and Woods, 1992; Barrett
and Myers, 2004], where references for computational algorithms can also be found.
Images as stochastic processes
Images are statistical in nature due to random changes and noise, and it is sometimes of
advantage to treat image functions as realizations of a stochastic process [Papoulis, 1991;
Barrett and Myers, 2004]. In such an approach, questions regarding image information
content and redundancy can be answered using probability distributions, and simplifying
probabilistic characterizations as the mean, dispersion, correlation functions, etc.
A stochastic process (random process, random field) is a generalization of the
random variable concept. We will constrain ourselves to stochastic processes of with two
variables x, y which are the coordinates in the image. We denote a stochastic process
by and (x, y) is a random variable representing the gray-level at pixel (x, y). A specific
image is obtained as a realization of the stochastic process and is a real deterministic
function f which provides the gray-level values which the image finally has.
An example will illustrate: the original input is the image of Prague Castle, Figure 3.11(a). Figure 3.28 gives three of many possible realizations of a stochastic process . In this example, the realizations were generated artificially from the input image
by corrupting images with Gaussian noise with zero mean and standard deviation 0.1 in
the scale of [0, 1]. The noise at each pixel is statistically independent of noise at other
pixels. After realizations are created, each image is deterministic. However, the corre-
Figure 3.28: Above: three 256 × 256 images are shown as realizations of a stochastic process
φ. The crop windows are marked by white squares in the images. Below: the content of these
windows is enlarged. Notice that pixels really di er in the same locations in three realizations.
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Chapter 3: The image, its mathematical and physical background
sponding pixels in images are three different realizations of the same stochastic process.
There are dependencies among gray-level values of pixels in the same image. The exact
description of these dependencies would require a finite and extremely large number of
joint distribution functions.
A stochastic process is entirely described by a collection of k-dimensional distribution functions Pk , k = 1, 2, . . .. The distribution function of k arguments z1 , . . . , zk
Pk (z1 , . . . , zk ; x1 , y1 , . . . , xk , yk ) = P (x1 , y1 ) < z1 , (x2 , y2 ) < z2 , . . . , (xk , yk ) < zk ,
where P denotes the probability of the conjunction of events listed in the brackets.
This equation expresses the dependence of k pixels (x1 , y1 ), . . . , (xk , yk ). For a complete
probabilistic description, we would need these joint distribution functions for k equal to
the number of pixels in the image.
The probability distributions of order k are not used in practice. They express
a complex relation among many events. These descriptors are of theoretical importance
and would need very many realizations (experiments) to be estimated. Most often, not
more than a pair of events is related.
The second-order distribution function is used to relate pairs of events. Even simpler
characterization of the stochastic process is the first-order distribution function which
expresses probabilistic properties of the gray-level value of a single pixel independently
of the others.
The probabilistic relations described by the distribution function P1 (z; x, y) can be
equivalently expressed using the probability density defined as
p1 (z; x, y) =
@P1 (z; x, y)
The distribution is often roughly represented by simple characteristics. The mean of the
stochastic process is defined using the first-order probability density by the equation
Z ∞
(x, y) = E (x, y) =
z p1 (z; x, y) dz ,
where E is the mathematical expectation operator.
The autocorrelation and cross correlation functions [Papoulis, 1991] are often used
in searching for similarities in images or image parts. The autocorrelation function R
of the random process is defined as a mean of the product of the random variables
(x1 , y1 ) and (x2 , y2 )
R (x1 , y1 , x2 , y2 ) = E (x1 , y1 ) (x2 , y2 ) .
The autocovariance function C
is defined as
(x1 , y1 , x2 , y2 ) = R
(x1 , y1 , x2 , y2 ) −
(x1 , y1 )
(x2 , y2 ) .
The cross correlation function R and cross covariance function C use similar definitions to equations (3.64) and (3.65). The only difference is that a point from one image
(process) (x1 , y1 ) is related to a point from another image (process) (x2 , y2 ). Two
stochastic processes are uncorrelated if their cross covariance function is zero for any two
points (x1 , y1 ), (x2 , y2 ).
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3.3 Images as stochastic processes
A stationary process is a special stochastic process; its properties are independent
of absolute position in the image plane. The mean f of a stationary process is a constant.
The autocorrelation function R of a stationary stochastic process is translation
invariant and depends only on the difference between co-ordinates a = x1 −x2 , b = y1 −y2 :
(x1 , y1 , x2 , y2 ) = R
(a, b) =
(a, b, 0, 0)
(a, b) ,
(x + a, y + b) (x, y) dx dy .
Similarly, the cross correlation function between samples of stationary processes (x1 , y1 )
and (x2 , y2 ) is defined as
R (x1 , y1 , x2 , y2 ) = R (a, b, 0, 0)
R (a, b) =
R (a, b) ,
(x + a, y + b) (x, y) dx dy .
Note that infinitely many functions have the same correlation function and therefore
the same power spectrum as well. If an image is shifted then its power spectrum remains
Let (x, y) be the result of the convolution of the functions (x, y) and (x, y),
Equation (3.11). Assume that (x, y), (x, y) are stationary stochastic processes and
S , S are their corresponding power spectral densities. If the mean of the process
(x, y) is zero, then
S (u, v) = S (u, v) S (u, v) ,
where S (u, v) is the power spectrum of the stochastic process (x, y). Equation (3.68)
is used to describe spectral properties of a linear image filter .
The properties of correlation functions of stationary processes are interesting after
a transform into the frequency domain. The Fourier transform of the cross correlation
function of a stationary stochastic process can be expressed as the product of the Fourier
transforms of involved processes (images in image analysis),
F R (a, b) = F ∗ (u, v) G(u, v) .
Similarly, the autocorrelation function can be written as
(a, b) = F ∗ (u, v) F (u, v) = F (u, v)
The Fourier transform of the autocorrelation function, equation (3.66)
power spectrum2 or spectral density is given by
Z ∞Z ∞
S (u, v) =
R (a, b) e−2 i(au+bv) da db ,
also called the
where u, v are spatial frequencies. The power spectral density communicates how much
power the corresponding spatial frequency of the signal has.
2 The concept of power spectrum can also be defined for functions for which the Fourier transform is
not defined.
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Chapter 3: The image, its mathematical and physical background
Image formation physics
Humans, using their eyes, comprehend intensities and colors in a relative sense, but the
camera can be used as a measuring device which is able to provide absolute measurements.
If we want to understand the quantities measured, then we have to look at the physical
principles of image formation. We will survey some basic principles to understand how
an image is created. These are straightforward and easy to explain; they are widely used
in computer graphics to create visually appealing 2D images from 3D models.
Unfortunately, the inverse task is under-constrained; having as input the observed
image intensities and aiming at determination of physical quantities such as light sources
(their types, radiance, direction), shapes of surfaces in the scene, surface re ectance,
and direction to the viewer is difficult. This inverse task is of prime interest in computer
vision. Because of its complexity, practitioners often try to avoid its solution by finding a
shortcut in segmenting objects corresponding to some semantically appealing entities in
the scene, but the price to pay for this approach is a loss of generality. The segmentation
usually works only in their application domain, image capturing setting, etc.
There are special cases, in which the inverse task to image formation is of practical
use. These application domains are mainly `shape from shading' and 'photometric stereo',
which we will explain in Chapter 11. Direct measurement of radiance-like quantities is
also used in quality control checks in industrial production, medical imaging, etc.
Images as radiometric measurements
Three types of emitted energy can be used to image objects:
1. Electromagnetic radiation including rays, X-ray, ultraviolet radiation, visible
light, infrared radiation, microwaves, and radio waves. Radiation propagates in
vacuum at the speed of light, and through matter at lower speeds which also depends on wavelength. In this book, we concentrate on the visible spectrum unless
said otherwise.
2. Radiation of particles, e.g., electrons or neutrons.
3. Acoustic waves in gases, liquids and solids. Only longitudinal waves are spread
in gases and liquids, and transverse waves may be evident in solids. The speed
at which such waves propagate is directly related to the elastic properties of the
medium which they traverse.
Radiation integrates with matter on the surface of objects or in its volume. The energy
(radiation) is sent out from objects either because of thermal motion of molecules (hot
radiant body) or because of external stimulation (e.g, re ected radiance, luminescence).
Radiation is accompanied by information which can be used to identify observed objects
and to assist in measurement of some of their properties. Examples are:
1. Frequency of radiation expressed by wavelength.
2. Amplitude, i.e., intensity of the radiation.
3. Polarization mode for transverse waves.
4. Phase which is accessible only if coherent imaging techniques are used, as in interferometry or holography.
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3.4 Image formation physics
We will consider an explanation of image formation in the case of re ection of radiation
from the surface of nontransparent objects in the visible spectrum.
Image capture and geometric optics
We begin with a simple model of image capture in which geometric optics play a key
role. We consider a photographic or video camera a device for capturing intensity
images. The camera consists of a lens, a photosensitive image sensor converting photons
to electrical signals, and electronics that will provide image data for further processing.
The lens concentrates incoming light to the image sensor. The physical quantity
measured is irradiance, often informally called brightness or intensity. We wish the
lens to mimic ideal perspective projection (a pin-hole model, see Figure 2.1), and will
use geometric optics which match the pin-hole model. The key concept of the pin-hole
model is that of a ray which is a straight line segment mapping a point on a scene to
a point on the image plane (or a photosensitive sensor of a camera). More complicated
phenomena, which require more sophisticated mathematical models of wave or quantum
optics, are not considered. Wave optics permit the explanation of phenomena such as
light diffraction, interference, and polarization many texts will explain these topics in
depth to the interested reader (e.g., [Hecht, 1998] is recommended if the reader). Here,
we will follow conventions used in optical literature; light propagates from left to right.
The pin-hole model (camera obscura) is an unrealistic idealization because a very
small hole prevents energy passing through it. Wave properties of light cause another
deviation from the pin-hole model diffraction. The direction of light propagation is
bent if the obstacles are of a size comparable to the wavelength. Strictly speaking, only
planar mirrors comply with the geometric optics model.
The ideal geometric pin-hole model is more or less valid for the ideal thin lens,
see Figure 3.29. A ray passing through the center of the lens (called the principal
point) does not change its direction. If the lens is focused, then incoming rays which
are not coincident with the optical axis refract. Incoming rays parallel with the optical
axis intersect the optical axis in a single point called the focal point. This process
is described by the thin lens equation which can be derived using similar triangles in
Figure 3.29. The lens equation in Newtonian form says
= −
f +z
object plane
or in a simpler form z z 0 = f 2 ,
image plane
focal point
principal point
focal point
principal plane
Figure 3.29: The thin lens.
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Chapter 3: The image, its mathematical and physical background
where f is the focal length, the distance between the principal point and the (object,
image) focal point, z is the distance between the object plane and the object focal point,
and z 0 is the distance between the object plane and the image focal point. Let X be the
size of the object (the length of the arrow in the object plane in Figure 3.29) and x be
the size of this object in the image plane. The magnification m of the optical system is
= =
The disadvantage of the thin lens is that the only rays it maps sharply are those
starting from points in a plane perpendicular to the optical axis within a distance z of
the principal point.
depth of focus
principal point
focal point
object space
image space
Figure 3.30: Depth of focus in an
optical system. © Cengage Learning 2015.
Consider what happens if the image plane is shifted off the focal point [Jähne, 1997];
imagine a bundle of rays intersecting in the image focal point. The point will be displayed
as a small circle (the circle of permitted defocus) with diameter ", see Figure 3.30. z is
the distance between the shifted image plane and the image focal point, d is the diameter
of the aperture stop, f if the focal length of the lens, and f +z 0 is the distance between the
principal point and the image focal point. The diameter " of the circle can be calculated
using similar triangles
d z
=) " =
f +z
f + z0
nf = f =d is called the f -number of the lens-see Section 3.4.4.
The previous equation can be rewritten as
nf (f + z 0 )
nf (1 + z=f )
The concepts depth of focus and depth of field are based on the understanding that
it is of advantage if the image is a little off-focus, as then the range of depth in the scene
which will be focused will be effectively bigger. It does not make sense to require " to be
zero it is reasonable to be the size of a pixel. The smaller the pixels are, the smaller the
effect this improvement has. The depth of focus is the interval of permitted shifts of the
image plane [− z, z] for which the diameter of the circle " is smaller than a predefined
value corresponding to pixel size. z is calculated from the previous equation
z = nf 1 +
" = nf (1 + m) " ,
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3.4 Image formation physics
where m is the magnification of the lens. Equation (3.73) demonstrates an important
role played by the f -number. The smaller the diameter of the aperture stop, the bigger
the depth of focus is.
A more important concept from the user's point of view is the depth of field on the
object side of the lens. This governs the permitted range of positions of observed objects
in the scene which will be effectively in focus; i.e., with allowed defocus of maximal ".
Depth of field is illustrated in Figure 3.31.
aperture stop
depth of field
circle of the
allowed defocus
object space
image space
Figure 3.31: Depth of field
on the object side of the lens.
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Real lenses (objectives) are composed of several individual lenses and their model
in geometric optics is called a thick lens. It has two parallel principal axes and two
principal points, one on each side. The ray coming to the lens through the object principal
point, which passes the system of lenses, and leaves it from the image principal point
under the same angle. The distance between the object and the image principal points
gives the effective length of the thick lens. Otherwise, mathematical expressions for the
ray passing the lens remain almost the same.
In optical gauging, it is often difficult to guarantee that the measured object lies in
the object plane. If it comes closer to the lens it looks bigger and if it recedes then it
appears smaller. There is a practically useful optical trick which makes gauging easier a
telecentric lens. A small aperture stop is positioned into the image focal point; in a
normal lens the aperture stop is in the principal point (Figure 3.32a). In a telecentric
lens the image is formed only by rays which are approximately collinear to the optical
axis; this is illustrated in Figure 3.32b. Only part of the rays and irradiation is passed
through the telecentric lens to its image side, and this energy reduction is the reason
why observed scenes have to be illuminated more strongly, which in industrial gauging
setting is usually not difficult to provide. The disadvantage of telecentric lenses is that
their diameter has to be greater than the measured distances. Telecentric lenses of
larger diameters (> 50 mm, say) are expensive because they typically use the Fresnel
lens principle, used in lighthouses since the 1820s.
If the aperture stop is positioned between the image focal point and the image plane
then a hypercentric lens is obtained, Figure 3.32c.
The properties of normal, telecentric, and hypercentric lenses are illustrated by considering a tube viewed along its axis (Figure 3.33). A normal lens sees the cross section
of the tube and its inner surface due to divergent rays. The telecentric lens sees only the
cross section because only rays approximately parallel to the optical axis are selected.
The hypercentric lens sees the cross section and the outer surface of the tube, and not
the inner surface.
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Chapter 3: The image, its mathematical and physical background
a) normal lens
image space
object space
aperture stop
b) telecentric lens
aperture stop
image space
object space
c) hypercentric lens
aperture stop
object space
inner tube surface
and cross section
normal lens
image space
Figure 3.32: Normal, telecentric
and hypercentric lens. The focal
point on the object side of the lens
is denoted f1 and the focal point
on the image side is denoted f2 .
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cross section only
outer tube surface
and cross section
Figure 3.33: Axial view of a tube
by a normal, a telecentric and a
hypercentric lens. The cross section is shown in light gray, the inner surface in dark gray and the
outer surface is hatched. © Cen-
telecentric lens
hypercentric lens
gage Learning 2015.
Lens aberrations and radial distortion
Lenses and other optical systems such as mirrors or prisms have defects which lead to
blur, color changes, geometric distortion from the ideal ray, etc. These errors are usually
called aberrations in optics. Rays have to pass through some medium, such as air, which
also causes blur. Sometimes, blur can be roughly modeled as a drop of high frequencies in
the Fourier spectrum, which can be approximately compensated by a high-pass frequency
In an ideal optical system, every point on the object will focus to a single point of zero
size on the image. In reality, a point on the object side is not a point in the image plane.
The result is a distribution of intensities in the volume which is not symmetrical in shape.
Blurring occurs because a lens is not a perfect image producer. The output is close to the
ideal mathematical model given by equation (3.72) for lenses having spherical surfaces
and for rays passing through its principal point and rays making only small angles with
the optical axis. Six main groups of aberrations can be distinguished: (1) spherical
aberration, (2) coma, (3) astigmatism, (4) curvature of field, (5) geometric distortion
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3.4 Image formation physics
(especially radial distortion), and (6) color aberration occurring for light mixed from
many wavelengths. The first five aberrations also occur for light of a single wavelength.
Spherical aberration prevents rays from meeting at the same image point. Rays passing
through the lens close to its center are focused farther away than rays passing its
Coma is produced when rays from an off-axis object point are imaged by different zones
of the lens. The name arises because a point on the object side of the lens is blurred
into a comet shape. In spherical aberration, images of an on-axis object point that
fall on a plane at right angles to the optical axis are circular in shape, of varying size,
and superimposed about a common center. In coma, images of an off-axis object
point are circular in shape, of varying size, but displaced with respect to each other.
Coma is usually reduced by a diaphragm which eliminates the outer cones of rays.
Astigmatism occurs when an optical system has different foci for rays that propagate in
two perpendicular planes. If such a system is used to form an image of a cross, the
vertical and horizontal lines will be in sharp focus at two different distances.
Curvature of field (which manifests in geometric distortion, both radial and tangential) refers to the location of image points with respect to one another. Geometric
distortion usually remains after the first three aberrations have been corrected by
lens designers. Curvature of field describes the phenomenon whereby the image of a
plane object perpendicular to the optical axis on the object side of the lens projects
to a paraboloidal surface called a Petzval surface3 . Geometric distortion refers to
deformation of an image. If the object on the object side is a at grid consisting
of squares then it is projected either as a barrel or pincushion, see Figure 3.34. In
barrel distortion, magnification decreases with distance from the axis. In pincushion
distortion, magnification increases with distance from the axis.
Figure 3.34: Radial distortion illustrated on a 12 × 12 square grid.
(a) Barrel distortion. (b) Undistorted. (c) Pincushion distortion.
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Chromatic aberration expresses the failure of a lens to focus all colors in the same plane.
Because the refractive index is least at the red end of the spectrum, the focal length
of a lens in air will be greater for red than blue.
Computer vision users of optical systems do not usually have any in uence on aberrations beyond the right lens. The exception is radial distortion, which often has to be
estimated and corrected in computer vision applications, and which we will explain in
more detail. A typical lens performs distortion of several pixels which a human observer
does not notice while looking at a natural scene. However, when an image is used for
measurements, compensation for the distortion is necessary.
3 Petzval
surface—after Slovak mathematician Jozef Petzval, 1807-1891.
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Chapter 3: The image, its mathematical and physical background
(x0 ,y0 )
Figure 3.35: Radial distortion model; (x0 , y 0 ) are
pixel coordinates measured in the image (uncorrected); (x, y) are pixel coordinates after correction;
(x0 , y0 ) are coordinates of the principal point, and
(∆x , ∆y ) are components of the necessary correction; r is the distance between pixel (x0 , y0 ) and pixel
(x0 , y 0 ). © Cengage Learning 2015.
Figure 3.36: Radial distortion illustrated on an image of a book shelf. (a) Barrel distortion.
(b) Undistorted. (c) Pincushion distortion. © Cengage Learning 2015.
The practical model of lens geometric aberration includes two distortion components.
The first is radial distortion which is caused because the lens bends a ray more or less
than in the ideal case. The second is the shift of the principal point with respect to
the image midpoint. We will discuss the second component in Section 11.3.1 where the
intrinsic parameters of a single 3D camera will be explained.
It can be seen that the pincushion and barrel distortions in Figure 3.34 are centrally
(radially) symmetric. A simple mathematical model is used which approximates the necessary correction by a low order polynomial depending on the distance r of the observed
point (x0 , y 0 ) from the principal point (x0 , y0 ) of the image. The variables involved are
introduced in Figure 3.35. The coordinates of a pixel after the correction are x = x0 + x
and y = y 0 + y .
Radial distortion is approximated as a rotationally symmetric function with respect
to the principal point and dependent on the distance r of the measured pixel (x0 , y 0 ) from
the principal point (x0 , y0 )
r = (x − x0 )2 + (y − y0 )2 .
Low order polynomials (usually with order at most six) with even order dependent only
on r are used to assure rotational symmetry. The approximation is
= (x0 − x0 ) (
= (y − y0 ) (
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3.4 Image formation physics
The distortion is represented by the coefficients 1 , 2 , 3 which are obtained experimentally for a particular lens by observing a known calibration image, e.g., covered with
some regular pattern of blobs or lines. Often it is sufficient to use only one nonzero
coefficient 1 in the approximation.
The effect of the radial distortion model applied to a real image is illustrated in
Figure 3.36. More complicated lens models cover tangential distortions that model such
effects as lens de-centering. Full and alternative details may be found in [Tsai, 1987; Jain
et al., 1995; Prescott and McLean, 1997].
Image capture from a radiometric point of view
A TV camera and most other artificial vision sensors measure the amount of received
light energy in individual pixels as the result of interaction among various materials
and light source(s); the value measured is informally called a gray-level (or brightness).
Radiometry is a branch of physics that deals with the measurement of the ow and
transfer of radiant energy, and is the appropriate tool to consider the mechanism of image
creation. The gray-level corresponding to a point on a 3D surface depends informally
on the shape of the object, its re ectance properties, the position of the viewer, and
properties and position of the illuminants.
The radiometric approach to understanding gray-levels is very often avoided in practical applications because of its complexity and numerical instability. The gray-level
measured typically does not provide a precise quantitative measurement (one reason is
that commonly used cameras are much more precise geometrically than radiometrically;
another, more serious, reason is that the relation between the gray-level and shape is
too complex). One way to circumvent this is to use task-specific illumination that allows
the location of objects of interest on a qualitative level, and their separation from the
background. If this attempt is successful then an object/background separation task is
solved which is usually much simpler than a complete inversion of the image formation
task from a radiometric point of view. Of course, some information is lost which could
be provided by radiometric analysis of intensity changes.
Photometry is a discipline closely related to radiometry that studies the sensation
of radiant light energy in the human eye; both disciplines describe similar phenomena
using similar quantities.
Herein, we shall describe physical units using square brackets; when there is a danger
of confusion we shall denote photometric quantities using the subscript ph , and leave
radiometric ones with no subscript.
The basic radiometric quantity is radiant flux [W], and its photometric counterpart is luminous flux ph [lm (= lumen)]. For light of wavelength = 555 m and
daylight vision, we can convert between these quantities with the relation 1 W = 680 lm.
Different people have different abilities to perceive light, and photometric quantities depend on the spectral characteristic of the radiation source and on the sensitivity of the
photoreceptive cells of a human retina. For this reason, the international standardization
body Commission International de l'Éclairage (CIE) defined a `standard observer' corresponding to average abilities. Let K( ) be the luminous efficacy [lm W−1 ], S( ) [W]
the spectral power of the light source, and [m], the wavelength. Then luminous ux
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Chapter 3: The image, its mathematical and physical background
is proportional to the intensity of perception and is given by
K( ) S( ) d .
ph =
Since photometric quantities are also observer dependent, we shall consider radiometric
From a viewer's point of view, the surface of an object can re ect energy into a halfsphere, differently into different directions. The spatial angle is given by the area on
the surface of the unit sphere that is bounded by a cone with an apex in the center of the
sphere, so an entire half-sphere corresponds to a spatial angle of 2 [sr (= steradians)].
A small area A at distance R from the origin (i.e., R2
A) and with angle between
the normal vector to the area and the radius vector between the origin and the area
corresponds to the spatial angle [sr] (see Figure 3.37)
A cos
Irradiance E [W m−2 ] describes the power of the light energy that falls onto a unit
area of the object surface, E = = A, where A is an infinitesimal element of the surface
area; the corresponding photometric quantity is illumination [lm m−2 ]. Radiance L
[W m−2 sr−1 ] is the power of light that is emitted from a unit surface area into some
spatial angle, and the corresponding photometric quantity is called brightness Lph
[lm m−2 sr−1 ]. Brightness is used informally in image analysis to describe the quantity
that the camera measures.
Irradiance is given by the amount of energy that an image-capturing device gets
per unit of an efficient sensitive area of the camera [Horn, 1986] then gray-levels of
image pixels are quantized estimates of image irradiance. The efficient area copes with
foreshortening that is caused by the mutual rotation between the elementary patch on
the emitting surface and the elementary surface patch of the sensor. We shall consider
the relationship between the irradiance E measured in the image and the radiance L
produced by a small patch on the object surface. Only part of this radiance is captured
by the lens of the camera.
The geometry of the setup is given in Figure 3.38. The optical axis is aligned with
the horizontal axis Z, and a lens with focal length f is placed at the co-ordinate origin
Radiance L of the
surface in the scene
Irradiation E
of the sensor
Figure 3.37: Spatial angle for
an elementary surface area.
Figure 3.38: The relation between irradiance E and radiance L. © Cengage Learning 2015.
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3.4 Image formation physics
(the optical center). The elementary object surface patch O is at distance z. We are
interested in how much light energy reaches an elementary patch of the sensor surface
I. The off-axis angle spans between the axis Z and the line connecting O with I;
as we are considering a perspective projection, this line must pass through the origin.
The elementary object surface patch O is tilted by the angle measured between the
object surface normal n at the patch and a line between O and I.
Light rays passing through the lens origin are not refracted; thus the spatial angle
attached to the elementary surface patch in the scene is equal to the spatial angle corresponding to the elementary patch in the image. The foreshortened elementary image
patch as seen from the optical center is I cos , and its distance from the optical center
is f = cos . The corresponding spatial angle is
I cos
(f = cos )2
Analogously, the spatial angle corresponding to the elementary patch O on the object
surface is
O cos
(z= cos )2
As the spatial angles are equal,
Consider how much light energy passes through the lens if its aperture has diameter d;
the spatial angle L that sees the lens from the elementary patch on the object is
d2 cos
cos3 .
L =
4 (z= cos )2
4 z
Let L be the radiance of the object surface patch that is oriented towards the lens. Then
the elementary contribution to the radiant ux falling at the lens is
cos3 cos
= L O L cos = L O
The lens concentrates the light energy into the image. If energy losses in the lens are
neglected and no other light falls on the image element, we can express the irradiation
E of the elementary image patch as
cos3 cos .
I 4 z
If we substitute for O= I from equation (3.78), we obtain an important equation that
explains how scene radiance in uences irradiance in the image:
cos4 .
4 f
The term cos4 describes a systematic lens optical defect called vignetting4 , which
implies that optical rays with larger span-off angle are attenuated more; this means
4 One
of the meanings of vignette is a photograph or drawing with edges that are shaded off.
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Chapter 3: The image, its mathematical and physical background
that pixels closer to image borders are darker. This effect is more severe with wide-angle
lenses than with tele-lenses. Since vignetting is a systematic error, it can be compensated
for with a radiometrically calibrated lens. The term d=f is called the f -number of the
lens and describes by how much the lens differs from a pinhole model.
Surface re ectance
In many applications, pixel gray-level is constructed as an estimate of image irradiance as
a result of light re ection from scene objects. Consequently, it is necessary to understand
different mechanisms involved in re ection. We will give a brief overview sufficient to
underpin the idea behind shape from shading, Section 11.7.1.
The radiance of an opaque object that does not emit its own energy depends on
irradiance caused by other energy sources. The illumination that the viewer perceives
depends on the strength, position, orientation, type (point or diffuse) of the light sources,
and ability of the object surface to re ect energy and the local surface orientation (given
by its normal vector).
An important concept is gradient space which describes surface orientations. Let
z(x, y) be the surface height; at nearly every point a surface has a unique normal n. The
components of the surface gradient
can be used to specify the surface orientation. We shall express the unit surface normal
using surface gradient components; if we move a small distance x in the x direction, the
change of height is z = p x. Thus the vector [1, 0, p]> is the tangent to the surface,
and analogously [0, 1, q]> is too. The surface normal is perpendicular to all its tangents,
and may be computed using the vector product as
     
0 × 1 = −q  .
The unit surface normal n can be written as
 
−q  .
n= p
1 + p2 + q 2
Here we suppose that the z component of the surface normal is positive.
Consider now spherical co-ordinates used to express the geometry of an infinitesimal
surface patch see Figure 3.39. The polar angle (also called zenith angle) is and the
azimuth is '.
We wish to describe the ability of different materials to re ect light. The direction
towards the incident light is denoted by subscript i (i.e., i and 'i ), while subscript v
identifies the direction toward the viewer ( v and 'v ) see Figure 3.40. The irradiance
of the elementary surface patch from the light source is dE( i , 'i ), and the elementary
contribution of the radiance in the direction towards the viewer is dL( v , 'v ). In general,
the ability of the body to re ect light is described using a bi-directional reflectance
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3.4 Image formation physics
Figure 3.39: Spherical angles used to describe orientation of a surface patch. © Cengage Learning 2015.
Figure 3.40: Directions towards the
viewer and the light source. © Cengage
Learning 2015.
distribution function fr [sr−1 ], abbreviated BRDF [Nicodemus et al., 1977]
fr (
i , 'i ;
v , 'v )
v , 'v )
i , 'i )
The BRDF fr describes the brightness of an elementary surface patch for a specific
material, light source, and viewer direction. The domain of the BRDF is the Cartesian
product of all incident and re ected directions which are traditionally represented in
spherical coordinates.
Modeling of the BRDF is also important for realistic rendering in computer
ics [Foley et al., 1990]. The BRDF in its full complexity equation (3.86) is used for
modeling re ection properties of materials with oriented microstructure (e.g., tiger's
eye a semi-precious golden-brown stone, a peacock's feather, a rough cut of aluminum).
The extension of BRDF to color is straightforward. All quantities are expressed
`per unit wavelength' and the adjective `spectral' is added. Radiance becomes spectral
radiance and is expressed in `watts per square meter, per steradian, per unit wavelength'.
Irradiance becomes spectral irradiance expressed in `watts per square meter, per unit
wavelength'. Dependence on wavelength is introduced into spectral BRDF
BRDF = f (
The observed color depends on the power spectrum of the illuminant and re ectance
and/or transparency properties of objects in the scene. There is often more interest
in the relative spectral composition than in the absolute spectral radiation or spectral
irradiation. Instead of spectral BRDF, the re ectance or transparency properties are
modeled by wavelength-by-wavelength multiplication of the corresponding relative energies (intensities) in each surface point manifested in each pixel of the image.
Fortunately, for most practically applicable surfaces, the BRDF remains constant if
the elementary surface patch rotates along the normal vector to the
surface. In this case
it is simplified and depends on 'i − 'v , i.e., fr i , v , ('i − 'v ) . This simplification
holds for both ideal diffuse (Lambertian) surfaces and for ideal mirrors.
Let Ei ( ) denote the irradiance caused by the illumination of the surface element,
and Er ( ) the energy ux per unit area scattered by the surface element back to the
whole half-space. The ratio
Er ( )
( )=
Ei ( )
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Chapter 3: The image, its mathematical and physical background
is called the reflectance coefficient or albedo: this is the proportion of incident energy
re ected back to the half-space. For simplicity, assume that we may neglect color properties of the surface, and that albedo does not depend on wavelength . This proportion
is then an integral of the surface radiance L over the solid angle
representing the
Er =
L( ) d .
Now define a reflectance function R( ) that models the in uence of the local surface
geometry onto the spatial spread of the re ected energy. Angle d is an infinitesimal
solid angle around the viewing direction
R( ) d = 1 .
In general, surface re ectance properties depend on three angles between the direction to
the light source L, the direction towards the viewer V, and the local surface orientation
given by the surface normal n (recall Figure 3.40). The cosines of these angles can be
expressed as scalar products of vectors; thus the re ectance function is a scalar function
of the following three dot products
R = R(n L, n V, V L) .
A Lambertian surface (also ideally opaque, with ideal diffusion) re ects light energy
in all directions, and thus the radiance is constant in all directions. The BRDF fLambert
is constant:
( )
fLambert ( i , v , 'i − 'v ) =
If albedo ( ) is assumed constant and unitary then the Lambertian surface re ectance
can be expressed as
R(n, L, V) = n L = cos i .
Because of its simplicity, the Lambertian re ectance function has been widely accepted
as a reasonable re ectance model for shape from shading (Section 11.7.1). Notice that
the re ectance function for a Lambertian surface is independent of viewing direction V.
The dependence of the surface radiance on local surface orientation can be expressed
in gradient space, and the reflectance map R(p, q) is used for this purpose. The re ectance
map R(p, q) can be visualized in the gradient space as nested iso-contours corresponding
to the same observed irradiance.
Values of the re ectance map may be:
1. Measured experimentally on a device called a goniometer stage that is able to set
angles and ' mechanically. A sample of the surface is attached to the goniometer
and its re ectance measured for different orientations of viewer and light sources.
2. Set experimentally if a calibration object is used. Typically a half-sphere is used
for this purpose.
3. Derived from a mathematical model describing surface re ecting properties.
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3.5 Summary
The best-known surface re ectance models are the Lambertian model for ideal opaque
surfaces, the Phong model which models re ection from dielectric materials, the TorranceSparrow model which describes surfaces as a collection of planar mirror-like micro-facets
with normally distributed normals, and the wave theory-based Beckmann-Spizzichino
model. A survey of surface re ection models from the point of view of computer vision
can be found in [Ikeuchi, 1994].
The irradiance E(x, y) of an infinitely small light sensor located at position x, y in
the image plane is equal to the surface radiance at a corresponding surface patch given by
its surface parameters u, v if the light is not attenuated in the optical medium between
the surface and the sensor. This important relation between surface orientation and
perceived image intensity is called the image irradiance equation
E(x, y) = (u, v) R N(u, v)L, N(u, v)V, VL .
In an attempt to reduce complexity, several simplifying assumptions [Horn, 1990] are
usually made to ease the shape from shading task. It is assumed that:
• The object has uniform re ecting properties, i.e. (u, v) is constant.
• Light sources are distant; then both irradiation in different places in the scene and
direction towards the light sources are approximately the same.
• The viewer is very distant. Then the radiance emitted by scene surfaces does not
depend on position but only on orientation. The perspective projection is simplified
to an orthographic one.
We present the simplified version of the image irradiance equation for the Lambertian
surface, constant albedo, single distant illuminant, distant viewer in the same direction
as illuminant, and the re ectance function R expressed in gradient space (p, q)
E(x, y) = R p(x, y), q(x, y) .
R(p, q) gives the radiance of the corresponding point in the scene; the proportionality
constant comes from equation (3.82) and depends on the f -number of the lens. The
vignetting degradation of the lens is negligible as the viewer is aligned to the illuminant.
The measured irradiance E can be normalized and the factor omitted; this permits us
to write the image irradiance equation in the simplest form as
@z @z
E(x, y) = R p(x, y), q(x, y) = R
@x @y
The image irradiance equation in its simplest form is a first-order differential equation. It
is typically nonlinear as the re ectance function R in most cases depends non-linearly on
the surface gradient. This is the basic equation that is used to recover surface orientation
from intensity images.
• The Dirac impulse is an idealized infinitely narrow impulse of a finite area. In
image processing, it helps to express image digitization in an elegant way.
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Chapter 3: The image, its mathematical and physical background
• Convolution is a linear operation often used in image processing. Convolution
expresses the relation between two overlapped images.
• Linear integral transforms
– Linear integral transforms provide a rich representations of signals in a frequency domain, in which some application tasks are easier. The inverse transforms permit the conversion of data back to signals or images.
– Commonly used transforms in image analysis are Fourier, cosine, wavelet,
Radon and PCA.
– The Fourier transform expands a periodic 1D or 2D function as a possibly
infinite linear combination of sines and cosines. The basis of the expansion
are waves with a basic frequency ω0 , and waves with growing frequencies
ω0 , 2 ω0 , 2 ω0 , 3 ω0 , etc. The complex frequency spectrum F (ω) gives both
magnitude and phase of the elementary waves.
– The Shannon sampling theorem states that the necessary distance between
sampling points is at most half the smallest detail to be seen in the image.
– If the Shannon sampling theorem is violated then aliasing occurs.
– The wavelet transform analyzes a signal by multiplying it by a window function
and performing an orthogonal expansion with more complex basis functions,
allowing localization of events not only in frequency but also in time. The
expansion is performed at multiple scales.
– Principal Component Analysis (PCA) is the optimal linear transformation
which divides an observed space into orthogonal subspaces with the largest
variance. The new basis vectors are calculated for the particular data set.
PCA is used for dimensionality reduction of data.
• Images as a stochastic processes
– Images are statistical in nature due to random changes and noise. It is sometimes of advantage to treat image functions as realizations of a stochastic
– Such analysis is performed using statistical descriptors as the mean, dispersion,
covariance function or correlation function.
• Image formation physics
– Image formation is well understood in radiometry. Observed irradiation from a
surface patch depends on light sources, surface re ectance, and mutual relation
between directions towards observer, towards the illuminator(s), the surface
patch normal and its re ectance. Computer vision is interested in the inverse
task which is ill-posed in many cases.
– Image formation physics is not directly explored in many applications because
it is too complicated to get all the parameters which describe the particular
image formation process. Instead, objects are segmented based on semantic
knowledge about a specific application.
– Geometric optics models lens systems used commonly in computer vision.
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3.6 Exercises
Short-answer questions
S3.1 Define photometry.
S3.2 Give the formulae for the Fourier transform and its inverse.
S3.3 Give a definition of: frequency spectrum, phase spectrum, power spectrum.
S3.4 State the convolution theorem.
S3.5 Determine the Fourier transform of the Dirac δ(x, y) function.
S3.6 Explain how the Fourier transform can be used to remove periodic image noise.
S3.7 What do you understand by aliasing?
S3.8 Why are wavelets better suited to analyze image data in multiple scales than the Fourier
P3.1 Implement the 1D Fourier transform for yourself and study its output for some sample
digital functions.
P3.2 Many very e cient implementations of the Fourier transform can be freely found: seek
and download one if you do not already have one to hand. Run it on a range of
deliberately simple images and study its output. Given the transform of an image, can
you guess some features of the original?
P3.3 Why might high frequencies of an image function be of interest? Why would the Fourier
transform be of use in their analysis?
P3.4 Suppose a convolution of two finite digital functions is to be performed; determine how
many elemental operations (additions and multiplications) are required for given sized
domains. How many operations are required if the convolution theorem is exploited
(excluding the cost of the Fourier transform).
P3.5 Employing the two-dimensional Fourier transform, develop a program for high-pass,
low-pass, and band-pass image filtering.
P3.6 Explain the aliasing e ect in terms of Fourier frequency overlaps.
P3.7 Locate a package that finds the eigen-system of a matrix (there are many freely available). For some matrices of your choice, look at the eigen-values and how they change
when you perturb a matrix, or one column of it, or just one term of it.
P3.8 Locate an implementation of the Radon transform and run it on some images with
pronounced straight lines (such as Figure 3.26). Extract the directional maxima it
suggests and compare them to the lines in the original.
P3.9 Better quality digital cameras permit manual setting of focus, aperture and exposure
time: if you can, experiment with these to see the e ects of depth of focus on image
P3.10 Make yourself familiar with solved problems and Matlab implementations of selected
algorithms provided in the corresponding chapter of the Matlab Companion to this text
[Svoboda et al., 2008]. The Matlab Companion homepage http://visionbook.felk.cvut.cz
o ers images used in the problems, and well-commented Matlab code is provided for
educational purposes.
P3.11 Use the Matlab Companion [Svoboda et al., 2008] to develop solutions to additional
exercises and practical problems provided there. Implement your solutions using Matlab
or other suitable programming languages.
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Chapter 3: The image, its mathematical and physical background
Barrett H. H. and Myers K. J. Foundation of Image Science. Willey Series in Pure and Applied
Optics. Wiley & Sons, Hoboken, New Jersey, USA, 2004.
Bracewell R. N. Fourier Analysis and Imaging. Springer-Verlag, 1st edition, 2004.
Castleman K. R. Digital Image Processing. Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cli s, NJ, 1996.
Chui C. K. An Introduction to Wavelets. Academic Press, New York, 1992.
Chui C. K., Montefusco L., and Puccio L. Wavelets: Theory, Algorithms, and Applications.
Academic Press, San Diego, CA, 1994.
Daubechies I. Ten Lectures on Wavelets. SIAM, Philadelphia, USA, 2nd edition, 1992.
Foley J. D., van Dam A., Feiner S. K., and Hughes J. F. Computer Graphics—Principles and
Practice. Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA, 2nd edition, 1990.
Golub G. H. and Loan C. F. V. Matrix Computations. Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, MD, 2nd edition, 1989.
Gonzalez R. C. and Woods R. E. Digital Image Processing. Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA,
Hecht E. Optics. Addison-Wesley, Reading, Massachusetts, 3rd edition, 1998.
Horn B. K. P. Robot Vision. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 1986.
Horn B. K. P. Height and gradient from shading. International Journal of Computer Vision, 5
(1):37–75, 1990.
Ikeuchi K. Surface re ection mechanism. In Young T. Y., editor, Handbook of Pattern Recognition and Image Processing: Computer Vision, pages 131–160, San Diego, 1994. Academic
Jähne B. Practical Handbook on Image Processing for Scientific Applications. CRC Press, Boca
Raton, Florida, 1997.
Jain R., Kasturi R., and Schunk B. G. Machine Vision. McGraw-Hill, New York, 1995.
Karu Z. Z. Signals and Systems, Made Ridiculously Simple. ZiZi Press, Cambridge, MA, USA,
3rd edition, 1999.
Leonardis A. and Bischof H. Robust recognition using eigenimages. Computer Vision and Image
Understanding, 78(1):99–118, 2000.
Mallat S. G. A theory of multiresolution signal decomposition: The wavelet representation.
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 11(7):674–693, 1989.
Meyer Y. Wavelets: Algorithms and Applications. Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Philadelphia, 1993.
Nicodemus F. E., Richmond J. C., Hsia J. J., Ginsberg I. W., and Limperis T. Geometrical
considerations and nomenclature for re ectance. US Department of Commerce, National
Bureau of Standards, Washington DC, 1977.
Oppenheim A. V., Willsky A. S., and Nawab S. Signal and Systems. Prentice Hall, Upper
Saddle River, NJ, USA, 2 edition, 1997.
Papoulis A. Probability, Random Variables, and Stochastic Processes. McGraw-Hill International Editions, 3rd edition, 1991.
Prescott B. and McLean G. F. Line-based correction of radial lens distortion. Graphical Models
and Image Processing, 59(1):39–77, 1997.
Press W. H., , Teukolsky S. A., Vetterling W. T., and Flannery B. P. Numerical Recipes in C.
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, England, 2nd edition, 1992.
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3.7 References
Rao K. R. and Yip P. Discrete Cosine Transform, Algorithms, Advantages, Applications. Academic Press, Boston, 1990.
Rogers D. F. Procedural Elements of Computer Graphics. McGraw-Hill, New York, 1985.
Svoboda T., Kybic J., and Hlavac V. Image Processing, Analysis, and Machine Vision: A
MATLAB Companion. Thomson Engineering, 2008.
Tsai R. Y. A versatile camera calibration technique for high-accuracy 3D machine vision metrology using o -the-shelf cameras and lenses. IEEE Journal of Robotics and Automation, RA-3
(4):323 344, 1987.
Turk M. and Pentland A. Eigenfaces for recognition. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 3(1):
71–86, 1991.
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Data structures for image analysis
Data and an algorithm are the two essentials of any program. Data organization often
considerably affects the simplicity of the selection and the implementation of an algorithm, and the choice of data structures is therefore a fundamental question when writing
a program [Wirth, 1976]. Representations of image data, and the data which can be deduced from them, will be introduced here before explaining different image processing
methods. Relations between different types of representations of image data will then be
First we shall deal with basic levels of representation of information in image analysis
tasks; then with traditional data structures such as matrices, chains, and relational structures. Lastly we consider hierarchical data structures such as pyramids and quadtrees.
Levels of image data representation
The aim of computer visual perception is to find a relation between an input image and
models of the real world. During the transition from the raw input image to the model,
image information becomes denser and semantic knowledge about the interpretation of
image data is used more. Several levels of visual information representation are defined
on the way between the input image and the model; computer vision then comprises a
design of the:
• Intermediate representations (data structures).
• Algorithms used for the creation of representations and introduction of relations
between them.
The representations can be stratified in four levels [Ballard and Brown, 1982] however,
there are no strict borders between them and a more detailed classification of the representational levels is used in some applications. These four representational levels are
ordered from signals at a low level of abstraction to the description that a human can
perceive. The information ow between the levels may be bi-directional, and for some
specific uses, some representations can be omitted.
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4.2 Traditional image data structures
The lowest representational level iconic images consists of images containing
original data: integer matrices with data about pixel brightness. Images of this kind are
also outputs of pre-processing operations used for highlighting some aspects of the image
important for further treatment.
The second level is segmented images. Parts of the image are joined into groups
that probably belong to the same objects. For instance, the output of the segmentation of
a scene with polyhedra is either line segments coinciding with borders or two-dimensional
regions corresponding to faces of bodies. It is useful to know something about the
application domain while doing image segmentation; it is then easier to deal with noise
and other problems associated with erroneous image data.
The third level is geometric representations holding knowledge about 2D and 3D
shapes. Quantification of a shape is very difficult but also very important. Geometric
representations are useful while doing general and complex simulations of the in uence
of illumination and motion in real objects. We also need them for the transition between
natural raster images acquired by a camera) and data used in computer graphics (CAD
computer-aided design, DTP desktop publishing).
The fourth representational level is relational models. They give us the ability to
treat data more efficiently and at a higher level of abstraction. A priori knowledge about
the case being solved is usually used in processing of this kind. Artificial intelligence (AI)
techniques are often explored; the information gained from the image may be represented
by semantic nets or frames [Nilsson, 1982].
An example will illustrate a priori knowledge. Imagine a satellite image of a piece of
land, and the task of counting planes standing at an airport; the a priori knowledge is
the position of the airport, which can be deduced, for instance, from a map. Relations
to other objects in the image may help as well, e.g., to roads, lakes, or urban areas.
Additional a priori knowledge is given by geometric models of planes for which we are
searching. Segmentation will attempt to identify meaningful regions such as runways,
planes and other vehicles, while third-level reasoning will try to make these identifications
more definite. Fourth-level reasoning may, for example, determine whether the plane is
arriving, departing or undergoing maintenance, etc.
Traditional image data structures
Traditional image data structures such as matrices, chains, graphs, lists of object properties, and relational databases are important not only for the direct representation of
image information, but also as a basis for more complex hierarchical methods of image
A matrix is the most common data structure for low-level representation of an image.
Elements of the matrix are integer numbers corresponding to brightness, or to another
property of the corresponding pixel of the sampling grid. Image data of this kind are
usually the direct output of the image-capturing device. Pixels of both rectangular and
hexagonal sampling grids can be represented by a matrix. The correspondence between
data and matrix elements is obvious for a rectangular grid; with a hexagonal grid every
even row in the image is shifted half a pixel to the right.
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Chapter 4: Data structures for image analysis
Image information in the matrix is accessible through the co-ordinates of a pixel that
correspond with row and column indices. The matrix is a full representation of the image,
independent of the contents of image data it implicitly contains spatial relations
among semantically important parts of the image. The space is two-dimensional in the
case of an image. One very natural spatial relation is the neighborhood relation.
Some special images that are represented by matrices are:
• A binary image (an image with two brightness levels only) is represented by
a matrix containing only zeros and ones.
• Several matrices can contain information about one multispectral image. Each
single matrix contains one image corresponding to one spectral band.
• Matrices of different resolution are used to obtain hierarchical image data structures. Such hierarchical representations can be very convenient for parallel computers with the `processor array' architecture.
Most programming languages use a standard array data structure to represent a matrix.
Historically, memory limitations were a significant obstacle to image applications, but
this is no longer the case.
There is much image data in the matrix. Algorithms can be sped up if global information is derived from the original image matrix first global information is more
concise and occupies less memory. We have already mentioned the most popular example of global information the histogram in Section 2.3.2. Looking at the image from
a probabilistic point of view, the normalized histogram is an estimate of the probability
density of a phenomenon: that an image pixel has a certain brightness.
Another example of global information is the co-occurrence matrix [Pavlidis,
1982], which represents an estimate of the probability of two pixels appearing in a spatial
relationship in which a pixel (i1 , j1 ) has intensity z and a pixel (i2 , j2 ) has intensity
y. Suppose that the probability depends only on a certain spatial relation r between
a pixel of brightness z and a pixel of brightness y; then information about the relation
r is recorded in the square co-occurrence matrix Cr , whose dimensions correspond to
the number of brightness levels of the image. To reduce the number of matrices Cr ,
introduce some simplifying assumptions; first consider only direct neighbors, and then
treat relations as symmetrical (without orientation). The following algorithm calculates
the co-occurrence matrix Cr from the image f (i, j).
Algorithm 4.1: Co-occurrence matrix Cr (z, y) for the relation r
1. Set Cr (z, y) = 0 for all z, y ∈ [0, L], where L is the maximum brightness.
2. For all pixels (i1 , j1 ) in the image, determine all (i2 , j2 ) which have the relation r
with the pixel (i1 , j1 ), and perform
Cr f (i1 , j1 ), f (i2 , j2 ) = Cr f (i1 , j1 ), f (i2 , j2 ) + 1 .
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4.2 Traditional image data structures
If the relation r is to be a southern or eastern 4-neighbor of the pixel (i1 , j1 ), or identity1 , elements of the co-occurrence matrix have some interesting properties. Diagonal
elements of the matrix Cr (k, k) are equal to the area of the regions in the image with
brightness k, and so correspond to the histogram. Off-diagonal elements Cr (k, j) are
equal to the length of the border dividing regions with brightnesses k and j, k 6= j. For
instance, in an image with low contrast, the elements of the co-occurrence matrix that
are far from the diagonal are equal to zero or are very small. For high-contrast images
the opposite is true.
The main reason for considering co-occurrence matrices is their ability to describe
texture: this approach is introduced in Chapter 15.
The integral image is another matrix representation that holds global image information [Viola and Jones, 2001]. It is constructed so that its values ii(i, j) in the location
(i, j) represent the sums of all the original image pixel-values left of and above (i, j):
f (k, l) ,
ii(i, j) =
where f is the original image. The integral image can be efficiently computed in a single
image pass using recurrences:
Algorithm 4.2: Integral image construction
1. Let s(i, j) denote a cumulative row sum, and set s(i, −1) = 0.
2. Let ii(i, j) be an integral image, and set ii(−1, j) = 0.
3. Make a single row-by-row pass through the image. For each pixel (i, j) calculate
the cumulative row sums s(i, j) and the integral image value ii(i, j) using
s(i, j) = s(i, j − 1) + f (i, j) ,
ii(i, j) = ii(i − 1, j) + s(i, j) .
4. After completing a single pass through the image, the integral image ii is constructed.
The main use of integral image data structures is in rapid calculation of simple
rectangle image features at multiple scales. This kind of features is used for rapid object
identification (Section 10.7) and for object tracking (Section 16.5).
Figure 4.1 illustrates that any rectangular sum can be computed using four array
references, and so a feature re ecting a difference between two rectangles requires eight
references. Considering the rectangle features shown in Figure 4.2a,b, the two-rectangle
features require only six array references since the rectangles are adjacent. Similarly,
the three- and four-rectangle features of Figure 4.2c,d can be calculated using eight and
nine references to the integral image values, respectively. Such features can be computed
extremely efficiently and in constant time once the integral image is formed.
1 For the purpose of co-occurrence matrix creation we need to consider the identity relation (i , j ) =
1 1
(i2 , j2 ), or individual pixels would not contribute to the histogram.
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Chapter 4: Data structures for image analysis
Figure 4.1: Calculation of rectangle features from an integral image. The sum of pixels within
rectangle D can be obtained using four array references. Dsum = ii(δ) + ii(α) − (ii(β) + ii(γ)),
where ii(α) is the value of the integral image at point α (and similarly for β, γ, δ). © Cengage
Learning 2015.
Figure 4.2: Rectangle-based features may be calculated from an integral image by subtraction of
the sum of the shaded rectangle(s) from the non-shaded rectangle(s). The figure shows (a,b) tworectangle, (c) three-rectangle, and (d) four-rectangle features. Sizes of the individual rectangles
can be varied to yield di erent features as well as features at di erent scales. Contributions
from the regions may be normalized to account for possibly unequal region sizes. © Cengage
Learning 2015.
Chains are used for the description of object borders in computer vision. One element
of the chain is a basic symbol; this approach permits the application of formal language
theory for computer vision tasks. Chains are appropriate for data that can be arranged
as a sequence of symbols, and the neighboring symbols in a chain usually correspond
to the neighborhood of primitives in the image. The primitive is the basic descriptive
element that is used in syntactic pattern recognition (see Chapter 9).
This rule of proximity (neighborhood) of symbols and primitives has exceptions for
example, the first and the last symbol of the chain describing a closed border are not
neighbors, but the corresponding primitives in the image are. Similar inconsistencies
are typical of image description languages [Shaw, 1969], too. Chains are linear structures, which is why they cannot describe spatial relations in the image on the basis of
neighborhood or proximity.
Chain codes (and Freeman codes) [Freeman, 1961] are often used for the description
of object borders, or other one-pixel-wide lines in images. The border is defined by the
co-ordinates of its reference pixel and the sequence of symbols corresponding to the line
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4.2 Traditional image data structures
of the unit length in several pre-defined orientations. Notice that a chain code is of a
relative nature; data are expressed with respect to some reference point. Figure 4.3 shows
an example of a chain code in which where 8-neighborhoods are used 4-neighborhoods
can be used as well. An algorithm to extract a chain code may be implemented as an
obvious simplification of Algorithm 6.6; chain codes and their properties are described
in more detail in Chapter 8.
Figure 4.3: An example chain code; the reference pixel starting the chain is marked by an arrow:
00077665555556600000006444444442221111112234445652211. © Cengage Learning 2015.
If local information is needed from the chain code, then it is necessary to search
through the whole chain systematically. For instance, if we want to know whether the
border turns somewhere to the left by 90◦ , we must just find a sample pair of symbols
in the chain it is simple. On the other hand, a question about the shape of the border
near the pixel (i0 , j0 ) is not trivial. It is necessary to investigate all chain elements until
the pixel (i0 , j0 ) is found and only then we can start to analyze a short part of the border
that is close to the pixel (i0 , j0 ).
The description of an image by chains is appropriate for syntactic pattern recognition
based on formal language theory methods. When working with real images, the problem
of how to deal with uncertainty caused by noise arises, which is why several syntactic
analysis techniques with deformation correction have arisen [Lu and Fu, 1978]. Another
way to deal with noise is to smooth the border or to approximate it by another curve.
This new border curve is then described by chain codes [Pavlidis, 1977].
Run length coding has been used for some time to represent strings of symbols in
an image matrix. For simplicity, consider a binary image first. Run length coding records
only areas that belong to objects in the image; the area is then represented as a list of
lists. Various schemes exist which differ in detail a representative one describes each row
of the image by a sublist, the first element of which is the row number. Subsequent terms
are co-ordinate pairs; the first element of a pair is the beginning of a run and the second
is the end (the beginning and the end are described by column coordinates). There can
be several such sequences in the row. Run length coding is illustrated in Figure 4.4. The
main advantage of run length coding is the existence of simple algorithms for intersections
and unions of regions in the image.
Run length coding can be used for an image with multiple brightness levels as well
in this case sequences of neighboring pixels in a row that has constant brightness are
considered. In the sublist we must record not only the beginning and the end of the
sequence, but its brightness, too.
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Chapter 4: Data structures for image analysis
Figure 4.4: Run length coding; the code is ((11144)(214)(52355)).
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Topological data structures
Topological data structures describe the image as a set of elements and their relations;
these relations are often represented using graphs. A graph G = (V, E) is an algebraic
structure which consists of a set of nodes V = {v1 , v2 , . . . , vn } and a set of arcs E =
{e1 , e2 , . . . , em }. Each arc ek is incident to an unordered (or ordered) pair of nodes
{vi , vj } which are not necessarily distinct. The degree of a node is equal to the number
of incident arcs of the node.
A weighted graph is a graph in which values are assigned to arcs, to nodes, or to
both these values may, for example, represent weights, or costs.
The region adjacency graph is typical of this class of data structures, in which
nodes correspond to regions and neighboring regions are connected by an arc. The
segmented image (see Chapter 6) consists of regions with similar properties (brightness,
texture, color, . . .) that correspond to some entities in the scene, and the neighborhood
relation is fulfilled when the regions have some common border. An example of an image
with areas labeled by numbers and the corresponding region adjacency graph is shown
in Figure 4.5; the label 0 denotes pixels out of the image. This label is used to indicate
regions that touch borders of the image in the region adjacency graph.
Figure 4.5: An example region adjacency graph.
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The region adjacency graph has several attractive features. If a region encloses other
regions, then the part of the graph corresponding with the areas inside can be separated
by a cut in the graph. Nodes of degree 1 represent simple holes.
Arcs of the graph can include a description of relations between neighboring regions
the relations to be to the left or to be inside are common. It can be used for matching
with a stored pattern for recognition purposes.
The region adjacency graph is usually created from the region map, which is a matrix of the same dimensions as the original image matrix whose elements are identification
labels of the regions. To create the region adjacency graph, borders of all regions in the
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4.2 Traditional image data structures
image are traced, and labels of all neighboring regions are stored. The region adjacency
graph can also easily be created from an image represented by a quadtree (Section 4.3.2).
The region adjacency graph stores information about the neighbors of all regions in
the image explicitly. The region map contains this information as well, but it is much
more difficult to recall from there. If we want to relate the region adjacency graph to the
region map quickly, it is sufficient for a node in the region adjacency graph to be marked
by the identification label of the region and some representative pixel (e.g., the top left
pixel of the region).
Construction of the boundary data structures that represent regions is not trivial,
and is considered in Section 6.2.3. Region adjacency graphs can be used to approach
region merging (where, for instance, neighboring regions thought to have the same image
interpretation are merged into one region) this topic is considered in Section 10.10. In
particular, note that merging representations of regions that may border each other more
than once can be intricate, for example, with the creation of `holes' not present before
the merge see Figure 4.6.
Figure 4.6: Region merging may create
holes: (a) Before a merge. (b) After.
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Relational structures
Relational databases [Kunii et al., 1974] can also be used for representation of information
from an image; all the information is then concentrated in relations between semantically
important parts of the image objects that are the result of segmentation (Chapter 6).
Relations are recorded in the form of tables. An example of such a representation is shown
in Figure 4.7 and Table 4.1, where individual objects are associated with their names and
other features, e.g., the top-left pixel of the corresponding region in the image. Relations
between objects are expressed in the relational table. Here, such a relation is to be inside;
for example, the object 7 (pond) is situated inside the object 6 (hill).
Figure 4.7: Description of objects using relational structure. © Cengage Learning 2015.
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Chapter 4: Data structures for image analysis
Object name
tree trunk
tree crown
light green
Min. row
Min. col.
Table 4.1: Relational table. © Cengage Learning 2015.
Description by means of relational structures is appropriate for higher levels of image
understanding. In this case searches using keys, similar to database searches, can be used
to speed up the whole process.
Hierarchical data structures
Computer vision is by its nature very computationally expensive, if for no other reason
than the large amount of data to be processed. Usually a very quick response is expected
because video real-time or interactive systems are desirable. One of the solutions is to use
parallel computers (in other words brute force). Unfortunately there are many computer
vision problems that are very difficult to divide among processors, or decompose in
any way. Hierarchical data structures make it possible to use algorithms which decide
a strategy for processing on the basis of relatively small quantities of data. They work
at the finest resolution only with those parts of the image for which it is essential, using
knowledge instead of brute force to ease and speed up the processing. We are going to
introduce two typical hierarchical structures, pyramids and quadtrees.
Pyramids are among the simplest hierarchical data structures. We distinguish between
M-pyramids (matrix-pyramids) and T-pyramids (tree-pyramids).
A Matrix-pyramid (M-pyramid) is a sequence {ML , ML−1 , . . . , M0 } of images,
where ML has the same dimensions and elements as the original image, and Mi−1 is
derived from the Mi by reducing the resolution by one-half. When creating pyramids, it
is customary to work with square matrices having dimensions equal to powers of 2 then
M0 corresponds to one pixel only.
M-pyramids are used when it is necessary to work with an image at different resolutions simultaneously. An image having one degree smaller resolution in a pyramid
contains four times less data, so it is processed approximately four times as quickly.
Often it is advantageous to use several resolutions simultaneously rather than choose
just one image from the M-pyramid. For such algorithms we prefer to use tree-pyramids,
a tree structure. Let 2L be the size of an original image (the highest resolution). A treepyramid (T-pyramid) is defined by:
1. A set of nodes P = p = (k, i, j) such that level k ∈ [0, L]; i, j ∈ [0, 2k − 1] .
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4.3 Hierarchical data structures
2. A mapping F between subsequent nodes Pk−1 , Pk of the pyramid
F (k, i, j) = (k − 1, oor(i=2), oor(j=2)) .
3. A function V that maps a node of the pyramid P to Z, where Z is the subset of
the whole numbers corresponding to the number of brightness levels, for example,
Z = {0, 1, 2, . . . , 255}.
Nodes of a T-pyramid correspond for a given k with image points of an M-pyramid;
elements of the set of nodes P = {(k, i, j)} correspond with individual matrices in the
M-pyramid k is called the level of the pyramid. An image P = {(k, i, j)} for a specific k
constitutes an image at the k th level of the pyramid. F is the so-called parent mapping,
which is defined for all nodes Pk of the T-pyramid except its root (0, 0, 0). Every node
of the T-pyramid has four child nodes except leaf nodes, which are nodes of level L that
correspond to the individual pixels in the image.
Level 0
Level 1
Figure 4.8: T-pyramid.
Level 2
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Values of individual nodes of the T-pyramid are defined by the function V . Values
of leaf nodes are the same as values of the image function (brightness) in the original
image at the finest resolution; the image size is 2L . Values of nodes in other levels of
the tree are either an arithmetic mean of four child nodes or they are defined by coarser
sampling, meaning that the value of one child (e.g., top left) is used. Figure 4.8 shows
the structure of a simple T-pyramid.
The number of image pixels used by an M-pyramid for storing all matrices is given
N2 1 + +
+ ...
1.33 N 2 ,
4 16
where N is the dimension of the original matrix (the image of finest resolution) usually
a power of two, 2L .
The T-pyramid is represented in memory similarly. Arcs of the tree need not be
recorded because addresses of the both child and parent nodes are easy to compute due
to the regularity of the structure. An algorithm for the effective creation and storing of
a T-pyramid is given in [Pavlidis, 1982].
Quadtrees are modifications of T-pyramids. Every node of the tree except the leaves has
four children (NW, north-western; NE, north-eastern; SW, south-western; SE, southeastern). Similarly to T-pyramids, the image is divided into four quadrants at each
hierarchical level; however, it is not necessary to keep nodes at all levels. If a parent
node has four children of the same value (e.g., brightness), it is not necessary to record
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Chapter 4: Data structures for image analysis
Figure 4.9: Quadtree. © Cengage
Learning 2015.
them. This representation is less expensive for an image with large homogeneous regions;
Figure 4.9 is an example of a simple quadtree.
An advantage of image representation by means of quadtrees is the existence of simple algorithms for addition of images, computing object areas, and statistical moments.
The main disadvantage of quadtrees and pyramid hierarchical representations is their
dependence on the position, orientation, and relative size of objects. Two similar images
with just very small differences can have very different pyramid or quadtree representations. Even two images depicting the same, slightly shifted scene, can have entirely
different representations.
These disadvantages can be overcome using a normalized shape of quadtree in which
we do not create the quadtree for the whole image, but for its individual objects. Geometric features of objects such as the center of gravity and principal axis are used (see
Chapter 8); the center of gravity and principal axis of every object are derived first and
then the smallest enclosing square centered at the center of gravity having sides parallel with the principal axes is located. The square is then represented by a quadtree.
An object described by a normalized quadtree and several additional items of data (coordinates of the center of gravity, angle of main axes) is invariant to shifting, rotation,
and scale.
Quadtrees are usually represented by recording the whole tree as a list of its individual
nodes, every node being a record with several items characterizing it. An example is given
in Figure 4.10. In the item Node type there is information about whether the node is
a leaf or inside the tree. Other data can be the level of the node in the tree, position in
the picture, code of the node, etc. This kind of representation is expensive in memory. Its
advantage is easy access to any node because of pointers between parents and children.
Node type
Pointer to the NW son
Pointer to the NE son
Pointer to the SW son
Pointer to the SE son
Pointer to the father
Other data
Figure 4.10: Record describing a quadtree node.
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4.3 Hierarchical data structures
It is possible to represent a quadtree with less demand on memory by means of a leaf
code. Any point of the picture is coded by a sequence of digits re ecting successive
divisions of the quadtree; zero means the NW (north-west) quadrant, and likewise for
other quadrants: 1-NE, 2-SW, 3-SE. The most important digit of the code (on the left)
corresponds to the division at the highest level, the least important one (on the right)
with the last division. The number of digits in the code is the same as the number of
levels of the quadtree. The whole tree is then described by a sequence of pairs the leaf
code and the brightness of the region. Programs creating quadtrees can use recursive
procedures to advantage.
T-pyramids are very similar to quadtrees, but differ in two basic respects. A Tpyramid is a balanced structure, meaning that the corresponding tree divides the image
regardless of the contents, which is why it is regular and symmetric. A quadtree is not
balanced. The other difference is in the interpretation of values of the individual nodes.
Quadtrees have seen widespread application, particularly in the area of Geographic
Information Systems (GIS) where, along with their three-dimensional generalization octrees, they have proved very useful in hierarchical representation of layered data [Samet,
1989, 1990].
Other pyramidal structures
The pyramidal structure is widely used, and has seen several extensions and modifications. Recalling that a (simple) M-pyramid was defined as a sequence of images
{ML , ML−1 , . . . , M0 } in which Mi is a 2 × 2 reduction of Mi+1 , we can define the notion
of a reduction window; for every cell c of Mi , the reduction window is its set of children
in Mi+1 , w(c). Here, a cell is any single element of the image Mi at the corresponding
level of pyramidal resolution. If the images are constructed such that all interior cells
have the same number of neighbors (e.g., a square grid, as is customary), and they all
have the same number of children, the pyramid is called regular.
A taxonomy of regular pyramids may be constructed by considering the reduction
window together with the reduction factor , which defines the rate at which the image
area decreases between levels;
jMi+1 j
, i = 0, 1, . . . , L − 1 .
jMi j
In the simple case, in which reduction windows do not overlap and are 2 × 2, we have
= 4; if we choose to let the reduction windows overlap, the factor will reduce. The
notation used to describe this characterization of regular pyramids is (reduction window)=(reduction factor). Figure 4.11 illustrates some simple examples.
The reduction window of a given cell at level i may be propagated down to higher
resolution than level i + 1. For a cell ci at level i, we can write w0 (ci ) = w(ci ), and then
recursively define
wk+1 (ci ) =
wk (q) ,
q∈w(ci )
wk (ci ) is the equivalent window that covers all cells at level i+k+1 that link to the cell
ci . Note that the shape of this window is going to depend on the type of pyramid for
example, an n × n=2 pyramid will generate octagonal equivalent windows, while for an
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Chapter 4: Data structures for image analysis
Figure 4.11: Several regular pyramid definitions. (a) 2 × 2/4. (b) 2 × 2/2. (c) 3 × 3/2. (Solid
dots are at the higher level, i.e., the lower-resolution level.) © Cengage Learning 2015.
n × n=4 pyramid they will be square. Use of non-square windows prevents domination
of square features, as is the case for simple 2 × 2=4 pyramids.
The 2 × 2=4 pyramid is widely used and is what is usually called an `image pyramid';
the 2 × 2=2 structure is often referred to as an `overlap pyramid'. 5 × 5=2 pyramids have
been used [Burt and Adelson, 1983] in compact image coding, where the image pyramid
is augmented by a Laplacian pyramid of differences. Here, the Laplacian at a given
level is computed as the per-pixel difference between the image at that level, and the
image derived by `expanding' the image at the next lower resolution. The Laplacian
may be expected to have zero (or close) values in areas of low contrast, and therefore be
amenable to compression.
Irregular pyramids are derived from contractions of graphical representations of
images (for example, region adjacency graphs). Here, a graph may be reduced to a
smaller one by selective removal of arcs and nodes. Depending on how these selections
are made, important structures in the parent graph may be retained while reducing
its overall complexity [Kropatsch, 1995]. The pyramid approach is quite general and
lends itself to many developments for example, the reduction algorithms need not be
deterministic [Meer, 1989].
• Level of image data representation
– Data structures together with algorithms are used to devise solutions to computational tasks.
– Data structures for vision may be loosely classified as
Boundaries between these layers may not be well defined.
• Traditional image data structures
– The matrix (2D array) is the most common data structure used for low-level
representations, implemented as an array.
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4.5 Exercises
– Matrices hold image data explicitly. Spatial characteristics are implicitly available.
– Binary images are represented by binary matrices; multispectral images are
represented by vectors of matrices; Hierarchical image structures are represented by matrices of different dimensions;
– The co-occurrence matrix is an example of global information derived from an
image matrix; it is useful in describing texture.
– Chains may be used to describe pixel paths, especially borders.
– Chain codes are useful for recognition based on syntactic approaches.
– Run length codes are useful for simple image compression.
– Graph structures may be used to describe regions and their adjacency. These
may be derived from a region map, a matrix of the same size as the image.
– Relational structures may be used to describe semantic relationships between
image regions.
• Hierarchical data structures
– Hierarchical structures can be used to extract large-scale features, which may
be used to initialize analysis. They can provide significant computational
– M-pyramids and T-pyramids provide data structures to describe multiple image resolutions.
– Quadtrees are a variety of T-pyramid in which selected areas of an image
are stored at higher resolution than others, permitting selective extraction of
– Many algorithms for manipulation of quadtrees are available. Quadtrees are
prone to great variation from small image differences.
– Leaf codes provide a more efficient form of quadtree.
– Many ways of deriving pyramids exist, dependent on choice of reduction window.
Short-answer questions
S4.1 Determine the 4- and 8-neighborhood chain codes of the regions shown in Figure 4.12.
Figure 4.12: © Cengage Learning 2015.
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Chapter 4: Data structures for image analysis
S4.2 Integral image
(a) What is an integral image?
(b) Describe a simple and e cient algorithm to construct an integral image.
S4.3 Define run length encoding.
S4.4 Determine the run length encoding of the images shown in Figure 4.12.
S4.5 Define a region adjacency graph.
S4.6 Draw the region adjacency graph for the image depicted in Figure 4.13.
Figure 4.13: © Cengage Learning 2015.
S4.7 Define M-pyramid.
S4.8 Define T-pyramid.
P4.1 Implement Algorithm 4.1. Run it on a variety of images for a variety of neighborhood
P4.2 Implement Algorithm 4.2. Run it on a range of inputs and plot/visualize the output
integral image. What relationships can you detect between input and output?
P4.3 Implement run length encoding, as described in Section 4.2.2. Run it on a range of
binary images and determine the compression ratio achieved (this is most usefully done
with the most compact possible representation of the run length code).
P4.4 Adapt the program written for Problem P4.3 to work for images which are not binary.
Test it on a range of synthetic and real images, computing each time the compression
ratio it provides.
P4.5 Write a program that computes the T-pyramid of an image.
P4.6 Write a program that derives the quadtree representation of an image using the homogeneity criterion of equal intensity.
P4.7 Make yourself familiar with solved problems and Matlab implementations of selected
algorithms provided in the corresponding chapter of the Matlab Companion to this text
[Svoboda et al., 2008]. The Matlab Companion homepage http://visionbook.felk.cvut.cz
o ers images used in the problems, and well-commented Matlab code is provided for
educational purposes.
P4.8 Use the Matlab Companion [Svoboda et al., 2008] to develop solutions to additional
exercises and practical problems provided there. Implement your solutions using Matlab
or other suitable programming languages.
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4.6 References
Ballard D. H. and Brown C. M. Computer Vision. Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cli s, NJ, 1982.
Burt P. J. and Adelson E. H. The Laplacian pyramid as a compact image code. IEEE Transactions on Computers, COM-31(4):532–540, 1983.
Freeman H. On the encoding of arbitrary geometric configuration. IRE Transactions on Electronic Computers, EC–10(2):260–268, 1961.
Kropatsch W. G. Building irregular pyramids by dual graph contraction. IEE Proceedings:
Vision, Image and Signal Processing, 142(6):366–374, 1995.
Kunii T. L., Weyl S., and Tenenbaum I. M. A relation database schema for describing complex
scenes with color and texture. In Proceedings of the 2nd International Joint Conference on
Pattern Recognition, pages 310–316, Copenhagen, Denmark, 1974.
Lu S. Y. and Fu K. S. A syntactic approach to texture analysis. Computer Graphics and Image
Processing, 7:303–330, 1978.
Meer P. Stochastic image pyramids. Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing, 45(3):
269–294, 1989.
Nilsson N. J. Principles of Artificial Intelligence. Springer Verlag, Berlin, 1982.
Pavlidis T. Structural Pattern Recognition. Springer Verlag, Berlin, 1977.
Pavlidis T. Algorithms for Graphics and Image Processing. Computer Science Press, New York,
Samet H. The Design and Analysis of Spatial Data Structures. Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA,
Samet H. Applications of Spatial Data Structures. Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA, 1990.
Shaw A. C. A formal picture description schema as a basis for picture processing systems.
Information and Control, 14:9–52, 1969.
Svoboda T., Kybic J., and Hlavac V. Image Processing, Analysis, and Machine Vision: A
MATLAB Companion. Thomson Engineering, 2008.
Viola P. and Jones M. Rapid object detection using a boosted cascade of simple features.
In Proceedings IEEE Conf. on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, pages 511–518,
Kauai, Hawaii, 2001. IEEE.
Wirth N. Algorithms + Data Structures = Programs. Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cli s, NJ, 1976.
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Image pre-processing
Pre-processing is the name used for operations on images at the lowest level of abstraction
both input and output are intensity images. Such images are usually of the same kind
as the original data captured by the sensor, with an intensity image usually represented
by a matrix or matrices of brightness values.
Pre-processing does not increase image information content. If information is measured using entropy (Section 2.3.3), pre-processing typically decreases it. Thus from the
information-theoretic viewpoint the best pre-processing is no pre-processing: without
question, the best way to avoid (elaborate) pre-processing is to concentrate on highquality image acquisition. Nevertheless, pre-processing is very useful in a variety of
situations since it helps to suppress information irrelevant to the specific image processing or analysis task. Therefore, the aim of pre-processing is an improvement of the image
data that suppresses undesired distortions or enhances some image features important for
further processing. Geometric transformations of images (e.g., rotation, scaling, translation) are also classified as pre-processing methods here since similar techniques are
Here we classify image pre-processing methods into four categories according to the
size of the pixel neighborhood used for the calculation of a new pixel brightness. Section 5.1 deals with pixel brightness transformations, Section 5.2 describes geometric
transformations, Section 5.3 considers methods that use a local neighborhood, and Section 5.4 introduces image restoration that requires knowledge about the entire image.
Considerable redundancy of information in most images allows image pre-processing
methods to explore data to learn image characteristics in a statistical sense. These
characteristics are used either to suppress unintended degradations such as noise or to
enhance the image. Neighboring pixels corresponding to objects in real images usually
have the same or similar brightness value, so if a distorted pixel can be picked out from
the image, it may be restored as an average value of neighboring pixels.
If pre-processing aims to correct some degradation in the image, the nature of a priori
information is important:
• Some methods uses little or no knowledge about the nature of the degradation.
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5.1 Pixel brightness transformations
• Other methods assume knowledge of properties of the image acquisition device,
and conditions under which the image was obtained. The nature of noise (usually
its spectral characteristics) is sometimes known.
• A third approach uses knowledge about objects that are sought in the image. If
knowledge about objects is not available in advance, it can be estimated during the
Pixel brightness transformations
A brightness transformation modifies pixel brightness the transformation depends on
the properties of a pixel itself. There are two classes of pixel brightness transformations:
brightness corrections and gray-scale transformations. Brightness correction modifies the pixel brightness taking into account its original brightness and its position in
the image. Gray-scale transformations change brightness without regard to position in
the image.
Position-dependent brightness correction
Ideally, the sensitivity of image acquisition and digitization devices should not depend
on position in the image, but this assumption is not valid in many practical cases. A lens
attenuates light more if it passes farther from the optical axis, and the photosensitive
part of the sensor is not of uniform sensitivity. Uneven object illumination is also a source
of degradation.
If degradation is systematic, it can be suppressed by brightness correction. A multiplicative error coefficient e(i, j) describes the change from the ideal. Assume g(i, j) is
the original undegraded image and f (i, j) is the degraded version. Then
f (i, j) = e(i, j) g(i, j) .
The error coefficient e(i, j) can be obtained if a reference image g(i, j) with known brightnesses is captured, the simplest being an image of constant brightness c. The degraded
result is the image fc (i, j). Then systematic brightness errors can be suppressed by
g(i, j) =
c f (i, j)
f (i, j)
e(i, j)
fc (i, j)
This method can be used only if the image degradation process is stable.
This method implicitly assumes linearity of the transformation, which is not true
in reality because the brightness scale is limited to some interval. Equation (5.1) can
over ow, and the limits of the brightness scale are used instead, implying that the best
reference image has brightness that is far enough from both limits. If the gray-scale has
256 brightness levels, the ideal image has constant brightness values of 128.
Gray-scale transformation
Gray-scale transformations do not depend on the position of the pixel in the image.
A transformation T of the original brightness p from scale [p0 , pk ] into brightness q from
a new scale [q0 , qk ] is given by
q = T (p) .
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Chapter 5: Image pre-processing
The most common gray-scale transformations are shown in Figure 5.1; the piecewise
linear function a enhances the image contrast between brightness values p1 and p2 . The
function b is called brightness thresholding and results in a black-and-white image;
the straight line c denotes the negative transformation.
(a) contrast enhancement
(b) threshold
(c) negative
Figure 5.1: Some gray-scale transformations. © Cengage Learning 2015.
Digital images have a limited number of gray-levels, so gray-scale transformations are
easy to realize both in hardware and software via a look-up table. Image signals usually
pass through a look-up table in image displays, enabling simple gray-scale transformation
in real time. The same principle can be used for color displays. A color signal consists of
three components red, green, and blue; three look-up tables provide all possible color
scale transformations. (See Section 2.4 for more detail on color representation).
Gray-scale transformations are used mainly when an image is viewed by a human
observer, and contrast enhancement may be beneficial. A transformation for contrast
enhancement is usually found automatically using histogram equalization. The aim
is to create an image with equally distributed brightness levels over the whole brightness
scale (see Figure 5.2). Histogram equalization enhances contrast for brightness values
close to histogram maxima, and decreases contrast near minima.
Figure 5.2: Histogram equalization.
© Cengage Learning 2015.
Denote the input histogram by H(p) and recall that the input gray-scale is [p0 , pk ].
The intention is to find a monotonic pixel brightness transformation q = T (p) such that
the desired output histogram G(q) is uniform over the whole output brightness scale
[q0 , qk ].
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5.1 Pixel brightness transformations
The monotonic property of the transform T implies
G(qi ) =
H(pi ) .
The equalized histogram G(q) corresponds to the uniform probability density function f
whose function value is a constant
qk − q0
for an N × N image. For the `idealized' continuous probability density, we can substitute
equation (5.5) into equation (5.4) and derive
Z q
Z p
N 2 (q − q0 )
ds =
H(s) ds
qk − q0
q0 qk − q0
from which T can be derived as
q = T (p) =
qk − q0
H(s) ds + q0 .
The integral in equation (5.7) is called the cumulative histogram, which is approximated by a sum in digital images, so the resulting histogram is not equalized ideally.
Of course, we are dealing with a discrete approximation, and seek a realization of
equation (5.7) that exploits as much of the available gray range as possible, and that generates a distribution invariant to reapplication of the procedure. Formally, the algorithm
Algorithm 5.1: Histogram equalization
1. For an N × M image of G gray-levels, initialize an array H of length G to 0.
2. Form the image histogram: Scan every pixel p
if it has intensity gp , perform
H[gp ] = H[gp ] + 1 .
Then let gmin be the minimum g for which H[g] > 0 (the lowest occurring gray
level in the image).
3. Form the cumulative image histogram Hc :
Hc [0] = H[0] ,
Hc [g] = Hc [g − 1] + H[g] ,
g = 1, 2, . . . , G − 1 .
Let Hmin = Hc [gmin ].
4. Set
T [g] = round
Hc [g] − Hmin
(G − 1) .
M N − Hmin
5. Rescan the image and write an output image with gray-levels gq , setting
gq = T [gp ] .
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Chapter 5: Image pre-processing
These results can be demonstrated on an X-ray CT image of a lung. An input image
and its equalization are shown in Figure 5.3; their respective histograms are shown in
Figure 5.4.
Figure 5.3: Histogram equalization. (a) Original image. (b) Equalized image. © Cengage
Learning 2015.
Figure 5.4: Histogram equalization: Original and equalized histograms corresponding to Figure 5.3a,b. © Cengage Learning 2015.
The logarithmic gray-scale transformation function is another frequently used technique. It is also used to compensate for exponential -correction used in cameras (see
Section 2.5.2).
Pseudo-color is another kind of gray-scale transform. where individual brightnesses
in the input monochromatic image are coded to some color. Since the human eye is very
sensitive to change in color, much more detail can be perceived in pseudo-colored images.
Geometric transformations
Geometric transforms permit elimination of the geometric distortion that occurs when
an image is captured, for example in an attempt to match remotely sensed images of the
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5.2 Geometric transformations
Figure 5.5: Geometric transform on a plane.
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same area taken a different times but from different positions: we will execute a geometric
transformation, and then subtract one image from the other. We consider geometric
transformations only in 2D, as this is sufficient for most digital images.
A geometric transform is a vector function T that maps the pixel (x, y) to a new
position (x0 , y 0 ) an illustration of the whole region transformed on a point-to-point basis
is in Figure 5.5. T is defined by its two component equations
x0 = Tx (x, y) ,
y 0 = Ty (x, y) .
The transformation functions Tx and Ty are either known in advance for example, in
the case of rotation, translation, scaling or can be determined from known original and
transformed images. Several pixels in both images with known correspondences are used
to derive the unknown transformation.
A geometric transform consists of two basic steps. First is the pixel co-ordinate
transformation, which maps the co-ordinates of the input image pixel to the point in
the output image. Output point co-ordinates will be continuous values (real numbers), as
position are unlikely to match the digital grid after the transform. The second step finds
the point in the digital raster which best matches the transformed point and determines
its brightness value. This is usually computed as an interpolation of the brightnesses
of several points in the neighborhood.
Pixel co-ordinate transformations
Equation (5.8) shows the general case of finding the co-ordinates of a point in the output
image after a geometric transform. It is usually approximated by a polynomial equation
x =
m m−r
r=0 k=0
ark x y ,
y =
m m−r
brk xr y k .
r=0 k=0
This transform is linear with respect to the coefficients ark , brk and so if pairs of corresponding points (x, y), (x0 , y 0 ) in both images are known, it is possible to determine ark ,
brk by solving a set of linear equations.
In the case where the geometric transform does not change rapidly depending on
position in the image, low-order polynomials, m = 2 or m = 3, are used, needing at least
6 or 10 pairs of corresponding points. Corresponding points should be distributed in the
image in a way that can express the geometric transformation usually they are spread
Equation (5.8) is in practice approximated by a bilinear transform for which four
pairs of corresponding points are sufficient to find the transformation coefficients
x0 = a0 + a1 x + a2 y + a3 x y ,
y 0 = b0 + b1 x + b2 y + b3 x y .
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Chapter 5: Image pre-processing
Even simpler is the affine transformation, for which three pairs of corresponding points
are sufficient to find the coefficients
x0 = a0 + a1 x + a2 y ,
y 0 = b0 + b1 x + b2 y .
The affine transformation includes typical geometric transformations such as rotation,
translation, scaling, and skewing.
A geometric transform applied to the whole image may change the co-ordinate system, and a Jacobian determinant J provides information about how the co-ordinate
system changes
@(x0 , y 0 )
@x0 =@x @x0 =@y
@y 0 =@x @y 0 =@y
@(x, y)
If the transformation is singular (has no inverse), then J = 0. If the area of the image is
invariant under the transformation, then jJj = 1.
The Jacobian determinant for the bilinear transform (5.10) is
J = a1 b2 − a2 b1 + (a1 b3 − a3 b1 ) x + (a3 b2 − a2 b3 ) y
and for the affine transformation (5.11) it is
J = a1 b2 − a2 b1 .
Some important geometric transformations are:
• Rotation by the angle
about the origin:
x0 = x cos + y sin ,
y 0 = −x sin + y cos ,
J =1.
• Change of scale a in the x axis and b in the y axis:
x0 = a x ,
y0 = b x ,
J = ab .
• Skewing by the angle , given by:
x0 = x + y tan ,
y0 = y ,
J =1.
It is possible to approximate complex geometric transformations (distortion) by partitioning an image into smaller rectangular subimages; for each subimage, a simple geometric transformation is estimated using pairs of corresponding pixels. The geometric
transformation (distortion) is then repaired separately in each subimage.
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5.2 Geometric transformations
Brightness interpolation
Equation (5.8) provides new point co-ordinates (x0 , y 0 ) that do not in general fit the
discrete raster of the output image. Values on the integer grid are needed; each pixel
value in the output image raster can be obtained by brightness interpolation of some
neighboring non-integer samples [Moik, 1980].
The simpler the interpolation, the greater the loss in geometric and photometric accuracy, but interpolation neighborhoods are often reasonably small due to computational
load. The three most common interpolation methods are nearest neighbor, linear, and
The interpolation problem is usually expressed in a dual way by determining the
brightness of the original point in the input image that corresponds to a point in the
output image lying on the raster. Assume we wish to compute the brightness value of the
pixel (x0 , y 0 ) in the output image (integer numbers, illustrated by solid lines in figures).
The co-ordinates of the point (x, y) in the original image can be obtained by inverting
the planar transformation in equation (5.8):
(x, y) = T−1 (x0 , y 0 ) .
In general, the real co-ordinates after inverse transformation (dashed lines in figures)
do not fit the discrete raster (solid lines), and so the brightness is not known. The
only information available about the originally continuous image function f (x, y) is its
sampled version gs (l x, k y). To get the brightness value of (x, y), the input image is
Denote the result of the brightness interpolation by fn (x, y), where n distinguishes
different interpolation methods. The brightness can be expressed by the convolution
fn (x, y) =
gs (l x, k y) hn (x − l x, y − k y) .
l=−∞ k=−∞
The function hn is called the interpolation kernel. Usually, only a small neighborhood
is used, outside which hn is zero. Three examples of interpolation will illustrate this: for
clarity, the common simplification x = y = 1 is adopted.
Nearest-neighborhood interpolation assigns to the point (x, y) the brightness
value of the nearest point g in the discrete raster, see Figure 5.6. On the right side is the
interpolation kernel h1 in the 1D case. The left side of Figure 5.6 shows how the new
brightness is assigned. Dashed lines show how the inverse planar transformation maps
the raster of the output image into the input image; full lines show the raster of the input
Figure 5.6: Nearest-neighborhood
interpolation. The discrete raster of
the original image is depicted by the
solid line. © Cengage Learning 2015.
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Chapter 5: Image pre-processing
image. Nearest-neighborhood interpolation is given by
f1 (x, y) = gs round(x), round(y) .
The position error of nearest-neighborhood interpolation is at most half a pixel. This
error is perceptible on objects with straight-line boundaries that may appear step-like
after the transformation.
Linear interpolation explores four points neighboring the point (x, y), and assumes that the brightness function is linear in this neighborhood. Linear interpolation
is demonstrated in Figure 5.7, the left-hand side of which shows which points are used
for interpolation. Linear interpolation is given by the equation
f2 (x, y) = (1 − a)(1 − b) gs (l, k)
+ a (1 − b) gs (l + 1, k) + b (1 − a) gs (l, k + 1) + a b gs (l + 1, k + 1) ,
l = oor(x) ,
k = oor(y) ,
This can cause a small decrease in resolution and blurring due to its averaging nature
but the problem of step-like straight boundaries is reduced.
Figure 5.7: Linear interpolation.
The discrete raster of the original
image is depicted by the solid line.
1 x
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Bi-cubic interpolation improves the model of the brightness function by approximating it locally by a bi-cubic polynomial surface; 16 neighboring points are used for
interpolation. The one-dimensional interpolation kernel (`Mexican hat') is shown in Figure 5.8 and is given by
for 0 jxj < 1 ,
1 − 2 jxj + jxj
h3 = 4 − 8 jxj + 5 jxj − jxj for 1 jxj < 2 ,
Bi-cubic interpolation does not suffer from the step-like boundary problem of nearestneighborhood interpolation, and copes with linear interpolation blurring as well. Bicubic interpolation is often used in raster displays that enable zooming with respect to
an arbitrary point. If the nearest-neighborhood method were used, areas of the same
brightness would increase. Bi-cubic interpolation preserves fine details in the image very
- 0.1
Figure 5.8: Bi-cubic interpolation kernel.
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5.3 Local pre-processing
Local pre-processing
Local pre-processing methods are divided into two groups according to the goal of the
processing. Smoothing aims to suppress noise or other small uctuations in the image;
it is equivalent to the suppression of high frequencies in the Fourier transform domain.
Unfortunately, smoothing also blurs all sharp edges that bear important information
about the image. Gradient operators are based on local derivatives of the image function. Derivatives are bigger at locations of the image where the image function undergoes
rapid changes, and the aim of gradient operators is to indicate such locations in the image. Gradient operators have a similar effect to suppressing low frequencies in the Fourier
transform domain. Noise is often high frequency in nature; unfortunately, if a gradient
operator is applied to an image, the noise level increases simultaneously. Clearly, smoothing and gradient operators have con icting aims. Some pre-processing algorithms solve
this problem and permit smoothing and edge enhancement simultaneously.
Another classification of local pre-processing methods is according to the transformation properties; linear and non-linear transformations can be distinguished. Linear
operations calculate the resulting value in the output image pixel f (i, j) as a linear combination of brightnesses in a local neighborhood O of the pixel g(i, j) in the input image.
The contribution of the pixels in the neighborhood O is weighted by coefficients h:
f (i, j) =
h(i − m, j − n) g(m, n) .
Equation (5.23) is equivalent to discrete convolution with the kernel h, which is called
a convolution mask. Rectangular neighborhoods O are often used with an odd number
of pixels in rows and columns, enabling specification of the central pixel of the neighborhood.
The choice of the local transformation, size, and shape of the neighborhood O depends strongly on the size of objects in the processed image. If objects are rather large,
an image can be enhanced by smoothing of small degradations.
Image smoothing
Image smoothing uses redundancy in image data to suppress noise, usually by some form
of averaging of brightness values in some neighborhood O. Smoothing poses the problem
of blurring sharp edges, and so we shall consider smoothing methods which are edge
preserving here, the average is computed only from points in the neighborhood which
have similar properties to the point being processed.
Local image smoothing can effectively eliminate impulse noise or degradations appearing as thin stripes, but does not work if degradations are large blobs or thick stripes.
Such problems may be addressed by image restoration techniques, described in Section 5.4.
Averaging, statistical principles of noise suppression
Assume that the noise value at each pixel is an independent random variable with zero
mean and standard deviation . We might capture the same static scene under the same
conditions n times. From each captured image a particular pixel value gi , i = 1, . . . , n is
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Chapter 5: Image pre-processing
selected. An estimate of the correct value can be obtained as an average of these values,
with corresponding noise values 1 , . . . , n
g1 + . . . + gn
+ ... +
The second term here describespthe noise, which is again a random value with zero
mean and standard deviation = n. Thus, if n images of the same scene are available,
smoothing can be accomplished without blurring the image by
f (i, j) =
gk (i, j) .
This reasoning is a well-known statistical result: a random sample is taken from a population and the corresponding sample mean value is calculated. If random samples are
repeatedly selected and their sample mean values calculated, we would obtain a distribution of sample mean values. This distribution of sample means has some useful
• The mean value of the distribution of sample mean values is equal to the population
• The distribution of sample mean values has variance = n, which is clearly smaller
than that of than the original population.
• If the original distribution is normal (Gaussian) then the distribution of sample
mean values is also normal. Better, the distribution of sample means converges to
normal whatever the original distribution. This is the central limit theorem.
• From the practical point of view, it is important that not too many random selections have to be made. The central limit theorem tell us the distribution of
sample mean values without the need to create them. In statistics, usually about
30 samples are considered the lowest limit of the necessary number of observations.
Usually, only one noise corrupted is available, and averaging is then performed in a local
neighborhood. Results are acceptable if the noise is smaller in size than the smallest
objects of interest in the image, but blurring of edges is a serious disadvantage. Averaging
is a special case of discrete convolution [equation (5.23)]. For a 3 × 3 neighborhood, the
convolution mask h is
1 1 1
1 1 1 .
1 1 1
The significance of the pixel in the center of the convolution mask h or its 4-neighbors is
sometimes increased, as it better approximates the properties of noise with a Gaussian
probability distribution (Gaussian noise, see Section 2.3.6)
1 1 1
1 2 1
1 
2 4 2 .
1 2 1 ,
1 1 1
1 2 1
There are two commonly used smoothing filters whose coefficients gradually decrease to
have near-zero values at the window edges. This is the best way to minimize spurious
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5.3 Local pre-processing
Figure 5.9: Noise with Gaussian distribution and averaging filters. (a) Original image. (b) Superimposed noise (random Gaussian noise characterized by zero mean and standard deviation
equal to one-half of the gray-level standard deviation of the original image). (c) 3 × 3 averaging.
(d) 7 × 7 averaging. © Cengage Learning 2015.
oscillations in the frequency spectrum (see the discussion of the uncertainty principle,
equation 3.24). These are the Gaussian and the Butterworth filters. Larger convolution
masks for averaging by Gaussian filter are created according to the Gaussian distribution
formula (equation 5.47) and the mask coefficients are normalized to have a unit sum. The
Butterworth filter will be explained in Section 5.3.8 dealing with local pre-processing in
the frequency domain.
An example will illustrate the effect of this noise suppression (low resolution images, 256 × 256, were chosen deliberately to show the discrete nature of the process).
Figure 5.9a shows an original image of Prague castle; Figure 5.9b shows the same image
with superimposed additive noise with Gaussian distribution; Figure 5.9c shows the result
of averaging with a 3×3 convolution mask (equation 5.27) noise is significantly reduced
and the image is slightly blurred. Averaging with a larger mask (7 × 7) is demonstrated
in Figure 5.9d, where the blurring is much more serious.
Such filters can be very computationally costly, but this is considerably reduced in
the important special case of separable filters. Separability in 2D means that the
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Chapter 5: Image pre-processing
convolution kernel can be factorized as a product of two one-dimensional vectors, and
theory provides a clue as to which convolution masks are separable.
As an example, consider a binomic filter. Its elements are binomic numbers which
are created as a sum of the corresponding two numbers in Pascal's triangle. Consider
such a filter of size 5 × 5 it can be decomposed into a product of two 1D vectors, h1 ,
h2 .
  
 
1 4
4 1
4 16 24 16 4  
  
 
6 24 36 24 6 = h1 
  
6 1 4 6 4 1 .
4 16 24 16 4  
1 4
4 1
Suppose a convolution kernel is of size 2N + 1. Equation (5.23) allows the convolution
to be rewritten taking account of the special properties of separability
g(x, y) =
h(m, n) f (x+m, y +n) =
m=−N n=−N
h1 (m)
h2 (n) f (x+m, y +n).
The direct calculation of the convolution according to equation (5.23) would need, in our
case of 5 × 5 convolution kernel, 25 multiplications and 24 additions for each pixel. If the
separable filter is used then only 10 multiplications and 8 additions suffice.
Averaging with limited data validity
Methods that average with limited data validity [McDonnell, 1981] try to avoid blurring
by averaging only those pixels which satisfy some criterion, the aim being to prevent
involving pixels that are part of a separate feature.
A very simple criterion is to define a brightness interval of invalid data [min, max]
(typically corresponding to noise of known image faults), and apply image averaging only
to pixels in that interval. For a point (m, n), the convolution mask is calculated in the
neighborhood O by the non-linear formula
for g(m + i, n + j) ∈
= [min,max]
h(i, j) =
where (i, j) specify the mask element. Therefore, only values of pixels with invalid
gray-levels are replaced with an average of their neighborhoods, and only valid data
contribute to the averages. The power of this approach is illustrated in Figure 5.10
with the exception of slight local blurring of the towers, the method successfully removes
significant image corruption.
A second method performs averaging only if the computed brightness change of
a pixel is in some pre-defined interval; this permits repair to large-area errors resulting
from slowly changing brightness of the background without affecting the rest of the image.
A third method uses edge strength (i.e., gradient magnitude) as a criterion. The
magnitude of some gradient operator (Section 5.3.2) is first computed for the entire image,
and only pixels with a small gradient are used in averaging. This method effectively
rejects averaging at edges and therefore suppresses blurring, but setting of the threshold
is laborious.
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5.3 Local pre-processing
Figure 5.10: Averaging with limited data validity. (a) Original corrupted image. (b) Result of
corruption removal. © Cengage Learning 2015.
Averaging according to inverse gradient
Within a convolution mask of odd size, the inverse gradient of a point (i, j) with respect
to the central pixel (m, n) is defined as [Wang and Vagnucci, 1981]
(i, j) =
jg(m, n) − g(i, j)j
If g(m, n) = g(i, j), then we define (i, j) = 2, so is in the interval (0, 2], and is
smaller at the edge than in the interior of a homogeneous region. Weight coefficients in
the convolution mask h are normalized by the inverse gradient, and the whole term is
multiplied by 0.5 to keep brightness values in the original range: the mask coefficient
corresponding to the central pixel is defined as h(i, j) = 0.5. The constant 0.5 has the
effect of assigning half the weight to the central pixel (m, n), and the other half to its
(i, j)
h(i, j) = 0.5 P
(m,n)∈O (i, j)
This method assumes sharp edges. When the convolution mask is close to an edge,
pixels from the region have larger coefficients than pixels near the edge, and it is not
blurred. Isolated noise points within homogeneous regions have small values of the inverse
gradient; points from the neighborhood take part in averaging and the noise is removed.
Averaging using a rotating mask
The smoothing discussed thus far was linear, which has the disadvantage that edges in
the image are inevitably blurred. Alternative non-linear methods exist which reduce this.
The neighborhood of the current pixel is inspected and divided into two subsets by a
homogeneity criterion of the user's choice. One set consists of all pixels neighboring the
current pixel or any pixel already included in this set, which satisfy the homogeneity
criterion. The second set is the complement. This selection operation is non-linear
and causes the whole filter to be non-linear. Having selected the homogeneous subset
containing the current pixel, the most probable value is sought in it by a linear or nonlinear technique.
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Chapter 5: Image pre-processing
Averaging using a rotating mask is such a non-linear method that avoids edge blurring, and the resulting image is in fact sharpened [Nagao and Matsuyama, 1980]. The
brightness average is calculated only within this region; a brightness dispersion 2 is used
as the region homogeneity measure. Let n be the number of pixels in a region R and g
be the input image. Dispersion 2 is calculated as
g(i, j) − 1
g(i, j) .
Having computed region homogeneity, we consider its shape and size. The eight possible
3 × 3 masks that cover a 5 × 5 neighborhood of a current pixel (marked by the small
cross) are shown in Figure 5.11. The ninth mask is the 3 × 3 neighborhood of the current
pixel itself. Other mask shapes larger or smaller can also be used.
. . .
Figure 5.11: Eight possible rotated
3×3 masks. © Cengage Learning 2015.
Algorithm 5.2: Smoothing using a rotating mask
1. Consider each image pixel (i, j).
2. Calculate dispersion for all possible mask rotations about pixel (i, j) according
to equation (5.31).
3. Choose the mask with minimum dispersion.
4. Assign to the pixel f (i, j) in the output image f the average brightness in the
chosen mask.
Algorithm 5.2 can be used iteratively and the process converges quite quickly to a stable state. The size and shape of masks in uence the convergence the smaller the mask,
the smaller are the changes and more iterations are needed. A larger mask suppresses
noise faster and the sharpening effect is stronger. On the other hand, information about
details smaller than the mask may be lost. The number of iterations is also in uenced
by the shape of regions in the image and noise properties.
Median filtering
In probability theory, the median divides the higher half of a probability distribution
from the lower half. For a random variable x, the median M is the value for which the
probability of the outcome x < M is 0.5. The median of a finite list of real numbers
is simply found by ordering the list and selecting the middle member. Lists are often
constructed to be odd in length to secure uniqueness.
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5.3 Local pre-processing
Median filtering is a non-linear smoothing method that reduces the blurring of
edges [Tyan, 1981], in which the idea is to replace the current point in the image by
the median of the brightnesses in its neighborhood. The median in the neighborhood
is not affected by individual noise spikes and so median smoothing eliminates impulse
noise quite well. Further, as median filtering does not blur edges much, it can be applied
iteratively. Clearly, performing a sort on pixels within a (possibly large) rectangular
window at every pixel position may become very expensive. A more efficient approach
[Huang et al., 1979; Pitas and Venetsanopoulos, 1990] is to notice that as the window
moves across a row by one column, the only change to its contents is to lose the leftmost
column and replace it with a new right column for a median window of m rows and n
columns, mn − 2m pixels are unchanged and do not need re-sorting. The algorithm is as
Algorithm 5.3: E cient median filtering
1. Set
(We would always avoid unnecessary oating point operations: if m and n are
both odd, round t.)
2. Position the window at the beginning of a new row, and sort its contents. Construct a histogram H of the window pixels, determine the median m, and record
nm , the number of pixels with intensity less than or equal to m.
3. For each pixel p in the leftmost column of intensity pg , perform
H[pg ] = H[pg ] − 1 .
Further, if pg
m, set
nm = nm − 1 .
4. Move the window one column right. For each pixel p in the rightmost column
of intensity pg , perform
H[pg ] = H[pg ] + 1 .
If pg
m, set
nm = nm + 1 .
5. If nm = t then go to (8).
6. If nm > t then go to (7).
nm = nm + H[m] ,
until nm
t. Go to (8).
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Chapter 5: Image pre-processing
7. (We have nm > t, if here). Repeat
nm = nm − H[m] ,
until nm
8. If the right-hand column of the window is not at the right-hand edge of the
image, go to (3).
9. If the bottom row of the window is not at the bottom of the image, go to (2).
Median filtering is illustrated in Figure 5.12. The main disadvantage of median filtering in a rectangular neighborhood is its damaging of thin lines and sharp corners this can
be avoided if another shape of neighborhood is used. For instance, if horizontal/vertical
lines need preserving, a neighborhood such as that in Figure 5.13 can be used.
Median smoothing is a special instance of more general rank filtering techniques
[Rosenfeld and Kak, 1982; Yaroslavskii, 1987], the idea of which is to order pixels in some
neighborhood into a sequence. The results of pre-processing are some statistics over this
sequence, of which the median is one possibility. Another variant is the maximum or
the minimum values of the sequence. This defines generalizations of dilation and erosion
operators (Chapter 13) in images with more brightness values.
A similar generalization of median techniques is given in [Borik et al., 1983]. Their
method is called order statistics (OS) filtering. Values in the neighborhood are again
ordered into sequence, and a new value is given as a linear combination of the values of
this sequence.
Figure 5.12: Median filtering. (a) Image corrupted with impulse noise (14% of image area
covered with bright and dark dots). (b) Result of 3 × 3 median filtering. © Cengage Learning
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5.3 Local pre-processing
Figure 5.13: Horizontal/vertical line preserving neighborhood for median filtering. © Cengage Learning 2015.
Non-linear mean filter
The non-linear mean filter is another generalization of averaging techniques [Pitas and
Venetsanopulos, 1986]; it is defined by
(i,j)∈O a(i, j) u g(i, j)
f (m, n) = u
(i,j)∈O a(i, j)
where f (m, n) is the result of the filtering, g(i, j) is the pixel in the input image, and O
is a local neighborhood of the current pixel (m, n). The function u of one variable has
an inverse function u−1 ; the a(i, j) are weight coefficients.
If the weights a(i, j) are constant, the filter is called homomorphic. Some homomorphic filters used in image processing are:
• Arithmetic mean, u(g) = g .
• Harmonic mean, u(g) = 1=g .
• Geometric mean, u(g) = log g .
Edge detectors
Edge detectors are a collection of very important local image pre-processing methods
used to locate changes in the intensity function; edges are pixels where this function
(brightness) changes abruptly.
Neurological and psychophysical research suggests that locations in the image in
which the function value changes abruptly are important for image perception. Edges
are to a certain degree invariant to changes of illumination and viewpoint. If only edge
elements with strong magnitude (edgels) are considered, such information often suffices
for image understanding. The positive effect of such a process is that it leads to significant reduction of image data. Nevertheless such data reduction does not undermine
understanding the content of the image (interpretation) in many cases. Edge detection
provides appropriate generalization of the image data; for instance, line drawings perform such a generalization, see the example by the German painter Albrecht Dürer in
Figure 5.14.
We shall consider which physical phenomena in the image formation process lead to
abrupt changes in image values see Figure 5.15. Calculus describes changes of continuous functions using derivatives; an image function depends on two variables co-ordinates
in the image plane and so operators describing edges are expressed using partial derivatives. A change of the image function can be described by a gradient that points in the
direction of the largest growth of the image function.
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Chapter 5: Image pre-processing
Figure 5.14: Artist's mother, year 1514.
Albrecht Dürer (1471-1528).
surface normal discontinuity
depth discontinuity
surface color/texture
shadow/illumination discontinuity
Figure 5.15: Origin of edges, i.e., physical phenomena in image formation process which lead to
edges in images. At right, a Canny edge detection (see Section 5.3.5). © Cengage Learning 2015.
An edge is a property attached to an individual pixel and is calculated from the
image function behavior in a neighborhood of that pixel. It is a vector variable with
two components, magnitude and direction. The edge magnitude is the magnitude of
the gradient, and the edge direction is rotated with respect to the gradient direction
by −90◦ . The gradient direction gives the direction of maximum growth of the function,
e.g., from black f (i, j) = 0 to white f (i, j) = 255. This is illustrated in Figure 5.16, in
which closed lines are lines of equal brightness. The orientation 0◦ points east.
Edges are often used in image analysis for finding region boundaries. Provided that
the region has homogeneous brightness, its boundary is at the pixels where the image
function varies and so in the ideal case without noise consists of pixels with high edge
gradient Ψ
black 0
white 255
edge direction Φ
Figure 5.16: Gradient direction and
edge direction. © Cengage Learning
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5.3 Local pre-processing
magnitude. It can be seen that the boundary and its parts (edges) are perpendicular
to the direction of the gradient. Figure 5.17 shows examples of several standard edge
profiles. Edge detectors are usually tuned for some type of edge profile.
Figure 5.17: Typical edge profiles. © Cengage Learning 2015.
The gradient magnitude jgrad g(x, y)j and gradient direction
functions calculated as
s 2
grad g(x, y) =
@g @g
= arg
@x @y
are continuous image
where arg(x, y) is the angle (in radians) from the x axis to (x, y). Sometimes we are
interested only in edge magnitudes without regard to their orientations a linear differential operator called the Laplacian may then be used. The Laplacian has the same
properties in all directions and is therefore invariant to rotation. It is defined as
r2 g(x, y) =
@ 2 g(x, y) @ 2 g(x, y)
@y 2
Image sharpening [Rosenfeld and Kak, 1982] has the objective of making edges steeper
the sharpened image is intended to be observed by a human. The sharpened output image
f is obtained from the input image g as
f (i, j) = g(i, j) − C S(i, j) ,
where C is a positive coefficient which gives the strength of sharpening and S(i, j) is
a measure of the image function sheerness, calculated using a gradient operator. The
Laplacian is very often used for this purpose. Figure 5.18 gives an example of image
sharpening using a Laplacian.
Image sharpening can be interpreted in the frequency domain as well. We know
that the result of the Fourier transform is a combination of harmonic functions. The
derivative of the harmonic function sin(nx) is n cos(nx); thus the higher the frequency,
the higher the magnitude of its derivative.
A similar image sharpening technique to that of equation (5.36), called unsharp
masking, is often used in printing industry applications [Jain, 1989]. A signal proportional to an unsharp (e.g., heavily blurred by a smoothing operator) image is subtracted
from the original image. A digital image is discrete in nature and so equations (5.33) and
(5.34), containing derivatives, must be approximated by differences. The first differences of the image g in the vertical direction (for fixed i) and in the horizontal direction
(for fixed j) are given by
g(i, j) = g(i, j) − g(i − n, j) ,
j g(i, j) = g(i, j) − g(i, j − n) ,
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Chapter 5: Image pre-processing
Figure 5.18: Laplace gradient operator. (a) Laplace edge image using
the 8-connectivity mask.
(b) Sharpening using the Laplace operator equation 5.36, C = 0.7 . Compare the sharpening
e ect with the original image in Figure 5.9a. © Cengage Learning 2015.
where n is a small integer, usually 1. The value n should be chosen small enough to
provide a good approximation to the derivative, but large enough to neglect unimportant
changes in the image function. Symmetric expressions for the differences,
g(i, j) = g(i + n, j) − g(i − n, j) ,
j g(i, j) = g(i, j + n) − g(i, j − n) ,
are not usually used because they neglect the impact of the pixel (i, j) itself.
Gradient operators as a measure of edge sheerness can be divided into three categories:
1. Operators approximating derivatives of the image function using differences. Some
are rotationally invariant (e.g., Laplacian) and thus are computed from one convolution mask only. Others, which approximate first derivatives, use several masks.
The orientation is estimated on the basis of the best matching of several simple
2. Operators based on zero-crossings of the image function second derivative (e.g.,
Marr-Hildreth or Canny edge detectors).
3. Operators which attempt to match an image function to a parametric model of
The remainder of this section will consider some of the many operators which fall into
the first category, and the next section will consider the second. The last category is
brie y outlined in Section 5.3.6.
Edge detection is an extremely important step facilitating higher-level image analysis
and remains an area of active research. Examples of the variety of approaches found in
current literature are fuzzy logic, neural networks, or wavelets. It may be difficult to
select the most appropriate edge detection strategy; some comparisons of edge detection approaches and an assessment of their performance may be found in [Ramesh and
Haralick, 1994; Demigny et al., 1995; Senthilkumaran and Rajesh, 2009].
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5.3 Local pre-processing
Individual gradient operators that examine small local neighborhoods are in fact
convolutions (cf. equation 5.23), and can be expressed by convolution masks. Operators
which are able to detect edge direction are represented by a collection of masks, each
corresponding to a certain direction.
Roberts operator
The Roberts operator is one of the oldest [Roberts, 1965], and is very easy to compute
as it uses only a 2 × 2 neighborhood of the current pixel. Its masks are
0 1
h1 =
h2 =
0 −1
−1 0
so the magnitude of the edge is computed as
g(i, j) − g(i + 1, j + 1) + g(i, j + 1) − g(i + 1, j) .
The primary disadvantage of the Roberts operator is its high sensitivity to noise, because
very few pixels are used to approximate the gradient.
Laplace operator
The Laplace operator r2 is a very popular operator approximating the second derivative
which gives the edge magnitude only. The Laplacian, equation (5.35), is approximated in
digital images by a convolution sum. A 3 × 3 mask h is often used; for 4-neighborhoods
and 8-neighborhoods it is defined as
1 0
1 1
h = 1 −4 1 ,
h = 1 −8 1 .
1 0
1 1
A Laplacian operator with stressed significance of the central pixel or its neighborhood
is sometimes used. In this approximation it loses invariance to rotation
2 −1
2 −1
2 .
h = −1 −4 −1 ,
h =  2 −4
2 −1
2 −1
The Laplacian operator has a disadvantage
it responds doubly to some edges in the
Prewitt operator
The Prewitt operator, similarly to the Sobel, Kirsch, and some other operators, approximates the first derivative. The gradient is estimated in eight (for a 3 × 3 convolution
mask) possible directions, and the convolution result of greatest magnitude indicates the
gradient direction. Larger masks are possible. We present only the first three 3 × 3
masks for each operator; the others can be created by simple rotation.
1 1
−1 0 1
0 , h2 = −1
0 1 , h3 = −1 0 1 , . . . (5.43)
h1 =  0
−1 −1 −1
−1 −1 0
−1 0 1
The direction of the gradient is given by the mask giving maximal response. This is also
the case for all the following operators approximating the first derivative.
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Chapter 5: Image pre-processing
Figure 5.19: First-derivative edge detection using Prewitt operators. (a) North direction (the
brighter the pixel value, the stronger the edge). (b) East direction. (c) Strong edges from (a).
(d) Strong edges from (b). © Cengage Learning 2015.
Sobel operator
0 ,
h1 =  0
−1 −2 −1
1 2
0 1 ,
h2 = −1
−2 −1 0
h3 = −2
2 ,
The Sobel operator is often used as a simple detector of horizontality and verticality of
edges, in which case only masks h1 and h3 are used. If the h1 response is y and the h3
response x, we might then derive edge strength (magnitude) as
x2 + y 2
jxj + jyj
and direction as arctan(y=x).
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5.3 Local pre-processing
Kirsch operator
3 ,
h1 =  3
−5 −5 −5
3 3
0 3 ,
h2 = −5
−5 −5 3
h3 = −5
3 ,
To illustrate the application of gradient operators on real images, consider again the
image given in Figure 5.9a. The Laplace edge image calculated is shown in Figure 5.18a;
the value of the operator has been histogram equalized to enhance its visibility.
The properties of an operator approximating the first derivative are demonstrated
using the Prewitt operator results of others are similar. The original image is again
given in Figure 5.9a; Prewitt approximations to the directional gradients are in Figures 5.19a,b, in which north and east directions are shown. Significant edges (those with
above-threshold magnitude) in the two directions are given in Figures 5.19c,d.
Zero-crossings of the second derivative
In the 1970s, Marr's theory (see Section 11.1.1) concluded from neurophysiological experiments that object boundaries are the most important cues that link an intensity image
with its interpretation. Edge detection techniques existing at that time (e.g., the Kirsch,
Sobel, and Pratt operators) were based on convolution in very small neighborhoods and
worked well only for specific images. The main disadvantage of these edge detectors is
their dependence on the size of the object and sensitivity to noise.
An edge detection technique based on the zero-crossings of the second derivative
(in its original form, the Marr-Hildreth edge detector [Marr and Hildreth, 1980, 1991]
explores the fact that a step edge corresponds to an abrupt change in the image function.
The first derivative of the image function should have an extremum at the position
corresponding to the edge in the image, and so the second derivative should be zero at
the same position; however, it is much easier and more precise to find a zero-crossing
position than an extremum. In Figure 5.20 this principle is illustrated in 1D for the sake
of simplicity. Figure 5.20a shows step edge profiles of the original image function with
two different slopes, Figure 5.20b depicts the first derivative of the image function, and
Figure 5.20c illustrates the second derivative; notice that this crosses the zero level at
the same position as the edge.
Considering a step-like edge in 2D, the 1D profile of Figure 5.20a corresponds to
a cross section through the 2D step. The steepness of the profile will change if the
Figure 5.20: 1D edge profile of the
zero-crossing. © Cengage Learning
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Chapter 5: Image pre-processing
orientation of the cutting plane changes the maximum steepness is observed when the
plane is perpendicular to the edge direction.
The crucial question is how to compute the second derivative robustly. One possibility is to smooth an image first (to reduce noise) and then compute second derivatives.
When choosing a smoothing filter, there are two criteria that should be fulfilled [Marr
and Hildreth, 1980]. First, the filter should be smooth and roughly band limited in the
frequency domain to reduce the possible number of frequencies at which function changes
can take place. Second, the constraint of spatial localization requires the response of a
filter to be from nearby points in the image. These two criteria are con icting, but they
can be optimized simultaneously using a Gaussian distribution. In practice, one has to
be more precise about what is meant by the localization performance of an operator, and
the Gaussian may turn out to be suboptimal. We shall consider this in the next section.
The 2D Gaussian smoothing operator G(x, y) (also called a Gaussian filter, or simply
a Gaussian) is given by
G(x, y) = e−(x +y )=2 ,
where x, y are the image co-ordinates and is a standard deviation of the associated
probability distribution. Sometimes this is presented with a normalizing factor
G(x, y) =
+y 2 )=2
G(x, y) = p
+y 2 )=2
The standard deviation is the only parameter of the Gaussian filter it is proportional
to the size of the neighborhood on which the filter operates. Pixels more distant from
the center of the operator have smaller in uence, and pixels farther than 3 from the
center have negligible in uence.
Our goal is to obtain a second derivative of a smoothed 2D function f (x, y). We
have already seen that the Laplace operator r2 gives the second derivative, and is nondirectional (isotropic). Consider then the Laplacian of an image f (x, y) smoothed by a
Gaussian (expressed using a convolution ). The operation is often abbreviated as LoG,
from Laplacian of Gaussian
r2 G(x, y, ) f (x, y) .
The order of performing differentiation and convolution can be interchanged because of
the linearity of the operators involved
r G(x, y, ) f (x, y) .
The derivative of the Gaussian filter r2 G can be pre-computed analytically, since it is
independent of the image under consideration, and so the complexity of the composite
operation is reduced. From equation (5.47), we see
= − 2 e−(x +y )=2
and similarly for y. Hence
1 x2
= 2
− 1 e−(x +y )=2
= 2
@y 2
− 1 e−(x +y )=2
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5.3 Local pre-processing
and so
r2 G(x, y, ) =
x2 + y 2
− 2 e−(x +y )=2
After introducing a normalizing multiplicative coefficient c, we get a convolution mask
of a LoG operator:
x + y2 − 2 2
e−(x +y )=2 ,
h(x, y) = c
where c normalizes the sum of mask elements to zero. Because of its shape, the inverted
LoG operator is commonly called a Mexican hat. An example of a 5 × 5 discrete
approximation [Jain et al., 1995] (wherein a 17 × 17 mask is also given) is
0 −1
 0 −1 −2 −1
−1 −2 16 −2 −1 .
 0 −1 −2 −1
0 −1
Of course, these masks represent truncated and discrete representations of infinite continuous functions, and care should be taken in avoiding errors in moving to this representation [Gunn, 1999].
Finding second derivatives in this way is very robust. Gaussian smoothing effectively
suppresses the in uence of the pixels that are more than a distance 3 from the current
pixel; then the Laplace operator is an efficient and stable measure of changes in the
After image convolution with r2 G, the locations in the convolved image where the
zero level is crossed correspond to the positions of edges. The advantage of this approach
compared to classical edge operators of small size is that a larger area surrounding the
current pixel is taken into account; the in uence of more distant points decreases according to the of the Gaussian. In the ideal case of an isolated step edge, the variation
does not affect the location of the zero-crossing.
Convolution masks become large for larger ; for example, = 4 needs a mask about
40 pixels wide. Fortunately, there is a separable decomposition of the r2 G operator
[Huertas and Medioni, 1986] that can speed up computation considerably.
The practical implication of Gaussian smoothing is that edges are found reliably.
If only globally significant edges are required, the standard deviation
of the Gaussian smoothing filter may be increased, having the effect of suppressing less significant
The r2 G operator can be very effectively approximated by convolution with a mask
that is the difference of two Gaussian averaging masks with substantially different
this method is called the difference of Gaussians, abbreviated as DoG. The correct
ratio of the standard deviations of the Gaussian filters is discussed in [Marr, 1982].
When implementing a zero-crossing edge detector, trying to detect zeros in the LoG
or DoG image will inevitably fail, while naive approaches of thresholding the LoG/DoG
image and defining the zero-crossings in some interval of values close to zero give piecewise disconnected edges at best. To create a well-functioning second-derivative edge
detector, it is necessary to implement a true zero-crossing detector. A simple detector
may identify a zero-crossing in a moving 2 × 2 window, assigning an edge label to any
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Chapter 5: Image pre-processing
one corner pixel, say the upper left, if LoG/DoG image values of both polarities occur
in the 2 × 2 window; no edge label would be given if values within the window are either
all positive or all negative. Another post-processing step to avoid detection of zerocrossings corresponding to non-significant edges in regions of almost constant gray-level
would admit only those zero-crossings for which there is sufficient edge evidence from a
first-derivative edge detector. Figure 5.21 provides several examples of edge detection
using zero crossings of the second derivative.
Many other approaches improving zero-crossing performance can be found in the
literature [Qian and Huang, 1994; Mehrotra and Shiming, 1996]; some of them are used
in pre-processing [Hardie and Boncelet, 1995] or post-processing steps [Alparone et al.,
1996]. The traditional second-derivative zero-crossing technique has disadvantages as
Figure 5.21: Zero-crossings of the second derivative, see Figure 5.9a for the original image.
(a) DoG image (σ1 = 0.10, σ2 = 0.09), dark pixels correspond to negative values, bright pixels
to positive. (b) Zero-crossings of the DoG image. (c) DoG zero-crossing edges after removing
edges lacking first-derivative support. (d) LoG zero-crossing edges (σ = 0.20) after removing
edges lacking first-derivative support note di erent scale of edges due to di erent Gaussian
smoothing parameters. © Cengage Learning 2015.
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5.3 Local pre-processing
well. First, it smooths the shape too much; for example, sharp corners are lost. Second,
it tends to create closed loops of edges (nicknamed the `plate of spaghetti' effect).
Neurophysiological experiments [Marr, 1982; Ullman, 1981] provide evidence that the
human eye retina in the form of the ganglion cells performs operations very similar to
the r2 G operations. Each such cell responds to light stimuli in a local neighborhood
called the receptive field, which has a center-surround organization of two complementary types, off-center and on-center. When a light stimulus occurs, activity of on-center
cells increases and that of off-center cells is inhibited. The retinal operation on the image
can be described analytically as the convolution of the image with the r2 G operator.
Scale in image processing
Many image processing techniques work locally, theoretically at the level of individual
pixels edge detection methods are an example. The essential problem in such computation is scale. Edges correspond to the gradient of the image function, which is computed
as a difference between pixels in some neighborhood. There is seldom a sound reason for
choosing a particular size of neighborhood, since the `right' size depends on the size of
the objects under investigation. To know what the objects are assumes that it is clear
how to interpret an image, and this is not in general known at the pre-processing stage.
The solution to the problem formulated above is a special case of a general paradigm
called the system approach. This methodology is common in cybernetics or general
system theory to study complex phenomena.
The phenomenon under investigation is expressed at different resolutions of the description, and a formal model is created at each resolution. Then the qualitative behavior
of the model is studied under changing resolution of the description. Such a methodology
enables the deduction of meta-knowledge about the phenomenon that is not seen at the
individual description levels.
Different description levels are easily interpreted as different scales in the domain
of digital images. The idea of scale is fundamental to Marr's edge detection technique,
introduced in Section 5.3.3, where different scales are provided by different sizes of Gaussian filter masks. The aim was not only to eliminate fine scale noise but also to separate
events at different scales arising from distinct physical processes [Marr, 1982].
Assume that a signal has been smoothed with several masks of variable sizes. Every
setting of the scale parameters implies a different description, but it is not known which
one is correct; for many tasks, no one scale is categorically correct. If the ambiguity
introduced by the scale is inescapable, the goal of scale-independent description is to
reduce this ambiguity as much as possible. Here we shall consider just three examples of
the application of multiple scale description to image analysis.
The first approach [Lowe, 1989] aims to process planar noisy curves at a range of
scales the segment of curve that represents the underlying structure of the scene needs
to be found. The problem is illustrated by an example of two noisy curves; see Figure
5.22. One of these may be interpreted as a closed (perhaps circular) curve, while the
other could be described as two intersecting straight lines.
Local tangent direction and curvature of the curve are significant only with some idea
of scale after the curve is smoothed by a Gaussian filter with varying standard deviations.
A second approach [Witkin, 1983], called scale-space filtering, tries to describe
signals qualitatively with respect to scale. The problem was formulated for 1D signals
f (x), but it can easily be generalized for 2D functions as images. The original 1D signal
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Chapter 5: Image pre-processing
Figure 5.22: Curves that may be analyzed at multiple scales.
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f (x) is smoothed by convolution with a 1D Gaussian
G(x, ) = e−x
If the standard deviation
is slowly changed, the function
F (x, ) = f (x) G(x, )
represents a surface on the (x, ) plane that is called the scale-space image. In exion
points of the curve F (x, 0 ) for a distinct value 0
@ 2 F (x,
@ 3 F (x,
6= 0
describe the curve f (x) qualitatively. The positions of in exion points can be drawn as
a set of curves in (x, ) co-ordinates (see Figure 8.16). Coarse to fine analysis of the
curves corresponding to in exion points, i.e., in the direction of decreasing value of the
, localizes large-scale events.
The qualitative information contained in the scale-space image can be transformed
into a simple interval tree that expresses the structure of the signal f (x) over all
observed scales. The interval tree is built from the root that corresponds to the largest
scale ( max ), and then the scale-space image is searched in the direction of decreasing .
The interval tree branches at those points where new curves corresponding to in exion
points appear (see Chapter 8 and Section 8.2.4).
The third example of the application of scale is that used by the popular Canny
edge detector. Since the Canny detector is a significant and widely used contribution
to edge detection techniques, its principles will be explained in detail.
Canny edge detection
Canny proposed an approach to edge detection [Canny, 1986] that is optimal for step
edges corrupted by white noise. The optimality of the detector is related to three criteria.
• The detection criterion expresses the fact that important edges should not be
missed and that there should be no spurious responses.
• The localization criterion says that the distance between the actual and located
position of the edge should be minimal.
• The one response criterion minimizes multiple responses to a single edge. This is
partly covered by the first criterion, since when there are two responses to a single
edge, one of them should be considered as false. This third criterion solves the
problem of an edge corrupted by noise and works against non-smooth edge operators
[Rosenfeld and Thurston, 1971].
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5.3 Local pre-processing
Canny's derivation is based on several ideas.
1. The edge detector was expressed for a 1D signal and the first two optimality criteria.
A closed-form solution was found using the calculus of variations.
2. If the third criterion (multiple responses) is added, the best solution may be found
by numerical optimization. The resulting filter can be approximated effectively
with error less than 20% by the first derivative of a Gaussian smoothing filter with
standard deviation [Canny, 1986]; the reason for doing this is the existence of
an effective implementation. There is a strong similarity here to the LoG based
Marr-Hildreth edge detector [Marr and Hildreth, 1980], see Section 5.3.3.
3. The detector is then generalized to two dimensions. A step edge is given by its
position, orientation, and possibly magnitude (strength). It can be shown that
convolving an image with a symmetric 2D Gaussian and then differentiating in the
direction of the gradient (perpendicular to the edge direction) forms a simple and
effective directional operator (recall that the Marr-Hildreth zero-crossing operator
does not give information about edge direction, as it uses a Laplacian filter).
Suppose G is a 2D Gaussian [equation (5.47)] and assume we wish to convolve the
image with an operator Gn which is a first derivative of G in some direction n
Gn =
= n rG .
We would like n to be perpendicular to the edge: this direction is not known in
advance, but a robust estimate of it based on the smoothed gradient direction is
available. If f is the image, the normal to the edge n is estimated as
r(G f )
r(G f )
The edge location is then at the local maximum of the image f convolved with the
operator Gn in the direction n
Gn f = 0 .
Substituting in equation (5.56) for Gn from equation (5.54), we get
G f =0.
This equation (5.57) illustrates how to find local maxima in the direction perpendicular to the edge; this operation is often referred to as non-maximal suppression
(see also Algorithm 6.4).
As the convolution and derivative are associative operations in equation (5.57), we
can first convolve an image f with a symmetric Gaussian G and then compute
the directional second-derivative using an estimate of the direction n computed
according to equation (5.55). The strength of the edge (magnitude of the gradient
of the image intensity function f ) is measured as
Gn f = r(G f ) .
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Chapter 5: Image pre-processing
4. Spurious responses to a single edge caused by noise usually create a `streaking'
problem that is very common in edge detection in general. The output of an
edge detector is usually thresholded to decide which edges are significant, and
streaking may break up edge contours as the operator uctuates above and below
the threshold. Streaking can be eliminated by thresholding with hysteresis,
employing a hard (high) threshold and a soft (lower) threshold see Algorithm 6.5.
The low and high thresholds are set according to an estimated signal-to-noise ratio
[Canny, 1986].
5. The correct scale for the operator depends on the objects contained in the image.
The solution to this unknown is to use multiple scales and aggregate information
from them. Different scales for the Canny detector are represented by different
standard deviations of the Gaussians. There may be several scales of operators
that give significant responses to edges (i.e., signal-to-noise ratio above the threshold); in this case the operator with the smallest scale is chosen, as it gives the best
localization of the edge.
Canny proposed a feature synthesis approach. All significant edges from the
operator with the smallest scale are marked first, and the edges of a hypothetical
operator with larger are synthesized from them (i.e., a prediction is made of how
the large should perform on the evidence gleaned from the smaller
see also
Section 5.3.4 and Figure 8.16). Then the synthesized edge response is compared
with the actual edge response for larger . Additional edges are marked only if they
have a significantly stronger response than that predicted from synthetic output.
This procedure may be repeated for a sequence of scales, a cumulative edge map
being built by adding those edges that were not identified at smaller scales.
Algorithm 5.4: Canny edge detector
1. Convolve an image f with a Gaussian of scale .
2. Estimate local edge normal directions n using equation (5.55) for each pixel in
the image.
3. Find the location of the edges using equation (5.57) (non-maximal suppression).
4. Compute the magnitude of the edge using equation (5.58).
5. Threshold edges in the image with hysteresis (Algorithm 6.5) to eliminate spurious responses.
6. Repeat steps (1) through (5) for ascending values of the standard deviation .
7. Aggregate the final information about edges at multiple scale using the `feature
synthesis' approach.
Figure 5.23a shows the edges of Figure 5.9a detected by a Canny operator with
= 1.0. Figure 5.23b shows the edge detector response for = 2.8 (feature synthesis
has not been applied here).
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5.3 Local pre-processing
Figure 5.23: Canny edge detection at two di erent scales. © Cengage Learning 2015.
Canny's detector represents a complicated but major contribution to edge detection.
Its full implementation is unusual, it being common to find implementations that omit
feature synthesis that is, just steps 1–5 of Algorithm 5.4.
Parametric edge models
Parametric models are based on the idea that the discrete image intensity function can be
considered a sampled and noisy approximation of an underlying continuous or piecewise
continuous image intensity function [Nevatia, 1977]. While this function is not known, it
can be estimated from the available discrete image intensity function and image properties
can be determined from this continuous estimate, possibly with subpixel precision. It is
usually impossible to represent image intensities using a single continuous function since
a single function leads to high-order intensity functions in x and y. Instead, piecewise
continuous function estimates called facets are used to represent (a neighborhood of)
each image pixel. Such an image representation is called a facet model [Haralick and
Watson, 1981; Haralick, 1984; Haralick and Shapiro, 1992].
The intensity function in a neighborhood can be estimated using models of different
complexity. The simplest one is the at facet model that uses piecewise constants and
each pixel neighborhood is represented by a at function of constant intensity. The
sloped model uses piecewise linear functions forming a sloped plane fitted to local image
intensities. Quadratic and bi-cubic facet models employ correspondingly more complex
Once the facet model parameters are available for each image pixel, edges can be
detected as extrema of the first directional derivative and/or zero-crossings of the second
directional derivative of the local continuous facet model functions.
A thorough treatment of facet models and their modifications for peak noise removal,
segmentation into constant-gray-level regions, determination of statistically significant
edges, gradient edge detection, directional second-derivative zero-crossing edge detection,
and line and corner detection is given in [Haralick and Shapiro, 1992]. Importantly,
techniques for facet model parameter estimation are given there.
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Chapter 5: Image pre-processing
An example will illustrate: consider a bi-cubic facet model
g(i, j) = c1 + c2 x + c3 y + c4 x2 + c5 x y + c6 y 2 + c7 x3 + c8 x2 y + c9 x y 2 + c10 y 3 , (5.59)
whose parameters are estimated from a pixel neighborhood (the co-ordinates of the central pixel are (0,0)). This may be performed by, e.g., a least-squares method with SVD
(Section 3.2.9); alternatively, coefficients ci can be computed directly using a set of ten
5 × 5 kernels that are provided in [Haralick and Shapiro, 1992]. Once parameters are
available at each pixel, edges may be located as extrema of the first directional derivative,
or zero crossings of the second derivative, of the local facet model functions.
Edge detectors based on parametric models describe edges more precisely than convolution-based edge detectors. Additionally, they carry the potential for subpixel edge
localization. However, their computational requirements are much higher. Promising
extensions combine facet models with Canny's edge detection criteria (Section 5.3.5) and
relaxation labeling (Section 6.2.2) [Matalas et al., 1997].
Edges in multi-spectral images
One pixel in a multi-spectral image is described by an n-dimensional vector, and brightness values in n spectral bands are the vector components. There are several possibilities
for the detection of edges in multi-spectral images [Faugeras, 1993].
Trivially, we might detect edges separately in individual image spectral components
using the ordinary local gradient operators mentioned in Section 5.3.2. Individual images
of edges can be combined to get the resulting image, with the value corresponding to
edge magnitude and direction being a selection or combination of the individual edge
spectral components [Nagao and Matsuyama, 1980].
Alternatively, we may create a multi-spectral edge detector which uses brightness information from all n spectral bands; this approach is also applicable to multi-dimensional
images forming three- or higher-dimensional data volumes. An edge detector of this kind
was proposed in [Cervenka and Charvat, 1987]. The neighborhood used has size 2 × 2 × n
pixels, where the 2 × 2 neighborhood is similar to that of the Roberts gradient, equation
(5.39). The coefficients weighting the in uence of the component pixels are similar to
the correlation coefficients. Let f (i, j) denote the arithmetic mean of the brightnesses
corresponding to the pixels with the same co-ordinates (i, j) in all n spectral component
images, and fr be the brightness of the rth spectral component. The edge detector result
in pixel (i, j) is given as the minimum of the following expression:
Pn Pn r=1 d(i + 1, j) d(i, j + 1)
r=1 d(i, j) d(i + 1, j + 1)
2 Pn 2 qPn 2 Pn 2 ,
Pn d(i
where d(k, l) = fr (k, l) − f (k, l) .
Local pre-processing in the frequency domain
Section 3.2.4 noted that the Fourier transform makes convolution of two images in the
frequency domain very easy, and it is natural to consider applying many of the filters
of Sections 5.3 in the frequency domain. Such operations are usually called spatial
frequency filtering.
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5.3 Local pre-processing
Assume that f is an input image and F is its Fourier transform. A convolution filter h
can be represented by its Fourier transform H; h may be called the unit pulse response
of the filter and H the frequency transfer function, and either of the representations h or
H can be used to describe the filter. The Fourier transform of the filter output after an
image f has been convolved with the filter h can be computed in the frequency domain
G = F. ,
where . represents an element-by-element multiplication of matrices F and H (not
matrix multiplication). The filtered image g can be obtained by applying the inverse
Fourier transform to G equation (3.28).
Some basic examples of spatial filtering are linear low-pass, high-pass, and bandpass frequency filters.
• A low-pass filter is defined by a frequency transfer function H(u, v) with small values at points located far from the co-ordinate origin in the frequency domain (that
is, small transfer values for high spatial frequencies) and large values at points close
to the origin (large transfer values for low spatial frequencies) see Figure 5.24a. It
preserves low spatial frequencies and suppresses high spatial frequencies, and has
behavior similar to smoothing by standard averaging it blurs sharp edges.
Figure 5.24: Frequency filters displayed in 3D. (a) Low-pass filter. (b) High-pass filter. (c) Bandpass filter. © Cengage Learning 2015.
• A high-pass filter is defined by small transfer function values located around the
frequency co-ordinate system origin, and larger values outside this area larger
transfer coefficients for higher frequencies (Figure 5.24b).
• Band-pass filters, which select frequencies in a certain range for enhancement, are
constructed in a similar way, and also filters with directional response, etc. (Figure 5.24c).
The most common image enhancement problems include noise suppression, edge enhancement, and removal of noise which is structured in the frequency spectrum. Noise
represents a high-frequency image component, and it may be suppressed applying a
low-pass filter as shown in Figure 5.25, which demonstrates the principles of frequency
filtering on Fourier image spectra; the original image spectrum is multiplied by the filter
spectrum and a low-frequency image spectrum results. Unfortunately, all high-frequency
phenomena are suppressed, including high frequencies that are not related to noise (sharp
edges, lines, etc.). Low-pass filtering results in a blurred image.
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Chapter 5: Image pre-processing
Figure 5.25: Low-pass frequency-domain filtering for the original image and its spectrum
see Figure 3.7. (a) Spectrum of a low-pass filtered image, all higher frequencies filtered out.
(b) Image resulting from the inverse Fourier transform applied to spectrum (a). (c) Spectrum of
a low-pass filtered image, only very high frequencies filtered out. (d) Inverse Fourier transform
applied to spectrum (c). © Cengage Learning 2015.
Again, edges represent a high-frequency image phenomenon. Therefore, to enhance
them, low-frequency components of the image spectrum must be suppressed to achieve
this, a high-frequency filter must be applied.
To remove noise which is structured in the frequency domain, the filter design must
include a priori knowledge about the noise properties. This knowledge may be acquired
either from the image data or from the corrupted image Fourier spectrum, where the
structured noise usually causes notable peaks.
Some examples of frequency domain image filtering are shown in Figures 5.25–5.28.
The original image was shown in Figure 3.8 and its frequency spectrum in Figure 3.7.
Figure 5.26 shows results after application of a high-pass filter followed by an inverse
Fourier transform. It can be seen that edges represent high-frequency phenomena in
the image. Results of band-pass filtering can be seen in Figure 5.27. Figure 5.28 gives
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5.3 Local pre-processing
Figure 5.26: High-pass frequency domain filtering. (a) Spectrum of a high-pass filtered image,
only very low frequencies filtered out. (b) Image resulting from the inverse Fourier transform
applied to spectrum (a). (c) Spectrum of a high-pass filtered image, all lower frequencies filtered
out. (d) Inverse Fourier transform applied to spectrum (c). © Cengage Learning 2015.
an even more powerful example of frequency filtering removal of periodic noise. The
vertical noise lines in the original image are transformed into frequency spectrum peaks
after the transform. To remove these frequencies, a filter was designed which suppresses
the periodic noise in the image, which is visible as white circular areas.
There are several filters which prove useful for filtering in the frequency domain: two
important representatives of them are the Gaussian
p and Butterworth filters. Choose an
isotropic filter for simplicity, D(u, v) = D(r) = u2 + v 2 , and let D0 be a parameter of
the filter called the cut-off frequency. For the Gaussian, D0 coincides with the dispersion
. The Fourier spectrum of a low-pass Gaussian filter Glow is
2 !
1 D(u, v)
Glow (u, v) = exp −
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Chapter 5: Image pre-processing
Figure 5.27: Band-pass frequency domain filtering. (a) Spectrum of a band-pass-filtered image,
low and high frequencies filtered out. (b) Image resulting from the inverse Fourier transform
applied to spectrum (a). © Cengage Learning 2015.
The Butterworth filter [Butterworth, 1930] is specified to have maximally at frequency
response over a spectrum band, and is also called a `maximally at magnitude filter'.
The frequency response of the 2D low-pass Butterworth filter Blow of degree n is
Blow =
n .
The usual Butterworth filter degree is n = 2, which will be used here. Figure 5.29
illustrates the shape of the Gaussian and Butterworth filters for D0 = 3 in 1D plots.
The high-pass filter is created easily from the low-pass filter. If the Fourier frequency
spectrum of a low-pass filter is Hlow , the high-pass filter can be created by just ipping
it vertically, Hhigh = 1 − Hlow .
Another useful pre-processing technique operating in the frequency domain is an instance of homomorphic filtering, discussed at the end of Section 5.3.1. Homomorphic
filtering is used to remove multiplicative noise. The aim of the particular homomorphic
filtering to be discussed here is to simultaneously increase contrast and normalize image
intensity across the image.
The assumption is that the image function f (x, y) can be factorized as a product of
two independent multiplicative components in each pixel: illumination i(x, y) and the
re ectance r(x, y) at the point in the observed scene, f (x, y) = i(x, y) r(x, y). These two
components can be separated in some images because the illumination component tends
to vary slowly and the re ectance component varies more quickly.
The idea of the separation is to apply a logarithmic transform to the input image
z(x, y) = log f (x, y) = log i(x, y) + log r(x, y) .
If the image z(x, y) is converted to Fourier space (denoted by capital letters) then its
additive components remain additive due to the linearity of the Fourier transform
Z(u, v) = I(u, v) + R(u, v) .
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5.3 Local pre-processing
Figure 5.28: Periodic noise removal. (a) Noisy image. (b) Image spectrum used for image
reconstruction note that the areas of frequencies corresponding with periodic vertical lines are
filtered out. (c) Filtered image. © Cengage Learning 2015.
Figure 5.29: Gaussian and Butterworth low-pass filters. © Cengage
Learning 2015.
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Chapter 5: Image pre-processing
Assume that the Fourier spectrum Z(u, v) is filtered by the filter H(u, v) and the spectrum S(u, v) is the result
S =H . Z =H . I +H . R.
Usually a high-pass filter is used for this purpose; assuming a high-pass Butterworth
filter, it has to be damped in order not to suppress low frequencies entirely as they bear
needed information too. The Butterworth filter modified by damping coefficient 0.5 is
shown in Figure 5.30.
for homomorphic
Figure 5.30: High-pass filter used in
homomorphic filtering. It is a Butterworth filter damped by a 0.5 coe cients to retain some low frequencies. © Cengage Learning 2015.
Having the filtered spectrum S(u, v), we can return to spatial coordinates using
the inverse Fourier transform, s(x, y) = F −1 S(u, v). Recall that the logarithm was
first applied to the input image f (x, y) in equation (5.64). Now the image has to be
transformed by the logarithm inverse function; this inverse function is the exponential.
The result the image g(x, y) filtered by the homomorphic filter is given by g(x, y) =
exp s(x, y) .
An illustration of the effect of homomorphic filtering is in Figure 5.31, an image of
a person in a dark tunnel with strong illumination at the entrance. Detail of the tunnel
surface on the top and right side are not visible because the surface is too dark. The
result of homomorphic filtering is in Figure 5.31b. More details can be seen in this image.
Figure 5.31: Illustration of homomorphic filtering. (a) Original image. (b) Homomorphic
filtering. Courtesy of T. Svoboda, Czech Technical University, Prague.
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5.3 Local pre-processing
Line detection by local pre-processing operators
Several other local operations exist which do not belong to the taxonomy given in Section 5.3, as they are used for different purposes such as line finding, line thinning, and line
filling operators. Another group of operators finds `interest points' or `locations of
interest' in the image. Yet another class of local nonlinear operators are mathematical
morphology techniques, described in Chapter 13.
It is interesting to seek features richer than edges which can be reliably detected in the
image and which can outperform simple edge detectors in some classes of applications.
Line detectors and corner detectors are some such. Line detectors are used to detect
linear objects such as dimension lines in engineering drawings or railways or roads in
satellite images. Corner detectors and other interest point-like detectors are used mainly
to register two or more images one to the other (e.g, in stereo vision, motion analysis,
panorama stitching, object recognition from images) or to index the image or dominant
objects in it to an image database.
Line finding operators aim to find very thin curves in the image; it is assumed
that curves do not bend sharply. Such curves and straight lines are called lines for the
purpose of describing this technique. If a cross section perpendicular in direction to the
tangent of a line is examined, we get a roof profile (see Figure 5.17) when examining
edges. We assume that the width of the lines is approximately one or two pixels.
The presence of a line may be detected by local convolution of the image with convolution kernels which serve as line patterns [Vernon, 1991; Petrou, 1993]. The simplest
collection of four such patterns of size 3 × 3 is able to detect lines rotated modulo the
angle 45o . Three of four such convolution kernels are
2 −1 −1
−1 2 −1
−1 −1 −1
2 −1 , h3 = −1 2 −1 , . . . (5.67)
2 , h2 = −1
h1 =  2
−1 −1
−1 2 −1
−1 −1 −1
A similar principle can be applied to bigger masks. The case of 5 × 5 masks is common.
Such line detectors sometimes produce more lines than needed, and other non-linear
constraints may be added to reduce this number. More sophisticated approaches determine lines in images as ridges and ravines using the facet model [Haralick and Shapiro,
1992]. Line detection is frequently used in remote sensing and in document processing;
examples include [Venkateswar and Chellappa, 1992; Tang et al., 1997].
Local information about edges is the basis of a class of image segmentation techniques
that are discussed in Chapter 6. Edges which are likely to belong to object boundaries
are usually found by simple thresholding of the edge magnitude such edge thresholding
does not provide ideal contiguous boundaries that are one pixel wide. Sophisticated
segmentation techniques that are dealt with in the next chapter serve this purpose.
Here, much simpler edge thinning and filling methods are described. These techniques
are based on knowledge of small local neighborhoods and are very similar to other local
pre-processing techniques.
Thresholded edges are usually wider than one pixel, and line thinning techniques
may give a better result. One line thinning method uses knowledge about edge orientation
and in this case edges are thinned before thresholding. Edge magnitudes and directions
provided by some gradient operator are used as input, and the edge magnitudes of two
neighboring pixels perpendicular to the edge direction are examined for each pixel in the
image. If at least one of these pixels has edge magnitude higher than the edge magnitude
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Chapter 5: Image pre-processing
of the examined pixel, then the edge magnitude of the examined pixel is assigned a zero
value see Algorithm 6.4.
There are many other line thinning methods. In most cases the best results are
achieved using mathematical morphology methods, explained in Chapter 13.
Detection of corners (interest points)
The location of points (rather than edges) in images is frequently useful, particularly
when seeking correspondence or registration between two views of the same scene.
We came across this fact in Section 5.2 when considering geometric transforms. Knowing point correspondences enables the estimation of parameters describing geometric
transforms from live data. We shall see later on that finding corresponding points is also
a core problem in the analysis of moving images (Chapter 16), and for recovering depth
information from pairs of stereo images (Section 11.5).
In general, all possible pairs of pixels should be examined to solve this correspondence problem, and this is very computationally expensive. If two images have n pixels
each, the complexity is O(n2 ). This process might be simplified if the correspondence is
examined among a much smaller number of points, called interest points. An interest
point will have some local property [Ballard and Brown, 1982]. For example, if square
objects are present in the image, then corners are very good interest points.
Corners in images can be located using local detectors; input to the corner detector
is the gray-level image, and output is an image in which values are proportional to the
likelihood that the pixel is a corner. Interest points are obtained by thresholding the
result of the corner detector.
Corners serve better than lines when the correspondence problem is to be solved. This
is due to the aperture problem. If a moving line is seen through a small aperture,
only the motion vector perpendicular to the line can be observed, and the component
collinear with the line remains invisible. The situation is better with corners, which
provide ground for unique matching.
Edge detectors themselves are not stable at corners. This is natural as the gradient
at the tip of the corner is ambiguous. This is illustrated in Figure 5.32 in which a triangle
with a sharp corner is shown. Near the corner there is a discontinuity in the gradient
direction, and this observation is used in corner detectors.
Figure 5.32: Ambiguity of edge detector at the corner tip. © Cengage
Learning 2015.
A corner in an image can be defined as a pixel in whose immediate neighborhood
there are two dominant, different edge directions. This definition is not precise as an
isolated point of local intensity maximum or minimum, line endings, or an abrupt change
in the curvature of a curve gives a response similar to a corner. Nevertheless, such
detectors are named corner detectors in the literature and are widely used. If corners
have to be detected then some additional constraints have to be applied.
Corner detectors are not usually very robust. This deficiency is overcome either
by manual expert supervision or large redundancies introduced to prevent the effect
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5.3 Local pre-processing
of individual errors from dominating the task. This means that many more corners are
detected in two or more images than are necessary for estimating a transformation sought
between these images.
The simplest corner detector is the Moravec detector [Moravec, 1977] which is
maximal in pixels with high contrast, which are on corners and sharp edges. The Moravec
operator MO is given by
MO(i, j) =
1 X
f (k, l) − f (i, j) .
k=i−1 l=j−1
Better results are produced by computationally more expensive corner operators such as
those proposed by Zuniga–Haralick [Zuniga and Haralick, 1983; Haralick and Shapiro,
1992] or Kitchen–Rosenfeld [Huang, 1983] which are based on the facet model (Section 5.3.6). The image function f is approximated in the neighborhood of the pixel (i, j)
by a cubic polynomial with coefficients ck :
f (i, j) = c1 + c2 x + c3 y + c4 x2 + c5 x y + c6 y 2 + c7 x3 + c8 x2 y + c9 x y 2 + c10 y 3 . (5.69)
The Zuniga–Haralick operator ZH is given by
ZH(i, j) =
−2 (c22 c6 − c2 c3 c5 + c23 c4 )
c22 + c23
The Kitchen-Rosenfeld KR operator has the same numerator as equation (5.70), but the
denominator is (c22 + c23 ).
The Harris corner detector [Harris and Stephen, 1988] improved upon Moravec's
by considering the differential of the corner score (sum of square differences). Consider
a 2D gray-scale image f . An image patch W ∈ f is taken and is shifted by x, y. The
sum of square differences S between values of the image f given by the patch W and its
shifted variant by x, y is given by:
SW ( x, y) =
f (xi , yi ) − f (xi −
x, yi −
xi ∈W yi ∈W
A corner point not suffering from the aperture problem must have a high response of
SW ( x, y) for all x, y. If the shifted image patch is approximated by the first-order
Taylor expansion
f (xi −
@f (xi , yi ) @f (xi , yi )
f (xi , yi ) +
x, yi −
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Chapter 5: Image pre-processing
then the minimum of SW ( x, y) can be obtained analytically. Substitute this approximation given by equation (5.72) into equation (5.71)
@f (xi , yi ) @f (xi , yi )
S(x, y) =
f (xi , yi ) − f (xi , yi ) −
xi ∈W yi ∈W
@f (xi , yi ) @f (xi , yi )
xi ∈W yi ∈W
X X @f (xi , yi ) @f (xi , yi ) x2
X 2
xi ∈W yi ∈W
having in mind that u2 = u> u
" @f #
[ x, y]
xi ∈W yi ∈W
= [ x, y] 
" @f #
xi ∈W yi ∈W
= [ x, y] AW (x, y)
i x
i x
@f 
where the Harris matrix AW (x, y) represents one half the second derivative of the image
patch W around the point (x, y) = (0, 0). A is
P @f (xi ,yi ) 2
 xi ∈W yi ∈W
A(x, y) = 2 
 P P @f (xi ,yi ) @f (xi ,yi )
xi ∈W yi ∈W
xi ∈W yi ∈W
@f (xi ,yi ) @f (xi ,yi )
P @f (xi ,yi ) 2  .
xi ∈W yi ∈W
Usually an isotropic window is used, such as a Gaussian. The response will be isotropic
The local structure matrix A represents the neighborhood this Harris matrix is
symmetric and positive semi-definite. Its main modes of variation correspond to partial
derivatives in orthogonal directions and are re ected in its eigenvalues 1 , 2 . Three
distinct cases can occur:
1. Both eigenvalues are small. This means that image f is
pixel there are no edges or corners in this location.
at at the examined
2. One eigenvalue is small and the second large. The local neighborhood is ridgeshaped. Significant change of f occurs if a small movement is made perpendicularly
to the ridge.
3. Both eigenvalues are rather large. A small shift in any direction causes significant
change of image f . A corner has been found.
Cases 2 and 3 are illustrated in Figure 5.33. An example of Harris corner detection
applied to a real scene is in Figure 5.34.
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5.3 Local pre-processing
Figure 5.33: The Harris corner detector according to
eigenvalues of the local structure matrix. (a), (b) Ridge
detected, no corner at this position. (c) Corner detected.
© Cengage Learning 2015.
Figure 5.34: Red crosses mark Harris corners. Courtesy of M. Urban, Czech Technical University,
Prague. A color version of this gure may be seen in the color inset Plate 7.
Harris suggested that exact eigenvalue computation can be avoided by calculating
the response function R(A) = det(A) − trace2 (A), where is a tunable parameter;
values from 0.04 to 0.15 were reported in literature as appropriate.
Algorithm 5.5: Harris corner detector
1. Filter the image with a Gaussian.
2. Estimate intensity gradient in two perpendicular directions for each pixel,
@f (x,y) @f (x,y)
@x ,
@y . This is performed by twice using a 1D convolution with the
kernel approximating the derivative.
3. For each pixel and a given neighborhood window:
• Calculate the local structure matrix A.
• Evaluate the response function R(A).
4. Choose the best candidates for corners by selecting a threshold on the response
function R(A) and perform non-maximal suppression.
The Harris corner detector has proved very popular: it is insensitive to 2D shift
and rotation, to small illumination variations, to small viewpoint change, and has low
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Chapter 5: Image pre-processing
computational requirements. On the other hand, it is not invariant to larger scale change,
viewpoint changes and significant changes in contrast.
Many more corner-like detectors exist, and the reader is referred to the overview
papers [Mikolajczyk and Schmid, 2004; Mikolajczyk et al., 2005].
Detection of maximally stable extremal regions
When effects of noise and discretization are negligible, the output of a Harris detector on
a rotated and/or translated image is a rotated and/or translated set of points. However, if
the image is rescaled or transformed projectively, the output of a Harris detector changes
rapidly. Maximally Stable Extremal Regions (MSERs) [Matas et al., 2004] are an
example of an image structure that can be repeatably detected not only after translations
and rotations, but also after similarity and affine transforms.
Figure 5.35: MSERs: Red bordered regions are results of the algorithm on the increasingly
ordered list of intensities. Green bordered regions come from the list with decreasing ordering.
Courtesy of J. Matas, Czech Technical University, Prague. A color version of this
in the color inset Plate 8.
gure may be seen
Informally, MSERs can be explained by imagining all possible thresholdings of an
input gray-level image I. We will refer to the pixels below a threshold as `black' and
to those above or equal as `white'. If we were shown a movie of thresholded images It ,
with frame t corresponding to threshold t, we would see first a white image; black spots
corresponding to local intensity minima will appear and grow, and at some points regions
corresponding to two local minima will merge. Finally, the last image will be black. The
connected components in these frames are the set of maximal regions; minimal regions
can be obtained by inverting the intensity of I and running the same process. In many
images one observes this local binarization is stable over a large range of thresholds in
certain regions. Such maximally stable extremal regions are of interest since they have
the following properties:
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5.3 Local pre-processing
• Invariance to monotonic transformations. The set of
extremal regions is unchanged
after transformation M , I(p) < I(q) ! M I(p) = I 0 (p) < I 0 (q) = M I(q)
since M does not affect adjacency (and thus contiguity). The intensity ordering is
• Invariance to adjacency preserving (continuous) transformations.
• Stability, since only extremal regions whose support is virtually unchanged over a
range of thresholds are selected.
• Multi-scale detection. Since no smoothing is involved, both very fine and very large
structure is detected.
• The set of all extremal regions can be enumerated in O(n log log n), i.e., almost in
linear time for 8 bit images.
The algorithm is illustrated in Figure 5.35.
Algorithm 5.6: Enumeration of extremal regions.
1. Sort image pixels by intensity: this can be done efficiently by, e.g., binsort, in
O(n) time.
2. Starting at the minimum intensity gmin , iterate upward.
3. Consider pixels of the current intensity g; introduce the pixel and update the
connected component structure. This may be done using the efficient union-find
algorithm [Sedgewick, 1998].
4. If two regions merge, this is viewed as the death of the smaller component.
5. When all intensities have been processed, we have a data structure holding the
area of each connected component as a function of a threshold. If Q1 , . . . Qi are
a sequence of nested extremal regions, so Qg Qg+1 , then extremal region Qg^
is maximally stable iff q(g) = jQg+ n Qg− j=jQg j has a local minimum at g^,
where j.j denotes cardinality and is a parameter of the method.
Algorithm 5.6 and an efficient watershed algorithm (Sections 6.3.4 and 13.7.3) are
essentially identical. However, the structure of output of the two algorithms is different.
In watershed computation, the focus is on thresholds where regions merge and watershed
basins touch. Such thresholds are highly unstable after a merge, the region area changes
abruptly. In MSER detection, a range of thresholds is sought that leaves the watershed
basin effectively unchanged.
Detection of MSERs is also related to thresholding. Every extremal region is a
connected component of a thresholded image. However, no global or `optimal' threshold is
needed, all thresholds are tested and the stability of the connected components evaluated.
In empirical studies [Mikolajczyk et al., 2005; Frauendorfer and Bischof, 2005], the
MSER has shown the highest repeatability of affine-invariant detectors in a number of
experiments. MSER has been used successfully for challenging wide baseline matching
problems [Matas et al., 2004] and in state-of-the-art object recognition systems [Obdrzalek and Matas, 2002; Sivic and Zisserman, 2004].
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Chapter 5: Image pre-processing
Image restoration
Pre-processing methods that aim to suppress degradation using knowledge about its
nature are called image restoration. Most image restoration methods are based on
convolution applied globally to the whole image. There is a wide literature on restoration
and only the basic principles and some simple degradations are considered here.
Image degradation can have many causes: defects of optical lenses, non-linearity
of the electro-optical sensor, graininess of the film material, relative motion between an
object and camera, wrong focus, atmospheric turbulence in remote sensing or astronomy,
scanning of photographs, etc. The objective of image restoration is to reconstruct the
original image from its degraded version.
Image restoration techniques can be classified as deterministic or stochastic. Deterministic methods are applicable to images with little noise and a known degradation
function. The original image is obtained by applying the function inverse to the degraded
one. Stochastic techniques try to find the best restoration according to a particular statistical criterion, e.g., a least-squares method. There are three typical degradations with
a simple function: relative constant speed movement of the object with respect to the
camera, wrong lens focus, and atmospheric turbulence.
In most practical cases, there is insufficient knowledge about the degradation, and it
must be estimated and modeled. This may be done on an a priori or a posteriori basis:
• A priori knowledge about degradation is either known in advance or can be obtained before restoration. For example, if it is known that the image was degraded
by relative motion of an object with respect to the sensor, then the modeling determines only the speed and direction of the motion. Alternatively, we may seek to
to estimate parameters of a device such as a TV camera or digitizer, whose degradation remains unchanged over a period of time and can be modeled by studying
a known sample image and its degraded version.
• A posteriori knowledge is that obtained by analyzing the degraded image. A typical
example is to find some interest points in the image (e.g., corners, straight lines)
and guess how they looked before degradation. Another possibility is to use spectral
characteristics of the regions in the image that are relatively homogeneous.
A degraded image g can arise from the original image f by a process which can be
expressed as
g(i, j) = s
f (a, b) h(a, b, i, j) da db + (i, j) ,
where s is some non-linear function and describes the noise. This is often simplified by
neglecting the non-linearity and assuming that the function h is invariant with respect
to position in the image, giving
g(i, j) = (f
h)(i, j) + (i, j) .
If the noise is not significant in this equation, then restoration equates to inverse convolution (also called deconvolution). If noise is not negligible, then the inverse convolution is
solved as an overdetermined system of linear equations. Methods based on minimization
of least square error such as Wiener filtering (off-line) or Kalman filtering (recursive,
on-line; see Section 16.6.1) are examples [Bates and McDonnell, 1986].
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5.4 Image restoration
Degradations that are easy to restore
In the Fourier domain, we can express equation (5.75) as
G=HF .
Therefore, overlooking image noise , knowledge of the degradation function fully facilitates image restoration by inverse convolution (Section 5.4.2).
Relative motion of camera and object
Relative motion of a camera with a mechanical shutter and the photographed object
during the shutter open time T causes smoothing of the object in the image. Suppose V
is the constant speed in the direction of the x axis; the Fourier transform H(u, v) of the
degradation caused in time T is given by [Rosenfeld and Kak, 1982]
H(u, v) =
sin( V T u)
Wrong lens focus
Image smoothing caused by imperfect focus of a thin lens can be described by the function
[Born and Wolf, 1969]
J1 (a r)
H(u, v) =
where J1 is the Bessel function of the first order, r2 = u2 + v 2 , and a is the displacement
the model is not space invariant.
Atmospheric turbulence
Atmospheric turbulence is degradation that needs to be restored in remote sensing and
astronomy. It is caused by temperature non-homogeneity in the atmosphere that deviates
passing light rays. One mathematical model [Hufnagel and Stanley, 1964] is
H(u, v) = e−c(u
+v 2 )5/6
where c is a constant that depends on the type of turbulence which is usually found
experimentally. The exponent 5=6 is sometimes replaced by 1.
Inverse filtering
Inverse filtering assumes that degradation was caused by a linear function h(i, j) (cf.
equation 5.75) and considers the additive noise as another source of degradation. It is
further assumed that is independent of the signal. After applying the Fourier transform
to equation (5.75), we get
G(u, v) = F (u, v) H(u, v) + N (u, v) .
The degradation can be eliminated using the restoration filter with a transfer function
that is inverse to the degradation h. We derive the original image F (its Fourier transform
to be exact) from its degraded version G (equation 5.80), as
F (u, v) = G(u, v) H −1 (u, v) − N (u, v) H −1 (u, v) .
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Chapter 5: Image pre-processing
This shows that inverse filtering works well for images that are not corrupted by noise [not
considering possible computational problems if H(u, v) gets close to zero at some location
of the u, v space fortunately, such locations can be neglected without perceivable effect
on the restoration result]. However, if noise is present, two problems arise. First, the
noise in uence may become significant for frequencies where H(u, v) has small magnitude.
This situation usually corresponds to high frequencies u, v. In reality, H(u, v) usually
decreases in magnitude much more rapidly than N (u, v) and thus the noise effect may
dominate the entire restoration result. Limiting the restoration to a small neighborhood
of the u, v origin in which H(u, v) is sufficiently large overcomes this problem, and the
results are usually quite acceptable. Secondly, we usually do not have enough information
about the noise to determine N (u, v) sufficiently.
Wiener filtering
Wiener (least mean square) filtering [Wiener, 1942; Gonzalez and Woods, 1992; Castleman, 1996] attempts to take account of noise properties by incorporating a priori knowledge in the image restoration formula. Restoration by the Wiener filter gives an
estimate f^ of the original uncorrupted image f with minimal mean square error
2 o
e2 = E f (i, j) − f^(i, j)
where E denotes the mean operator. If no constraints are applied to the solution of
equation (5.82), then an optimal estimate f^ is the conditional mean value of the ideal
image f under the condition g. This approach is complicated from the computational
point of view. Moreover, the conditional probability density between the optimal image
f and the corrupted image g is not usually known. The optimal estimate is in general a
non-linear function of the image g.
Minimization of equation (5.82) is easy if the estimate f^ is a linear combination
of the values in image g; the estimate f^ is then close (but not necessarily equal) to
the theoretical optimum. The estimate is equal to the theoretical optimum only if the
stochastic processes describing images f , g, and the noise are homogeneous, and their
probability density is Gaussian [Andrews and Hunt, 1977]. These conditions are not
usually fulfilled for typical images.
Denote the Fourier transform of the Wiener filter by HW . Then, the estimate F^ of
the Fourier transform F of the original image f can be obtained as
F^ (u, v) = HW (u, v) G(u, v) .
HW is not derived here, but may be found elsewhere [Gonzalez and Woods, 1992] as
HW (u, v) =
H(u, v)
H ∗ (u, v)
+ S (u, v)=Sf f (u, v)
where H is the transform function of the degradation, denotes complex conjugate, S
is the spectral density of the noise, and Sf f is the spectral density of the undegraded
If Wiener filtering is used, the nature of degradation H and statistical parameters
of the noise need to be known. Wiener filtering theory solves the problem of optimal
a posteriori linear mean square estimates all statistics (for example, power spectrum)
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5.5 Summary
should be available in advance. Note the term Sf f (u, v) in equation (5.84), which represents the spectrum of the undegraded image, which may be difficult to obtain with no
foreknowledge of the undegraded image.
Restoration is illustrated in Figure 5.36 where an image that was degraded by 5
pixels motion in the direction of the x axis: Figure 5.36b shows the result of restoration
by Wiener filtering.
Figure 5.36: Restoration of motion blur using Wiener filtering. Courtesy of P. Kohout, Criminalistic Institute, Prague.
Despite its unquestionable power, Wiener filtering suffers several substantial limitations. First, the criterion of optimality is based on minimum mean square error and
weights all errors equally, a mathematically fully acceptable criterion that unfortunately
does not perform well if an image is restored for human viewing. The reason is that
humans perceive the restoration errors more seriously in constant-gray-level areas and in
bright regions, while they are much less sensitive to errors located in dark regions and in
high-gradient areas. Second, spatially variant degradations cannot be restored using the
standard Wiener filtering approach, and these degradations are common. Third, most
images are highly non-stationary, containing large homogeneous areas separated by highcontrast edges. Wiener filtering cannot handle non-stationary signals and noise. To deal
with real-life image degradations, more sophisticated approaches may be needed. Examples include power spectrum equalization and geometric mean filtering. These
and other specialized restoration techniques can be found in higher-level texts devoted
to this topic; [Castleman, 1996] is well suited for such a purpose.
• Image pre-processing
– Operations with images at the lowest level of abstraction are called preprocessing. Both input and output are intensity images.
– Pre-processing aims to suppress unwanted distortions, or enhance some image
features important for further processing.
– Four basic types of pre-processing methods exist:
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Chapter 5: Image pre-processing
Brightness transformations
Geometric transformations
Local neighborhood pre-processing
Image restoration
• Pixel brightness transformations
– There are two classes of pixel brightness transformations:
∗ Brightness corrections
∗ Gray-scale transformations
– Brightness corrections modify pixel brightness taking into account its original
brightness and its position in the image.
– Gray-scale transformations change brightness without regard to position.
– Frequently used brightness transformations include:
Brightness thresholding
Histogram equalization
Logarithmic gray-scale transforms
Look-up table transforms
Pseudo-color transforms
– The goal of histogram equalization is to create an image with equally distributed brightness levels over the whole brightness scale.
• Geometric transformations
– Geometric transforms permit the elimination of the geometric distortions that
occur when an image is captured.
– A geometric transform typically consists of two basic steps:
∗ Pixel co-ordinate transformation
∗ Brightness interpolation
– Pixel co-ordinate transformations map the co-ordinates of the input image
pixel to a point in the output image; affine and bilinear transforms are frequently used.
– Output point co-ordinates usually do not match the digital grid after the
transform; interpolation is employed to determine brightnesses of output pixels. Nearest-neighbor, linear, and bi-cubic interpolations are frequently used.
• Local pre-processing
– Local pre-processing methods use a small neighborhood of a pixel in an input
image to produce a new brightness value in the output image.
– Two groups are common in pre-processing: smoothing and edge detection.
– Smoothing aims to suppress noise or other small uctuations in the image; it
is equivalent to suppressing high frequencies in the Fourier domain.
– Smoothing approaches based on direct averaging blur image edges. Improved
approaches reduce blurring by averaging in homogeneous local neighborhoods.
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5.6 Exercises
– Median smoothing is a non-linear operation; it reduces blurring by replacing the current point in the image by the median of the brightnesses in its
– Gradient operators determine edges locations in which the image function
undergoes rapid changes. Their effect is similar to suppressing low frequencies
in the Fourier domain.
– Edge is a property attached to a pixel and has magnitude and direction.
– Most gradient operators can be expressed using convolution masks; examples
include Roberts, Laplace, Prewitt, Sobel, and Kirsch operators.
– The main disadvantage of convolution edge detectors is scale dependence and
noise sensitivity. Choice of best size of a local operator is not easy to determine.
– Zero-crossings of the second derivative are more robust than small-size gradient detectors and can be calculated as a Laplacian of Gaussians (LoG) or as
a difference of Gaussians (DoG).
– The Canny edge detector is optimal for step edges corrupted by white noise.
The optimality criterion is based on requirements of detecting important edges,
small localization error, and single-edge response. It convolves an image with
a symmetric 2D Gaussian and then differentiates in the direction of the gradient; further steps include non-maximal edge suppression, hysteresis thresholding, and feature synthesis.
– Edges can also be detected in multi-spectral images.
– Other local pre-processing operations include line finding, line thinning, line
filling, and interest point detection.
– Structures in an image such as corners and maximally stable extremal regions
are more information rich and more stable to detect than edges. They are
often used in image matching.
• Image restoration
– Image restoration methods aim to suppress degradation using knowledge about
its nature. Most image restoration methods are based on deconvolution applied globally to the entire image.
– Relative-constant-speed movement of the object with respect to the camera,
wrong lens focus, and atmospheric turbulence are three typical image degradations with simple degradation functions.
– Inverse filtering assumes that degradation was caused by a linear function.
– Wiener filtering gives an estimate of the original uncorrupted image with minimal mean square error; it is in general a non-linear function of the corrupted
Short-answer questions
S5.1 What is the main aim of image pre-processing?
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Chapter 5: Image pre-processing
S5.2 Give examples of situations in which brightness transformations, geometric transformations, smoothing, edge detection, and/or image restorations are typically applied.
S5.3 What is the main di erence between brightness correction and gray-scale transformation?
S5.4 Explain the rationale of histogram equalization.
S5.5 Explain why the histogram of a discrete image is not at after histogram equalization.
S5.6 Consider the image given in Figure 5.3a. After histogram equalization (Figure 5.3b),
much more detail is visible. Does histogram equalization increase the amount of information contained in image data? Explain.
S5.7 What are the two main steps of geometric transforms?
S5.8 What is the minimum number of corresponding pixel pairs that must be determined if
the following transforms are used to perform a geometric correction?
(a) Bilinear transform
(b) A ne transform
S5.9 Give a geometric transformation equation for
(a) Rotation
(b) Change of scale
(c) Skewing by an angle
S5.10 Consider brightness interpolation explain why it is better to perform brightness interpolation using brightness values of neighboring points in the input image than interpolating in the output image.
S5.11 Explain the principles of nearest-neighbor interpolation, linear interpolation, and bicubic interpolation.
S5.12 Explain why smoothing and edge detection have con icting aims.
S5.13 Explain why Gaussian filtering is often the preferred averaging method.
S5.14 Explain why smoothing typically blurs image edges.
S5.15 Name several smoothing methods that try to avoid image blurring. Explain their main
S5.16 Explain why median filtering performs well in images corrupted by impulse noise.
S5.17 Give convolution masks for the following edge detectors:
(a) Roberts
(b) Laplace
(c) Prewitt
(d) Sobel
(e) Kirsch
Which ones can serve as compass operators? List several applications in which determining edge direction is important.
S5.18 Explain why subtraction of a second derivative of the image function from the original
image results in the visual e ect of image sharpening.
S5.19 What are LoG and DoG? How do you compute them? How are they used?
S5.20 Propose a robust way of detecting significant image edges using zero-crossings.
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5.6 Exercises
S5.21 Explain why LoG is a better edge detector than Laplace edge detector.
S5.22 Explain the notion of scale in image processing.
S5.23 Explain the importance of hysteresis thresholding and non-maximal suppression in the
Canny edge detection process. How do these two concepts in uence the resulting edge
S5.24 Explain the principles of noise suppression, histogram modification, and contrast enhancement performed in adaptive neighborhoods.
S5.25 What is the aperture problem? How does it a ect finding correspondence for line
features and corner features? Add a simple sketch to your answer demonstrating the
concept of aperture and the consequences for correspondence of lines and corners.
S5.26 Explain the principles of image restoration based on
(a) Inverse convolution
(b) Inverse filtration
(c) Wiener filtration
List the main di erences among the above methods.
S5.27 Give image distortion functions for
(a) Relative camera motion
(b) Out-of-focus lens
(c) Atmospheric turbulence
P5.1 Consider calibrating a TV camera for non-homogeneous lighting. Develop a program
that determines camera calibration coe cients after an image of a constant-gray-level
surface is acquired with this camera. After calibration, the program should perform
appropriate brightness correction to remove the e ects of non-homogeneous lighting on
other images acquired using the same camera under the same lighting conditions. Test
the program's functionality under several non-homogeneous lighting conditions.
P5.2 Determine a gray-scale transformation that maps the darkest 5% of image pixels to
black (0), the brightest 10% of pixels to white (255), and linearly transforms the graylevels of all remaining pixels between black and white.
P5.3 Develop a program for gray-scale transformations as described in Problem P5.2. Develop it in such a way that the percentages of dark and bright pixels mapped to pure
black and white are program parameters and can be modified by the operator.
P5.4 Develop programs for the three gray-scale image transforms given in Figure 5.1. Apply
them to several images and make a subjective judgment about the usefulness of the
P5.5 Implement histogram equalization as described in Algorithm 5.1. Select several images
with a variety of gray-level histograms to test the method's performance, include overand under-exposed images, low-contrast images, and images with large dark or bright
background regions. Compare the results.
P5.6 Apply histogram equalization to an already equalized image; compare and explain the
results of 1-step and 2-step histogram equalization.
P5.7 Write a program that performs histogram equalization on HSI images (see Section 2.4).
Verify visually that equalizing the I component alone has the desired e ect, while
equalizing the others does not.
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Chapter 5: Image pre-processing
P5.8 Develop programs for the following geometric transforms:
(a) Rotation
(b) Change of scale
(c) Skewing
(d) A ne transform calculated from three pairs of corresponding points
(e) Bilinear transform calculated from four pairs of corresponding points
To avoid writing code for solving systems of linear equations, use a mathematical software package (such as Matlab) to determine transformation coe cients for the a ne
and bilinear transforms (d) and (e). For each of the above transforms, implement the
following three brightness interpolation approaches:
• Nearest-neighbor interpolation
• Linear interpolation
• Bi-cubic interpolation
To implement all possible combinations e ciently, design your programs in a modular
fashion with substantial code reuse. Compare the subjective image quality resulting
from the three brightness interpolation approaches.
P5.9 Develop a program for image convolution using a rectangular convolution mask of any
odd size. The mask should be input as an ASCII text file. Test your program using
the following convolution kernels:
(a) 3 × 3 averaging
(b) 7 × 7 averaging
(c) 11 × 11 averaging
(d) 5 × 5 Gaussian filtering (modification of equation 5.27)
P5.10 An imperfect camera is used to capture an image of a static scene:
(a) The camera is producing random noise with zero mean. Single images look quite
(b) The camera has a dark spot in the middle of the image
but it is darker than the rest of the image.
the image is visible there,
What approaches would you choose to obtain the best possible image quality? You can
capture as many frames of the static scene as you wish; you may capture an image of a
constant gray-level; you may capture any other image with known gray-level properties.
Give complete step-by-step procedures including the associated mathematics for both
P5.11 Implement image averaging using a rotating mask as described in Algorithm 5.2. Use
the masks specified in Figure 5.11. Assess the amount of image blurring and sharpening
in comparison to standard image averaging.
P5.12 As an extension of Problem P5.11, consider iterative application of averaging using a
rotating mask until convergence. Assess the smoothing/sharpening e ect of the iterative
approach in comparison to the single-step approach developed in Problem P5.11.
P5.13 Demonstrate the linear character of Gaussian averaging and the non-linear character
of median filtering: that is, show that med[f1 (x) + f2 (x)] 6= med[f1 (x)] + med[f2 (x)]
for an arbitrary region of pixels x and two image brightness functions f1 and f2 .
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5.6 Exercises
P5.14 Consider the binary image given in Figure 5.37. Show the result of 3 × 3 median
filtering if the following masks are used (a `zero' in a mask position means that the
corresponding pixel is not used for median calculation):
Figure 5.37: © Cengage Learning 2015.
P5.15 Implement e cient median filtering as described in Algorithm 5.3. Compare the processing e ciency in comparison with a `naive' median filtering implementation. Use
median filter sizes ranging from 3 × 3 to 15 × 15 (odd sizes) for comparison.
P5.16 Median filtering that uses a 3 × 3 mask,
is damaging to thin lines and sharp corners. Give a 3 × 3 mask that can be used for
median filtering and does not exhibit this behavior.
P5.17 Continuing Problem P5.16, develop a program performing median filtering in neighborhoods of any size and shape. To test the behavior of di erent sizes and shapes of
the median mask, corrupt input images with:
(a) Impulse noise of varying severity
(b) Horizontal lines of di erent width
(c) Vertical lines of di erent width
(d) Combinations of lines of di erent width and di erent direction
For each of these, determine the mask providing the subjectively best performance.
P5.18 Continuing Problem P5.17, consider the option of iteratively repeating median filtering
several times in a sequence. For each of the situations given in Problem P5.17, assess
the performance of the mask considered the best in Problem P5.17 in comparison to
some other mask applied iteratively several times. Determine the mask and the number of iterations providing the subjectively best pre-processing performance. Consider
the extent of removing the image corruption as well as the amount of image blurring
P5.19 Develop a program performing averaging with limited data validity, as described by
equation (5.28). The program must allow averaging with square masks from 3×3 to
15×15 (odd sizes), the convolution kernel coe cients must be calculated in the program,
not listed as kernel values for each filter size. Averaging should only be done for pixels
(i, j) with gray values g(i, j) from the interval of invalid data (min{invalid} ≤ g(i, j) ≤
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Chapter 5: Image pre-processing
max{invalid}) and only valid data should contribute to the average calculated. Test
your program on images corrupted by impulse noise and images corrupted by narrow
(several pixels wide) elongated objects of gray-levels from a narrow gray-level interval.
How does the e ectiveness of your method compare to that of simple averaging and
median filtering?
P5.20 Create a set of noisy images by corrupting an image with
(a) Additive Gaussian noise of five di erent severity levels
(b) Multiplicative Gaussian noise of five di erent severity levels
(c) Impulse noise of five di erent severity levels
• Averaging filters of di erent sizes (equation 5.26)
• Gaussian filters of di erent standard deviations
• Median filters of di erent sizes and/or numbers of iterations
• Averaging with limited data validity
• Averaging according to inverse gradient
• Rotating mask averaging
to remove the superimposed noise as much as possible. Quantitatively compare the e ciency of individual approaches by calculating a mean square error between the original
and pre-processed images. Formulate a general recommendation about applicability of
pre-processing techniques for removing specific types of noise.
P5.21 Using the program developed in Problem P5.9, implement the following edge detectors:
(a) Laplace in 4-neighborhood
(b) Laplace in 8-neighborhood
P5.22 Consider the binary image given in Figure 5.38. Show the resulting edge images (magnitude and direction images where applicable) if the following edge detectors are used:
(a) Laplace in 4-neighborhood
(b) Prewitt
(c) Sobel
(d) Kirsch
Figure 5.38: © Cengage Learning 2015.
P5.23 Develop programs for determining magnitude and direction edge image pairs using each
of the Prewitt, Sobel and Kirsch compass edge detectors. The programs must display:
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5.6 Exercises
• Magnitude edge image
• Direction edge image
• Magnitude edge image for edges of a specified direction
Use an image of a circle to demonstrate that your programs give correct results.
P5.24 Design a simple 5 × 5 detector (convolution mask) that is responsive to thin (1–3 pixel
wide) straight lines. How do you detect lines of all directions with such an operator?
P5.25 Develop a program for image sharpening as specified by equation (5.36). Use
(a) A non-directional Laplacian to approximate S(i, j)
(b) Unsharp masking
Experiment with the value of the parameter C for both approaches and with the extent of smoothing for unsharp masking. Compare the sharpening e ects of the two
P5.26 Develop a program determining zero-crossing of the second derivative. Use the
(a) LoG definition
(b) DoG definition
Explain why borders are disconnected if only zero pixels are used for zero-crossing
definition. Propose and implement a modification providing contiguous borders. Is it
possible to use zero crossings to determine edge positions with subpixel accuracy? If
yes, how?
P5.27 Apply the LoG edge detector developed in Problem P5.26 with several values of the
smoothing parameter σ. Explain the relationship between σ and the scale of the resulting edge image.
P5.28 Consider the double-step edge shown in Figure 5.39. Show that the locations of the
zero-crossing of the second derivative depend on σ. Discuss the behavior of the zerocrossings as σ increases.
Figure 5.39: © Cengage Learning 2015.
P5.29 Implement the Canny edge detector as described by steps 1-5 of Algorithm 5.4 (implementing feature synthesis is hard, therefore we recommend skipping step 7).
P5.30 Based on your theoretical understanding of Canny edge detector parameters of nonmaximal suppression and hysteresis thresholding, generate hypotheses of how changes
of these parameters will in uence resulting edge images. Using the Canny detector
developed in Problem P5.29 (or one of many freely downloadable versions) prove the
validity of your hypotheses by experimenting.
P5.31 Design and implement at least one operator (di erent from those given in text) for each
of the following tasks:
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Chapter 5: Image pre-processing
(a) Line finding
(b) Line thinning
(c) Line filling
(d) Corner detection
Test your operators in artificially generated images using the program developed in
Problem P5.9
P5.32 Develop a program for image restoration using inverse convolution. Use the program
to restore images after the following degradations:
(a) Relative motion of the camera
(b) Wrong camera focus
Assume that the degradation parameters are known. Test the programs on artificially
degraded images. (Although not corresponding exactly to equation (5.77), camera
motion distortion can be modeled using a simple sinusoidal filter. Create a sinusoidal
image of the same size as your input image and use it as a sinusoidal filter in the
frequency domain. By changing the numbers of waves along width and height, you can
create a `double exposure' image that may have resulted from abrupt camera motion.)
P5.33 Make yourself familiar with solved problems and Matlab implementations of selected
algorithms provided in the corresponding chapter of the Matlab Companion to this text
[Svoboda et al., 2008]. The Matlab Companion homepage http://visionbook.felk.cvut.cz
o ers images used in the problems, and well-commented Matlab code is provided for
educational purposes.
P5.34 Use the Matlab Companion [Svoboda et al., 2008] to develop solutions to additional
exercises and practical problems provided there. Implement your solutions using Matlab
or other suitable programming languages.
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Pitas I. and Venetsanopoulos A. N. Nonlinear Digital Filters: Principles and Applications.
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Pitas I. and Venetsanopulos A. N. Nonlinear order statistic filters for image filtering and edge
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Qian R. J. and Huang T. S. Optimal edge detection in two-dimensional images. In ARPA Image
Understanding Workshop, Monterey, CA, pages 1581–1588, Los Altos, CA, 1994. ARPA.
Ramesh V. and Haralick R. M. An integrated gradient edge detector. Theory and performance
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Altos, CA, 1994. ARPA.
Roberts L. G. Machine perception of three-dimensional solids. In Tippett J. T., editor, Optical
and Electro-Optical Information Processing, pages 159–197. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA,
Rosenfeld A. and Kak A. C. Digital Picture Processing. Academic Press, New York, 2nd edition,
Rosenfeld A. and Thurston M. Edge and curve detection for visual scene analysis. IEEE
Transactions on Computers, 20(5):562–569, 1971.
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5.7 References
Sedgewick R. Algorithms in C : Parts 1-4 : Fundamentals ; Data Structures ; Sorting ; Searching. Addison-Wesley, Reading, Massachusetts, 3rd edition, 1998.
Senthilkumaran N. and Rajesh R. Edge detection techniques for image segmentation a survey
of soft computing approaches. International Journal of Recent Trends in Engineering, 1(2):
250–254, 2009.
Sivic J. and Zisserman A. Video data mining using configurations of viewpoint invariant regions. In Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition,
Washington, DC, volume 1, pages 488–495, 2004.
Svoboda T., Kybic J., and Hlavac V. Image Processing, Analysis, and Machine Vision: A
MATLAB Companion. Thomson Engineering, 2008.
Tang Y. Y., Li B. F., and Xi D. Multiresolution analysis in extraction of reference lines from documents with gray level background. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine
Intelligence, 19:921–926, 1997.
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Digital Signal Processing, volume II. Springer Verlag, Berlin, 1981.
Ullman S. Analysis of visual motion by biological and computer systems. IEEE Computer, 14
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Venkateswar V. and Chellappa R. Extraction of straight lines in aerial images. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 14:1111–1114, 1992.
Vernon D. Machine vision. Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cli s, New Jersey, USA, 1991.
Wang D. C. C. and Vagnucci A. H. Gradient inverse weighting smoothing schema and the
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Wiener N. Extrapolation, Interpolation and Smoothing of Stationary Time Series. MIT Press,
Cambridge, MA, 1942.
Witkin A. P. Scale-space filtering. In Proceedings of the 8th Joint Conference on Artificial
Intelligence, pages 1019–1022, Karlsruhe, Germany, 1983. W Kaufmann.
Yaroslavskii L. P. Digital Signal Processing in Optics and Holography (in Russian). Radio i
svjaz, Moscow, 1987.
Zuniga O. and Haralick R. M. Corner detection using the facet model. In Computer Vision and
Pattern Recognition, pages 30–37, Los Alamitos, CA, 1983. IEEE.
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Segmentation I
Image segmentation is one of the most important steps leading to the analysis of processed image data its main goal is to divide an image into parts that have a strong
correlation with objects or areas of the real world contained in the image. We may aim
for complete segmentation, which results in a set of disjoint regions corresponding
uniquely with objects in the input image, or for partial segmentation, in which regions
do not correspond directly with image objects. A complete segmentation of an image R
is a finite set of regions R1 , . . . , RS ,
Ri ,
Ri \ Rj = ; ,
i 6= j .
To achieve this, cooperation with higher processing levels which use specific knowledge of
the problem domain is usually necessary. However, there is a whole class of segmentation
problems that can be solved successfully using lower-level processing only. In this case,
the image commonly consists of contrasted objects located on a uniform background
simple assembly tasks, blood cells, printed characters, etc. Here, a simple global approach
can be used and the complete segmentation of an image into objects and background can
be obtained. Such processing is context independent; no object-related model is used, and
no knowledge about expected segmentation results contributes to the final segmentation.
If partial segmentation is the goal, an image is divided into separate regions that
are homogeneous with respect to a chosen property such as brightness, color, re ectivity,
texture, etc. If an image of a complex scene is processed, for example, an aerial photograph of an urban scene, a set of possibly overlapping homogeneous regions may result.
The partially segmented image must then be subjected to further processing, and the
final image segmentation may be found with the help of higher-level information.
Totally correct and complete segmentation of complex scenes usually cannot be
achieved in this processing phase, although an immediate gain is a substantial reduction in data volume. A reasonable aim is to use partial segmentation as an input to
higher-level processing.
Image data ambiguity is one of the main segmentation problems, often accompanied
by information noise. Segmentation methods can be divided into three groups according
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6.1 Thresholding
to the dominant features they employ: First is global knowledge about an image or
its part; this is usually represented by a histogram of image features. Edge-based segmentations form the second group, and region-based segmentations the third many
different characteristics may be used in edge detection or region growing, for example,
brightness, texture, velocity field, etc. The second and the third groups solve a dual problem. Each region can be represented by its closed boundary, and each closed boundary
describes a region. Because of the different natures of the various edge- and region-based
algorithms, they may be expected to give somewhat different results and consequently
different information. The segmentation results of these two approaches can therefore
be combined. A common example of this is a region adjacency graph, in which regions
are represented by nodes and graph arcs represent adjacency relations based on detected
region borders (Section 4.2.3).
Gray-level thresholding is the simplest segmentation process. Many objects or image regions are characterized by constant re ectivity or light absorption of their surfaces; then
a brightness constant or threshold can be determined to segment objects and background.
Thresholding is computationally inexpensive and fast it is the oldest segmentation
method and is still widely used in simple applications; it can easily be performed in
real time.
Thresholding is the transformation of an input image f to an output (segmented)
binary image g:
g(i, j) = 1 for f (i, j) > T ,
= 0 for f (i, j) T ,
where T is the threshold, g(i, j) = 1 for image elements of objects, and g(i, j) = 0 for
image elements of the background (or vice versa).
Algorithm 6.1: Basic thresholding
1. Search all pixels f (i, j) of the image f . A pixel g(i, j) of the segmented image is
an object pixel if f (i, j) T , and is a background pixel otherwise.
Complete segmentation can result from thresholding in simple scenes. If objects do
not touch each other, and if their gray-levels are clearly distinct from background graylevels, thresholding is a suitable segmentation method. Such an example is illustrated in
Figure 6.1.
Correct threshold selection is crucial for successful segmentation; this selection can be
determined interactively or it can be the result of some threshold detection method that
will be discussed in the next section. Only under very unusual circumstances will a single
threshold for the whole image global thresholding be successful: even in very simple
images there are likely to be gray-level variations in objects and background; this variation
may be due to non-uniform lighting, non-uniform input device parameters or a number of
other factors. Segmentation using variable thresholds adaptive thresholding in which
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Chapter 6: Segmentation I
Figure 6.1: Image thresholding. (a) Original image. (b) Threshold segmentation. (c) Threshold
too low. (d) Threshold too high. © Cengage Learning 2015.
threshold values vary over the image as a function of local image characteristics, can
sometimes produce the solution in these cases.
A global threshold is determined from the whole image f :
T = T (f )
while local thresholds are position dependent
T = T (f, fc ) ,
where fc is that image part in which the threshold is determined. One option is to divide
the image into subimages and determine a threshold independently in each one; then if
a threshold cannot be determined in some subimage, it can be interpolated from neighboring subimages. Each subimage is then processed with respect to its local threshold.
Basic thresholding as defined by equation (6.2) has many modifications. One possibility is to segment an image into regions of pixels with gray-levels from a set D and into
background otherwise (band thresholding):
g(i, j) = 1 for f (i, j) ∈ D ,
= 0 otherwise.
This thresholding can be useful, for instance, in microscopic blood cell segmentations,
where a particular gray-level interval represents cytoplasma, the background is lighter,
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6.1 Thresholding
Figure 6.2: Image thresholding modification. (a) Original image. (b) Border detection using
band-thresholding. © Cengage Learning 2015.
and the cell kernel darker. This approach can work as a border detector as well; assuming dark objects on a light background, some gray-levels between those of objects and
background will only be found in the object borders. If the gray-level set D is chosen
to contain just these object-border gray-levels, and if thresholding according to equation
(6.5) is used, object borders result as shown in Figure 6.2.
There are many modifications that use multiple thresholds, after which the resulting
image is no longer binary, but rather consists of a limited set of gray-levels:
g(i, j) = 1 for f (i, j) ∈ D1 ,
= 2 for f (i, j) ∈ D2 ,
= 3 for f (i, j) ∈ D3 ,
= n for f (i, j) ∈ Dn ,
= 0 otherwise,
where each Di is a specified subset of mutually distinct gray-levels.
Thresholding can be applied to arrays other than gray-level images; such an array
may represent gradient, a local texture property (Chapter 15), or the value of any other
image decomposition criterion.
Threshold detection methods
If some property of an image segmentation is known a priori, the task of threshold
selection is simplified, since it is chosen to ensure that this property is satisfied. For
example, we may know that on a page of printed text the characters cover 1=p of the
sheet area. Using this prior information, it is very easy to choose a threshold T (based
on the image histogram) such that 1=p of the image area has gray values less than T
(and the rest larger than T ). This method is called p-tile thresholding. Unfortunately,
we do not usually have such definite prior information about area ratios.
More complex methods of threshold detection are based on histogram shape analysis.
If an image consists of objects of approximately the same gray-level that differ from the
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Chapter 6: Segmentation I
128 160
224 255
Figure 6.3: Bimodal histograms. (a) In cases with well-separable objects from the background,
the shown histogram is clearly bimodal. (b) An example of a more shallow bimodal histogram
(see top-left of Figure 6.5 for original image, in which the distinction between foreground and
background has been deliberately perturbed). Note a wide, shallow peak whose distribution
reaches from 0 to approximately 140, and a higher one more easily visible to the right. The
distributions overlap in the gray-levels 100–160. © Cengage Learning 2015.
gray-level of the background, the resulting histogram is bimodal. Pixels of objects form
one of its peaks, while pixels of the background form the second peak Figure 6.3 shows
typical examples. The histogram shape illustrates the fact that gray values between
the two peaks are uncommon in the image, and probably result from border pixels
between objects and background. The threshold should meet minimum segmentation
error requirements it makes intuitive sense to determine the threshold as the gray-level
that has a minimum histogram value between the two maxima. If the histogram is multimodal, more thresholds may be determined at minima between any two maxima: each
threshold gives different segmentation results, of course. Multi-thresholding as given in
equation (6.6) is another option.
To decide if a histogram is bimodal or multi-modal may not be simple, it often
being impossible to interpret the significance of histogram local maxima. A two-part
image with one half white and the second half black actually has the same histogram
as an image with randomly spread white and black pixels (i.e., a salt-and-pepper noise
image, see Section 2.3.6). Further, bimodality itself does not guarantee correct threshold
segmentation correct segmentation may not occur if objects are on a background of
varying gray-levels.
A more general approach takes gray-level occurrences inside a local neighborhood
into consideration when constructing a histogram, the goal being to build a histogram
with a better peak-to-valley ratio. One option is to weight histogram contributions to
suppress the in uence of pixels with a high image gradient. This means that a histogram
will consist mostly of the gray values of objects and background, and that border graylevels (with higher gradient) will not contribute. This will produce a deeper histogram
valley and allow an easier determination of the threshold. Another, similar, method uses
only high-gradient pixels to form the gray-level histogram, meaning that the histogram
will consist mostly of border gray-levels and should be unimodal, in which the peak corresponds to the gray-level of borders between objects and background. The segmentation
threshold can be determined as the gray value of this peak, or as a mean of a substantial
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6.1 Thresholding
part of the peak. Many modifications of histogram transformation methods can be found
in literature.
Thresholding is a very popular segmentation tool, and a large variety of threshold
detection techniques exist in addition to those which have been discussed. The survey
[Sezgin and Sankur, 2004] gives a good overview of existing methods with an extensive list
of references. High processing speed is typical for threshold segmentations, and images
can easily be thresholded in real time.
Optimal thresholding
An alternative approach called optimal thresholding seeks to model the histogram of an
image using a weighted sum of two or more probability densities with normal distribution. The threshold is set as the gray-level closest to the minimum probability between
the maxima of the normal distributions, which results in minimum error segmentation
(the smallest number of pixels is mis-segmented) [Rosenfeld and Kak, 1982; Gonzalez
and Wintz, 1987]; see Figure 6.4 (and also compare maximum-likelihood classification
methods, Section 9.2.3 and expectation-maximization, Section 10.13). The difficulty
with these methods is in estimating normal distribution parameters together with the
uncertainty that the distribution may be considered normal. These difficulties may be
overcome if an optimal threshold is sought that maximizes gray-level variance between
objects and background. Note that this approach can be applied even if more than one
threshold is needed [Otsu, 1979; Kittler and Illingworth, 1986; Cho et al., 1989]. Many
approaches to this attractively simple idea exist overviews may be found in [Glasbey,
1993; Sezgin and Sankur, 2004]. Section 10.13 is also relevant.
Distribution of objects
Distribution of background
Figure 6.4: Gray-level histograms approximated by two normal distributions the threshold is
set to give minimum probability of segmentation error. (a) Probability distributions of background and objects. (b) Corresponding histograms and optimal threshold. © Cengage Learning
The prevalent approach to automatic threshold detection is Otsu’s algorithm, summarized in Algorithm 6.2 [Otsu, 1979]. The underlying idea here is to test each possible
threshold, and to compute the gray-level variances of both foreground and background
each one implies. When a weighted sum of these variances is minimal we can deduce
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Chapter 6: Segmentation I
Figure 6.5: Top left, an image with artificially stretched white background the image has also
been showered with random noise. Top right, thresholded with Otsu's method: the histogram
is shown in Figure 6.3, and the algorithm delivers t = 130. At bottom, the results of t =
115, 130, 145 on the trickiest part of the image; segmentation quality degrades very quickly.
© Cengage Learning 2015.
that the threshold is separating the histogram in some `best' sense as both background
and foreground distributions are at their `tightest'. The weights will pertain to the probability of pixels coming from foreground or background with respect to the threshold in
Algorithm 6.2: Otsu's threshold detection
1. For an image I on G gray levels, compute the gray-level histogram
H(0), H(1), . . . , H(G − 1). Normalize the histogram by dividing through by
the number of pixels in I the histogram now represents the probability of each
2. For each possible threshold t = 0, . . . , G − 2 partition the histogram into background B (gray-levels less than or equal to t), and foreground F (gray-levels
more than t).
3. Compute B (t), F (t), the variance of the background and foreground graylevels. Compute the probability of a pixel being background
ωB (t) =
and ωF (t) similarly.
(t) = ωB (t)
B (t)
+ ωF (t)
F (t)
and select as threshold t^ = mint ( (t)) .
Figure 6.5 illustrates an application of this algorithm, which is very widely implemented (for example, in Matlab) with downloadable codes. Step 3 of the algorithm is at
first sight computationally costly, but various widely documented shortcuts allow very
efficient implementation.
An example of a combination of optimal and adaptive thresholding (equation 6.4) is
illustrated by brain image segmentation from MR image data. [Frank et al., 1995]. Optimal gray-level segmentation parameters are determined within local subregions. Graylevel distributions corresponding to n individual (possibly non-contiguous) regions are
fitted to each local histogram hregion which is modeled as a sum hmodel of n Gaussian
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6.1 Thresholding
distributions so that the difference between the modeled and the actual histograms is
hmodel (g) =
ai e−(g−
F =
hmodel (g) − hregion (g) .
Here, g represents values from the set G of image gray-levels, ai ; i and i denote
parameters of the Gaussian distribution for the region i. The optimal parameters of the
Gaussian distributions are determined by minimizing the fit function F .
Levenberg-Marquardt [Marquardt, 1963; Press et al., 1992] minimization was successfully used for segmentation of three-dimensional T1-weighted images from a magnetic
resonance scanner into regions of white matter (WM), gray matter (GM), and cerebrospinal uid (CSF) (see Section 10.6.1 for a description of a different approach to the same
problem using multi-band image data). A nine-parameter model (n = 3) was first fitted
to the entire volume histogram, and the problem simplified by choosing parameters i
and CSF from the global histogram. ( CSF can be chosen globally since CSF regions
are relatively small and localized.) An example of a global histogram, fitted Gaussian
distributions, and the three distributions corresponding to WM, GM, and CSF is shown
in Figure 6.6. The remaining five parameters are determined locally by minimizing F in
each of the overlapping 45 × 45 × 45 voxel 3D subregions located 10 voxels apart in all
three dimensions. Then, Gaussian distribution parameters are tri-linearly interpolated
for voxels between the minimized fit locations. Thus, the optimal thresholds can be
determined for each voxel and used for segmentation. Figure 6.7 gives an example of
such a segmentation. The brighter the voxel location in individual segmented images,
the higher the volume percentage of the GM, WM, or CSF in that particular voxel. In
each voxel, the sum of partial volume percentages is 100%.
Gray level
Gray level
Gray matter
White matter
100 150
Gray level
Figure 6.6: Segmentation of 3D T1-weighted MR brain image data using optimal thresholding.
(a) Local gray-level histogram. (b) Fitted Gaussian distributions, global 3D image fit. (c) Gaussian distributions corresponding to WM, GM, and CSF. Courtesy of R. J. Frank, T. J. Grabowski,
The University of Iowa.
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Chapter 6: Segmentation I
Figure 6.7: Optimal MR brain image segmentation. Left column: original T1-weighted MR
images, two of 120 slices of the 3D volume. Middle left: Partial-volume maps of gray matter.
The brighter the voxel, the higher is the partial volume percentage of gray matter in the voxel.
Middle right: Partial-volume maps of white matter. Right column: Partial-volume maps of
cerebro-spinal uid. Courtesy of R. J. Frank, T. J. Grabowski, The University of Iowa.
Multi-spectral thresholding
Many practical segmentation problems need more information than is contained in one
spectral band. Color images are a natural example, in which information is usually
presented in red, green, and blue bands; multi-spectral remote sensing images or meteorological satellite images often have many more spectral bands. One segmentation
approach determines thresholds independently in each spectral band and combines them
into a single segmented image.
Algorithm 6.3: Recursive multi-spectral thresholding
1. Initialize the whole image as a single region.
2. Compute a smoothed histogram (see Section 2.3.2) for each spectral band. Find
the most significant peak in each histogram and determine two thresholds as local
minima on either side of this maximum. Segment each region in each spectral
band into subregions according to these thresholds. Each segmentation in each
spectral band is projected into a multi-spectral segmentation see Figure 6.8.
Regions for the next processing steps are those in the multi-spectral image.
3. Repeat step 2 for each region of the image until each region's histogram contains
only one significant peak.
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6.2 Edge-based segmentation
Figure 6.8: Recursive multi-spectral thresholding. (a) Band 1 thresholding. (b) Band 2 thresholding. (c) Multi-spectral segmentation. © Cengage Learning 2015.
Multi-spectral segmentations are often based on n-dimensional vectors of gray-levels
in n spectral bands for each pixel or small pixel neighborhood. This segmentation approach, widely used in remote sensing, results from a classification process which is applied to these n-dimensional vectors. Generally speaking, regions are formed from pixels
with similar properties in all spectral bands, with similar n-dimensional description vectors; see Chapter 9. Segmentation and region labeling based on supervised, unsupervised,
and contextual classification is discussed in more detail in Section 10.6.1.
Edge-based segmentation
A large group of methods perform segmentation based on information about edges in
the image; it is one of the earliest segmentation approaches and remains very important.
Edge-based segmentations rely on edge detecting operators these edges mark image
locations of discontinuities in gray-level, color, texture, etc. A variety of edge detecting
operators was described in Section 5.3.2, but the image resulting from edge detection
cannot be used as a segmentation result. Supplementary processing steps must follow to
combine edges into edge chains that correspond better with borders in the image. The
final aim is to reach at least a partial segmentation that is, to group local edges into an
image where only edge chains with a correspondence to existing objects or image parts
are present.
We will discuss several edge-based segmentation strategies leading to final border
construction, and how differing amounts of prior information that can be incorporated
into the method. The more prior information that is available to the segmentation process, the better the segmentation results that can be obtained. Prior knowledge can be
included in the confidence evaluation of the resulting segmentation as well. Prior information affects segmentation algorithms; if a large amount is available, the boundary
shape and relations with other image structures are specified very strictly and the segmentation must satisfy all these specifications. If little information about the boundary
is known, the segmentation method must take more local information about the image
into consideration and combine it with specific knowledge that is general for an application area. Similarly, if little prior information is available, it cannot be used to evaluate
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Chapter 6: Segmentation I
the confidence of segmentation results, and therefore no basis for feedback corrections of
segmentation results is available.
The most common problems of edge-based segmentation, caused by image noise or
unsuitable information in an image, are an edge presence in locations where there is no
border, and no edge presence where a real border exists. Clearly both these cases have
a negative in uence on segmentation results.
First, we will discuss simple edge-based methods requiring minimum prior information, and the necessity for prior knowledge will increase during the section. Construction
of regions from edge-based partial segmentations is discussed later
Edge image thresholding
Almost no zero-value pixels are present in an edge image small edge values correspond
to non-significant gray-level changes resulting from quantization noise, small lighting
irregularities, etc. Simple thresholding of an edge image can be applied to remove these
small values. The approach is based on an image of edge magnitudes [Kundu and Mitra,
1987] processed by an appropriate threshold. Figure 6.9 shows an original image, an
edge image [as produced by a non-directional Sobel edge detector, see Section 5.3.2,
equation (5.45)], an `over-thresholded' image and an `under-thresholded' image. Selection
of an appropriate global threshold is often difficult and sometimes impossible; p-tile
thresholding can be applied to define a threshold, and a more exact approach using
orthogonal basis functions is described in [Flynn, 1972] which, if the original data has
good contrast and is not noisy, gives good results.
A problem with simple detectors is the thickening that is evident in Figure 6.9b where
there should only be a simple boundary. This can be partially rectified if edges carry
directional information (as they do with the Sobel) by performing some form of nonmaximal suppression (see also Section 5.3.5, in which this is performed automatically)
to suppress multiple responses in the neighborhood of single boundaries. The following
algorithm generates Figure 6.11a from Figure 6.9b.
Algorithm 6.4: Non-maximal suppression of directional edge data
1. Quantize edge directions eight ways according to 8-connectivity (cf. Figures 2.5
and 4.3).
2. For each pixel with non-zero edge magnitude, inspect the two adjacent pixels
indicated by the direction of its edge (see Figure 6.10).
3. If the edge magnitude of either of these two exceeds that of the pixel under
inspection, mark it for deletion.
4. When all pixels have been inspected, re-scan the image and erase to zero all edge
data marked for deletion.
This algorithm is based on 8-connectivity and may be simplified for 4-connectivity;
it is also open to more sophisticated measurement of edge direction.
It is probable that such data will still be cluttered by noise (as in this case). The
hysteresis approach outlined in Section 5.3.5 is also generally applicable if suitable thresholds can be determined. Supposing that edge magnitudes exceeding t1 can be taken as
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6.2 Edge-based segmentation
Figure 6.9: Edge image thresholding. (a) Original image. (b) Edge image (low contrast edges
enhanced for display). (c) Edge image thresholded at 30. (d) Edge image thresholded at 10.
© Cengage Learning 2015.
certain (i.e., not due to noise), and that edge magnitudes less than t0 may be assumed
to be noise induced, the following algorithm may be defined.
Algorithm 6.5: Hysteresis to filter output of an edge detector
1. Mark all edges with magnitude greater than t1 as correct.
2. Scan all pixels with edge magnitude in the range [t0 , t1 ].
3. If such a pixel borders another already marked as an edge, then mark it too.
`Bordering' may be defined by 4- or 8-connectivity.
4. Repeat from step 2 until stability.
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Chapter 6: Segmentation I
Boundary in image
Neighboring pixels (defined
by edge direction)
Figure 6.10: Non-maximal suppression;
pixels adjacent with respect to local edge
information are inspected.
© Cengage
Pixel under inspection
Learning 2015.
Figure 6.11: (a) Non-maximal suppression of the data in Figure 6.9b. (b) Hysteresis applied to
(a); high threshold 70, low threshold 10. © Cengage Learning 2015.
Canny [Canny, 1986] reports choosing t1 =t0 to be in the range 2 to 3; clearly, if a ptile approach is available, this would guide the choice of t1 , as would any plausible model
of image noise in choosing t2 . Figure 6.11b illustrates the application of this algorithm.
Hysteresis is a generally applicable technique that may be deployed when evidence is
generated with `strength' that is not susceptible to simple thresholding.
Edge relaxation
Relaxation is a well-known approach to improving estimates of some property by paying regard to estimated values of that property in an immediate neighborhood thus,
some understanding of local, probably with an associated metric, is necessary. We shall
encounter relaxation elsewhere in connection with region labeling (Section 10.9), `Shape
from X' computation (Chapter 11) and optical ow (Section 16.2) but its early uses in
computer vision were in connection with extracting boundaries from edge maps.
There have been many application of relaxation to the boundary extraction problem: most of those have been superseded by more recent techniques (in particular the
theoretically well-grounded Markov Random Field, 10.12). Relaxation is often heuristic
in approach but remains appealing as it is often effective, and is simple to comprehend.
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6.2 Edge-based segmentation
Crudely, the output of an edge detector is considered as an initialization; iteratively,
pixels connected (that is, local) to strong edge responses are viewed as `likely' to be edges
themselves, while strong responses isolated from any others are viewed as less likely. This
idea updates edge responses, and is iterated until some convergence is reached it is
improved by incorporating edge direction information. Edge responses are often usefully
interpreted as probabilities. The principle is illustrated in Figure 6.12.
Figure 6.12: The principle of edge relaxation: two directed strong edges oriented upwards (compass N)
and up-right (compass ENE) are indicated by arrows. Pixels marked a receive `encouragement' for
edges directed N; pixels marked b receive encouragement for edges directed ENE. Note one pixel receives
encouragement to join the marked edges. © Cengage
Learning 2015.
In practice, relaxation normally accomplishes most in very few iterations. It can be
computationally very expensive, but (because it considers local information only) is very
amenable to parallel implementation. An early and popular implementation considered
crack-edges between pixels [Hanson and Riseman, 1978; Prager, 1980], and this was
successfully parallelized [Clark, 1991]. A method to determine probabilistic distribution
of possible edge neighborhoods is given in [Sher, 1992]. In [Kim and Cho, 1994], fuzzy
logic is used to assess neighborhood edge patterns; neural networks are employed as a
means for fuzzy rule training.
Border tracing
If a region border is not known but regions have been defined in the image, borders can be
detected uniquely. Initially, assume that the image with regions is either binary or that
regions have been labeled (see Section 8.1). The first goal is to determine inner region
borders. As defined earlier, an inner region border is a subset of the region conversely,
the outer border is not a subset of the region. The following algorithm provides inner
boundary tracing in both 4-connectivity and 8-connectivity.
Algorithm 6.6: Inner boundary tracing
1. Search the image from top left until a pixel P0 of a new region is found; this has
the minimum column value of all pixels of that region having the minimum row
value. P0 is a starting pixel of the region border. Define a variable dir which
stores the direction of the previous move along the border from the previous
border element to the current border element. Assign
(a) dir = 3 if the border is detected in 4-connectivity (Figure 6.13a),
(b) dir = 7 if the border is detected in 8-connectivity (Figure 6.13b).
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Chapter 6: Segmentation I
2. Search the 3×3 neighborhood of the current pixel in an anti-clockwise direction,
beginning the neighborhood search in the pixel positioned in the direction
(a) (dir + 3) mod 4 (Figure 6.13c),
(b) (dir + 7) mod 8 if dir is even (Figure 6.13d),
(dir + 6) mod 8 if dir is odd (Figure 6.13e).
The first pixel found with the same value as the current pixel is a new boundary
element Pn . Update the dir value.
3. If the current boundary element Pn is equal to the second border element P1 ,
and if the previous border element Pn−1 is equal to P0 , stop. Otherwise repeat
step 2.
4. Pixels P0 . . . Pn−2 are now the detected inner border.
Figure 6.13: Inner boundary tracing. (a) Direction notation, 4-connectivity. (b) 8-connectivity.
(c) Pixel neighborhood search sequence in 4-connectivity. (d), (e) Search sequence in 8connectivity. (f) Boundary tracing in 8-connectivity (dotted lines show pixels tested during
the border tracing). © Cengage Learning 2015.
Algorithm 6.6 works for all regions larger than one pixel. It is able to find region
borders but does not find borders of region holes, which may be located by identifying
border elements unallocated thus far to borders. The search for border elements always
starts after a traced border is closed, and the search for `unused' border elements can
continue in the same way as the search for the first border element. Note that if objects
are of unit width, more conditions must be added.
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6.2 Edge-based segmentation
Figure 6.14: Outer boundary tracing; • denotes outer border elements. Note that some pixels
may be listed several times. © Cengage Learning 2015.
This algorithm, under 4-connectivity, can be adapted to deliver an outer region
Algorithm 6.7: Outer boundary tracing
1. Trace the inner region boundary in 4-connectivity until done.
2. The outer boundary consists of all non-region pixels that were tested during the
search process; if some pixels were tested more than once, they are listed more
than once in the outer boundary list.
Note that some border elements may be repeated in the outer border up to three
times see Figure 6.14. The outer region border is useful for deriving properties such as
perimeter, compactness, etc., and is consequently often used (see Chapter 8).
The inner border is always part of a region but the outer border never is. Therefore,
if two regions are adjacent, they never have a common border, which causes difficulties
in higher processing levels with region description, region merging, etc. The inter-pixel
boundary extracted, for instance, from crack edges is common to adjacent regions; nevertheless, its position cannot be specified in single pairs of pixel co-ordinates (compare
the supergrid data structure in Figure 6.39). Extended borders provide properties that
are preferable to both inner and outer borders [Pavlidis, 1977]: their main advantage is
that they define a single common border between adjacent regions which may be specified using standard pixel co-ordinates (see Figure 6.15). All the useful properties of the
outer border remain; in addition, the boundary shape is exactly equal to the inter-pixel
shape but is shifted one half-pixel down and one half-pixel right. The existence of a common border between regions makes it possible to incorporate into tracing a boundary
description process. A weighted graph consisting of border segments and vertices may
be derived directly from the boundary tracing process; also, the border between adjacent
regions may be traced only once and not twice as in conventional approaches.
The extended boundary is defined using 8-neighborhoods, and the pixels are coded
according to Figure 6.16a, e.g., P4 (P ) denotes the pixel immediately to the left of pixel
P . Four kinds of inner boundary pixels of a region R are defined; if Q denotes pixels
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Chapter 6: Segmentation I
Figure 6.15: Boundary locations for inner, outer, and extended boundary definition. (a) Inner.
(b) Outer. (c) Extended. © Cengage Learning 2015.
outside the region R, then a pixel P ∈ R is
P4 (P ) ∈ Q ,
P0 (P ) ∈ Q ,
P2 (P ) ∈ Q ,
P6 (P ) ∈ Q .
Let LEFT(R), RIGHT(R), UPPER(R), LOWER(R) represent the corresponding subsets
of R. The extended boundary EB is defined as a set of points P, P0 , P6 , P7 satisfying the
following conditions [Pavlidis, 1977; Liow, 1991]:
EB = P : P ∈ LEFT(R)} [ {P : P ∈ UPPER(R)
[ P6 (P ) : P ∈ LOWER(R) [ P0 (P ) : P ∈ RIGHT(R)
[ P7 (P ) : P ∈ RIGHT(R) .
Figure 6.16 illustrates the definition.
The extended boundary can easily be constructed from the outer boundary. Using an
intuitive definition of RIGHT, LEFT, UPPER, and LOWER outer boundary points, EB
Figure 6.16: Extended boundary definition. (a) Pixel coding scheme. (b) Region R.
(c) LEFT(R). (d) LOWER(R). (e) Extended boundary. © Cengage Learning 2015.
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6.2 Edge-based segmentation
may be obtained by shifting all the UPPER outer boundary points one pixel down and
right, shifting all the LEFT outer boundary points one pixel to the right, and shifting all
the RIGHT outer boundary points one pixel down. The LOWER outer boundary point
positions remain unchanged; see Figure 6.17.
Figure 6.17: Constructing the extended boundary from outer boundary. (a) Outer boundary.
(b) Extended boundary construction. (c) Extended boundary has the same shape and size as
the natural object boundary. © Cengage Learning 2015.
A more sophisticated method and efficient algorithm for extended boundary extraction was introduced in [Liow, 1991]. The approach is based on detecting common
boundary segments between adjacent regions and vertex points in boundary segment
connections. The detection process is based on a look-up table, which defines all 12
possible situations of the local configuration of 2×2 pixel windows, depending on the
previous detected direction of boundary, and on the status of window pixels which can
be inside or outside a region.
Algorithm 6.8: Extended boundary tracing
1. Define a starting pixel of an extended boundary in some standard way.
2. The first move along the traced boundary from the starting pixel is in direction
dir = 6 (down), corresponding to the situation (i) in Figure 6.18.
3. Trace the extended boundary using the look-up table in Figure 6.18 until a closed
extended border results.
Note that no hole-border tracing is included in the algorithm. Holes are considered
separate regions so borders between a region and a hole are traced as a border of the
The look-up table approach makes tracing more efficient than conventional methods
and makes parallel implementation possible. A pseudo-code description of algorithmic
details is given in [Liow, 1991], where a solution to the problems of tracing all the
borders in an image in an efficient way is given. In addition to extended boundary
tracing, it provides a description of each boundary segment in chain code form together
with information about vertices. This method is very suitable for representing borders in
higher-level segmentation approaches including methods that integrate edge-based and
region-based segmentation results.
A more difficult situation is encountered if borders are traced in gray-level images
where regions have not yet been defined [Dudani, 1976]. Then, the border is represented
by a simple path of high-gradient pixels in the image (see Section 2.3.1). Border tracing
is initialized at a pixel with a high probability of being a border element, and then
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Chapter 6: Segmentation I
(c) Background
Region or
Figure 6.18: Look-up table defining
all possibilities that appear during extended border tracing. Current position is the central pixel; direction of
the next move depends on local configuration of background and region
points, and on direction of approach
to the current pixel. Based on [Liow,
border construction proceeds by adding the next elements which are in the most probable
direction. To find the following border elements, edge gradient magnitudes and directions
are usually computed in pixels of probable border continuation.
Algorithm 6.9: Border tracing in gray-level images
1. Suppose the border has been determined up to the border element xi .
2. Define an element xj as a pixel adjacent to xi in the direction (xi ). If the
gradient magnitude in xj is larger than a preset threshold, xj is considered a
border element; return to step 1.
3. Compute the average gray-level value in the 3×3 neighborhood of the pixel xj .
Compare the result with some preset gray-level value and decide whether xj is
positioned inside or outside the region.
4. Try to continue tracing at pixel xk , adjacent to xi in direction [ (xi )
=4], the
sign being determined by the result of step 3. If a continuation is found, xk is a
new border element, and return to step 1. If xk is not a border element, start
tracing at another promising pixel.
This algorithm can be applied to multi-spectral or dynamic images (temporal image
sequences) as well, based on multi-dimensional gradients.
Border detection as graph searching
Whenever additional knowledge is available for boundary detection, it should be used.
One example of prior knowledge is a known starting point and a known ending point
of the border, even if the precise border location is not known. Even relatively weak
additional requirements such as smoothness or low curvature may be included as prior
knowledge. If this kind of supporting information is available, general AI problem-solving
methods can be applied.
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6.2 Edge-based segmentation
A graph is a general structure consisting of a set of nodes ni and arcs between the
nodes (ni , nj ) (see Section 4.2.3). We consider oriented and numerically weighted arcs,
these weights being called costs. The border detection process is transformed into a
search for the optimal path in a weighted graph, the aim being to find the best path that
connects two specified nodes, the start and end nodes.
Assume that both edge magnitude s(x) and edge direction (x) information is available in an edge image. Each image pixel corresponds to a graph node weighted by a
value s(x). We can construct a graph as follows: to connect a node ni representing the
pixel xi with a node nj representing the pixel xj , pixel xj must be one of three existing
neighbors of xi in the direction d ∈ [ (xi ) − =4, (xi ) + =4]. Further, s(xi ) and s(xj )
must be greater than some preset threshold of edge significance T , These conditions can
be modified in specific edge detection problems.
Figure 6.19a shows an image of edge directions, with only significant edges listed.
Figure 6.19b shows an oriented graph constructed from these edges.
Figure 6.19: Graph representation of an edge image. (a) Edge directions of pixels with abovethreshold edge magnitudes. (b) Corresponding graph. © Cengage Learning 2015.
The application of graph search to edge detection was first published in [Martelli,
1972], in which Nilsson's A-algorithm [Nilsson, 1982] was used. Let xA be the starting
border element, and xB be the end border element. To use graph search for region border
detection, a method of oriented weighted-graph expansion must first be defined (one
possible method was described earlier). A cost function f (xi ) must also be defined that
is a cost estimate of the path between nodes nA and nB (pixels xA and xB ) which goes
through an intermediate node ni (pixel xi ). The cost function f (xi ) typically consists
of two components; an estimate g~(xi ) of the minimum path cost between the starting
~ i ) of the minimum path cost between xi
border element xA and xi , and an estimate h(x
and the end border element xB . The cost g~(xi ) of the path from the starting point to the
node ni is usually a sum of costs associated with the arcs or nodes that are in the path.
The cost function must be separable and monotonic with respect to the path length, and
therefore the local costs associated with arcs are required to be non-negative. A simple
example of g~(xi ) satisfying the given conditions is to consider the path length from xA
~ i ) may be the length of the border from xi to xB , it making sense
to xi . An estimate h(x
to prefer shorter borders between xA and xB as the path with lower cost. This implies
that the following graph search algorithm (Nilsson's A-algorithm) can be applied to the
border detection.
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Chapter 6: Segmentation I
Algorithm 6.10: A-algorithm graph search
1. Expand the starting node nA and put all its successors into an OPEN list with
pointers back to the starting node nA . Evaluate the cost function f for each
expanded node.
2. If the OPEN list is empty, fail. Determine the node ni from the OPEN list with
the lowest associated cost f (ni ) and remove it. If ni = nB , then trace back
through the pointers to find the optimum path and stop.
4 node
1 i , and
3. If the option to stop was not taken in step 2, expand the specified
put its successors
(b) 3 i (b)
4 34 41 46
costs f . Go to step32. 4 34 41 46 1
(b) 3
1 cost 6
8 1010 8
10 Node
44 667 436 64 3
5 nodes
4 on
An example of this algorithm is given in Figure
Node 6.20.
6 and
4 minimum-cost
7 46 7
6node on the OPEN list is shaded
the OPEN list are shaded and the
2 55 24 54 4 of 4
2 55 24 54 4
outlined. In Figure 6.20c, note that the node with aCost
cost5 of 74is also
2 expanded;
however no successors are found. In Figure 6.20e,ofsince anof expansion of Start
a node in the
4 node
52 43 24 3
4 the
52 search
43 2is
4 over.
3 node
final graph layer was attempted,
(a) (a) 3
cost cost
64 10 46 8 63 10 34
4 Node Node
10 8
54 7 4 6 4
4 Cost Cost
4 node node
Start Start
node node
810 10
910 10
10 10
64 10 46
63 10 34 9 4 10
(b) (b)
8 610
4110 410
68 1 10
1010 89 1010 9
66 43 64 3 7 476
11 12 1112 12
310 (d)
48 3410 419
4 66 43
(d) 3 11
4610 1
1010 9
64 3
12 (c)12
(f) 310 (f)
4 3410
41 46 1
910 10 6
10 10
10 10
10 4
4 66
66 43 64 3
2 55
55 24 54 4
4 52
52 43 24 3
4610 1
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54Cengage Learning
34right to 4remove additional content at any time if subsequent rights restrictions require it.
(f) 3
(e) Figure 6.20: Example of a graph searching
(f) 3(f)
4 using
41 the16A-algorithm
(see text for descrip3
(f) 34 4
tion of progress of algorithm). (a) Step 1, expansion of the start node. (b) Step 2. (c) Steps
10 4. 10
10 Step 6. (f) The optimal path is defined by back-tracking. © Cengage
3 and
(d) Step
5. (e)
11 11
12 12 12
(d) (d)
3 121034 12154 10 41 15 16
(c) (c) 3 11 4 12 4 12 1
6.2 Edge-based segmentation
If no additional requirements are set on the graph construction and search, this
process can easily result in an infinite loop (see Figure 6.21). To prevent this behavior,
Figure 6.21: Following a closed loop in image data. © Cengage Learning 2015.
no node expansion is allowed that puts a node on the OPEN list if this node has already
been visited and put on the OPEN list in the past. A simple solution to the loop problem
is not to allow searching in a backward direction. This approach can be used if a priori
information about the boundary location and its local direction is available. In this case,
it may be possible to straighten the processed image (and the corresponding graph) as
shown in Figure 6.22. The edge image is geometrically warped by re-sampling the image
along profile lines perpendicular to the approximate position of the sought border. The
pre-processing step that straightens the image data provides a substantial computational
convenience. No backward searches may be allowed to trace boundaries represented this
way. This approach can be extremely useful if the borders of thin, elongated objects
such as roads, rivers, vessels, etc., are to be detected. On the other hand, prohibiting
backward search may limit the shapes of borders that can be successfully identified. In
[van der Zwet and Reiber, 1994], a graph-search based method called the gradient field
transform is introduced that allows searching to proceed successfully in any direction.
edge image
center line
edge image
Figure 6.22: Geometric warping produces a straightened image: The graph constructed requires
searches in one main direction only (e.g., top-down). Based on [Fleagle et al., 1989].
The estimate of the cost of the path from the current node ni to the end node nB
~ i ) of the true cost
has a substantial in uence on the search behavior. If this estimate h(n
h(ni ) is not considered, so h(ni ) = 0, no heuristic is included in the algorithm and a
breadth-first search is done. Because of this, the detected path will always be optimal
according to the criterion used, and thus the minimum-cost path will always be found.
Heuristics may lead to suboptimal solutions, but can often be much faster.
Given natural conditions for estimates g~, the minimum-cost path result can be guar~ i)
anteed if h(n
h(ni ) and if the true cost of any part of the path c(np , nq ) is larger
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Chapter 6: Segmentation I
~ i ) is to h(ni ),
than the estimated cost of this part c~(np , nq ). The closer the estimate h(n
the lower the number of nodes expanded in the search. The problem is that the exact
cost of the path from the node ni to the end node nB is not known beforehand. In some
applications, it may be more important to get a quick rather than an optimal solution.
~ i ) > h(ni ), optimality is not guaranteed but the number of expanded nodes
Choosing h(n
will typically be smaller because the search can be stopped before the optimum is found.
Figure 6.23: Comparison of optimal and heuristic graph search performance. (a) Raw cost
function (inverted edge image of a vessel). (b) Optimal graph search, resulting vessel borders
are shown adjacent to the cost function, expanded nodes shown (38%). (c) Heuristic graph
search, resulting borders and expanded nodes (2%). © Cengage Learning 2015.
A comparison of optimal and heuristic graph search border detection is shown in
Figure 6.23. The raw cost function the inverted edge image is in Figure 6.23a; Figure
~ i ) = 0; 38% of
6.23b shows the optimal borders resulting from graph search when h(n
nodes were expanded during the search, and expanded nodes are shown as white regions.
~ i ) was about 20% overestimated], only 2% of
When a heuristic search was applied [h(n
graph nodes were expanded during the search and the border detection was 15 times faster
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6.2 Edge-based segmentation
(Figure 6.23c). Comparing resulting borders in Figures 6.23b and 6.23c, it can be seen
that despite a very substantial speedup, the resulting borders do not differ significantly.
In summary:
~ i ) = 0, the algorithm produces a minimum-cost search.
• If h(n
~ i ) > h(ni ), the algorithm may run faster, but the minimum-cost result is not
• If h(n
~ i)
• If h(n
h(ni ), the search will produce the minimum-cost path if and only if
c(np , nq )
~ p ) − h(n
~ q)
for any p, q, where c(np , nq ) is the true minimum cost of getting from np to nq ,
which is not easy to fulfill for a specific f (x).
~ i ), the search will always produce the minimum-cost path with a
• If h(ni ) = h(n
minimum number of expanded nodes.
• The better the estimate of h(n), the smaller the number of nodes that must be
In image segmentation applications, the existence of a path between a start pixel xA
and an end pixel xB is not guaranteed because of possible discontinuities in the edge
image, and so more heuristics must often be applied to overcome these problems. For
example, if there is no node in the OPEN list which can be expanded, it may be possible
to expand nodes with non-significant edge-valued successors this can build a bridge to
pass these small discontinuities in border representations.
A crucial question is how to choose the evaluation cost functions for graph-search
border detection. A good cost function should have elements common to most edge
detection problems and also specific terms related to the particular application. Some
generally applicable cost functions are:
• Strength of edges forming a border: The heuristic `the stronger the edges that form
the border, the higher the probability of the border' is very natural and almost
always gives good results. Note that if a border consists of strong edges, the cost
of that border is small. The cost of adding another node to the border will be
max s(xk ) − s(xi ) ,
where the maximum edge strength is obtained from all pixels in the image.
• Border curvature: Sometimes, borders with small curvature are preferred. Then,
total border curvature can be evaluated as a monotonic function of local curvature
diff (xi ) − (xj ) ,
where diff is some suitable function evaluating the difference in edge directions in
two consecutive border elements.
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Chapter 6: Segmentation I
• Proximity to an approximate border location: If an approximate boundary location
is known, it is natural to support paths that are closer to the known approximation
than others. A border element value can be weighted by the distance `dist' from
the approximate boundary, the distance having either additive or multiplicative
in uence on the cost
dist(xi , approximate_boundary) .
• Estimates of the distance to the goal (end point): If a border is reasonably straight,
it is natural to support expansion of those nodes that are located closer to the goal
node than other nodes
~ i ) = dist(xi , xB ) .
Since the range of border detection applications is wide, cost functions may need
some modification to be relevant to a particular task. For example, if the aim is to
determine a region that exhibits a border of a moderate strength, a closely adjacent
border of high strength may incorrectly attract the search if the cost given in equation
(6.9) is used. Clearly, functions may have to be modified to re ect the appropriateness of
individual costs properly. In the given example, a Gaussian cost transform may be used
with the mean of the Gaussian distribution representing the desired edge strength and
the standard deviation re ecting the interval of acceptable edge strengths. Thus, edge
strengths close to the expected value will be preferred in comparison to edges of lower or
higher edge strength. A variety of such transforms may be developed; a set of generally
useful cost transforms can be found in [Falcao et al., 1995].
Graph-based border detection methods very often suffer from large numbers of expanded nodes stored in the OPEN list, these nodes with pointers back to their predecessors representing the searched part of the graph. The cost associated with each node in
the OPEN list is a result of all the cost increases on the path from the starting node to
that node. This implies that even a good path can generate a higher cost in the current
node than costs of the nodes on worse paths which did not get so far from the starting
node. This results in expansion of these `bad' nodes representing shorter paths with lower
total costs, even with the general view that their probabilities are low. An excellent way
~ i ) into the cost evaluation,
to solve this problem is to incorporate a heuristic estimate h(x
but unfortunately, a good estimate of the path cost from the current node to the goal
is not usually available. Some modifications which make the method more practically
useful, even if some of them no longer guarantee the minimum-cost path, are available:
• Pruning the solution tree: The set of nodes in the OPEN list can be reduced
during the search. Deleting those paths that have high average cost per unit length,
or deleting paths that are too short whenever the total number of nodes in the
OPEN list exceeds a defined limit, usually gives good results (see also Section
• Least maximum cost: The strength of a chain may be given by the strength of
the weakest element this idea is included in cost function computations. The cost
of the current path is then set as the cost of the most expensive arc in the path
from the starting node to the current node, whatever the sum of costs along the
path. The path cost does not therefore necessarily grow with each step, and this
is what favors expansion of good paths for a longer time.
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6.2 Edge-based segmentation
• Branch and bound: This modification is based on maximum allowed cost of a
path, no path being allowed to exceed this cost. This maximum path cost is either
known beforehand or is computed and updated during the graph search. All paths
that exceed the allowed maximum path cost are deleted from the OPEN list.
• Lower bound: Another way to increase search speed is to reduce the number of
poor edge candidate expansions. Poor edge candidates are always expanded if the
cost of the best current path exceeds that of any worse but shorter path in the
graph. If the cost of the best successor is set to zero, the total cost of the path
does not grow after the node expansion and the good path will be expanded again.
The method reported in [Sonka et al., 1993] assumes that the path is searched in a
straightened graph resulting from a warped image as discussed earlier. The cost of
the minimum-cost node on each profile is subtracted from each node on the profile
(lower bound). In effect, this shifts the range of costs from
max(profile_node_costs) − min(profile_node_cost) .
Note that the range of the costs on a given profile remains the same, but the range
is translated such that at least one node for each profile is assigned a zero cost.
Because the costs of the nodes for each profile are translated by different amounts,
the graph is expanded in an order that supports expansion of good paths. For graph
searching in the straightened image, the lower bound can be considered heuristic
information when expanding nodes and assigning costs to subpaths in the graph.
By summing the minimum value for each profile, the total is an estimate of the
minimum-cost path through the graph. Obviously, the minimum cost nodes for
each profile may not form a valid path, i.e., they may not be neighbors as required.
However, the total cost will be the lower limit of the cost of any path through
the graph. This result allows the heuristic to be admissible, thus guaranteeing the
success of the algorithm in finding the optimal path. The assignment of a heuristic
cost for a given node is implemented in a pre-processing step through the use of
the lower bound.
• Multi-resolution processing: The number of expanded nodes can be decreased
if a sequence of two graph search processes is applied. The first search is done in
lower resolution and detects an approximate boundary: a smaller number of graph
nodes is involved in the search and a smaller number is expanded, compared to
full resolution. The second search is done in full resolution using the low-resolution
results as a model, and the full-resolution costs are weighted by a factor representing
the distance from the approximate boundary acquired in low resolution (equation
6.11). This approach assumes that the approximate boundary location can be
detected from the low-resolution image [Sonka et al., 1993, 1994].
• Incorporation of higher-level knowledge: Including higher-level knowledge
into the graph search may significantly decrease the number of expanded nodes.
The search may be directly guided by a priori knowledge of approximate boundary
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Chapter 6: Segmentation I
Figure 6.24: Graph search applied to coronary vessel border detection. (a) Edge image. (b) Determined vessel borders. © Cengage Learning 2015.
position. Another possibility is to incorporate a boundary shape model into the
cost function computation. Both these approaches together with additional specific
knowledge and the multi-resolution approach applied to coronary border detection
are discussed in detail in Chapter 10 (see Figure 6.24 and Section 10.1.5).
Graph searching techniques offer a convenient way to ensure global optimality of detected contours, and have often been applied to the detection of approximately straight
contours. The detection of closed structure contours would involve geometrically transforming the image using a polar-to-rectangular co-ordinate transformation in order to
`straighten' the contour, but this may prevent the algorithm from detecting the nonconvex parts of the contour. To overcome this, the image may be divided into two segments (iteratively, if necessary) and separate, simultaneous searches can be conducted in
each segment. The searches are independent and proceed in opposite directions from a
start point until they meet at the dividing line between the two image segments.
Searching for borders in the image without knowledge of the start and end points is
more complex. In an approach based on magnitudes and directions of edges in the image,
edges are merged into edge chains (i.e., partial borders). Edge chains are constructed by
applying a bi-directional heuristic search in which half of each 8-neighborhood expanded
node is considered as lying in front of the edge, the second half as lying behind the
edge (see Figure 6.25). Partial borders are grouped together using other heuristics which
Figure 6.25: Bidirectional heuristic search: Edge predecessors (marked
◦) and successors (marked •). © Cengage Learning 2015.
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6.2 Edge-based segmentation
may be similar to edge relaxation (Section 6.2.2), and final region borders result. The
following algorithm describes these ideas in more detail and is an example of applying a
bottom-up control strategy (see Chapter 10).
Algorithm 6.11: Heuristic search for image borders
1. Search for the strongest unconsidered/unmarked edge in the image, and mark
it. If the edge magnitude is less than the preset threshold or if no image edge
was found, go to step 5.
2. Expand all the image edges positioned in front of the specified starting edge
until no new successors can be found.
3. Expand all the image edges positioned behind the specified starting edge until
no new predecessors can be found. In steps 2 and 3 do not include edges that
are already part of any existing edge chain.
4. If the resulting edge chain consists of at least three edges, it is stored in the
chain list, otherwise it is deleted. Proceed to step 1.
5. Modify edge chains according to the rules given in Figure 6.26.
6. Repeat step 5 until resulting borders do not change substantially from step to
The rules given in Figure 6.26 (used in step 5 of Algorithm 6.11) solve three standard
situations. First, thinner edge responses to a single border are obtained. Second, edge
responses resulting from changes of lighting, where no real border exists, are removed.
Figure 6.26: Rules for edge chain modification; note that edge responses resulting from continuous changes of illumination are removed (case 2). © Cengage Learning 2015.
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Chapter 6: Segmentation I
Third, small gaps in boundary-element chains are bridged. Detailed behavior given by
these general rules can be modified according to the particular problem.
A good overview of border detection and edge linking methods can be found in [v. d
Heijden, 1995]. An approach to border detection that uses enhancements of corners and
junctions can be found in [Demi, 1996].
Border detection as dynamic programming
Dynamic programming is an optimization method based on the principle of optimality
[Bellmann, 1957; Pontriagin, 1962]. It searches for optima of functions in which not all
variables are simultaneously interrelated. (Dynamic programming underlies the very
important Viterbi algorithm, introduced in Section 10.11.)
Consider the following simple boundary-tracing problem (Figure 6.27). The aim is
to find the best (minimum cost) 8-connected path between one of the possible start
points A, B, C and one of the possible ending points G, H, I. The graph representing
the problem, together with assigned partial costs, is shown in Figure 6.27a,b. There are
three ways to get to the node E: connecting A–E gives the cost g(A, E) = 2; connecting
B–E, cost g(B, E) = 6; connecting C–E, cost g(C, E) = 3.
E 3 4
F 2 7
E(2) 3
F(1) 2
Figure 6.27: (a) Edge image. (b) Corresponding graph, partial costs assigned. (c) Possible paths
from any start point to E, A−E is optimal. (d) Optimal partial paths to nodes D, E, F . (e) Optimal partial paths to nodes G, H, I. (f) Back-tracking from H defines the optimal boundary.
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6.2 Edge-based segmentation
The main idea of the principle of optimality is: Whatever the path to the node E
was, there exists an optimal path between E and the end point. In other words, if the
optimal path start point–endpoint goes through E, then both its parts start point–E and
E–end point, are also optimal.
In our case, the optimal path between the start point and E is the partial path A–E
(see Figure 6.27c). Only the following information need be stored for future use; to get
to E, the optimal path is A-E, cost C(E) = 2. Using the same approach, to get to D
the optimal path is B–D, cost C(D) = 2; the best path to F is B–F , cost C(F ) = 1 (see
Figure 6.27d). The path may get to node G from either D or E. The cost of the path
through the node D is a sum of the cumulative cost C(D) of the node D and the partial
path cost g(D, G). This cost C(GD ) = 7 represents the path B–D–G because the best
path to D is from B. The cost to get to G from E is C(GE ) = 5, representing the path
A–E–G. It is obvious that the path going through node E is better, the optimal path to
G is the path A–E–G with cost C(G) = 5 (see Figure 6.27e). Similarly, cost C(H) = 3
(B–F –H) and cost C(I) = 7 (A–E–I). Now, the end point with the minimum path
cost represents the optimum path; node H is therefore the optimal boundary end point,
and the optimal boundary is B–F –H (see Figure 6.27f). Figure 6.28 gives an example
in which node costs are used (not arc costs as in Figure 6.27). Note that the graph, the
cost function, and the resulting path are identical to those used in Figure 6.20.
(b) 3
(a) 3
(a) 3
4 7
7 Cost
(b) 3 10 4 8 4 10 1 9 6 10
(d) 3
(d) 3
Figure 6.28: Example
sequence using dynamic
4 of 2a graph
4 programming.
4 (a) Step 1,
expansion of the first graph layer. (b) Step 2. (c) Step 3 the minimum-cost node in the last
layer marked. (d) The optimal path is defined by back-tracking. © Cengage Learning 2015.
If the graph has more than three layers, the process is repeated until one of the end
points is reached. Each repetition consists of a simpler optimization as shown in Figure
C xm+1
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Chapter 6: Segmentation I
C(x )
C(x )
C(x n )
m m+1
Figure 6.29: Dynamic programming. (a) One step of the cost calculation. (b) Graph layers,
node notation. © Cengage Learning 2015.
where C(xm+1
) is the new cost assigned to the node xm+1
, and g m (i, k) is the partial
path cost between nodes xi and xk . For the complete optimization problem,
min C(x1 , x2 , . . . , xM ) = min
k ) ,
where xM
k are the end point nodes, M is the number of graph layers between start and
end points (see Figure 6.29b), and C(x1 , x2 , . . . , xM ) denotes the cost of a path between
the first and last (M th ) graph layer. Requiring an 8-connected border and assuming n
nodes xm
i in each graph layer m, 3n cost combinations must be computed for each layer,
3n(M − 1) + n being the total number of cost combination computations. Compared
to the brute-force enumerative search, where n(3M −1 ) combinations must be computed,
the improvement is obvious. The final optimal path results from back-tracking through
the searched graph. Note that the number of neighbors depends on the definition of
contiguity and definition of the searched graph, and is not limited to three.
The complete graph must be constructed to apply dynamic programming, and this
may follow general rules given in the previous section, from which evaluation functions
may also be appropriate. Figure 6.30 shows the result of dynamic programming applied
to detection of pulmonary fissures from X-ray CT images. Since the fissures are visualized
as bright pixels, the cost function simply re ects inverted pixel gray values. Despite the
fact that vessels are substantially brighter (their pixels correspond to locally lower costs),
the path of the lowest overall cost re ects the continuous character of the fissure.
Algorithm 6.12: Boundary tracing as dynamic programming
1. Specify initial costs C(x1i ) of all nodes in the first graph layer, i = 1, . . . , n and
partial path costs g m (i, k), m = 1, . . . , M − 1.
2. Repeat step 3 for all m = 1, . . . , M − 1.
3. Repeat step 4 for all nodes k = 1, . . . , n in the graph layer m.
4. Let
C xm+1
k+i ) + g (i, k) .
Set pointer from node xm+1
back to node xm∗
i ; where
denotes the optimal
5. Find an optimal node xM
in the last graph layer M and obtain an optimal path
by back-tracking through the pointers from xM
to x1∗
i .
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6.2 Edge-based segmentation
Figure 6.30: Detection of pulmonary fissures using dynamic programming. Top: Subregion of
an original cross-sectional X-ray CT image of a human lung. Bottom: Detected fissures shown
in white. © Cengage Learning 2015.
It has been shown that heuristic search may be more efficient than dynamic programming for finding a path between two nodes in a graph [Martelli, 1976]. Further,
an A-algorithm-based graph search does not require explicit definition of the graph.
However, dynamic programming presents an efficient way of simultaneously searching
for optimal paths from multiple starting and ending points. If these points are not
known, dynamic programming is probably a better choice, especially if computation of
the partial costs g m (i, k) is simple. Nevertheless, which approach is more efficient for
a particular problem depends on evaluation functions and on the quality of heuristics
for an A-algorithm. A comparison between dynamic programming and heuristic search
efficiency can be found in [Ney, 1992]; dynamic programming was found to be faster and
less memory demanding for a word recognition problem. Tracing borders of elongated
objects such as roads and rivers in aerial photographs, and vessels in medical images,
represents typical applications of dynamic programming in image segmentation.
Practical border detection using two-dimensional dynamic programming was developed by Barrett et al. and Udupa et al. [Mortensen et al., 1992; Udupa et al., 1992;
Falcao et al., 1995; Barrett and Mortensen, 1996]. An interactive real-time border detection method called the live wire and/or intelligent scissors combines automated border
detection with manual definition of the boundary start point and interactive positioning of the end point. In dynamic programming, the graph that is searched is always
completely constructed at the beginning of the search process; therefore, interactive positioning of the end point invokes no time-consuming recreation of the graph as would be
the case in heuristic graph searching (Section 6.2.4). Thus, after construction of the com-
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Chapter 6: Segmentation I
plete graph and associated node costs, optimal borders connecting the fixed start point
and the interactively changing end point can be determined in real time. In the case
of large or more complicated regions, the complete region border is usually constructed
from several border segments. After definition of the initial start point, the operator
interactively steers the end point so that the calculated optimal border is visually correct. If the operator is satisfied with the current border, and if further movement of the
end point causes the border to diverge from the desired location, the end point is fixed
and becomes a new start point for the next border segment detection. A new complete
graph is calculated and the operator interactively defines the next end point. In many
cases, a closed region contour can be formed from just two segments. While the border
detection in response to the interactive modification of the end point is very fast, the
initial construction of a complete graph needed for each optimal border segment search
is computationally demanding, since the graph is of the size of the entire image.
To overcome the computational needs of the live wire method, a modification called
the live lane was developed [Falcao et al., 1995]. In this approach, an operator defines
a region of interest by approximately tracing the border by moving a square window.
The size of the window is either pre-selected or is adaptively defined from the speed
and acceleration of the manual tracing. When the border is of high quality, the manual
tracing is fast and the live lane method is essentially identical to the live wire method
applied to a sequence of rectangular windows. If the border is less obvious, manual
tracing is usually slower and the window size adaptively decreases. If the window size
reduces to a single pixel, the method degenerates to manual tracing. A exible method
results that combines the speed of automated border detection with the robustness of
manual border detection whenever needed. Since the graph is constructed using an image
portion comparable in size to the size of the moving window, the computational demands
of the live lane method are much less than those of the live wire method.
Several additional features of the two live methods are worth mentioning. As was
stressed earlier, design of border-detection cost functions often requires substantial experience and experimentation. To facilitate the method's use by non-experts, an automated
approach has been developed that determines optimal border features from examples of
the correct borders. Another automated step is available to specify optimal parameters
of cost transforms to create a powerful cost function (Section 6.2.4). Consequently, the
resultant optimal cost function is specifically designed for a particular application and
can be conveniently obtained by presenting a small number of example border segments
during the method's training stage. Additionally, the method can easily be applied to
three-dimensional image data by incorporation of a cost element comparing the border
positions in adjacent image slices.
Hough transforms
If an image consists of objects with known shape and size, segmentation can be viewed
as a problem of finding this object within it. Typical tasks are to locate circular pads in
printed circuit boards, or to find objects of specific shapes in aerial or satellite data, etc.
One of many possible ways to solve these problems is to move a mask with an appropriate
shape and size along the image and look for correlation between the image and the mask,
as discussed in Section 6.4. Unfortunately, the specified mask often differs too much
from the object's representation in the processed data, because of shape distortions,
rotation, zoom, etc. One very effective method that can solve this problem is the Hough
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6.2 Edge-based segmentation
transform, which can even be used successfully in segmentation of overlapping or semioccluded objects.
The Hough transform was designed to detect straight lines (for which see also the
Radon transform, Section 3.2.11, which has similarities to the following) and curves
[Hough, 1962], and this original method can be used if analytic equations of object border
lines are known no prior knowledge of region position is necessary. A big advantage
of this approach is robustness of segmentation results; that is, segmentation is not too
sensitive to imperfect data or noise. We shall present the idea of the transform for such
analytic curves and illustrate with examples of circles and straight lines; later the case
of shapes that may not be represented analytically will be considered.
Suppose we seek instances of curves satisfying the equation f (x, a) = 0, where a is
an n-dimensional vector of curve parameters. We suppose an edge detector has been
passed over the image and thresholded to determine all likely edge pixels each of these
may, a priori, lie at any point of a suitable curve. There is an infinite number of these,
Figure 6.31: Hough transform example of circle detection. (a) Image of a dark circle, of
known radius r, on a bright background. (b) For each dark pixel, a potential circle-center locus
is defined by a circle with radius r and center at that pixel. (c) The frequency with which
image pixels occur 0n circle-center loci is determined the highest-frequency pixel represents
the center of the circle (marked by •). (d) The Hough transform correctly detects the circle
(marked by •) in the presence of incomplete circle information and overlapping structures. (See
Figure 6.32 for a real-life example.) © Cengage Learning 2015.
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Chapter 6: Segmentation I
but we will quantize the vector a in some manner to make it finite we shall associate
an n-dimensional accumulator array A with it, initialized to zeroes. Now for each
edge pixel x we increment A(a) for each value of a that satisfies f (x, a) = 0. This will
develop into a voting mechanism an instance of the curve in the image will generate a
local maximum in A at the appropriate value of a. Formally:
Algorithm 6.13: Curve detection using the Hough transform
1. Quantize parameter space within the limits of parameters a.
2. Form an n-dimensional accumulator array A(a) with structure matching the
quantization of parameter space; set all elements to zero.
3. For each image point (x1 , x2 ) in the appropriately thresholded gradient image,
increase all accumulator cells A(a) if f (x, a) = 0
A(a) = A(a) +
for all a inside the limits used in step 1.
4. Local maxima in the accumulator array A(a) correspond to realizations of curves
f (x, a) that are present in the original image.
An important property of the Hough transform is its insensitivity to missing parts
of lines, to image noise, and to other structures co-existing in the image. This is caused
by the robustness of transformation from the image space into the accumulator space
a missing part of the line will cause only a lower local maximum because a smaller
number of edge pixels contributes to the corresponding accumulator cell. A noisy or
only approximate curve will not be transformed into a point in the parameter space, but
rather will result in a cluster of points, and the cluster center of gravity can be considered
the curve representation.
To be specific, if we are looking for circles, the analytic expression f (x, a) of the
desired curve is
(x1 − a)2 + (x2 − b)2 = r2 ,
where the circle has center (a, b) and radius r so the accumulator data structure must
be three-dimensional. For each pixel x whose edge magnitude exceeds a given threshold,
all accumulator cells corresponding to potential circle centers (a, b) are incremented in
step 3 of the algorithm. The accumulator cell A(a, b, r) is incremented if the point (a, b)
is at distance r from point x, and this condition is valid for all triplets (a, b, r) satisfying
equation (6.16). If some potential center (a, b) of a circle of radius r is frequently found
in the parameter space, it is highly probable that a circle with radius r and center (a, b)
really exists in the processed data. This procedure is illustrated in Figure 6.31.
Figure 6.32 demonstrates circle detection when circular objects of known radius overlap and the image contains many additional structures causing the edge image to be very
noisy. Note that the parameter space with three local maxima corresponding to centers
of three circular objects.
Similarly, if a straight line is sought we would look for solutions of the equation
x2 = kx1 + q .
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6.2 Edge-based segmentation
Figure 6.32: Hough transform circle detection. (a) Original image. (b) Edge image (note that
the edge information is far from perfect). (c) Parameter space. (d) Detected circles. © Cengage
Learning 2015.
Now the parameter space is given by (k, q) and is two-dimensional. However, when we
try to quantize this there is a problem as the gradient k is unbounded (vertical lines
having infinite gradient). In this case we reformulate the equation as
s = x1 cos + x2 sin ,
and seek solutions in (s, ) space (cf. Figure 3.25) while this is less intuitive, both parameters are bounded and easily quantized. This is illustrated in Figure 6.33. A practical
example showing the segmentation of an MR image of the brain into the left and right
hemispheres is given in Figure 6.34. The Hough-transform was used to independently
detect a line depicting the brain fissure in each 2D MR slice from the 3D brain image
consisting of about 100 slices.
Discretization of the parameter space is an important part of this approach [Yuen
and Hlavac, 1991]; also, detecting local maxima in the accumulator array is a non-trivial
problem. In reality, the resulting discrete parameter space usually has more than one
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Chapter 6: Segmentation I
Figure 6.33: Hough transform line detection. (a) Original image. (b) Edge image (note many
edges, which do not belong to the line). (c) Parameter space. (d) Detected lines. © Cengage
Learning 2015.
local maximum per line existing in the image, and smoothing the discrete parameter
space may be a solution.
Even though the Hough transform is a very powerful technique for curve detection,
exponential growth of the accumulator data structure with the increase of the number of
curve parameters restricts its practical usability to curves with few parameters. If prior
information about edge directions is used, computational demands can be decreased significantly. Suppose we are seeking a circular boundary of a dark region, letting the circle
have a constant radius r = R for simplicity. Without using edge direction information,
all accumulator cells A(a, b) are incremented in the parameter space if the corresponding point (a, b) is on a circle with center x. With knowledge of direction, only a small
number of the accumulator cells need be incremented. For example, if edge directions
are quantized into eight possible values, only one-eighth of the circle need take part in
incrementing of accumulator cells. Of course, estimates of edge direction are unlikely to
be precise if we anticipate edge direction errors of =4, three-eighths of the circle will
require accumulator cell incrementing. Using edge directions, candidates for parameters
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6.2 Edge-based segmentation
Figure 6.34: Hough transform line detection used for MRI brain segmentation to the left and
right hemispheres. (a) Edge image. (b) Segmentation line in original image data. © Cengage
Learning 2015.
a and b can be identified from the following formulae:
a = x1 − R cos (x) ,
b = x2 − R sin (x) ,
(x) ∈ (x) −
, (x) +
where (x) refers to the edge direction in pixel x and
is the maximum anticipated
edge direction error. Accumulator cells in the parameter space are then incremented only
if (a, b) satisfy equation (6.19).
Further heuristics that have a beneficial in uence on curve search are:
• To weight the contributions to accumulator cells A(a) by the edge magnitude in
pixel x; thus the increment A in step 3 of Algorithm 6.13 [A(a) = A(a)+ A] will
be greater if it results from the processing of a pixel with larger edge magnitude.
• A two-pass technique to reduce noise in the accumulator array. A `back projection'
step identifies the accumulator cell of highest score associated with each edge pixel,
and other votes associated with that pixel are deleted [Gerig and Klein, 1986]. This
has the effect of sharpening responses significantly, since most votes in accumulator
space are noise.
The randomized Hough transform provides a different, more efficient, approach [Xu
and Oja, 1993]; it randomly and repeatedly selects n pixels from the edge image and
determines n parameters of the detected curve followed by incrementing a single accumulator cell only. There are some similarities in this approach to the RANSAC algorithm,
Section 10.3.
Frequently, a boundary is sought for which a parametric representations does not
exist; in this case, a generalized Hough transform [Ballard, 1981; Davis, 1982; Illingworth
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Chapter 6: Segmentation I
and Kittler, 1987] can provide the solution. This method constructs a parametric curve
(region border) description based on sample situations detected in the learning stage.
Assume that shape, size, and orientation of the sought region are known: a reference
point xR is chosen at any location inside the sample region, then an arbitrary line can be
constructed starting at this reference point aiming in the direction of the region border
(see Figure 6.35). The border direction (edge direction) is found at the intersection of
the line and the region border. A reference table (referred to as the R-table in [Ballard,
1981]) is constructed, and intersection parameters are stored as a function of the border
direction at the intersection point; using different lines aimed from the reference point,
all the distances of the reference point to region borders and the border directions at the
intersections can be found. The resulting table can be ordered according to the border
directions at the intersection points. As Figure 6.35 makes clear, different points x of
the region border can have the same border direction, (x) = (x0 ). This implies that
there may be more than one (r, ) pair for each that can determine the co-ordinates
of a potential reference point.
Figure 6.35: Principles of the generalized Hough transform: geometry of R-table construction.
© Cengage Learning 2015.
An example of an R-table is given in Table 6.1. Assuming no rotation and known
size, remaining description parameters required are the co-ordinates of the reference point
1 , x2 ). If scale and orientation of the region may vary, the number of parameters
increases to four. Each pixel x with a significant edge in the direction (x)
has coordinates of potential reference points {x1 + r( ) cos ( ) , x2 + r( ) sin ( ) }. These
must be computed for all possible values of r and according to the border direction
(x) given in the R-table. Algorithm 6.14 presents the generalized Hough transform in
the case in which orientation ( ) and scale (S) may both change.
(r11 ,
(r21 ,
(r31 ,
1 ), (r1 ,
2 ), (r2 ,
3 ), (r3 ,
1 ), . . . , (r1 ,
2 ), . . . , (r2 ,
3 ), . . . , (r3 ,
1 )
2 )
3 )
(rk1 ,
k ), (rk ,
k ), . . . , (rk ,
k )
Table 6.1: R-table © Cengage Learning 2015.
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6.2 Edge-based segmentation
Algorithm 6.14: Generalized Hough transform
1. Construct an R-table description of the desired object.
2. Form a data structure A(x1 , x2 , S, ) that represents the potential reference
points and erase it to zeroes.
3. For each pixel (x1 , x2 ) in a thresholded gradient image, determine the edge
direction (x); find all potential reference points xR and increase all
A(xR , S, ) = A(xR , S, ) +
for all possible values of rotation and size change
1 = x1 + r( + ) S cos
2 = x2 + r( + ) S sin
( + ) ,
( + ) .
4. The location of suitable regions is given by local maxima in A.
The generalized Hough transform can be used to detect arbitrary shapes, but requires
the complete specification of the exact shape of the target object to achieve precise segmentation. Therefore, it allows detection of objects with complex but pre-determined,
shapes. Other varieties exist that allow detection of objects whose exact shape is unknown, assuming a priori knowledge can be used to form an approximate model of the
The Hough transform has many desirable features [Illingworth and Kittler, 1988].
It recognizes partial or slightly deformed shapes, therefore behaving extremely well in
recognition of occluded objects. It may be also used to measure similarity between a
model and a detected object on the basis of size and spatial location of peaks in the
parameter space. It is very robust in the presence of additional structures in the image
(other lines, curves, or objects) as well as being insensitive to image noise. Moreover,
it may search for several occurrences of a shape during the same processing pass. Unfortunately, the conventional sequential approach requires a lot of storage and extensive
computation. However, its inherent parallel character gives the potential for real-time
The Hough transform has a distinguished history and is widely applied. While we
have not discussed in depth many issues surrounding it (curve parameterization, maxima
location, computational efficiency . . . ), it remains in the forefront of use. The general
approach of devising a voting mechanism to locate good parameter sets is even more
widely used. There is an extensive literature on the transform thorough coverage and
a good bibliography are given in [Davies, 2005].
Border detection using border location information
If any information about boundary location or shape is known, it is of benefit to use
it. The information may, for instance, be based on some higher-level knowledge, or can
result from segmentation applied to a lower-resolution image. Various heuristics take
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Chapter 6: Segmentation I
this approach, but have been superseded by better founded techniques such as snakes
[Kass et al., 1987] see Section 7.2.
If the approximate location of a boundary is known (see Figure 6.36), we might seek
border pixels as significant edges with the correct direction along profiles perpendicular
to the assumed border. If a large number satisfying the given conditions is found, an
approximate curve is computed based on these pixels, and a new, more accurate, border
Figure 6.36: A priori information about boundary location. © Cengage Learning 2015.
Alternatively, if there is prior knowledge of end points we can iteratively partition the
border and search for the strongest edge located on perpendiculars to the line connecting
end points of each partition; perpendiculars are located at the center of the connecting
straight line (see Figure 6.37). This procedure can be iterated.
Detected border
Exact border
Figure 6.37: Divide-and-conquer iterative border detection; numbers show the sequence of division steps. © Cengage Learning 2015.
Region construction from borders
If a complete segmentation has been achieved, the borders segment an image into regions;
but if only a partial segmentation is available, regions are not defined uniquely. Methods
exist that are able to construct regions from partial borders which do not form closed
boundaries; these methods do not always find acceptable regions, but they are useful in
many practical situations.
One such is a method described in [Hong et al., 1980] based on the existence of partial
borders in the processed image. Region construction is based on probabilities that pixels
are located inside a region closed by the partial borders. The border pixels are described
by their positions and by pixel edge directions (x). The closest `opposite' edge pixel is
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6.2 Edge-based segmentation
sought along a perpendicular to each significant image edge, and then closed borders are
constructed from pairs of opposite edge pixels. A pixel is a potential region member if it
is on a straight line connecting two opposite edge pixels. The final decision on which of
the potential region pixels will form a region is probabilistic.
Algorithm 6.15: Region forming from partial borders
1. For each border pixel x, search for an opposite edge pixel within a distance not
exceeding a given maximum M . If an opposite edge pixel is not found, process
the next border pixel in the image. If an opposite edge pixel is found, mark each
pixel on the connecting straight line as a potential region member.
2. Compute the number of markers for each pixel in the image (the number of
markers tells how often a pixel was on a connecting line between opposite edge
pixels). Let b(x) be the number of markers for the pixel x.
3. The weighted number of markers B(x) is then determined as follows:
B(x) = 0.0
= 0.1
= 0.2
= 0.5
= 1.0
b(x) = 0 ,
b(x) = 1 ,
b(x) = 2 ,
b(x) = 3 ,
b(x) > 3 .
P confidence that a pixel x is a member of a region is given as the sum
i B(xi ) in a 3×3 neighborhood of the pixel x. If the confidence that a pixel
x is a region member is one or larger, then pixel x is marked as a region pixel,
otherwise it is marked as a background pixel.
Note that this method allows the construction of bright regions on a dark background
as well as dark regions on a bright background by taking either of the two options in the
search for opposite edge pixels step 1. Search orientation depends on whether relatively
dark or bright regions are constructed. If (x) and (y) are directions of edges, the
condition that must be satisfied for x and y to be opposite is
(x) − (y) mod (2 ) <
Note that it is possible to take advantage of prior knowledge of maximum region
sizes this information defines the value of M in step 1 of the algorithm, the maximum
search length for the opposite edge pixel.
This method was applied to form texture primitives (Chapter 15, [Hong et al., 1980])
as shown in Figure 6.38. The differences between the results of this region detection
method and those obtained by thresholding applied to the same data are clearly visible
if Figures 6.38b and 6.38c are compared.
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Chapter 6: Segmentation I
Figure 6.38: Region forming from partial borders. (a) Original image. (b) Thresholding.
(c) Edge image. (d) Regions formed from partial borders. © Cengage Learning 2015.
Region-based segmentation
It is easy to construct regions from their borders, and to detect borders of existing regions.
However, segmentations resulting from edge-based methods and region-growing methods
are not usually the same, and a combination of results may often be an improvement
on both. Region growing techniques are generally better in noisy images, where borders
are extremely difficult to detect. Homogeneity is an important property of regions and
is used as the main segmentation criterion in region growing, whose basic idea is to
divide an image into zones of maximum homogeneity. The criteria for homogeneity can
be based on gray-level, color, texture, shape, model (using semantic information), etc.
Properties chosen to describe regions in uence the form, complexity, and amount of prior
information in the specific region-growing segmentation method. Methods that address
region-growing segmentation of color images are reported in [Schettini, 1993; Vlachos
and Constantinides, 1993; Gauch and Hsia, 1992; Priese and Rehrmann, 1993].
Regions were discussed earlier and equation (6.1) stated the basic requirements of
segmentation into regions. Further assumptions needed here are that regions must satisfy
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6.3 Region-based segmentation
the conditions:
H(Ri ) = TRUE , i = 1, 2, . . . , S ,
H(Ri [ Rj ) = FALSE , i =
6 j , Ri adjacent to Rj ,
where S is the total number of regions in an image and H(Ri ) is a binary homogeneity
evaluation of the region Ri . Resulting regions of the segmented image must be both
homogeneous and maximal, where by `maximal' we mean that the homogeneity criterion
would not be true after merging a region with any adjacent region.
The simplest homogeneity criterion uses an average gray-level of the region, its color
properties, simple texture properties, or an m-dimensional vector of average gray values
for multi-spectral images. While the region growing methods discussed below consider
two-dimensional images, three-dimensional implementations are often possible. Considering three-dimensional connectivity constraints, homogeneous regions (volumes) of
a three-dimensional image can be determined using three-dimensional region growing.
Three-dimensional filling represents its simplest form and can be described as a threedimensional connectivity-preserving variant of thresholding.
Region merging
The most natural method of region growing is to begin the growth in the raw image data,
each pixel representing a single region. These regions almost certainly do not satisfy the
condition of equation (6.23), and so regions will be merged as long as equation (6.22)
remains satisfied.
Algorithm 6.16: Region merging (outline)
1. Define some initialization to segment the image into many small regions satisfying condition (6.22).
2. Define a criterion for merging two adjacent regions.
3. Merge all adjacent regions satisfying the criterion. If no two regions can be
merged maintaining condition (6.22), stop.
This algorithm represents a general approach to region merging segmentation. Specific methods differ in the definition of the starting segmentation and in the criterion for
merging. In the descriptions that follow, regions are those parts of the image that can
be sequentially merged into larger regions satisfying equations (6.22) and (6.23). The
result of region merging usually depends on the order in which regions are merged (so
results may differ if segmentation begins in the upper left or lower right corner). This
is because the merging order can cause two similar adjacent regions R1 and R2 not to
be merged, since an earlier merge used R1 and its new characteristics no longer allow it
to be merged with region R2 , while if the process used a different order, this merge may
have been realized.
The simplest methods begin merging by starting the segmentation using regions of
2×2, 4×4, or 8×8 pixels. Region descriptions are then based on their statistical graylevel properties a regional gray-level histogram is a good example. A region description
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Chapter 6: Segmentation I
is compared with the description of an adjacent region; if they match, they are merged
into a larger region and a new description is computed. Otherwise, regions are marked
as non-matching. Merging of adjacent regions continues between all neighbors, including
newly formed ones. If a region cannot be merged with any of its neighbors, it is marked
`final'; the merging process stops when all image regions are so marked.
State space search is an essential principle of problem solving in AI, which was applied
early to image segmentation [Brice and Fennema, 1970]. According to this approach,
pixels of the raw image are considered the starting state, each pixel being a separate
region. A change of state can result from the merging of two regions or the splitting of a
region into subregions. The problem can be described as looking for permissible changes
of state while producing the best image segmentation. This state space approach brings
two advantages; first, well-known methods of state space search can be applied which also
include heuristic knowledge; second, higher-level data structures can be used which allow
the possibility of working directly with regions and their borders, and no longer require
the marking of each image element according to its region marking. Starting regions
are formed by pixels of the same gray-level these regions are small in real images. The
first state changes are based on crack edge computations (Section 2.3.1), where local
boundaries between regions are evaluated by the strength of crack edges along their
common border. The data structure used in this approach (the so-called supergrid)
carries all the necessary information (see Figure 6.39); this allows for easy region merging
in 4-adjacency when crack edge values are stored in the ` ' elements. Region merging
uses the following two heuristics:
• Two adjacent regions are merged if a significant part of their common boundary
consists of weak edges (significance can be based on the region with the shorter
perimeter; the ratio of the number of weak common edges to the total length of the
region perimeter may be used).
• Two adjacent regions are also merged if a significant part of their common boundary
consists of weak edges, but in this case not considering the total length of the region
Of the two given heuristics, the first is more general and the second cannot be used alone
because it does not consider the in uence of different region sizes.
Figure 6.39: Supergrid data structure: ×, image data; ◦, crack edges; •, unused. © Cengage
Learning 2015.
Edge significance can be evaluated according to the formula
vij = 0 if sij < T1 ,
= 1 otherwise,
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6.3 Region-based segmentation
where vij = 1 indicates a significant edge, vij = 0 a weak edge, T1 is a preset threshold,
and sij is the crack edge value sij = f (xi ) − f (xj ) .
Algorithm 6.17: Region merging via boundary melting
1. Define a starting image segmentation into regions of constant gray-level. Construct a supergrid edge data structure in which to store the crack edge information.
2. Remove all weak crack edges from the edge data structure (using equation 6.24
and threshold T1 ).
3. Recursively remove common boundaries of adjacent regions Ri , Rj , if
min(li , lj )
T2 ,
where W is the number of weak edges on the common boundary, li , lj are the
perimeter lengths of regions Ri , Rj , and T2 is another preset threshold.
4. Recursively remove common boundaries of adjacent regions Ri , Rj if
or, using a weaker criterion [Ballard and Brown, 1982]
T3 ,
where l is the length of the common boundary and T3 is a third threshold.
Note that although we have described a region growing method, the merging criterion
is based on border properties and so the merging does not necessarily keep the condition
given in equation (6.22) true. The supergrid data structure allows precise work with edges
and borders, but a big disadvantage of this data structure is that it is not suitable for the
representation of regions it is necessary to refer to each region as a part of the image,
especially if semantic information about regions and neighboring regions is included. This
problem can be solved by the construction and updating of a data structure describing
region adjacencies and their boundaries, and for this purpose a good data structure to
use can be a planar-region adjacency graph and a dual-region boundary graph [Pavlidis,
1977], (see Section 10.10).
Figure 6.40 gives a comparison of region merging methods. An original image and
its pseudo-color representation (to see the small gray-level differences) are given in Figures 6.40a,b. The original image cannot be segmented by thresholding because of the
significant and continuous gray-level gradient in all regions. Results of a recursive region merging method, which uses a simple merging criterion that allows pixels to be
merged in the row-first fashion as long as they do not differ by more than a pre-specified
parameter from the seed pixel is shown in Figure 6.40c; note the resulting horizontally
elongated regions corresponding to vertical changes of image gray-levels. If region merging via boundary melting is applied, the segmentation results improve dramatically; see
Figure 6.40d.
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Chapter 6: Segmentation I
Figure 6.40: Region merging segmentation. (a) Original image. (b) Pseudo-color representation
of the original image (in grayscale). (c) Recursive region merging. (d) Region merging via
boundary melting. Courtesy of R. Marik, Czech Technical University.
Region splitting
Region splitting is the opposite of region merging it begins with the whole image represented as a single region which does not usually satisfy condition specified by equation
(6.22). Existing image regions are sequentially split to satisfy conditions (6.1), (6.22)
and (6.23). Even if this approach seems to be dual to region merging, region splitting
does not result in the same segmentation even if the same homogeneity criteria are used.
Some regions may be homogeneous during the splitting process and therefore are not
split anymore; considering the homogeneous regions created by region merging procedures, some may not be constructed because of the impossibility of merging smaller
subregions earlier in the process. A fine black-and-white chessboard is an example: a
homogeneity criterion may be based on variance of average gray-levels in the quadrants
of the evaluated region in the next lower pyramid level if the segmentation process is
based on region splitting, the image will not be split into subregions because its quadrants would have the same value of the measure as the starting region consisting of the
whole image. The region merging approach, on the other hand, will merge single pixel
regions into larger regions, and this process will stop when they match the chessboard
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6.3 Region-based segmentation
Region splitting methods generally use similar homogeneity criteria as region merging methods, and differ only in the direction of their application. The multi-spectral
segmentation discussed in considering thresholding (Section 6.1.3) can be seen as an example of a region splitting method. As mentioned there, other criteria can be used to
split regions (e.g., cluster analysis, pixel classification, etc.).
Splitting and merging
A combination of splitting and merging may result in a method with the advantages of
both. Split-and-merge approaches work using pyramid image representations; regions
are square shaped and correspond to elements of the appropriate pyramid level.
Figure 6.41: Split-and-merge in a hierarchical data structure. © Cengage Learning 2015.
If any region in any pyramid level is not homogeneous (excluding the lowest level),
it is split into four subregions these are elements of higher resolution at the level below. If four regions exist at any pyramid level with approximately the same value of
homogeneity measure, they are merged into a single region in an upper pyramid level
(see Figure 6.41). The segmentation process can be understood as the construction of
a segmentation quadtree where each leaf node represents a homogeneous region that
is, an element of some pyramid level. Splitting and merging corresponds to removing
or building parts of the segmentation quadtree the number of leaf nodes of the tree
corresponds to the number of segmented regions after the segmentation process is over.
Split-and-merge methods usually store the adjacency information in region adjacency
graphs (or similar data structures). Using segmentation trees, in which regions do not
have to be contiguous, is both implementationally and computationally easier. An unpleasant drawback of segmentation quadtrees is the square-region shape assumption (see
Figure 6.42), and it is therefore advantageous to add more processing steps that permit the merging of regions which are not part of the same branch of the segmentation
tree. Starting image regions can either be chosen arbitrarily or can be based on prior
knowledge. Because both split-and-merge processing options are available, the starting
segmentation does not have to satisfy either condition (6.22) or (6.23).
The homogeneity criterion plays a major role in split-and-merge algorithms, just as
it does in all other region growing methods. See [Chen et al., 1991] for an adaptive splitand-merge algorithm and a review of region homogeneity analysis. For simple images,
a split-and-merge approach can be based on local image properties, but if the image is
complex, even elaborate criteria including semantic information may not give acceptable
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Chapter 6: Segmentation I
Figure 6.42: Segmentation quadtree. © Cengage Learning 2015.
Algorithm 6.18: Split and merge
1. Define an initial segmentation into regions, a homogeneity criterion, and a pyramid data structure.
2. If any region R in the pyramid data structure is not homogeneous [H(R) =
FALSE], split it into four child-regions; if any four regions with the same parent
can be merged into a single homogeneous region, merge them. If no region can
be split or merged, go to step 3.
3. If any two adjacent regions Ri , Rj (even if they are in different pyramid levels or
do not have the same parent) can be merged into a homogeneous region, merge
4. Merge small regions with the most similar adjacent region if it is necessary to
remove small-size regions.
A pyramid data structure with overlapping regions (Section 4.3.3) is an interesting
modification of this method [Pietikainen et al., 1982]. Each region has four potential
parent elements in the upper pyramid level and 16 possible child elements in the lower
pyramid level. Segmentation tree generation begins in the lowest level. Properties of
each region are compared with properties of each of its potential parents and the seg-
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6.3 Region-based segmentation
mentation branch is linked to the most similar of them. After construction of the tree is
complete, all the homogeneity values of all the elements in the pyramid data structure are
recomputed to be based on child-region properties only. This recomputed pyramid data
structure is used to generate a new segmentation tree, beginning again at the lowest level.
The pyramid updating process and new segmentation tree generation is repeated until
no significant segmentation changes can be detected between steps. Assume that the
segmented image has a maximum of 2n (non-contiguous) regions. Any of these regions
must link to at least one element in the highest allowed pyramid level let this pyramid
level consist of 2n elements. Each element of the highest pyramid level corresponds to
one branch of the segmentation tree, and all the leaf nodes of this branch construct one
region of the segmented image. The highest level of the segmentation tree must correspond to the expected number of image regions, and the pyramid height defines the
maximum number of segmentation branches. If the number of regions in an image is
less than 2n , some regions can be represented by more than one element in the highest
pyramid level. If this is the case, some specific processing steps can either allow merging
of some elements in the highest pyramid level or can restrict some of these elements to
be segmentation branch roots. If the number of image regions is larger than 2n , the most
similar regions will be merged into a single tree branch, and the method will not be able
to give acceptable results.
Algorithm 6.19: Split and link to the segmentation tree
1. Define a pyramid data structure with overlapping regions. Evaluate the starting
region description.
2. Build a segmentation tree starting with leaves. Link each node of the tree to
that one of the four possible parents to which it has the most similar region
properties. Build the whole segmentation tree. If there is no link to an element
in the higher pyramid level, assign the value zero to this element.
3. Update the pyramid data structure; each element must be assigned the average
of the values of all its existing children.
4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 until no significant segmentation changes appear between
iterations (a small number of iterations is usually sufficient).
Considerably lower memory requirements can be found in a single-pass split-andmerge segmentation. A local `splitting pattern' is detected in each 2×2 pixel image block
and regions are merged in overlapping blocks of the same size [Suk and Chung, 1983]. In
contrast to previous approaches, a single pass is sufficient here, although a second pass
may be necessary for region identification (see Section 8.1). The computation is more
efficient and the data structure implemented is very simple; the 12 possible splitting
patterns for a 2×2 block are given in a list, starting with a homogeneous block up to a
block consisting of four different pixels (see Figure 6.43). Pixel similarity can be evaluated
adaptively according to the mean and variance of gray-levels of blocks throughout the
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Chapter 6: Segmentation I
Algorithm 6.20: Single-pass split-and-merge
1. Search an entire image line by line except the last column and last line. Perform
the following steps for each pixel.
2. Find a splitting pattern for a 2×2 pixel block.
3. If a mismatch between assigned labels and splitting patterns in overlapping
blocks is found, try to change the assigned labels of these blocks to remove
the mismatch (discussed below).
4. Assign labels to unassigned pixels to match a splitting pattern of the block.
5. Remove small regions if necessary.
Figure 6.43: Splitting of 2×2 image blocks, all 12 possible cases. © Cengage Learning 2015.
The image blocks overlap during the image search. Except at image borders, three of
the four pixels have been assigned a label in previous search locations, but these labels do
not necessarily match the splitting pattern found in the processed block. If a mismatch
is detected in step 3 of the algorithm, it is necessary to resolve possibilities of merging
regions that were considered separate so far to assign the same label to two regions
previously labeled differently. Two regions R1 and R2 are merged if
H(R1 [ R2 ) = TRUE ,
jm1 − m2 j < T ,
where m1 and m2 are the mean gray-level values in regions R1 and R2 , and T is some
appropriate threshold. If region merging is not allowed, regions keep their previous
labels. To get a final segmentation, information about region merging must be stored
and the merged-region characteristics must be updated after each merging operation.
The assignment of labels to non-labeled pixels in the processed block is based on the
block splitting pattern and on the labels of adjacent regions (step 4). If a match between
a splitting pattern and the assigned labels was found in step 3, then it is easy to assign
a label to the remaining pixel(s) to keep the label assignment and splitting pattern
matched. Conversely, if a match was not found in step 3, an unassigned pixel is either
merged with an adjacent region (the same label is assigned) or a new region is started. If
a 2×2 block size is used, the only applicable pixel property is gray-level. If larger blocks
are used, more complex image properties can be included in the homogeneity criteria
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6.3 Region-based segmentation
(even if these larger blocks are divided into 2×2 subblocks to determine the splitting
Parallelization of this approach is clearly attractive and has been widely applied
[Willebeek-Lemair and Reeves, 1990; Chang and Li, 1995]. Additional sections describing
more sophisticated methods of semantic region growing segmentation can be found in
Chapter 10.
Watershed segmentation
The concepts of watersheds and catchment basins are well known in topography.
Watershed lines divide individual catchment basins. The North American Continental
Divide is a textbook example of a watershed line with catchment basins formed by the
Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. Working with gradient images and following the concept
introduced in Chapter 1, Figures 1.8 and 1.9, image data may be interpreted as a topographic surface where the gradient image gray-levels represent altitudes. Thus, region
edges correspond to high watersheds and low-gradient region interiors correspond to
catchment basins. According to equation (6.22), the goal of region growing segmentation
is to create homogeneous regions; in watershed segmentation, catchment basins of the
topographic surface are homogeneous in the sense that all pixels belonging to the same
catchment basin are connected with the basin's region of minimum altitude (gray-level)
by a simple path of pixels (Section 2.3.1) that have monotonically decreasing altitude
(gray-level) along the path. Such catchment basins then represent the regions of the
segmented image (Figure 6.44). While the concept of watersheds and catchment basins
is quite straightforward, development of algorithms for watershed segmentation is a complex task.
Figure 6.44: One-dimensional example of watershed segmentation. (a) Gray-level profile of
image data. (b) Watershed segmentation local minima of gray-level (altitude) yield catchment
basins, local maxima define the watershed lines. © Cengage Learning 2015.
The first algorithms for watershed segmentation were developed for topographic digital elevation models [Collins, 1975; Soille and Ansoult, 1990]. Most of the existing
algorithms start with extraction of potential watershed line pixels using a local 3 × 3 operation, which are then connected into geomorphological networks in subsequent steps.
Due to the local character of the first step, these approaches are often inaccurate [Soille
and Ansoult, 1990].
Early approaches were not efficient because of their extreme computational demands
and inaccuracy, but a seminal paper [Vincent and Soille, 1991] makes the idea practical.
Considering the gradient image, catchment basins fill from the bottom as explained
earlier, each minimum represents one catchment basin, and the strategy is to start at the
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Chapter 6: Segmentation I
Pixels of
gray level
Pixels of
gray levels
Figure 6.45: Geodesic in uence zones of catchment basins. © Cengage Learning 2015.
altitude minima. Imagine there is a hole in each local minimum, and that the topographic
surface is immersed in water. As a result, the water starts filling all catchment basins,
minima of which are under the water level. If two catchment basins would merge as a
result of further immersion, a dam is built all the way to the highest surface altitude
and the dam represents the watershed line. An efficient algorithm for such watershed
segmentation was presented in [Vincent and Soille, 1991]: It is based on sorting the pixels
in increasing order of their gray values, followed by a flooding step consisting of a fast
breadth-first scanning of all pixels in the order of their gray-levels.
Algorithm 6.21: E cient watershed segmentation
1. Construct a histogram of the gradient image: from it, construct a list of pointers
to pixels of intensity h to permit direct access. This can be done very efficiently
in linear time.
2. Suppose ooding has been conducted up to level k so every pixel having graylevel less than or equal to k has already been assigned a unique catchment basin
or watershed label.
3. Consider pixels of intensity k +1: construct a FIFO queue of all such candidates.
4. Construct a geodesic influence zone for all hitherto determined catchment basins:
for basin li this is the locus of non-labeled image pixels of gray-level k + 1 that
are contiguous (via pixels of intensity k + 1) with the basin li , for which their
distance to li is smaller than their distance to any other basin lj (Figure 6.45).
5. Pixels from the queue are processed sequentially: those that belong to the in uence zone of catchment basin l are also labeled as l, causing the basin to grow.
Those that are on the boundary of in uence zones become marked as watershed.
Pixels that cannot be assigned an existing label or watershed represent newly
discovered catchment basins and are marked with new and unique labels.
The original reference includes a useful pseudo-C coding of this algorithm [Vincent
and Soille, 1991].
Figure 6.46 shows an example of watershed segmentation. Note that the raw watershed segmentation produces a severely oversegmented image with hundreds or thousands
of catchment basins (Figure 6.46c). To overcome this problem, region markers and other
approaches have been suggested to generate better segmentation (Figure 6.46d) [Meyer
and Beucher, 1990; Vincent and Soille, 1991; Higgins and Ojard, 1993].
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6.3 Region-based segmentation
While this method works well in a continuous space with the watershed lines accurately dividing the adjacent catchment basins, watersheds in images with large plateaus
may be quite thick in discrete spaces. Figure 6.47 illustrates such a situation, consisting
of pixels equidistant to two catchment basins in 4-connectivity. To avoid such behavior, detailed rules using successively ordered distances stored during the breadth-search
process were developed that yield exact watershed lines. Full details, and pseudo-code
for a fast watershed algorithm, are in found in [Vincent and Soille, 1991]. Further improvements of the watershed segmentation based on immersion simulations are given in
[Dobrin et al., 1994].
The watershed transformation can also be presented in the context of mathematical morphology (see Chapter 13). Unfortunately, without special hardware, watershed
transformations based on mathematical morphology are computationally demanding and
time consuming.
Figure 6.46: Watershed segmentation. (a) Original;. (b) Gradient image, 3 × 3 Sobel edge
detection, histogram equalized. (c) Raw watershed segmentation. (d) Watershed segmentation
using region markers to control oversegmentation. Courtesy of W. Higgins, Penn State University.
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Chapter 6: Segmentation I
Figure 6.47: Thick watershed lines may result in
gray-level plateaus. Earlier identified catchment
basins are marked as black pixels, and new catchment basin additions resulting from this processing step are shown in the two levels of gray. The
thick watersheds are marked with •. To avoid
thick watersheds, specialized rules must be developed. © Cengage Learning 2015.
Region growing post-processing
Images segmented by region growing methods often contain either too many regions
(under-growing) or too few regions (over-growing) as a result of non-optimal parameter
setting. To improve classification results, a variety of post-processors has been developed.
Some of them combine segmentation information obtained from region growing and edgebased segmentation. An approach introduced in [Pavlidis and Liow, 1990] solves several
quadtree-related region growing problems and incorporates two post-processing steps.
First, boundary elimination removes some borders between adjacent regions according
to their contrast properties and direction changes along the border, taking resulting
topology into consideration. Second, contours from the previous step are modified to
be located precisely on appropriate image edges. A combination of independent region
growing and edge-based detected borders is described in [Koivunen and Pietikainen,
1990]. Other approaches combining region growing and edge detection can be found in
[Manos et al., 1993; Gambotto, 1993; Wu, 1993; Chu and Aggarwal, 1993].
Simpler post-processors are based on general heuristics and decrease the number of
small regions in a segmented image that cannot be merged with any adjacent region
according to the originally applied homogeneity criteria. These small regions are usually
not significant in further processing and can be considered as segmentation noise. Such
an algorithm will execute much faster if all regions smaller than a pre-selected size are
merged with their neighbors without having to order them first.
Algorithm 6.22: Removal of small image regions
1. Search for the smallest image region Rmin .
2. Find the adjacent region R most similar to Rmin , according to the homogeneity
criteria, and merge them.
3. Repeat until all regions smaller than a pre-selected size are removed.
Matching is a basic approach to segmentation that permits the location of known objects
in an image, search for specific patterns, etc. The issue of matching pervades artificial
intelligence and computer vision in particular. It is easy to understand why: most
applications have at their heart a known model that is sought, and an image or some
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6.4 Matching
derivation of an image in which the seeking is done we wish to match the model to
the data. Of course, this very general problem may manifest in a number of ways; for
• At simplest, known binary patterns representing characters of a font may be sought
in properly aligned scans of text this is template matching (see Section 6.4.1)
applied to OCR.
• More generally, font-independent OCR demands recognition of characters of unknown font and size, perhaps with skew this requires the matching of the pattern
of characters.
• More generally still, face recognition requires the matching of the pattern of a face
into a picture of a 3D scene: pose, alignment, scale, beards, spectacles, color will
all be unknowns.
• At the most abstract, perhaps a pedestrian has been matched in a video sequence,
and we seek to match the individual's behavior to some known model is the pedestrian crossing a road? Queuing? Acting suspiciously?
Each of these examples implies matching a model pattern M to some observation from
the image(s) X, and the algorithm used may be elementary when the problem is straightforward, or at the limit of computer vision research in the case of applications such as
behavior modeling [Valera and Velastin, 2005]. Matching algorithms appear throughout
this book and will usually be based on some criterion of optimality: principal examples are the Hough transform (Section 6.2.6), shape invariants (Section 8.2.7), snakes
(Section 7.2), graph matching (Section 9.5), PDMs/AAMs (Sections 10.4, 10.5), correspondence (Chapter 11), hypothesize and verify (Section 10.1.4), SIFT (Section 10.2),
etc. In this section, we cover some key approaches to this important issue.
It is worth noting that image registration, a significant area of image processing that
we do not cover in this book, naturally belongs to the broad field of image matching.
The general form of the registration problem takes two independent views of a scene and
derives a correspondence between them we shall see some aspects of this in considering
stereo correspondence (Section 11.5). Registration is a large area, in particular in the
medical domain where, for example, large datasets may be acquired by different modalities (CT, MR, . . . ) that require matching. Thorough texts of comparable length are
devoted to this topic: for example [Fitzpatrick et al., 2000; Yoo, 2004; Goshtasby, 2005;
Hajnal and Hill, 2010].
Template matching
The simplest approach to locating a known object in an image is to seek its pixel-perfect
copy. This implies no variation in scale or rotation and is accordingly an artificially
simple task. In this simplified form we are seeking to match a template the known
Given a template T of dimension rT × cT and an image I, we will hold it at offsets
x = (xa , xb ). If the template fits perfectly we will have
rT X
E(x) =
(Ti,j − Ixa +i,xb +j )2 = 0 ,
i=1 j=1
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Chapter 6: Segmentation I
(where E measures the error of the fit). Further, local minima of E(x) will give some
indication of quality of template fit. In fact, we have
rT X
(Ti,j − Ixa +i,xb +j )2
i=1 j=1
rT X
rT X
rT X
(Ti,j )2 − 2
(Ti,j Ixa +i,xb +j ) +
(Ixa +i,xb +j )2 , (6.30)
i=1 j=1
i=1 j=1
i=1 j=1
in which the first term is constant and the third is in most circumstances slowly varying with x. Template matching may thus be performed by maximizing the correlation
rT X
CorrT (x) =
(Ti,j Ixa +i,xb +j ) .
i=1 j=1
Note that the summation is sensitive both to intensity range and size of the region T , and
use of a spatial and/or intensity scaling parameters may be in order. Whether partial
pattern positions, crossing the image borders, and similar special cases are considered
depends on the implementation.
In practical use, this is severely limited very small rotations of the template or
changes in scale can cause radical jumps in the `error' measure E. Section 16.3.2 presents
a more sophisticated approach to minimizing E when the template may be subject to
affine (or more complex) transformation. Figure 6.48 illustrates simple template matching in use.
Figure 6.48: Template matching: A template of the
letter R is sought in an image that has itself, a
slightly rotated version, and a smaller version. The
correlation response (contrast stretched for display)
illustrates the di use response seen for even small adjustments to the original. © Cengage Learning 2015.
An alternative criterion for the same idea to minimize E in equation (6.29) might be
to maximize
C(x) =
1 + E(x)
Figure 6.49 gives an example of the use of this criterion the best matched position is in
the upper left corner. In Figure 6.50, an X-shaped correlation mask was used to detect
positions of magnetic resonance markers [Fisher et al., 1991].
The Fourier convolution theorem (see Section 3.2.4) provides an efficient way of
computing the correlation of a template and an image to compute the product of two
Fourier transforms, they must be of the same size; a template may have zero-valued lines
and columns added to in ate it to the appropriate size. Sometimes, it may be better to
add non-zero numbers, for example, the average gray-level of processed images.
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6.4 Matching
1=3 1=6
1=5 1=7
1=8 1=9
1=8 × ×
1=8 × ×
1=57 × ×
× ×
× ×
Figure 6.49: Optimality matching criterion evaluation. (a) Image data. (b) Matched pattern.
(c) Values of the optimality criterion C (the best match underlined). © Cengage Learning 2015.
Figure 6.50: X-shaped mask matching. (a) Original image (see also Figure 16.22). (b) Correlation image; the better the local correlation with the X-shaped mask, the brighter the correlation
image. (Figures 16.22, 16.23 show how the identified matches are used for motion analysis.)
Courtesy of D. Fisher, S. M. Collins, The University of Iowa.
A related approach uses the chamfer image (which computes distances from image
subsets, see Algorithm 2.1) to locate features such as known boundaries in edge maps. If
we construct a chamfer image from an edge detection of the image under inspection, then
any position of a required boundary can be judged for fit by summing the corresponding
pixel values under each of its component edges in a positioning over the image low
values will be good and high poor. Since the chamfering will permit gradual changes in
this measure with changes in position, standard optimization techniques (see Section 9.6)
can be applied to its movement in search of a best match.
Control strategies of templating
While it is unusual for a known object to appear `pixel perfect' in an image, it is often
the case that components of it which may be quite small will do. If we imagine the
larger pattern as being composed of these components connected by elastic links, then the
match of the larger pattern will require stretching or contraction of these links to accord
with identification of the smaller components. A good strategy is to look for the best
partial matches first, followed by a heuristic graph construction of the best combination
of these partial matches in which graph nodes represent pattern parts.
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Chapter 6: Segmentation I
Template-based segmentation is time consuming even in the simplest cases, but the
process can often be accelerated. The sequence of match tests must be data driven. Fast
testing of image locations with a high probability of match may be the first step; then it
is not necessary to test all possible pattern locations. Another speed improvement can
be derived if a mismatch can be detected before all the corresponding pixels have been
If a pattern is highly correlated with image data in some specific image location,
then typically the correlation of the pattern with image data in some neighborhood of
this location is also good. In other words, correlation changes slowly around the best
matching location (see Figure 6.48). If this is the case, matching can be tested at lower
resolution first, looking for an exact match in the neighborhood of good low-resolution
matches only.
Mismatches should be detected as early as possible since they are found much more
often than matches. Thus in equation (6.32), testing in a specified position must stop
when the value in the denominator (measure of mismatch) exceeds some preset threshold.
This implies that it is better to begin the correlation test in pixels with a high probability
of mismatch in order to get a steep growth in the mismatch criterion. This criterion
growth will be faster than that produced by an arbitrary pixel order computation.
Evaluation issues in segmentation
The range of segmentation techniques available is large and will grow. Each algorithm has
or will have some number of parameters associated with it. Given this large toolbox, and
a new problem, how might we decide which algorithm and which parameters are best?
Or, less challenging, given two choices, which is better than the other? Such questions
require us to evaluate performance in some objective manner. Meanwhile, evaluation of a
single algorithm on different datasets provides information about robustness, and ability
to handle data acquired under different conditions and by different modalities.
The issue of evaluation in computer vision applies in almost all areas as the science
matures: where once researchers would devise and publish algorithms, it is now expected
that they also provide some evidence of their improved performance–often this is done
with respect to accepted databases of images or videos to ensure comparability, a process
begun informally many years ago with the widespread use of the `Lena' [Rosenberg,
2001] image to benchmark compression algorithms. The increasing formalization of these
activities is leading to respected workshops and conferences dedicated to evaluation.
Segmentation evaluation is no exception to these developments; for example [Chabrier
et al., 2006; Forbes and Draper, 2000; Hoover et al., 1996; Wang et al., 2006; Zhang,
Evaluating segmentations raises two problems;
• How do we determine what is `right', in order to compare a segmentation with
• What do we measure? And how do we measure it?
The answer to the second here is dependent on our answer to the first, as there are
currently two independent ways of considering evaluation.
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6.5 Evaluation issues in segmentation
Figure 6.51: A region from a dynamically enhanced MRI study with partly ambiguous boundary. Two di erent experts have overlaid their judgments. Courtesy of O. Kubassova, S. Tanner,
University of Leeds.
Supervised evaluation
Supervised evaluation proceeds on an assumption that the `right' answer is known–
normally this implies the defining of ground truth, perhaps by interactive drawing of
correct boundaries on the image(s) via a suitable interface [Chalana and Kim, 1997;
Heath et al., 1997; Shin et al., 2001]. Obviously, this is a labor intensive task if a dataset
of sufficient size is to be compiled, but it is also the case that `truth' is often far from
clear. Many segmentation problems are fraught by low contrast, blur, and other ambiguities, and issues surrounding uncertainty in human opinion are beginning to attract
interest [Dee and Velastin, 2008; Needham and Boyle, 2003]. This issue is well illustrated
in Figure 6.51. Clearly, it is simple (if costly) to take the judgments of several experts
and somehow average them [Williams, 1976; Alberola-Lopez et al., 2004; Chalana and
Kim, 1997], but the elusiveness of `truth' remains an issue. As a consequence, the need
for a metric which accounts for possible inconsistencies has been identified by many
Nearly all supervised evaluation techniques are based on one of two (very well established) approaches [Beauchemin and Thomson, 1997; Zhang, 1996]: misclassified area
[Dice, 1945], or assessment of border positioning errors [Yasnoff et al., 1977].
Misclassified area mutual overlap
The mutual overlap approach, best known as Dice evaluation, is based on computing the
area of overlap between ground truth and a segmented region [Bowyer, 2000; Dice, 1945;
Hoover et al., 1996]. This is illustrated in Figure 6.52. The area is normalized to the
total area of the two defining regions; if A1 is the area of the segmented region, A2 is the
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Chapter 6: Segmentation I
area of ground truth, MO is the area of their mutual overlap, then the mutual overlap
metric is defined as
2 MO
A1 + A2
It is customary to measure acceptable quality with respect to this metric by setting a
percentage threshold for MMO , usually greater than 50% [Bowyer, 2000], but this will
vary to re ect the strictness of the definition.
This approach is popular and seen to work well on, for example, binary, RGB or some
satellite data, but is not always adequate. The simplicity of the measure often conceals
quality differences between different segmentations, and gives little if any information
about boundaries which may be partially correct; further it assumes a closed contour,
which is not always available. It is at its best when distances from a segmented boundary
to ground truth are distributed unimodally with low variance, but it is poor at handling
uncertainty in ground truth definition. Despite these drawbacks, this metric is attractive
because of its simplicity, and is widely used for evaluation of segmentation algorithms
executed on, for example, medical imagery [Bowyer, 2000; Campadelli and Casirahgi,
2005; Chrastek et al., 2005; Prastawa et al., 2005].
Figure 6.52: Mutual overlap: machine segmented region
in solid, ground truth in dashed. © Cengage Learning
Border positioning errors
Some time ago, an approach considering Euclidean distance between segmented and
ground truth pixels was devised [Yasnoff et al., 1977]. This is related to the Hausdorff
measure between the sets [Rote, 1991]; the Hausdorff distance between two sets A and B
is computed by finding the minimum distance from each element of one to some element
of the other, and then finding the maximum such.
h(A, B) = max min d(a, b) ,
where d(a, b) is some suitable distance metric, commonly the Euclidean metric. The
Hausdorff distance is oriented (asymmetric); usually h(A, B) 6= h(B, A). A general
definition of the Hausdorff distance between two sets is [Rote, 1991]:
H(A, B) = max h(A, B), h(B, A) .
This defines a measure of the sets' mutual proximity, indicating how far (at most) two
sets of points are from each other.
H(A, B) has been adapted by some authors [Chalana and Kim, 1997] as an evaluation
measure for the quality of segmentation results, where A is the pixels of a ground truth
region, and B the pixels of a segmented region. Again, this does not afford an applicationadaptable threshold for a degree of tolerance in segmentation error and does not permit
quality measurement of partial boundaries.
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6.5 Evaluation issues in segmentation
This idea has been adapted to consider only boundary pixels–measuring the distance
between boundaries of the regions instead of the regions themselves permits evaluation
of open boundaries. Local border positioning errors are determined for each point of
the segmented borders as a directional distance between pairs of points, the first being
on the computer-determined border and a the second on the ground truth. Clearly, the
direction of measurement is still relevant, as Figure 6.53 demonstrates.
Independent standard
Computer-detected border
Border positioning error
Figure 6.53: Border positioning errors. (a) Border positioning errors are computed as directed
distances between the computer-determined and correct borders. (b) If errors are calculated in
the opposite direction (from ground truth to the computer-determined border), a substantially
di erent answer may result. (c) Zoomed area showing the di erence in calculating directional
errors. © Cengage Learning 2015.
Border positioning errors are usually averaged for the entire length of the segmented
border and reported as mean
standard deviation. Other statistics might assist in
assessing different aspects of the segmentation performance; for example, signed and/or
unsigned mean border positioning errors, maximum border positioning errors, and/or
root-mean-square surface positioning errors are typically computed. For signed border
positioning errors, an arbitrary convention must be followed in which a computer-border
point located on one side of ground truth has a positive sign, and on the other side of
the border a negative sign. Then, the mean signed border positioning error represents a
global bias of the computer segmentation, and its standard deviation describes a degree
of departure from the independent standard along the entire length of the border. Using
the mean error distributions for the entire test set of multiple segmented objects, border
positioning errors can be summarized as test-set mean test-set standard deviation.
This approach has been enhanced to consider tolerance issues. Let NA be the number
of pixels in boundary A, and At (B) be the pixels of A within a distance t of a pixel of
B. If NAt is the cardinality of At (B), and NB and NBt are defined similarly,
1 NAt
Ht (A, B) =
2 NA
provides a metric that will increase monotonically with t, and converge to 1.
The parameter t is an interval of tolerance, within which pixels from one boundary
are considered as being `close enough' to the other. This re ects the acceptable error of
segmentation which may be acquired from width of ambiguous boundary sections, or the
opinion of experts. As the tolerance can be extracted from the domain, it can re ect an
application-dependent acceptable segmentation error.
Figure 6.54 illustrates the use of this metric, which has been shown to be of use in
algorithm comparison [Kubassova et al., 2006].
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Chapter 6: Segmentation I
Figure 6.54: Use of the Ht metric on a segmentation from dynamically enhanced MRI; ground
truth is dotted and a sample segmentation is solid. Courtesy of O. Kubassova, University of Leeds.
Unsupervised evaluation
Difficulties in acquiring ground truth such as imprecise definition, paucity of information, and time consumption make unsupervised approaches attractive: these quantify
quality by considering different statistics derived from the properties of an image and
segmentation, without knowledge of ground truth.
Of course, this is trying to answer a poorly defined question; in many images the
nature of a `good segmentation' will depend upon the application–for example, in a
picture of traffic we may seek to segment out cars if monitoring congestion, or parts of cars
if counting the number of Morgans driving past. Unsupervised evaluation metrics bypass
such issues completely, and will be based on the location, shape, size, contrast, or intensity
of segmented regions [Peters and Strickland, 1992]. They depend on either global image
statistics, which can be derived from the pixels in the image, or regional statistics, which
characterize the regions segmented. Characteristically, certain assumptions are made
about a `good segmentation' and these are either verified or not from the presented data.
A simple example is the inter-region dissimilarity criterion [Levine and Nazif, 1985]
which assumes that a good segmentation produces regions of uniform intensity with high
contrast along borders. If a gray-scale image contains an object with average intensity
level f0 , and the average intensity of the local background is fb , the measure M at its
most straightforward is defined as
jf0 − fb j
f0 + fb
This early metric is very simple: successors include the intra-region uniformity criterion [Nazif and Levine, 1984; Weszka and Rosenfeld, 1978] (which assumes that an
adequate segmentation should produce images with high intra-region uniformity), the
Borsotti criterion [Borsotti et al., 1998; Lui and Yang, 1994; Chabrier et al., 2005] (which
assumes that an image should be segmented into homogeneous regions, of simple shape),
and the Zeboudj criterion [Jourlin et al., 1989] (which assumes a good segmentation
delivers regions of high contrast). All of these have advantages and disadvantages, but
the more sophisticated they are, the more complex and less intuitive their definitions
All unsupervised metrics have their merits and can be demonstrated to be of value:
this can be done, for example, by correlating their performance with a trusted supervised metric (or ground truth) on a large database [Chabrier et al., 2006]. Frequently,
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6.6 Summary
the results of such exercises are inconclusive and sometime contradictory as a result of
definitions being very limiting and inapplicable to challenging domains.
One approach gaining wide acceptance (especially in medical image segmentation
assessment) is an expectation-maximization algorithm for simultaneous truth and performance level estimation, or STAPLE [Warfield et al., 2004]. STAPLE starts with a
collection of segmentations and the true segmentation is determined as a probabilistic estimate taking performance-weighted segmentations by experts or automated algorithms
in consideration. The weights given to individual segmentations are determined according to the estimated performance levels of individual contributors, segmentation priors,
and spatial homogeneity constraints. Its development is continuing with a MAP STAPLE being the latest contribution that was shown to outperform the original STAPLE
algorithm [Commowick et al., 2012].
Evaluation of segmentation algorithms is clearly important, but there does not currently exist a consensus on approach. Existing supervised approaches are labor intensive
and of limited performance, while unsupervised approaches are often demonstrated on
synthetic data sets and put constraints on image properties which often cannot be satisfied in real world applications.
For practical purposes, one must typically answer three questions:
1. How frequently a method fails to provide a meaningful segmentation: the answer
is typically task-dependent and is often left to human experts to identify.
2. How accurate the method is: segmentation accuracy can be assessed by the methods
described, or some other performance assessment index.
3. How reproducible is the segmentation in successful cases: even if not absolutely accurate, segmentation reproducibility (precision) is valuable in many applications.
For example, if changes of some object property are followed over time, reproducibility may be more important than absolute accuracy. Since many segmentation
techniques are dependent on a number of parameters and/or on initialization, such
sensitivity can be assessed by determination of reproducibility. The Bland-Altman
statistical approach is frequently used for this purpose [Bland and Altman, 1986,
To evaluate segmentation performance, the reader has access to a number of approaches
to this important, if unglamorous, phase. A comparative review, with pointers to benchmark databases, is at [Chabrier et al., 2008].
• Image segmentation
– The main goal of image segmentation is to divide an image into parts that
have a strong correlation with objects or areas of the real world depicted in
the image.
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Chapter 6: Segmentation I
– Segmentation methods may be categorized as: thresholding, edge-based
and region-based.
– Each region can be represented by its closed boundary, and each closed boundary describes a region.
– The primary segmentation problems are image data ambiguity and information noise.
– The more a priori information is available to the segmentation process, the
better the segmentation results that can be obtained.
• Thresholding
– Thresholding is simplest image segmentation process; it is computationally inexpensive and fast. A constant threshold segments objects and background.
– Thresholds may be applied to the entire image (global threshold) or may
vary in image parts (local threshold). It is rare for a single threshold to be
successful for a whole image.
– Many modifications of thresholding exist: local thresholding, band thresholding, multi-thresholding, etc.
– Threshold detection methods determine thresholds automatically. If some
post-segmentation image property is known a priori, threshold detection is
simplified, since the threshold can be selected to satisfy this property. Threshold detection can use p-tile thresholding, histogram shape analysis, optimal thresholding, etc.
– In bimodal histograms, the threshold can be determined as a minimum
between the two highest local maxima.
– Optimal thresholding determines the threshold as the closest gray-level
corresponding to the minimum probability between the maxima of two or
more normal distributions. Such thresholding results in minimum error segmentation.
– Multi-spectral thresholding is appropriate for color or multi-band images.
• Edge-based image segmentation
– Edge-based segmentation relies on edge detecting operators; edges mark image
locations of discontinuities in gray-level, color, texture, etc.
– Image noise or unsuitable information may often cause an edge presence in
locations where there is no border, and no edge presence where a real border
– Edge image thresholding is based on construction of an edge image that
is processed by an appropriate threshold.
– Edge relaxation considers edges in the context of neighboring edges. If
sufficient evidence of border presence exists, local edge strength increases and
vice versa. A global relaxation (optimization) process constructs borders.
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6.6 Summary
– Inner, outer, and extended border may be defined. The inner border is
always part of a region; the outer border never is. Thus using inner or outer
borders, two adjacent regions never have a common border. Extended borders
are defined as single common borders between adjacent regions still being
specified by standard pixel co-ordinates.
– If an optimality criterion is defined, globally optimal borders can be determined using (heuristic) graph searching or dynamic programming.
Graph-search-based border detection are an extremely powerful segmentation
approach the border detection process is transformed into a search for an
optimal path in the weighted graph. Costs are associated with graph nodes
that re ect the likelihood that the border passes through a particular node
(pixel). The optimal path (optimal border, with respect to some objective
function) that connects two specified nodes or sets of nodes that represent the
border's beginning and end is determined.
– Cost definition (evaluation functions) is the key to successful border detection. Cost calculation complexity may range from simple inverted edge
strength to complex representation of a priori knowledge about the sought
borders, segmentation task, image data, etc.
– Graph searching uses Nilsson's A-algorithm and guarantees optimality. Heuristic graph search may substantially increase search speed, although the
heuristics must satisfy additional constraints to guarantee optimality.
– Dynamic programming is based on the principle of optimality and presents
an efficient way of simultaneously searching for optimal paths from multiple
starting and ending points.
– Using the A-algorithm to search a graph, it is not necessary to construct the
entire graph since the costs associated with expanded nodes are calculated only
if needed. In dynamic programming, a complete graph must be constructed.
– If calculation of the local cost functions is computationally inexpensive, dynamic programming may represent a computationally less demanding choice.
However, which of the two graph searching approaches (A-algorithm, dynamic programming) is more efficient for a particular problem depends on the
evaluation functions and on the quality of heuristics for an A-algorithm.
– Hough transform segmentation is applicable if objects of known shape are
to be detected within an image. The Hough transform can detect straight
lines and curves (object borders) if their analytic equations are known. It is
robust in recognition of occluded and noisy objects.
– The generalized Hough transform can be used if the analytic equations of
the searched shapes are not available; the parametric curve (region border)
description is based on sample situations and is determined in the learning
– While forming the regions from complete borders is trivial, region determination from partial borders may be a very complex task. Region construction may be based on probabilities that pixels are located inside a region
closed by the partial borders. Such methods do not always find acceptable
regions but they are useful in many practical situations.
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Chapter 6: Segmentation I
• Region-based image segmentation
– Region growing should satisfy the condition of complete segmentation
equation (6.1)
and the maximum region homogeneity conditions equations (6.22), (6.23).
– Three basic approaches to region growing exist: region merging, region
splitting, and split-and-merge region growing.
– Region merging starts with an oversegmented image in which regions satisfy
equation (6.22). Regions are merged to satisfy condition given by equation
(6.23) as long as equation (6.22) remains satisfied.
– Region splitting is the opposite of region merging. Region splitting begins
with an undersegmented image which does not satisfy condition given by equation (6.22). Existing image regions are sequentially split to satisfy conditions
(6.1), (6.22), and (6.23).
– A combination of splitting and merging may result in a method with the
advantages of both. Split-and-merge approaches typically use pyramid image
representations. Because both options are available, the starting segmentation
does not have to satisfy either condition given by equations (6.22) or (6.23).
– In watershed segmentation, catchment basins represent the regions of the
segmented image. The first watershed segmentation approach starts with
finding a downstream path from each pixel of the image to local minima of
image surface altitude. A catchment basin is then defined as the set of pixels
for which their respective downstream paths all end up in the same altitude
minimum. In the second approach, each gray-level minimum represents one
catchment basin and the strategy is to start filling the catchment basins from
the bottom.
– Images segmented by region growing methods often contain either too many
regions (under-growing) or too few regions (over-growing) as a result of nonoptimal parameter setting. Many post-processors has been developed to
improve classification. Simpler post-processors decrease the number of small
regions in the segmented image. More complex post-processing may combine segmentation information obtained from region growing and edge-based
• Matching
– Template matching can be used to locate objects of known appearance in
an image, to search for specific patterns, etc. The best match is based on
some criterion of optimality which depends on object properties and object
– Matching criteria can be defined in many ways; in particular, correlation between a pattern and the searched image data is often used as a general matching criterion.
– Chamfer matching may be used to locate one-dimensional features that might
otherwise defeat cost-based optimality approaches.
– Template-based segmentation is time consuming but the process can be accelerated by employing appropriate control strategies of templating.
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6.7 Exercises
• Evaluation
– Evaluation of segmentation is useful in deciding between algorithms, or parameter choice for a given algorithm.
– Supervised evaluation compares algorithm output to ground truth.
– Supervised approaches usually compare area overlap, or distance between
boundaries there are several ways of doing this.
– Ground truth is often poorly defined or expensive to extract. Unsupervised
approaches judge segmentations in ignorance of it.
– Many unsupervised approaches exist but they are usually constrained by assumptions about image regions.
Short-answer questions
S6.1 If an image histogram is bimodal, under what circumstances can a threshold be found
that segments it perfectly?
S6.2 What are the advantages and disadvantages of edge-based segmentation?
S6.3 Explain the main concept of border detection using edge relaxation.
S6.4 List the main advantages and disadvantages of inner, outer, and extended border definitions.
S6.5 Mark all pixels forming the
(a) Outer
(b) Extended
border for the object given in Figure 6.55. If any pixel occurs more than once in the
border, mark it more than once.
Figure 6.55: Determine the borders of this object.
(Later: Problem S6.15) Construct an R-table for this
object, using the third pixel from the left in the second row as reference. © Cengage Learning 2015.
S6.6 Explain why the lower-bound method for modification of node costs increases the Aalgorithm graph search speed.
S6.7 Consider a heuristic graph searching algorithm; explain how the accuracy of the estimate
h̃(xi ) of the path cost from the current node xi to the end node in uences the search
behavior. Specify under which conditions the optimality of the search is guaranteed.
S6.8 What is the main idea of the principle of optimality? How is it used in dynamic
S6.9 What is the complexity of an optimal path search in a general graph? Give examples
of how this complexity can be reduced for more constrained cases.
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Chapter 6: Segmentation I
S6.10 What are the main di erences between A-algorithm graph searching and dynamic programming. Explain why dynamic programming is often faster than the A-algorithm.
S6.11 Using a polar representation, explain the main concept of the Hough transform for line
detection. Draw several lines in the image space and sketch the corresponding Hough
transforms in the parameter space. Label all important points, lines, and axes.
S6.12 Explain why the polar co-ordinate representation of lines s = x cos θ + y sin θ is more
suitable for line detection using the Hough transform than the standard line representation y = kx + q.
S6.13 What is the dimensionality of a Hough accumulator array if circles of all sizes are to be
determined in a two-dimensional image? List all necessary accumulator array variables.
S6.14 Explain how a priori information about edge directions may increase the speed of Hough
transform-based image segmentation.
S6.15 Construct an R-table for the object given in Figure 6.55; use the third pixel from the
left in the second row from the top as the reference point. It is enough to consider
angles which are multiples of 90◦ .
S6.16 Explain the main conceptual di erences in edge-based and region-based approaches to
image segmentation. Are these two approaches dual?
S6.17 Specify mathematically the goal of region-based segmentation using the criterion of
region homogeneity.
S6.18 Explain the principles of and di erences among the three basic approaches to region
growing merging, splitting, and split-and-merge.
S6.19 Explain the main principles of watershed segmentation. Discuss why filling the catchment basins from the bottom is several orders of magnitude faster than the approaches
using mathematical morphology.
S6.20 Explain why watershed segmentation tends to over-segment images.
S6.21 Explain why a strategy of fast determination of a mismatch can typically speed up the
process of image matching more than a strategy of increasing the e ciency of proving
a match.
P6.1 In preparation, using Matlab or a similar environment, develop some known test images
with a mixture of straight, curved and more complex borders, enclosing regions of
uniform and variable intensity. Record their area and boundary positions. Create more
images by superimposing additive Gaussian noise with a given standard deviation, and
random impulse noise of a given severity.
P6.2 Implement the various methods for threshold-based segmentation described in the text
and apply to your test images (Problem P6.1). Determine the thresholds manually by
trial and error, and compare segmentation accuracy for individual methods.
P6.3 Implement adaptive thresholding and apply it to your test images (Problem P6.1). Use
the Otsu's optimal method for threshold selection. Assess each method qualitatively.
P6.4 Implement recursive multi-spectral thresholding and apply it to color images represented by three RGB bands.
P6.5 Implement Algorithms 6.4 and 6.5, and run them on your test images (Problem P6.1)
for a range of values of hysteresis thresholds t0 and t1 . Make a subjective judgment
about the best values, then try to relate these to properties of the distribution of edge
magnitudes in the image (for example, does it help to select either threshold such that
a given percentage of edges have higher or lower magnitudes?).
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6.7 Exercises
P6.6 Using 4- and/or 8-connectivity, develop a program for inner border tracing that finds
borders of objects as well as borders of object holes. Test the program on a variety
of binary images and on the segmentation results obtained in the previous problems.
Make sure the program works well for single pixel objects and single-pixel-wide objects.
P6.7 Develop a program for extended border tracing. Test in the same images as were used
in Problem P6.6.
P6.8 Using A-algorithm graph search, find the optimal path through the graph given in
Figure 6.56, numbers within the circles specify node costs; consider three possible node
successors. Show all steps of your graph searching, including the status of all associated
data structures during each step.
Figure 6.56: Use the A-algorithm to find an optimal
path through this graph. © Cengage Learning 2015.
P6.9 Assume that an optimal border is detected using the A-algorithm in a rectangular
graph, with costs associated with each node. The optimal border corresponds to the
minimum-cost path through the graph. Discuss how the following changes in node
costs in uence the resulting border and the number of graph nodes expanded during
the graph search.
(a) The costs of all nodes are increased by a constant.
(b) The costs of all nodes are decreased by a constant but no cost becomes negative.
(c) The costs of all nodes are decreased by a constant and some costs become negative.
(d) The costs of one or more (but not all) graph profiles are increased by a constant.
(e) The costs of one or more (but not all) graph profiles are decreased by a constant
but no cost becomes negative.
(f) The costs of one or more (but not all) graph profiles are decreased by a constant
and some costs become negative.
P6.10 Using dynamic programming, find the optimal path through the graph given in Figure 6.56 (numbers within the circles specify node costs); consider three possible node
successors. Show all steps of your graph searching, including the status of all associated
data structures during each step.
P6.11 Implement watershed segmentation and apply it to your test images (Problem P6.1).
Design a strategy to avoid severe over-segmentation of noisy images.
P6.12 Using template matching, detect all locations of a specific printed character on a scanned
printed page.
1. Search for characters of the same font and size.
2. Search for characters of the same font across di erent sizes.
3. Search for the same characters across di erent fonts and sizes.
4. Employ di erent levels of image quality in the above tasks.
5. Employ di erent strategies of matching and compare achieved processing times.
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Chapter 6: Segmentation I
P6.13 Using template matching, detect all locations of a specific image template on a set
of images. Consider situations, in which a specific template does not appear in the
processed image. Employ di erent levels of image quality.
P6.14 Implement the following approaches to region growing and apply to your test images
(Problem P6.1). Compare segmentation accuracy for individual methods.
(a) Region merging
(b) Region splitting
(c) Split-and-merge
(d) Region merging via boundary melting
(e) Split and link to the segmentation tree
(f) Single pass split-and-merge
P6.15 Select some of the segmentations you have implemented, and measure their quality
quantitatively with the Dice (mutual overlap) metric.
P6.16 Select some of the segmentations you have implemented, and measure their quality
quantitatively with the Hausdor based (border mis-positioning) metric. How do these
two metrics compare?
P6.17 Make yourself familiar with solved problems and Matlab implementations of selected
algorithms provided in the corresponding chapter of the Matlab Companion to this text
[Svoboda et al., 2008]. The Matlab Companion homepage http://visionbook.felk.cvut.cz
o ers images used in the problems, and well-commented Matlab code is provided for
educational purposes.
P6.18 Use the Matlab Companion [Svoboda et al., 2008] to develop solutions to additional
exercises and practical problems provided there. Implement your solutions using Matlab
or other suitable programming languages.
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Chapter 6: Segmentation I
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Segmentation II
Chapter 6 introduced a range of standard image segmentation methods, where we stressed
the important and paramount role of segmentation in almost all aspects of image analysis.
Unsurprisingly, image segmentation methods are rapidly developing as novel and more
powerful approaches continue to appear. New approaches will aim to cater for datasets
of increasing size, as well as with increasing dimensionality.
This chapter contains more advanced material on segmentation, and focuses on techniques with three-dimensional or higher-dimensional capabilities. The methods presented
have several other features in common each called for a paradigm shift when introduced,
and they have all proved valuable, exible, and highly applicable.
Of a variety of segmentation techniques reported in the literature, we have selected
techniques using mean shift segmentation, fuzzy connectivity, deformable models, gradient
vector flow, graph search, graph cuts, and optimal single and multiple surface detection
for inclusion. These methods bring a number of new concepts, clearly demonstrating the
departure of more recent segmentation methods from 2D to 3D (and higher dimensionality), with their multi-dimensional capabilities inherently present rather than appearing
as an afterthought.
Mean shift segmentation
In Section 6.1.2, an optimal thresholding method was introduced in which gray-level
statistics of individual objects and background were estimated to yield a set of segmentation thresholds by assuming that the gray level distributions were Gaussian. In
this and other similar approaches, the main problem is to identify a number of parameters
of a pre-determined probability density function for example, equation (6.7) requires
that three parameters be determined. Unfortunately, the assumptions of specific statistical distributions (which are rarely Gaussian) as well as the need to estimate a number
of their parameters complicate this otherwise elegant approach.
Mean shift image segmentation avoids estimation of the probability density function
and consists of 2 main steps discontinuity-preserving filtering and mean shift clustering.
A non-parametric technique for the analysis of a complex multi-modal feature space and
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Chapter 7: Segmentation II
identification of feature clusters called the mean shift procedure was originally introduced
in [Fukunaga and Hostetler, 1975], and re-introduced after 20 years neglect in [Cheng,
1995]. Use of the mean shift approach in a number of image processing and vision tasks
appeared in [Comaniciu and Meer, 1997, 2002; Comaniciu et al., 2000] (see also Section
16.5.2). In image processing, the feature space consists of quantitative image properties,
which are mapped into a point in a multi-dimensional space of image description parameters. Once the mapping of all image points is completed, the feature space is more
densely populated in locations corresponding to significant image features. These denser
regions of the feature space form clusters, which in the image segmentation context may
correspond to the individual image objects and background. More generally, the goal
of the feature space analysis is delineation of the underlying clusters (compare Section
9.2.6). An intuitive description of the mean shift procedure is given in Figure 7.1.
Note that the only free parameters of this process are the size and shape of the region
of interest or more precisely identification of the multivariate density kernel estimator.
For all practical purposes, radially symmetric kernels K(x) are used satisfying
K(x) = c k jjxjj2 ,
where c is a strictly positive constant that makes K(x) to integrate to one. Two typical
such kernels include the normal KN (x) and Epanechnikov KE (x) kernels. The normal
New window
Initial window
Mean shift
Figure 7.1: Principle of the mean shift procedure the most dense region of data is identified
in an iterative process. (a) The initial region of interest is randomly positioned over data and
its centroid is determined; the region is moved to the location of the identified centroid. The
vector determining the region's positional change is the mean shift. (b) Next step a new mean
shift vector is determined and the region is moved accordingly. (c) The mean shift vectors
are determined in the remaining steps of the procedure until convergence. The final location
identifies the local density maximum, or the local mode, of the probability density function.
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7.1 Mean shift segmentation
kernel is defined by
KN (x) = c exp − jjxjj
the kernel profile kN (x) of which is
kN (x) = exp −
for x
KN (x) is often symmetrically truncated to obtain a kernel with finite support.
The Epanechnikov kernel is defined as
c 1 − jjxjj2
if jjxjj 1 ,
KE (x) =
the kernel profile kE (x) of which is given by
1 − x for 0 x 1 ,
kE (x) =
for x > 1 ,
and is not differentiable at the boundary.
Given n data points xi in d-dimensional space Rd , the multivariate kernel density
estimator feh,K (x) computed at point x is
feh,K (x) =
1 X
x − xi
n hd i=1
where h represents the kernel size, also called kernel bandwidth.
As Figure 7.1 illustrates, we are interested in locating zeros of the gradient of fh,K (x),
i.e., identifying x for which rfh,K (x) = 0. The mean shift procedure is an elegant way of
identifying these locations without estimating the underlying probability density function.
In other words, from estimating the density, the problem becomes one of estimating the
density gradient
1 X
x − xi
rfeh,K (x) =
n hd i=1
Using the kernel form in which k(x) is the kernel's profile, and assuming that its derivative
exists −k 0 (x) = g(x) for all x ∈ [0, 1) except for a finite set of points,
x − xi
= ck k
x − xi
where ck is a normalizing constant, h represents the kernel size. Note that the profile
gE (x) is uniform if K(x) = KE (x); for K(x) = KN (x), the profile of gN (x) is defined
by the same exponential expression as kN (x). Using g(x) for a profile-defining kernel
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Chapter 7: Segmentation II
G(x) = cg g(jjxjj2 ), equation (7.7) changes to
rfeh,K (x) =
2 ck X
(x − xi ) k 0
n h(d+2) i=1
x − xi
2 ck X
x − xi
(xi − x) g
n h(d+2) i=1
2 ck
i=1 xi gi
n h(d+2) i=1
i=1 gi
where i=1 gi is designed to be positive; gi = g jj(x − xi )=hjj .
The first term of equation (7.9) 2ck =nh(d+2) i=1 gi is proportional to a density
estimator feh,G computed with the kernel G:
feh,G (x) =
n h(d) i=1
The remaining bracketed term represents the mean shift vector mh,G (x)
x−xi 2
i=1 xi g
mh,G (x) = P
x−xi 2
i=1 g
The successive locations {yj }j=1,2,::: of the kernel G are then
2 X
yj − xi
yj − xi
yj+1 =
xi g
where y1 is the initial position of the kernel G.
The corresponding sequence of density estimates computed with kernel K is therefore
feh,K (j) = feh,K (yj ) .
If the kernel K has a convex and monotonically
decreasing profile, the sequences
{yj }j=1,2,::: and feh,K (j) j=1,2,::: converge while feh,K (j) j=1,2,::: increases monotonically (this is proved in [Comaniciu and Meer, 2002]). The guaranteed convergence of the
algorithm to a local maximum of a probability density function, or the density mode, is
obtained due to the adaptive magnitude of the mean shift vector (the mean shift vector
magnitude converges to zero). The convergence speed depends on the kernel employed.
When using the Epanechnikov kernel on discrete data, convergence is achieved in a finite
number of steps. When data point weighting is involved, such as when using the normal
kernel, the mean shift procedure is infinitely convergent. Clearly, a small lower bound
value of change between steps may be used to stop the convergence process.
The set of all locations that converge to the same mode ycon defines the basin of
attraction associated with this mode. Note that convergence may also stop at a local
plateau or a saddle point. To avoid such behavior, each presumed point of convergence
is perturbed by a small random vector and the mean shift procedure process restarted.
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7.1 Mean shift segmentation
If the process converges to the same location within some tolerance, the point is a local
maximum and identifies the density mode. A general algorithm for density function
mode detection is:
Algorithm 7.1: Mean shift mode detection
1. Using multiple initializations covering the entire feature space, employ the mean
shift procedure to identify the stationary points of feh,K .
2. Prune these points to retain only local maxima corresponding to the density
The mean shift procedure has a number of advantages and some disadvantages, both
connected to the global nature of its data representation. Among the advantages, the
generality of the tool is one of the strongest. Due to substantial noise robustness, the
approach is well suited to real-world applications. It can handle arbitrary cluster shapes
and feature spaces. The only parameter to choose the kernel size h–actually has a
physical and understandable meaning. However, behavior in response to the choice of h
is an important limitation since defining an appropriate value is not always trivial. Its
importance is further strengthened by the fact that too large a value of h may cause
modes to be merged, while too small a value may introduce insignificant additional
modes and thus cause artificial cluster splitting. Methods for locally adaptive data-driven
identification of h exist although they are more computationally expensive [Comaniciu
et al., 2001; Georgescu et al., 2003].
The figures in this section were generated using the EDISON software [Christoudias
et al., 2002]. Figure 7.2 shows a color image represented in an L, u, v perceived color
feature space [Connolly, 1996; Wyszecki and Stiles, 1982]. L corresponds to the lightness
Figure 7.2: Color image L, u, v feature space. (a) Example color image. (b) Corresponding
L, u, v feature space. Courtesy of P. Meer, Rutgers University. © 2002 IEEE. Reprinted, with permission, from D. Comaniciu, P. Meer, Mean shift: A robust approach toward feature space analysis,
IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Machine Intell., vol. 24, pp. 603-619, 2002. A color version of this gure
may be seen in the color inset Plate 9.
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Chapter 7: Segmentation II
or relative pixel brightness, u and v are chromaticity features. Figure 7.3 gives an example
of a 2D space analysis initialized from 159 distinct starting points.
A d-dimensional image is represented by a d-dimensional grid (spatial domain) of
p-dimensional pixels (voxels), where p represents the number of spectral bands associated with the image (range domain); p = 1 for grayscale images, p = 3 for color images,
etc. Assuming a Euclidean metric for both domains, the spatial and range vectors representing the complete information about the pixel's location and image properties can
be concatenated to form a joint spatial–range domain. The resulting joint-domain kernel
Khs ,hr (x) consists of two radially symmetric kernels with parameters hs and hr repre-
Figure 7.3: 2D feature space analysis using the mean shift procedure. (a) Feature space consisting of over 110,000 points representing the first two components of L, u, v color descriptors
(see Figure 7.2). (b) Clustering of the feature space resulting from 159 separate initializations.
(c) Mean shift procedure trajectories (using the Epanechnikov kernel). Some paths were pruned
and stopped prematurely due to plateau presence. Courtesy of P. Meer, Rutgers University. © 2002
IEEE. Reprinted, with permission, from D. Comaniciu, P. Meer, Mean shift: A robust approach toward feature space analysis, IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Machine Intell, vol. 24, pp. 603-619, 2002.
A color version of this gure may be seen in the color inset Plate 10.
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7.1 Mean shift segmentation
senting spatial- and range-domain kernel sizes, respectively;
Khs ,hr (x) = d p k
hs , hr
where xs and xr are the spatial and range parts of a feature vector, k(x) is the common
profile used in both domains, and c is a normalization constant both Epanechnikov
and normal kernels were shown to provide good performance. Therefore, setting the
resolution level of the mode detection is obtained by two parameters of a single vector
h = (hs , hr ).
For mean shift image segmentation, a 2-step sequence of discontinuity-preserving
filtering and mean shift clustering is employed. Let pixels in the original d-dimensional
image be denoted by xi and pixels of the filtered image by zi , both being represented in
the joint spatial–range domain.
Algorithm 7.2: Mean shift discontinuity-preserving filtering
1. For each image pixel xi , initialize step j = 1 and yi,1 = xi .
2. Compute yi,j+1 as given in equation (7.12) until convergence yi,con .
3. Define filtered pixel values zi = (xis , yi,con
), i.e., the value of the filtered pixel at
the location xi is assigned the image value of the pixel of convergence yi,con
Once the image is filtered, mean shift image segmentation takes advantage of the
association between each filtered image pixel zi and a significant mode of the joint domain
density located in this pixel's neighborhood after pruning nearby less significant modes.
Let pixels xi and zi be defined in the joint spatial–range domain as above, and let Li be
the segmentation label associated with pixel i in the segmented image.
Figure 7.4: Mean shift filtering. (a) Original X-ray computed tomography image of human
kidney and spine. (b) Filtered image. Courtesy of R. Beichel, The University of Iowa.
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Chapter 7: Segmentation II
Algorithm 7.3: Mean shift image segmentation
1. Employ Algorithm 7.2 and store information about the d-dimensional convergence points yi,con .
2. Determine clusters {Cp }p=1,:::,m by grouping all zi , which are closer than hs in
the spatial domain and hr in the range domain: that is, merge the basins of
attraction of these convergence points.
3. Assign Li = pjzi ∈ Cp for each pixel i = 1, ..., n.
4. If desired, eliminate regions smaller than P pixels as described in Algorithm
Figure 7.4 shows an example of a mean shift filtering process, and Figure 7.5 an
example of a mean shift segmentation.
Figure 7.5: Mean shift-based image segmentation. (a) Original image. (b) Image segmentation
obtained with hs = 5, hr = 10, P = 20. Note the meaningful segmentation of regions with slowly
varying brightness, e.g., the sky or roofs. (c) Segmentation boundaries. Segmentation generated
using EDISON software [Christoudias et al., 2002]. © Cengage Learning 2015.
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7.2 Active contour models
Active contour models
Active contour models were developed in the 1980s by Kass, Witkin, and Terzopoulos
[Kass et al., 1987; Witkin et al., 1987; Terzopoulos et al., 1987], and offer a solution to
a variety of tasks in image analysis and machine vision. This section is based on the
energy-minimization approach of [Kass et al., 1987]; the original notation is used.
Figure 7.6: Active contour model snake. (a) Initial snake position (dotted) defined interactively near the true contour. (b), (c) Iteration steps of snake energy minimization: the snake is
pulled toward the true contour. © Cengage Learning 2015.
Figure 7.7: Snake-based detection of the intravascular ultrasound catheter (dark line positioned
inside the coronary artery lumen) in an angiographic X-ray image of a pig heart. (a) Original
angiogram. (b) Initial position of the snake. (c) Snake deformation after 4 iterations. (d) Final
position of the snake after 10 iterations. © Cengage Learning 2015.
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Chapter 7: Segmentation II
Active contour models may be used in image segmentation and understanding, and
are also suitable for analysis of dynamic image data or 3D image data. The active
contour model, or snake, is defined as an energy-minimizing spline (see Section 8.2.5)
the snake's energy depends on its shape and location within the image. Local minima of
this energy then correspond to desired image properties. Snakes may be understood as
a special case of a more general technique of matching a deformable model to an image
by means of energy minimization. Snakes do not solve the entire problem of finding
contours in images; rather, they depend on other mechanisms such as interaction with
a user, interaction with some higher-level image understanding process, or information
from image data adjacent in time or space. This interaction must specify an approximate
shape and starting position for the snake somewhere near the desired contour. A priori as
well as image-based information are then used to push the snake toward an appropriate
solution see Figures 7.6 and 7.7. Unlike most other image models, the snake is active,
always minimizing its energy functional, therefore exhibiting dynamic behavior.
Traditional snakes and balloons
The energy functional which is minimized is a weighted combination of internal and
external forces. The internal forces emanate from the shape of the snake, while the
external forces come from the image and/or from higher-level image understanding processes. The snake is defined parametrically as v(s) = [x(s), y(s)], where x(s), y(s) are x, y
co-ordinates along the contour and s ∈ [0, 1] (see Figure 8.12a). The energy functional
to be minimized may be written as
Z 1
Esnake =
Esnake v(s) ds
Eint v(s) + Eimage v(s) + Econ v(s) ds ,
where Eint represents the internal energy of the spline due to bending, Eimage denotes
image forces, and Econ external constraint forces. Usually, v(s) is approximated as a
spline to ensure desirable properties of continuity.
The internal spline energy can be written
Eint = (s)
+ (s)
d2 v
where (s), (s) specify the elasticity and stiffness of the snake. Note that setting (sk ) =
0 at a point sk allows the snake to become second-order discontinuous at that point, and
develop a corner.
The second term of the energy integral (equation 7.15) is derived from the image
data over which the snake lies. As an example, a weighted combination of three different
functionals is presented which attracts the snake to lines, edges, and terminations:
Eimage = wline Eline + wedge Eedge + wterm Eterm .
The line-based functional may be very simple
Eline = f (x, y) ,
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7.2 Active contour models
where f (x, y) denotes image gray-levels at image location (x, y). The sign of wline specifies
whether the snake is attracted to light or dark lines. The edge-based functional
Eedge = − rf (x, y)
attracts the snake to contours with large image gradients that is, to locations of strong
edges. Line terminations and corners may in uence the snake using a weighted energy
functional Eterm : let g be a slightly smoothed version of the image f , let (x, y) denote
the gradient directions along the spline in the smoothed image g, and let
n(x, y) = cos (x, y), sin (x, y) ,
nR (x, y) = − sin (x, y), cos (x, y)
be unit vectors along and perpendicular to the gradient directions (x, y). Then the
curvature of constant-gray-level contours in the smoothed image can be written as [Kass
et al., 1987]
@ 2 g=@nR
(@ g=@y )(@g=@x)2 − 2 (@ 2 g=@x@y)(@g=@x)(@g=@y) + (@ 2 g=@x2 )(@g=@y)2
(@g=@x)2 + (@g=@y)2
Eterm =
The snake behavior may be controlled by adjusting the weights wline , wedge , wterm .
A snake attracted to edges and terminations is shown in Figure 7.8.
Figure 7.8: A snake attracted to edges and terminations. (a) Contour illusion. (b) A snake
attracted to the subjective contour. Based on [Kass et al., 1987].
The third term of the integral (equation 7.15) comes from external constraints imposed either by a user or some other higher-level process which may force the snake
toward or away from particular features. If the snake is near to some desirable feature,
energy minimization will pull the snake the rest of the way. However, if the snake settles
in a local energy minimum that a higher-level process determines as incorrect, an area of
energy peak may be made at this location to force it away to a different local minimum.
A contour is defined to lie in the position in which the snake reaches a local energy
minimum. From equation (7.15), the functional to be minimized is
Z 1
Esnake =
Esnake v(s) ds .
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Chapter 7: Segmentation II
Then, from the calculus of variations, the Euler-Lagrange condition states that the spline
v(s) which minimizes Esnake
must (neglecting higher-order effects) satisfy
Ev − Ev = 0 ,
ds s
where Evs is the partial derivative of E with respect to dv=ds and Ev is the partial
derivative of E with respect to v. Using equation (7.16) and denoting Eext = Eimage +
Econ , the previous equation reduces to
d2 v
(s) 2 + rEext v(s) = 0 .
+ 2
To solve the Euler-Lagrange equation, suppose an initial estimate of the solution is
available. An evolution equation is formed:
@v(s, t)
@v(s, t)
@ 2 v(s, t)
+ 2
= 0 . (7.23)
The solution is found if @v(s, t)=@t = 0. Nevertheless, minimization of the snake
energy integral is still problematic; numerous parameters must be designed (weighting
factors, iteration steps, etc.), a reasonable initialization must be available, and, moreover,
the solution of the Euler-Lagrange equation suffers from numerical instability.
Originally, a resolution minimization method was proposed [Kass et al., 1987]; partial
derivatives in s and t were estimated by the finite-differences method. Later [Amini et al.,
1988, 1990], a dynamic programming approach was proposed which allows `hard' constraints to be added to the snake. Further, a requirement that internal snake energy must
be continuous may thus be eliminated and some snake configurations may be prohibited
(that is, have infinite energy), allowing more a priori knowledge to be incorporated.
Difficulties with the numerical instability of the original method were overcome by
Berger [Berger and Mohr, 1990] by incorporating an idea of snake growing. A different
approach to energy integral minimization based on a Galerkin solution of the finiteelement method has the advantage of greater numerical stability and better efficiency
[Cohen, 1991]. This approach is especially useful in the case of closed or nearly closed
contours. An additional pressure force is added to the contour interior by considering the
Figure 7.9: Active contour model balloon. (a) Initial contour. (b) Final contour after in ation
and energy minimization. Based on [Cohen and Cohen, 1992].
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7.2 Active contour models
Figure 7.10: Balloon-based image segmentation of a fetal head ultrasound image. (a) Initial balloon position. (b) Deformation after 10 iterations. (c) Final balloon position after 25 iterations.
Courtesy of V. Chalana.
curve as a balloon which is in ated. This allows the snake to overcome isolated energy
valleys resulting from spurious edge points, giving better results all over (see Figures 7.9
and 7.10). Another approach using a finite-element method [Karaolani et al., 1992] also
significantly improves the solution's efficiency; forces are scaled by the size of an element,
preventing very small contributions (which may be noise) from contributing to the global
solution as much as longer elements.
Snakes are now a mature part of the segmentation armory with a wide literature and
a number of generalizations. Examples would be generalization to three dimensions
[Terzopoulos et al., 1987, 1988; McInerney and Terzopoulos, 1993], fast algorithms for
active contour models [Williams and Shah, 1992; Olstad and Tysdahl, 1993; Lam and
Yan, 1994], approaches to assist with initialization and problems of spurious edges [Etoh
et al., 1993; Neuenschwander et al., 1994; Etoh et al., 1993; Ronfard, 1994; McInerney
and Terzopoulos, 1995; Figueiredo et al., 1997].
A particular limitation of the snake approach is that the segmentation delivers a
closed contour which is unsatisfactory in many applications: road networks, aerial views
of field boundaries, microscopic cell networks all present segmentation problems that
snakes were designed to solve, but exhibit nodes of degree more than 2 (and sometimes
of degree 1). This presents difficulty in the computation of Eedge (equation 7.19). This
issue has been addressed in the development of network snakes [Butenuth and Heipke,
2012] where the definition of Eimage (equation 7.17) is adjusted to take account of the
local topology: then, an initialization of the [network] snake with the correct topology
can converge to a good solution. Figure 7.11 shows an example of this algorithm in
action, segmenting cell structures [Pound et al., 2012].
Several variants of active contour models have emerged: These variants aimed at
an increase of robustness against noise, decrease of initialization sensitivity, improved
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Chapter 7: Segmentation II
Figure 7.11: Use of network snakes [Butenuth and Heipke, 2012]. (a) An initial, inaccurate,
segmentation of a cell image here, watershed segmentation (Section 13.7.3) was used. (b) After
the application of the network snake algorithm. Sometimes, a short interactive phase will ensure
the correct starting topology. Courtesy of M. P. Pound et al.
Republished with permission of
American Society of Plant Biologists, from The Plant Cell, Pound et al., CellSeT: Novel Software
to Extract and Analyze Structured Networks of Plant Cells from Confocal Images, 1989; permission
conveyed through Copyright Clearance Center, Inc. A color version of this gure may be seen in the
color inset Plate 11.
selectivity for certain classes of objects, etc. Notable among these are finite element
snakes [Cohen and Cohen, 1993], B-snakes [Menet et al., 1990; Blake and Isard, 1998],
and Fourier deformable models [Staib and Duncan, 1992]. United snakes combine several
snake variants namely the finite difference, B-spline, and Hermite polynomial snakes in a
comprehensive finite element formulation [Liang et al., 1999]. United snakes also include
unification with live wire and intelligent scissor methods for interactive contour-based
segmentation (Section 6.2.5) [Liang et al., 2006].
Gradient vector ow snakes
Two main limitations common to these approaches are the requirement of initialization to
be close to the desired solution, and difficulties in segmenting concave boundary portions.
Gradient vector flow (GVF) fields have been used to overcome these problems [Xu and
Prince, 1998].
A GVF field is a non-irrotational external force field that points toward the boundaries when in their proximity and varies smoothly over homogeneous image regions all
the way to image borders. Consequently, it can drive a snake toward a border from a
large distance and can segment object concavities. In comparison to the classical snake
approach it does not suffer from edge localization problems caused by edge distortion
from their smoothing, and does not require careful fine-tuning of balloon pressure forces
to overcome noise but not overcome salient image features, and can attract the snake
when initialized at either side of the boundary.
The field is derived from an image by minimization of an energy functional by solving decoupled linear partial differential equations via diffusing the gradient vectors of the
edge image. The GVF is then used as an external force in the snake equations (7.15),
(7.22) forming a GVF snake insensitivity to initialization and ability
to segment con
cave boundaries result. The GVF field g(x, y) = u(x, y), v(x, y) minimizes the energy
u2x + u2y + vx2 + vy2 + jrf j2 jg − rf j2 dx dy ,
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7.2 Active contour models
where is a regularization parameter balancing the weight of the first and second terms
(increasing with increased noise), the subscripts denote directional partial derivatives.
The GVF can be obtained by solving the Euler equations
r2 u − u − fx fx2 + fy2 = 0 ,
r v − v − fy fx + fy = 0 ,
where r2 is a Laplacian operator [Xu and Prince, 1998]. The second term in these
equations is zero in homogeneous regions since the directional gradients fx , fy are zero.
Consequently, the GVF behavior in the homogeneous regions is fully defined by the
Laplace equation effectively diffusing the information from the boundaries to the homogeneous parts of the image. Solutions to equations (7.25), (7.26) can be found by
treating u and v as functions of time and solving the following two decoupled equations
for t ! 1:
ut (x, y, t) = r2 u(x, y, t) − u(x, y, t) − fx (x, y) fx (x, y)2 + fy (x, y)2 ,
vt (x, y, t) = r v(x, y, t) − v(x, y, t) − fy (x, y) fx (x, y) + fy (x, y) .
These generalized diffusion equations can be solved as separate scalar partial differential
equations in u and v and are used in heat conduction, uid ow, etc. [Charles and
Porsching, 1990].
Once g(x, y) is computed, equation (7.22) is modified using the GVF external force
Eext = g(x, y) yielding the GVF snake equation
vt (s, t) =
v00 (s, t) −
v0000 (s, t) + g ,
which can be solved as before by an iterative process following discretization.
Figure 7.12 shows a convergence process and snake-attracting forces of a classic snake.
It can be seen that there is no force that would pull the snake towards the concave portion
Figure 7.12: Classic snake convergence. (a) Convergent sequence of snake locations. Note that
the snake fails to segment the concave boundary. (b) Classic external forces. (c) Close-up of the
concave object region. No forces exist capable of pulling the snake inside the bay. Courtesy of
J. L. Prince and C. Xu, Johns Hopkins University. © 1998 IEEE. Reprinted, with permission, from C.
Xu and J. L. Prince, Snakes, Shapes, and Gradient Vector Flow, IEEE Trans. on Image Processing,
vol. 7, pp. 359-369, 1998.
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Chapter 7: Segmentation II
Figure 7.13: GVF snake convergence. (a) Convergent sequence of snake locations. Note that
the snake succeeded in segmenting the concave boundary. (b) GVF external forces. (c) Close-up
of the concave object region. Forces exist capable of pulling the snake inside the bay. Courtesy of
J. L. Prince and C. Xu, Johns Hopkins University. © 1998 IEEE. Reprinted, with permission, from C.
Xu and J. L. Prince, Snakes, Shapes, and Gradient Vector Flow, IEEE Trans. on Image Processing,
vol. 7, pp. 359-369, 1998.
Figure 7.14: Streamlines originating in a regular 32×32 grid of points. (a) Classic potential
force field–only locations very close to the border can be attracted to the object. (b) Distancebased external force field. Note that there is insu cient pull of the locations inside the bay
to correctly segment the concave region. However, the snake can be initialized at a distance
from the object. (c) GVF force field demonstrating the ability to correctly segment the concave
region and maintaining the ability of a large-distance initialization. Courtesy of J. L. Prince and
C. Xu, Johns Hopkins University. © 1998 IEEE. Reprinted, with permission, from C. Xu and J. L.
Prince, Snakes, Shapes, and Gradient Vector Flow, IEEE Trans. on Image Processing, vol. 7, pp.
359-369, 1998.
of the boundary and so the segmentation fails in that area. When adding distance-based
forces, the segmentation fails in a similar fashion. In comparison, the GVF snake successfully segments the object as demonstrated in Figure 7.13. Figure 7.14 shows the
attraction force coverage of an entire image using the classic, distance-based, and GVF
field forces clearly demonstrating the advantages of the GVF approach. Figure 7.15
compares the segmentation of an object with incomplete, concave, and convex boundary
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7.2 Active contour models
Figure 7.15: Balloon, distance potential and GVF snake behavior. (a) Initialization. (b) Balloon
with an outward pressure force. (c) Distance potential force snake. (d) GVF snake. Courtesy of
J. L. Prince and C. Xu, Johns Hopkins University. © 1998 IEEE. Reprinted, with permission, from C.
Xu and J. L. Prince, Snakes, Shapes, and Gradient Vector Flow, IEEE Trans. on Image Processing,
vol. 7, pp. 359-369, 1998.
segments when initialized from within the object. Importantly, the GVF snake gives virtually the same segmentation if initialized from the outside with no change of parameters.
Figure 7.16 shows an application of a GVF snake to cardiac MR segmentation.
The GVF can be generalized to higher dimensions defining the d-dimensional GVF
field g(x) as minimizing the energy functional (cf. equation 7.24).
jrgj2 + jrf j2 jg − rf j2dx ,
Figure 7.16: Cardiac MR segmentation using GVF snakes. (a) Original short axis MR image of
the left cardiac ventricle. (b) GVF snake segmentation showing the convergence process. Courtesy of J. L. Prince and C. Xu, Johns Hopkins University. © 1998 IEEE. Reprinted, with permission,
from C. Xu and J. L. Prince, Snakes, Shapes, and Gradient Vector Flow, IEEE Trans. on Image
Processing, vol. 7, pp. 359-369, 1998.
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Chapter 7: Segmentation II
where the gradient operator is applied to each component of g separately. The GVF field
must then satisfy the Euler equation (compare equations 7.25, 7.26).
r2 g − (g − rf ) jrf j2 = 0 ,
where again r2 is applied to each component of g separately. Introducing a time variable
t as before allows finding a solution for t ! 1 of (compare equations 7.27, 7.28).
gt =
r2 g − (g − rf ) jrf j2 ,
where gt denotes a partial derivative with respect to t. Similarly to the 2D case, equation (7.32) contains d decoupled scalar linear second order parabolic partial differential
equations in each element of g and can be solved iteratively. Figure 7.17 demonstrates a
GVF snake segmentation of a star-shaped object in 3D. Figure 7.18 shows an application
of a 3D GVF snake in brain segmentation [Tosun et al., 2004].
Active contour models differ substantially from classical approaches, where features
are extracted from an image and higher-level processes try to interpolate sparse data to
find a representation that matches the original data. They start from an initial estimate
based on higher-level knowledge, and an optimization method is used to refine this.
Figure 7.17: GVF snake segmentation in 3D. (a) Isosurface of a 3D object defined on a 643 grid.
(b) Position of plane A on which 3D GVF vectors are depicted in (c). (d) Initial configuration
of a deformable surface using GVF and its positions after (e) 10, (f) 40, and (g) 100 iterations.
Courtesy of J. L. Prince and C. Xu, Johns Hopkins University. © 1998 IEEE. Reprinted, with permission, from C. Xu and J. L. Prince, Snakes, Shapes, and Gradient Vector Flow, IEEE Trans. on
Image Processing, vol. 7, pp. 359-369, 1998.
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7.3 Geometric deformable models
level sets and geodesic active contours
Figure 7.18: 3D segmentation of the MR brain image using GVF snakes. (a-c) Fuzzy classification of the white matter (a), gray matter (b), and cerebrospinal uid (c) in the cerebrum.
A fuzzy classification yielded three membership functions, cross sections of which are shown.
(d,e) GVF snake segmentation was used to obtain anatomically feasible surfaces representing
the central (d), and pial (e) surfaces bounding the cortex. Courtesy of J. L. Prince, Johns Hopkins
During the optimization, image data, an initial estimate, desired contour properties, and
knowledge-based constraints are considered. Feature extraction and knowledge-based
constrained grouping of these features are integrated into a single process, which seems
to be the biggest advantage. Active contour models, however, search for local energy
minima not attempting to achieve globally optimal solutions. Applications can be found
in many areas of machine vision and medical image analysis.
7.3 Geometric deformable models
and geodesic active contours
level sets
There are two main groups of deformable contour/surface models: the snakes discussed in
the previous section belong to the parametric model family as borders are represented in
a parametric form. While appropriate for many segmentation tasks, they may yield cusps
or intersecting boundaries in some situations. The second family of deformable surfaces
geometric deformable models overcome this problem by representing developing surfaces
by partial differential equations. There is an extensive literature on geometric deformable
models, reporting a variety of applications in which deformable model based segmentation
can be used. An excellent treatment can be found in [Xu et al., 2000], which also provided
conceptual guidance to this section.
Geometric deformable models were introduced independently by Malladi et al. and
Caselles et al. and named level set front propagation and geodesic active contour segmentation approaches [Caselles et al., 1993; Malladi et al., 1993, 1995]. The main feature
separating geometric deformable models from parametric ones is that curves are evolved
using only geometric computations, independent of any parameterization: the process
is implicit. Consequently, the curves and/or surfaces can be represented as level sets of
higher dimensional functions yielding seamless treatment of topological changes. Hence,
without resorting to dedicated contour tracking, unknown numbers of multiple objects
can be detected simultaneously. There is a wide literature on curve evolution theory
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Chapter 7: Segmentation II
and level set methods for example, [Sethian, 1999; Osher and Fedkiw, 2002; Osher and
Paragios, 2003].
Let a closed curve moving in time t be X(s, t) = [X(s, t), Y (s, t)], where s is curve
parameterization. Let N be the moving curve's inward normal, and c curvature, and let
the curve develop along its normal direction according to the partial differential equation
= V (c) N .
Here, curve evolution is defined by the speed function V (c): Figure 7.19 demonstrates the
concept of front evolution. As the curve is moving, it may need to be reparameterized
to satisfy equation (7.33).
Figure 7.19: Concept of front evolution. (a) Initial curve at t = 0. (b) Curve at t = 1. Note
that each curve point moved in direction N by distance given by velocity V . (c) Curve at t = 1
assuming the velocity V (c) is a function of curvature. © Cengage Learning 2015.
If the curve evolution is driven by a curvature deformation equation, the partial differential equation describes a curve smoothing process which removes potential singularities
and eventually shrinks the curve to a point
cN ,
where is a constant similar to elastic internal forces used in snakes (Section 7.2). Figure
7.20 shows deformation behavior using positive ( > 0) and negative ( < 0) curvature.
Curve deformation driven by the constant deformation equation (7.35) is complementary, and is similar to the in ation balloon force discussed in Section 7.2 and may
introduce singularities like sharp corners
= V0 N ,
where V0 determines constant speed of deformation.
Geometric deformable models perform image segmentation by starting with an initial
curve and evolving its shape using the speed equation (7.33). During the evolution process, curvature deformation and/or constant deformation are used and the speed of curve
evolution is locally dependent on the image data this represents the motivation for the
approach. The ultimate goal of curve evolution is to yield desirable image segmentation
for t ! 1: in other words, curve evolution should stop at object boundaries. This evolution can be implemented using level sets and similar to many general techniques the
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7.3 Geometric deformable models
level sets and geodesic active contours
Figure 7.20: Evolution of a closed 2D curve using curvature deformation. (a–d) Using positive
curvature, iterations 100, 2000, 4000, 17000. (e–h) Using negative curvature, iterations 100,
2000, 4000, 17000. © Cengage Learning 2015.
exact behavior depends on the segmentation parameters. In this case, the segmentation
behavior depends on the design of the speed function (equation 7.33).
A basic version of the speed function that combines curvature and constant deformation is of the form [Caselles et al., 1993; Malladi et al., 1995]
= k (c + V0 ) jr j ,
1 + r(G
represents the propagating curve front (and denotes a level set function, see
below). The term r(G I) denotes gradient of a Gaussian-smoothed image, where is
a smoothing parameter. As can be seen, a positive value of V0 expands the curve while
k serves as a stopping term, with k ! 0 for image locations exhibiting a large image
gradient, i.e., image edges. Clearly, the edges must be strong for the curve evolution to
stop (or rather, almost stop; a simple edge-strength threshold may be used to force a
slow-moving front to halt). An obvious problem with this speed function is that it will
not slow down sufficiently at weaker or indistinct boundaries, and once the curve passes
the boundary location, it will continue moving with no force pulling it back. Figure 7.21
gives an example of segmentation sensitivity to the stopping criterion.
An energy minimization approach to overcome this behavior was introduced in
[Caselles et al., 1997; Yezzi et al., 1997]
= k (c + V0 ) jr j + rk r .
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Chapter 7: Segmentation II
Figure 7.21: Pulmonary airway tree segmentation using a 3D fast marching level set approach applied to X-ray computed tomography data. The speed function was defined as
V = 1/intensity; the segmentation front moves faster in dark regions corresponding to air
in CT images and slower in bright regions corresponding to airway walls. The stopping criterion uses a combination of gradient threshold value Tg and local image intensity threshold
Ti increasing gradient and image intensity slow down and stop the front propagation. (a) Human airway tree segmentation result employing Ti =6. (b) Ti =11. (c) Ti =13 a segmentation
leak occurs. (d) Sheep airway tree segmentation obtaining a larger number of airways is due
to a higher X-ray dose yielding better quality image data. © Cengage Learning 2015.
The stopping term rk r acts to pull the boundary back to the object border once the
curve evolution passes it. Other speed functions can be found in [Siddiqi et al., 1998].
An important question remains: how to efficiently execute the curve evolution process. The idea that made geometric deformable models feasible is to represent the segmentation boundary/surface implicitly as a level set of a higher-dimensional function
the level set function
defined on the same image domain [Osher and Sethian, 1988;
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7.3 Geometric deformable models
level sets and geodesic active contours
Sethian, 1985, 1989]. Using the level set representation of the curve permits evolution by
updating the level set function (t) at fixed time points. Instances of curve evolution are
obtained by determination of the zero-level set for individual time points ( (t) = 0). In
other words, the evolving curve at time t is found as a set of points on the image domain
for which the function value (height) of the level set function at time t is equal to zero,
and the final solution is given by the zero-level set (t ! 1) = 0. Importantly, the level
set function remains a valid function during the updating process even if the embedded level set curve changes topology, develops singularities, etc. Figures 7.22 and 7.23
illustrate the level set concept of curve embedding, evolution, and topology change.
Figure 7.22: Example of embedding a curve as a level set. (a) A single curve. (b) The level set
function where the curve is embedded as the zero level set φ[X(s, t), t] = 0 (in black). (c) The
height map of the level set function with its zero level set depicted in black. Courtesy of J. L.
Prince, Johns Hopkins University. Xu C., Pham D. L., and Prince J. L., Image segmentation using
deformable models. In Sonka M. and Fitzpatrick J. M., editors, Handbook of Medical Imaging, Volume
2: Medical Image Processing and Analysis, pp. 129-174. SPIE, Bellingham, WA, 2000.
zero level
Figure 7.23: Topology change using level sets. As the level set function is updated for t = 1, 2, 3,
the zero-level set changes topology, eventually providing a 2-object boundary. © Cengage Learning
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Chapter 7: Segmentation II
A more formal treatment to define a level set embedding of the curve evolution
equation (7.33) is now appropriate. Having a level set function (x, y, t) with the contour
X(s, t) as its zero-level set, the situation is described by
X(s, t), t = 0 .
Differentiating with respect to t applying the chain rule,
Now assuming that is negative inside the zero-level set and positive outside, the inward
unit normal to the level set curve is
jr j
and so from the speed equation (7.33)
V (c) r
jr j
and hence
V (c) r
jr j
and so
= V (c) jr j .
The curvature c at the zero-level set is
jr j
xy +
Equation (7.43) shows how to perform curve evolution specified by equation (7.33) using
the level set method.
To implement geometric deformable contours, an initial level set function (x, y, t =
0) must be defined, the speed function must be derived for the entire image domain,
and evolution must be defined for locations in which normals do not exist due to the
development of singularities. The initial level set function is frequently based on the
signed distance D(x, y) from each grid point to the zero-level set, (x, y, 0) = D(x, y).
An efficient algorithm for construction of the signed distance function is called a fast
marching method [Sethian, 1999].
Note that the evolution equation (7.43) is only derived for the zero-level set. Consequently, the speed function V (c) is needs to be extended to all level sets. A number
of extension approaches, including the frequently used narrow band extension, can be
found in [Malladi et al., 1995; Sethian, 1999]. Although the equations for N and c hold
for all level sets, the distance function property may become invalid over the course of
curve evolution causing inaccuracies in curvature and normal vector computations. Consequently, reinitialization of the level set function to a signed distance function is often
required. Another method [Adalsteinsson and Sethian, 1999] does not suffer from this
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7.3 Geometric deformable models
level sets and geodesic active contours
As described above, using the constant deformation approach may cause sharp corners of the zero-level set resulting in an ambiguous normal direction. In that case, the
deformation can be continued using an entropy condition [Sethian, 1982].
The speed function given in equation (7.36) uses image gradient to stop the curve evolution. To overcome the inherent problems of edge-based stopping criteria, considering
the region properties of the segmented objects is frequently helpful. For example, a piecewise constant minimal variance criterion based on the Mumford-Shah functional [Mumford and Shah, 1989] was proposed [Chan and Vese, 2001] to deal with such situations.
Considering a 2D image consisting of pixels I(x, y) and the segmentation defined by an
evolving closed zero-level set curve , the Chan–Vese energy functional is
C( , a1 , a2 ) = C1 ( , a1 , a2 ) + C2 ( , a1 , a2 )
I(x, y) − a1 dx dy +
I(x, y) − a2
dx dy .
outside( )
inside( )
Constants a1 , a2 represent the mean intensities of the interior and exterior of the segmented object(s). The energy C( , a1 , a2 ) is minimized when the zero-level set coincides
with the object boundary and best separates object and background with respect to their
mean intensities. Of course, properties other than image intensities can be used.
If the curve is outside the object, then C1 ( ) > 0 and C2 ( ) 0. If it is inside the
object, then C1 ( ) 0 and C2 ( ) > 0. If it is both inside and outside the object, then
C1 ( ) > 0 and C2 ( ) > 0 as shown in Figure 7.24.
Figure 7.24: Chan–Vese energy functional. (a) C1 (φ) > 0, C2 (φ) ≈ 0. (b) C1 (φ) ≈ 0, C2 (φ) > 0.
(c) C1 (φ) > 0, C2 (φ) > 0. (d) C1 (φ) ≈ 0, C2 (φ) ≈ 0. © Cengage Learning 2015.
In order to solve more complicated segmentation tasks, regularizing terms like curve
length or region area inside may be included, yielding an energy functional:
C 0 ( , a1 , a2 ) =
(Length of ) + (Area inside )
+ 1
I(x, y) − a1 dx dy +
inside( )
(x, y) > 0 and outside
I(x, y) − a2
dx dy ,
outside( )
0. The inside portion of image I corresponds to
corresponds to (x, y) < 0. Using the Heaviside function H(z)
1, z 0
H(z) =
0 =
0, z < 0
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Chapter 7: Segmentation II
the level set equation minimizing the Chan–Vese energy functional C 0 (equation 7.46) is
r 2
− − 1 I(x, y) − a1 + 2 I(x, y) − a2
= ( )
jr j
The level set equation can be solved iteratively using time step t. However, inherent time step requirements exist to ensure stability of the numerical scheme via the
Courant-Friedrichs-Lewy (CFL) condition [Heath, 2002]. In Chan and Vese's approach,
the following time step can be used
min( x, y, z)
j j + j j + j 0 + 1j
An example of noisy image segmentation using the Chan–Vese energy equation (7.46)
is in Figure 7.25: here, 2D curvature was taken as the approximation of div r =jr j .
Figure 7.25: Chan-Vese level set segmentation. (a) Original image. (b) Initial contour. (c) Segmentation result. © Cengage Learning 2015.
A large variety of applications exist in which geometric deformable models were used
for image segmentation. Examples include a level set-based cortical unfolding method
[Hermosillo et al., 1999]; cell segmentation [Yang et al., 2005]; cardiac image analysis
[Lin et al., 2003; Angelini et al., 2004], and many others.
The ability of geometric deformable model segmentations to allow topology changes
is an important contribution to the image segmentation tool set. However, this behavior
may be as detrimental as it may be useful. When applied to noisy data with boundary
gaps, shapes may be generated which have topology inconsistent with that of the underlying objects. In such situations, topology constraints may be required and a choice of
parametric deformable models or graph-based approaches may be more suitable.
Fuzzy connectivity
Many image segmentation methods are based on crisp (or hard-coded) relationships between or within the individual regions to be segmented. In many cases, however, these
relationships may vary across the image due to noise, uneven illumination, limited spatial
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7.4 Fuzzy connectivity
resolution, partial occlusions, etc. Fuzzy segmentation takes these uncertainties into consideration. Rather than defining crisp relations, it attempts to describe the segmentation
task with fuzzy rules such as if two regions have about the same gray-value and if they
are relatively close to each other in space, then they likely belong to the same object. A
framework for such a reasoning approach is called fuzzy logic, considered in more detail
in Section 9.1. While not essential for understanding the method described here, reading
the fuzzy logic section may provide additional insight into this powerful concept.
Fuzzy connectivity segmentation attempts to mimic the analysis strategy of a trained
human observer who is typically able to perform a segmentation task by hand, frequently
considering the likelihood of whether nearby image elements belong together. If they
seem to belong to the same object based on their image and spatial properties, they are
assigned to the same region. In other words, the image pixels seem to hang together
when forming an object this property is then described using fuzzy logic. Early work in
the field was reported in [Rosenfeld, 1984; Bloch, 1993; Dellepiane and Fontana, 1995].
Udupa et al. stated an important concept that voxels belonging to the same objects tend
to hang together thus defining objects by a combination of the spatial relationship of its
elements (pixels, voxels), at the same time considering local image properties [Udupa
and Samarasekera, 1996a; Udupa et al., 1997; Rice and Udupa, 2000; Saha et al., 2000].
The spatial relationships should be determined for each pair of image elements in the
entire image. To accomplish that, local and global image properties are considered.
The local fuzzy relation is called fuzzy affinity, denoted by ∈ [0, 1], and represents
a strength of hanging togetherness of nearby image elements. Each such image element
or spatial element is called a spel. (In 2D, a spel is equivalent to a pixel, in 3D a
voxel.) We will use spel and image element interchangeably. Affinity is a function of
the spatial distance between two fuzzy adjacent image elements considering their image
intensities or other image-derived properties (e.g., image edges). As such, any image I
can be represented by a pair I = (C, f ), in which C represents the image domain and
f represents local image properties. Then, f (c) ∈ [0, 1] represents a normalized image
property (feature) associated with spel c. Fuzzy affinity is considered in detail below.
The fuzzy adjacency (c, d) ∈ [0, 1] of two elements c, d is determined by the fuzzy
adjacency function. Hard-adjacency results in binary values–spels that share a common
face (e.g., 4-connectivity in 2D, 6-connectivity in 3D) are regarded as fully adjacent (adjacency value = 1). Any other spel pair is considered non-adjacent (adjacency value = 0).
When using hard six-adjacency in 3D (n = 3) and considering two spels c and d, the
binary adjacency values can be defined as
1 if c and d are identical or differ in exactly one coordinate by 1 ,
(c, d) =
0 otherwise.
A general n-dimensional fuzzy spel adjacency may be defined [Udupa and Samarasekera,
i=1 jci − di j
(c, d) =
where k1 is a non-negative constant. Non-binary definitions of adjacency are possible
with values ranging from 0 to 1. The affinity function (c, d) discussed above is only
determined for spels c, d that are fuzzy adjacent, i.e. which have adjacency value (c, d) 6=
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Chapter 7: Segmentation II
Fuzzy connectedness
is a global fuzzy relationship that assigns every pair of image
elements c and d a value in the interval [0,1] based on the affinity values
along all
possible paths between these two image elements. The elements c and d are not expected
to be nearby. They are connected by a path
= hc(0) , . . . , c(N ) i of spels, with c =
(N )
and d = c . Each pair of consecutive spels is characterized by a fuzzy affinity
(c(n) , c(n+1) ), 0
N − 1. For each path, its strength is defined as the minimum
affinity value of all pairwise consecutive elements on the path, so the strength of the
entire path is defined by the strength of its weakest local connection, quantified by
( ) = min
c(n) , c(n+1) .
Many different paths may connect two spels c and d. Let M denote the set of paths
joining c, d. Note that M is not necessarily finite. The fuzzy connectedness is defined as
(c, d) = max
( ),
i.e., the value of fuzzy connectedness (global hanging togetherness) of c and d is determined as the maximum strength of all possible paths between c and d. The strength of
connectedness of all possible pairs of elements defining a fuzzy connected object is determined via dynamic programming [Udupa and Samarasekera, 1996a] (Algorithm 7.5).
Starting from a seed-spel c and determining the fuzzy connectedness (c, di ) to every
other spel di in the image domain C, assigning the corresponding connectedness value to
every spel, the resulting image is a fuzzy connectedness map representing the degree of
connectedness of every spel in the image with the seed-spel c. A very strong connectedness
is denoted by 1, no connectedness by 0. By thresholding the map with an appropriate
value, only spels with a certain pre-determined minimum degree of connectedness to the
seed-spel remain. Thresholding the connectedness map yields the segmentation result.
Algorithm 7.4: Absolute fuzzy connectivity segmentation
1. Define properties of fuzzy adjacency and fuzzy affinity.
2. Determine the affinity values for all pairs of fuzzy adjacent spels.
3. Determine the segmentation seed element c.
4. Determine all possible paths between the seed c and all other image elements
di in the image domain C (not forming loops) considering the fuzzy adjacency
5. For each path, determine its strength according as the minimum affinity along
the path (equation 7.52).
6. For each image element dj , determine its fuzzy connectedness
(c, dj ) to the
seed point c as the maximum strength of all possible paths hc, . . . , dj i (equation
7.53) and form an image connectedness map.
7. Threshold the connectedness map with an appropriate threshold t to segment
the image into an object containing the seed c and the background.
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7.4 Fuzzy connectivity
The fuzzy affinity concept requires additional explanation. In most real-world applications, performance of fuzzy connectivity segmentation largely depends on the appropriate design of fuzzy affinity, which is computed using local image properties. Let the
fuzzy affinity (c, d) quantify the hanging-togetherness of two spels c and d; by definition, (c, d) has to be re exive and symmetric; transitivity is not required. The fuzzy
affinity (c, d) is a function of fuzzy adjacency (c, d), spel properties f (c), f (d), and in
spatially variant cases of c and d
(c, d) =
(c, d)
1 + k2 f (c) − f (d)
where is the fuzzy adjacency defined by equation (7.51), k2 is a non-negative constant.
A general affinity function can be defined as [Udupa and Samarasekera, 1996a]
(c, d) ω h1 f (c), f (d) + (1 − ω) h2 f (c), f (d)
c 6= d ,
(c, d) =
where ω is a weighting factor, h1 and h2 are segmentation task dependent and may be
constructed from the following terms
2 !
1 12 [f (c) + f (d)] − m1
g1 f (c), f (d) = exp −
2 !
1 jf (c) − f (d)j − m2
g2 f (c), f (d) = exp −
g3 f (c), f (d) = 1 − g1 f (c), f (d) ,
g4 f (c), f (d) = 1 − g2 f (c), f (d) ,
where m1 and m2 are mean values, and 1 and 2 standard deviations re ecting properties of the object of interest. These m and values can be calculated from the spels
that are known a priori to belong to the object or background. Such a set of spels can
either be provided by the user, or can be determined automatically using a rough presegmentation. As noted by [Udupa and Samarasekera, 1996a], g1 ( ) and g2 ( ) in equations
(7.56) and (7.57) can also be expressed in a multivariate version.
Affinity function behavior can be in uenced
by the choice
of the functions h1 and
h2 . For example, choosing h1 f (c), f (d) = g1 f (c), f (d) , ω = 1 favors spels that
are closer toan expected mean
value 1 . Choosing h1 f (c), f (d) = g1 f (c), f (d) ,
h2 f (c), f (d) = g4 f (c), f (d) , and ω = 0.5 decreases the affinity (c, d) if the gradient
between the spels is close to the mean value 2 . A slightly different function is in
[Carvalho et al., 1999], and a function in which homogeneity-based and object-featurebased components are treated separately was proposed in [Saha et al., 2000].
Finding the fuzzy connectedness
(c, d) for every spel of the image domain d ∈ C,
c 6= d and assigning the respective connectedness value to every spel results in the
connectedness map introduced above. Algorithm 7.5 generates a connectedness map that
can subsequently be thresholded at any value (possibly in an interactive way) as described
in Algorithm 7.4. Algorithms 7.5 and 7.6 are based on dynamic programming [Udupa
and Samarasekera, 1996a]. Generally, they output an image with values fc expressing
strength of connectivity between the seed-spell c and all other spels d ∈ C.
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Chapter 7: Segmentation II
Algorithm 7.5: Fuzzy object extraction
1. Define a seed-point c in the input image.
2. Form a temporary queue Q and a real-valued array fc with one element fc (d)
for each spel d.
3. For all spels d ∈ C, initialize array fc (d) := 0 if d 6= c; fc (d) := 1 if d = c .
4. For all spels d ∈ C for which fuzzy adjacency
(c, d) > 0, add d to queue Q.
5. While the Q is not empty, remove d from
Q and perform:
fmax := maxe∈C min fc (e), (d, e)
if fmax > fc (d) then
fc (d) := fmax
for all spels g for which (d, g) > 0, add g to queue Q
6. Once the queue Q is empty, the connectedness map (C, fc ) is obtained.
Proof of convergence can be found in [Udupa and Samarasekera, 1996a]. As described
in Algorithm 7.4, the connectedness map must be thresholded so that the segmented
object only contains spels with an above-threshold connectedness to the seed-point. It
can be shown that the resulting object is contiguous.
A simple segmentation example associated with Algorithm 7.5 is given in Figure 7.26.
Starting with a tiny 2 × 2 image the intensities of which are shown in Figure 7.26a and
using the intensity as image features used for calculating the fuzzy affinity according to
equation (7.54), Figure 7.26b gives the affinity map (c, d). Let the image spels (pixels)
be identified with capital characters A,B,C,D–and let the seed c be located in pixel D.
Q: C
remove C
f (d)
1/8 1/3
fc (d)
add A
Q: A,C
remove B
remove A
1/8 1/3
add B
Q: B,C
remove B
1/8 1/3
ψ(c, d)
Q: B,C
do nothing
initial fc (d)
add A
Q: A
remove A
1/7 1/3
fc (d)
add B,C
Q: B,C
remove B
fc (d)
1/7 1/3
fc (d)
do nothing
Q: C
remove C
fc (d)
1/7 1/3
fc (d)
do nothing
Q: empty
fc (d)
1/7 1/3
fc (d)
Figure 7.26: Fuzzy object extraction using Algorithm 7.5. (a) Image properties, which can
be represented as image intensities. (b) Fuzzy a nity ψ(c, d) calculated according to equation
(7.54), k2 = 1. (c) Initialized array fc (d). (d) Initial queue Q, temporary values of fc (d) after
removal of spel B from queue Q. (e-j) Intermediate algorithm steps. (k) The queue Q is empty,
stop. Values of array fc (d) represent the connectedness map. © Cengage Learning 2015.
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7.4 Fuzzy connectivity
The initialization of array fc can be seen in panel (c)–step (3) of Algorithm 7.5. Panel
(d) shows the initial queue content according to step 4 of Algorithm 7.5. When B is
removed from the queue (d = B), fmax is calculated as given in step 5 examining all
spels e ∈ {A, C, D}. For e = A, C, D
min fc (A), (B, A) = min[0, 1=8] = 0 ,
min fc (C), (B, C) = min[0, 0] = 0 ,
min fc (D), (B, D) = min[1, 1=3] = 1=3 ,
and the maximum fmax = 1=3. Since fmax > 0 > fc (B) , fc (B) is updated to 1/3 as
shown in panel (d). As further specified in step 5 of the algorithm, g = A is the only
spel with non-zero affinity (d, g) = (B, A) and is consequently added to the queue.
Following the same set of operations of step 5, the intermediate states of the queue Q
and array fc are given in panels (e–j) of Figure 7.26. Note that some spels are repeatedly
added to and removed from the queue. Once the queue becomes empty, the values
held in array fc represent the connectedness map that can be thresholded to obtain the
segmentation result as given in step 7 of Algorithm 7.4.
If a lower bound of the connectedness map threshold is known beforehand, the slightly
more efficient Algorithm 7.6 can be used. The increase in efficiency is indicated by t: the
closer t is to 1, the greater the gain. t is used to denote a subinterval of [0, 1] defined
with 0 t 1 .
t = [t, 1] ,
Algorithm 7.6: Fuzzy object extraction with preset connectedness
1. Define a seed-point c in the input image.
2. Form a temporary queue Q and a real-valued array fc with one element fc (d)
for each spel d.
3. For all spels d ∈ C, initialize array fc (d) := 0 if d 6= c; fc (d) := 1 if d = c .
4. For all spels d ∈ C for which fuzzy spel adjacency
queue Q.
(c, d) > t, add spel d to
5. While the queue Q is not empty, remove spel d from queue Q and perform the
following operations:
fmax := maxe∈C min fc (e), (d, e)
if fmax > fc (d) then
fc (d) := fmax
for all spels g for which (d, g) > 0, add g to queue Q
6. Once the queue Q is empty, the connectedness map (C, fc ) is obtained.
Note that in both Algorithms 7.5 and 7.6, a spel may be queued more than once. This
leads to the repeated exploration of the same subpaths and suboptimal processing time.
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Chapter 7: Segmentation II
A connectedness map generation approach based on Dijkstra's algorithm can modify
Algorithm 7.5 to deliver a 6- to 8-fold speedup [Carvalho et al., 1999].
The absolute fuzzy connectivity method suffers from problems similar to traditional
region growing algorithms [Jones and Metaxas, 1997] and determining the optimal threshold of the connectivity map is difficult to automate. The absolute fuzzy connectivity
method is however a foundation for more powerful extensions to the basic method.
Relative fuzzy connectivity was introduced in [Udupa et al., 1999; Saha and Udupa,
2001]. The main contribution is the elimination of the connectedness map thresholding
step. Instead of extracting a single object at a time as described above, two objects are
extracted. During the segmentation, these two objects are competing against each other
with each individual spel assigned to the object with a stronger affinity to it.
The 2-object relative fuzzy connectivity method was later refined to include multiple
objects in [Herman and Carvalho, 2001; Saha and Udupa, 2001]. The authors prove that
simply using different affinities for different objects is not possible since this would mean
that fundamental properties of fuzzy connectivity are no longer guaranteed. Instead,
affinities of different objects have to be combined into a single affinity this is done by
calculating the fuzzy union of the individual affinities. The extension to multiple object
segmentation is a significant improvement compared to relative fuzzy connectivity.
Figure 7.27: Segmentation task that can be solved
by iterative fuzzy connectivity. © Cengage Learning
Figure 7.27 demonstrates a situation in which fuzzy connectivity will probably fail
to identify objects correctly. Two objects O1 and O2 are located very close to each other.
Due to limited resolution, the border between O1 and O2 may be weak causing
(d, e)
to be of similar magnitude to
(c, e): O1 and O2 may thus be segmented as a single
object. This problem can be overcome by considering iterative fuzzy connectivity
[Udupa et al., 1999; Saha and Udupa, 2000]. As can be seen from the figure, the optimal
path between d and e probably passes through the core of O1 , depicted by a dashed
line around c. This core can be segmented first, for example with the relative fuzzy
connectivity algorithm. After that, paths for the object O2 between two spels not located
in this core (like d and e) are not allowed to pass through the core of O1 . The objects
are segmented in an iterative process. In this approach, the same affinity function must
be used for all objects.
Scale-based fuzzy connectivity considers neighborhood properties of individual
spels when calculating the fuzzy affinity functions (c, d) [Saha et al., 2000]. Calculating
(c, d) is performed in two hyperballs centered at c and d, respectively. The scale of the
calculation is defined by the radii of the hyperballs, which are derived from image data
based on the image content. The scale is thus adaptively varying and is location specific.
This approach generally leads to an improved segmentation, but with a considerable
increase in computational cost.
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7.4 Fuzzy connectivity
Figure 7.28: Segmentation and separation of vascular trees using fuzzy connectivity segmentation. (a) Maximum intensity projection image of the original magnetic resonance angiography data used for artery-vein segmentation in lower extremities. (b) Segmentation of the
entire vessel tree using absolute fuzzy connectivity. (c) Artery–vein separation using relative
fuzzy connectivity. Courtesy of J. K. Udupa, University of Pennsylvania. A color version of this
gure may be seen in the color inset Plate 12.
Figure 7.29: Segmentation result using multi-seeded fuzzy connectivity. (a) Region growing
segmentation results in severe segmentation leak. (b) Multi-seeded fuzzy connectivity succeeded
with the image segmentation using a standard setting of the method. © Cengage Learning 2015.
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Chapter 7: Segmentation II
Fuzzy connectivity segmentation has been utilized in a variety of applications including interactive detection of multiple sclerosis lesions in 3D magnetic resonance images in
which an improved segmentation reproducibility was achieved compared to manual segmentation [Udupa and Samarasekera, 1996a]. An approach for abdomen and lower extremities arterial and venous tree segmentation and artery–vein separation was reported
in [Lei et al., 1999, 2000]. First, an entire vessel tree is segmented from MR angiography
data using absolute fuzzy connectedness. Next, arteries and veins are separated using
iterative relative fuzzy connectedness. For the artery–vein separation step, seed image
elements are interactively determined inside an artery and inside a vein; large-aspect
arteries and veins are separated, smaller-aspect separation is performed in an iterative
process. To separate the arteries and veins, a distance transform image is formed from
the binary image of the entire vessel structure (Figure 7.28a). Separate centerlines of
arterial and venous segments between two bifurcations are determined using a cost function re ecting the distance transform values. All image elements belonging to the arterial
or venous centerlines are then considered new seed elements for the fuzzy connectivity
criterion thus allowing artery–vein separation. Figures 7.28b,c show the functionality of
the method. A multi-seeded fuzzy connectivity segmentation was developed for robust
detection of pulmonary airway trees from standard- and low-dose computed tomography
images [Tschirren et al., 2005]. The airway segmentation algorithm presented here is
based on fuzzy connectivity as proposed by Udupa et al. [Udupa and Samarasekera,
1996b] and Herman et al. [Herman and Carvalho, 2001]. During the execution of this
algorithm, two regions foreground and background are competing against each other.
This method has the great advantage that it can overcome image gradients and noise;
the disadvantage is its relatively high computational complexity. Computing time can
be reduced by splitting the segmentation space into small adaptive regions of interest,
which follow the airway branches as they are segmented. The use of multi-seeded fuzzy
connectivity significantly improved the method's performance in noisy low-dose image
data, see Figure 7.29.
Towards 3D graph-based image segmentation
Graph-based approaches play an important role in image segmentation. The general
theme of these approaches is the formation of a weighted graph G = (V, E) with node
set V and arc set E. The nodes v ∈ V correspond to image pixels (or voxels), and arcs
hvi , vj i ∈ E connect the nodes vi , vj according to some neighborhood system. Every
node v and/or arc hvi , vj i ∈ E has a cost representing some measure of preference that
the corresponding pixels belong to the object of interest.
Depending on the specific application and the graph algorithm being used, the graph
may be directed or undirected. In a directed graph the arcs hvi , vj i and hvj , vi i (i 6= j)
are considered distinct, and may have different costs. If a directed arc hvi , vj i exists, the node vj is called a successor of vi . A sequence of consecutive directed arcs
hv0 , v1 i , hv1 , v2 i , . . . , hvk−1 , vk i form a directed path from v0 to vk .
Typical graph algorithms exploited for image segmentation include minimum spanning trees [Zahn, 1971; Xu et al., 1996; Felzenszwalb and Huttenlocher, 2004], shortest
paths [Udupa and Samarasekera, 1996a; Falcao et al., 2000; Falcao and Udupa, 2000;
Falcao et al., 2004], and graph-cuts [Wu and Leahy, 1993; Jermyn and Ishikawa, 2001;
Shi and Malik, 2000; Boykov and Jolly, 2000, 2001; Wang and Siskind, 2003; Boykov
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7.5 Towards 3D graph-based image segmentation
and Kolmogorov, 2004; Li et al., 2004c], which have become the most powerful of graphbased mechanisms for image segmentation (see Section 10.12). They provide a clear and
exible global optimization tool with significant computational efficiency. An approach
to single and multiple surface segmentation using graph transforms and graph cuts was
reported in [Wu and Chen, 2002; Li et al., 2006].
Several fundamental approaches to edge-based segmentation were presented in Section 6.2. Of them, the concept of optimal border detection (Sections 6.2.4, 6.2.5) is
extremely powerful and deserves more attention. In this section, two advanced graphbased border detection approaches are introduced. The first of them, simultaneous border
detection, facilitates optimal identification of border pairs by finding a path in a threedimensional graph. The second, suboptimal surface detection, uses multi-dimensional
graph search for determination of optimal surfaces in three- or higher-dimensional image
data. These methods pave the way to optimal graph-based segmentation approaches
described in Sections 7.6 and 7.7.
Simultaneous detection of border pairs
Border detection approaches discussed in Sections 6.2.4 and 6.2.5 identified individual
region borders. If the goal is to determine borders of elongated objects, it may be
advantageous to search for the pair of left and right borders simultaneously [Sonka
et al., 1993, 1995]; following a border of a road or river in a satellite image is an example.
Such an approach facilitates more robust performance if the borders forming the border
pair are interrelated, allowing information about one border to help identify the second.
Examples include situations in which one border is locally noisy, ambiguous, or uncertain,
where identifying borders individually may fail. Figure 7.30a illustrates that left and right
borders, if considered individually, seem to be reasonable. However, if taken as a pair, it
is unlikely that they represent left and right borders of, say, a river. Obviously, there is
information contained in the position of one border that might be useful in identifying
the position of the other, and more probable borders may be detected if this is considered
(Figure 7.30b).
Figure 7.30: Individual and simultaneous border detection. (a) Individually identified borders
may not be reasonable as a pair. (b) Simultaneously identified borders satisfy border-pair
properties. © Cengage Learning 2015.
To search for an optimal border pair, the graph must be three-dimensional. Shown in
Figure 7.31a are two adjacent but independent two-dimensional graphs, nodes in which
correspond to pixels in the straightened edge image (Section 6.2.4). The column of nodes
separating the left graph and the right graph corresponds to the pixels on the approximate
region centerline. A row of nodes in the left graph corresponds to the resampled pixels
along a line perpendicular to and left of the region centerline. If we connect nodes in the
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Chapter 7: Segmentation II
left graph as shown in Figure 7.31a, the resulting path corresponds to a possible position
for the left border of the elongated region. Similarly, linking nodes together in the right
graph produces a path corresponding to a possible position of the right region border.
If conventional border detection methods described earlier are applied, the 2D graphs
would be searched independently to identify optimal left and right region borders.
Left graph z
Right graph
Left graph
Right graph
Figure 7.31: Three-dimensional graph construction. (a) Separate identification of the left and
right borders by linking nodes in individual two-dimensional graphs corresponding to the left
and right halves of the region segment of interest. (b) By rotating up the left graph, a threedimensional graph results in which paths correspond to pairs of region borders. © Cengage
Learning 2015.
The process of constructing the three-dimensional graph can be visualized as one
of rotating up the 2D graph corresponding to the pixels left of the approximate region
centerline (Figure 7.31b). The result is a three-dimensional array of nodes in which each
node corresponds to possible positions of the left and right region borders for a given
point along the length of the elongated region, and a path through the graph corresponds
to a possible pair of left and right region borders. Nodes in the 3D graph are referenced
by their (x, y, z) co-ordinates; for a point along the region centerline defined by the coordinate z, a node with co-ordinates (x1 , y1 , z) corresponds to a left border that is x1
pixels to the left of the centerline and a right border that is y1 pixels to the right of the
As in the 2D case, it is necessary to specify a node successor rule, that is, the
rule for linking nodes into complete paths. Since the left border must be continuous,
each parent node in the 2D graph corresponding to the left border has three successors
as discussed earlier, corresponding to a left border whose distance from the centerline
decreases, increases, or stays the same as a function of position along the centerline,
with successor co-ordinates of (x − 1, z + 1), (x + 1, z + 1), (x, z + 1) respectively. A
similar statement holds for the right border. In the 3D graph, each parent node has nine
successors corresponding to the possible combinations of change of positions of the left
and right borders with respect to the centerline, thus forming a 3×3 successor window.
With this successor rule, all paths through the 3D graph contain one and only one
node from each profile plane in the 3D graph; that is, every path contains a single node
derived from each of the left and right profile lines. This link definition ensures that
region borders are continuous in the straightened image space.
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7.5 Towards 3D graph-based image segmentation
Key aspects of the simultaneous approach for accurately identifying region borders
are the assignment of costs to pairs of candidate borders and the identification of the
optimal pair of region borders or lowest-cost path in the 3D graph. The cost function
for a node in the 3D graph is derived by combining edge costs associated with the
corresponding pixels on the left and right profiles in a way that allows the position of
the left border to in uence the position of the right border and vice versa. This strategy
resembles that employed by a human observer in situations where border positions are
ambiguous. In designing the cost function, the aim is to discriminate against border
pairs that are unlikely to correspond to the true region borders and to identify border
pairs that have the greatest overall probability of matching the actual borders. After the
function is defined, methods such as heuristic graph search or dynamic programming can
be used for optimal border detection.
Similarly to the 2D case, the cost of a path in the 3D graph is defined as the sum
of the costs of the nodes forming the path. While many different cost functions can be
designed corresponding to the recommendations of Section 6.2.4, the following one was
found appropriate for description of border properties of a mutually interrelated border
pair. Considering the cost minimization scheme, costs are assigned to nodes using:
Ctotal (x, y, z) = Cs (x, y, z) + Cpp (x, y, z) w(x, y, z) − PL (z) + PR (z) .
Each of the components of the cost function depends on the edge costs associated with
image pixels. The edge costs of the left and right edge candidates located at positions
x and y on profile z are inversely related to effective edge strength or other appropriate
local border property descriptor EL (x, z), ER (y, z) and are given by
CL (x, z) = max
EL (x, z) − EL (x, z) ,
CR (y, z) = max ER (y, z) − ER (y, z) ,
X and Y are sets of integers ranging from 1 to the length of the left and right halves
of the region profiles, and Z is the set of integers ranging from 1 to the length of the
region centerline. To help avoid detection of regions adjacent to the region of interest,
knowledge about the probable direction of the actual border may be incorporated into
the local edge property descriptors EL (x, z), ER (y, z).
Considering the individual terms of the cost function (7.62), the term Cs is the sum
of the costs for the left and right border candidates and causes the detected borders to
follow image positions with low cost values. It is given by
Cs (x, y, z) = CL (x, z) + CR (y, z) .
The Cpp term is useful in cases where one border has higher contrast (or other stronger
border evidence) than the opposite border and causes the position of the low contrast
border to be in uenced by the position of the high-contrast border. It is given by
Cpp (x, y, z) = CL (x, z) − PL (z) CR (y, z) − PR (z)
PL (z) =
PR (z) = max
EL (x, z) − max EL (x, z) ,
ER (y, z) − max ER (y, z) .
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Chapter 7: Segmentation II
Combining equations (7.63), (7.65), and (7.66), the Cpp term can also be expressed as
Cpp (x, y, z) = max EL (x, z) − EL (x, z) max ER (y, z) − ER (y, z)
The w(x, y, z) component of the cost function incorporates a model of the region
boundary in a way that causes the positions of the left and right borders to follow
certain preferred directions relative to the model. This component has the effect of
discriminating against borders that are unlikely to correspond to the actual region borders
when considered as a pair. This is accomplished by including a weighting factor that
depends on the direction by which a node is reached from its predecessor. For example,
if the region is known to be approximately symmetric and its approximate centerline is
known, the weighting factor may be given by (Figure 7.32)
x, y^), (^
x + 1, y^ + 1) ,
w(x, y, z) = 1 for (x, y) ∈ (^
x − 1, y^ − 1), (^
w(x, y, z) =
for (x, y) ∈ (^
x − 1, y^), (^
x + 1, y^), (^
x, y^ − 1), (^
x, y^ + 1) ,
w(x, y, z) =
for (x, y) ∈ (^
x − 1, y^ + 1), (^
x + 1, y^ − 1) ,
where the node at co-ordinates (x, y, z) is the successor of the node at (^
x, y^, z −1). In this
case, the in uence of the region model is determined by the values of and , typically
> . In coronary border detection applications, the ranged from 1.2 to 1.8 and
from 1.4 to 2.2 [Sonka et al., 1995]. The larger the values of and , the stronger is the
model's in uence on the detected borders.
The number of possible paths in a 3D graph is very large, and so identification of the
optimal path can be computationally very demanding. Improvement in accuracy achieved
Left border
Region centerline
Right border
w =α
w =α
w =α
w =α
Left border
Region centerline
Right border
w =β
w =β
Left border
Region centerline
Right border
Figure 7.32: The weighting factors w(x, y, z) associated with local directions of the potential
border elements for a symmetric region model. © Cengage Learning 2015.
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7.5 Towards 3D graph-based image segmentation
with simultaneous border detection is accomplished at the expense of an increase in computational complexity that is quite substantial for the heuristic graph search approach,
but less so for dynamic programming (Sections 6.2.4 and 6.2.5).
Improving graph search performance is of great importance, and the PL (z) + PR (z)
term in the cost function represents the lower-bound heuristic introduced in Section 6.2.4,
and does not in uence the detected border; it does, however, substantially improve search
efficiency if heuristic graph search is used [Sonka et al., 1993].
A second way to increase search efficiency is to use a multi-resolution approach (Section 10.1.5). First, the approximate positions of the region borders are identified in a lowresolution image; these approximate borders are used to guide the full-resolution search
by limiting the portion of the full-resolution three-dimensional graph that is searched to
find the precise region border positions.
To enhance border detection accuracy, a multi-stage border identification process
may also be included. The goal of the first stage is to identify reliably the approximate
borders of the region segment of interest while avoiding detection of other structures.
Having identified the approximate positions, the second stage is designed to localize the
actual region borders accurately. In the first stage, the 3D simultaneous border detection
algorithm is used to identify approximate region borders in a half-resolution image. Since
this first stage is designed in part to avoid detection of structures other than the region
of interest, a relatively strong region model is used. Region boundaries identified in the
low-resolution image are used in the second stage to guide the search for the optimal
borders in the full-resolution cost image, as described in the previous paragraph. A
somewhat weaker region model may be used in the second stage to allow more in uence
from the image data (Section 10.1.5). Further details about the cost function design can
be found in [Sonka et al., 1993, 1995].
Suboptimal surface detection
If three-dimensional volumetric data are available, the task may be to identify 3D surfaces
representing object boundaries in the 3D space. This task is common in segmentation of
volumetric medical image data sets from scanners which produce 3D volumes consisting
of stacked 2D image slices, such as magnetic resonance. Usually, the 2D images are
more or less independently analyzed and the 2D results stacked to form the final 3D
segmentation. It is intuitively obvious that a set of 2D borders detected in individual
slices may be far from optimal if the entire 3D volume is considered, and concurrent
analysis of the entire volume may give better results if a globally optimal surface is
determined (see Section 7.7).
Consider an example of brain cortex visualization from three-dimensional magnetic
resonance data sets of a human brain (Figure 7.33). Note that the internal cortex surfaces
are not directly visible unless the brain is segmented into the right and left hemispheres.
An example of such a segmentation applied to an individual MR slice was given earlier in
Figure 6.34. If the 3D case is considered, the goal is to identify the surface that optimally
divides the brain (Figure 7.34).
It is necessary to define a criterion of optimality for the surface. Since it must be
contiguous in 3D space, it will consist of a mesh of 3D connected voxels. Consider a
3D graph that corresponds in size with the 3D image data volume; the graph nodes
correspond to image voxels. If a cost is associated with each graph node, the optimal
surface can be defined as that with the minimum total cost of all legal surfaces that can be
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Chapter 7: Segmentation II
Figure 7.33: Magnetic resonance images of human brain. Left: Three-dimensional surface
rendering of original MR image data after segmentation of the brain from the skull. Right: Four
of 120 two-dimensional slices that form the three-dimensional image volume. Courtesy of R. J.
Frank and H. Damasio, The University of Iowa.
defined in the 3D volume. Legality is defined by the 3D surface connectivity requirements
that depend on the application at hand, and the total cost associated with a surface can
be calculated as the sum of individual costs of all nodes forming the surface. Therefore,
it should be possible to determine the optimal surface by application of optimal graph
searching principles similar to those presented in Sections 6.2.4 and 6.2.5. Unfortunately,
standard graph searching approaches cannot be directly extended from a search for a
path to a search for a surface [Thedens et al., 1995]. Two distinct approaches can be
developed to overcome this problem: New graph searching algorithms may be designed
to search directly for a surface, or a surface detection task may be represented in a way
that permits conventional graph searching algorithms to be used.
Compared to the search for an optimal path through a graph (even through a 3D
graph as shown in Section 7.5.1), the search for an optimal surface results in combinatorial
explosion of complexity, and the absence of an efficient search algorithm has represented
a limiting factor on 3D surface detection. One approach based on cost minimization
in a graph was given in [Thedens et al., 1990, 1995]. It used standard graph searching
principles applied to a transformed graph in which standard search for a path was used to
define a surface. While the method guaranteed surface optimality, it was impractical due
to its enormous computational requirements. The same authors developed a heuristic
approach to surface detection that was computationally feasible [Thedens et al., 1995].
A suboptimal approach to direct detection of surfaces called surface growing was introduced in [Thedens et al., 1995; Frank et al., 1996]. This is based on dynamic programming and avoids the problem of combinatorial explosion by introducing local conditions
that must be satisfied by all legal surfaces. The graph size corresponds directly to image
size, and due to the local character of surface growing, graph construction is straightforward and orderly. The entire approach is simple, elegant, computationally efficient,
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7.6 Graph cut segmentation
Figure 7.34: Surface detection. Top: Borders between the left and right hemispheres forming
the 3D surface are shown in eight of 120 individual slices. Bottom: After the segmentation into
left and right hemispheres, the internal cortex surfaces may be visualized. Courtesy of R. J. Frank
and H. Damasio, The University of Iowa.
and fast. Additionally, it can be generalized to searching higher-dimensional spaces, e.g.,
time-variant three-dimensional surfaces. While the resulting surfaces typically represent
good solutions, surface optimality is not guaranteed.
Figures 7.33 and 7.34 illustrate suboptimal three-dimensional graph searching applied
to brain cortex segmentation. The cost function was based on inverted gray-level values
of the image voxels after the ventricles were three-dimensionally filled not to represent a
large low-cost region.
Graph cut segmentation
The direct use of minimum cut/maximum ow combinatorial optimization algorithms in
image processing was first used for binary image reconstruction [Greig et al., 1989]. Using
the same family of graph optimization algorithms, a technique for optimal boundary
and region segmentation in n-D image data was presented in [Boykov and Jolly, 2001;
Boykov and Kolmogorov, 2001; Boykov and Funka-Lea, 2006]. This approach has proved
exceptionally powerful, and is usually motivated in the context of Markov Random Fields,
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Chapter 7: Segmentation II
which are presented in Section 10.12. For a broad overview of successful graph approaches
in image processing and analysis, see [Lezoray and Grady, 2012].
The method is initiated by interactive or automated identification of one or more
points representing the `object' and one or more points representing the `background'
these points are called seeds and serve as segmentation hard constraints. Additional soft
constraints re ect boundary or region information. As with other optimal graph search
techniques, the segmentation solution is globally optimal with respect to an objective
function. The general version of the cost function C calculated on a segmentation f
follows the Gibbs model [Geman and Geman, 1984]
C(f ) = Cdata (f ) + Csmooth (f ) .
the background to this is discussed further in Section 10.12 (also, compare this with
cost functions discussed in Section 10.10).
To minimize C(f ), a special class of arc
weighted graphs Gst = V [ {s, t}, E is employed. In addition to the set of nodes V
corresponding to pixels (voxels) of the image I, the node set of Gst contains two special
terminal nodes, namely the source s and the sink t. These terminals are hard-linked with
the segmentation seed points (bold links in Figure 7.35) and represent the segmentation
labels (object, background).
The arcs E in Gst can be classified into two categories: n-links and t-links. The
n-links connect pairs of neighboring pixels whose costs are derived from the smoothness
term Csmooth (f ). The t-links connect pixels and terminals with costs derived from the
data term Cdata (f ). An s–t cut in Gst is a set of arcs whose removal partitions the
nodes into two disjoint subsets S and T , such that s ∈ S (all nodes linked to source) and
t ∈ T (all nodes linked to sink) and no directed path can be established from s to t. The
cost of a cut is the total cost of arcs in the cut, and a minimum s–t cut is a cut whose
cost is minimal. The minimum s–t cut problem and its dual, the maximum flow
problem, are classic combinatorial problems that can be solved by various polynomialtime algorithms [Ford and Fulkerson, 1956; Goldberg and Tarjan, 1988; Goldberg and
Rao, 1998]. Figure 7.35 shows a simple example of the use of graph cut for segmentation.
Let O, B be sets of image pixels corresponding to object and background seeds,
respectively; O
V, B
V , O \ B = ;. The seeds are used to form hard t-links in
the graph. Then, the graph cut is determined to form the object(s) and background
from image pixels in such a way that all object pixels are connected to the object seed
terminal and all background pixels to the background seed terminal. This is accomplished
by searching for a graph cut that minimizes a cost function (equation 7.69), the terms
of which are a weighted combination of regional and boundary properties of the object
with respect to the background.
Let the set of all image pixels be denoted by I, and let N denote a set of all directed
pairs of pixels (p, q), p, q ∈ I representing neighborhood pixel relationships. For example,
2D image pixels form a rectangular 2D grid with 4- or 8-neighborhood connectivity links
contained in N . In the 3D case, image voxels form a three-dimensional grid and all their
pairwise neighborhood relationships (e.g., re ecting 26-connectivity) are contained in N .
This concept can be directly extended to n-D. A cost of (p, q) may differ from that of
(q, p) allowing incorporation of asymmetric neighborhood relationships.
If each image pixel ik takes a binary label Lk ∈ {obj, bgd} where obj and bgd represent
the object and background labels, then the labeling vector L = (L1 , L2 , ..., L|I| ) defines a
binary segmentation. The cost function C that is minimized to achieve optimal labeling
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7.6 Graph cut segmentation
Figure 7.35: Example of graph cut segmentation: (a) Image with seeds seed B corresponds to
background and seed O to object. (b) Graph. (c) Graph cut. (d) Segmentation result. Courtesy
of Y. Boykov, University of Western Ontario. © 2001 IEEE. Reprinted, with permission, from Y.
Boykov and M.-P. Jolly, Interactive Graph Cuts for Optimal Boundary & Region Segmentation of
Objects in N-D images, International Conference on Computer Vision, (ICCV), vol. I, pp. 105-112,
may be defined as a -weighted combination of a regional property term R(L) and a
boundary property term B(L) [Greig et al., 1989; Boykov and Jolly, 2001] (compare
equation 7.69)
C(L) = R(L) + B(L) ,
R(L) =
Rp (Lp ) ,
B(L) =
B(p,q) (Lp , Lq ) ,
1 if Lp 6= Lq ,
(Lp , Lq ) =
0 otherwise.
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Chapter 7: Segmentation II
Table 7.1: Cost terms for Graph Cut segmentation. K may be interpreted as the maximum
needed ow capacity of the arc from source s to p ∈ O (or from p ∈ B to sink t), increased by
one so that the arc gets never saturated; K = 1 + maxp∈I Σq:(p,q)∈N B(p,q) . © Cengage Learning
Graph arc
(p, q)
for (p, q) ∈ N
(s, p)
Rp (bgd)
for p ∈ I, p ∈
= (O [ B)
for p ∈ O
for p ∈ B
(p, t)
Rp (obj)
for p ∈ I, p ∈
= (O [ B)
for p ∈ O
for p ∈ B
Here, Rp (obj) may be understood as a pixel-specific cost associated with labeling
pixel p as object and Rp (bgd) a cost of labeling the same pixel p as background. For
example, expecting bright objects on a dark background, the cost Rp (obj) will be large
in dark pixels and small in bright pixels. Similarly, B(p,q) is a cost associated with a
local labeling discontinuity between neighboring pixels p, q. B(p,q) should be large for
both p and q belonging to either object or background, and small if one of p, q belongs
to object and the other to background, i.e., across object/background boundaries. Thus,
B(p,q) may correspond, e.g., to the inverted image gradient magnitude between pixels p
and q. As described above, the complete graph includes n-links and t-links. Weights of
individual graph arcs are assigned to the graph according to Table 7.1. The minimum
cost cut on the graph G can be computed in polynomial time for two-terminal graph
cuts assuming the arc weights are non-negative [Ford and Fulkerson, 1962].
The minimum s–t cut problem can be solved by finding a maximum ow from the
source s to the sink t, where the `capacity' of a directed arc is given by its cost. The
maximum ow from s to t saturates a set of arcs in the graph, and these saturated arcs
divide the nodes into two disjoint parts S and T , corresponding to minimum cuts [Ford
and Fulkerson, 1962]. The maximum ow value is equal to the cost of the minimum
cut. The literature gives a wide range of algorithms that can be used to solve this
combinatorial optimization task. Most existing algorithms can be categorized in two
groups push-relabel methods [Goldberg and Tarjan, 1988] and augmenting path
methods [Ford and Fulkerson, 1962]; a comparison of major graph cut algorithms with
applications in vision can be found in [Boykov and Kolmogorov, 2004].
Augmenting path algorithms (e.g., [Dinic, 1970]) push the ow through the graph
from s to t until the maximum ow is reached. The process is initialized with zero ow
and during the steps leading to saturation, the current status of the ow distribution is
continuously maintained in a residual graph Gf , where f is the current ow. While the
topology of Gf is identical to that of Gst , the arc values keep the remaining arc capacity
considering current ow status. At each iteration step, the algorithm finds the shortest
s ! t path along the non-saturated arcs of the residual graph. The ow through this
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7.6 Graph cut segmentation
path is augmented by pushing the maximum possible ow so that at least one of the arcs
along this path is saturated. In other words, the ow along the path is increased by f ,
the residual capacities of the path arcs are decreased by f , and the residual capacities
of the reverse path arcs are increased by f . Each of these augmentation steps increases
the total ow from the source to sink. Once the ow cannot be increased any more
(so no new s ! t path can be defined consisting exclusively of non-saturated arcs) the
maximum ow is reached and the optimization process terminates. The separation of
the S and T graph nodes defining the segmentation the minimum s–t cut is defined
by the saturated graph arcs.
10 9
8 10 1
10 1
7 7 80 8
7 0 08 8
9 1
2 9 91 1
7 7 80 6
7 0 08 6
20 s
Figure 7.36: Image segmentation using graph cuts and maximum ow optimization. (a) Original
image data corresponding to Figure 7.35a. (b) Edge magnitudes calculated as image intensity
di erences in 4-connectivity. (c) Gst graph constructed according to Table 7.1; λ = 0; n-link
costs calculated as in equation (6.9); reverse path residual capacities are not shown. (d) Residual
graph Gf after the one and only shortest path with non-saturated s → t connection was identified
and saturated. No new non-saturated s → t path can be found. (e) Saturated graph arcs
identified by thick black lines. (f) Resulting minimum s–t cut separating S and T nodes.
(g) Corresponding image segmentation. © Cengage Learning 2015.
The algorithm given in [Dinic, 1970] identifies the shortest path from s to t using a
breadth-first search. Once all paths of length k are saturated, the algorithm starts with
exploring s ! t paths of lengths k + 1. The algorithm's complexity is O(mn2 ), where
n is the number of nodes and m is the number of arcs in the graph. Figure 7.36 gives
an example of the steps needed for determining the minimum cut using an augmenting
path maximum ow algorithm.
Push-relabel algorithms for maximum ow optimization [Goldberg and Tarjan, 1988]
maintain a labeling of nodes with a lower bound estimate of its distance to the sink node
along the shortest non-saturated path. The algorithm's functionality attempts to `push'
excess ow towards the nodes with shorter estimated distances to the sink. In each step,
the node with the largest distance label is subjected to the push operation. Alternatively
perhaps, a first-in-first-out strategy may be used. The distance estimate labels increase
as more and more arcs are saturated after the push operations. As excessive ow may
be pushed onto a node, this is eventually drained back to the source. Details of this
approach can be found in [Cook et al., 1998].
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Chapter 7: Segmentation II
Recall that the goal of graph-cut segmentation is to minimize the objective function
given in equation (7.70) subject to the requirement of labeling all seeds according to the
initial hard constraints. Algorithm 7.7 describes this optimization process.
Algorithm 7.7: Graph cut segmentation
1. Create an arc-weighted directed graph corresponding in size and dimensionality
to the image to be segmented.
2. Identify object and background seeds example points required to be part of the
background or object(s) in the final segmentation. Create a source node s and a
sink node t; connect all seeds with either the source or sink node based on their
object or background label.
3. Associate an appropriate arc cost with each link of the graph according to Table 7.1.
4. Use a maximum ow graph optimization algorithm to determine the graph cut.
5. The minimum s–t cut solution identifies the graph nodes that correspond to the
image boundaries separating the object(s) and the background.
An important feature of this approach is its ability to improve a previously obtained segmentation interactively in an efficient way. Suppose the user has identified
initial seeds, the cost function is available, and the graph cut optimization yielded a segmentation that was not as good as required. It can be improved by adding supplemental
object or background seeds. Suppose a new object seed is added while it is possible to
recompute the graph cut segmentation from scratch, an efficient way does not require
restarting. Rather, the previous status of the graph optimization can be used to initialize
the next graph cut optimization process.
Let a maximum ow algorithm be used for identifying the optimal graph s–t cut.
In this case, the algorithmic solution is characterized by saturation of the graph by
maximum ow. Adding a new object seed p requires forming corresponding hard t-links
according to Table 7.1: weight (s, p) is set to K and weight (p, t) is set to 0. The latter
may lead to appearance of negative capacities in the residual network of the current ow.
This is easily compensated for by increasing values cp of t-links as specified in Table 7.2.
The new costs are consistent with the costs of pixels in O since the additional constant
cp appears at both t-links and thus does not change the optimal cut. Therefore, the new
optimal cut can be efficiently obtained starting from the previous ow solution without
starting from scratch. Of course, the same approach can be used if a new background
seed is added. Again, the cost constants added to the new t-links should be consistent
with the cost table and need to be modified by the same constant.
As is always the case with optimization techniques, cost function design in uences
the method's performance in real-world applications. For example, the seeds identifying
the object and background exemplars may consist of small patches and may thus be
used to sample the object and background image properties, e.g., calculating histograms
of object and background patches. Let P (IjO) and P (IjB) represent probabilities of a
particular gray level belonging to object or background, respectively. These probabilities
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7.6 Graph cut segmentation
Table 7.2: Cost term cp = λ(Rp (bgd) + Rp (obj)) modification for sequential improvement of
graph cut segmentation after adding object seed p. © Cengage Learning 2015.
initial cost
added cost
new cost
(s, p)
Rp (bgd)
K + Rp (obj)
K + cp
(p, t)
Rp (obj)
Rp (bgd)
Figure 7.37: Graph cut segmentation behavior on a synthetic image. In all cases, the segmentation was initialized using the object patch as marked in black and background patch
marked in white. The resulting segmentation is shown in light gray (background) and dark
gray (objects). The initialization patches are parts of the segmented object(s) or background.
(a) Original image. (b) Segmentation result for λ ∈ [7, 43], i.e., only using a wide weighting
range of region and boundary cost terms. (c) Segmentation result for λ = 0, i.e., only using the
boundary cost term. (d) Segmentation result for λ = 60, i.e., using almost solely the region cost
term. Notice the ability of the method to change the topology of the segmentation result. Courtesy of Y. Boykov, University of Western Ontario. © 2001 IEEE. Reprinted, with permission, from
Y. Boykov and M.-P. Jolly, Interactive Graph Cuts for Optimal Boundary & Region Segmentation of
Objects in N-D images, International Conference on Computer Vision, (ICCV), vol. I, pp. 105-112,
can be derived from the patch histograms (but more complex probability functions could
be used instead). Then, the regional Rp and boundary B(p, q) costs can be determined
as [Boykov and Jolly, 2001]
Rp (obj) = − ln P (Ip jO) ,
Rp (bgd) = − ln P (Ip jB) ,
(Ip − Iq )2
B(p, q) = exp −
2 2
jjp, qjj
where jjp, qjj denotes distance between pixels p, q. Thus, B(p, q) is high for small differences between image values jIp − Iq j < (within object or background). Cost B(p, q) is
low for boundary locations where jIp − Iq j > . Here, represents allowed or expected
intensity variation within the object and/or background.
Using the cost functions given in equation (7.73), Figure 7.37 demonstrates the
method's behavior and the role of the weighting coefficient in equation (7.70). Graph
cut applications range from stereo through multi-view image stitching, video texture
synthesis, or image reconstruction, to n-dimensional image segmentation. Figure 7.38
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Chapter 7: Segmentation II
Figure 7.38: Graph cut segmentation in a 3D X-ray computed tomography image of human lungs
and bones. (a) Original 3D image data with lung lobe and background initialization shown in
two shades of gray the segmentation works in a full 3D volumetric dataset. (b) Resulting lung
lobe segmentation. (c) Bone and background initialization. (d) Resulting 3D segmentation.
Courtesy of Y. Boykov, University of Western Ontario and B. Geiger, Siemens Research. A color
version of this gure may be seen in the color inset Plate 13.
demonstrates the capability of the method to segment lung lobes from X-ray computed
tomography data.
Boykov and Jolly's method is exible and shares some of the elegance of level set
methods. It has been shown that that if the arcs of Gst are properly constructed and
their costs properly assigned, a minimum s–t cut in Gst can be used to minimize the
cost function of a more general form combining length, area, and ux terms globally in
an efficient way [Kolmogorov and Boykov, 2005; Boykov et al., 2006]. In turn, if the cost
function is appropriately designed, a minimum s–t cut can segment an image into objects
and background as desired. Similarly to level sets, the results are topology-unconstrained
and may be sensitive to initial seed point selections unless a priori shape knowledge about
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7.7 Optimal single and multiple surface segmentation
the objects is incorporated. While the graph cut approach provides an inherently binary
segmentation, it can be extended to multi-label segmentation problems [Boykov and
Veksler, 2006]. Unfortunately, the multi-way cut problem is NP–complete and an expansion algorithm may be used to obtain a good approximate solution [Boykov et al.,
2001]. A combination of graph cuts and geodesic active contours is reported in [Boykov
and Kolmogorov, 2003]. A connection between discrete graph cut algorithms and global
optimization of a wide class of continuous surface functionals can be found in [Kolmogorov
and Boykov, 2005]. In-depth discussion of associations between the level set and graph
cut approaches can be found in [Boykov and Kolmogorov, 2003; Boykov and Funka-Lea,
2006; Boykov et al., 2006]. Experimental comparison of performance of several mincut/max- ow algorithms for energy minimization in vision applications can be found in
[Boykov et al., 2001].
Optimal single and multiple surface segmentation
The task of optimally identifying three-dimensional surfaces representing object boundaries is important in segmentation and quantitative analysis of volumetric images. In
addition to single standalone surfaces, many surfaces that need to be identified appear in
mutual interactions. These surfaces are coupled in a way that their topology and relative
positions are usually known, and appear in some specific relationship. Clearly, incorporating such surface-interrelation information into the segmentation will further improve
its accuracy and robustness. Simultaneous segmentation of coupled surfaces in volumetric
images is an under-explored topic, especially when more than two are involved.
A polynomial time method exists for n-D (n
3) optimal hyper-surface detection
with hard smoothness constraints, making globally optimal surface segmentation in volumetric images practical [Wu and Chen, 2002; Li et al., 2004b]. By modeling the problem
with a weighted geometric graph, the method transforms the problem into computing
a minimum s–t cut in a directed graph, which simplifies the problem and consequently
solves it in polynomial time. Note that the general method of graph cut optimization
is used again, which accounts for a possibly confusing terminological similarity between
direct graph cut segmentation (Section 7.6) and the optimal surface segmentation methods reported here. Nevertheless, the two approaches are principally different as becomes
obvious below.
Optimal surface segmentation facilitates simultaneous detection of k (k
2) interrelated surfaces by modeling the n-D problem in an (n + 1)-D geometric graph (or
simply graph), where the (n + 1)-th dimension holds special arcs that control interrelations between pairs of sought surfaces [Li et al., 2004a, 2006]. The apparently daunting
combinatorial explosion in computation is avoided by transforming the problems into
computing minimum s–t cuts. The Layered Optimal Graph Image Segmentation
of Multiple Objects and Surfaces is abbreviated as LOGISMOS [Yin et al., 2010].
Like other graph-search based segmentation methods, this approach first builds a
graph that contains information about the boundaries of the target objects in the input
image, and then searches the graph for a segmentation solution. However, to make this
approach work effectively for segmentation problems, several key issues must be handled:
(i) How to obtain relevant information about the target object boundaries; (ii) how to
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Chapter 7: Segmentation II
capture such information in a graph; and (iii) how to search the graph for the optimal
surfaces of the target objects. The general approach consists of five main steps, which
constitute a high level solution to these three key issues. Of course, in solving different
segmentation problems, variations of these steps may be applied.
Algorithm 7.8: Optimal surface segmentation
1. Pre-segmentation. Given an input image, perform a pre-segmentation to obtain
an approximation to the (unknown) surfaces for target object boundaries. This
gives useful information on the topological structures of the target object(s).
Several approximate surface detection methods are available, such as active appearance models, level sets, and atlas-based registration. For surfaces with a
geometry that is known to be relatively simple and thus allows the unfolding
process (e.g., terrain-like, cylindrical, tubular, or spherical surfaces), this first
step may not be needed.
2. Mesh Generation. From the resulting approximate surface(s), a mesh is computed. The mesh is used to specify the structure of a graph GB , called the
base graph. GB defines the neighboring relations among voxels on the sought
(optimal) surfaces. Voronoi diagram and Delaunay triangulation algorithms or
isosurfacing methods (e.g., marching cubes) can be used for mesh generation.
For surfaces allowing an unfolding operation, this step may not be needed, since
in many cases a mesh can be obtained easily.
3. Image Resampling. For each voxel v on the sought surfaces, a vector of voxels
is created that is expected to contain v. This is done by resampling the input
image along a ray intersecting every vertex u of the mesh (one ray per mesh
vertex). The direction of the ray is either an approximate normal of the meshed
surface at u, or is defined by a center point/line of the target object. These voxel
vectors produced by the resampling form a new image.
4. Graph Construction. A weighted directed graph G is built on the vectors of
voxels in the image that resulted from the resampling. Each voxel vector corresponds to a list of nodes in G (called a column). G is a geometric graph since
it is naturally embedded in an n-D space (n 3). Neighboring relations among
voxels on the surfaces are represented by adjacency relations among the columns
of G, as specified by the arcs in the base graph GB . Each column contains exactly one voxel located on the sought surfaces. The arcs of G are used to enforce
constraints on the surfaces, such as smoothness and inter-surface separation constraints. The intensity of each voxel in the vectors is related to the cost of the
corresponding node in G. The node costs of G can also encode edge-based and
region-based cost functions. Information on the constraints and cost functions
of a target segmentation problem needs to be obtained.
5. Graph Search. The graph construction scheme ensures that the sought optimal
surfaces correspond to an optimal closed set in the weighted directed graph G
[Wu and Chen, 2002; Li et al., 2006]. Thus, the sought optimal surfaces are
obtained by searching for an optimal closed set in G using efficient closed set
algorithms in graph theory and can be achieved by using standard s–t cut algorithms.
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7.7 Optimal single and multiple surface segmentation
Simple example The formal description of graph search algorithms given here is precise
but not very intuitive. To reach an intuitive understanding of the underlying processes
before a formal description, a simple 2D example is presented corresponding to a tiny
2 × 4 image. Let graph nodes correspond to image pixels with a cost associated with
each node (Figure 7.39a). The goal is to find the minimum-cost path from left to right
the path cost is calculated as the sum of its node costs. The list of all paths in the
graph includes (considering that the maximum allowed vertical distance between the two
next-column nodes of the path is 1): ae, af , be, bf , bg, cf , cg, ch, dg and dh. The
minimum-cost path can be easily identified as cg with a cost of 2.
Figure 7.39: Simple example of the minimum cost graph-search detection algorithm. See text
for details. © Cengage Learning 2015.
The arcs of the graph are constructed as shown in Figure 7.39b. Cost transformation
is performed by subtracting the cost of the node immediately below from the cost of the
node under consideration (Figure 7.39c). The costs of the bottommost two nodes are left
unchanged, unless their cost sum is greater or equal to 0. If so, the sum of the bottom
node costs is increased by one and subtracted from any single one of the bottommost
nodes. In this example, the sum of the bottommost two nodes is 11; select node d and
subtract 12 from its cost (Figure 7.39c). A closed set is a subset of the graph nodes
with no arcs leaving the set. Every potential path in Figure 7.39a uniquely corresponds
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Chapter 7: Segmentation II
to a closed set in Figure 7.39c. Importantly, the minimum-cost path corresponds to the
minimum-cost closed set in Figure 7.39c.
To compute the minimum-cost closed set of the graph, a transform to an arc-weighted
directed graph is performed. Two new auxiliary nodes are added to the graph a start
node s with a connecting arc to every negative-cost node, and a terminal node t with an
arc from every non-negative-cost node. Every arc is assigned a capacity. Arc capacities
from (to) the start (terminal) node are the absolute values of the costs of the nodes they
are connected to (from) (Figure 7.39d). All other arcs have infinite capacity. The node
costs are no longer used and are ignored. The minimum-cost closed set of the graph in
Figure 7.39c can be obtained by computing the minimum s–t cut or maximum flow from
s to t in the graph.
The graph transforms described above represent the core of this approach. To solve
the next step, several algorithms for computing the minimum s–t cut exist as outlined
in the previous section. Following the maximum ow optimization approach (Section
7.6), the negative-cost (non-negative-cost) nodes are tunnels allowing water to ow in
(out), and arcs are pipes connecting the source, tunnels and the sink. The pipes are
directional, and the cumulative water ow cannot exceed pipe capacity. Due to the
limited pipe capacities, the amount of water that can ow from the source to the sink
will have some maximum. To achieve this maximum ow, some pipes will be saturated,
meaning that the water owing through them will equal their capacities. In Figure 7.39e,
the path from s to t was found with a capacity of 3, which will saturate the path's pipes
(arcs) from the source s and to the sink t. These two saturated pipes are removed and
a new pipe is created in the reverse direction along the path having a capacity of 3.
In Figure 7.39f, another s–t path is found with a capacity 7. Similarly, a reverse path
with capacity 7 is created. Figure 7.39g identifies the third and final path that can be
found its capacity of 1 saturates the pipe to the sink that was not completely saturated
in the previous step. Since this was the last path, all tunnels that can be reached from
the source are identified (Figure 7.39h) as belonging to the minimum cost closed set
(Figure 7.39i). The uppermost nodes of the minimum closed set form the minimum cost
path thus determining the solution.
Graph construction A key innovation of this method is its non-trivial graph construction, aiming to transform the surface segmentation problem into computing a minimum
closed set in a node-weighted directed graph. A closed set Z in a digraph is a subset of
nodes such that all successors of any nodes in Z are also contained in Z. The cost of a
closed set is the total cost of the nodes in the set. The minimum closed set problem is to
search for a closed set with the minimum cost, which can be solved in polynomial time
by computing a minimum s–t cut in a derived arc-weighted digraph [Hochbaum, 2001].
Single surface graph construction A volumetric image can be viewed as a 3D matrix
I(x, y, z) (Figure 7.40). Without loss of generality, a surface in I is considered to be
terrain-like and oriented as shown in Figure 7.41. Let X, Y and Z denote the image
sizes in x, y and z directions, respectively. We utilize a multi-column modeling technique.
A surface is defined by a function S : (x, y) ! S(x, y), where x ∈ x = {0, . . . , X − 1},
y ∈ y = {0, . . . , Y −1} and S(x, y) ∈ z = {0, . . . , Z −1}. Thus, any surface in I intersects
with exactly one voxel of each column (of voxels) parallel to the z-axis, and it consists
of exactly X × Y voxels.
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7.7 Optimal single and multiple surface segmentation
Figure 7.40: Graph construction. (a) Graph node neighbors considering the smoothness constraint ∆x = ∆y = 2). (b) 3D graph XY Z and the 3D surface dividing the graph into upper
and lower parts. © Cengage Learning 2015.
Figure 7.41: The single surface detection problem. (a) The surface orientation. (b) Two adjacent
columns of the constructed directed graph. Arcs shown in dashed lines are optional. © Cengage
Learning 2015.
A surface is regarded as feasible if it satisfies some application-specific smoothness
constraint, defined by two smoothness parameters, x and y ; this constraint guarantees
surface connectivity in 3D. More precisely, if I(x, y, z) and I(x + 1, y, z 0 ) are two voxels
on a feasible surface, then jz − z 0 j
x : and if I(x, y, z) and I(x, y + 1, z ) are two voxels
on a feasible surface, then jz − z 0 j
surface is stiff
along the x (y) direction, and the stiffness decreases with larger x ( y ).
By defining a cost function, a cost value is computed for each voxel I(x, y, z) of
I, denoted by c(x, y, z). Generally, c(x, y, z) is an arbitrary real value that is inversely
related to the likelihood that the desired surface contains the voxel I(x, y, z). The cost
of a surface is the total cost of all voxels on the surface. An optimal surface is the surface
with the minimum cost among all feasible surfaces definable in the 3D volume.
A node-weighted directed graph G = (V, E) is constructed as follows. Every node
V (x, y, z) ∈ V represents one and only one voxel I(x, y, z) ∈ I, whose cost w(x, y, z) is
assigned according to:
c(x, y, z)
if z = 0 ,
w(x, y, z) =
c(x, y, z) − c(x, y, z − 1) otherwise.
A node V (x, y, z) is above (resp., below) another node V (x0 , y 0 , z 0 ) if z > z 0 (resp., z <
z ). For each (x, y) pair with x ∈ x and y ∈ y, the node subset {V (x, y, z)jz ∈ z} is called
the (x, y)-column of G, denoted by Col(x, y). Two (x, y)-columns are adjacent if their
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Chapter 7: Segmentation II
(x, y) coordinates are neighbors under a given neighborhood system. For instance, under
the 4-neighbor setting, the column Col(x, y) is adjacent to Col(x + 1, y), Col(x − 1, y),
Col(x, y + 1), and Col(x, y − 1). Hereafter, the 4-connectivity is assumed. The arcs of G
consist of two types, intra-column arcs and inter-column arcs:
• Intra-column arcs E a : Along each column Col(x, y), every node V (x, y, z), z > 0
has a directed arc to the node V (x, y, z − 1), i.e.,
E a = V (x, y, z), V (x, y, z − 1) z > 0 .
• Inter-column arcs E r : Consider any two adjacent columns, Col(x, y) and Col(x +
1, y). Along the x-direction and for any x ∈ x, a directed arc is constructed
each node V (x, y, z) ∈ Col(x, y) to node V x + 1, y, max(0, z − x ) ∈ Col(x +
1, y). Similarly, a directed
arc is connected from V (x + 1, y, z) ∈ Col(x + 1, y)
to V x, y, max(0, z − x ) ∈ Col(x, y). The same construction is done in the ydirection. These arcs enforce the smoothness constraints. In summary,
E r = V x, y, z , V x + 1, y, max(0, z − x )
x ∈ {0, . . . , X − 2}, z ∈ z
V x, y, z , V x − 1, y, max(0, z − x )
x ∈ {1, . . . , X − 1}, z ∈ z
V x, y, z , V x, y + 1, max(0, z − y )
y ∈ {0, . . . , Y − 2}, z ∈ z
y ∈ {1, . . . , Y − 1}, z ∈ z
V x, y, z , V x, y − 1, max(0, z − y )
Intuitively, the inter-column arcs guarantee that if voxel I(x, y, z) is on a feasible surface S, then its neighboring voxels on S along the x-direction, I(x + 1, y, z 0 ) and I(x −
1, y, z 00 ), must be no `lower' than voxel I x, y, max(0, z − x ) , i.e., z 0 , z 00 max(0, z −
x ). The same rule applies to the y-direction. The inter-column arcs make the node set
V (x, y, 0) strongly connected, meaning that in V (x, y, 0), every node is reachable from
every other node through some directed path. V (x, y, 0) also forms the `lowest' feasible
surface that can be defined in G. Because of this, the node set V (x, y, 0) is given a
special name called the base set, denoted by V B .
As presented, the graph search approach would only facilitate plane-like surface detection (see Figure 7.40b). However, the 3D surface to be searched often has a cylindrical shape and the method can detect circular surfaces after a straightforward extension. Assume that the desired surface is required to be wraparound along the x- (or
y-) direction. The cylindrical surface is first unfolded into a terrain-like surface using
a cylindrical coordinate transform before applying the algorithm (Figure 7.42). Then,
the first and last rows along the unfolding plane shall satisfy the smoothness constraints.
In the x-wraparound case, each
node V (0, y, z), resp., V (X − 1, y, z), also connects to
V X − 1, y, max(0, z − x ) , resp., V 0, y, max(0, z − x ) . The same rule applies to
the y-wraparound case.
Multiple surface graph construction For simultaneously segmenting k (k 2) distinct
but interrelated surfaces, the optimality is not only determined by the inherent costs and
smoothness properties of the individual surfaces, but also confined by their interrelations.
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7.7 Optimal single and multiple surface segmentation
Figure 7.42: Image unfolding. (a) A tubular object in a volumetric image. (b) `Unfolding' the
tubular object in (a) to form a new 3D image. The boundary of the tubular object in the original
data corresponds to the surface to be detected in the unfolded image. © Cengage Learning 2015.
If surface interactions are not considered, the k surfaces Si can be detected in k
separate 3D graphs Gi = (Vi , Ei ) = (Vi , Eia [ Eir ), i = 1, . . . , k. Each Gi is constructed as
presented above. The node costs are computed utilizing k cost functions (not necessarily
distinct), each of which is designed for searching one surface. Taking surface interrelations
into account, another set of arcs E s is needed, forming a directed graph G(V, E) in 4D
space with V = [ki=1 Vi and E = [ki=1 Ei [ E s . The arcs in E s are called inter-surface
arcs, which model the pairwise relations between surfaces. For each pair of the surfaces,
their relations are described using two parameters, l 0 and u 0, representing the
surface separation constraint.
The construction of E s for double-surface segmentation is detailed below. The ideas
can easily be generalized to handling more than two surfaces. In many practical problems,
the surfaces are expected not to intersect or overlap. Suppose that for two surfaces S1
and S2 to be detected, prior knowledge requires S2 being below S1 . Let the minimum
distance between them be l voxel units, and the maximum distance be u voxel units.
Let the 3D graphs used for the search of S1 and S2 be G1 and G2 , respectively, and let
Col1 (x, y) and Col2 (x, y) denote two corresponding columns in G1 and G2 .
For any node V1 (x, y, z) in Col1 (x, y) with z
, a directed arc in E s connecting
V1 (x, y, z) to V2 (x, y, z − ) is constructed. Also, for each node V2 (x, y, z) in Col2 (x, y)
with z < Z − l , a directed arc in E s connecting V2 (x, y, z) to V1 (x, y, z + l ) is introduced.
This construction is applied to every pair of corresponding columns of G1 and G2 .
Because of the separation constraint (S2 is at least l voxel units below S1 ), any
node V1 (x, y, z) with z < l cannot be on surface S1 . Otherwise, no node in Col2 (x, y)
could be on surface S2 . Likewise, any node V2 (x, y, z) with z Z − l cannot belong to
surface S2 . These nodes that cannot appear in any feasible solution to the problem are
called deficient nodes. Hence, for each column Col1 (x, y) ∈ G1 , it is safe to remove all
nodes V1 (x, y, z) with z < l and their incident arcs in E1 . Similarly, for each column
Col2 (x, y) ∈ G2 , all nodes V2 (x, y, z) with z Z − l and their incident arcs in E2 can
be safely eliminated.
Due to the removal of deficient nodes, the base set of G1 becomes V1 (x, y, l ). Correspondingly, the cost of each node V1 (x, y, l ) is modified as w1 (x, y, l ) = c1 (x, y, l ),
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Chapter 7: Segmentation II
Figure 7.43: Summary of surface interrelation modeling. S1 and S2 are two desired surfaces.
Col1 (x, y) and Col2 (x, y) are two corresponding columns in the constructed graphs. Arcs shown
in dashed lines are optional. (a) The non-crossing case. (b) The case with crossing allowed.
© Cengage Learning 2015.
where c1 (x, y, l ) is the original cost of voxel I(x, y, l ) for surface S1 . The inter-column
arcs of G1 are modified to make V1 (x, y, l ) strongly connected. The base set of G then
becomes V B = V1 (x, y, l ) [ V2 (x, y, 0). The directed arcs V1 (0, 0, l ), V2 (0, 0, 0) and
V2 (0, 0, 0), V1 (0, 0, l ) are introduced to E s to make VB strongly connected.
In summary, the inter-surface arc set E s for modeling non-crossing surfaces is constructed as
o n
E s = V1 (x, y, z), V2 (x, y, z − u ) z
[ V1 (0, 0, l ), V2 (0, 0, 0)
o (7.77)
o n
[ V2 (x, y, z), V1 (x, y, z + l ) z < Z − l [ V2 (0, 0, 0), V1 (0, 0, l ) .
In other situations, two interacting surfaces may be allowed to cross each other. This
may be encountered when tracking a moving surface over time. For these problems, instead of modeling the minimum and maximum distances between them, l and u specify
the maximum distances that a surface can vary below and above the other surface, respectively. The inter-surface
arcs for this case consist of the following: V1 (x, y, z), V2 (x, y,
max 0, z − l ) and V2 (x, y, z), V1 (x, y, max 0, z − u ) for all x ∈ x, y ∈ y and z ∈ z.
A summary of all cases is illustrated in Figure 7.43.
Surface detection algorithm The segmentation of optimal surfaces is formulated as
computing a minimum closed set in a geometric graph constructed from I. The time
bound of the algorithm is independent of both the smoothness parameters ( xi and yi ,
i = 1, . . . , k) and the surface separation parameters ( l i,i+1 and u i,i+1 , i = 1, . . . , k − 1).
Note that improper specifications of these constraints may lead to an infeasible problem,
i.e., the constraints are self-con icting and thus no k surfaces satisfying all the constraints
exist in I.
In the single-surface case, for any feasible surface S in I, the subset of nodes on or
below S in G, namely Z = V (x, y, z) j z
S(x, y) , forms a closed set in G. It can
be observed that if V (x, y, z) is in the closed set Z, then all nodes below it on Col(x, y)
are also in Z. Moreover, due to the node cost assignments in equation (7.74), the costs
of S and Z are equal. In fact, as proven in [Wu and Chen, 2002], any feasible S in I
uniquely corresponds to a nonempty closed set Z in G with the same cost. This is a key
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7.7 Optimal single and multiple surface segmentation
observation to transforming the optimal surface problem into seeking a minimum closed
set in G.
Computation of a minimum-cost nonempty closed set Z ∗ in G is a well studied
problem in graph theory. Z ∗ in G can be obtained by computing a minimum s–t cut
in a related graph Gst [Hochbaum, 2001; Wu and Chen, 2002], Let V + and V − denote
the sets of nodes in G with non-negativeand negative costs, respectively. Define a new
directed graph Gst = V [ {s, t}, E [ Est . An infinite cost is assigned to each arc in E.
Est consists of the following arcs: The source s is connected to each node v ∈ V − by a
directed arc of cost −w(v); every node v ∈ V + is connected to the sink t by a directed
arc of cost w(v). Let (S, T ) denote a finite-cost s–t cut in Gst , and c(S, T ) denote the
total cost of the cut. It was shown that
c(S, T ) = −w(V − ) +
w(v) ,
where w(V − ) is fixed and is the cost sum of all nodes with negative costs in G. Since
S n {s} is a closed set in G [Hochbaum, 2001], the cost of a cut (S, T ) in Gst and the cost
of the corresponding closed set in G differ by a constant. Hence, the source set S ∗ n {s}
of a minimum cut in Gst corresponds to a minimum closed set Z ∗ in G. Because the
graph Gst has O(kn) nodes and O(kn) arcs, the minimum closed set Z ∗ in G can be
computed in T (kn, kn) time.
For the multiple surface case, the optimal k surfaces correspond to the upper envelope
of the minimum closed set Z ∗ . For each i (i = 1, . . . , k), the subgraph Gi is used to search
for the target surface Si . For every x ∈ x and y ∈ y, let ViB (x, y) be the subset of nodes in
both Z ∗ and the (x, y)-column Coli (x, y) of Gi , i.e., ViB (x, y) = Z ∗ \ Coli (x, y). Denote
by Vi (x, y, z ∗ ) the node in ViB (x, y) with the largest z-coordinate. Then, voxel I(x, y, z ∗ )
is on the i-th optimal surface Si∗ . In this way, the minimum closed set Z ∗ of G uniquely
defines the optimal k surfaces {S1∗ , . . . , Sk∗ } in I.
Algorithm 7.9: Multiple optimal surface segmentation
1. Determine parameters representing a priori knowledge about the number of surfaces and the hard and soft segmentation constraints: k, x , y , l , u , cost
2. Construct graph Gst = V [ {s, t}, E [ Est .
3. Compute the minimum s–t cut (S ∗ , T ∗ ) in Gst .
4. Recover the k optimal surfaces from S ∗ n {s}.
Cost functions Designing appropriate cost functions is of paramount importance for
any graph-based segmentation method. In real-world problems, the cost function usually
re ects either a region-based or edge-based property of the surface to be identified.
Edge-based cost functions A typical edge-based cost function aims to position the
boundary surface accurately in the volumetric image; several alternative cost functions
were presented in Section 6.2.4. An advanced version of an edge-based cost function
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Chapter 7: Segmentation II
may utilize a combination of the first and second derivatives of the image intensity
function [Sonka et al., 1997], and may consider preferred directions of the identified
surface. The combination of the first and second derivatives permits fine-tuning of the
cost function to maximize border positioning accuracy.
Let the analyzed volumetric image be I(x, y, z). Then, the cost c(x, y, z) assigned to
the image voxel I(x, y, z) can be constructed as:
c(x, y, z) = −e(x, y, z) p (x, y, z) + q(x, y, z) ,
where e(x, y, z) is a raw edge response derived from the first and second derivatives of
the image, (x, y, z) denotes the edge orientation at location
(x, y, z) that is re ected
in the cost function via an orientation penalty p (x, y, z) . 0 < p < 1 when (x, y, z)
falls outside a specific range around the preferred edge orientation; otherwise p = 1.
A position penalty term q(x, y, z) > 0 may be incorporated so that a priori knowledge
about expected border position can be modeled:
e(x, y, z) = (1 − jωj) (I
Mfirst derivative )(x, y, z) u ω (I
Msecond derivative )(x, y, z) .
The u operator stands for a pixel-wise summation, and is a convolution operator. The
weighting coefficient −1
1 controls the relative strength of the first and second
derivatives, allowing accurate edge positioning. The values of ω, p, q may be determined
from a desired boundary surface positioning information in a training set of images;
values of ω are frequently scale dependent.
Region based cost functions The object boundaries do not have to be defined by
gradients as discussed in Section 7.3 (and shown in 2D in equation 7.45). In 3D, the
Chan-Vese functional is
C(S, a1 , a2 ) =
I(x, y, z) − a1 dx dy dz +
I(x, y, z) − a2 dx dy dz .
As in equation (7.45), a1 and a2 are the mean intensities in the interior and exterior of
the surface S and the energy C(S, a1 , a2 ) is minimized when S coincides with the object
boundary, and best separates the object and background with respect to their mean
The variance functional can be approximated using a per-voxel cost model, and in
turn be minimized using a graph-based algorithm. Since the application of the Chan–Vese
cost functional may not be immediately obvious, consider a single-surface segmentation
example. Any feasible surface uniquely partitions the graph into two disjoint subgraphs.
One subgraph consists of all nodes that are on or below the surface, and the other consists
of all nodes that are above the surface. Without loss of generality, let a node on or below
a feasible surface be considered as being inside the surface; otherwise let it be outside the
surface. Then, if a node V (x0 , y 0 , z 0 ) is on a feasible surface S, then the nodes V (x0 , y 0 , z)
in Col(x0 , y 0 ) with z
z 0 are all inside S, while the nodes V (x0 , y 0 , z) with z > z 0 are
all outside S. Hence, the voxel cost c(x0 , y 0 , z 0 ) is assigned as the sum of the inside and
outside variances computed in the column Col(x0 , y 0 ), as follows
2 X
c x0 , y 0 , z 0 =
I(x0 , y 0 , z) − a1 +
I(x0 , y 0 , z) − a2 .
z≤z 0
z>z 0
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7.7 Optimal single and multiple surface segmentation
Then, the total cost of S will be equal to cost C(S, a1 , a2 ) (discretized on the grid
x, y, z ). However, the constants a1 and a2 are not easily obtained, since the surface is
not well-defined before the global optimization is performed. Therefore, the knowledge
of which part of the graph is inside and outside is unavailable. Fortunately, the graph
guarantees that if V (x0 , y 0 , z 0 ) is on S, then the nodes V (x, y, z1 ) with z1
z j z max(0, z 0 − jx − x0 j x − jy − y 0 j y ) are in the closed set Z corresponding to S.
Accordingly, the nodes V (x, y, z2 ) with z2
z j z 0 + jx − x0 j x + jy − y 0 j y < z < Z
must not be in Z. This implies that if the node V (x0 , y 0 , z 0 ) is on a feasible surface S,
then the nodes V (x, y, z1 ) are inside S, while the nodes V (x, y, z2 ) are outside S.
Consequently, a
^1 (x0 , y 0 , z 0 ) and a
^2 (x0 , y 0 , z 0 ) can be computed, that are approximations of the constants a1 and a2 for each voxel I(x0 , y 0 , z 0 )
^1 x0 , y 0 , z 0 = mean I(x, y, z1 ) ,
0 0 0
^2 x , y , z = mean I(x, y, z2 ) .
The estimates are then used in equation (7.80) instead of a1 and a2 .
Extensions The LOGISMOS approach is under continuing development and a number
of extensions to the original have been reported. Simultaneous segmentation of multiple
surfaces belonging to multiple objects appeared in [Yin et al., 2010; Song et al., 2010a].
The graph-based image segmentation approach presented above utilizes node-based costs.
To allow incorporation of surface shape-priors to in uence resulting segmentations, local costs must be associated with graph arcs rather than nodes. An arc-based graph
segmentation approach was introduced in [Song et al., 2010b]. One of the frequently
occurring segmentation problems is simultaneous segmentation of mutually-interacting
regions and surfaces: a solution to this task that combines LOGISMOS with the graph
cut approach (Section 7.6) is given in [Song et al., 2011]. A surface segmentation approach simultaneously considering image data from two or more registered image sources
was reported in [Han et al., 2011b]. The Just-Enough-Interaction (JEI) paradigm
achieves image segmentation in a sequence of two main steps automated image segmentation followed by expert-guided modifications [Sun et al., 2013b,a]. The goal of this
two-step process is to achieve sufficient segmentation correctness in all analyzed cases,
even if the initial automated segmentation is locally imperfect. As mentioned in Section
7.6, graph s–t cut optimization can be applied iteratively without restarting the optimization process from scratch. This property of the s–t cut graph optimization is utilized
when LOGISMOS is employed in both the first and second steps of the JEI approach.
Once LOGISMOS produces the initial automated segmentation, user interactions can
identify desirable surface locations in areas of local inaccuracy. These interactions are
used to locally modify the respective local/regional graph costs, and a new graph optimization solution can be obtained iteratively and very efficiently in close to real time
after each such interaction. As a result, the two-step method uses LOGISMOS in both
steps and contributes to the resulting surface detection by employing a highly efficient
user-guided approach [Sun et al., 2013b,a]. In addition to image segmentation, the LOGISMOS approach can also be used for image and video resizing and multi-piece image
stitching [Han et al., 2011a].
Examples To demonstrate the method, consider first segmenting a simple but difficult
to segment computer-generated volumetric image shown in Figure 7.44a. This image
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Chapter 7: Segmentation II
Figure 7.44: Single-surface versus coupled-surfaces. (a) Cross section of the original image.
(b) Single surface detection using standard edge-based cost function. (c) Single surface detection
using the algorithm and a cost function with a shape term. (d) Double-surface segmentation.
© Cengage Learning 2015.
Figure 7.45: Segmentation using the minimum-variance cost function. (a,c) Original images.
(b,d) The segmentation results. © Cengage Learning 2015.
consists of 3 identical slices stacked together to form a 3D volume the gradual change of
intensity causes the gradient strengths to locally vanish. Consequently, border detection
using an edge-based cost function fails locally (Figure 7.44b). Using a cost function that
includes a shape term produces a good result (Figure 7.44c). Figure 7.44d demonstrates
the method's ability to segment both borders of the sample image.
Figure 7.45 presents segmentation examples obtained using the minimum-variance
cost function in images with no apparent edges. The objects and background were
differentiated by their respective textures. In Figure 7.45, curvature and edge orientation
were used instead of original image data [Chan and Vese, 2001]. The two boundaries in
Figure 7.45c,d were segmented simultaneously.
The LOGISMOS method has been used in a number of medical image analysis applications involving volumetric medical images from CT, MR, and ultrasound scanners.
Figure 7.46 shows a comparison of segmentation performance in human pulmonary CT
images. To demonstrate the ability of handling more than two interacting surfaces, four
surfaces of excised
human ilio-femoral specimens–lumen, intima-media
internal elastic
lamina (IEL) , media-adventitia external elastic lamina (EEL) , and the outer wall–
were segmented in vascular MR images. The optimal multiple-surface segmentation
clearly outperformed the previously used 2D approach [Yang et al., 2003] and did not
require any interactive guidance (Figure 7.47). A number of successful applications of
the LOGISMOS approach includes, for example, simultaneous segmentation of six surfaces belonging to three mutually interacting objects segmentation of the bone and
cartilage surfaces of the knee joint [Yin et al., 2010], Figure 7.48; segmentation of 11 reti-
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7.7 Optimal single and multiple surface segmentation
Sequential 2D dynamic programming
3D single-surface segmentation
Figure 7.46: Comparison of 2D and 3D inner airway wall segmentation results. A preliminary
airway tree segmentation is shown in Figure 7.21. The three bottom and top left panels demonstrate resampling of airway segments to obtain orthogonal slices on which the border detection
is performed. Results of 2D slice-by-slice dynamic programming approach in three consecutive
slices together with 3D surface rendering of the entire segment (10 slices) is shown in the upper
row. The bottom row shows the same segment with the luminal surface detected using the
optimal 3D graph searching approach. Note the failure of the 2D approach in one of the slices.
© Cengage Learning 2015.
Figure 7.47: Multi-surface segmentation of arterial wall and plaque in volumetric MR images.
(a) Original MR image of femoral artery cross section–the volumetric 3D image consisted of
16 cross sections. (b) Three manually identified wall layer borders. (c) Four computer-detected
surfaces of plaque and wall layers. © Cengage Learning 2015.
nal layer surfaces from optical coherence tomography (OCT) images of human retinas
[Abramoff et al., 2010]; magnetic resonance and ultrasound segmentation of cardiac chambers [Zhang et al., 2010], multi-modality segmentation of cancer tumors from Positron
Emission Tomography and X-ray CT [Han et al., 2011b]; as well as motion-artifact reduction for 4D X-ray CT [Han et al., 2011a]. The Just-Enough-Interaction extension to the
LOGISMOS method is finding applicability in 3D and 4D segmentations of pathologic
medical images, see Figure 7.49 [Sun et al., 2013b,a].
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Chapter 7: Segmentation II
Figure 7.48: Three-dimensional segmentation of multiple surfaces in multiple objects. Six surfaces are simultaneously segmented using LOGISMOS (3 bone surfaces femur, tibia, patella;
3 surfaces of corresponding cartilages). MR images are from a knee showing cartilage thinning
and severe degeneration. (a) Original images, central slice shown from a 3D dataset. (b) The
same slice with bone/cartilage segmentation. (c) Cartilage segmentation shown in 3D, note the
cartilage thinning and holes . Yin, Y., Zhang, X., Williams, R., Wu, X., Anderson, D.D., Sonka,
M., LOGISMOS-Layered Optimal Graph Image Segmentation of Multiple Objects and Surfaces: Cartilage Segmentation in the Knee Joint, Medical Imaging, IEEE Transactions, Volume: 29, Issue: 12,
Digital Object Identi er: 10.1109/TMI.2010.2058861, Publication Year: 2010, Page(s): 2023-2037. A
color version of this gure may be seen in the color inset Plate 14.
Figure 7.49: Just-Enough-Interaction paradigm. Interactive graph-based lung-surface segmentation refinement for a lung with a tumor adjacent to the boundary. (a) The user inspects
the lung segmentation and locates a segmentation error. (b) In a cross section, the user selects
a point on the correct boundary location (using a virtual pen). Note that the incorrect portion of the contour is highlighted in light blue and was automatically generated based on the
selected point. (c,d) Refinement result after the refinement optimization step via recalculating
maximum- ow with the interaction-a ected costs. The corrected surface region is highlighted
in green. Sun S., Sonka M., and Beichel R., Lung segmentation re nement based on optimal surface
nding utilizing a hybrid desktop/virtual reality user interface, Computerized Medical Imaging and
Graphics, 37(1):15-27, 2013b. A color version of this gure may be seen in the color inset Plate 15.
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7.8 Summary
The optimal surface detection method remains fully compatible with conventional
graph search. For example, when employed in 2D, it produces an identical result when
the same objective function and hard constraints are employed. Consequently, many
existing problems that were tackled using graph search in a slice-by-slice manner can be
migrated to this framework with little or no change to the underlying objective function.
Compared to other techniques, one of the major innovations is that the smoothness constraint can be modeled in a graph with a non-trivial arc construction. Thus, smoothness
becomes a hard constraint that has a clear geometric meaning, as opposed to a soft constraint defined by a weighted energy term as discussed in Section 7.5.1. As a consequence,
the objective function may become more transparent and easier to design. The smoothness thus modeled is not discontinuity-preserving, as desired by some problems in vision
(e.g., stereo, multicamera scene construction). However, discontinuity-preservation is
not always desirable. The presented ability to identify multiple coupled surfaces in an
optimal way is a major advance in graph search-based segmentation.
• Mean shift segmentation
– Mean shift segmentation is a non-parametric technique for the analysis of a
complex multi-modal feature space and identification of feature clusters.
– The only free parameters of the mean shift process are the size and shape of
the region of interest, i.e., the multivariate density kernel estimator.
– Density estimation is modified so that the density gradient is estimated.
– For mean shift image segmentation, a 2-step sequence of discontinuity-preserving filtering and mean shift clustering is used.
• Active contour models—snakes
– A snake is an energy minimizing spline energy depends on shape and location within the image. Local energy minima correspond to desired image
– Snakes are parametric deformable models.
– The energy functional which is minimized is a weighted combination of internal
and external forces.
– Gradient vector ow field increases the effective area of snake attraction decreasing the snake's sensitivity to initialization and allowing segmentation of
concave boundaries.
• Geometric deformable models
– Geometric deformable models represent developing surfaces by partial differential equations.
– The movements of the propagating fronts are described by speed functions.
– The evolving curves and/or surfaces are represented as level sets of higher
dimensional functions yielding seamless treatment of topologic changes.
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Chapter 7: Segmentation II
• Fuzzy connectivity
– Fuzzy connectivity segmentation uses the hanging-togetherness property to
identify image elements that form the same object. Rather than being crisp,
the hanging togetherness is described using fuzzy logic.
– Fuzzy affinity describes local fuzzy relationships.
– Fuzzy connectedness is a global fuzzy relationship that assigns every pair of
image elements a value based on the affinity values along all possible paths
between these two image elements.
• Simultaneous border detection
– Simultaneous border detection facilitates optimal identification of border pairs
by finding an optimal path in a three-dimensional graph.
– Information contained in the position of one border is used in identifying
the position of the other border. After a cost function that combines edge
information from the left and right borders has been defined, heuristic graph
searching or dynamic programming methods can be used for optimal border
• Suboptimal surface detection
– Suboptimal surface detection uses multi-dimensional graph search to identify
legal surfaces in three- or higher-dimensional image data.
– Surface growing is based on dynamic programming and avoids the problem of
combinatorial explosion by introducing local conditions that must be satisfied
by all legal surfaces.
• Direct graph cut segmentation
– Graph cuts solve a region-based segmentation problem by the use of minimum
s–t cut / maximum ow combinatorial optimization algorithms.
– Segmentation outcome is controlled by hard and soft constraints, and a cost
– The minimum s–t cut problem is solved by finding a maximum ow from the
source s to the sink t.
• Optimal single and multiple surface segmentation
– Single and multiple interactive surfaces are identified by optimal graph searching in a transformed graph.
– Combinatorial explosion in computation is avoided by transforming the problems into computing minimum s–t cuts.
– Despite using graph-cut optimization, the method is different in principal from
direct graph cut segmentation.
– Multiple interacting surfaces can be identified by incorporating mutual surfaceto-surface interrelationships as inter-surfaces arcs in n+1-dimensional graphs.
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7.9 Exercises
Short-answer questions
S7.1 What is a probability density mode?
S7.2 Given a set of multidimensional samples, what is the result of the mean-shift procedure?
S7.3 Describe the principle of mean-shift segmentation.
S7.4 Give equations for the normal kernel, its profile, and its derivative.
S7.5 Give equations for the Epanechnikov kernel, its profile, and its derivative.
S7.6 What is a basin of attraction?
S7.7 Give an example of a useful internal snake energy and explain its aim and in uence.
S7.8 Give an example of a useful external snake energy and explain its aim and in uence.
S7.9 Design an image energy term of a snake to trace lines of gray level 128.
S7.10 Give a continuous snake evolution equation and describe its discretization in time.
S7.11 Give a continuous snake evolution equation and describe its discretization in space.
S7.12 Explain the conceptual di erence between snakes and balloons.
S7.13 What is the purpose of the gradient vector ow field for active contour segmentation?
S7.14 What are the advantages and disadvantages of a level set representation?
S7.15 How should we choose the time step of a level set evolution?
S7.16 For Level Set `speed functions'
(a) Explain the main role the function in image segmentation.
(b) Give a general expression for a function based on curvature and constant deformation.
(c) Using this function, explain the behavior leading to convergence.
S7.17 Define fuzzy connectedness.
S7.18 Explain how an optimal pair of borders can be simultaneously detected using graph
searching. How is the cost of a pair of border points determined from the underlying
image data?
S7.19 Explain why simultaneous detection of two borders in a 2D image requires a 3D graph;
sketch how such a graph may be constructed.
S7.20 Formulate binary segmentation as a problem of searching a minimum cut in a graph.
S7.21 Explain why optimal surface detection results in combinatorial explosion of the search
P7.1 Implement mean-shift discontinuity-preserving filtering (Algorithm 7.2) and demonstrate its image-smoothing performance on example images. Implement both gray-scale
and color versions of the algorithm.
P7.2 Extend the method of Problem P7.1 to yield image segmentation (Algorithm 7.3).
P7.3 Formulate snake evolution as an energy minimization. Derive the corresponding EulerLagrange evolution equation.
P7.4 Design an internal energy term of a snake to facilitate closely tracing sharp corners.
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Chapter 7: Segmentation II
P7.5 Design an image energy term of a snake to trace lines of gray-level G = 128.
P7.6 Develop a program for snake-based line detection; use the energy functional specified
by equation (7.15). Test its behavior in
(a) Ideal images of contrasting lines on a homogeneous background.
(b) Images of incomplete contrasting lines on a homogeneous background.
(c) Images with superimposed impulse noise of varying severity can the adverse
e ect of noise be overcome be adjusting the parameters of the snake functional?
P7.7 Derive the relation between the level set function evolution in time and the normal
speed of the isocontour.
P7.8 Explain the concept of hanging togetherness as used in fuzzy connectivity based image
segmentation. Support your explanation by providing a sketch.
P7.9 Implement image segmentation based on absolute fuzzy connectivity (Algorithm 7.4).
Apply to gray-scale and color images. Discuss this method's performance in comparison
with other implemented approaches.
P7.10 Implement a method for object detection based on fuzzy object extraction (Algorithms 7.5 and 7.6). Apply to gray-scale and color images. Discuss this method's
performance in comparison with other implemented approaches.
P7.11 Describe the main principles of an augmenting path (Ford-Fulkerson) maximum ow
search algorithm.
P7.12 Using publicly available code (using the maximum ow or another approach), deploy
and study Boykov's graph cut approach to image segmentation. Apply to gray-scale and
color images. Discuss this method's performance in comparison with other implemented
P7.13 Explain graph construction for multi-surface image segmentation used in the LOGISMOS approach. Explain how the graph is, or may be, constructed for multi-object
LOGISMOS segmentation. Explain the role of the electric lines of force (ELF) to construct the graph columns what other approaches may be relevant instead of the ELF
P7.14 Considering LOGISMOS, sketch a graph that can be used for simultaneous segmentation
of 2 borders in a two-dimensional 3 × 6 image (width of 3 pixels, height of 6 pixels) for
which the minimum distance of the two borders is 1 pixel and the maximum is 2 pixels.
(Borders run in the left-to-right direction through the image).
P7.15 Apply implementations of algorithms in this Chapter (your own, or downloaded from
the Web) to a selection of the images generated as part of the Exercises of Chapter 6
(Problem P6.1). Form a qualitative view of success for each; also, deploy the formal
segmentation evaluation developed during work on Section 6.5.
P7.16 Make yourself familiar with solved problems and Matlab implementations of selected
algorithms provided in the corresponding chapter of the Matlab Companion to this text
[Svoboda et al., 2008]. The Matlab Companion homepage http://visionbook.felk.cvut.cz
o ers images used in the problems, and well-commented Matlab code is provided for
educational purposes.
P7.17 Use the Matlab Companion [Svoboda et al., 2008] to develop solutions to additional
exercises and practical problems provided there. Implement your solutions using Matlab
or other suitable programming languages.
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7.10 References
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Chapter 7: Segmentation II
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Shape representation and description
The previous chapter was devoted to image segmentation methods and showed how to
construct homogeneous regions of images and/or their boundaries. Recognition of image
regions is an important step on the way to understanding image data, and requires an
exact region description in a form suitable for a classifier (Chapter 9). This description
should generate a numeric feature vector, or a non-numeric syntactic description word,
which characterizes properties (for example, shape) of the region. Region description
is the third of the four levels given in Chapter 4, implying that the description already
comprises some abstraction for example, 3D objects can be represented in a 2D plane
and shape properties that are used for description are usually computed in two dimensions. If we are interested in a 3D object description, we have to process at least two
images of the same object taken from different viewpoints (stereo vision), or derive the
3D shape from a sequence of images if the object is in motion. A 2D shape representation
is sufficient in the majority of practical applications, but if 3D information is necessary
if, say, 3D object reconstruction is the goal the object description task is much more
difficult; these topics are introduced in Chapter 11. Here, we will limit our discussion
to 2D shape features and proceed under the assumption that object descriptions result
from the image segmentation process.
Defining the shape of an object is difficult. It is usually represented verbally or in
figures, and people use terms such as elongated, rounded, with sharp edges, etc. Automatic processing requires us to describe even very complicated shapes precisely, and
while many practical shape description methods exist, there is no generally accepted
methodology. Further, it is not known what is important in shape. Shape description
approaches have both positive and negative attributes; computer graphics [Woodwark,
1986] or mathematics [Lord and Wilson, 1984] use effective shape representations which
are unusable in shape recognition [Juday, 1988] and vice versa. In spite of this, it is
possible to find features common to most shape description approaches. Location and
description of substantial variations in the first derivative of object boundaries often
yield suitable information. Examples include alphanumeric optical character recognition
(OCR), technical drawings, electro-cardiogram (ECG) curve characterization, etc.
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Chapter 8: Shape representation and description
Shape is an object property which has been carefully investigated and much may be
found dealing with numerous applications OCR, ECG analysis, electro-encephalogram
(EEG) analysis, cell classification, chromosome recognition, automatic inspection, technical diagnostics, etc. Despite this variety, differences among many approaches are limited mostly to terminology. These common methods can be characterized from different
points of view:
• Input representation: Object description can be based on boundaries (contourbased, external) or on knowledge of whole regions (region-based, internal).
• Object reconstruction ability: That is, whether an object's shape can or cannot
be reconstructed from the description. Many varieties of shape-preserving methods
exist which differ in the degree of precision with respect to object reconstruction.
• Incomplete shape recognition: That is, to what extent a shape can be recognized from a description if objects are occluded and only partial shape information
is available.
• Local/global description character: Global descriptors can only be used if
complete object data are available for analysis. Local descriptors describe local
object properties using partial information. Thus, local descriptors can be used for
description of occluded objects.
• Mathematical/heuristic techniques: For example, a mathematical technique
is description based on the Fourier transform and a heuristic method may be `elongatedness'.
• Statistical or syntactic object description (Chapter 9).
• Robustness to translation, rotation, and scale transformations: Shape
description properties in different resolutions and poses.
The role of different description methods in image analysis and image understanding is
illustrated by Figure 8.1.
Problems of scale (resolution) are common in digital images. Sensitivity to scale
is even more serious if a shape description is derived, because shape may change substantially with image resolution. Contour detection may be affected by noise in high
resolution, and small details may disappear in low resolution (see Figure 8.2). Therefore,
shape has been studied in multiple resolutions which again causes difficulties with matching corresponding shape representations from different resolutions. Moreover, shape descriptions can change discontinuously. Scale-space approaches [Babaud et al., 1986;
Witkin, 1986; Yuille and Poggio, 1986; Maragos, 1989] aim to obtain continuous shape
descriptions if the resolution changes continuously. This approach is an extension of
existing techniques, and more robust shape methods may result from developing and
retaining their parameters over a range of scales.
In many tasks, it is important to represent classes of shapes properly, e.g., shape
classes of apples, oranges, pears, bananas, etc. The shape classes should represent
the generic shapes of the objects well. Obviously, shape classes should emphasize shape
differences among classes, while the in uence of variations within classes should not be
re ected in the class description. Research challenges include development of approaches
to automated learning about shape and reliable definition of shape classes (Section 8.4).
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Chapter 8: Shape representation and description
Partial borders
Complete borders
Figure 8.1: Image analysis and understanding methods. © Cengage Learning 2015.
Object representation and shape description methods discussed here are not an exhaustive list we will try to introduce generally applicable methods. It is necessary to
apply a problem-oriented approach to the solution of specific problems of description and
recognition. This means that the following methods are appropriate for a large variety
of descriptive tasks and the following ideas may be used to build a specialized, highly
efficient method suitable for a particular problem description. Such a method will no
longer be general since it will take advantage of a priori knowledge about the problem.
This is how human beings can solve vision and recognition problems, by using highly
specialized knowledge.
It should be understood that despite the fact that we are dealing with two-dimensional
shape and its description, our world is three-dimensional and the same objects, if seen
from different angles (or changing position/orientation in space), may form very different
2D projections (see Chapter 11). The ideal case would be to have a universal shape descriptor capable of overcoming these changes to design projection-invariant descriptors.
Consider an object with planar faces and imagine how many different 2D shapes may
result from a given face if the position and 3D orientation changes with respect to an
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Chapter 8: Shape representation and description
Figure 8.2: (a) Original image 640 × 480. (d) Contours of (a). (b) Original image 160 × 120.
(e) Contours of (b). (c) Original image 64 × 48. (f) Contours of (c). © Cengage Learning 2015.
observer. In some special cases, such as circles which transform to ellipses, or planar polygons, projectively invariant features (called invariants) can be found. Unfortunately, no
existing shape descriptor is perfect and in fact, most are far from it. Therefore, a careful
choice of descriptors resulting from detailed analysis of the shape recognition problem
should precede any implementation, and whether or not a 2D representation is capable of
describing a 3D shape must also be considered. For some 3D shapes, their 2D projection
may bear enough information for recognition aircraft contours are a good example. In
many other cases, objects must be seen from a specific direction to get enough descriptive
information human faces are such a case.
Object occlusion is another hard problem in shape recognition. However, the situation is easier here (if pure occlusion is considered, not combined with orientation
variations yielding changes in 2D projections as discussed above), since visible parts of
objects may be used for description. Here, the shape descriptor choice must be based
on its ability to describe local object properties if the descriptor gives only a global
object description (e.g., object size, average boundary curvature, perimeter), such a description is useless if only a part of an object is visible. If a local descriptor is applied
(e.g., description of local boundary changes), this information may be used to compare
the visible part of the object to all objects which may appear in the image. Clearly, if
object occlusion occurs, the local or global character of the shape descriptor must be
considered first.
In Sections 8.2 and 8.3, descriptors are sorted according to whether they are based
on boundary information (contour-based, external description) or whether information
from regions is used (region-based, internal description). This classification of shape description methods corresponds to previously described boundary-based and region-based
segmentation methods. However, both contour-based and region-based shape descriptors
may be local or global and differ in sensitivity to translation, rotation, scaling, etc.
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8.1 Region identi cation
Region identification
Region identification is necessary for region description. One of the many methods for
region identification is to label each region (or each boundary) with a unique integer; such
identification is called labeling or coloring (also connected component labeling),
and the largest integer label usually gives the number of regions in the image. Another
method is to use a smaller number of labels (four is theoretically sufficient [Appel and
Haken, 1977; Wilson and Nelson, 1990]), and ensure that no two neighboring regions have
the same label; then information about some region pixel must be added to the description
to provide full region reference. This information is usually stored in a separate data
structure. Alternatively, mathematical morphology approaches (Chapter 13) may be
used for region identification.
Assume that the segmented image R consists of m disjoint regions Ri (as in equation
6.1). The image R often consists of objects and a background
RbC =
Ri ,
where RC is set complement, Rb is considered background, and other regions are considered objects. Input to a labeling algorithm is usually either a binary or multi-level image,
where background may be represented by zero pixels, and objects by non-zero values. A
multi-level image is often used to represent the result, background being represented by
zero values, and regions represented by their non-zero labels. A sequential approach to
labeling a segmented image is:
Algorithm 8.1: 4-neighborhood and 8-neighborhood region labeling
1. First pass: Search the entire image R row by row and assign a non-zero value v
to each non-zero pixel R(i, j). v is chosen according to the labels of the pixel's
neighbors, where the neighboring is defined by Figure 8.3.
• If all neighbors are background pixels (with pixel value zero), R(i, j) is
assigned a new (and as yet) unused label.
• If there is just one neighboring pixel with a non-zero label, assign this label
to R(i, j).
• If there is more than one non-zero pixel among the neighbors, assign the
label of any one to the labeled pixel. If the labels of any of the neighbors
differ (label collision), store the label pair as being equivalent. Equivalence
pairs are stored in a separate data structure an equivalence table.
2. Second pass: All region pixels were labeled during the first pass, but some
regions have pixels with different labels (due to label collisions). The image is
scanned again, and pixels are re-labeled using the equivalence table information
(for example, with the lowest value in an equivalence class).
Label collision is common examples of image shapes experiencing this are U-shaped
objects, mirrored E (9) objects, etc. (see Figure 8.3c). The equivalence table is a list of
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Chapter 8: Shape representation and description
Figure 8.3: Region identification masks: (a) 4-connectivity. (b) 8-connectivity. (c) Label collision. © Cengage Learning 2015.
all label pairs present in an image; equivalent labels are replaced by a unique label in the
second step. Since the number of label collisions is not known beforehand, it is necessary
to pre-allocate or dynamically allocate sufficient memory to store the equivalence table.
Further, if pointers are used for label specification, re-scanning the image during the
second pass is not necessary since we can rewrite labels to which these pointers are
pointing, which is much faster.
The algorithm is basically the same in 4-connectivity and 8-connectivity, the only
difference being in the neighborhood mask shape (Figure 8.3b). It is useful to assign
region labels incrementally to permit regions to be counted easily in the second pass. An
example of partial results is given in Figure 8.4.
Figure 8.4: Object identification in 8-connectivity. (a), (b), (c) Algorithm steps. Equivalence
table after step (b): 2-5, 5-6, 2-4. © Cengage Learning 2015.
While not commonly used, region identification can be performed on images that
are not represented as straightforward matrices; the following algorithm [Rosenfeld and
Kak, 1982] may be applied to images that are run length encoded (see Chapter 4).
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8.2 Contour-based shape representation and description
Algorithm 8.2: Region identification in run length encoded data
1. First pass: Use a new label for each continuous run in the first image row that
is not part of the background.
2. For the second and subsequent rows, compare positions of runs.
• If a run in a row does not neighbor (in the 4- or 8-sense) any run in the
previous row, assign a new label.
• If a run neighbors precisely one run in the previous row, assign its label to
the new run.
• If the new run neighbors more than one run in the previous row, a label
collision has occurred. Store the collision information and label the new
run with the label of any one of its neighbors.
3. Second pass: Search the image row by row and re-label the image according to
the equivalence table information.
If the image is represented by a quadtree, Algorithm 8.3 may be applied. (Details
and the procedure for identifying neighboring leaf nodes can be found in [Rosenfeld and
Kak, 1982; Samet, 1984]).
Algorithm 8.3: Quadtree region identification
1. First pass: Search quadtree nodes in a given order e.g., beginning from the
root and in NW, NE, SW, SE directions. Whenever an unlabeled non-zero leaf
node is entered, a new label is assigned to it. Then search for neighboring leaf
nodes in the E and S directions (plus SE in 8-connectivity). If those leaves are
non-zero and have not yet been labeled, assign the label of the node from which
the search started. If the neighboring leaf node has already been labeled, store
the collision information.
2. Repeat step 1 until the whole tree has been searched.
3. Second pass: Re-label the leaf nodes according to the equivalence table.
The region counting task is closely related to the region identification problem
and, as we have seen, counting can be an intermediate result of region identification. If it
is only necessary to 