Archival Report Biological Psychiatry Identification of a Corticohabenular Circuit Regulating Socially Directed Behavior Madhurima Benekareddy, Tevye Jason Stachniak, Andreas Bruns, Frederic Knoflach, Markus von Kienlin, Basil Künnecke, and Anirvan Ghosh ABSTRACT BACKGROUND: The prefrontal cortex (PFC) has been implicated in the pathophysiology of social dysfunction, but the specific circuit partners mediating PFC function in health and disease are unclear. METHODS: The excitatory designer receptor exclusively activated by designer drugs (DREADD) hM3Dq was used to induce PFC activation during social behavior measured in the three-chamber sociability assay (rats/mice). Functional magnetic resonance imaging was combined with hM3Dq-mediated PFC activation to identify novel nodes in the “social brain” in a hypothesis-free manner. In multiplexed DREADD experiments, hM3Dq and the inhibitory KORDi were used to bidirectionally modulate PFC activity and measure social behavior and global functional magnetic resonance imaging signature. To characterize the functional role of specific nodes identified in this functional magnetic resonance imaging screen, we used anterograde and retrograde tracers, optogenetic and DREADDassisted circuit mapping, and circuit behavioral experiments. RESULTS: PFC activation suppressed social behavior and modulated activity in a number of regions involved in emotional behavior. Bidirectional modulation of PFC activity further refined this subset of brain regions and identified the habenula as a node robustly correlated with PFC activity. Furthermore, we showed that the lateral habenula (LHb) receives direct synaptic input from the PFC and that activation of LHb neurons or the PFC inputs to the LHb suppresses social preference. Finally, we demonstrated that LHb inhibition can prevent the social deficits induced by PFC activation. CONCLUSIONS: The LHb is thought to provide reward-related contextual information to the mesolimbic reward system known to be involved in social behavior. Thus, PFC projections to the LHb may represent an important part of descending PFC pathways that control social behavior. Keywords: Autism, Chemogenetics, DREADDs, fMRI, Lateral habenula, Prefrontal cortex Impairment in social function is one of the core deficits of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and is a prominent feature of schizophrenia. The neural circuit basis of impaired social function in disease states is only beginning to be understood, with several lines of evidence pointing to an important role played by frontal cortical areas. The frontal cortex in patients with schizophrenia shows a marked gamma-aminobutyric acidergic deficit in postmortem studies (1). Likewise, ASD is associated with an aberrant recruitment of frontal regions during tasks of social cognition (2). Notably, about 50% to 70% of autistic children exhibit electroencephalographic abnormalities indicative of a hyperactive cortical network (3,4), and 30% of autistic individuals develop seizures (5). In addition, postmortem cortical samples from patients with ASD show mutations in genes controlling excitability and synaptic function (6). Excitation–inhibition coordination in the prefrontal cortex (PFC) may provide a common circuit substrate for the various cellular, molecular, and genetic causes of disease states of social impairment (7,8). Indeed, an acute optogenetic increase in excitation in the PFC impairs social behavior (9). However, the descending PFC projections that affect the prefrontal control of social behavior have not been identified. Here, we demonstrate that increasing PFC excitation leads to a robust decrease in sociability in both rats and mice, extending the initial optogenetic findings from Yizhar et al. (9). To identify specific brain regions that act in tandem with the PFC in mediating social dysfunction, we performed a neuroimaging screen for brainwide activity changes caused by a targeted activation of the PFC. This magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) screen revealed significant changes in activity in brain regions related to emotional processing, with a notably strong activation seen in the habenula. We then performed a circuit rescue experiment to further refine this subset of brain regions for coregulations during bidirectional modulation of PFC activity and identified the habenula as one of the key components of the PFC network controlling social behavior. We determined that there are direct projections from the PFC to the lateral habenula (LHb) and found that directly activating SEE COMMENTARY ON PAGE 546 ISSN: 0006-3223 ª 2017 Society of Biological Psychiatry. 607 Biological Psychiatry April 1, 2018; 83:607–617 Biological Psychiatry PFC and Lateral Habenula in Social Behavior LHb neurons or activating PFC projections to the LHb led to a decrease in sociability without inducing aversion or locomotor hyperactivity. Finally, habenula inhibition concomitant with PFC activation prevented the social deficits induced by PFC activation. Taken together with the emerging role of the LHb in higher-level cognitive control of reward-related behaviors (10–14), our results identify the LHb as a novel component of the descending PFC projections that enable state-dependent control of social behavior. Netherlands) and was performed with a minimum interval of 7 days between consecutive tests with a parallel or crossover design. METHODS AND MATERIALS Perfusion Imaging Using Functional MRI Detailed protocols can be found in the Supplement. On the day of the experiment, animals were anesthetized with 2.0% to 2.5% isoflurane (Abbott, Cham, Switzerland) in a mixture of oxygen (20%) and air (80%), and tissue perfusion was measured in a Bruker Biospec 4.7T/40-cm instrument (Bruker Biospin, Ettlingen, Germany). Animals Rodents (Emx1::Cre [JAX stock # 005628] mice and OFA rats [Sprague Dawley; Saint-Germain-sur-l’Arbresle, France]) were maintained on a reversed 12-hour light/dark cycle with ad libitum access to food and water. Experiments were conducted in strict adherence to the Swiss federal ordinance on animal protection. Cell Type–Specific Expression of Designer Receptors Exclusively Activated by Designer Drugs and Chronos Adeno-associated virus (AAV) vectors packaged by the University of North Carolina Vector Core were used to express designer receptors exclusively activated by designer drugs (DREADDs) or Chronos. The list of viruses, anesthesia, and stereotactic coordinates is provided in the Supplement. Laser Delivery A 1-mm fiber-optic patch cable (Doric Lenses Inc., Quebec, Canada) was directly connected to the implanted ferrule with a rotary joint (FC/FC connector; Doric Lenses Inc.). The light stimulation consisted of a continuous train of 20-Hz pulses (473 nm, diode-pumped solid-state laser; OEM Laser Systems, Midvale, UT) with 15-ms pulse duration. The light stimulus intensity (5.5 mW) was selected to reduce the probability of offtarget Chronos activation of nearby thalamic fibers (intensity , 5 mW/mm2; 0.5 mm from fiber tip; group/dlab/cgi-bin/graph/chart.php). Administration of DREADD Ligands Behavior was performed 45 and 15 minutes after the hM3Dq ligand clozapine-N-oxide (CNO) (Enzo, Farmingdale, NY; 0.3–5.0 mg/kg in 0.9% saline; intraperitoneal) and the KORDi ligand salvinorin B (SALB) (Cayman, Ann Arbor, MI; 17 mg/kg in 10% dimethyl sulfoxide; subcutaneous) administration, respectively. One hundred percent dimethyl sulfoxide was used as the vehicle to improve solubility of SALB (B. Roth, M.D., Ph.D., personal communication, September 2015). Three-Chamber Sociability Test This test involves habituating the subject to the three-chamber box (10 minutes) and then placing a novel conspecific at one end of the arena and allowing the subject to explore the arena for 10 minutes (test). Data are expressed as sociability index = 100 3 (time in social interaction/total interaction time) 2 50. Behavior was tracked using Ethovision (Noldus, Wageningen, 608 Sucrose Preference Subject rats were given a free choice of drinking either water or 0.5% sucrose for 4 hours after injection of CNO (1 mg/kg), consistent with the known maximal effect of CNO on feeding behaviors (15). Electrophysiology The holding potential for voltage clamp recordings was 270 mV (Cl2Erev). LED photostimulation via a fiber-optic tip (w20 mW) generated full field illumination. RESULTS Global Functional MRI Signature Associated With Social Dysfunction To screen for global activity changes associated with PFC hyperactivity and social dysfunction, we took advantage of DREADDs (16–18). DREADDs are engineered G protein– coupled receptors designed to respond to an otherwise biologically inert ligand. To increase excitation in the PFC, we transduced PFC pyramidal neurons (Emx-positive) with the excitatory DREADD hM3Dq. Using multielectrode arrays, we confirmed that DREADDs led to a persistent and strong increase in neuronal activity. Brain slices containing hM3Dq in PFC pyramidal neurons were placed on multielectrode arrays, and neuronal activity was recorded in response to the ligand CNO (Figure 1A–C). Bath application of CNO (0.3–3.0 mM) led to an increase in activity in the PFC neurons expressing hM3D, an effect that persisted after CNO withdrawal. Persistent neural activity was confirmed by reversal with tetrodotoxin. Multiunit activity from hM3D-negative regions showed no change with CNO administration (Figure 1C, D). After confirming that DREADDs led to an increase in neuronal activity, we tested the consequences of this increase in PFC neural activity on social behavior measured using the three-chamber sociability test (19). An acute increase in PFC excitability mediated by CNO/ hM3Dq in Emx-positive neurons led to a significant decrease in sociability (Supplemental Figure S1A), with no effect on locomotion during the social behavior (Supplemental Figure S1B–D) or an independent open field task (Supplemental Figure S1E–G). We then translated this circuit model into rats using AAV-CamKII-hM3D, where increasing PFC activity decreased sociability, thereby demonstrating the general validity of this circuit model across rats and mice. A two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) revealed a significant time 3 treatment interaction (Figure 1G) (n = 7–9, F1,28 = 4.38, p = .045). Time spent in each of the three chambers is provided in Supplemental Table S3. Behaviors in the open field test were Biological Psychiatry April 1, 2018; 83:607–617 Biological Psychiatry PFC and Lateral Habenula in Social Behavior also measured in rats and showed no effect of PFC activation (Supplemental Figure S1H–L). Our behavioral studies demonstrated a causal link between PFC excitability and social dysfunction. However, the specific circuit partners that mediate the effect of the PFC on social behavior remain unknown. A hyperactive PFC could exert brainwide effects via its direct or polysynaptic connections to midline cortical structures, subcortical nuclei, the thalamus, the hypothalamus, or the brainstem (20,21). To directly address the circuit-wide response to PFC activation in a hypothesisfree manner, we measured the activity of downstream circuits with functional MRI (fMRI) upon noninvasive chemogenetic activation of the PFC. We measured neural activity in distinct anatomically defined brain regions using perfusion imaging based on continuous arterial spin labeling, the perfusion values of which measure tissue perfusion as a proxy for neuronal activity (22) and provide a quantitative way of screening globally for neural activity changes induced by a targeted chemogenetic manipulation. Remote control of the rat PFC was achieved by AAV-CamKII-hM3Dq, and a hyperactive PFC state was induced by the application of CNO (3 mg/kg) (Figure 1H). CNO induced a robust significant increase in the fMRI signal in the PFC, the site of hM3Dq expression (Figure 1H–J) (p , .01). Our whole-brain neuroimaging screen revealed significant neural activity changes in a subset of the PFC anatomical network, including several regions with functional links to the PFC and emotional behavior. Notably, we observed a robust increase in activity in the habenula and changes in activity in the nucleus accumbens (NA), entorhinal piriform cortex, and medial hypothalamus (Figure 1H–J) (n = 20 rats), brain regions from the emotional and motivational circuitry that could contribute to social behavior (23–26). The findings summarized in Figure 1J highlight the role of the PFC in sculpting activity in key brain regions involved in emotional processing. CNO did not elicit a significant change in the neural activity pattern in animals with no expression of hM3Dq, with the exception of a change in the septum (Supplemental Table S2). Collectively, our DREADD–fMRI signature of PFC activation reveals robust changes in neural activity in key brain regions that could underpin the behavioral effects of PFC hyperactivity. Multiplexed Chemogenetic Rescue of PFC Hyperactivity and Social Behavior Our DREADD–fMRI and behavioral data revealed that PFC hyperactivity causes social dysfunction and modulates neural activity in key brain regions such as the habenula. We subsequently addressed whether reversing PFC hyperactivity would rescue social behavior and its associated fMRI signature. For this rescue experiment, we leveraged recent advances in multiplexed DREADDs (18) that enable bidirectional modulation of PFC activity. To build confidence in this emerging technology, we designed a behavioral experiment to independently confirm the link between PFC hyperactivity and social deficits. We transduced principal neurons in the rat PFC with the stimulatory hM3Dq (Figure 2A) and the inhibitory KORDi. We hypothesized that because PFC activation leads to a decrease in sociability by orchestrating circuit-wide effects, attenuating PFC activation should restore sociability deficits. We first verified that KORDi was capable of reversing neuronal activation by hM3Dq. As a proxy for PFC activity, we recorded spontaneous excitatory postsynaptic currents (sEPSCs) from coronal rat brain slices transduced with both hM3Dq and KORDi (Supplemental Figure S2A, B). Following a 10-minute period of recorded baseline, application of CNO (3 mM; 3 minutes) increased spontaneous synaptic activity (Supplemental Figure S2A). Addition of SALB (3 mM) in combination with CNO (3 mM) reduced sEPSC frequency compared with CNO alone (Supplemental Figure S2B). In contrast, application of CNO and SALB on brain slices expressing green fluorescent protein (GFP) alone revealed no significant effect on sEPSC frequency (Supplemental Figure S2C, D). In subsequent behavioral experiments, we asked whether rescuing PFC hyperactivity rescues social behavior deficits. Consistent with previous data (Figure 1G), hM3Dq-CNO activation led to a significant decrease in sociability index, while attenuation of hM3Dq-induced PFC hyperactivity with SALB/ KORDi led to the expression of normal social behavior (Figure 2A–C) (n = 7, two-way ANOVA for time 3 treatment, F1,24 = 4.8, p = .04). We next investigated the global fMRI signature associated with bidirectional modulation of social behavior by adopting a within-session design (as opposed to the between-session design in Figure 1H) to produce a higher signal-to-noise ratio. Neural activity was imaged first at baseline and then upon PFC activation and subsequent PFC inhibition (Figure 2D) as part of the same scanning session. As expected, our DREADD–fMRI data showed that PFC activation induced by CNO/hM3Dq (24 minutes post-CNO) was attenuated by SALB/KORDi (15 minutes post-SALB). Furthermore, PFC activation induced perfusion changes in the habenula; the medial thalamus and septum were significantly reversed on SALB/KORDi administration (Figure 2E) (n = 10, p , .05, oneway ANOVA followed by post hoc comparison with baseline). Interestingly, neural activity in the other brain regions showed different kinetics in response to SALB administration within the time frame measured and points to the differential sensitivity of the various functional connections to changes in PFC activity levels. The complete data can be found in Supplemental Table S1. Collectively, our multiplexed DREADD–fMRI and behavioral data allowed us to refine the subset of brain regions that are coregulated with PFC activity and altered states of social behavior (Figure 2F). Of this subset of coregulated brain regions, the habenula stands out as a brain region that is robustly regulated across experiments and points to a potential functional connection between activity in corticohabenular circuits and social behavior. LHb Receives Synaptic Input From the PFC One of the striking observations from our imaging study was that perfusion in the PFC and the habenula was reciprocally regulated with social behavior. Electron microscopy and lesion studies have indicated that direct connections exist between the PFC and the LHb (27–29). To confirm synaptic connectivity between the PFC and the LHb, we first expressed AAV synaptophysin-GFP in PFC neurons. Confocal imaging revealed a network of synaptophysin-GFP-positive fibers in the Biological Psychiatry April 1, 2018; 83:607–617 609 Biological Psychiatry PFC and Lateral Habenula in Social Behavior 610 Biological Psychiatry April 1, 2018; 83:607–617 Biological Psychiatry PFC and Lateral Habenula in Social Behavior LHb (Figure 3A) but not in the medial habenula (data not shown). In a subsequent experiment, we injected the retrograde tracer Alexa Fluor 488–conjugated cholera toxin subunit B into the LHb and allowed it to trace back to the cell bodies for 3 weeks. Confocal imaging of the PFC cell bodies revealed Alexa 488 signal in deep-layer cell bodies of the PFC (Figure 3B). Taken together, these two experiments provide evidence for a synaptic connection between the PFC and the LHb. To physiologically characterize the functional connections between the PFC and the LHb, we used optogenetic circuit mapping. Rat PFC neurons were transduced with AAVChronos under the synapsin promoter, and whole-cell recordings from coronal slices at the level of the LHb were used to map functional synapses (Figure 3C). Photostimulation of Chronos-expressing PFC axons (5 3 10 ms, 10 Hz) evoked time-locked EPSCs in 38% of LHb neurons (Figure 3D), confirming functional connectivity between the PFC and the LHb. Noting that DREADDs can directly influence synaptic release (30), we attempted to determine whether the activatory DREADD hM3Dq used in our behavioral experiments could likewise be used to map circuit connectivity. We therefore examined sEPSCs in coronal slices of LHb from rats transduced with either AAV-CamKII-hM3Dq or GFP in the PFC. Following a 10-minute period of recorded baseline to allow sEPSC frequency to stabilize, application of CNO (3 mM for 3 minutes) produced increases in synaptic frequency in a subset of cells in hM3Dq slices but not in control GFP slices (Supplemental Figure S3). We found that sEPSC frequency increased by at least 0.3 Hz (cutoff . 2 SD in GFP slices; Supplemental Figure S3D) in 35% of the recorded LHb neurons (Figure 3E, F) (n = 7/20 cells, p = .02, Wilcoxon test), demonstrating DREADD-mediated PFC–LHb connections. PFC-to-LHb Connections Directly Regulate Social Behavior The key finding of our anatomical and electrophysiological data is a direct functional connection between the PFC and the LHb. With afferent fibers from the PFC and efferent fibers to midbrain motivational circuitry, the LHb is ideally positioned to gate contextual information from the PFC into regions controlling socially directed behavior. Furthermore, our DREADD– fMRI data revealed reciprocal regulation of social behavior and neural activity in the PFC and LHb. This led us to hypothesize that a selective LHb activation would be sufficient to disrupt social behavior. To address this, we transduced LHb neurons with AAV-CamKIIa-hM3Dq (Figure 4A) and measured social behavior after an acute application of CNO. To avoid experimental confounds with long-term effects of habenula activation (24), we employed a parallel study design. We controlled for test–retest effects and nonspecific effects of CNO by including a group with GFP only and no hM3D expression. Our behavior results showed that a CNO-mediated increase in LHb activity led to a strong and selective decrease in sociability in the rats expressing hM3D in the habenula (Figure 4B). Administration of CNO to rats expressing GFP alone showed no significant effect on social behavior, suggesting that these results are not a result of nonspecific activation by CNO or test–retest effects. The rats where the stereotactic targeting missed the habenula and the hM3Dq expression was in the surrounding regions, such as the medial thalamus and hippocampus, showed no change in social preference on CNO administration (Figure 4B). Two-way ANOVA for group 3 treatment shows a significant interaction (n = 5–9, F1,16 = 6.2, p = .02). A schematic representation of the extent of hM3D expression in all the rats tested in this experiment is included in Supplemental Figure S4A. Notably, the DREADD-mediated increase in LHb activity did not alter locomotion and exploration during the habituation and locomotor activity during the social test (Supplemental Figure S4B–D). In addition, LHb activation did not induce behavioral avoidance of the social chamber, as evidenced by the chamber time (Supplemental Table S3), nor did it affect sucrose preference (Supplemental Figure S4E). Collectively, these results demonstrate a direct modulation of social behavior by ongoing activity in the LHb. We next wanted to address whether this PFC-to-LHb pathway represents a social behavior pathway that is dissociable from the role of specific LHb outputs in real-time aversion. To directly address the involvement of a corticohabenular = Figure 1. Neuroimaging screen for global activity changes associated with social dysfunction. (A) Experimental strategy for expression of the excitatory designer receptor exclusively activated by designer drugs (DREADD) receptor hM3Dq in pyramidal neurons in the mouse prefrontal cortex (PFC). (B) Bright field image of a slice expressing hM3Dq in the pyramidal neurons of the PFC placed on a multielectrode array. (C) Representative fluorescent image of hM3Dq-mCherry expression in the PFC. (D) Neural activity measured using a multielectrode array on application of different doses of clozapine-N-oxide (CNO) (0.3–3.0 mM) in hM3Dq-positive and -negative regions. Each row represents spikes from one electrode over time. (E) Experimental strategy for expression of hM3Dq in the pyramidal neurons in the rat PFC. (F) Coronal section at the level of the PFC shows hM3Dq-mCherry targeting (scale bar = 100 mm). (G) Sociability index in response to vehicle and CNO in rats expressing hM3D or green fluorescent protein (GFP) in Ca21/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase-II (CaMKII)-positive neurons in the PFC (n = 7–9; *p , .05; two-way analysis of variance followed by Fisher’s post hoc comparison). Experimental strategy involves a parallel design. (H) Outline of functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) experimental design involving vehicle or CNO injections 45 minutes before fMRI. Representative images from planes show delta normalized perfusion across the rostrocaudal extent of the brain. (I) Percentage increase in normalized perfusion after CNO application (3 mg/kg; intraperitoneal; n = 20 rats; *p , 0.05; one-way analysis of variance followed by post hoc comparisons, controlled for multiple comparisons at a false discovery rate of 10%). (J) Brain regions whose activity is significantly altered by PFC activation (p value cutoff criterion of p , .05; false discovery rate at 10%), expressed as percentage change in normalized perfusion compared with vehicle. Data represent mean 6 SEM. AAV, adeno-associated virus; ACSF, artifical cerebrospinal fluid; Amy, amygdala; BmAmy, basomedial amygdala; BNST, bed nucleus of the stria terminalis; cAmy, central amygdala; CoAmy, cortical amygdala; dHIP, dorsal hippocampus; DP, dorsal peduncular cortex; DR, dorsal raphe; DS, dorsal striatum; Ect, ectorhinal cortex; Ent, entorhinal cortex; EP, entorhinal piriform cortex; Hb, habenula; IC, inferior colliculus; ICtx, insular cortex; ITh, lateral thalamus; LC, locus coeruleus; lHy, lateral hypothalamus; lTh, lateral thalamus; M1, primary motor cortex; mAmy, medial amygdala; MEA, multielectrode array; mHy, medial hypothalamus; Min, minutes; MR, medial raphe; mTh, medial thalamus; NA, nucleus accumbens; NAc, nucleus accumbens core; NAs, nucleus accumbens shell; OFC, orbitofrontal cortex; PAG, periaquaductal gray; pdHip, posterior dorsal hippocampus; PRC, perirhinal cortex; PVHy, paraventricular hypothalamus; SC, superior colliculus; SMCtx, sensorimotor cortex; SN, substantia nigra; Sub, subiculum; TTX, tetradotoxin; V1, primary visual cortex; Veh, vehicle; vHip, ventral hippocampus; VP, ventral pallidum; VTA, ventral tegmental area. Biological Psychiatry April 1, 2018; 83:607–617 611 Biological Psychiatry PFC and Lateral Habenula in Social Behavior 612 Biological Psychiatry April 1, 2018; 83:607–617 Biological Psychiatry PFC and Lateral Habenula in Social Behavior Figure 3. Lateral habenula (LHb) receives direct functional connections from the prefrontal cortex (PFC). (A) Experimental strategy and representative confocal images showing synaptophysin-green fluorescent protein (GFP) injection in the PFC and synaptophysin-GFP-positive fibers in the LHb. Scale bar = 50 mm. (B) Experimental strategy and representative confocal images showing fluorescence of Alexa Fluor 488–conjugated cholera toxin subunit B (CTb-Alexa 488) injection in the LHb and Alexa 488– positive cells in the PFC. Scale bar = 50 mm. (C) Experimental strategy for electrophysiological recordings. PFC fibers transfected with either hM3D or Chronos are visible in fiber tracts near the habenula and penetrate into the LHb. The dashed outline represents the recorded region in LHbMC (44). (D) In 11 of 29 LHb neurons, photostimulation of Chronosexpressing PFC axons with 5 3 10-ms light pulses elicited reproducible excitatory postsynaptic currents (EPSCs) at 10 Hz (gray: 10 sample traces; black: average trace). (E) In response to clozapineN-oxide (CNO) application, spontaneous EPSC frequency is increased. (F) In 7 of 20 LHb neurons, CNO increased spontaneous EPSC (sEPSC) frequency (n = 20 cells from 12 rats; *p , 0.05; average of 24 1-second sweeps collected at 0.2 Hz). PFC– LHb connectivity estimates with hM3Dq (35%) were consistent with those obtained with optogenetic circuit mapping (38%). AAV, adeno-associated virus; DAPI, 40 ,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole; MHb, medial habenula; mPFC, medial PFC. circuit in the generation of normal social behaviors, we performed an optogenetic experiment with stimulation paradigm designed to activate PFC terminals in the LHb while reducing the probability of off-target activation (see Methods and Materials). Optogenetic activation of PFC-to-LHb connections in rats with Chronos expression led to a significant decrease in sociability index compared with the GFP controls (Figure 4C, D). Two-way ANOVA showed a significant group 3 light epoch interaction (n = 5–8, F1,11 = 13.66, p = .0035). No significant differences were found in locomotion and exploration during the habituation and locomotor activity during the social test (Supplemental Figure S4F–I). To test whether the decrease in sociability induced by PFC-to-LHb stimulation is due to an increase in real-time aversion, we tested these rats in a real-time place preference paradigm. In the real-time place preference task, the test rat is allowed to = Figure 2. Combinatorial bidirectional modulation of prefrontal cortex (PFC) circuit components and social behavior. (A) Experimental strategy for the expression of hM3Dq and KORD in the pyramidal neurons in the rat PFC. (B) Representative confocal image of PFC neurons expressing both hM3Dq and KORD in the PFC (arrowhead). Scale bar = 20 mm. (C) Sociability index in response to bidirectional modulation of PFC activity (clozapine-N-oxide [CNO] 1 salvinorin B [SALB]). Sociability index = 100 3 (time in social interaction/total interaction time) 2 50 (n = 7; *p , .05; one-way analysis of variance followed by Fisher’s post hoc comparison). (D) Outline of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) experimental design involving CNO and SALB injections (inj.) during MRI. Representative images from planes show change in normalized perfusion across the rostrocaudal extent of the brain. (E) Percentage change in normalized perfusion in response to bidirectional modulation of PFC activity (dark bars: CNO; gray bars: CNO 1 SALB; n = 10; *p , .05; one-way analysis of variance followed by post hoc comparisons; p values for all regions of interest are listed in Supplemental Table S1). (F) Schematic representation of the functional MRI (fMRI) signature and social behavior in response to bidirectional modulation of PFC activity. Data represent mean 6 SEM. AAV, adeno-associated virus; DAPI, 40 ,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole; Hb, habenula; mTh, medial thalamus; Veh, vehicle. Biological Psychiatry April 1, 2018; 83:607–617 613 Biological Psychiatry PFC and Lateral Habenula in Social Behavior Figure 4. A corticohabenular circuit regulates socially directed behavior. (A) Experimental strategy for expression of the excitatory designer receptor exclusively activated by designer drugs receptor hM3Dq in the lateral habenula (LHb) with representative images showing surgical placements. (B) Representative heat maps (10-minute social test) and sociability index measured in response to vehicle (Veh) and clozapine-N-oxide (CNO) in rats expressing hM3Dq or green fluorescent protein (GFP) in the LHb (n = 5–9; *p = .016; CNO vs. vehicle; two-way analysis of variance followed by Fisher’s post hoc comparison). A within-subject parallel design with test–retest controls was applied. Bar graphs represent group averages, while gray lines represent individual values. (C) Experimental strategy for optogenetic activation of prefrontal cortex (PFC)–LHb circuit, with a representative image showing placement of the fiber-optic ferrule. (D) Representative heat maps (10-minute social test) and sociability index measured in response to optogenetic activation of PFC terminals in the LHb expressing either Chronos or GFP (n = 5–8; ***p , .0001; ON vs. OFF; two-way analysis of variance followed by Fisher’s post hoc comparison). A within-subject crossover design was applied. Bar graphs represent group averages, while gray lines represent individual values. (E) Representative heat maps (20-minute realtime place preference task) and duration spent in chambers paired with and without optogenetic stimulation of PFC–LHb projections in rats expressing either Chronos or GFP (n = 4–9). (F) Experimental strategy for multiplexed activation of PFC and inhibition of LHb circuit with a representative image showing KORDi expression in the LHb. A within-subject crossover design was applied. Sociability index was measured in response to activation of hM3Dq in the PFC (CNO) or activation of hM3Dq in the PFC and inhibition with KORDi in the LHb (CNO 1 salvinorin B [SALB]) (n = 7–8; **p = .04; CNO vs. CNO 1 SALB in the designer receptor exclusively activated by designer drugs–expressing rats; two-way analysis of variance followed by Fisher’s post hoc comparison). Data represent mean 6 SEM. Sociability index = 100 3 (time in social interaction / total interaction time) 2 50. AAV, adeno-associated virus; MHb, medial habenula. 614 Biological Psychiatry April 1, 2018; 83:607–617 Biological Psychiatry PFC and Lateral Habenula in Social Behavior explore two different environmental contexts (with different cues on the walls and flooring), with one of the contexts coupled to PFC–LHb stimulation. Rats expressing Chronos or GFP showed no preference for or aversion to the stimulationpaired chamber (Figure 4E). Two-way ANOVA showed no significant group X treatment interaction (F1,11 = 0.0002827, p = .9869). Finally, we addressed whether LHb activation is necessary for the effects of PFC activation on social behavior. The excitatory hM3Dq was expressed in the PFC, and the inhibitory KORDi was expressed in the LHb (Figure 4F). Control animals had GFP expressed in both the PFC and LHb. Social behavior was measured in the three-chamber task after administration of either CNO (1 mg/kg) or both CNO and SALB (17.5 mg/kg). Data show that administration of SALB after CNO led to normalized social behaviors in the DREADD-expressing mice. Two-way ANOVA showed a significant group 3 treatment interaction (Figure 4F) (n = 6–7, F1,11 = 8.128, p = .0158). Taken together, these data demonstrate a key role for PFC–LHb pathways in social behavior and suggest that PFC–LHb pathways may report social context leading to the expression of normal or pathological social behaviors. DISCUSSION Perturbed circuit homeostasis in the PFC has been proposed as a common neural substrate of social impairments seen in ASD and schizophrenia. Rodent optogenetic studies have shown that the PFC governs social behavior via top-down control over the activity dynamics of the midbrain reward system (31,32). However, the neural pathways that connect the PFC to the social reward pathways have not yet been delineated. Here we screened for PFC circuit partners involved in the control of social behavior and found that increasing PFC activity led to activity changes in the habenula and other regions associated with emotional behaviors. Bidirectional modulation of PFC activity helped us to identify a dynamic association among PFC activity, habenula activity, and social behavior. Using cellular tracing, DREADDs, and optogenetic circuit mapping, we found functional connections from the PFC to the LHb. The LHb is a key relay center in the midbrain with strategic projections controlling monoaminergic nuclei such as the ventral tegmental area (VTA) dopaminergic (DA) neurons (33,34). Given this, we hypothesized that neural activity in the LHb modulates social behavior. Indeed, a precise localized activation of the LHb led to a specific decrease in social preference without any effects on locomotor activity or sucrose preference. Furthermore, optogenetic activation of PFC inputs to the LHb led to a specific decrease in sociability with no effect on real-time aversion. Finally, our multiplexed DREADD experiment in which LHb activity was decreased during PFC activation shows that habenula activity is necessary for the social deficits induced by PFC activation. Collectively, our data demonstrate that the corticohabenular pathway represents a social circuit that can be dissociated from the role of the LHb in real-time aversion. The LHb has been shown to be involved in conveying reward-related cognitive information to dopaminergic circuits in the VTA (24,35). The ability to engage in socially directed behaviors is gated by the reward pathways in the VTA (36). Increased activity in the PFC–LHb pathways might disrupt the activity dynamics in the VTADA / NA pathway, thereby interfering with the neural processing of social reward (10,37). The LHb is thought to exert tonic inhibitory control of VTADA neurons (38), and reward-predicting cues are thought to decrease LHb activity and attenuate this tonic inhibition to signal information about reward to VTADA neurons (11,12). Based on these observations, we can speculate that PFC– LHb pathway activation reduces the attribution of positive salience to the social stimulus such that the rat does not show a preference to socialize, resulting in the observed specific social behavioral deficit with no effect on real-time aversion or locomotor activity. LHb–VTA connectivity comprises a complex set of direct, indirect, and reciprocal connections to distinct subpopulations of VTA neurons (25,39), and further studies are needed to delineate the complex circuits that may mediate the influence of the LHb on reward circuits controlling social behavior. Possible alternative pathways for a prefrontal control over midbrain circuitry include parallel circuits from the PFC–bed nucleus of the stria terminalis, PFC–septum, or PFC–lateral hypothalamus, all of which could potentially gate contextual information to VTADA neurons (40,41). Our DREADD–fMRI methodology combines the quantitative power of perfusion-based fMRI with behavioral circuit analysis to identify the activation pattern associated with social dysfunction. Our approach is a significant addition to existing approaches combining DREADDs with positron emission tomography and [18F]fluoro-2-deoxyglucose (17,42) for metabolic mapping. Our fMRI data show that activity in the PFC is spread across the infralimbic and prelimbic regions, and therefore chemogenetic activation of the PFC likely reflects broad activation of the region. Of note, neural dynamics in both DREADD–fMRI and metabolic mapping methodologies is measured under anesthesia, which may attenuate the amplitude of the fMRI signal (43), resulting in an underestimation of circuit activation that occurs in awake-behaving animals. Nevertheless, the activity changes observed in the PFC and habenula were reproducible across multiple cohorts. Our approach of studying circuit dysfunction in neurodevelopmental disorders seeks to identify alterations in a defined set of neurons in interconnected brain regions that can be linked to behavioral abnormalities seen in these disorders. This whole-brain approach led us to uncover the role of the PFC–LHb pathway in governing social behavior with mechanistic integration into the socially relevant VTA DA circuitry. Notably, such an approach recognizes that specific cell groups in multiple brain regions such as the PFC, LHb, VTA, and NA act in concert to generate social behavioral states. By selectively disrupting activity in the PFC or LHb, our results suggest that the generation and maintenance of a new circuit activity set point in a complex disease state may cause behavioral dysfunction and indicates a potential for correction of PFC excitation–inhibition coordination as a therapeutic avenue for ASDs. Although it is difficult to untangle the complex neural relationships that contribute to disease phenotypes, our results lend credence to the hypothesis that reciprocal connections between the PFC and several key subcortical regions comprise a circuit framework for altered cortical and subcortical function to modify social behavior. Biological Psychiatry April 1, 2018; 83:607–617 615 Biological Psychiatry PFC and Lateral Habenula in Social Behavior ACKNOWLEDGMENTS AND DISCLOSURES This work is partially supported by the Gatsby Charitable Trust (AG) and by the postdoctoral program at F. Hoffman–La Roche (MB, TJS). We thank Bryan L. Roth for the DREADD constructs. We thank Claire Coulon-Bainier for help with surgical procedures and thank Stephanie Schoeppenthau, Sebastian Debilly, and Ciril Marius Waelti for technical assistance with the fMRI experiments. We thank Roger Redondo for help with the in vivo optogenetic experiments. We also thank Laurence Ozmen, Marie-Therese Miss, Arel Su, and Urs Humbel for their help with experimental setup. We thank Tom Otis, Michael Saxe, Barbara Biemans, Will Spooren, and members of the Ghosh Lab for valuable discussions. MB, TJS, FK, AB, MvK, BK, and AG were employed by F. Hoffmann–La Roche during this study. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. ARTICLE INFORMATION From Neuroscience Discovery, Roche Pharma Research & Early Development, Roche Innovation Center Basel, F. Hoffmann–La Roche Ltd., Basel, Switzerland. AG is currently affiliated with Research and Early Development, Biogen, Cambridge, Massachusetts. Address correspondence to Anirvan Ghosh, Ph.D., Research and Early Development, Biogen, 225 Binney Street, Cambridge, MA 02142; E-mail: Received Mar 9, 2017; revised Oct 11, 2017; accepted Oct 31, 2017. Supplementary material cited in this article is available online at https:// REFERENCES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 616 Curley AA, Arion D, Volk DW, Asafu-Adjei JK, Sampson AR, Fish KN, et al. (2011): Cortical deficits of glutamic acid decarboxylase 67 expression in schizophrenia: Clinical, protein, and cell type-specific features. Am J Psychiatry 168:921–929. Dichter GS, Felder JN, Bodfish JW (2009): Autism is characterized by dorsal anterior cingulate hyperactivation during social target detection. Soc Cogn Affect Neurosci 4:215–226. Lewine JD, Andrews R, Chez M, Patil A-A, Devinsky O, Smith M, et al. (1999): Magnetoencephalographic patterns of epileptiform activity in children with regressive autism spectrum disorders. Pediatrics 104:405–418. 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