TOPIC 1: GENERAL INTRODUCTION TO HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT 1/23/2023 HRM-UDSM 2016/2017 NATURE AND SCOPE OF HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT • Organizations are made up of people and function through people. Without people organizations can not exist. The resources of men, money, materials and machinery are collected, coordinated and utilized through people. • These resources by themselves cannot fulfill the objectives of an organization. They need to be united into a team. 1/23/2023 HRM-UDSM 2016/2017 • It is through the combined efforts of people that material and monetary resources are effectively utilized for the attainment of common objectives . Without united human efforts no organization can achieve its objectives. • All activities of an organization are initiated and completed by people who make organizations. • Therefore, people are the most significant resource of any organization. This resource is called human resource and it is the most important factor of production. 1/23/2023 HRM-UDSM 2016/2017 Introduction to HRM • Human resources is a modern terminology for what traditionally used to be known as personnel management or personnel administration. • Human resources management is concerned with the activities which are intended to facilitate the effective utilization of people in the performance of organization. 1/23/2023 HRM-UDSM 2016/2017 Defining Human Resources Management • Is a managerial philosophy, policies, procedures and practices related to effective management of people for the purposes of facilitating the achievement of results in work organizations. • Is a set of management activities intended to influence the effective utilization of human resources in the performance of work organizations. • Refers to systems and employment practices used to attract, motivate, develop and retain a firm’s employees. 1/23/2023 HRM-UDSM 2016/2017 Defining Personnel Management • Is a series of activities which enable working people and their employing organizations to agree about the objectives and nature of their working relationship, while ensuring that agreements are fulfilled. • It refers to a traditional way of managing people in organizations and it involved largely three basic functions of recruiting, training and compensation. These were performed as clerical functions without regard for their functional interrelationships with other functions. 1/23/2023 HRM-UDSM 2016/2017 HRM Vs Personnel Management • HRM is a modern terminology for what traditionally used to be known as personnel management. • Traditionally, functions of managing people in work organizations used to be known as personnel management. • They were organized as simple clerical functions subordinated to a department such as accounting or office management. The functions where performed clerically without regarding their contributions towards organizational objectives. 1/23/2023 HRM-UDSM 2016/2017 cont… • Personnel management was not regarded as a strategic management function. • HRM encompasses many more functions of managing people than personnel management. • It encompasses core functions as follows: HRP, HRR, HRT&D, Compensation, HRH&S, Labour relations • Non core functions as Career planning and development, Motivation, Communication, Disciplining, HR Research, Accounting and Auditing. 1/23/2023 HRM-UDSM 2016/2017 Cont… • HRM is consistent with the systems idea, because its functions are increasingly directed towards providing greater support to the achievement of the organization objectives. • HRM is more complex than personnel, it requires rich understanding of the field of organization behavior, organizational and environmental diagnosis. • HRM is proactive, while personnel management is reactive 1/23/2023 HRM-UDSM 2016/2017 FEATURES OF HRM • HRs of an organization are the product of their biological inheritance and interactions with the environment. These traits influence their performance, attitudes and behavior. • HRs are heterogeneous. They consist of a large number of individuals each having a unique personality, different needs, attitudes and values. Therefore organizations ought to pay attention to their differences to maximize each one’s potential. • HRs are dynamic and behave differently. They react to same situations differently. Therefore it is difficult to predict human behavior. 1/23/2023 HRM-UDSM 2016/2017 cont… • HRs are the most important elements in organizations. Effective utilization of all other resources depends upon the quality of human resources. • HRs have the greatest potential to develop and grow if the right climate is provided to them. An organization can survive and grow if it has the right people at the right time and at right jobs. • HR include all the dynamic components of all people at all levels in the organization whereas personnel means the employees working in the organization. 1/23/2023 HRM-UDSM 2016/2017 FUNCTIONS OF HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT Core functions • Planning • Recruiting • Training and development • Performance appraisal • Compensation • Health and safety • Labour relations 1/23/2023 Non-core functions • Career planning • Motivation • Communication • Disciplining • Maintenance of quality of working life • HR Accounting • HR auditing HRM-UDSM 2016/2017 WHAT ARE THE GOALS OF HRM? HR measures of effectiveness Employee Outcomes Organizational Outcomes • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Motivation Performance Satisfaction Attraction Retention Attendance Timeliness 1/23/2023 Cost Reduction Growth Profitability Service and product Quality Customer satisfaction Productivity Flexibility HRM-UDSM 2016/2017 TYPES OF HUMAN RESOURCES JOBS • • • • • • • HR Systems analyst Counseling officer Job analyst HR planning officer Registry clerks HR recruitment officer Orientation and placement officer • Training & Career Development officer 1/23/2023 • Compensation officer • Employees welfare officer • Health and safety inspector • HR research officer • HR audit officer • HR manager/Director • Legal officer • Labour relations officer HRM-UDSM 2016/2017 ROLE OF HUMAN RESOURCES DEPARTMENT • This is a service department that assists subordinates, managers and organization in all matters related to the effective HR management so that they can willingly make maximum contributions performance processes. • It does not have a line authority over other departments; instead it has staff authority over them in relations to HR programmes. • In this capacity, it largely operates as a coordinator, consultant and advisor to management, unions, and employees on all HR management activities. 1/23/2023 HRM-UDSM 2016/2017 • Line authority Refers to the ability of the human resources department to command or require other departments to carry out instructions related to the mainstream tasks of the organization. • Staff authority Refers to the ability of the human resources department to advise the staff, not to direct, other departments as to how best they may implement the organization’s policies and procedures of managing human resources. 1/23/2023 HRM-UDSM 2016/2017 • Though advisory, the staff authority of HR department is powerful. A line manager is in principle not obligated to take the advice given to him or her by the HR department. • In rejecting the advice, the line manager stands to carry full responsibility for the outcomes such as employee relations problems and strikes. • To avoid such consequences, line managers usually readily accept the advice given to them by the HR department. • As a result HR department exercises considerable influence on the decisions of the line managers and is highly respected in modern and successful work organizations. 1/23/2023 HRM-UDSM 2016/2017 MAJOR CHALLENGES FACING HRM • Developing and implementing a “strategic approach" that adds value to the success of the entire organization. • Decentralization of HR responsibilities to line managers and employees. • Leveraging workforce diversity to support product and service development for diverse customer populations. • Maintaining compliance with local, state, federal and international laws and regulations. 1/23/2023 HRM-UDSM 2016/2017