.CHAPTER 5 ;; LISTENING & CRITICAL THINKING IMPORTANCE OF LISTENING ➢ ➢ ➢ ➢ Most used communication activity Helps build & maintain relationships Helps detect deceit Essential skill for business success ○ Social media listening LISTENING ➢ Listening defined ○ Different from hearing ○ Active process ■ Empathetic listening ■ Critical listening ○ Listening for enjoyment LISTENING PROCESS (2) ➢ Attention ○ Selective attention-sustained focus ○ Automatic attention-instinctive focus ➢ Working memory-S-T memory assigns meaning ➢ Short-term memory-temporary storage ➢ Long-term memory-permanent storage BARRIERS TO LISTENING - NOISE (1) ➢ Noise ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ Physical distractions Mental distractions Multitasking Factual distractions Semantic distractions BARRIERS TO LISTENING - PERCEPTION OF OTHERS (1) ➢ Perception of others ○ Status ○ Stereotypes ○ Sights & sounds BARRIERS TO LISTENING - YOURSELF (1) ➢ Yourself ○ Egocentrism ○ Defensiveness ○ Experiential superiority ○ Personal bias ○ Pseudolistening