OUP UNCORRECTED PROOF – REVISES, Mon Aug 07 2017, NEWGEN Pa rt I I I I N N OVAT ION oxfordhb-9780198755609-part-3.indd 243 Electronic copy available at: https://ssrn.com/abstract=3494495 8/7/2017 6:50:59 PM OUP UNCORRECTED PROOF – REVISES, Mon Aug 07 2017, NEWGEN oxfordhb-9780198755609-part-3.indd 244 Electronic copy available at: https://ssrn.com/abstract=3494495 8/7/2017 6:50:59 PM OUP UNCORRECTED PROOF – REVISES, Mon Aug 07 2017, NEWGEN Chapter 13 Ec onomic E c o syst e ms Philip E. Auerswald and Lokesh Dani Introduction ‘The Mecca of the economist lies in economic biology rather than in economic dynamics’, the great economist Alfred Marshall famously wrote in 1920, in the preface to the eighth edition of Principles of Economics. ‘But biological conceptions are more complex than those of mechanics’, he continued, ‘a volume on Foundations must therefore give a relatively large place to mechanical analogies; and frequent use is made of the term “equilibrium,” which suggests something of statistical analogy’ (Marshall, 1920, p. 19). Inspired by these words of Marshall’s and the work of other foundational figures in the field of economics who similarly perceived a fundamentally biological order in the evolution of the economy,1 economists have for decades sought to represent the adaptive dynamics evident in economic systems.2 A second celebrated passage in Marshall’s Principles relates to the localization of economic activity: ‘When an industry has thus chosen a locality for itself, it is likely to stay there long: so great are the advantages which people following the same skilled trade get from near neighbourhood to one another. The mysteries of the trade become no mysteries; but are as it were in the air, and children learn many of them unconsciously.’ Emphasizing the central role of invention and innovation in geographical localization, Marshall continues, ‘Good work is rightly appreciated, inventions and improvements in machinery, in processes and the general organization of the business have their merits promptly discussed: if one man starts a new idea, it is taken up by others and combined with suggestions of their own; and thus it becomes the source of further new ideas’ (Marshall, 1920, p. 225). This observation similarly has inspired a now decades-old literature within economics on the localization of economic activity, in general, and of inventive activity, in particular. Economists have only recently begun to connect these two Marshall-inspired literatures, studying localized systems of innovation as ‘ecosystems’ at the sub-national or regional level.3 This new work on regional entrepreneurial ecosystems has been prompted equally by the advance of models and empirical methods to represent the adaptive evolution of ecosystems (Holling et al., 1995; Gavrilets, 1999, 2004; Holling, 2001), a discontinuous increase in the volume and quality of data available to economic geographers (Rosenthal and Strange, 2001, 2004; Wallsten, 2001; Auerswald et al., 2007), and strong interest among policymakers (Isenberg, 2010; Auerswald, 2015). oxfordhb-9780198755609-part-3.indd 245 Electronic copy available at: https://ssrn.com/abstract=3494495 8/7/2017 6:50:53 PM OUP UNCORRECTED PROOF – REVISES, Mon Aug 07 2017, NEWGEN 246 Auerswald and Dani In this chapter we review the concept of ecosystems as applied to economic geography. We define an economic ecosystem as a dynamically stable network of interconnected firms and institutions within bounded geographical space. We propose that concepts familiar to economic geographers, such as ‘clusters’ (Porter, 1990) and ‘production networks’ (Piore and Sabel, 1984), are subsystems within regional economies, and further that representing regional economic networks as ‘ecosystems’ provides analytical structure and depth to otherwise mostly ad hoc theories of the sources of regional advantage, the role of entrepreneurs in regional development, and the determinants of resilience in regional economic systems. We frame regional economic change in terms of ecosystem dynamics, with reference to ecologically derived concepts of succession, speciation, diversity, resilience, and adaptation. We seek both to provide a summary of the scholarly discussion on economic ecosystems and to sketch directions for future research. In the next section we summarize the conceptual origins of the term ‘ecosystem’ and the concept of the ‘fitness landscape’ in evolutionary biology and explain their application to the study of economic ecosystems. In the section, ‘Unit of Analysis’, we introduce the concept of the ‘production algorithm’, which is analogous in economic ecosystems to the gene in biological ecosystems. In the fourth section, ‘Structure’, we summarize the structural characteristics of economic ecosystems, with a focus on the determination of ecosystem boundaries. In the fifth section, ‘Dynamics’, we describe the hypothesized dynamics of economic ecosystems, with particular emphasis on the systemic processes that lead to speciation and ecosystem-scale life cycles. In the penultimate section, ‘Health’, we propose some potential definitions of the health of ecosystems in terms of their resilience, adaptive capacity, diversity, and entrepreneurial dynamism. We conclude with a discussion on the future potential and direction of economic ecosystems research. Conceptual Origins The Definition of ‘Ecosystem’ In an 1857 essay titled ‘Progress: its Law and Cause’, Herbert Spencer argued that systems of all types—natural and social—tended to grow from simplicity to complexity through stages of differentiation, a process he characterized as ‘an advance from homogeneity of structure to heterogeneity of structure’ (Spencer, 1857, p. 234). Presenting an array of examples of such progression from simplicity to complexity, Spencer endeavoured to establish that the law of progress is the law of all progress. Whether it be in the development of the Earth, in the development of Life upon its surface, in the development of Society, of Government, of Manufactures, of Commerce, of Language, Literature, Science, Art, this same evolution of the simple into the complex, through a process of continuous differentiation, holds throughout (Spencer, 1857, p. 234). Nearly six decades after the publication of ‘Progress: Its Law and Cause’, Sir Arthur Tansley published a paper entitled ‘The Use and Abuse of Vegetational Concepts and Terms’ in which he introduced the term ‘ecosystem’. Tansley’s insight was that dynamically stable networks of interconnected organisms and inorganic resources constituted their own distinct domain of analysis. Evolutionary biologists in the 1930s were as naturally inclined to place oxfordhb-9780198755609-part-3.indd 246 Electronic copy available at: https://ssrn.com/abstract=3494495 8/7/2017 6:50:53 PM OUP UNCORRECTED PROOF – REVISES, Mon Aug 07 2017, NEWGEN Economic Ecosystems 247 ‘the organism’ at the centre of their inquiry as economists in the 1930s were to place ‘the firm’ at the centre of production theory, but Tansley rebelled against the application of the term ‘complex organism’ to describe dynamically stable networks of interconnected organisms and inorganic resources because ‘the term [“complex organism”] is already in common use for an individual higher animal or plant, and because the biome is not an organism except in the sense in which inorganic systems are organisms’. Accordingly, a new term was required. Tansley proposed the word ‘ecosystem’, which he defined as follows: It is the systems so formed which, from the point of view of the ecologist, are the basic units of nature on the face of the earth. Our natural human prejudices force us to consider the organisms (in the sense of the biologist) as the most important parts of these systems, but certainly the inorganic ‘factors’ are also parts—there could be no systems without them, and there is constant interchange of the most various kinds within each system, not only between the organisms but between the organic and the inorganic. These ecosystems, as we may call them, are of the most various kinds and sizes. They form one category of the multitudinous physical systems of the universe, which range from the universe as a whole down to the atom (Tansley, 1935, p. 299). As Tansley emphasized in defining the term, ecosystems come in a variety of sizes and scales determined by internal linkages and external boundaries. Tansley included the interactions between both the organic biome and the inorganic habitat in which these organisms live in determining the scope of the ecosystem. Accordingly, biological ecosystems can be as small as ponds, or as large as forests, and collections of ecosystems can be combined into higher- order systems. Nationally and globally, ecosystems are classified into a hierarchy of nested geographies of interacting networks (Bailey, 2009). In this chapter we elaborate on the proposition that the firm in an economic ecosystem is analogous to the organism in a biological ecosystem. We propose that economic ecosystems are characterized by interactions among densely interconnected firms, but that such ecosystems cannot reasonably be considered ‘complex firms’. Firms within an ecosystem are generally less tightly interconnected than subunits within a firm, but more tightly interconnected than atomistic entities reacting anonymously to price signals in a market. Evolution as the Solution to a Search Problem At about the same time that Tansley was defining the ecosystem and establishing the basis for ecology as a field of study, fellow biologist Sewall Wright was setting the stage for the ‘modern synthesis’ in evolutionary biology: the systematic integration of the ‘micro’ genetics of combination and recombination first postulated by Gregor Mendel with the ‘macro’ theory of evolution first and most famously expounded by Charles Darwin, with significant contemporaneous contributions from Herbert Spencer that described changes in the character of populations over time. Sewall Wright’s work constituted a significant advance over Darwinian theory and offered a bridge from evolutionary biology to other domains of inquiry. Wright began his 1932 paper ‘The Roles of Mutation, Inbreeding, Crossbreeding, and Selection in Evolution’ by distinguishing between two mechanisms by which genetic novelty might be introduced into particular populations. The first was the one emphasized by Darwin: single-point mutation, which would constitute incremental change for an oxfordhb-9780198755609-part-3.indd 247 Electronic copy available at: https://ssrn.com/abstract=3494495 8/7/2017 6:50:53 PM OUP UNCORRECTED PROOF – REVISES, Mon Aug 07 2017, NEWGEN 248 Auerswald and Dani offspring as compared with a parent. The second was that emphasized by Mendel: sexual, or ‘bi-parental’, reproduction, which would constitute large-scale, combinatorial change for an offspring as compared with parents. Wright noted the fundamentally unsatisfactory nature of mutation as a sole explanatory factor in the evolutionary process: The observed properties of gene mutation—fortuitous in origin, infrequent in occurrence and deleterious when not negligible in effect—seem about as unfavorable as possible for an evolutionary process. Under bi-parental reproduction, however, a limited number of mutations which are not too injurious to be carried by the species furnish an almost indefinite field of possible variations through which the species may work its way under natural selection (Wright, 1932, p. 356). Wright supported his claim by describing the astronomical number of combinations of genes that are possible in higher organisms, in comparison with the linearly scaling number of possible single-point mutations. As a consequence of the enormous space of combinatorial possibilities afforded through sexual reproduction, populations of higher organisms (including humans) demonstrate tremendous genetic diversity and thus different implications for a species’ reproductive success: There is no reasonable chance that any two individuals have exactly the same genetic constitution in a species of millions of millions of individuals persisting over millions of generations. There is no difficulty accounting for the probable genetic uniqueness of each human being or other organism which is the production of bi-parental reproduction (Wright, 1932, p. 356). To organize inquiry regarding the way in which populations evolve over time, Wright introduced the idea of a ‘landscape’ that assigns an environmentally determined level of ‘fitness’, or reproductive success, to each genetic combination. ‘The problem of evolution’, he states, ‘is that of a mechanism by which the species may continually find its way from lower to higher peaks in such a field. In order that this may occur, there must be some trial and error mechanism on a grand scale by which the species may explore the region surrounding a small portion of the field which it occupies. To evolve, the species must not be under the strict control of [mutation-driven] natural selection’ (Wright, 1932, p. 359). As introduced by Wright (1932), fitness landscapes are a two-dimensional visualization of the relationship between a species’ reproductive success and its genotype. The organism’s genotype is one possible combination in the ‘genotype space’, itself represented as a hypercube with vertices composed of all possible gene combinations. When plotted as two- dimensional contour map representing levels sets of reproductive fitness, fitness landscapes show multiple local and global optima, as well as ‘maladaptive valleys’ (see Figure 13.1). Although the combinatorial possibility of the genotype space is nearly boundless, not all of the landscape is accessible to a given individual of a species. The geometric features of the landscape play an important role in the accessibility to higher peaks of fitness for a given species. Sexual reproduction—which we will propose is analogous to Schumpeterian entrepreneurship and innovation in an economic ecosystem framework—thus provides a mechanism by which the population can reach regions of the fitness landscape that lie beyond its immediate ‘neighbourhood’ composed of adjacent genetic variants. The presence of sexual reproduction alone is, however, not sufficient to sustain continued evolution. Genetic diversity is also necessary. The reason for this is that, for a closed population, inbreeding among members of the population combines with natural selection to shift oxfordhb-9780198755609-part-3.indd 248 Electronic copy available at: https://ssrn.com/abstract=3494495 8/7/2017 6:50:53 PM OUP UNCORRECTED PROOF – REVISES, Mon Aug 07 2017, NEWGEN Economic Ecosystems 249 Figure 13.1 Sewall Wright’s Fitness Landscapes. Source: Wright (1932, p. 3). the distribution of genetic combinations ‘uphill’ on the landscape towards a fixed number of peaks, where a ‘peak’ on the fitness landscape is defined as local maximum in terms of favourable adaptation to the environment. After a sufficient time has elapsed such that the population converges on such peaks, a certain stasis sets in. While mutation may continue to introduce some variation after the population has reached a set of high points on the fitness landscape, ‘the species will occupy a certain field of variation about a peak … The field occupied [on the landscape] remains constant although no two individuals are ever identical’. Under such conditions ‘further evolution can only occur by the appearance of wholly new (instead of recurrent) mutations, and ones which happen to be favorable from the first [instance it appears]’.4 Absent fortuitous encounters with entire new populations of the same species, the single most effective way out of this trap is for the species to subdivide into local subspecies that occasionally crossbreed. This allows for the regular introduction of truly new combinations that fundamentally expand the field of variation occupied by the species. Wright’s primary conclusion is that evolution requires a balance among the various mechanisms for generating novelty upon which it depends: mutation, selection, inbreeding, and crossbreeding. ‘There must be gene mutation, but an excessive rate gives an array of [maladapted] freaks, not evolution; there must be selection, but too severe a process destroys the field of variability, and thus the basis for further advance; prevalence of local inbreeding within a species has extremely important evolutionary consequences, but too close inbreeding leads merely to extinction’. In the short term, narrow specialization leads to economies of scale and increased productivity; however, in the long term, narrow specialization leads to the exhaustion of possibilities for search, and thus to evolutionary dead ends. Success for a species depends on balancing these factors. oxfordhb-9780198755609-part-3.indd 249 Electronic copy available at: https://ssrn.com/abstract=3494495 8/7/2017 6:50:53 PM OUP UNCORRECTED PROOF – REVISES, Mon Aug 07 2017, NEWGEN 250 Auerswald and Dani As we will see, an ecosystems perspective on economic geography suggests that the same holds for the densely interconnected firms that comprise economic ecosystems: specialization yields increased productivity, but success in the long term depends equally on the continued introduction of novelty.5 Unit of Analysis Representing the ‘DNA’ of Firms Markets exert a selection pressure on firms that is reflected in the dynamics of industries. Standard theories of industrial organization suggest that firms with greater-than-average productivity will grow over time within a given industry, while low-productivity firms are likely to shrink or exit (Viner, 1932; Jovanovic, 1982; Hopenhayn 1992; Ericson and Pakes, 1995; Foster et al., 2008). However, contrary to the predictions of Viner (1932), productivity differences among industries in different geographies, among firms within industries, and even among plant within firms, are large and tend to persist over time.6 Work by Bloom and Van Reenen (2010) singled out the influence of management practices on cross-country variations in firm productivity. These results suggest that economically relevant knowledge is generally firm-specific and costly to transmit. Imperfect appropriability of the production process allows entrepreneurs to capture persistent rents (Aghion and Howitt, 1992; Auerswald, 2010). While surprising in the context of the knowledge-based variants of ‘new growth’ theory that emphasize the ostensible ubiquity of ‘knowledge spillovers’,7 these results fit comfortably within an ecosystems view of economic geography. If firms are organisms, then the DNA of firms is the economically relevant knowledge embedded within the firm on which the firm’s survival depends. We will term such economically relevant knowledge embedded within the firm the firm’s ‘production algorithm’. A notable conceptual antecedent to the production algorithm is the firm-level ‘routine’ (Nelson and Winter, 1982), or those firm-specific functions that relate inputs to outputs given the internal context and the external environment of the business operations. Nelson and Winter (1982) proposed that routine plays ‘the role that genes play in biological evolutionary theory’ (Nelson and Winter, 1982, p. 17).8 Auerswald et al. (2000) refer to the economically relevant knowledge encoded within a firm as its ‘production recipe’, which represents ‘the complete description of the underlying engineering process’. Employing a culinary rather than biological analogy, the notion of recipes emphasizes that a firm’s production plan extends well beyond the mapping of ingredients (inputs) to outputs, that is the focus of standard production theory, to incorporating the specific list order for routinization of the production plan. More important, the production algorithm consists of the ‘how’ of the production process—the code that specifies the distinct operations required to convert inputs into outputs.9 Invoking the Coasean notion that firms exist to internalize externalities (Coase, 1937), it follows naturally that the production recipes or production algorithms—two terms we will use interchangeably—that are mostly likely to survive under evolutionary pressure are complex and cannot be easily imitated. oxfordhb-9780198755609-part-3.indd 250 Electronic copy available at: https://ssrn.com/abstract=3494495 8/7/2017 6:50:53 PM OUP UNCORRECTED PROOF – REVISES, Mon Aug 07 2017, NEWGEN Economic Ecosystems 251 In the ecosystems framework, therefore, production recipes/algorithms are analogous to genes in organisms. They are the basic units of economic recombination. Learning by Doing and Adaptive Walks on Fitness Landscapes In 1936, four years after Sewall Wright published his pioneering work introducing the concept of the fitness landscape to evolutionary biology, his brother, T.P. Wright, published a paper titled ‘Factors Affecting the Cost of Airplanes’ that set the stage for a future modern synthesis in economics, linking of systematic modifications at the scale of the production algorithm to observed outcomes at the scale of economic ecosystem. This paper was a contribution to the engineering literature that documented the manner in which the cost of airframes declined as experience accumulated. Yet what T.P. Wright had discovered—the organizational learning curve—turned out to have fundamental significance in fields as varied as business strategy, industrial organization, macroeconomics, and economic geography. Citing Wright (1932), Arrow (1962) proposed a growth model based on the observation that per unit costs of production can fall even in the absence of capital accumulation and R & D inputs. He attributed this productivity gain in the absence of increased inputs to ‘learning by doing’. Also citing Wright (1932), Muth (1986) began to link production algorithms to the emergence of learning curves by suggesting that higher efficiencies in the search procedure can be achieved by breaking the design problem into smaller components and systematically modifying the components individually. Building on this work, and employing the intuitive conceptualization of fitness landscapes articulated by Wright to explain the emergence of learning curves as documented by Wright (1932), and Auerswald et al. (2000) applied the production recipes approach to learning by doing as a process of systematic search in space of possibilities represented by adjacent production algorithms. The specific form of a fitness landscape employed in Auerswald et al. (2000) is Kauffman and Levin’s (1987) NK model. In the NK model, N refers to the number of traits of an organism that contribute to increasing fitness of the organism, while K refers to the number of other traits of the organism that have a bearing on its fitness. The evolutionary pathway is modelled as an ‘adaptive walk’ or a step-wise optimization process. Genetic mutations happen at random but only those mutations that increase the species’ fitness are adopted and it is through this evolutionary process that a species traverses the fitness landscape in search of a more optimal peak. As K increases, the ruggedness of the landscape increases with the number of peaks increasing, but the typical height of the peaks decreases to reflect that an increase in the epistatic linkages increases the conflicting constraints of the fitness landscape (Kauffman, 1989). More recently, Sergey Gavrilets suggested that the properties of multidimensional landscapes can differ significantly from low-dimension landscapes, which can have implications on how a species’ population moves from one peak to another, or crosses a valley. Gavrilets and Janko Gravner (1997) answered this question by suggesting that a population can cross maladaptive valleys to reach a higher fitness peak by traversing along ‘ridges’ if and where available. However, these ridges are determined by how peaks cluster on that landscape, and they may not be accessible. In the production recipes application of the NK model introduced in Auerswald et al. (2000), N refers to the number of individual operations in the production recipe, and K refers to the average number of interactions among operations that have a bearing on overall oxfordhb-9780198755609-part-3.indd 251 Electronic copy available at: https://ssrn.com/abstract=3494495 8/7/2017 6:50:53 PM OUP UNCORRECTED PROOF – REVISES, Mon Aug 07 2017, NEWGEN 252 Auerswald and Dani efficiency of the production recipe. In this framework, the difficulty of the search problem solved by the firm is determined primarily by K, ‘the richness of epistatic linkages in the system’ (Kauffman and Johnsen, 1991). Strumsky and Lobo (2003), Siggelkow and Levinthal (2003), and McNerney et al. (2010) have similarly employed landscape models to study how the co-evolutionary patterns of organizational and design subsystems can improve efficiency of the search process while reducing costs.10 Hidalgo et al. (2007), Neffke and Henning (2013), and Muneepeerakul et al. (2013) have further advanced work on economic ecosystems by mapping the search space of possibilities embedded in the knowledge structures of regional production processes, industries, and occupations, respectively. Combination and Recombination The correspondence between genes and production algorithms in biological and economic ecosystems, respectively, suggests that evolution as search may occur not only as a consequence of mutation and selection—analogous to competition among firms in the presence of learning by doing as described by Wright (1932) and Arrow (1962)—but also as a consequence of the combination and recombination—analogous to combination and recombination as a driver of technological advance, as emphasized by Schumpeter (1911) and Arthur (2013), among others. Schumpeter famously wrote: ‘The carrying out of new combinations we call “enterprise”; the individuals whose function it is to carry them out we call “entrepreneurs” ’. Echoing Wright (1932) and deriving conclusions from a combination of theoretical first principles and insights derived from a plethora of historical cases, Arthur (2013, p. 129) argues that novel technologies—new technological ‘species’—arise overwhelmingly as the consequence of the purposive recombination of existing solutions: We … have our answer to the key question of how novel technologies arise. The mechanism is certainly not Darwinian: novel species in technology do not arise from the accumulation of small changes. They arise from a process, a human and often lengthy one, of linking a need with a principle (some generic use of an effect) that will satisfy it. This linkage stretches from the need itself to the base phenomenon that will be harnessed to meet it, through supporting solutions and subsolutions … In the end the problem must be solved with pieces— components—that already exist (or pieces that can be created from ones that already exist). Learning by doing, analogous to mutation combined with selection, and recombination, broadly analogous to sexual reproduction, drive the dynamics as the scale of production algorithms that determine the evolution of economic ecosystems. Co-evolutionary Dynamics Species do not just evolve, of course. They co-evolve with other species in their environments. The preceding section talked about the evolution of a species as a search for a better fit along a fixed fitness landscape. Yet, the adaptive progress of one species in an environment is likely to have implications for the evolution of a different species sharing the same environment. “Anecdotally, development of a sticky tongue by the frog alters the fitness of the fly, and what changes it must now make to increase its fitness; given the frog’s sticky tongue, the oxfordhb-9780198755609-part-3.indd 252 Electronic copy available at: https://ssrn.com/abstract=3494495 8/7/2017 6:50:53 PM OUP UNCORRECTED PROOF – REVISES, Mon Aug 07 2017, NEWGEN Economic Ecosystems 253 fly should now develop slippery feet. In this framework, adaptive moves by any partner may deform the fitness landscapes of other partners.” (Kauffman and Johnsen, 1991, p. 468). The study of the evolution of a species should also incorporate the co-evolutionary patterns of other interacting species. To model this mathematically, Kauffman and Johnsen (1991) extend the NK framework to include C, the number of traits of the other interacting species that have a bearing on its fitness. Such ‘coupled NK fitness landscapes’ have varied emergent properties and the co-evolutionary process applies particular pressures on the evolutionary pathways of different species. Key developments in this field that further carry over to the economic ecosystem perspective is that ecosystems are not completely connected, but instead each species in the ecosystem only interacts with a subset of other species in the ecosystem, forming a web of interactions. Co-evolutionary patterns of industries and technologies within economic ecosystems are driven by specific and relevant interactions that can be identified and evaluated in the context of different search strategies. Structure Spatial Agglomeration and the Definition of Ecosystem Boundaries In economic geography the periphery is often contrasted with the core. Agglomeration arises from the locational choices of manufacturing firms in the presence of transport costs, thereby determining how the core and periphery grow over time (Krugman, 1991). More generally, economic ecosystems are defined within specific geographies by internal linkages and external boundaries. Just as biological habitats comprise ecosystems, which, in turn, make up biomes, economic ecosystems are also nested within larger hierarchies of regional, national, and global systems. While ecologists are able to rely on the physical and topographical characteristics of space to define the boundaries of ecosystems (Bailey, 2009), these methods have limited applicability when dissecting abstract strategic networks that comprise economic ecosystems. The ability to identify internal linkages and define boundaries is thus a necessary condition to applying the concept of the ‘ecosystem’ to economics. To specify interactions that contribute to defining ecosystem boundaries, they must be complemented with methods to map knowledge networks, strategic alliances, and other outcomes of processes that develop social, cultural, and economic ties.11 Gunderson and Holling (2001) recommend a method of mapping ecosystems that is similar to the biological approach of the ‘controlling factors method’ (Bailey, 2009). They suggest that ‘the complexity of living systems of people and nature emerges not from a random association of a large number of interacting factors rather from a smaller number of controlling processes. These systems are self-organized and a small set of critical processes create and maintain this self-organization’ (Holling, 2001, p. 391). The Gunderson and Holling (2001) approach has developed alongside theoretically similar applications of evolutionary theories in the multi-level perspective, particularly to the study of technological transitions (Geels, 2002; Genus and Coles, 2008). In an outcome-based approach to specifying the internal oxfordhb-9780198755609-part-3.indd 253 Electronic copy available at: https://ssrn.com/abstract=3494495 8/7/2017 6:50:53 PM OUP UNCORRECTED PROOF – REVISES, Mon Aug 07 2017, NEWGEN 254 Auerswald and Dani interactions that correlate with the overall performance of economic ecosystems, Stangler and Bell-Masterson (2015) recommend evaluating the overall performance of economic ecosystems based on a set of four regional entrepreneurship-specific indicator variables: density; fluidity; connectivity; and diversity. Ecosystem boundaries are characterized by an exchange of energy and information between neighbouring ecosystems and are termed ‘transition zones’ (Banks-Leite and Ewers, 2009). In natural ecosystems, these transition zones may be abrupt, such as the boundary between a marine and terrestrial ecosystem, or a field and an adjoining forest. Alternately, the transition zones may be more gradual, incorporating a series of overlapping structures, such as in estuaries and marshes. While the width of the transition zone depends largely on the geography of the region, these zones provide spaces through which one ecosystem influences another, what is termed an ‘edge effect’ (Murcia, 1995). These edge effects are primarily driven by abiotic conditions and pose a strong influence on the environmental conditions of the transition zones, creating unique habitats to which species are specifically adapted. Accordingly, the greater the contrast between the habitats sharing an edge, the stronger will be the edge effect. Boundaries of economic ecosystems resemble transition zones in biological ecosystems. In the most direct geographical sense, the political boundaries reflect sharp contrasts in the transition zones making the difference between ecosystem structures sharply visible. For instance, Figure 13.2 shows an aerial view of a section of the USA/Mexico border, one of the most controlled and frequently crossed borders in the world. The edge of the two national ecosystems is very apparent in the image. In another example, metropolitan statistical area (MSA) definitions in the USA are updated every few years to reflect population changes along border counties (Office of Management and Budget, 2013). These changes can include the reassigning of counties from one MSA to an adjacent one based on commuting zones, or the addition or exclusion of a Figure 13.2 Ecosystem Boundaries—US/Mexico Border. Source: Google Earth satellite image. oxfordhb-9780198755609-part-3.indd 254 Electronic copy available at: https://ssrn.com/abstract=3494495 8/7/2017 6:50:54 PM OUP UNCORRECTED PROOF – REVISES, Mon Aug 07 2017, NEWGEN Economic Ecosystems 255 county from an MSA based on population change. Although MSA definitions are political boundaries, they reflect the socio-economic relationships between interior and boundary regions of a common physical system. Interdependencies Firms in economic ecosystems are not uniformly distributed, and a firm’s location within the ecosystem has strong implications on its productivity and evolution. Many new economic combinations fail to survive in the market because complementary factors or vital inputs for production and commercialization may not yet be available. Fagerberg (2005) gives the example of Leonardo da Vinci, who had presented designs of advanced technologies, including airplanes, but he lacked the adequate materials or production processes to realize them during his time. A contemporary example is the recent explosion in the fields of computational sciences. Although much of the mathematics behind pattern-recognition algorithms was well established more than a century ago, it took the computational power of modern computers to allow researchers to apply fully the programming methods that today are branching out new technological fields in augmented reality, artificial intelligence, and cybernetics. In this sense, it is hard to conceive of the structure of innovation without also considering how the structure evolves over time. When looking at a static representation of the innovation system we would be hard pressed to identify the relevant components that have led up to the current opportunity for commercialization. Spencer (1857) long ago described how different components of an economy, when connected, become mutually dependent and begin to differentiate themselves by assuming different functions: ‘When roads and other means of transit become numerous and good, the different districts begin to assume different functions, and to become mutually dependent.’ Economic complexity in this sense is a result of increased interdependence within systems and where more complex interactions imply more complex social arrangements. These complex interdependencies in ecosystems are multidimensional and can be measured in a number of ways. Most often they are studied in terms of the number of parts to a technological artifact (Strumsky et al., 2012), but they may also be reflected in terms of organizational complexity of production processes within firms (Auerswald et al., 2000), the diversity of teams required to develop new technological innovations (Kash and Rycroft, 1999; Adams et al., 2005), as well as the in the intricacies of buyer–supplier networks and peer-production networks (Appleyard, 2003; Auerswald and Branscomb, 2008). Dynamics Succession Ecosystem succession refers to the process by which the structure of the system evolves over time. In broad terms, succession in biological ecosystems is represented by the emergence of a new biological community following a large disturbance. These changes in biological oxfordhb-9780198755609-part-3.indd 255 Electronic copy available at: https://ssrn.com/abstract=3494495 8/7/2017 6:50:54 PM OUP UNCORRECTED PROOF – REVISES, Mon Aug 07 2017, NEWGEN 256 Auerswald and Dani composition of the ecosystem, termed ‘succession’, are analogous to the progressive development of practices within an industry or local economy. Tansley describes succession as follows: Succession is a continuous process of change in vegetation which can be separated into a series of phases. When the dominating factors of change depend directly on the activities of the plants themselves (autogenic factors) the succession is autogenic: when the dominating factors are external to the plants (allogenic factors) it is allogenic. The successions (priseres) which lead from bare substrata to the highest types of vegetation actually present in a climatic region (progressive) are primarily autogenic. Those which lead away from these higher forms of vegetation (retrogressive) are largely allogenic, though both types of factor enter into all successions (1935, p. 306). Just as succession can be either autogenic or allogenic, the evolution of industries in economic ecosystems can be either endogenously driven or exogenously driven. Furthermore, just as Tansley defines successions that lead towards greater biological complexity as progressive change in biological systems, so we are suggesting that the evolution of the capabilities of a city or region towards greater complexity constitutes progressive change in economic systems. Speciation Gavrilets (2004, pp. 399–400) proposes that ‘speciation can be visualized as the process of formation and subsequent divergence of clusters of organisms in genotype space accompanied by the evolution of RI [reproductive isolation] between the emerging clusters’. In developing this higher-order complexity of fitness landscapes, Gavrilets coined the term ‘holey adaptive landscapes’, defining them as ‘an adaptive landscape where relatively infrequent well-fit combinations of genes form a contiguous set that expands throughout the genotype space’ (Gavrilets, 1997, 1999). These holey adaptive landscapes, being less contiguous and offering fewer pathways for adaptive walks, have properties that can result in subdivision of populations, leading to speciation.12 Ecosystem Life Cycles Adaptive Capacity or the Resilience of the System As Figure 13.3 illustrates, the biological adaptive cycle alternates between short periods of systemic restructuring triggered by a disturbance (release and reorganization), followed by longer periods of accumulation and transformation of resources (exploitation and conservation). The development of the ecosystem from the exploitation phase to the conservation phase captures the traditional notions of ecological succession. Organisms rapidly colonize a disturbed space to accumulate stores of energy and form complex interdependencies. The shorter period beginning with the release is often referred to as the phase of ‘creative destruction’ to parallel Schumpeterian entrepreneurship (Schumpeter, 1911, 1939). It occurs when the over-connected dependencies resulting from the conservation phase collapse under some external disturbance, such as a fire or disease. The result is a release of a great oxfordhb-9780198755609-part-3.indd 256 Electronic copy available at: https://ssrn.com/abstract=3494495 8/7/2017 6:50:54 PM OUP UNCORRECTED PROOF – REVISES, Mon Aug 07 2017, NEWGEN Economic Ecosystems 257 4. REORGANISATION 2. CONSERVATION Succession Consolidation STORED NUTRIENTS Accessible carbon and nutrients 1. EXPLOITATION 3. RELEASE Disturbance: Fire, storm, pest Pioneer Opportunist CONNECTEDNESS Figure 13.3 Succession and Reorganization of Ecosystems. Source: Bengtsson et al. (2000). amount of stored energy, potentially creating new opportunity for more complex reorganization with more diverse inputs. These features are paralleled in social and economic ecosystems as well and can be observed in the entrepreneurial activity that drives change in the structure of the ecosystem. To summarize the argument presented by Gunderson and Holling (2001) in their book Panarchy: Understanding Transformations in Human and Natural Systems, we can consider the exploitation phase to be crowded by entrepreneurial activity that is working and defining a new space of opportunity. Pioneers and opportunists who have preferential access to the newly released energy and resources will be the first to jump to entrepreneurial action and the overall diversity of the cluster will increase. As the system matures into the conservation phase, consolidation across firms will establish new system-level standards that, in turn, enable more specialized innovative activity. The structure of the ecosystem will have become denser and more interconnected across different scales of economic activity. As the networks become denser and more embedded, the structure of the ecosystem becomes more rigid and, consequently, more vulnerable to large-scale disturbances. In certain configurations,13 a strong stochastic shock, such as a regulatory change, can significantly disentangle many networks of the structure and release abundant energy into the environment. Entrepreneurs will once again seek opportunity in this disturbance and begin to establish a new order to the ecosystem in the reorganization phase. Figure 13.4 provides a generalized summary of the features of each of the four phases. Note that the two axes of the diagram indicate levels of realized entrepreneurial potential and the connectedness of the economic ecosystem. In the next subsections we discuss in more detail the two life-cycle loops of ‘release and reorganization’, and ‘exploitation and conservation’ in more detail according to the processes that enable systemic phase shifts. oxfordhb-9780198755609-part-3.indd 257 Electronic copy available at: https://ssrn.com/abstract=3494495 8/7/2017 6:50:54 PM OUP UNCORRECTED PROOF – REVISES, Mon Aug 07 2017, NEWGEN 258 Auerswald and Dani 4. Reorganization – Release of stored nutrients introduces novelty – Phase characteristics: restructuring; highest uncertainty; new order Potential 2. Conservation – ‘Climax’ or equilibrium phase – Resource utilization shifts from growth to system maintenance – Phase characteristics: stability; rigidity; strong interdependencies; vulnerability to disturbance Connectedness 1. Exploitation 3. Release – ‘Creative destruction’ phase – High competition for resources – System collapse releasing stored nutrients – New opportunities from increasing diversity – Phase characteristics; uncertainty; chaos; – Phase characteristics; pioneers; opportunity; disturbance; de-stability innovation; uncertainty Figure 13.4 Phase Characteristics of the Entrepreneurial Ecosystem. Source: Author’s adaptation. Release to Reorganization Release refers to the opportunity that fuels the creative destruction phase. Resulting from some external disturbance, the tightly knit connected structures of the ecosystem come undone and large amounts of stored capital and energy are released within the ecosystem. This initiates the undoing of old established networks from the prior period of succession. Networks established during the shift from exploitation to conservation mature over a long period of time; however, the structural shift from release to reorganization occurs over a much shorter time scale and is very disruptive. Although established networks deteriorate and the interconnectedness of the ecosystem declines, reorganization sets the stage for a new rapid phase of exploitation and entrepreneurial opportunity followed by a long period of innovation and economic succession. Exploitation to Conservation Exploitation refers to the colonization of disturbed ecosystems where species capture easily accessible resources. It is the beginnings of establishing order to a chaotic system. The conservation phase, however, is the ‘climax’ phase of succession where stored nutrients and energy are at their peak and the system has achieved a high level of interconnectedness. It is a result of a long period of growth and reorder in the system, and refers to the phase of the adaptive cycle when the ecosystem has developed strong and complex interdependencies. oxfordhb-9780198755609-part-3.indd 258 Electronic copy available at: https://ssrn.com/abstract=3494495 8/7/2017 6:50:54 PM OUP UNCORRECTED PROOF – REVISES, Mon Aug 07 2017, NEWGEN Economic Ecosystems 259 As the ecosystem embarks on a long period of succession, it develops broader networks and increases its connectivity. When no market niches are left unexploited, entrepreneurs will look for new opportunities through innovations in established technologies rather than opportunity identification or imitation. A key feature of succession is the macro-level stability of the system relative to significant churn at the micro-levels of the organization. Consequently, strong cross-level synergies such as spin-offs from large firms and more active mergers and acquisitions markets develop in the ecosystems. The networks that build on these interactions not only incentivize greater innovative activity, but also reinforce the structures of the ecosystem. Health Diversity Jane Jacobs (1961, 1969) made early and seminal advancements on the hypothesis that increasing economic diversity is key to the vitality of cities. She described the engines of growth for regions to be enabled by increasing connectivity to cities, as well as increasing economic diversity within the region itself. Glaeser et al. (1992) studied a cross-section of US cities and found that ‘at the city-industry level, specialization hurts, competition helps, and city diversity helps employment growth’. Work by Feldman and Audretsch (1999) similarly emphasized the importance of economic diversity in innovative activity. Saxenian (1994) documented the relative success of Silicon Valley in developing its technology sector in the 1980s as compared with Boston Route 128. She argued that inter-firm and inter-industry networks in Silicon Valley played a significant role in providing it with regional technological advantage as a result of knowledge externalities leading to greater innovative outputs. Hidalgo et al. (2007) studied the co-occurrence of products in the export portfolios of countries to identify a relatedness measure across products, based on the expectation that countries are more likely to produce goods together that require ‘similar institutions, infrastructure, physical factors, technology, or some combination thereof ’ (Hidalgo et al., 2007, p. 484). The revealed network of products, called the ‘product space’, showed that more sophisticated products were located in denser regions of the network, while less sophisticated products were on the periphery. Furthermore, they also found that advanced countries tended to have more diverse and densely networked product spaces than the less developed countries. They explain the developmental constrains on countries in terms of the connectedness of their product space and the co-evolutionary patterns of their firms. Hidalgo et al. (2007) apply a biological analogy similar in intent as the adaptive walks of firms along ‘holey adaptive landscapes’: Think of a product as a tree and the set of all products as a forest. A country is composed of a collection of firms, i.e., of monkeys that live on different trees and exploit those products. The process of growth implies moving from a poorer part of the forest, where trees have little fruit, to better parts of the forest. This implies that monkeys would have to jump distances, that is, redeploy (human, physical, and institutional) capital toward goods that are different from those currently under production. Traditional growth theory assumes there is always a tree oxfordhb-9780198755609-part-3.indd 259 Electronic copy available at: https://ssrn.com/abstract=3494495 8/7/2017 6:50:54 PM OUP UNCORRECTED PROOF – REVISES, Mon Aug 07 2017, NEWGEN 260 Auerswald and Dani within reach; hence, the structure of this forest is unimportant. However, if this forest is heterogeneous, with some dense areas and other more-deserted ones, and if monkeys can jump only limited distances, then monkeys may be unable to move through the forest. If this is the case, the structure of this space and a country’s orientation within it become of great importance to the development of countries (Hidalgo et al., 2007, p. 482). Regions develop comparative advantage by having diverse but related economic structures. Neffke and Henning (2013) studied the flows of labour across industries to identify an ‘industry space’. They define a skill-relatedness measure based on the expectation that workers are more likely to move across jobs that have similar skill requirements. Consequently, industries that have similar skill requirements should show greater cross-industry flows after controlling for other industry dynamics. Applying the industry space to study regional diversification, they find that firms are 100 times more likely to diversify into industries that are more skill-related. Ecosystem Resilience and Adaptive Capacity The notion of resilience is an ecological concept that in economic geography has most often been applied to a region’s capacity to resist and recover from disturbances, including natural disasters (Fingleton et al., 2012). Rose (2004) discusses the behavioural response of individuals and regional markets to large-scale disruptive events such as earthquakes within a computation general equilibrium framework. He defines resilience as ‘the inherent and adaptive responses to hazards that enable individuals and communities to avoid some potential losses’ (Rose, 2004, p. 41). Notably, he distinguishes the ‘inherent’ response as that which allows for the substitution of inputs within the system for those that were affected by the disturbance, and the ‘adaptive’ response as that which actively reconfigures the network of relationships between suppliers and customers for better reallocation of resources. Both these responses reflect the expectation for the region’s social and economic structure returning to a pre-disaster equilibrium as its ability to accommodate shocks (Rose, 2004). While initially appealing to traditional regional economists, economic geographers highlight that as a necessity of the response to the shock the economic structure of the region also changes and a new equilibrium state is reached through adjustment (Martin, 2012). Accordingly, an evolutionary approach has been recommended whereby following a disturbance, the ecosystem does not return to pre-disaster equilibrium, but instead is set on a new equilibrium path (Holling, 2001). In our ecosystem perspective we adopt not only a similar conception of ecological resilience set in an evolutionary framework, but also emphasize the dynamically stable growth trajectories of regional economies (Martin and Sunley, 2007; Boschma, 2015). We consider ecosystem resilience to be the ability of the economy to return to, or continue on, its path of long-term development following a disturbance, and also allow for the ecosystem to develop new pathways to development as a response to the disturbance. The trade-off between these two structural responses is framed in the literature in terms of ecosystem adaptation versus adaptability (Hassnik, 2010; Pike et al., 2010; Boschma, 2015). Where adaptation refers to a region’s ability to return to its pre-disaster development trajectory, adaptability refers to the region’s ability to innovate new pathways for growth (Pike et al., oxfordhb-9780198755609-part-3.indd 260 Electronic copy available at: https://ssrn.com/abstract=3494495 8/7/2017 6:50:54 PM OUP UNCORRECTED PROOF – REVISES, Mon Aug 07 2017, NEWGEN Economic Ecosystems 261 2010) through industry speciation, for instance. In both these responses an ecosystem’s diversity plays a critical role. In terms of adaptation, regions with more diversified industrial sectors have been shown to better accommodate sector-specific shocks, provided other sectors in the economy are not strongly coupled with the affected sector in terms of supply-chain relations, but are similar in their skill composition (Essletbichler, 2007; Frenken et al., 2007; Neffke and Henning, 2013). These circumstances limit the diffusion of the supply or demand shock across sectors while providing better-matching opportunities for labour displaced by the shock in other local skill-related sectors. In terms of adaptability, diversified ecosystems have improved capacity for algorithmic recombination (Auerswald, 2008) resulting from ‘Jacobs’ externalities’ (Jacobs, 1961), thus enabling opportunity for the region to innovate new development pathways. Industry speciation, in this case, is one potential development of ‘new pathways’ that can improve ecosystem outcomes as has been empirically identified by Neffke et al. (2011), but co-evolutionary patterns in institutional change also facilitate or inhibit the ability of ecosystems to respond to large disturbances. Key to the evolutionary perspective worth iterating here is the path-dependent and co- evolutionary nature of the ecosystem, because an ecosystem may respond to a disturbance in a maladaptive fashion that can reduce the overall welfare of the system, or set it upon a new evolutionary path that is less socially optimal than the initial development trajectory (Holling, 2001). Yet, in general, the potential for adaptation versus adaptability of the ecosystem is viewed as a trade-off whereby the prior is the expected response of densely connected and interdependent structures, while adaptability is more plausible for systems that have looser, more malleable ties. Entrepreneurial Dynamism Entrepreneurship is at the heart of economic change (Schumpeter, 1911), yet it takes an entire ecosystem to help entrepreneurs bring innovations to market. Novelty in an economic ecosystem is a result of coordinated activities both within firms and with agents external to the firm. Entrepreneurship is a collective achievement that resides not only within the parent organization of the innovation but also in the construction of an industrial infrastructure that facilitates and constrains innovation. This infrastructure includes (1) institutional arrangements to legitimize, regulate, and standardize a new technology; (2) public-resource endowments of basic scientific knowledge, financing mechanisms, and a pool of competent labor; (3) development of markets, consumer education, and demand; and (4) proprietary research and development, manufacturing, production, and distribution functions by private entrepreneurial firms to commercialize the innovation for profit (Van de Ven et al., 1999, p. 149). Furthermore, innovation is a dynamic, non-linear process. Some innovations can have a radical impact on the market, while most others are incremental (Freeman and Soete, 2009), but it is far from a well-defined phenomenon and requires the coming together of many factors to produce the right opportunity for commercialization. For instance, many inventions never make it to market because complementary factors or vital inputs for production and oxfordhb-9780198755609-part-3.indd 261 Electronic copy available at: https://ssrn.com/abstract=3494495 8/7/2017 6:50:54 PM OUP UNCORRECTED PROOF – REVISES, Mon Aug 07 2017, NEWGEN 262 Auerswald and Dani commercialization may not be available yet (Fagerberg, 2005). Feldman and Zoller (2011) found evidence that the presence of dealmakers in regional economies played an influential role in fostering regional entrepreneurship. Dealmakers acted as brokers who functioned to shape the network, manage structural holes, and ‘connect disparate actors to social networks’ (Feldman and Zoller, 2011, p. 27). Such coordinated activities across various organizations within institutional frameworks allude to multi-level, networked, and interdependent relationships that define and enable the innovative process. Entrepreneurial action is essential to evolution in economic ecosystems as it provides a selection mechanism that impacts structural change and is thus an important indicator for assessing the health of economic ecosystems. Conclusion At the time when Alfred Marshall stated that ‘the Mecca of the economist lies in economic biology rather than in economic dynamics’, the concept of the ecosystem had not yet been developed; the ‘modern synthesis’ in evolutionary biology had not yet occurred; and mathematical models of evolutionary processes did not yet exist. Nearly a century later, economists have access to powerful analytical tools developed by evolutionary biologists and ecologists that have the potential to be directed towards the study of economic ecosystems. In proposing that economic systems are, literally, ecosystems, and thus that they may be fruitfully be studied as such, we are mindful of the fact that human beings do differ along multiple dimensions from other biological entities. We expect that the path for research that we suggest in this chapter ultimately will lead to an understanding that the study of economic ecosystems requires different tools from those developed by ecologists and evolutionary biologists. Thus, our contention in this chapter is not that humans are the same as other biological entities, or that existing biologically inspired models ultimately will prove adequate in the study of social systems. Rather, it is that we will only understand the boundaries for the application of biologically inspired models if we begin by taking economic systems seriously as ecosystems, and studying their properties from that starting point. In such a process, we are only at the beginning. Notes 1. Herbert Spencer’s (1857) early work on evolution, specifically his seminal essay ‘Progress: Its Law and Cause’ arguing that all structures in the universe evolved from simplicity towards ever-increasing complexity, had a foundational impact on developing biologically informed theories in the study of physical and social systems. 2. Thorstein Veblen, influenced by Spencer’s early work, first used the term ‘evolutionary economics’ in his 1898 essay ‘Why is economics not an evolutionary science?’ (Veblen, 1898). More recently, pioneering work by Nelson and Winter (1982) has embraced biological analogies to advance the field of evolutionary economics. 3. Acs et al. (2014) introduced the related, but distinct, concept of a national entrepreneurial ecosystem. oxfordhb-9780198755609-part-3.indd 262 Electronic copy available at: https://ssrn.com/abstract=3494495 8/7/2017 6:50:54 PM OUP UNCORRECTED PROOF – REVISES, Mon Aug 07 2017, NEWGEN Economic Ecosystems 263 4. Inbreeding also leads to greater risk of generically caused disease, as well as diminished resilience of the phenotype. 5. As Lucas (1993, p. 263) finds: ‘A growth miracle sustained for a period of decades clearly must thus involve the continual introduction of new goods, not merely continued learning on a fixed set of goods.’ 6. Syverson (2011) provides a survey. Productivity is a residual measure of how well firms convert their inputs to outputs after accounting for observed characteristics, that is, a measure for how well firms perform in given market structures (Syverson, 2004a), as well as their ability to imitate the practices of the most productive firms (Bloom and Van Reenen, 2010). Firm productivity is directly associated with firm-specific attributes that, although unobserved, explain the wide dispersion in firm behaviour, even for firms in the same industry producing similar output. In the USA alone, considering manufacturing plants at the four-digit level of industry, plants in the ninetieth percentile of the productivity distribution made twice as much output with the same inputs as plants in the tenth percentile of the distribution (Syverson, 2004b). Hsieh and Klenow (2009) found these productivity differences to be even larger for firms in China and India, where the ninetieth percentile made nearly five times the output of the firms in the tenth percentile. Foster et al. (2008) account for price changes (idiosyncratic demand shifts) that can affect the measure of productivity across firms and show that the differences in output persist even in the case of firms in industries that produce homogenous products. How firms organize their production activities to produce output has been a core consideration of economic theory. 7. For example, as pioneered by Romer (1986, 1990, 1994). An inspiration for these theories was Marshall’s observation, which was quoted at the outset, that ‘the mysteries of the trade become no mysteries; but are as it were in the air’. Either Marshall was mistaken on this point, or processes of production have become sufficiently more complex in the intervening century that his observation no longer holds. 8. The biological analogy grants these routines the evolutionary features of deterministic behaviour, heritable characteristics across generations of routines, and selection based on some routines being better suited to their markets than others (Nelson and Winter, 1982, pp. 51–138). 9. Along similar lines Winter (1968) observes: ‘ “Knowing how to bake a cake” is clearly not the same thing as “knowing how to bring together all of the ingredients for a cake.” Knowing how to bake a cake is knowing how to execute the sequence of operations that are specified, more or less closely, in a cake recipe.’ 10. Early foundational work on innovation as search by Evenson and Kislev (1976) modelled a simple trade-off between the costs of search and the expected yield of success to determine that a research team will stop the search process when the costs exceed the expected returns from success. Weitzman (1979) iteratively added to this discussion by introducing a dynamic programming model of an optimal sequential search strategy. His model identified objective conditions under which a research team should engage in search, in what order should they pursue multiple research options, and when should they stop the search. In support of this observation, Kauffman et al. (1994) provided a simulation model to show that parallel processing algorithms can increase the efficiency of search for complex designs. 11. An interesting recent development along these lines is the application of satellite imaging and big data to study how economic systems grow or shrink over relatively short timeframes (Kearns, 2015). Such methods help delineate physical boundaries of economic ecosystems. oxfordhb-9780198755609-part-3.indd 263 Electronic copy available at: https://ssrn.com/abstract=3494495 8/7/2017 6:50:54 PM OUP UNCORRECTED PROOF – REVISES, Mon Aug 07 2017, NEWGEN 264 Auerswald and Dani 12. In his book Fitness Landscapes and the Origin of Species, Gavrilets (2004) makes a strong case for the modern synthesis of the evolutionary approach to studying speciation across academic disciplines outside of evolutionary biology. He outlines a series of models that can be used to study various types and rates of speciation of populations. He developes a series of models that can be applied to various studies beyond their immediate application in evolutionary biology to even the social sciences. 13. 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