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Gender Roles: Traditional & Modern Perspectives

Gender refers to the characteristics that a culture or society describe as masculine or
Sex refers to the biological difference such as chromosomes, hormones, internal and external
sex organs by which one is considered male or female and this is similar to all culture.
Gender role can be termed as the position you hold in a relationship, family or society
because you are male or female. It can also be termed in sociological perspective as the
characteristics that the different cultures attribute to the sexes. A “real man” should have
male sex and masculine characteristics and a real “woman” should have female sex and
female characteristics.
Traditional gender roles
From the historical era, it was the role of a man to be a breadwinner, earning money to take
care of his family financially. They were given the responsibility as sole providers. They also
had the responsibility for guiding the family. While they could listen to what their wives had
to say but they were the once to make the final decision. Men never involved themselves with
household duties, they felt the need to be considered as strong and they avoided showing too
much emotion especially with those outside the family.
Women’s gender role was to take care for the family and household, providing support for
the man. Mothers did the laundry, cooked the meals, and cleaned the rooms. It was also their
duty to care for the children and giving them the attention they require.
How gender roles are learnt
From the time a child is born it is allocated and socialized to conform to certain gender role
based on the biological sex. Gender socialization occurs through major agents which are:
family, peers groups, education and mass media. Each agent reinforces gender roles through
creating and maintaining normative expectations for gender specific behaviour.
Roles are passed through generations. From the old ages children were able to start becoming
aware of the differences between girls and boys by learning through their parents and the
nature of their environment.
For girls they may retain the dressing codes of their mothers such as wearing pink dresses,
also by seeing that their mothers are the once preparing food for the family girls will start
from childhood preparing food for their dolls. This also applies to boys who will try to copy
what their fathers wear and try to do the physical jobs that their fathers do.
Children are also encouraged to serve different roles in their interaction with the outside
world. Boys are encouraged to involve themselves in physical activities, and girls focus more
attention to how they present themselves.
Developed world
Nowadays it is the women who enrol more to institution of higher learning as compared to
men, hence it’s becoming more normal seeing men taking the responsibilities at home which
were regarded traditionally as women roles. This has been pressured by women movements
in seeking for their rights and the male sex is coming to a risk since lots of attention has been
given to women.
Change in gender role has resulted from the advanced information technology which has
caused a dramatic shift of awareness among the female gender. Families are now reliant on
working mother as breadwinners.
Chowdhury, F, I., & Trovato, F. (1994). The role and status of women and the timing of
marriage in five Asian countries. Journal of comparative family studies 25, 143-57.